Why does a man dream of a watermelon: a young man, a bachelor, a married man - interpretation according to different dream books

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Below we will look at why a man dreams of a watermelon. If we compare individual interpretations of the image of a watermelon taken away in a dream, they can be strikingly different, and this is explained by the difference in the plots and details of the dream. In addition, the meanings of individual images differ depending on the gender of the dreamer.

Watermelons in a dream

For the most part, dream books interpret “watermelon” dreams as harbingers of something good. According to the general interpretation, a bright juicy watermelon in a dream means passion and feelings of pleasure. If juice literally flows out of it, then we are talking about special feelings filled with emotions.

An unripe fruit suggests barely emerging feelings, and a rotten fruit suggests their fading and ending. By the way, rotten spoiled fruits also warn women about diseases of the genital area.

Promotion, peace and order in the family - this is the meaning of a dream in which a watermelon dreamed for men.

And for young married girls they dream of pregnancy. Single ladies can prepare a wedding dress if they suddenly see a berry in their dreams: marriage is just around the corner. It would seem that you couldn’t wish for a better dream.

However, not all dream books are so positive. What will the venerable interpreters of the world of night dreams say about a watermelon in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

A large ripe watermelon in a dream means great creative achievements. The muse will certainly visit you in the near future.

Buying or choosing a berry in a dream means you will rush and commit a rash act that you will regret.

A split berry means that old debts will be returned to you. For women, such a dream can promise a sudden termination of pregnancy.

To eat unripe fruit:

  • for a man - to a complex and tense relationship with a woman;
  • for a woman - to sudden troubles, destruction of plans.

Grow watermelons in your garden - soon the most painful problem will be solved.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that if you dreamed of a watermelon of colossal size, you will have to do something large-scale in reality that can benefit people. This could be some kind of invention, scientific discovery or donation.

As the dream book says, a watermelon cut into small slices means that in life the dreamer is a greedy, hidden and selfish person.

An unripe fruit in a dream means that in reality you have taken on a task that you are not yet able to cope with. Take your time and gain experience and skills first.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

For a woman, a dream about a watermelon predicts pregnancy; for a man, you are far from winning over circumstances.
The juicy pulp of the berry symbolizes the fogginess and vagueness of future plans. A patient, having seen a bright, sweet watermelon in his dream, can hope for a speedy recovery - all the worst is behind him. And if the patient dreams of unripe berries, it is too early to rejoice: the peak of the disease is still ahead.

Islamic dream book

According to this dream book, a girl dreams of a watermelon for a reason: marriage and an early pregnancy await her.

If in a dream you eat it and raise your hands to the sky, then very soon your dream will come true.

A yellow watermelon means illness, a green one means it’s time to accept your fate.

In your dream, do you throw watermelons into your house? The dream book claims that every berry that comes into your house means the death of a relative.

General value

A ripe red watermelon portends sensual pleasures and pleasures. A lot of water in the berry is a symbol of passion, rich and deep. An unripe fruit speaks either of nascent feelings or of feelings that are still immature. A new relationship can quickly fade away if the dreamer sees an unripe berry. Overripe or rotten watermelons indicate disappointment in love and fading feelings. Also, rotten berries can be a warning about a gynecological disease.

The interpretation of the dream varies depending on the personality of the dreamer and her life circumstances. Young married women dream of watermelons as a sign of pregnancy, older housewives as a sign of respect in the family, and women concerned about career growth as a sign of advancement on the career ladder. Young girls dream of watermelons as a sign of material profit. If a girl dreams of a wedding, this event will soon take place.

A rotten or fermented watermelon promises big troubles in life - a break in relationships, the destruction of a family, disappointment in a loved one.

A woman dreams of watermelon

For girls, watermelons in a dream clearly want to tell them about something important. Therefore, to correctly interpret a “sweet” dream, it is necessary to take into account the dreamer’s marital status.

If a woman is married and has a dream about a watermelon, she is expecting an early pregnancy. It will not necessarily be long-awaited and planned. Therefore, a dream in which a married lady smashes him to the ground means that she is likely to have an abortion after learning about her interesting situation.

According to some dream books, a “watermelon dream” promises a woman pleasure from communicating with her own husband, a new romantic and passionate stage in relation to spouses.

An unmarried girl who dreamed of a watermelon will very soon be awaiting a marriage proposal. She will become a good wife and live in a happy marriage.

A pregnant woman, having seen a watermelon in a dream, can be calm: a juicy berry means spiritual rebirth, a new stage in life.

Watermelon seeds

  • The seeds themselves are a wonderful sign: it is a surge of vitality, good health, and creativity. Feel free to take on complex projects - now you can handle any task;
  • If you planted seeds in the ground, success awaits you in all areas. Very soon life will delight you with pleasant surprises, and well-deserved ones. You've done a great job and now it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Let different dream books not always agree in their interpretation of “watermelon dreams” and sometimes frighten us with difficulties. You know for sure that sugar berries do not bring anything bad with them! Stay there. Then any dream will turn out to be good luck!

Watermelons in a man's dream

For men, watermelons in a dream do not promise anything good in many ways. So, “watermelon dreams” for men:

  • To the failure of any endeavors.
  • To sadness and sad events.
  • Towards the end of a love relationship.
  • Marriage is not for love. Probably, the unloved one will have to be walked down the aisle due to an unexpected pregnancy.
  • Holding it in your hands means sudden losses and troubles.
  • According to some interpretations, a ripe watermelon in a dream promises a man success in business and in his personal life.

Together with melon

A sweet couple is a good sign

Two ripe fruits immediately portend recovery for the patient, even if he is not feeling his best right now. A healthy person can expect peace to reign in the family. If there were minor conflicts between relatives, after such a dream they will probably disappear.

And the melon patch, full of beautiful and ripe watermelons and melons, marks good news from afar and the growth of material well-being.

Eating watermelon in a dream

Experiencing real pleasure while tasting the sweet and juicy pulp of a watermelon - isn’t this an ideal dream subject? However, not everything is so simple. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a warning to the body that it lacks water and vitamins. Something has gone wrong and you need to visit a doctor.

The other part of the dream books is not so prosaic. Eating a watermelon in a dream means gaining fame and recognition in real life, receiving pleasure and unusual sensations. And if you eat it greedily in your dream, beware, a very passionate love affair awaits you.

It’s good if in your dream you saw a watermelon as bright red, appetizing, watery and probably sweet. But it also happens that in a dream we do not necessarily eat something pleasant.

An unripe and tasteless berry that you happened to eat in a dream is a sure sign that your dreams and desires will not come true.

It is also important to consider who exactly eats the watermelon - a man or a woman. The meaning of what is seen in night dreams can change dramatically depending on the dreamer’s gender.

For a married woman, eating it in a dream again means pregnancy. Some dream books interpret eating watermelon as success in business.

For a girl who is not burdened by family ties, eating a watermelon in a dream is a signal that the time has come to completely change her appearance and emphasize all her advantages.

A man who has had a dream in which he ate a berry may be pleased: in reality he will be filled with feelings of pleasure, including love.

Why do you dream about actions with berries?

A juicy watermelon promises a romantic date

It is generally accepted that for young girls, a dream with this large striped berry foreshadows a whirlwind of romantic experiences and a marriage proposal, for married women - a revival of relationships with their spouse or pregnancy, and for men - a meeting with a beautiful but unapproachable girl, whose favor will take a long time to achieve. However, it's not that simple! What exactly you did with the watermelon in your dream is of great importance. Have you chosen? Did you eat? Did you take it somewhere?

There is a watermelon

  • The ripe fruit promises a romantic adventure for both men and women. Expect success with the opposite sex, just don’t lose your head;
  • For a young girl, such a dream predicts a successful marriage;
  • A watermelon can also mean a break in a relationship. Whether to rush to save your romance or let it go in peace and go looking for a new feeling is up to you;
  • did you enjoy the salty fruit? There is a great risk that you will soon be drawn to thrills. Be careful that you don’t have to pay for your own frivolity later;
  • an unripe or overripe watermelon portends a man meeting a young lady with a complex character. It will be difficult to enjoy such a relationship, but if the lady does not reject your advances, you will not be bored. For a woman, the same dream predicts disruption of plans and many obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • It is important for a pregnant woman to pay attention to the condition of the berries she enjoyed. Smooth and shiny symbolizes an equally smooth course of pregnancy; dry, yellow and cracked - the need to pay special attention to health. A broken watermelon indicates the risk of premature birth;
  • a dream in which you watched someone else eat a watermelon promises resentment. In fact, they won't be as big as you think;
  • it’s another matter if you yourself treated someone. It seems that very soon circumstances will begin to develop in your favor, and difficult matters will be resolved by themselves.

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Choose and buy

Sometimes a striped berry symbolizes a difficult choice

  • Anyone who carefully and meticulously sorts fruits in a dream is also in search in reality. Isn’t it time to take action, because the new novel promises to be very passionate;
  • this action also symbolizes some difficult choice that you have to make in reality. Be careful in making a decision, since a sugar berry in such cases usually promises deception;
  • if you buy a watermelon, a period of prosperity is coming. A big win, a promotion, repayment of a debt that you did not expect to receive - money will literally fall into your hands;
  • Instead of buying or enjoying ripe berries, did you sell them? It seems that frugality is not your strong point, which may cause problems in the material sphere.

Other actions

  • If you yourself picked a watermelon from the garden, you are in control of everything in life and in intimate relationships, and you have probably established a strong, trusting relationship with your partner;
  • do you dream that you are cutting a fruit into pieces or peeling its skin? The subconscious mind warns: you are too aggressive and unrestrained. Try to react to what is happening around you less emotionally, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided;
  • Slipped on a watermelon rind? You rely too much on your own strengths. Calculate every step and carefully monitor possible dangers on your way, so that there really isn’t a “watermelon rind” under your foot;
  • the big heavy berry you are carrying in your hands is the worries that occupy your thoughts. Think about whether you are taking on too many difficulties;
  • received a watermelon as a gift - someone will try to shift some of their problems onto you. Did you give it to a friend yourself? This means that you will give him reasons for a headache;
  • If you drop a heavy fruit and it shatters, take a breath! Everything bad will pass you by, and difficulties will turn out to be temporary.

Cutting a watermelon in a dream

Cutting a ripe watermelon, from which juice flows, and the red pulp pleases the eye and stimulates the appetite, is a bad dream. According to dream books, it means that you will argue and quarrel with your significant other. There are a number of other interpretations of such a “cutting dream”.

Cutting a watermelon into pieces means worries and problems.

According to Freud, such a dream means that the dreamer rarely enjoys love intimacy.

Cutting and picking out seeds from it at the same time means unnecessary expenses and empty deeds.

Cutting or simply breaking a watermelon - in real life, you will begin to repay debts once taken. Or you will be able to pay off your debts.

For a man, a dream in which he cuts it means that his chosen one will refuse his proposal to marry.

A dream in which you cut a watermelon tells you that in reality you need to be more restrained, think not only about your loved one, but also give warmth and attention to others.

Dream interpretation of buying a watermelon

The many tips that we use year after year to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon can sometimes carry over into our dreams. Therefore, buying it in a dream is a painful and scrupulous task. And here is the meaning of such a dream: difficulties in solving problems, unexpected difficulties and obstacles. You will commit a rash act that you will regret soon.

But not all dream books are inclined to such an interpretation of a dream about choosing and buying a large berry. So, according to some interpreters, buying a watermelon means receiving an unexpected profit or inheritance.

For a married woman, buying a watermelon foreshadows an unexpected acquaintance with an influential, interesting young man. Be careful: this meeting could develop into something more and destroy your marriage.

A free girl, whose dream included buying and choosing a berry, can hope for a declaration of love. This event may not necessarily be pleasant for you.

For men, choosing and buying watermelons in a dream means a tedious and lengthy solution to some problem at work. You will have to do your best.

In the pocket

As you know, a pocket in a dream symbolizes a person’s desire to hide something very personal, intimate from prying eyes - something that should not be exposed . Seeing a pocket full of seeds in a dream means trying to hide troubles in your personal life from others. It is possible that minor disagreements will arise in your relationship with your loved one, which will become known to close friends.

If in your circle of friends there are vile people who will gladly spread these details to everyone, embellishing them with juicy details, it is better to sort out personal relationships exclusively at home and not try to seek advice “on the side.”

There is a risk of getting into an awkward position and becoming the object of discussion and gossip.

Dreaming of a cut watermelon

If in your dream you saw not a whole berry, but one already cut into pieces, but they beckon with their brightness, juiciness and smell, it means that in reality you have very strong feelings for someone. Moreover, this burdens and worries you.

For a married woman, a dream about a cut watermelon suggests that she wants to become a mother. By the way, dreaming of a watermelon, albeit a cut one, increases the chances of an early pregnancy. After such dreams, girls are most often born.

For a young lady, pieces of cut berries foretell bright, unforgettable journeys. You will go somewhere nearby, but you will experience the most positive emotions.

For a man to see a cut watermelon in a dream, it means deception or dishonest behavior on the part of his colleagues.

Big watermelon

A large ripe striped berry appears in a dream for a reason. This is a symbol of an overabundance of something.

A large watermelon in a dream foreshadows a sudden, forced departure or even relocation. Also, a large berry promises quite a lot of problems, because of which you will have to be pretty nervous.

A huge berry also symbolizes the approach of great and pure love that will fill your heart.

A large, heavy watermelon for a woman means a surge of strength and inspiration; for a man, it means winning the lottery or a good bonus.

Carrying a huge berry in a dream means difficult trials in life, but dropping it means getting rid of a long-boring burden.

Lots of watermelons

If not just one watermelon, but several or even a whole mountain “rolled” into your dream, expect serious changes.

If you dreamed that you saw watermelons just lying in a pile, it means that you will not be able to achieve what you wanted due to the ill-consideration of your actions and wrong decisions. It’s not too late to change something - carefully consider your future strategy and don’t repeat the mistakes.

If you dreamed of a melon patch with a lot of watermelons, you are incredibly lucky: soon you will be able to enrich yourself by winning and receiving an inheritance. According to some dream books, a melon field dotted with melons means that a great task that was once started will finally be completed.

Well-being and success - this is another interpretation of a dream in which you saw a lot of berries.

Questions to the author

  • Emilia Koporikova: I dreamed of a huge watermelon lying on the table. I really wanted to devour it without sharing it with anyone, but cockroaches began to crawl out from inside, one after another! Why do you have a nightmare according to dream books?
  • Inga Arkhangelskaya: Your enemies are very close, in the immediate environment, pretending to be comrades. Behind the mask of innocence lies envy, the desire to spoil what has been created through hard work.
  • Inga: What will the dream books tell you? The late grandmother had a dream, came to visit and gave me a watermelon she had grown with her own hands - sugar, overripe. Then she expressed the wish that the light would always be on in the house.
  • Inga Arkhangelskaya: The deceased makes it clear: it’s time to experience the maternal instinct, to continue the family line. Your destiny is to become a mother, do not delay the birth of a child, now is the most opportune moment.

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