How to determine damage and the evil eye on a person

02/11/2021 3,352 Oplot

Author: Anastasia

Signs of damage depend on what area of ​​life it was directed to; the magical power of the performer also plays an important role. Usually negativity affects one thing, for example, health or family. Every day it will accumulate like a snowball, affecting relationships with friends, relatives and colleagues.


How to figure it out

But you and I will not listen to unbelievers. Let them solve their own problems. And we will study the symptoms of negativity in order to understand what is happening around and inside the aura, and be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The black impact is clearly visible from the outside. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to figure it out on your own.

Damage is perceived naturally by a person, as a part of himself. Its influence only raises some suspicions over time. And in the period that has passed since the application, the victim loses a lot, worries, gets sick, becomes poor, and so on. Therefore, it would be good for everyone to know the symptoms in order to catch it in time and get rid of the trouble.

General characteristics

First, let's talk about manifestations of witchcraft in general. There are absolutely incredible, sophisticated influences. They affect only one area of ​​life, without affecting the others. And problems seem to come naturally. For example, if damage is caused to appearance, then the face may not even change at first. It’s just that those around you (especially the opposite sex) will perceive the appearance of the victim as repulsive. The person himself will begin to wonder what is wrong with him. But the thought of negative spells will not arise in his mind. After all, in general, his life will not change, he will not break his leg, his money will not disappear, his loved ones will not start scandals, and so on.

But still the manifestations can be unified. There are two large groups:

  1. Psycho-emotional. These affect the sphere of feelings. Change the victim's worldview.
  2. Physical. This is a reflection of witchcraft in the external world of the corrupted.

The program has different effects. It all depends on the intention of the perpetrator. Classified as follows:

  • on the affected area;
  • by the strength of harm;
  • by frequency of influence;
  • by frequency (one-time, constantly, sometimes, under certain conditions).

The sorcerer's intention is embodied:

  1. Totally. All areas are affected without exception. The psyche and immunity are subject to destruction. The energy is torn to shreds. Troubles fall on the head of the one struck by a real rockfall.
  2. Locally. One of the most important areas is being affected. Sometimes a separate organ or system suffers.

The essence of negativity is also divided into types:

  1. Organic impact provokes destruction of the protective shell. The spoiled one is attacked by viruses, animals, and bacteria.
  2. Inorganic leads to the emergence of circumstances that push one to the threshold of death. They get fired, robbed, get dragged into scandals, accidents and other troubles.

The power of damage is usually associated with varieties:

  • regular;
  • black;
  • hereditary;
  • family;
  • a curse;
  • essence;
  • hat and others.

Hint: Some programs only appear under certain circumstances. For example, a woman met a man by fate, and the program began to change her behavior for the worse. This is how the crown of celibacy works.

Signs and symptoms of damage to family and relationships

Family damage is similar in nature to the negative program for loneliness. Its main property is to destroy strong relationships and families. Damage done to a family can destroy a marriage of any strength. The magical effect is directed at a couple in any relationship: family, love, family, friendship. Such damage breaks the connection between loved ones, friends, colleagues, partners.

Symptoms of damage to the family

  • lack of mutual understanding between spouses;
  • causeless quarrels, nagging;
  • nervous disorders, groundless jealousy;
  • suspiciousness, irritability with the behavior of the other spouse;
  • desire for relationships with others other than the spouse, aggression, betrayal, mutual insults;
  • money problems in the family;
  • coldness in relationships, people become strangers and do not find mutual understanding.

Psycho-emotional symptoms

Corrupted, smoothed over, the damned changes completely. A black plug appears in his aura. This is why neural connections collapse, first at the energy-informational level, then at the physics level.

Negativity is revealed by the following manifestations:

  1. Sudden appearance of phobias of various kinds. It is taken into account only when they were not there before.
  2. Bad dream. Some suffer from nightmares, others from insomnia. Sometimes both are present. A night's rest does not bring the desired recuperation. He gets up, amazed and tired.
  3. Inability to concentrate. The gaze does not focus. Attention is distracted. This leads to frequent mistakes and wrong decisions.
  4. The effect of shifting eyes. It is difficult for the victim to keep his gaze on the eyes of his interlocutor. The latter feels very unpleasant. Suspects the counterpart of deception and insincerity.
  5. Difficulty concentrating on you in a conversation. The answers are out of place. Jumping from one topic to another. It seems that the stricken man has suddenly become stupid.
  6. The occurrence of hallucinations. The victim sees non-existent images and hears voices. Entities dictate behavior and push people to take rash actions.
  7. Intolerance to certain tastes and foods. Usually the spoiled person turns away from what he previously loved very much. Food allergies may occur.
  8. Uncontrolled aggression. Outbreaks may be sporadic. The victim herself cannot explain why she reacted sharply to a completely ordinary stimulus.
  9. Regular bouts of depression. State of apathy. Lack of interest in hobbies, topics of discussion, and one’s condition.
  10. Negative assessment of one's own appearance. It is especially difficult for the victim to fixate on the reflection of his own eyes. Tears roll down, panic rises.
  11. Craving for alcoholic dope and other substances that alter consciousness.
  12. Fear of bright light. The desire to isolate yourself from the sun's rays, to hide in the dark.
  13. Inability to accept compromise. Conflict. A critical attitude towards others, their words and actions.

Female characteristics

Representatives of the fair sex live in a sensual world. Corruption affects them especially clearly. The girl changes before our eyes:

  1. The quiet one becomes a conflicted rude person. Uses obscene expressions in speech without shame.
  2. The active one loses momentum. Fears and shyness appear. She starts quarrels herself, and ends with hysterics and tears.
  3. Appearance deteriorates. Pimples, wrinkles, spots appear. This causes feelings of inferiority.
  4. A flattened lady rapidly reduces her self-esteem. When damaged, a feeling of complete insignificance appears.

Important: Affected women are prone to constant dissatisfaction. Everything irritates me, especially those close to me.


The stronger sex reacts somewhat differently to the introduction of entities. For men it is typical:

  1. Self-blame or overconfidence.
  2. Inadequate perception of the environment.
  3. Increasing dependencies of various kinds.
  4. Childishness in actions. Leader orientation. They often consider their mother or wife, friend, or political figure to be such. They perceive the words of the “chieftain” uncritically. They are not allowed to refute.
  5. Decrease in business activity, loss of interest in professional activities.
  6. Loss of aspirations for success. The guy gives up, doesn’t fight for his own position, gives up.

Hint: both sexes experience a serious decrease in libido.

Manifestation of symptoms at the physical level

The main change in the affected person occurs in the aura. He is rapidly losing strength. Energy flows out of the body. This process can even be felt. As a result, troubles arise in all areas. They make an already difficult situation worse.

Practical manifestations:

  1. Health suffers. A person gets sick often, chronic illnesses worsen, he suffers from colds, minor injuries, and the like.
  2. Everything is falling out of hand. Plans are disrupted, partners are let down, contracts are unexpectedly broken due to reasons beyond the individual’s control.
  3. The victim of witchcraft constantly makes mistakes, all the more offensive because their consequences are easily calculated. But he doesn’t notice this.
  4. Household appliances break down, light bulbs burn out, vehicles fail.
  5. Quarrels with loved ones and complete strangers become more frequent.
  6. Money stops coming, and what is still there is spent very quickly.
  7. Relatives get into trouble, they have to constantly help.

The victim perceives the above troubles as a disaster. Damage undermines, first of all, self-confidence and the ability to resist. Instead of trying to get out, the affected person begins to feel sorry for himself. He himself suffers and annoys others with his lamentations.

Main indicator

Probably, detailing the symptoms is not necessary. There is a main one. It is well conveyed by such a popular expression, understandable to everyone: “Cats scratch at my soul.”

Corruption is a program or entity (as you like). Its task is to deprive the victim of life-giving forces, take away pure energy, transform it into black.

Any person feels this as suffering, bad mood, blaming himself or others. The victim feels bad all the time. Neither he himself nor those around him are happy. And he comes across the wrong people, the government is trying to rip him off, his loved ones are selfish, his boss is a fool, his colleagues are idiots, his friends are traitors, and so on. The victim forgets what calm joy of being means.

Signs of spoilage: how to identify the symptoms

The self-diagnosis test for the presence of negativity includes several signs. Please read all the points carefully. Next to each item, put a plus if you have noticed the listed symptoms in yourself. And put a minus if there are no signs. At the end, you need to count the number of pros and cons. Remember, the symptoms of the evil eye and damage can be the same, only the strength of its manifestation is different.

Test: signs of spoilage, diagnosis

  1. If you constantly wake up at night between 3-5 o'clock and then have difficulty falling asleep. The presence of this symptom is evidence of a magical attack.
  2. Regularly experiences stiffness in the back between the shoulder blades and difficulty breathing. Pain in the lower back, between the shoulder blades. All these are signs of a violation of the aura, its breakdown and penetration of an alien clot of negative energy into the biofield. An attempt at a psychic, magical attack with the intent to cause harm.
  3. Constant lack of sleep. A person has nightmares, suddenly stops dreaming, and forgets them. Strange events happen to you in life, which are often destructive in nature. This is another symptom of damage, negativity, a program that threatens human health and life.
  4. Your character has changed, your habits have changed. You have turned into a grouch or a neurasthenic, as your loved ones say, but you yourself do not notice such changes.
  5. Recently, the need for large quantities of coffee, tea, water has sharply increased, and a strange reaction to alcoholic drinks has been noted.
  6. You experience persistent anxiety, worry, anxiety, for no apparent reason. A person behaves restlessly and does not find a place; this is one of the first symptoms of the accumulation of negativity in the biofield.
  7. Persistent apathy, depressive states, frequent headaches, without any medical problems. This is a sign of damage and strong influence through black magic.
  8. Sudden weight gain or loss. Paleness, sagging skin, the appearance of acne, bruises under the eyes. Deterioration of health, weakness, heaviness in the legs, general malaise, pulling sensations in the muscles and bones also indicate that they are causing damage.
  9. Frequent injuries to arms, legs, bruises, cuts, falls. They can take serious forms, including hospitalization.
  10. Acute reaction to criticism, increased excitability, mood swings, sensitivity.
  11. Strange behavior of dogs, cats, and other pets. Manifestation of fear, aggression, increased attention. The animal behaves differently, sometimes moves away, sometimes runs away, hisses or whines - signs of severe damage.

Take a self-test for the presence of damage, the evil eye, and negative influences. If you count more than 3 pluses, then this is a serious reason to have your aura and biofield diagnosed by specialists. Although, even if you have discovered at least one of the above symptoms, this is already a reason to start worrying.

Different types of damage may have their own characteristic features.

By type of attack

The symptoms of black programs are determined by the intention of the witch. The sphere of life activity reacts with special factors that are easy to identify and find out on your own. Let's go through the most common ones.


If the physical body has been subjected to witch influence, then the symptoms can be even more catastrophic. It depends on the resistance of the individual himself. A weak person may not be able to withstand the impact and die. Such an attack is rightfully considered extremely dangerous.

Attention: if you do not work with negativity and do not cleanse the aura, then any damage will ultimately affect your health.

But if the blow hits the body, then the following indicators appear:

  1. Diseases are getting worse. An elementary cold causes complications.
  2. Appearance suffers greatly. The victim's eyes and hair almost immediately become dull.
  3. Constant minor and not so minor injuries, emergency situations.
  4. Weight changes quite often. Some quickly lose weight, others gain fat.
  5. If the spell is strong, then the affected person is unable to eat. The body rejects food.
  6. Blood clotting decreases.
  7. Attacks of suffocation occur. Diagnosing the cause is difficult. Heaviness in the chest torments.
  8. Teeth deteriorate instantly. Serious periodontal disease or other painful disease appears.
  9. Warts appear in huge numbers. Some are painful. Spots and large moles disfigure the appearance.
  10. Women are covered with hair in the wrong places. Men are rapidly going bald.
  11. The desired pregnancy does not occur. Spermatozoa lose activity. Libido confidently strives to minus infinity.
  12. Migraines drive you crazy. Ends with nausea and vomiting. Medicines are powerless.
  13. Frequent food poisoning.

Hint: most of the symptoms are characteristic of other types of witchcraft defeat. For example, when there is a blow to death, the personal sphere.

It is advisable to take into account the following important factors:

  1. Illnesses appear sharply, suddenly. Development is proceeding rapidly.
  2. Classical therapy is ineffective.
  3. The affected person is pessimistic and does not believe in recovery.
  4. Suicidal thoughts and impulses appear.
  5. Critical change in body weight. Often the development of dystrophy and obesity.
  6. The loads are exhausting. Even a short walk makes you want to lie down and sleep.

Important: Failure to clean can be fatal.

If the blow is aimed at finances and well-being

Now let's turn to the special symptoms that accompany negative influences carried out to limit income. We will not repeat ourselves; we will only present additional factors. Spending money causes the following additional changes in life:

  1. Sources of income are gradually disappearing.
  2. Some are fired from their jobs, others are punished with fines.
  3. It is not possible to find a job, despite the profession being in demand and having high qualifications.
  4. Breakdowns, floods, and fires require serious costs.
  5. They steal or deceive. He becomes a victim of scammers. Losses often occur through one’s own fault (forgot your wallet, left a bag with documents).
  6. Funds are flowing away in an unknown direction. The afflicted cannot refuse waste.
  7. There is a feeling of envy of the income of others, hatred of the rich, contempt for the poor.
  8. The individual is confident in his own helplessness in business matters. It's scary to take on a higher position.
  9. Money scandals with loved ones do not stop. Relatives demand funds that are not available.
  10. Clients are leaving entrepreneurs in droves. Bankruptcy is threatening or occurring.
  11. A business initiative turns into a complete fiasco. Decisions are unfounded and thoughtless.
  12. Debts are stifling. Lenders are persistent and rude. They turn to the courts and hire debt collectors.

All of the above can be experienced by a healthy person. The described circumstances irritate those affected by negativity and lead to hysterics and depression. The personality is unable to cope with troubles and is terribly worried about them.

Witchcraft for a lonely share

Damage to the loss of personal life is induced or transmitted through the family. In any situation, it is diagnosed according to the following indicators:

  1. Lack of interest in people of the opposite sex. A craving for unconventional relationships may develop.
  2. The relationship doesn't work out. There are short-term romances. The latter end abruptly, unpleasantly, and bring suffering.
  3. Fear of people. Rejection of open, sincere contact.
  4. Decreased libido. Inability to experience arousal or orgasm. Constant dissatisfaction.
  5. Sexual desire appears in night visions. This is typical for people who come into contact with astral demons.
  6. Diagnosis of causeless infertility.
  7. Increased pigmentation.
  8. Disproportional fullness. Only one of the organs is affected. For some, the belly grows excessively, for others - the hips, arms, buttocks, and breasts.

Attention: the victim experiences complexes. He seems to himself ugly, unattractive, dull, uninteresting.

The crown of loneliness does not allow you to create harmonious relationships. Directed at spouses, it leads to a breakup, scandals and fights. The generic pushes away the fateful partner. It is extremely difficult to remove.

Sorcery to death

One of the most dangerous attacks. Sometimes it is even impossible to identify the symptoms:

  1. The victim falls into a catastrophe. Often he purchases a ticket for a flight that ends in an accident.
  2. Sent to the area of ​​a future natural disaster.
  3. Dies from an accident: industrial or domestic.
  4. Gets hit by a car, in a fire, in a flood.
  5. Drowns, deciding to swim in the sea or river.
  6. Subjected to robbery, receives injuries incompatible with life.

If fatal damage lasts for some time, it can be detected by the following manifestations:

  1. A sharp deterioration in the body's condition.
  2. Rapid development of a fatal disease.
  3. Diagnosis of cancer or other disease in late stages.
  4. Hypertension, stroke.
  5. Development of a strange weakness. Sometimes, the affected person is unable to even walk.
  6. Terrible headaches.

Hint: the victim himself strives for crises. For example, he drinks excessively.

A blow to family well-being

Envious people often involuntarily spoil a happy couple. Sometimes suffering is introduced into the family specifically by professionals. You should be wary if:

  1. Quarrels became more frequent. The spouses cannot agree and resort to insults.
  2. Jealousy plagues one or both. Relationships are constantly being sorted out. There is no result, as well as reconciliation.
  3. Both suffer from suspiciousness. They feel that they are not worthy of a partner who could have had a happier life.
  4. Wife and husband drive each other to nervous breakdowns.
  5. Partners are annoyed. They just can’t calm down or cool down.
  6. Treason, mental or real.
  7. The family budget is depleted. Incomes are not satisfactory. One spends money, the other constantly swears.
  8. The wall of misunderstanding becomes insurmountable.

The home also reacts to the witchcraft program:

  • constant breakdowns, fires, floods;
  • houseplants die, pets get sick and die;
  • mold grows, cockroaches, mice, fleas and other pests multiply;
  • the poltergeist is terrifying;
  • The brownie is angry and plays tricks.

Attention: cats are the first to smell negativity. They can run away from their owners, scratch, and bite. Dogs are more loyal. They get sick and waste away.

Household harbingers of the evil eye

Identifying negativity is quite simple if you carefully monitor what is happening. Usually the border between the clean and the affected temporary space is clearly visible. Energy attack is characterized by:

  1. Finding linings. This is a magical carrier of sorcery. It looks like a ball of dust with needles, glass, black threads, wax.
  2. The appearance under the threshold of earth, needles, puddles of water, crosses, rusty pieces of iron.
  3. More frequent visits from “evil” friends. They get into life, ask questions, find out.
  4. Difficulty communicating with colleagues. The latter complain, scold their superiors or authorities, and become intrusive.
  5. Interest in gossip (a sure sign of negativity in the aura).
  6. A feeling of anxiety for which there is no reason.
  7. Yawning. This is how the body tries to cleanse itself.
  8. Nausea, mild pain: head, stomach, heart.
  9. Pessimistic thoughts. Loss of usual confidence in the success of one’s own future.

Hint: Do not touch the media. This is a direct path to introducing corruption into the energy field.

How to get rid of suspicious items

You can't touch things. The following protective technique is used:

  1. Gather the media onto a piece of paper with the second one.
  2. Sprinkle the place with holy water.
  3. Consign the lining to fire.
  4. While it burns, read the plot:

“Where it came from, it returned there. The witch turned evil. Amen!"

Hint: if accidental contact with a strange object occurs, an urgent report is required.

Signs of negativity in a person

Negative events and emotions often interfere with a person's life. Build a successful career, recover from illnesses and start a family. Negativity influences a person’s life so tightly that one might think that life consists of negativity. However, negativity in magical terms is harm caused, both intentionally and unintentionally, to a person at the mental level. In this regard, sorcerers identify a number of gradations of negativity and their signs, which will help to understand and eliminate the problem in time.

Energy blockage

Energy blockages most often occur due to incorrect environment and information. Man is not only a social being, but also an energetic one. If you don’t know how to filter energy, then you can become infected with negativity from others as easily as exhaust fumes from cars. Where does negativity come from? Bad news, excessive criticism of the environment, negative thoughts, all this can clog a person’s energy. By the way, a person himself can clog himself with self-dislike and self-flagellation. What are the signs of such negativity? All plans go awry, there is no return on the efforts expended, or they are minimal, apathy and stress. You can nourish good energy and displace bad energy with new forces, which can easily be replenished from various sources. Just don’t confuse blockage with vampirism. This method is relevant if a person has no enemies. Otherwise, another type of negativity occurs.

Vampirism at the energy level

Vampirism is essentially the transfer of energy from one person to another. Vampires suck energy from a person through channels, creating some kind of energy bindings or suction cups, whatever they call it, but the essence does not change. When communicating with such a person, people who are donors begin to become “stupid”, their performance decreases sharply, pain and negative changes in the physical body may be observed. Vampires can act in different ways, but devastation after communicating with a certain person should alert you. Cleaning the chakras, as well as installing a mental and energy shield, can save you. Although, energetically strong people can calmly fight back against vampires, relying only on their willpower. By the way, there are people whose energy is overflowing, they themselves get tired of it. This is where vampires can be useful; they will maintain the balance of power in a person with hyperactive energy. In all other cases, it is better to turn to a magician for help in cleaning the chakras and energy channels.

"Sleeping" damage

There are all kinds of funny things in magic. The case of sleeping damage can often be attributed to this kind of rare, but funny phenomena that take place at first glance. To make it clearer, we can explain it with an example. A person is confidently moving up the career ladder, but a competitor in the department decides to negate his success and sends damage. However, for some reason, the person suddenly quits the department, and the damage done ended up in an empty place. It seems that it works, but not as it should, but as a delayed-action mechanism. Damage can be activated in several cases. The first, as in the example, is if a person decides to return to the career or company from which he left. Then dynamite - the damage will explode as soon as he also continues to realize his talents there. Magicians often call the second case a chain reaction. It may happen that the damage sent can stir up a newcomer who comes to replace the person who quit, and he will already take the blow. And there events already depend on the strength of a person, sometimes he resists negativity, and sometimes everything falls out of his hands. Everyone should know these rare types of damage and negativity, because it is unknown which of them will have to be encountered in real life. Despite their rarity, the effect of such negativity, unfortunately, has not been canceled.

Updated: 2019-07-10 01:03:45

Author: donata

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How to clean out negativity

The evil caused must be removed. Various methods are used for this:

  • prayers;
  • wax;
  • salt and water;
  • conspiracies;
  • runes.

The positive thing is that the damaged person gets the opportunity to return the program to the author. The ritual is ancient, but very effective. On the other hand, the return line will find the sorcerer itself. You don't have to worry about this.

Easy cleansing

Human energy is closely connected with the moon. The aura also responds to the power of crystals. Let's take salt. This is simply a magical cleansing tool. It works like this:

  1. Buy a pack. Read the 90th Psalm openly forty times.
  2. Use ground salt in your food.
  3. Cleanse your aura regularly by rubbing. Mix a handful of crystals with shower gel. Treat your entire body. Sit for fifteen minutes. Rinse it off.
  4. Wipe your face with a pinch while reading “Our Father.” Collect the remains and burn them.
  5. Place it under the door. The enemies won't come around anymore.

Hint: instant relief from damage occurs at the moment of Epiphany bathing. At other times, you can plunge into the font three times.

Identification of the intruder

The enemy will appear on his own. There is no need to specifically recognize him. The following happens:

  1. Negativity is returned to the one who cast the spell. The performer feels this with every fiber.
  2. He will try to bring the program back to the victim.
  3. For this he will come with a request. He will complain and cause pity. The visit will end with a request to borrow money or things.

Important: nothing can be given out from home. Even just a little. It is also not advisable to go to the store. Purchase what you need three days in advance.

Dreams also show a pest. The villain himself appears in the vision. If an acquaintance did magic, you will see him. If the enemy is unknown, then a vague figure will appear. Do not doubt that he will definitely pay for all the evil he has done.

What after

Cleansing does not guarantee protection from another attack. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Make sure the negative is removed.
  2. Recover.
  3. Choose tactics for further protection.
  4. Create or purchase a talisman.
  5. Regularly cleanse energy for prevention (burn candles, pray, meditate).

Signs that the lesion is going away:

  • yawning, dizziness, nausea (sometimes severe to the point of vomiting);
  • weakness, drowsiness (better to lie down);
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • temporary increase in temperature;
  • upset stomach, diarrhea;
  • internal emptiness, apathy.

The listed symptoms go away quickly. Usually within 24 hours. Further manifestations of such factors indicate incomplete cleaning. We need to continue magical treatment.

Recovery is like recovery. Emptiness that appears in the aura after the removal of negativity. Required to fill out. Light energy is drawn from the Universe. And it contributes to the fastest filling of the field:

  1. Walks in the park, forest. Fresh air.
  2. Pleasant emotions. Watching your favorite movies, listening to optimistic songs. Communication with art.
  3. Games with children. The kids are clean. They replenish the field purified by high vibrations.
  4. Meditations. Techniques for liberation from negative thoughts and attitudes.

Important: you need to install protection as quickly as possible yourself or with the help of a specialist.

Knowing the symptoms of a witchcraft attack helps to effectively stop problems, preserve health, nerves, and sometimes life. Share the information with your friends (social media icons below). Help your loved ones get rid of the induced suffering. Good luck and happiness!

The method of experienced healers

It can be used independently at home. To carry out this procedure, you should prepare:

  • fresh egg;
  • a glass of water (you can use purified and tap water).

Carefully break the shell and, being careful not to damage the yolk, pour the contents of the egg into the water. Place the glass with the mixture on the crown of your head, sitting comfortably on a chair. Press your chin to your chest. Do not move and hold the glass for 3-4 minutes. It is allowed to change hands.

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Then remove the glass, being careful not to shake the contents, place it on the table and begin analyzing the result.

  • A whole yolk, clear water, and the absence of cloudy white threads indicate the purity of your aura.
  • Thread-like, thin shoots from the protein indicate slight, “amateur” damage. Its healthy aura rejects it and within one year sends it to the offender, strengthening it many times over.
  • The yolk remained in its original form, and the white began to resemble a jellyfish with fringe and columnar legs - you should sound the alarm: you have become a victim of damage, although not too strong, to loneliness, tears, failure. This effect resolves within 3-7 years if no measures are taken to remove it.

  • When you see bubbles on the protein columns, you can talk about a fairly strong effect, most likely made by a professional black magician. Yolk and protein threads have a reddish tint - the ritual was performed on human or animal blood. Such damage is usually caused by illness or problems in business. You may have already begun to notice the first signs of such a negative impact. For example, troubles rained down like from a cornucopia, conflicts arise out of the blue, you constantly feel exhausted and tired.
  • The yolk looks as if it has begun to cook, and the white is covered with bubbles - you are destined for torment in life.
  • The egg seems to have been boiled whole - an ill-wisher wants to limit your freedom. You can forget about peace and happiness in your home or among loved ones.
  • Many columns with bubbles and, in addition, black spots everywhere, including the yolk, indicate that you have been damaged to death. Before you begin to remove such damage, think about who in your circle you might have annoyed in such a way.

  • And finally, signs of the most severe damage. If, along with the changes listed above, you see gray-green spots inside the yolk, they predict a person will die in agony. According to the laws of magic, such damage begins to take effect after 21 days. This terrible plan is completed within a year. In this case, in addition to the procedure for removing damage, it is necessary to go to church, pray for God’s forgiveness, repent, let go of grievances from the heart, and forgive your enemies. This is the only way to avoid a difficult fate.

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