I dreamed that a lamb was being slaughtered. Why do you dream about a ram: interpretation from various dream books

Cute lambs will delight not only children, but also their parents with their friendliness. Fluffy white clouds evoke tenderness and a desire to touch them. What does it mean if you saw a lamb in a dream? How to interpret this dream? You can find out the answers to these and other questions by reading the information in our most complete collection of dream books.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • A ram in a dream predicts new love.
  • Seeing a ram in a dream means good luck.
  • The dream of a “flock of sheep” foretells success in all endeavors.
  • Cutting a ram in a dream means illness.
  • The dream “white rams” predicts a happy marriage for you.
  • What does a ram mean in a dream - troubles.
  • A black ram in a dream is a harbinger of death.
  • Dream interpretation: rams in a dream - wait for a letter.
  • Seeing a herd of sheep in a dream means fun.

Dream book for girls

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

  • What does a ram mean in a dream? A ram in a dream speaks of gossip.
  • Seeing a ram with horns in a dream means money. (cm. )
  • Killing a ram in a dream means victory over your enemies.

Muslim dream book

  • Seeing a ram in a dream, the Muslim dream book says: expect big troubles.
  • A dead ram in a dream means death.
  • Seeing a ram in a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, means a wedding.
  • Stroking a ram in a dream means love.
  • Killing a ram in a dream means victory.
  • Muslim dream book: rams in a dream signify good news.
  • In a dream, a black ram gnawed at my legs - to betrayal.
  • Seeing a ram's head in a dream means treason.
  • Islamic dream book: a ram in a dream means a quarrel with parents.
  • Buying a live ram in a dream means profit. (cm. )
  • In a dream, I graze a ram and a goat - to glory.
  • The interpretation of “ram” dreams comes down to dismissal.

Dream book of healer Akulina

  • Dream Interpretation: ram - for a new novel.
  • Dream Interpretation: a herd of sheep - to betrayal. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: rams in a dream - to a quarrel.
  • Dream interpretation: sheep and rams - for the birth of a child. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of rams - for a long separation.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a ram means tears.
  • I dream of a white ram, the dream book says that it means marriage.
  • I dream about a black ram, the dream book says that it means meanness.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

  • Miller's Dream Book: a ram in a dream means trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a ram in a dream means deception.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ram with horns is a sign of anxiety.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting a ram means illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ram butting means treason.
  • Dream Interpretation: a ram attacks - to betrayal.
  • Dream Interpretation: butchering a sheep means deception.
  • I dreamed of a ram - expect guests.
  • I dreamed of a herd of sheep - to buy a car.
  • I dreamed of a ram attacking - to problems.
  • I dreamed of a ram with horns - to success in business.
  • Why do you dream of a ram - to suffering.

Summer dream book

Ukrainian dream book

  • What does it mean to see a ram in a dream - a new hobby.
  • Seeing a lot of rams in a dream means numerous blows of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a ram in a dream means obstacles on your way.
  • Seeing black sheep in a dream means poverty.
  • Seeing a ram with horns in a dream is fortunate.
  • Seeing a ram's head in a dream means deception.


Dreams about a ram are interpreted in completely different ways, because details play a key role. These are the ones you should pay attention to and try to remember after waking up. For example, a dream about sheep and rams occurs when a child is born. If you dream of stroking a ram, it means love. And may only good dreams come true! Sweet dreams to you!

A ram in a dream means a friend who either does not shine with intelligence, or you have placed too much trust in a person who does not deserve it. A dream in which you see a ram warns you that you should not rely on the opinions of others in important matters. Dreaming of a ram is a harbinger of insult, failure and resentment, followed by success. If a ram butts in a dream, then discord and quarrels await you at home or at work. Sheep grazing in a meadow are a harbinger of unexpected pain and resentment. Seeing a herd of sheep means your cherished desire will come true. The bleating of sheep you heard in a dream foreshadows happiness in family life and respect from others. See interpretation: herd, animals, shepherd.

Seeing rams in a barn means honor and wealth. If a ram butted you in a dream, then you need to be wary of the anger of an important person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller was sure that rams are the personification of joy and success. A dream in which these animals are present suggests that you will be able to achieve everything you want, but to achieve your goal you will have to show all the perseverance that you have.

This dream book also has another interpretation: perhaps some obstacle will soon appear on your way. In any case, there is no need to worry, you will easily overcome it without much effort.

Lovely creatures or Everything will be fine...

Modern dream book

  • ram with white wool - success in business;
  • a ram with black wool means trouble;
  • white sheep - joy;
  • white lamb - to lasting happiness;
  • black lamb - luck will be fleeting;

Dream Interpretation of Madame Hasse

  • white sheep is a faithful friend;
  • black sheep is a false friend;

Believing or not these interpretations is a personal matter for everyone.

The fulfillment of events seen in dreams is influenced by the day of the week, the day of the month and the lunar phase. Usually “prophetic dreams” come on Friday or on the eve of major holidays.

It is not difficult to notice that the interpretation of the same images in dream books can be completely different, but each person sees what he wants to see for himself and he believes in a good omen much easier than in a bad one, in this way you can program yourself for good luck and well-being. Don’t forget the words of the song: “You don’t need to believe bad dreams, they will disappear like smoke.”

The Small Velesov dream book interprets white sheep as evidence that you have true friends. And if it also involves lambs, it means it will be a profitable business. And if black sheep visited, it means that the “friends” next to you are “black”, insincere and unfriendly.

The color of an animal in a dream is an important indication of the sincerity of the emotions of the people around you

The appearance of white sheep in a dream speaks of sincerity and loyalty (dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima). Black, respectively, means treason and deception. They can also indicate that there are reasons for the worries that you experience in real life.

“A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov” interprets white, clean, well-groomed sheep as a sign of happiness and wealth. Symbolizes a white sheep and a faithful friend. If, moreover, you saw her head very close to you, it means that you will meet this acquaintance very soon.

If black sheep are also dirty, and perhaps even sick, this means failure in business, some kind of interference and disappointment. If in your dream a flock of sheep is peacefully grazing in a meadow, expect your wish to come true.

Seeing little white, black or gray lambs playing with each other is a sign of chastity and meekness, as well as strong friendship.

Find out why: Dream interpretation of wearing a fur coat in summer

Rams of unusual colors - yellow, pink, etc. - a sign of jokes.

Sleeping lambs promise the one who sleeps calm and quiet joy, without unnecessary stress.

Did you hear a sheep bleating in your dream? If you are more attentive and generous with your loved ones, you will receive unquestioning authority and respect, Loff’s dream book prophesies.

Who dreamed of a ram?

  1. For an unmarried girl, a dream in which a ram appeared to her promises a quick marriage. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to what the animal looks like - the larger and more beautiful it is, the more wealthy and successful her future husband will be.
  2. For a single man, a ram in a dream can promise a quick meeting with a certain woman with whom the dreamer will fall in love. Look at the animal’s fur: if it is white, then the acquaintance can be continued, because the fair sex has no dirty intentions, she is pure and selfless. However, if the ram is black, then the relationship is rather dubious.
  3. If you are married, then this is a harbinger of financial well-being: you will soon make a profit.
  4. A very good sign for a man is a dream in which someone gives him a ram with light wool. A similar plot promises an acquaintance with someone influential. If you received not just one animal as a gift, but a whole herd, then soon expect a huge profit - there is a high probability that you will suddenly become rich and receive an inheritance.
  5. A child's dream of a horned man hints that the baby is striving for independence, but his attempts are not noticed by adults.

Why do you dream of a sheep - interpretation of the dream according to dream books Seeing a sheep in a dream is a favorable sign according to most dream books. Sleeping with this cute animal will bring health, wealth and success to its viewer...

Sad dreams - to tears and sadness

I dreamed of a dead lamb - to ruin, Miss Hasse’s dream book prophesies.

Seeing small lambs being slaughtered in a dream means illness: a black lamb - the disease will develop with complications, a white lamb - the disease will have a mild form.

If you dream that you witnessed a wolf catching and killing a lamb, in reality you will suffer from gossip and intrigue.

Does your lamb bite and butt? The dream has two meanings: in the first half of the week we saw something like this - to changes in life for the better, in the second - to betrayal.

Sometimes our dreams are so unusual that they stick in our memory for a long time. So, for example, seeing a herd of sheep in a dream, we are so amazed by this circumstance that we immediately want to decipher the message of fate. In this article we will describe in detail the interpretation of those dreams that are associated with these cute animals.

Interpretation of dreams based on the color of the ram


As a rule, a ram with white wool symbolizes something good, good, positive that will soon enter your life. If you see a light-colored animal behind your back, then this is a sign that at the moment you are simply invincible - you should take the chance and risk doing everything that you didn’t have the courage to do before.


A black ram is a bad sign. As a rule, this is a harbinger of trouble. Moreover, you are unlikely to be able to cope with them on your own. Either way, ask for help if necessary.

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Why do you dream of a white ram?

The white ram is a favorable sign. If you dream of a ram with this color, it means you will meet a person who can solve your problem. The color white symbolizes liberation, relief, wisdom and happiness. If the ram is friendly towards you, a new acquaintance will bring a lot of benefits to your life: things at work will improve, your personal life will sparkle with new colors, and an idyll will begin in the family. If a ram butts, it means you will have to make a lot of effort to gain the trust of a person. The ram runs away from you - a loved one who has been support and support will leave your life, and if he approaches you, expect success and prosperity in any of your business.

Interpretation of sleep based on the actions of the ram

Buy a ram

If your personal life was not going well before, then after a dream in which you buy a live ram, in reality a quick wedding awaits you. Moreover, family life will be more than successful, long and happy.


A dream in which you yourself sheared a ram is a warning: soon you will receive a very profitable and tempting offer. However, it will only be so at first glance. There is no need to rush: in order to make a profit, you will have to work unreasonably hard.


Some sources say that if a ram butts you in a dream, then in real life be prepared to hear extremely unpleasant words addressed to you. You shouldn’t let this negativity pass through yourself; try to handle it with restraint.

Get bitten

If you dreamed that you were bitten by a ram, then in real life some danger awaits you. Moreover, you will not be able to escape from it, and it will cause serious damage to you and your financial situation.

Ram is itching

A dream in which you see a ram desperately scratching itself means that in the near future you will have a strong quarrel with someone. However, you can try to avoid such trouble if you begin to control your emotions and try to suppress the negativity in yourself.


If you dreamed that you killed an animal, you should not perceive dreams as something frightening. On the contrary, such a dream promises you a lucrative offer that you must immediately accept.

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Why do you dream about a black ram?

To understand why a ram dreams, remember its behavior in a dream. A black ram who behaves calmly and does not notice you portends difficulties that will most likely bypass you. You will prepare for the worst, but the situation will turn to your advantage.

If the ram is carefully watching you, it means that in reality you have an ill-wisher who will soon make himself known. To protect yourself from his influence, you will have to enlist the help of loved ones. A black ram behaving aggressively portends troubles that will happen through your fault. Try to be more careful when making complex calculations and be careful with complex equipment.

Other sleep options

Flock of sheep

A dream about a herd of horned animals is a good sign that promises you a significant improvement in your financial situation in the near future. Moreover, most likely, this will be associated with new useful acquaintances - influential people will help you with your career advancement.

large flock of sheep

Many sheep come in a dream when prosperity awaits the dreamer. Moreover, the larger the herd, the more the financial situation will improve.

Ram head

This type of dream has many meanings depending on the circumstances. For example, if you saw how you cut off the head of a ram with a knife with your own hands, then in real life you will take advantage of someone’s gullibility for your own purposes, committing a bad and unworthy act.

A dream in which you bake your head has a completely different meaning - in reality, a significant improvement in your financial situation awaits you.

If you only see the bare skull of an animal with curled horns, then soon you will have to encounter obstacles that will be very difficult, almost impossible, to cope with. However, at the very last moment a real miracle will happen - everything will be resolved by itself.

Big ram

If a young girl or an unmarried woman had a similar dream, then this is a good sign. There is a high probability that you will meet a successful, rich, influential man who will soon become your life partner.

Herd (flock) of sheep, rams, lambs

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • a flock of rams - to a rich life;

Modern dream book

  • a flock of rams - fulfillment of desire; good loyal friends;
  • barn with sheep - your colleagues or subordinates love you;
  • herding sheep - your career is on the rise;
  • a flock of sheep - prosperity, peace in the house; there is another interpretation: you are surrounded by stupid people who cannot be trusted;

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Dream Interpretation of Madame Hasse

  • herd a flock of sheep - have rich property;
  • a flock of sheep - you are satisfied with your life;
  • sheepfold - well-being;
  • a flock of sheep - you have protection from above, which means you can take risks absolutely fearlessly;

Modern dream book

  • eating lamb means victory over well-wishers;
  • lamb carcass - profit;
  • lamb chop - illness, misfortune;

If you lead a measured lifestyle, live like everyone else and do not participate in any business projects, a dream about rams can serve as a warning for you. Know that wealth will not fall in the form of an unexpected inheritance; in our particular case, it comes only to those who work hard and fruitfully and take risks.

Therefore, let’s take a closer look at other qualities that animals – the heroes of today’s article – are endowed with. It is not for nothing that there is a common statement among people about the stupidity of the herd, which obeys the rash decisions of its sudden leader.

And people who do not have their own opinion are completely personified with the herd. Therefore, another dream interpreter is ready to present the herd seen in a dream as being led or falling under the influence of narrow-minded, stupid people.

Suppose you have the following dream: the sheep in a herd are white, and a black individual is clearly visible in the center or foreground. You can also see yourself in the role of a leader, leader or shepherd. Such a dream is not bad at all, because in reality you are not guided by the herd instinct.

And again we are faced with a double interpretation of the situation we saw. The fact is that among some peoples of the world, a ram is considered a sacred animal, and killing it in a dream means making a sacrifice in real life.

However, taking into account the realities of today, seeing sheep in a dream (we discussed in detail what animals dream about in this article) may not mean a sacrifice. After all, lamb is incredibly valued and is considered the best meat product.

Therefore, we again returned to what we initially started from. Financial prosperity and success are what awaits you in the near future if you enjoyed a lamb meat dish during a meal in a dream.

Seeing the sudden death of a ram in a dream means an imminent illness, loss, or bereavement. In any case, an animal that did not die at the hands of a person is not a very good sign.

The head of a ram promises a very quick profit. Seeing a headless animal indicates that soon in reality a person will commit a rash act, which, however, will ultimately lead to good profit.

Sometimes rams come to people in night visions. Why do these animals dream? Much depends on the context. In addition, interpretations may differ in different dream books.

Despite the fact that seeing a herd is bad for summer birthday people, Hasse’s dream book clarifies that if this is a mixed herd (rams and sheep), then the omen is favorable - everything will turn out well in business.

A flock of sheep in a meadow is not always a good sign

When sheep wander around the pasture, there will be unfair troubles, says the English dream book. If you dream of a flock of sheep, be careful, warns Aesop’s dream book. It's high time to free yourself from other people's influence and live in your own head.

In general, dreams about sheep are considered favorable, although various dream books give them a fairly wide range of interpretations. And in 2015, the appearance of the image of sheep in a dream is completely symbolic, given the patron saint of the year according to the eastern calendar.

If a ram points its horns at you

Plot lines in a dream can be different, but they should be assessed based on the general perception of the picture. If the animal you dreamed of was aggressive and pointed its horns at you, such a dream means a warning.

How does the dream book decipher such a situation? The Ram, who was aggressive with you, seems to indicate that in reality there is an unpleasant person in your environment who clearly annoys you. This dream is a warning about a possible open conflict situation and the danger associated with real communication with this person.

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