How to cleanse the energy of things yourself - clearing negative energy from various objects: general recommendations, visualization method, Feng Shui, prayers, advice. Why is it necessary to clean the energy of old

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The subtle bodies of a person, like the physical body, need nutrition. In addition to nutrition from the physical body, the foundation of the body in the initial stages, they are saturated with energy from space during breathing, absorbing it through the chakras and distributing it through channels between all systems, absorbing through the shell, if the place is “charged,” as well as emissions from other people.

Vampirism as a method of nutrition should not be considered, since it is a parasitic method, not permanent and blocking development. So, in order for the flows of prana to harmoniously permeate the body, the channels must be clean. And in order for them to be clean, they need to be cleaned. This is very important if you are going to practice working with chakras and energies. Opening the chakras without preparation can cause pain and damage, even death. This is especially true for the awakening of kundalini.

Every thought, every action leaves an imprint on us. And emotions are nothing more than energy. And energy moves through channels. Bad thoughts clog the channels. The negative influence of other people does this too, even if you are not in direct contact - they still have an energetic impact.

Therefore, you need to start clearing with thoughts. Understand yourself, who you are and what your goals are, what your worldview is. In general, the task is this: to restore order, to create a structure for your worldview. In other words, reduce the chaos in your thoughts to a minimum. If possible, avoid using internal dialogue when it is not needed.

With order in your thoughts comes order in your emotions. Don’t take people’s word for it, don’t be deceived, strive to understand everything and get to the bottom of the truth. Develop independent thinking; without it there is nothing to do in esotericism. At the same time, it is extremely important not to fall into illusions (this is a separate topic). Strive to experience positive emotions: joy, love. Love the whole world.

Then we move directly to practice. To implement it, you need to feel the energy.

Increased sensitivity to the subtle worlds

Pranic Breathing Focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly, try to feel how, together with the air, you are saturated with the power that nourishes you, passing through the channels from the nostrils almost to the tailbone. You should feel a build of strength in your abdomen.

Inhale - saturation. Exhalation - distribution. Inhale deeply and slowly (5-10 seconds). Exhale freely, without effort. There should be no break between inhalation and exhalation.

Saturate yourself until you feel like you've reached the limit. Now imagine how energy spreads evenly throughout the body until there are no areas left where there is more or less of it relative to the general state. You can spend part of the energy on strengthening the nearest layer of the aura and protective cocoon, concentrating on it.

As you practice, you will notice that you are almost constantly experiencing power saturation when breathing. When this begins to happen often by itself, you can move on.


A person has 7 main chakras:

♦ Muladhara - base of the coccyx; ♦ Svadhisthana - approximately 3 cm above muladhara; ♦ Manipura - just above the navel; ♦ Anahata - in the middle of the chest, at the level of the heart; ♦ Vishuddha - middle of the neck; ♦ Ajna - between the eyes; ♦ Sahasrara - the middle of the skull.

At the same time, the bindu chakra is noted, located a few centimeters closer to the back of the head from Sahasrara. There is also a chakra on each foot, and a chakra in the middle of the palms.

Energy moves from bottom to top: it rises from the legs to muladhara, and flows through all chakras to sahasrara. Chakras can be opened both together and separately. Flows can arise between them: for example, only muladhara and ajna are active, energy rises from muladhara to ajna, the chakras lying between them are not active, freely passing the flow of energy without activation. A current from top to bottom is also possible, which is pathological and can lead to serious problems, so it should be avoided.

Chakras are perceived as vortexes, spinning clockwise (relative to the person himself) - to saturate, counterclockwise - to suck energy into the surrounding space. They supply the body with energy by absorbing and processing it. Therefore, the chakras must be in good condition.

Use pranic breathing, concentrating on the chakras. Try to feel them, open them to a state that does not cause inconvenience (too strong activation of the chakras can cause harm). Feel how they communicate with each other. Try to create an upward flow (from bottom to top).

You will also feel how energy flows through the channels through your hands into your palms and out through your fingers. Concentrate on feeling the energy throughout your body. Imagine that it spreads over him from the chakras.

Do not abuse this practice by opening the chakras to an uncontrollable state and raising the kundalini (a powerful upward current). When the time comes, everything will appear on its own. One day you will simply realize that you are capable of more, and you will begin to activate your chakras more strongly.

It is important that you feel filled with energy that you can then use, rather than just passing it through your body. Concentrate on your palms, try to tune them into your body and further cleanse it.

The three most powerful energy cleanses: salt, fire and water

Do you ever feel like you're empty? I don’t have the strength to do things, I’m in a terrible mood and everything is falling out of my hands. These are sure signs of contamination of physical and spiritual energy, and there is only one way out - to carry out energy cleansing as soon as possible.

It is widely known that we are surrounded by energy waves everywhere. Energy moves, flows, accumulates, exerting a strong influence on us. Renewed light energy has a positive effect, while negative energy, especially its excess, suppresses. Energetic cleansing of yourself and the room is the most important thing to do if you are determined to turn your life around for the better. You can work hard to achieve your goals, but all your hard work will dissipate if you are surrounded by negativity. The sooner you cleanse your energy, the faster positive changes will come into your life.

Removing negativity from yourself, your home and business with salt

Using salt, you can refresh and cleanse your energy at home. Experts from the website advise performing this practice regularly to maintain the balance of energies in the home, at work and within yourself.

Salt is a unique substance that has the ability to absorb negative energy and at the same time enhance positive energy. To cleanse the space around you and your personal energy, you will need sea salt, scented candles or incense (sandalwood, jasmine, lavender or juniper) and small fabric bags that you can make from linen yourself.


  • Light incense or candles in the center of the house and wait until the aroma fills the entire room.
  • For each room, prepare one bag with a handful of salt, and one bag for each family member.
  • Place the bags in all rooms at night. To cleanse the space, place the bags in the highest place where no one can reach. To cleanse your personal energy, place salt under your bed or pillow.
  • Then sit in front of the incense and say the following three times: “Salt cleanses, salt renews. Helped to add salt, help to ward off trouble.”
  • The next day, the salt from the bags is thrown away in a separate garbage bag, and the bags themselves are washed and put away until next time.

This ritual is recommended to be performed twice a month. It is important that no one touches the fabric bags and does not prevent the salt from absorbing negative energy.

Cleaning energy with fire

The rite of purification by fire is considered the simplest and most effective in terms of its impact on energy. The waning moon will enhance the desired effect. To do this, bioenergeticists advise using a candle flame, which allows you to focus on the problem, let go of negative thoughts and get rid of energetic dirt.


  • Light 7 church candles and place them in the room you are going to clean. An important point: in the process of cleansing the surrounding space, personal energy is also cleansed.
  • Take a few extra candles, the purpose of which will be to cleanse every corner of the house, especially those places where negative energy accumulates the most (chandeliers, thresholds, corridors, doorways).
  • Make a funnel out of paper and wrap it around the end of the candle so that the wax does not get on your hand during melting.
  • Walk around the house, be sure to start from the front door and then move strictly clockwise. While lingering in problem areas, smoothly move the candle up and down. Please note: crackling and slight scattering of a candle is a sure sign of accumulated negativity.
  • During the ritual, it is recommended to mentally read cleansing prayers, affirmations or the following conspiracy: “I burn with holy fire, I burn out everything evil. Go away, evil, with smoke, soot, and tears of a candle.”
  • When you are done with all the rooms, start removing the negativity from yourself. To do this, take the candle in your right hand and, starting from your head, move down to your knees in a circular motion. While cleaning, read any prayer or spell. Reading is carried out only on the front side of the body.
  • When finished, do not blow out the candles. You can leave them to burn out or extinguish them with the fingers of your left hand. Wrap the remains and cinders in paper and throw away.

Cleansing yourself and your home with water

Thanks to water, life originated, so special, mystical properties are often attributed to it. Even scientists confirm that water has the ability to receive and transmit any information, heal and wash away negativity.


  • Take a glass container and fill it with water. Place it on the windowsill for several hours so that enough solar energy accumulates in the water. Water can also be charged with the power of the moon. Solar water is suitable for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom and hallway and attracts happiness. Lunar - for cleaning the bedroom, nursery and living room, because it creates a favorable atmosphere for relaxation and sleep.
  • You need to place the water in the center of the room and, holding your hands over it, read the “Our Father” prayer and mentally turn to the Lord with a request to help you cleanse yourself, restore your health, give you sound sleep, good rest and a happy life.
  • Then, using a twig or broom, you need to sprinkle water on each corner. You should move around the apartment clockwise.
  • At the end of the ritual, the water should be poured into the drain, and to restore your own strength, take a warm shower.

By cleaning your energy in any way you like, you will definitely raise the frequency of energy vibrations and feel relief. You will feel a flow of pure living energy in every cell: your thoughts will become clearer, anxiety and apathy will go away for a long time, and life will sparkle with new colors. And for all this, all that is needed is to cleanse the energy sector of negativity. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Foreign inclusions

You may feel tension in some parts of the body, and then push out some lumps from there, or feel various kinds of “scraps”. This is someone else's energy that caused the damage. Evil eye, damage, love spell or some other negative magical effect.

Try to push out all such inclusions and saturate the places where they were with energy. After this, concentrate on the aura around the body and push out everything unnecessary from there, compacting it. You can use your hands if you feel more comfortable.

How to cleanse human energy

Energy cleansing is an important manipulation that will help restore energy and remove breakdowns and deformations in the energy field.

The exercise is suitable for people who are just learning to feel the body and energy. Each individual has two main energy flows running along the back. You need to take a comfortable position, sit on the floor, level up and relax.

You should feel the first flow passing through the crown and exiting through the legs. After this, you need to feel the second flow, which is directed from the ground through the legs to the tailbone and rises to the top of the head. In the first stages, you only need to learn to feel these flows, and with regular training you can even control them, speeding up or slowing down.

If there is a feeling that the power of the flows is increasing, this indicates the cleansing of the energy field and the destruction of various blocks. Subsequently, your well-being improves and vitality begins to flow.

The second popular and systematic way to cleanse human energy is communication with nature. There are many vampire trees that are capable of pumping negative energy out of a person: aspen, poplar, linden.

Nature will help cleanse your energy, you just have to try

You need to go up to the tree, hug it, and stand there for a few minutes. Having completely cleared yourself of negative energy, you can go to maple, birch or oak - donors that can charge you with positive, creative energy.

For people who are no longer beginners and have a good connection with the subconscious, a very popular and widespread method of cleansing is meditation.

Using this practice (especially combining it with reading certain mantras), you can get rid of negative energy. The more often a person meditates, the easier it is to find areas of accumulated negative energy and get rid of it. It is recommended to imagine that the black spots of negativity are washed off with clean water and go into the ground.


They feel like chakra cords. Concentrate on the tourniquet, mentally - “is it artificial?”, try to feel the answer. If yes, then break it at the level of sensations, after restoring the attachment point, or visualize yourself cutting it off with a knife or scissors.

Bindings are created magically to create a pull towards an object. They are also created naturally between people, connecting them emotionally (energy is transferred between them along these threads).

This is always negative, as it creates a permanent attachment that affects emotionally, and emotions affect the mind. In the normal course of events, flows without attachments arise between people, or their shells merge.

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