Amulet "Wheel of Fortune": meaning and properties

Wheel of Life symbol meanings

The wheel is an ancient symbol, full of secret meaning. This sign appears in all mystical teachings, religions, and mythologies. Its interpretations are innumerable. The wheel is often associated with the cycle of life, the luminary of the day, the cyclical nature of nature, the change of seasons and times of day. The Wheel of Fortune reflects the cycle of human life, the ups and downs that happen to everyone.

Since ancient times, the Sun has been a symbol of the good, the kind, the beautiful. He was worshiped by many nations. The Slavs were no exception. The cyclical rotation of the star was reflected by the powerful symbol Kolovrat, which is still relevant today.

The main element of the amulet of the Wheel of Fortune (Fortune) is a circle, personifying the variability and movement of things. In Ancient Rome, the circle symbolized Fortuna, the goddess responsible for a person’s luck. They believed in her fickleness, frivolity, and ability to unpredictably and unexpectedly bestow great grief or incredible happiness. While they were sad, they remembered that the wheel would turn and the situation would change for the better. While having fun, they did not plunge too deeply into the pleasant, predicting a change in the situation to a negative one.

For ancient people, the wheel meant happiness, reminded of the variability of life, and symbolized a philosophical attitude towards everyday life. They resorted to it to ensure success in a business, to preserve happiness longer, and to shorten an unpleasant period. They believed that the gods blessed people who were constantly decorated with a sacred sign.

The product brings happiness and good luck

Wheel designation

It is not for nothing that the round wheel has been considered a symbol of changeable fortune, or fate itself, since ancient times. The very form of this object speaks of its impermanence: today you are at the very top and luck is next to you, and tomorrow you are already at the bottom and rejected by everyone.

Talisman wheel of fortune

Moreover, such movements do not depend on you personally or your actions: the wheel of fate rotates non-stop, weaving our destinies, luck and troubles into one dense ball.

The concept of the wheel will become most complete if we mention the fact that in past centuries it was considered a symbol of death and life at the same time. The circle is closed in itself, and has an ideal shape from the point of view of the universe: it is towards the circle that, to one degree or another, any object from the world around us tends.

In almost any religion, the wheel signifies the opposition of the forces of good and the hall, which never ends.

That is why the wheel is so suitable for an amulet depicting fate itself.

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune amulet

The purpose of the mysterious amulet is to lure success into life. The capabilities of the sign are not limited to this. A simple symbol filled with ancient wisdom reminds us that existence is an eternal path that has no beginning or end. The completion of a stage is accompanied by the beginning of a new one. The amulet represents the need to finish what you started without giving in to despair. He reminds us: without knowing his goal, a person cannot count on the blessing of higher powers. Luck does not favor those who do not know their aspirations.

The amulet is used for meditative practices. It grants spiritual healing, helps to find a lost path, and choose a direction.

Additional abilities to attract good luck and energy to the amulet are given by the auxiliary symbols that decorate it. The circle collects them, arranging energy, concentrating power, it has a positive effect on the owner, calling white magic into his life. Thanks to this, the owner of the artifact gains higher wisdom and inner strength. He develops personally, spiritually, creatively, and achieves success in the scientific field, in the field of extrasensory perception. The talisman promotes stability in your personal life and helps you find and maintain relationships.

Magicians see the amulet as a symbol of the Universe. Ancient people believed in the disk-shaped, wheel-shaped shape of our world. Although science has proven the myth wrong, the sacred meaning of the circle and wheel is still important to mystics. Wearing an amulet on the chest thereby connects oneself with the Universe. The mystical symbol is associated with the joy and pain of all the inhabitants of our planet, influences the fate of the owner, and bestows wisdom on him.

The talisman represents the Sun

Wheel in heraldry

Coat of arms of the German city of Erfurt. The wheel on the coat of arms is believed to have its roots in the badges of the Roman legions. According to another version, this is the coat of arms of the Bishop of Mainz in the 8th century. Willig, whose father was a carriage maker

Coat of arms of the German city of Mainz. The wheels on the coat of arms can be interpreted as a symbol of the Celtic solar deity, and as a monogram of Christ XP (the so-called Cross of Constantine)

How it works

The Wheel of Fortune brings good luck into the life of the owner. The talisman helps if used constantly. Once success has come, it will remain in a person’s life. Luck in this sense includes all aspects of life - factors that influence personal happiness. The owner of the amulet is successful in his endeavors, lucky, and lives in abundance. Thanks to the talisman, relationships with loved ones improve and you manage to find love. Seeking enlightenment, wanting to gain higher wisdom, they turn to the Wheel of Life for advice and help.

The sacred symbol attracts positive energy, repelling negative energy. He directs human thoughts and influences a person’s aspirations. Those who think negatively will not receive help. Faith and a positive attitude are important conditions for using the product. As a talisman, it has amazing power to help you get rich. The Wheel of Fortune attracts money. Soon the owner will increase his savings, improve his situation, achieve independence and stability.

Mystics recommend the Wheel of Fortune to gambling people. The stronger the passion for gambling, the more useful the amulet. It helps you stop in a timely manner and makes it easier to quit playing.

Sacred item attracts money

As a protective amazing symbol:

  • will protect you from dark witchcraft;
  • will protect an enemy from a magical attack;
  • will take away misfortunes and troubles from the owner.

To strengthen the talisman, the circle is supplemented with diverging rays. This form opens the flow of energy, attracts success, promotes successful situations, and influences circumstances. Wielding the Wheel, a person turns into a darling of fate. This is especially appreciated by students and entrepreneurs.

In order for the Wheel to help and not lose power, they keep the product with themselves, without showing it to strangers. To saturate the energy, the talisman needs contact with the owner’s skin. If strangers find out about the source of luck, it will lose its power.

The amulet is recommended for businessmen

Creating an Artifact

It’s good if you make such a talisman with your own hands.
Why? Because he will be saturated with your energy, he will “know” you and help you. Therefore, you should not buy this talisman, since it is unlikely to help you. Most likely, it will be empty, without any energy, or its power may turn against you. We recommend: Well-being and success according to Feng Shui

When creating this amulet, it is of particular importance to follow certain rules that are relevant to the creation of almost all talismans:

  • Always start creating an amulet with an attitude. You must understand the purpose of creating a talisman - why you need it, what kind of luck you want to attract. The goal should be as specific as possible, otherwise the help from the amulet will be just as vague and ineffective.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is best done in a state of calm and tranquility. Both violent joy and a state of excitement, as well as greed and the need to quickly seize luck into your own hands, are contraindicated for this amulet.
  • The amulet should be made only from natural materials (metal, wood, stones, ceramics). It should not be made from synthetic materials, since they are completely incapable of preserving and accumulating human energy. As for the material, it is also important to know that you should like it personally, because an amulet that causes rejection will not help.
  • It is important when creating a talisman to think about something good, about the luck that it will bring you. Imagine pictures of well-being and success.
  • The wheel of fortune must be created at midnight; it is advisable that there is no one in the house at that moment except you.
  • It is better to use candles rather than electric light. Use as many candles as you need to feel comfortable and safe, otherwise anxiety and fear will be transferred to your amulet.
  • It is advisable not to use scissors or needles during production. All parts of the amulet should be prepared in advance.
  • Some people recommend using the aroma of cinnamon when creating this talisman, as it is believed to attract good luck.
  • Also, the color of the amulet will be of particular importance - it is recommended to use green and gold. These colors are said to strengthen the Wheel of Fortune and add the necessary strength to it.

If you fulfill all the conditions for creating a talisman, then you can become the owner of one of the strongest talismans, the significance of which is great to this day.
Remember that any amulet, including this one, needs to be cleaned and recharged from time to time. To do this, you can sprinkle it with holy water or hold it in the river, the main thing is that you should not clean it under tap water, since this procedure will not have much effect. You can hold the amulet over a fire or over a candle flame. If your amulet is made of metal, then it can be buried in the ground overnight.

The main thing is to keep the Wheel of Fortune with you, closer to your body and away from prying eyes. People around you should not know why luck favors you. You just need to thank the talisman and higher powers from time to time for such a gift of fate. Author: Daria Potykan

Who is it suitable for?

Everyone needs luck. The talisman that brings it is appropriate in the life of any person. By making, selecting, and charging an object with energy, they provide themselves with protection from negativity. Thanks to the product, there is no threat of the evil eye or damage. This is appreciated by public people. There are no restrictions on the use of the item: everyone needs success, so the amulet is suitable for everyone. Mystics advise you to definitely acquire such an amulet:

  • a person who is passionate about gambling, since the thing promotes luck and winning;
  • an entrepreneur who is forced to constantly face the risk of losses;
  • for students and workers in education (the amulet simplifies the perception of new information);
  • a person risking his life for work. The wheel is necessary for travelers and rescuers.

The talisman brings good luck in games

The amulet is a source of vitality. He:

  • protects from harm;
  • protects from other people's magic;
  • protects from damage;
  • advises.

The product opens energy pathways. It helps you to be in the right place at the right time.

Many people recommend the Wheel of Fortune to athletes and analysts. The talisman promotes enrichment and attracts money. Rescuers, supported by mystical power, help people in difficult circumstances without harming themselves.

Wheel of Life – student assistant

Making a pentacle on a simple medium

The Wheel of Fortune amulet does not have to be made of metal or in the form of a pendant. It could be cardboard, the main thing is to approach the matter responsibly and prepare thoroughly. So, for example, a sheet of the required size should be prepared in advance, the ritual should be carried out independently and at a later time, carefully ensure that there are no punctures or damage on the base for the pentacle: then the luck will simply “leak away”.

Reviews of the “Wheel of Fortune” amulet are also very eloquent regarding the accompanying factors, such as the presence of incense and scented candles. This is necessary rather in order to set your thoughts on the right course, eliminate all irritating factors, and prevent the risk of disruption of the ritual. You cannot leave the pentacle unfinished, otherwise instead of being a magnet for good luck, it will scare it away.

Making the Wheel of Fortune amulet yourself

To make the Wheel of Fortune amulet, you need to stock up on suitable materials and get ready for work. You can buy a finished product, but its strength will be less. A talisman created with your own hands is always more powerful than a standard one made by someone else. It is filled with the owner’s energy, tuned to its wavelength, and interacts with the energy field.

The work process and manufacturing technique are insignificant. What is important is the person’s mood, confidence in success, and faith in the power of the amulet.

The most powerful amulets - made with your own hands

Creation Rules

Before starting work, you need to study the sacred symbol. When creating an amulet, it is important to reproduce the lines correctly. Distortion and changes in features lead to disruption of the energy field, loss of opportunities, and correction of meaning. An incorrectly drawn thing is useless and sometimes harmful to the owner.

The choice of material is not so important. They prefer natural raw materials. Talismans are often made from:

  • clay;
  • paper;
  • wood (ash, linden);
  • gems;
  • metals (aluminum, gold).

The easiest option is to draw a symbol on white paper. To consolidate the result, it is fixed with molten wax. This way the amulet will remain strong longer. To fill a thing with energy during production, they concentrate on emotions and pour them into the product. Avoid negative images. Esotericists advise preliminary meditation.

The mood when making an amulet is the main thing in the ritual

Why the wheel?

There are quite a lot of myths around fortune. There are just as many theories as to why the ancient Romans, who borrowed the cult from the Greeks, chose such a symbol for the goddess. Engravings have survived that depict devices resembling wheels that were allegedly used for judgment. However, this still remains at the level of old legends. As for modern theories, astrologers consider fortune to be too capricious and its character changeable. The wheel perfectly reflects the essence of her commitment to one or another follower. At one moment, luck favors the applicant in every possible way, but at another, it turns away from him. The meaning of the “Wheel of Fortune” amulet is also quite close in its semantic implications to solar emblems and symbolism of life.

Master class on making

Creating a talisman begins with preparing the material. To make the simplest version you need:

  • cinnamon incense stick;
  • golden or green wax candle;
  • yellow pen;
  • green cardboard.

They work alone. Company presence is not allowed. You can't be distracted. The optimal start time is midnight. The best period is the full moon.

They start by clearing the room. To do this, the room is fumigated with incense. Once completed, light a candle and draw an even circle on green paper. You cannot use a compass. Make sure that the image is proportional. Once finished, both sides are coated with melted wax.

Some mystics seal the amulet with tape.

You can place a circle symbolizing Fortune in the image of a radiant sun. Opinions on this matter differ: some mystics consider such an artifact more powerful, others believe that it acts more slowly.

The talisman is made on the full moon

How to make a good luck amulet?

You can buy any amulet or good luck talisman in stores, but it is best to make it yourself. When a person creates an amulet or talisman with his own hands, his energy permeates every area of ​​the artifact, connecting with the material.

In this case, the artifact becomes part of the person himself and enters his aura. When creating an artifact, it is important to accurately reproduce the design, and the carrier material plays a secondary role.

The medium can be anything:

  1. tree;
  2. stone;
  3. clay;
  4. metal;
  5. cardboard;
  6. thick paper.

If you make an amulet from paper and cardboard (pentacle), you can fill it with melted wax.

But it is also possible to cover the artifact with tape so that the symbol is not erased and the paper is not wrinkled. The artifact is activated by faith in its power.

There have been cases when a drawn symbol began to work immediately after it was depicted on a simple sheet of paper.

Activate and charge the amulet

Sometimes a symbol depicted on paper is immediately functional. Activation is often required. For a purchased product, the awakening process is a mandatory ritual. Suitable time is evening, night. Light a white wax candle and leave it to burn for several minutes, placing the product nearby. Then the talisman is taken with the right hand and brought to the forehead, asking for help. Hold the item until you feel warmth and tingling. The activated object is hung on a woolen thread.

You can say the magic formula: “The wheel turns, Fortune returns to me.”

Recharging during use occurs upon contact with a person. By squeezing the product with your hand, you fill it with personal strength. They concentrate on what they want, visualize the energy flows filling the talisman.

If the amulet is spoken for a specific event, when activated, it represents the success of the planned business. Touching the wheel, hold it, concentrating on the details of the image. The more thoughtful the image is, the more powerful the artifact will be.

The purchased amulet must be activated

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