How to make wedding dolls with your own hands, ideas with photos

A folk doll for a happy marriage is designed to attract the attention of a potential spouse. Girls made such a doll at a time when they were ready to get married but had not yet met their betrothed. The main difference of this amulet is the long neck, where each collar represents a certain quality of the future husband’s character.

The amulet doll for marriage is very different from others; this doll has a long neck consisting of many collars and is made without hands

For each collar, the girl makes a wish for the quality of her future husband that she wants to see

Guessing the qualities of a husband

A Slavic doll for marriage is made without arms and with a long neck, woven from the “qualities” of the future husband.
Creating a doll for marriage is a rather interesting process; in addition to creating the doll itself, the bride creates a clear image of her betrothed. This information is sent into the vastness of the universe and materializes in the form of a suitable young man.

So. Before you start creating a doll, think carefully about how you want your future husband to be.

Basic Rules:

  • The Universe does not take into account the particle “not”. If you ask “so that your spouse does not drink,” he will drink, take this into account. Wishes must be in an affirmative form: kind, caring, hardworking, loved children, etc.
  • Choose real wishes, according to your reality. For example, living in a remote village, it’s stupid to ask for an oligarch’s husband.
  • Be sure to make wishes together. For example, “so that we get along well”, “so that we can solve any problem”, “so that our parents understand us”... there can be any number of wishes, but they must be such that they do not cause rejection in you.
  • The number of collars corresponds to the number of wishes. Try to stop in time, lest your betrothed be frightened by seeing a doll with a neck reaching to the sky in the window...

The process of making wedding dolls

Having prepared all the necessary patterns, you can proceed directly to making dolls, guided by the photos given here.

  1. Wrap the stick in white cloth and tie it with red thread at a distance of about 5 mm from the edges so that the knots are at the back.

  1. Fold the fabric for the female head vertically so that the edges are in the middle, then repeat this operation, and then fold it in half. Put a little padding polyester in the part that will serve as the doll’s face and tie a red thread below it. Make the head of a male figurine in the same way.

  1. Roll the fabric for the trousers into a roll, bend it in half, put it on a stick-hand and tie it under the stick with a red thread.
  2. Place the female head blank on the free end of the stick, and the male head on top of the trousers, and tie it crosswise. This method of tying, according to Slavic traditions, has magical powers and protects the couple from evil forces.
  1. Fold the fabric for a men's shirt in half, make a hole with a slit in the back and decorate the sleeves of the shirt.
  2. Make a women's shirt in the same way, but not cut off the sleeves, but cut them. Wrap the back of the shirt around the body and secure with thread.

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  1. We attach an apron to the female figure, and then tie both figures with a belt.

  1. After inserting the plates into the boots, put them on the male figure.
  2. Carefully wrap the man's head with a cloth for the hat and secure it with a ribbon.
  3. Tie the woman's head with a scarf, crossing it in front under the neck and tying the ends at the back. The traditional amulet is ready.

Master Class

A master class with step-by-step photos on making a talisman doll for marriage will help each girl create a personal talisman. No special skills are required, even if you have never made a folk toy or a protective doll, making it will not be difficult.

It is better to make a magnet for your husband on the first day of the lunar calendar; if you missed 1 day, you can make a doll on any day on the waxing moon.

Important. All amulets designed to attract or increase something must be done on the waxing moon.

Materials for a doll for marriage
Let's prepare materials:

  • birch stick or twisted fabric for the base of the doll. The height of the doll depends on the height of the log (or twist), this is the growth of the amulet. If you are preparing a twist of fabric, it is better to take an old sheet on which the future bride slept.
  • To form the head, use flax (wool or cotton wool).
  • A square of light-colored fabric, preferably white, to form the head. Size half palm to half palm.
  • 5/15 cm scraps for weaving the neck, the quantity corresponds to the selected qualities. If more than 25 qualities are planned, then add a few centimeters to the flaps exceeding this number. The flaps need new fabric; you can use wide ribbons or felt.
  • A piece of white fabric the size of a piece of wood + 2 cm.
  • The fabric for the skirt depends on the size of the doll. The fabric can be stitched with braid or ribbon for beauty.
  • Several scraps of fabric for an apron. The number of layers of an apron depends on personal preference. Each subsequent layer is one centimeter narrower than the previous one, the length of all cuts is the same. If you want to sew or glue decorations. We perform this at the fabric preparation stage.
  • Red thread.


The first option personifies a young girl not burdened with women's problems: we form hair from flax, wool or thread. We braid the braid and decorate it with a headband, wreath or scarf.

The warrior is secured with a red thread around the neck

The second option: forms the image of a married woman: we will make the warrior and the scarf.

  • After the head of the doll for a happy marriage is ready, we proceed to the neck. It is desirable that the number of collars be an odd number.

    The first collar is done straight

  • We tie the first collar evenly. All subsequent ones are askew. For each layer, the quality of the husband is hidden. Try to overlap each gate at an equal distance with the previous one.

    all subsequent collars are angled

  • We wrap the last flap with thread so that the neck of our doll does not unwind.

  • We take a rectangular piece and, if desired, decorate it with braid, embroidery, beads or ribbons. You can just leave the fabric. For convenience, the edges of the flap are sewn together, after which you can go over the top with a needle to form folds evenly. You cannot use a needle while putting it on the doll.

  • The skirt can be worn straight or reversed. If desired, you can make several skirts of different lengths.

  • The final step is to put on an apron (or aprons) and secure it to the belt with a thread.

    the number of aprons varies depending on desire

  • We tie the belt on the left side. It can be knitted with thread, tied with a ribbon or made more complex, as you wish.

The doll is ready to bring light and goodness; all that’s left is to place your “bride” on the window, facing the street. A doll amulet for a successful marriage indicates a girl’s readiness to get married and the universe sends her a future husband. The main thing is to create an opportunity for your spouse to meet you and believe in the power of the amulet.

Manufacturing Features

It is important to follow the rules and certain rituals so that the amulet really helps the girl, and not vice versa.

Basic rules when making a doll for marriage:

  • natural fabric;
  • good mood;
  • Only a girl should make the amulet and without the presence of men in the house;
  • you need to make a doll in one go;
  • on the day of making the doll, nothing should distract or interfere;
  • the doll cannot be given a name;
  • the first doll should be made for yourself;
  • You need to place the doll in a prominent place, where the needlewoman herself wishes.

Suitable materials include linen and cotton, and embroidery, beads, and flowers can be used as decoration.

Only a girl can make a doll for marriage; a small, cheerful group of females is welcome.

There should be no men in the house where a doll is made for marriage. As an exception - a small child, but it is better that he sleeps at this time.

When making a doll for marriage, you need to be in a good mood

If you want to make a talisman as a gift, but the girl is making it for the first time, it is better to make two at once, because the first doll should always be for herself.

Before making the amulet, you should put your house, body and thoughts in order. There should be no distractions during the process.

If there is a chance that you won’t have time to make a doll in one day, put it off for next time.

The appearance of the girl who makes the doll for marriage also matters. It is better to collect your hair in a braid; for clothing, give preference to a dress or sundress. Shorts and trousers should be avoided, as they will violate the spirituality of the amulet and can confuse you.

The doll should not have a face, otherwise it will attract evil spirits. The name must also be missing. Names can be given to play dolls, but not to protective dolls.

When the product is made, but later you notice some errors, in order to correct it, you need to remove the part from the doll, but you cannot redo it on the finished doll.

Sharp metal objects should not touch the doll's head and body. Such a doll may have weak strength.

During all the knots and wraps, think about the good. You must approach the amulet with respect. The girl who makes the doll gives it her spirit. However, it should be remembered that it will have its own energy.

It is better to give a doll to a person whom you treat well and experience only kind and warm feelings.

Communicate with the doll, share your impressions, ask for help.

If a marriage amulet doll has lost its appearance, has faded, become disheveled, broken, and no longer attracts attention, it means that it has already served its term. Used amulets are not thrown away, but burned or buried.

By adhering to simple rules, you will be able to make a strong amulet that will definitely fulfill its purpose. The main thing is to believe in it and follow the rules.

DIY amulets dolls for beginners

There are different types of amulet dolls.


Maintains the health of all family members. It is designed to protect against the evil eye, ward off diseases, and help in treatment and recovery. As the name suggests, one of the elements used to create this doll is medicinal herbs.

Important! The number of turns of the thread to create it must be an even number.



Male patron. Spiridon should not be given to a man who is doing well in life and who does not need any changes. The amulet is made in the first week after the winter equinox.

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Important! According to the canon, winding threads and twisting the fabric should be carried out in one direction (along the direction of the sun), knots are knitted 3 times, the number of twists is even. He holds a solstice in his hands.



A strong talisman that patronizes the fulfillment of one, but most cherished desire, destroys barriers to it and helps its owner do everything necessary to make her dream come true. This is a special doll and its execution requires a certain ritual.

This amulet is created by the craftswoman personally for herself. When making a doll, you need to concentrate on your desire in order to mentally convey your purpose to the amulet. At the end of the work, the needlewoman turns to the doll out loud and talks about her dream, asking for help in making it come true. The right time is the new moon, preferably in August, when field work is over.

Loneliness is a must. It is better if you sew several beautiful dresses for the doll and periodically change her clothes. Colored ribbons are usually tied to the handles. Showing, giving into the hands of strangers, as well as giving and selling is strictly prohibited, otherwise the magical power of the amulet will disappear.



Patroness of young children. It is done by the mother a month before the birth of the child. Protects from the evil eye, damage, drives away evil spirits, illnesses and failures. It is tied with a string and placed around the baby’s neck, attracting attention and collecting negativity.

Important! When creating a protective doll, a piece of fabric needs to be untwisted and twisted 7 times. A knot of thread is knitted in front at the navel. The ends of the thread are left at a length of about 1 cm (symbol of the umbilical cord). As soon as there is no longer a need for the Diaper, the doll is burned.

Pelenashka doll

On Health

Herbalist Variation. The difference is that the Herbalist protects against illness, while Health is done after the fact of illness and drives away a specific disease.

The amulet is created only from linen thread. During the making of the amulet, as well as when transferring it to the sick person, the craftswoman constantly repeats the phrase: “To your health! Cheers!” and mentally imagines the sick person. As soon as the person recovers, the amulet is burned, and with it the illness.

On Health


Guardian of the hearth. Gives all family members joy, happiness, good mood.

Important! Under the skirts, inside the doll, a small bell is hidden. The doll is made only in a good mood.


Doll-amulet for good luck (doll Happiness)

A common talisman for all family members. Attracts everything necessary to be happy: health, well-being, prosperity, luck, longevity.

Cannot be made on holidays or Sundays. It has a braid that is several times longer than the body and bends upward. Be sure to wear shoes, handles must be raised up. Most often, Happiness is female, but there are also male dolls, then the braid is bent downwards.

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Doll Happiness

Doll Blessed (Housewife)

Patronizes the mistress of the house. Helps cope with work and women's responsibilities.

Important! The size of the Hostess should not exceed 8 cm; a nickel is placed inside.


Filippovka (Ten Handle)

One of the most popular dolls at present. Helps a woman complete household chores on time. A ten-handle can be given to the bride for her wedding.

The doll needs to be made on November 14th. If the amulet is made for burning, then 9 bows are tied to the hem of the doll’s skirt, for each one a task is made that must be completed, the braid is decorated with a bow, after which the doll is set on fire.


Bereginya (Stolbushka)

Protects the house from danger, misfortunes, and evil people. Combines masculine and feminine principles.

Always has a wooden base (post, sticks, twigs). The amulet is placed at the door to the house, not lower than head level. Bereginya can serve several generations of a family, but if some part of the doll has deteriorated, even a single thread has broken, then the protective amulet is dismantled with a feeling of gratitude, all parts of the doll are burned, and the ashes are scattered in the wind near the house.


Zernovushka (Krupenichka)

Guardian of wealth, patroness of the harvest. There is a male variation of Krupenichka, the Bogach doll.

The best grains were selected to fill it. It was assumed that it was precisely the kind of grain inside Krupenichka that would have the advantage of being harvested next year. The doll is made in the fall, after the harvest, and in the spring, before sowing, the amulet is disassembled, the scraps are stored until the following autumn, when a new doll is assembled from them again.


Metlushka doll

Protects the house from negativity, quarrels and scandals. With the help of special rituals, the Metlushka is used to drive negative energy out of the house.

Important! The basis for making a doll is something that can be a broom: twigs, bast, straw.


Ash doll

The guardian of the clan, a guide to the world of ancestors, can convey to them the requests of the living and ask for help. It was made before moving and taken into the new house (including by the bride, who went to live in the groom’s house).

Only the Ash Doll does not have a headdress. The head of the amulet is stuffed with stove ash. The baby doll is holding a diaper in his hands.

Ash doll

Successful doll

Serves as an assistant in solving any specific case and its successful completion.

The doll has the gender of the person it is supposed to help. She must have a handbag with a coin hanging over her shoulder, which tells her that the person can do the job. The knot on the doll’s belt also plays a key role, since it symbolizes the success of the planned business.


Doll Lovebirds

Protects love and harmony between spouses, family happiness and well-being. Gifted for a wedding.

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Lovebirds are made on a horizontal stick, which symbolizes the common hand of the spouses. Dolls called martinichkas are tied to the stick; they represent already born or desired children.


Plantain pupa

Traveler's talisman. Designed to protect a person on the road. Eases difficulties, wards off ill-wishers and dangers on the road.

Made for a specific road. The necessary attribute is a knapsack, which is filled with ash from the home, money, grains or medicinal herbs (depending on what needs to be done to help the wanderer on the road in the first place). Only the craftswoman herself and the traveler can touch the amulet.


Doll-amulet Herbalist

The Herbal Pot was intended to prevent illness and improve the condition of an already sick person . In addition, she could cope with the evil eye perfectly and make the atmosphere in the house

The secret of such a doll was that it was filled not with artificial fillers, but with herbs, and even medicinal ones !

Doll-amulet The herbalist often kept herbs not only in the hem, but also in additional bags

It was customary to keep several Herbalists in one house. One disinfected the air and served as a prevention of colds. If there was a small child in the family, it was recommended to hang the doll above his crib .

The second egg cup was filled with soothing herbs and placed near the pillow - this ensured a calm and healthy sleep and a vigorous awakening.

The third doll often lived in the kitchen , awakening appetite and eliminating unpleasant odors. If there was a barn , it would also be worth delivering Kubishka there - she would have saved the supplies.

The Herbalist amulet doll could be located in the barn

In the kitchen, the Herbalist amulet doll was also appropriate

IMPORTANT: In order for the Herbalist to cope with her mission, it was necessary to knead it - this is how the essential oils were activated. And I had to remember this every evening. However, excessive zeal threatened to turn the grass into dust.

The Herbalist amulet doll should have been crushed in your hands.
It is imperative to change the herb - at least once or twice a year. Otherwise, the amulet risks turning into a dust collector.

Amulet doll Podorozhnitsa

This amulet was presented to those who went on a journey . Since the doll is quite compact - only 5-6 centimeters - it will not take up much space in your travel bag. But it will always remind you of your home.

The amulet doll Plantain is quite compact

The doll must certainly have a bag , and in it - a handful of the person’s native earth or ash from the hearth. You can also put a piece of bread or grain - they will serve as a guarantee that the wanderer will not have to starve on the way. A piece of fabric or wool will protect you from the cold.

The amulet doll Plantain must have had a bag

Often the emphasis in the Plantain amulet doll was on the bag

IMPORTANT: Since the power of a doll lies in the thoughts of its creator, craftswomen often read a conspiracy when making a doll so that the traveler would return safe and sound.

Family amulet doll

In Rus', large families have always enjoyed great respect. And they met quite often, because the girls got married at an early age. But all family members could get back on their feet only when everything was fine , which is why amulets were made.

The Family amulet was an adult doll and six diapers - this is how it embodied fertility .

An adult doll was made according to the principle of making a Stolbushka, that is, the basis was a small log or a twist of rags . As for attire, there are no restrictions, but a warrior or headscarf had to be present.

Doll-amulet Family is one large doll and several small ones

IMPORTANT: The diapers were attached either to the Stolbushka’s skirt or to the belt.

The diapers could be attached to the amulet doll on the belt

Amulet doll Angel

For all believers, the angel was a very powerful amulet that came to the rescue in difficult moments. The angel drove away evil spirits and attracted good luck.

For such a talisman, it is advisable to use white fabric - calico, linen, and chintz are perfect .

It is desirable that the Angel amulet doll be white

Often dolls were made for small children , and close people had to make them . At the same time, the doll was made strictly individually , and it was undesirable for others to take it.

The Angel amulet doll was often made for children

The Angel amulet doll may look like this

Amulet doll Krupenichka

Keeping the harvest safe and sound was an important task for the Slavs. Moreover, damage to the crop, in their opinion, could be caused from the other world - for such cases, Krupenichka’s amulet was created.

Paradoxically, this doll was made not before the harvest, but after. The basis of the pupa was a bag into which cereal was poured. Mostly it was buckwheat , although rye and wheat .

IMPORTANT: Whatever grain is used, it is important that it is of good quality.

Krupenichka's amulets dolls
Krupenichka lived in the house for six months before sowing or a year until the next harvest. Then the pupa was dismantled, the fabric was burned, and they ate the cereal.

By the way, in the event of an emergency, it was quite possible to feed yourself with grain from the pupa for several days - this is truly a talisman!

The amulet doll Krupenichka was small, but the grain from it could last for several days

Amulet doll Success

Success was created specifically for those cases when success in some business was necessary , and it was inconvenient to disturb higher powers on such an occasion. It was believed that the Successful Woman would prevent all undesirable outcomes of an important matter.

The wisher should not be used too often , because from the offerings it would begin to resemble a New Year tree.

There will not be as many decorations on the amulet doll Successful as on Zhelannitsa

IMPORTANT: During the production of the Successor, it was necessary to clearly voice your wish. It needs to be said especially clearly when the knot on the doll’s belt was being made - it was believed that this is where success would be found.

The success was stored in the bundle on the side of the amulet doll of the Successful One.
What should the doll look like? It all depends on the preferences of the craftswoman, since only she should see the result of her work. Outsiders should not look at the Successful Woman if her owner does not want to share her success with others.

But whatever the craftswoman’s imagination, she definitely had to make a braid for the doll . As we mentioned earlier, it was in the braid, as the Slavs believed, that a woman’s strength and success lay.

The braid of the amulet doll should be given special attention

The beautiful braid of the amulet doll Successful is the key to making a wish come true

They preferred to dress up the doll the way it was customary for women to dress in the region where the craftswoman lived. It was also desirable to use Slavic symbols in decorating clothes.

Dressing the Successful amulet doll was the same as the local women dressed

Well-being - amulet doll

The second name of this doll is Mistress. It will protect you from misfortunes , promote prosperity , and attract money and health . You could create it at any time - for the New Year, for a housewarming party, for a wedding, or just like that.

The amulet doll Blessed One may have been unprepossessing, but she was a lot of help

The lucky one is not a large doll - her height should be about 8 centimeters .

The amulet doll Blagopoluchnitsa belongs to small dolls

However, a coin of 5 kopecks or 5 rubles can easily fit there. And since such money appeared in our country only at the beginning of the 18th century , we can conclude that the Blessed One does not belong to the ancient amulets.

A coin was successfully placed in the amulet doll Blessed One

How to use Lovebird Dolls correctly

We must not forget about the amulet; it requires constant attention. Therefore, he is given the best place in the house. In the old days, this was the red corner where the main spiritual values ​​of the family were located. We must not forget about the amulet doll at the birth of children. New miniature dolls, yarn tassels, and bells should definitely appear on Lovebirds at this time.

The amulet does not like water - even with delicate hand washing it can unravel. But it is necessary to periodically brush off the dust.

Is it possible to tell fortunes by the amulet?

In previous centuries, owners not only admired the unusual doll, but also monitored the changes happening to it. A favorable sign was her good condition. Any unpleasant incident: it fell, it broke - it was perceived as a warning about impending trouble, a signal about the need to think about what was happening, to draw the necessary conclusions.

Damage to the amulet was a particularly serious sign. It was believed that in this way the amulet took upon itself the damage caused to the owners.

Should I part with my doll?

The amulet has no expiration date. She serves the spouses all her life. Only after the earthly path of one of them is interrupted does the time come to say goodbye to the doll, and even then at the will of the one who survived his half.

However, a breakdown means that it’s time to say goodbye. It is almost impossible to restore a broken doll, and a broken one cannot be used categorically. In such a situation, it is dismantled and gratefully burned. They are being replaced by new Lovebirds, given, for example, for a wedding anniversary.

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