DIY wealth amulet. How to make an amulet for money with your own hands. How to charge an amulet with money. How to wear a money amulet

Money talismans for your wallet will help you increase your income, get a well-paid position, or achieve success in business. They not only attract banknotes, but also protect their owner from theft and the machinations of scammers. Financial amulets can be bought in specialized stores or made with your own hands at home.

How to make an amulet for money with your own hands, step-by-step instructions with photos

Try making runes from limestone pebbles, which can be found on the banks of any river. Pebbles are a soft material that can be easily processed. You can drill a hole in the pebble and wear it as a talisman or hang it somewhere in the house.

Rune - translated from the Old Norse language, means “inscription” or “letter”. Also, “runes” are fraught with mystery, so they are of great importance for fortune telling and rituals. Runes can be bought in special stores, but it is better to make them yourself so that they are charged with your energy. In the manufacturing example, the Runes of the Elder Futhark are the oldest version of the alphabet. Each rune has its own meaning. The runes must work together, it all depends on what problems prevent you from always having money. If you contact a specialist, he will select runes that are suitable only for you. A universal option is Fehu (attracts cash flows) + Yera (works for results) + Soul (strengthens one’s position in life). When you activate them, they will push you to earn wealth.

If you decide to make runes yourself, choose a place where no one will disturb you. Find a pebble that is smooth and easy to draw on.

Wash the stones and dry. Draw the runes you need on the stones.

Apply matte and colorless varnish to each stone on one side, wait until it dries, then turn it over and coat it on the other side.

Outline the runes with relief paste.

When dry, coat with varnish again.

Figure out where you will store the runes. You can put them in a bag.

Or you can make holes and hang them on a chain.

Runes can be made from wood, paper or clay. Most importantly, this process must be approached responsibly. Do not start work if you are sick, in a bad mood or depressed. It is also necessary that you do it with pleasure. Your energy and your mood play a big role, then the runes will help.

You need to make runes on the waxing moon. If your goal is to make runes so that they work to improve your financial situation, Thursday is the best day.

To attract money to your wallet, there is another way - to fold one dollar in a certain way to make a triangle.

Fold the bill in half, fold the top edges at an angle, and fold the bottom edges. The main thing is that the pyramid is on the front side of the triangle.

A non-changeable bill requires a certain attitude towards itself. You can place it in a frame, or you can fold it and tie it with a red ribbon. The main thing is that it is done with love.

Make your own coin pouch. Before stacking the coins, brush each one with eucalyptus oil. When you lubricate, read the spell - Kopek to kopeck, nickel to nickel, fifty kopecks to fifty kopecks, ruble to ruble, chervonets to chervonets, everything goes to the yard.

Horde amulet

To make this amulet, a coin found on the street, a thin rope, or church candles are suitable. Perform the ritual on Wednesday, during the waxing moon.

Sequence of ritual execution:

Place three candles on the table, light them with matches and sit on a chair in front of them. Hold the coin in your hand and say:

Tie the coin with a string, cross to cross, and say: I tie the coin, I attract money. Do not cut the ends of the rope, burn the candles with fire. Place a coin in the center, between the candles, and leave overnight. In the morning, put it in your wallet and carry it with you.

Choosing a magical assistant

Before making an amulet, you should decide on the shape and material that will be its basis. To do this, you need to decide in which area this subject will help you.

If you dream of love and happiness, give preference to pink and red colors and materials that you associate with these concepts. It could be a heart, a rose petal, a candle stub.

If you want to improve your financial situation, then give preference to wooden or metal objects. It could be a coin, a block of wood, or a piece of precious metal - whatever you associate with financial well-being and wealth.

When your goal is to attract good luck, you can pay attention to a horseshoe, a decorative pin or a star. Protective amulets, as a rule, can be made from almost any material. It is very important to feel and choose the shape and material that you associate with your goal.

If you are wondering: how to make an amulet, then when choosing material for it, try not to use plastic, synthetic fabric and other artificial materials.

Amulet spell for money

Any amulet that you choose to attract money must be spoken in order for it to work.

How to perform the ritual correctly.

  1. Perform the ritual after sunset.
  2. Choose a place where no one will disturb you.
  3. Relax and try to tune in.
  4. Take the amulet in your right hand.
  5. To the left - a green or white candle.
  6. Stare at the candle flame for 5 minutes.
  7. Close your eyes and imagine a ray of light from you going into the sky.
  8. You should feel warmth throughout your entire body.
  9. Imagine that a stream of rays is returning and illuminating you.
  10. Cast a spell.

Conspiracy by moonlight. The ritual takes place on a full moon. Open the window, extend your hand with the talisman towards the moon and say:

Conspiracy using the four elements. Place a lighted candle, a container of water, incense on the table, pour a handful of earth, and place the selected talisman in the center of the table. Read the plot:

Charging the amulet with the power of the water element

Slavic rituals often use water, which is considered the strongest conductor of energy. If a person is not confident in his own abilities that he can independently recharge a magical object, then it is worth finding out how to charge an amulet with water. It is advisable to carry out such a ritual near an open body of water (sea, river, lake, spring) or near a well, but so that no one else sees it. If it is not possible to find such a body of water, then you can use the bathroom for the ceremony.

Before starting the ritual, a person must thoroughly wash his face and wash his hands, imagining how negativity flows down the drain along with the water. After this, you need to take a magical object in your hand and bring it to the stream of water, while pronouncing this spell:

“The water is clean, the water is transparent. No power can hinder your flow. You, water, cleanse my amulet from unclean forces, from evil glances. Saturate him with your powerful strength. Thank you, Voditsa, for the help you provided.”

Every word must be pronounced thoughtfully and seriously. In total, the plot is read three times. After charging the amulet, you need to hide it in a secluded place and keep it like that for three days. Then the magic item is completely ready for use.

How to charge an amulet with money

The main thing that is expected from a money talisman is assistance in material well-being, success in financial matters. A strong talisman will certainly help its owner. If you bought a talisman, it needs to be cleansed of foreign energy. Even if you were told that the talisman is charged, performing the ritual is still necessary, since it must be charged for you.


  • purple or purple fabric;
  • purple candle;
  • bird feather or incense;
  • bowls with earth, sand or salt.

Cover the table with a tablecloth, place symbols of the four elements on each corner: a candle, incense or bird feather, a bowl of water, a bowl of sand, earth or salt. Fire is on the east side, air is on the west side, water is on the north side, earth is on the south side. Place the talisman in the center of the table. Relax and focus on the four symbols. Feel the energy and power of the talisman. Look at the talisman and imagine how money comes to you (money meditation).

General rules for recharging the amulet

Only a charged amulet will bring help to its owner. If the amulet is inherited, given to someone or simply purchased in a souvenir shop, it must first be charged with power. Some sellers claim that they sell amulets that are already charged and that they will supposedly begin to bring benefits immediately. This is a big lie.

How to charge your amulet and what its wearer needs to know for this are questions that not every magician can answer. When carrying out recharging rituals, it is important to endow the talisman with the energy of a specific person, so it will not be possible to carry out magical manipulations en masse, in relation to several souvenirs, for different people.

Important! A magic item can have a certain power only if it was made specifically for a person.

You should not trust charging the attribute to a stranger or even a relative. That is, if the corresponding manipulations are carried out to order by a magician in whose power there is confidence, then this is permissible. If you ask a friend or close relative for this kind of thing, then such an amulet can cause some harm, because each person first of all thinks about himself and can involuntarily charge the talisman with negative energy.

How to wear a money amulet

Wherever you keep the amulet, it requires careful handling. How to wear an amulet correctly depends on its size. For better impact, the amulet should sense your energy. It can be carried in your pocket, in a purse, hung around your neck, or worn as a ring. If you decide to wear it around your neck, prepare a red or gold rope. If your amulet is in the form of a coin, you can hang it around your neck or put it in your wallet. Amulets can be made in the form of jewelry - rings, chains, bracelets. In a wallet - it is important that the amulet comes into contact with large bills. If your amulet is seen by others, you do not need to tell anyone that it is an amulet that you are wearing for a specific purpose.

The energy of everything

It is important to remember that in our world there are energetic connections that allow everything that exists to feel and be aware of its existence. This same energy is the source from which all active forms of life originate, from single-celled microorganisms to humans. This energy cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science, but not a single scientist will refute the very fact of its existence.

Higher energy was familiar to almost all ancient peoples; for example, the northern Germans called it “Meigin”, which translates as “internal energy”. The Hindus called this force “prana”, which means “Absolute energy”; the Polynesians had the term “mana”, that is, “Miraculous force”.

Types of amulets for money:

shaman amulet for money

Shamanic amulets have been popular at all times. The shaman is a conductor between spirits and people. This is an object made by a shaman, into which, as a help, he inhabits one or another spirit. For an amulet to become an assistant in money matters, it is not enough to purchase such a talisman. It is necessary to hold it in your hands and ask for it often, since it is believed that the spirit is a living creature that lives in the amulet. You need to listen to the spirit, mentally consult with it. It is better to wear such a talisman closer to the body.

Why charge the amulet with energy? ↑

The action of an amulet or talisman lies in its energy. Without the right energy, an amulet is just a material, meaningless object. It is a person, with the help of special rituals, who inhales energy into this object, which then protects his ego. If the energy in the amulet is not balanced, then it may not only not help its owner, but also harm him.

It is especially important to recharge ready-made amulets that you purchased in the store. Of course, the store owner will tell you what the intention of a particular talisman is, but you must customize the amulet specifically for yourself. The fact is that while the amulet is on the counter, many people touch it, and accordingly it “catches” a wide variety of energy onto itself. It is this excess energy that the amulet needs to get rid of.

Without the right energy, the amulet will not work

Charging the amulet is also necessary in order to enter into complete fusion with the magical object. So that after this the amulet does not recognize anyone other than you as its owner, it can serve only you. For the same reasons, after setting and recharging, your amulet cannot be given to another person. In this case, the amulet will not help the other person, if at all it will not harm him. And after this, the amulet will cease to serve its former owner.

It’s not just the amulet you purchased in the store that needs charging and activation. Even if you made the amulet with your own hands, from time to time it is advisable to carry out a ritual of recharging and activation. The practice of cleansing a magical object from negative energy will not take much time, and the amulet will then last much longer. Do not think that the process of recharging and activating the amulet is somehow complicated. This ritual can easily be performed at home.

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