Why do you dream about a bouquet: interpretation from various dream books

Dreams are an integral part of life. And the fact that a person lives in a dream can often shed light on future events. Why do you dream about being given flowers?

It is considered a good sign to receive flowers in a dream. A bouquet is a harbinger of great joy and happiness.

But, depending on what flowers were received and how they were presented, they can also promise grief.

Why do they give flowers according to Vanga?

The Great Vanga also explained why you dream about giving flowers:

  • If the presented bouquet hurts with thorns, this means mental suffering and possible betrayal.
  • If the flowers were withered - to health problems.
  • If a guy showered flowers in a dream, it means excessive demands on the part of the young man and loneliness.
  • If the gift was indoor flowers in pots, it means news of death.

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Basic interpretation

Women love to receive flowers. But they are not given such a gift too often. And not because men are too economical and do not consider it necessary to spend money on gifts, but because not everyone will show their feelings in this way.

It is pleasant to receive a bouquet not only in reality, but also in a dream. The emotions from such a dream remain vivid and do not go away even after waking up. To interpret this phenomenon, you should try to remember some nuances:

  • the bouquet was given or bought by the dreamer himself;
  • who exactly presented the gift;
  • what flowers does the bouquet consist of?
  • in what mood the dreamer accepted the bouquet;
  • purpose of giving a gift.

If flowers were given in a dream, then in reality a person will have a pleasant acquaintance or meeting that will develop into something more. When the bouquet was sent by mail and the sender is unknown, in reality good news awaits.

A bouquet from a stranger brought by a courier can be a kind of prophecy. In reality, a person can also receive such a pleasant gift. In this case, it is important to try in the morning to remember to the smallest detail what the bouquet looked like and what flowers it consisted of.

Fresh and fragrant plants indicate that everything will be fine in a person’s life, dangers and misfortunes will pass him by. But a dried bouquet or ikebana of dried flowers indicates that that the dreamer has already forgotten about may soon worsen In order to normalize the situation, you need to work on yourself and try to correct the mistakes you have made, so that in the future you will not have to deal with their residual effects.

Giving a bouquet to another person in a dream indicates that the dreamer actually dreams of doing something nice to a friend, loved one or just an acquaintance. A bouquet presented in a dream from a boyfriend or husband indicates that a woman should show more attention to her other half.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Meridian's Dream Book answers the question - why do you dream about giving flowers - as follows:

  • A large bouquet - for blossoming and a white streak in life.
  • An armful of wildflowers - to sadness.
  • A bouquet of artificial flowers means grief.
  • Many flowers also symbolize either the renewal of a past relationship or the beginning of a new one.
  • Bright and fresh flowers promise joy and new beginnings.

If flowers were not given, but they were part of the landscape, it means useful purchases.

The meaning of little things in a dream

The words that accompany a gift in a dream are also of great significance. If these are declarations of love and tenderness, then the recipient is doing everything right. But you can often have a dream in which a person is scolded and shown their hostility. In this case, after waking up, you should remember all the words that were spoken. How one should behave in real life will depend on them.

The meaning of the color of the bouquet is also of great importance:

  • a bouquet of white flowers symbolizes a pleasant acquaintance and relaxation;
  • yellow flowers - to sadness and melancholy;
  • passionate relationships bear red flowers;
  • wildflowers dream of pleasant flirting;
  • diversity in communication predicts a bouquet of flowers of different shades.

The emotional state of the person having the dream is also very important. If in a dream a person was depressed and upset, then some exciting events will soon await him. They can relate to many areas of life, including work. The place where the bouquet was placed will help determine where to expect news from.

A bouquet of flowers placed on the desktop indicates that professional troubles await the person soon. And flowers brought into the house indicate that the dreamer will soon be upset by family members and he needs to prepare for this. Finding a bouquet near the threshold of a house indicates that great opportunities will soon open up for a person.

The meaning of flowers according to women's dream book

Why do you dream that they give flowers according to a woman’s dream book?

  • To pleasure, a romantic meeting and unusual purchases.
  • If the flowers were withered - to separation, health problems and troubles.
  • White flowers symbolize imminent sadness.
  • A presented bouquet of various flowers is given to fans.
  • If they shower the girl with flowers, it means a shower.
  • If a bouquet of donated flowers hurts your hand, it means heartache.
  • Flowers, not only those that are given, also carry a hidden meaning:
  • A dream in which flowers are collected into a bouquet is a sign of understanding the secrets of the universe.
  • Working with flowers in the garden means a wise and balanced decision.
  • The flowers from which the wreath is woven promise quick love and the creation of a family.

Receive as a gift

Such dreams show sensual pleasures or, on the contrary, disappointments in the near future. It all depends on the nature of the flowers, their color and your personal attitude towards this or that flower.

If a girl, friend or acquaintance gives you a bouquet, congratulating you on the holiday, why is this a dream? The dream book writes that such a dream means surprise or a pleasant time with the donor, life and impressions associated with him. The main thing is that the flowers in the dream are alive and fresh.

If your acquaintances, friends and girlfriends gave you a beautiful bouquet, why do you dream about this? The dream book writes that expect new impressions, news about or from this person that will concern your feelings, as well as an intriguing offer or invitation to a holiday. A monochromatic bouquet shows an unambiguous, expedient meeting or news. Red roses mean success, the person's respect for you, or a business proposal.

However, if you were given them along with a bottle of wine or any other alcoholic drink, then why do you dream about this? Try to use your mind, because someone is going to seduce and deceive you. It is possible that there is an intimate intention behind business proposals. Red carnations mean honors and formal relationships. However, it is bad if they are not alive or are given by a deceased person. This can mean illness, a quick and unexpected death that will shock everyone, or, less often, success in a family business. Especially if it was once done by a deceased person.

Receiving red orchids, gladioli, gerberas or lilies as a gift is a sign of a flattering proposal or an unexpected declaration of love. Poppies mean, just like tulips, increased male attention, refined and expensive pleasures and ardent feelings. Most likely, your friend will tell you about her new hobby, passion and love, which will greatly surprise you or lead to intense passions.

Any flowers of white, lilac, blue and pink predict you calmness, tenderness and pleasant, easy communication. Receiving them from a friend means pleasant communication or the lessons of femininity that she will teach you. Sometimes such a dream predicts an invitation to a celebration or wedding.

Orange flowers predict joy, yellow flowers predict loneliness or wealth, creative inspiration. If a dead person gives you yellow roses, what does this mean in a dream? The dream book writes that such a dream means deterioration of health and troubles.

Esoteric dream book

According to the esoteric dream book, holding a bouquet in your hands means strong and strong love. If in a dream a girl receives red roses from her lover, then in reality he will soon bring an armful of flowers and declare his love . If he gives them to another, then it should be remembered that the young man is unclean in thoughts and has an affair on the side.

A rival who appears in a dream indicates that in reality she will intrigue the couple and interfere with their happiness. A wilted flower that the bride dreamed of on the eve of the wedding indicates that her close people are jealous of her. And this envy was caused not by the ceremony itself, but by the mood with which the girl was preparing for the wedding.

A heap of red roses on the threshold of a house in a dream can mean the imminent fulfillment of her expectations and secret desires. In addition, this phenomenon indicates that she will soon receive a marriage proposal from a long-time admirer. But violets indicate that an old friend who has long been in love with the dreamer will propose. White lilies indicate a social event that a person needs for peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation - Different colors

If one color scheme predominates in your dream, it means that this color is the main symbol of the dream and needs to be interpreted. White color signifies purity and clarity in relationships. However, you are too cold towards people and you may end up alone. If your dream was in white tones, imagine that another warm color (yellow, orange) is added to white. Yellow or orange color means the blossoming of friendly relationships and fun in the company of friends. Green color - all your hopes will come true. The business to which you devote your strength will bear good fruit, luck will accompany you in everything. If you dreamed about the color green, it means that it is a favorable time for new beginnings. Red color - a new romantic interest awaits you. But be careful: a love affair can take away all your strength. For married people, the predominance of red in a dream is a serious warning. Your family happiness is at risk. Try to control your emotions: passion will soon fade and you will be left broke. If your dream was colored red, imagine that you wash off the red paint and paint your dream in any other colors with a positive meaning. Blue color - someone's idea will give new impetus to your inspiration. A good period for creativity. Blue color - finally all your worries will subside, life will return to a calm track. Purple color - you should trust your hunches. A time of intuitive discoveries and mystical revelations. Burgundy color - elevation in society awaits you. However, be able to manage your new position with dignity and try not to lose face in the dirt. Brown color means hard work, which, however, will be an excellent foundation for the future. Don't expect quick results: what you do now will pay dividends in a few years. Black color - a period of failure and suffering has begun. But you should accept them with humility: adversity will teach you a lot. You will emerge from the crisis hardened. To make it easier for you to get through difficult times, work out the dream by imagining that you add any positive color to black - for example, green.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of flowers: meanings

Without a doubt, flowers are one of the most powerful images that can visit a person in his dream. Moreover, this is a very pleasant and memorable sign. Some people even manage to remember the smell that came from the colorful bouquet. This article will talk about why you dream about a bouquet of flowers.

Without a doubt, flowers are one of the most powerful images that can visit a person in his dream.

Why do you dream of a bouquet of flowers: interpretations in dream books

The dream book offers the following meanings of this image in a dream:

  1. Having a dream about a large, beautiful bouquet of different flowers is a very good sign. Soon the dreamer will meet a good, kind man whom he will love with all his heart. Their relationship will develop gradually and perhaps they will get married.
  2. If a person dreams of a bouquet of flowers given to him, then in real life he can count on mutual love. If the dreamer feels sympathy or even love for a member of the opposite sex, then it’s time to take the first step!
  3. If you were given gorgeous flowers in a dream, it means you should count on a successful outcome of any undertaking. But if a person watched them being given to someone else, it means that in reality he will sincerely rejoice for the success of a person close to him.
  4. The person in whose night visions someone had to pick beautiful fresh flowers will be able to receive good news.
  5. In a man’s dreams, this image means a subconscious desire to take the first step towards the woman he loves.
  6. And if the bouquet was ugly, and the plants in it were wilted, then in the near future the dreamer will have a conflict with another person or even with several people.
  7. Destroying a bouquet, tearing it into pieces means a desire to break off relations with your soulmate.
  8. The dreamer can count on a romantic date if in his dreams he chose flowers in a store. And if he bought a wedding bouquet, then very soon they will propose marriage to him.

Joy, fulfillment of plans, success and fun - this is what a dreamer who has seen the image of a gorgeous bouquet of flowers should expect!

Why dream of a bouquet of fresh or artificial flowers?

  • To receive as a gift or collect fresh beautiful flowers is to achieve the fulfillment of your most cherished desire. Such a dream is a wonderful omen for someone who was planning to do something grandiose.

Also, living flowers in the world of dreams are a symbol of sincere emotions.

  • But if in night visions the plants were artificial, this is a bad sign. The threat of illness loomed over the dreamer. The dream book recommends that a person immediately after waking up pay attention to his well-being.

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Receive as a gift or collect fresh beautiful flowers - achieve the fulfillment of your deepest desire

A dream in which cemetery flowers were present is of great concern. In this case, ignoring a person’s health status can have the most dire consequences.

If you were given a bouquet of flowers in a dream: what does this mean?

Plants received as a gift almost always foreshadow a person's happy changes in his life . He can count on a successful outcome of the business he has begun, as well as financial success. Moreover, it is believed that the more flowers a person was given in his dreams, the richer he will be in reality.

However, a dream in which a person is not happy with a gift, it scares him or causes other negative emotions, has the opposite interpretation. The image of an ugly gift bouquet in a dream promises disappointment in people and life in general.

What does it mean to receive a large bouquet of flowers from a man in a dream?

It is rare to meet a woman who does not love flowers . Some consider them a mandatory attribute of a romantic relationship.

It’s hard to disagree with this, because by presenting such a gift, the guy shows the importance of his chosen one.

But how to understand a dream with such a plot? Answer: he understands it should be “good”, because these dreams foreshadow a woman with a sea of ​​​​romance and happiness.

  • If a married lady has a dream in which her husband gave her flowers, this means that their relationship will develop as well as possible.
  • Night visions in which a young unmarried girl receives a wedding bouquet as a gift from her boyfriend foreshadow her imminent marriage. However, it is not a fact that she will marry him.
  • To receive such a gift and be afraid of it is a betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps the girl's chosen one will cheat on her with someone else.

If a married lady has a dream in which her husband gave her flowers, this means that their relationship will develop as well as possible

Collecting a bouquet of flowers in a dream: what is it for?

Doing this in a dream world means plunging into a sea of ​​romance and pleasure. Yes, these night visions are always associated with love affairs. Therefore, if dreams about picking flowers are dreamed by those who have not yet had time to commit themselves to a serious relationship, then very soon this will happen and the dreamer will feel the full flavor of emotions that are available to a loving and happy person!

If a young girl had a dream in which she was busy picking flowers, then she will soon receive an invitation to a date. Even if she has never felt affection for the guy inviting her, the dream book still advises paying attention to him. Perhaps it is with him that the girl will be able to build a long and happy relationship.

If a young girl had a dream in which she was busy picking flowers, then she will soon receive an invitation to a date

And night dreams, in which the dreamer not only collected wildflowers, but combined them to form a bouquet, foreshadow a bright life full of joyful events.

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Why do you dream of a bouquet of flowers in your hand?

Holding flowers in your hand in your night dreams means achieving your most cherished dream. The meaning of such a dream is symbolic: flowers are a pleasant symbol, therefore, when the dreamer comes into contact with them (in this case, takes a bouquet in his hands), he surrounds himself with joy and happiness in reality.

Holding flowers in your hand in your night dreams means achieving your most cherished dream.

And if the dreamer holds the plants and places them next to him, he will plunge into an atmosphere of real joyful euphoria.

Seeing a bouquet of white or different flowers in a dream: meaning

  1. White flowers in dreams indicate the need to reconsider your life priorities and attitudes.
    The dreamer is advised to soften some of his principles, since because of them he often has misunderstandings with friends and relatives. As soon as he changes his too serious approach to life, everything will immediately improve for him.
  2. But if the bouquet was yellow, this is a bad sign. Some people mistakenly believe that yellow is the color of friendship, but in fact it is the color of separation. Yes, a person will most likely break up with his current significant other.
  3. Red plants in a bouquet warn the dreamer about danger that may befall him at work. In the first days after such a dream, it is especially important to be vigilant during any work negotiations. The Dream Interpretation recommends not agreeing to dubious offers that will come.
  4. If there is a lilac flower in the bouquet, then the dreamer can count on the fact that someone will awaken real passion in him. Surely he hid it for many years, and now the time has come to liberate himself as much as possible.
  5. If the composition of the bouquet consists mainly of pink flowers, then long-awaited changes will occur in a person’s real life. This is the color of youth, beginning, interest before novelty.

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Why do you dream about flowers (video)

To understand what gifts fate will present, it is important to learn to trust your intuition. Well, a dream book can serve as an excellent assistant in this!

Attention, TODAY only!

Source: https://SonnikPro.com/2017/05/buket-tsvetov

What kind of man was this?

Familiar man

If the young man who gave you a bouquet in a dream is well known to you, and you feel sympathy for him, expect him to show a reciprocal feeling in the near future.

Does the guy give you flowers and shower you with them at the same time? This indicates your high demands on representatives of the stronger half and long loneliness.

But the most unfavorable situation that happened in a dream is the one in which the flowers given by a man are in a pot. This foreshadows the imminent death of someone close to you.


Such a dream has a positive message: long-awaited universal recognition awaits you. This is especially true for people with an active lifestyle and representatives of creative professions.

Presenting a bouquet to the deceased communicates a subconscious desire to get rid of a person. The dream will have the same symbolism associated with laying flowers on someone’s grave.

Boyfriend, lover

Receiving flowers from your loved one is a good sign. With this person you will always be behind a stone wall and will be able to find harmony. If the gift was presented by a former admirer, the girl has a chance to return her former feelings and emotions. But there is another interpretation: the old relationship will no longer bother the dreamer - she is finally ready to start life from scratch.

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