Why do you dream about a house - interpretation of dreams with a house according to dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Someone else's house in a dream?
You need to interpret a dream based on the appearance of an unfamiliar home, as well as your feelings and emotions from being in it. If you are comfortable and do not feel fear, then such a dream foreshadows changes in life for the better. A strong and attractive facade, evoking comfort and warmth, symbolizes good health, protection from misfortunes, grief, deception, and injustice. Dream Interpretation Someone else's house, if a change in its appearance occurs during the dream, indicates the end of all troubles, the beginning of a calm and measured life. You find yourself in an abandoned, unknown building - get ready for sad news, perhaps one of your loved ones will pass away.

Why do you dream about someone else’s house from the point of view of psychologists?

A common dream plot is that you walk through suites of rooms, long corridors, and look around alone. The meaning of the dream is that you are really lonely, but quite comfortable alone with yourself. You are ready for changes in fate, looking for convenient and interesting opportunities. Advice - be more active in real life, take a break from the contemplative role.

Someone else's residential building - you are invading someone else's territory. Here the option of a love affair or excessive passion for someone else's life is possible. If you dream of someone else's house from the series, you would like to try on someone else's life, try to become someone else, change.

Hotel, motel, camping - you need temporary shelter, you do not consider the current state of affairs as permanent.

Non-residential building, abandoned warehouses, industrial premises - you are prone to detail and have a consumer attitude towards yourself. Abandoned and non-functional premises mean missed opportunities.

You could have implemented them and regret missing out. Don't drive yourself to despair; missed opportunities can be a good hobby. And then, who knows how your life will turn out.

Quite often, hobbies became a source of basic and good income. Take courses, watch training videos, try yourself in forbidden areas. All problems can be solved if you deal with them.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about someone else's house?

To meet a person who will ultimately play an important role in your life. If you dreamed of a simple house without ornate decorations, a man will appear, but if you dreamed of housing with various elements, you will meet a woman. Dream Interpretation Someone else's house, if it is in a dilapidated state, indicates the fragility of psychological, physical or sexual health.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing other people's houses, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

The home seems unusual to you, which means you don’t like your own life. In a dream, you are redoing something in the house with your own hands - in reality you will see positive changes. Dream Interpretation Someone else's house with damage speaks of troubles in life, problems. In a dream, you are in a luxurious home, but you feel discomfort - in reality you will lose friends and face problems in the financial sector. The house has a rich interior - expect a salary increase. Enter luxury apartments - you will advance up the career ladder.

The oldest dream book

A dream in which strangers draw from a well means that good things will not appear for long.

For someone leaving for foreign lands, the dream promises hindrances; if in the dream it was decided to settle in foreign lands, it means death.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Reading other people's letters in a dream portends an imminent separation from your loved one. The upcoming separation will greatly upset you, which will negatively affect the performance of your responsibilities.

If you spend other people's money, this means that you will be caught in a petty deception and may lose a close friend because of this.

Dream interpretation of someone else's house

  • Vanga's dream book interprets someone else's house as the fulfillment of a wish. Vanga’s dream book features a fabulous, elegant image of an ideal house. In fact, the popular gingerbread image of someone else’s house speaks of infantilism, the desire to please, and dependence.
  • Miller's dream book interprets someone else's house as a promise of change in life. Good changes if the house seems pleasant and interesting; bad changes if the house inspires horror and fear.
  • Freud's dream book shows the possibility of strangers and a new hobby entering your life. How happy the union will be is determined by the general condition of the house.
  • If you dream that you are busy working in someone else's house, cleaning up, putting things in order, perhaps you will not have the happiest marriage. If working in someone else's house makes you irritated, you are bossed around, you are angry, there is an unpleasant situation at your real job or in your family. Someone is trying to solve their problems at your expense.
  • A fence around someone else's house shows the degree of protection of your thoughts and ideas from the outside world.
  • According to the women's dream book, cleaning someone else's house shows involvement in other people's problems.
  • Fire is treason.

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Seeing other people's money - for unmarried women, such a dream means a quick happy marriage, for men - the possibility of a successful business partnership.

A dream in which you dream of strangers in your house is a sign that there is a possibility that someone will appear or has already appeared in your environment, encroaching on your property.

Looking at other people's illuminated windows - you will regret actions committed in the past. Perhaps you will meet a person whose love you once rejected, and now you greatly regret it. Counting other people's money means you will have to pay with your own nerves for the consequences of someone else's action.

Cleaning the house

According to one of the popular dream books, washing floors or cleaning the wrong house in a dream is not good. Most likely, you will work hard and diligently, but someone else will take credit for your achievements. And you will remain unnoticed and, therefore, without reward for your work.

According to another option, the desire to wash the floors and put everything in order is a subconscious desire to please everyone. You may be able to curry favor, but you are unlikely to be praised or respected for it. Many people don't like such people.

In general, cleaning unfamiliar rooms in a dream is a subconscious desire to restore order in your life. Just like you try to clean the floors everywhere or put things in order, in real life you strive to be organized. You may be very frustrated by the fact that you just can't take control of your own life. If after cleaning you see how everything sparkles with cleanliness and feel pleasure from the work done, it means that in real life a period of peace, harmony and balance will finally come.

For a business person (man), seeing cleaning in a dream is a sign that he is spending too much time solving problems that are not his own. He should take more care of himself, his family and his own affairs.

A good sign is cleaning while you sleep with your helpers - friends. And if in a dream they help wash the floors, then in life they will become a reliable support and allies in solving difficult issues.

For a married woman, dreaming that she is sweeping in someone else's house can be interpreted as a good sign. Because in the future she will have improved relationships in the family, attention and respect from her husband and children.

However, if after she has already finished washing the floors, cleanliness and order do not appear, then we should expect a dark streak to appear in life.

The presence of disorder in someone else's house, which you can observe in a dream, signals the presence of people nearby who have a bad influence on you. Things scattered everywhere and an insatiable desire to wash the floors indicate that you need to get rid of such influence, since the source is a person who wishes you harm.

Loff's Dream Book

According to the interpreter, the image is a sign of upcoming changes, self-doubt or a symbol of spiritual growth. The exact interpretation of what you saw will depend on what happened in the dream. You can buy housing, sell it, it can be destroyed or captured by enemies.

If you dreamed that there were other people in the room, or that it was overrun by insects or rodents, in reality you are experiencing difficulties in relationships with others. You may be depressed. If you are planning a move or experiencing financial problems, then in your dream you will see a collapsing building, the walls of which will be covered with cracks.

Wooden house

This is a very controversial symbol that can simultaneously personify both comfort and acquire a negative connotation. The interpretation of the dream must be carried out based on the appearance of the building: condition, landscape design, architecture. The key to the solution will be the person’s mood after watching the dream. And if you are currently dealing with issues related to real estate and housing, what you see may be a forecast of your future transaction.

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If a wooden house has scuffs, then this is a signal that if a person does not immediately begin to take care of his own health, in the future he will fall into the trap of a very insidious disease. If such a house does not belong to you, then the dreamer feels insecure in the relationship in which he is currently in.

Burnt house

A decaying building promises a person great life changes. This applies to both personal and public life. What is valuable here is that the changes will definitely be for the better. If such a dream occurs to a person in the summer, then warm weather will not take long to arrive. According to the same interpretations, a neighbor’s burned-out house promises a quick change in weather conditions.

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REFERENCE! Regardless of the size and architecture of the building, the image of a house in a girl’s dream often signals an imminent marriage or a new romantic relationship.

Pay attention to the material from which the house you saw was built. For example, if the building was made of wood, a monetary surprise awaits you in the near future; if it was made of stone, expect a new stage in your personal relationships.

Big house

Such a symbol has a predominantly positive interpretation; it promises success and good luck in personal affairs and in the professional field.

For a more specific understanding of the dream, it is necessary to remember: what did you dream about the previous night? Everything will be important here: details, emotional coloring, plot. Combine the memories of the dream into one complete semantic image and build on it.


To dream of an old house that belonged to your parents or grandparents is a desire to feel needed. In childhood, everything seems simpler, your loved ones love you, but as an adult, people often face a lack of understanding and warm feelings. It is possible that subconsciously you strive to again feel like a little child, who will always be taken care of by adults. Maybe you should visit your family to plunge into an atmosphere of love and understanding?

If you are looking for a home, but do not find it, this is evidence that in reality you do not trust people. Pay attention to any details of the dream. The building that appears to you is the embodiment of your own “I”. If you see that the walls and roof are in disrepair, this can warn of disappointment, fatigue and stress. On the contrary, comfortable and cozy housing indicates that you are at the peak of your capabilities.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If you dream of a cozy and spacious house, then the dreamer’s most cherished wish will come true.
  • When a person leaves his native place in a dream, it is a bad sign. Now it is better to monitor your health more carefully and eliminate the possibility of unjustified risks.
  • If the home is abandoned, the dreamer will have to wander for a long time and go through many trials.
  • The construction of new housing portends financial well-being.
  • If a person dreams of someone else’s house, dramatic changes await him very soon.

Fire in the house

The appearance in a dream of someone else’s home, in which a fire is raging, is interpreted ambiguously. Here the value depends on many factors. For example, if the fire passed without any casualties, then this is rather a good sign. It promises you great profits and a prominent position in society.

Also, in some dream books it is written that to see such a dream means to wait for happiness to unexpectedly fall upon you. At the same time, it is important to remember whether you took part in the fire extinguishing or stood aside and admired the fire. In the first case, a profitable business may appear.

Another meaning of such a dream is the appearance of troubles in your life and people close to you. You can survive them only if you support each other during difficult periods.

Also, seeing a fire in a dream for a man who has an affair on the side predicts a sad future, since passion can destroy not only his family, but also the family of his mistress.

Seeing a fire in a home in a worker’s dreams is a bad sign. Now you can forget about career growth, since due to the current circumstances, everything will need to start all over again and in a completely different place.

Interpretation of a dream with a house in detail

Old abandoned house

In real life, expect a rich series of events. Other dream interpreters promise failure or sadness. In any case, the details of the dream will be important here: the appearance of the building, why it was abandoned and what was in this place before.

For many people, such a symbol will promise loneliness, illness, and poverty. For young people and children, the dream reminds them of old problems that have long been put aside. They will not be able to “dissolve” on their own; You need to take a couple of steps back and figure out your mistakes.

IMPORTANT! Many psychologists tend to believe that the image of a house appears in dreams only for an important purpose; the interpretation here must be related directly to the dreamer himself. A person’s subconscious contains everything that worries him.

Someone else's house

A new person will appear in your future life. The larger the size of the rooms in the dream, the better your relationship with him will be. If the sleeper owns his own business, you can expect certain heights in your business. It will be possible to calculate the actions of competitors one step ahead. If a woman dreams of someone else's house, soon the unfamiliar man will turn her head.

Any house, first of all, symbolizes the character of its owner and the values ​​that he places above all else. Try to remember if such a house exists in real life; who lives in it. If the building is no different from the one that actually exists, it’s news. Such dreams are often prophetic: what happened in a dream is embodied in reality.

House under construction

The dreamer's current situation will soon change in a positive direction. If housing is built in a quiet and peaceful place, there is a chance of changing work to a more profitable and interesting one. If your personal life is on the brink of an abyss, expect a quick reconciliation with your partner. There may even be a new addition to the family.

Building a house is not an easy job, even in reality. This process also makes the sleeping person nervous. The compilers of many dream books claim that construction in a dream is a sign of some intermediate problems. But even in this case, we should not forget that numerous nuances will contribute to the interpretation of the dream.

Build a house in a dream

If a person decides to build a new building in a dream, this is a signal of a transition to a new stage in life or a meeting with a long-awaited soul mate. If a house under construction includes a large number of floors, it is worth assuming that your family and friends do not have enough attention and care during this period.

Unfinished construction is a symbol that a person has already reached a certain level of heights and is not going to move further.

New house

The dreamer sees a cozy new small house as a sign of impending family well-being. Complete mutual understanding will reign in the family, financial troubles will go away. But if the newly made house is located directly in heaven, this foreshadows the imminent death of a close relative. Provided that the new building is filled with people, there is a high probability of never doubting the sincerity of the thoughts of your family and close friends.

REFERENCE! From time to time people ask themselves this question: what does it mean if insects live in a new house in a dream? In this case, the compilers of dream books believe that there are ill-wishers in the person’s circle. You need to monitor your reputation more carefully and not give reasons for stupid gossip.

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