How to find out when you will get married using a natal chart

Numerology is a science that tells you about the influence of numbers on your life. Their mystical influence on human destiny was talked about in ancient times. Our ancestors established that numbers accompany us throughout our lives and are contained in everything that surrounds us. Over its centuries-old history, numerology has collected a huge amount of information about the connection between numbers and human destiny.

So, using figures and numbers, you can calculate the date of marriage based on your date of birth. This became possible thanks to the scientist M. Katakkar . He developed a simple technique that with a high degree of probability allows you to find out when you will get married.

Let's calculate marriage by date of birth online using numerology

The burning question “When will I get married or when will I get married” can be clarified with the help of numerology. This turns out to be a true prediction. Try it right now: we’ll answer the question “when will I get married” by date of birth!

So, to find out if marriage is possible this year:

  • multiply the number of the current year by your date of birth.

Let's say your date of birth is 04/12/1990, which means we take the number 12041990 to calculate. Multiply it by 2021 (current year) and get 243248198110.

  • look at which numbers are the most in the answer. In our example there are more units.
  • read the transcript.

If the resulting number is greater than:

1 - then most likely you will get married this year.

2 - love acquaintance and marriage are just around the corner.

3 - get married if you have been in a relationship for a long time, you can even become parents.

4 - don’t rush things, your partner is still hesitating.

5 - your relationship is passionate and romantic, you can lead it to marriage.

6 – the probability of a wedding is 50/50.

7 - unlikely.

8 - the wedding will not take place this year.

9 - the wedding may be postponed.

0 - tell your fortune for another year.

Basic natal indicators of marital situations

Certain circumstances in a woman’s natal chart indicate that a marriage will certainly take place in her life. The astrologer needs to consider the flows of vibrations, otherwise called aspects. For example, Mars and the moon are in a positive aspect to each other, then the marriage will take place. There can also be positive aspects between Venus and Saturn or Jupiter, between the Sun and Saturn, between the Sun and Uranus. The sun, located in the signs of Gemini, Pisces or Sagittarius, will bring marriage to the owner of the horoscope, and most likely more than one. The absence of intersections of Mars with the Sun will indicate a difficult and long search for a partner. An unclear or damaged conjunction of Saturn with Venus means a difficult family life, with regular scandals and quarrels. Venus intersects with Mars in just one place - lack of love in family life, although sexual satisfaction is possible.

In a man's horoscope, family ties will be indicated by Mars crossing Venus. In this situation, a man experiences a great need for love, care, for feelings and family will always come first. Venus in a positive aspect with Saturn also means a strong marriage, fidelity and understanding, but if Mars intervenes here, quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided in the family. Mars has an intersection with Saturn - there is coldness and aloofness in marriage. In general, Mars symbolizes a man’s sexual desire, and if the planets are in the West, the man enjoys great success with women, he is always the center of attention. Men experience difficulties in building relationships if in their chart the Moon is in the sign of Aries, Virgo, Leo, Gemini or Capricorn. The moon in a man’s natal chart will help you find out the age of your chosen one. Early connections or connections with a younger girl means the Moon standing in the 3rd or 1st phase in the East. If the Moon is in phase 2 or 4 in the West, a man’s priority is a relationship with a more mature woman, or a late relationship.

Numerology: wedding date. What is the best day to get married?

There is also wedding date numerology. It allows you to choose a good date for you among many possible ones.

For such a numerological analysis you will need:

  • date you are interested in
  • your birthday number. Add up the numbers of the date of birth.
  • your name number. We add up the numbers of your name, focusing on this table:
1A (A)And (J)C (S)Kommersant
2B (B)J (K)T(T)Y
3B (C)K (L)U (U)b
4G (D)L (M)F (V)E
5D (E)M(N)X (W)YU
6E (F)H(O)C (X)I
7Yo (G)O (P)H (Y)
8F (H)P (Q)W (Z)
9Z (I)R (R)SCH

For example, we are interested in whether November 4, 2021, who was born on March 13, will be a good date for a wedding.

Date 4+1+1+2+2=10, 1+0=1

Birthday number 1+3=4

Name number 3+1+9+1=14, 4+1=5

We add up all the numbers: 1+4+5=10=1, and now we check this number.

Day number 1.

Suitable for wedding, painting and marriage affairs. Everything will go smoothly.

Day number 2.

The day is suitable for planning, but for a wedding, celebration, wedding it is considered average.

Day number 3.

A big wedding will be successful, with entertainment, with a large number of friends and relatives, and an outdoor celebration will also be successful.

Day number 4.

A routine day, not suitable for a wedding. It is advisable not to plan a ceremonial painting, wedding, or wedding feast for this day.

Day number 5.

An unusual, exciting day. Be prepared for surprises and surprises!

Day number 6.

The day is suitable for a small, family wedding celebration, a modest dinner without noisy entertainment.

Day number 7.

It's an average day for a wedding. If possible, it is better to postpone the celebration.

Day number 8.

Great for weddings, holidays, vacations and joyful occasions.

Day number 9.

The day is favorable for painting, weddings, weddings.

To the question “When will I get married”: palmistry

also gives the answer. Read the article about the marriage line on your hand to find out when you will get married.

How to calculate the wedding date: decide on the number

The day a person is born is considered one of the key moments that influence his life and is used in absolutely all teachings that are in one way or another related to predicting fate. Numerology is no exception, which states that the wedding day directly depends on the date of birth.

To calculate a favorable day for a wedding, it is necessary to bring the date of birth of the bride and groom to a single digit. It goes like this. We take the bride's birthday. For example, she was born on October 13, 1991. We add all the numbers sequentially: 1 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 25, and then add again 2 + 5 = 7. This means that according to numerology, a favorable day for a wedding for her is 7. Then we take the groom’s date of birth. For example, 04/25/1990. We carry out the same calculations and in the end we get the number 3. For the groom, it is happy. Well, to calculate the total wedding date according to numerology for newlyweds, you need to add up their numbers, in this case 3+7=10. The tenth number will be the most favorable for such a couple.

If you have already decided in which month to get married, then you can get another good number for getting married. To do this, you need to subtract your total number from the number of days in the month. So, if your hypothetical couple decided to get married in June, then another favorable number for them would be the 20th (30 minus 10).

When will I get married: test

We have prepared an interesting test for you that will help you determine when you will get married. You will receive the test results immediately free of charge without SMS. Just take the test right now and get the answer to the question “When will I get married”!

Where would you like to live?

As a child, did you like to dream with your friends about grooms and weddings?

Do you like to do handicrafts?

Can you say that you have many friends?

How will you react if someone raises their voice at you at work?

What do you think about children?

Do you wear second-hand clothes?

What do your loved ones think about your culinary skills?

Do you do your own makeup, hair styling, etc.?

How do you feel about animals?

Test “When will I get married?” You won't be getting married any time soon

It's too early for you to think about marriage. You are either too young to start a family, or you are simply not internally ready for marriage yet. Men are friends, protectors and helpers for you; your relationship with them at this period of life is more like the relationship between a daughter and her father. A wedding for you now is more like a beautiful picture from Instagram or a fashion magazine. Don’t worry, when your time comes, a worthy companion will be found and everything will be as you dreamed!

You will get married in 2-3 years

You set goals and achieve them, and marriage is no exception. You want to get married, and you are doing everything for this. You should be patient and never give up on your goal! And in a couple of years you will meet that same man. who you want to spend your whole life with. The main thing is to believe in yourself and continue to follow your dreams, listening to your heart. It won't deceive!

You will get married when you want it

Now you are sure that family life is not for you. You feel good in your own world, you live for yourself and know how to be alone with your thoughts, enjoying it. You understand that marriage is a responsibility, and living with another person involves major changes in the established lifestyle of a single person. Perhaps one day you will meet a person for whom you will decide to make these changes.

Will the union be successful?

To determine whether a marriage will be successful, you need to look at the relationship of the planets of the rulers between the Fifth and Seventh houses. For example, if the ruler of both houses is Aquarius, the marriage will be successful. If the Moon conjoins Saturn, the marriage also turns out to be pleasant and happy.

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But if the significator is damaged by Saturn, such a position of the planets can be almost fatal for marriage. It either won’t happen at all, or the owner of the horoscope will start a family very late. And in general, any conflicting planets that have a negative effect on the significators of marriage will be real obstacles to marriage. If the marriage signifier is afflicted by Uranus or the elements of the 11th house, this may indicate divorce and the possibility of a new, more successful marriage. With the help of astrological analysis, you can calculate the most favorable date for marriage and further increase the chances of a successful marriage. But we must always remember that by working on ourselves, realizing our mistakes and changing ourselves, we thereby improve our karma and our future.

Numerology: Marriage number

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People in marriage behave differently, just as each person approaches the family “from his own perspective.” Some people completely dissolve in their spouse, while others expect compensation for every affectionate glance. Some people do not strive to start a family at all, while others realize their ambitions through marriage.

Of course, this is influenced by the zodiac sign under which this or that person was born, the upbringing he received, and the family atmosphere in which he grew up. But to no lesser extent, awareness of the family and behavior in marriage is facilitated by such an indicator as the numerological expression of the Marriage Number.

How to calculate the Marriage Number

Those who know the basics of numerology and have already calculated all their Numbers can simply take their Realization Number, it corresponds to the Marriage Number. Just remember that when calculating the Marriage Number, 11 and 22 are not master Numbers, they are also reduced to prime numbers, that is, they become two and four. For those who are just getting acquainted with this science, our hint will be useful. First, determine your Name Number. If you regularly read articles on numerology on our website, then you already know your Name Number. If you are new to this business, then write your full name, surname, patronymic and look in the table which letter corresponds to which number:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A B IN G D E Yo F _
Kommersant Y b E YU I

Now add the digits of the first name separately, if necessary, collapse the result to a prime number (from 1 to 9), separately - the digits of the patronymic, and again collapse to a prime number, then do the same with the surname. Now add up all three results and collapse back to a prime number.

Now calculate your Life Path Number: add up the date of birth separately, then the month, then the entire year. Also collapse each result to a prime number, sum the three results and collapse again so that you get from 1 to 9.

For example, you were born on 12/01/78, which means your calculations will look like this:

0+1=1 1+2=3 1+9+7+8=25=2+5=7 The total is: 1+3+7=11=1+1=2

Add your Name Number and Life Path Number and roll it back down to a simple number. This will be your Marriage Number.


Woman Such a woman is tough and authoritarian in marriage. She must definitely hold the whole family in her hands, only then will she be happy. A woman with Marriage Number 1 sets her own rules and forces her husband to obey them. She is more fulfilled in the family than at work, and sometimes even prefers to be a full-time housekeeper, without being distracted by her career. If she fails to do this, she may well throw herself into her career headlong, but then her loved ones should no longer expect attention from her - such a woman must definitely be the first in something. And the area where she has more power becomes the only thing that interests her.

Man A man with Marriage Number 1 generally pays little attention to his family; his career and his own hobbies come first. He would rather organize some kind of hobby club at work than spend this time with his wife and children. And in those rare moments when he does deign to communicate with his household, everyone must sharply adapt to his plans, since he does not tolerate refusal and is capable of falling into anger - he, you see, wants to be with his family, and everyone runs away. to your affairs. And it doesn’t matter that he had free time three minutes ago, and the rest of the household had already planned their leisure time a week ago, not expecting such mercy. If a woman is a strong and independent person, then she will not tolerate such a man for a long time.


Woman A woman with Marriage Number 2 is a partner and associate; she gladly takes part in her husband’s life, takes care of his affairs or becomes his like-minded person. Often such a woman finds a husband at work or falls in love with a teacher or manager, and achieves reciprocity precisely by her sincere interest in what her lover is doing. This is not always the ideal housewife; she has other advantages. Although she is able to surround her husband with comfort, for example, if at that moment he is writing a dissertation or seeking to sign a long-term and expensive contract.

Man Such a man gladly takes his wife under his wing if he sees in her a creature in need of protection. He is pleased to realize that he is responsible for a woman; he loves to return home precisely because She is waiting for him there. But, in addition to the feeling of a protector, it is important for him to realize that his wife understands him, that she is looking in the same direction with him. Such a man hates quarrels; in the family he always looks for compromises, tries to smooth out rough edges. Moreover, this happens not because he is a conformist, but because the sense of partnership is very strong in him.


Woman Such a woman seeks and values ​​order, traditions and norms in everything. On the one hand, this is good - in her house everything is always in its place, relatives often gather, it is customary to hold family councils and arrange family dinners. But on the other hand, this can also turn out to be a trap - when something or someone violates the established order, refuses to observe family traditions, the woman becomes angry or hysterical, and begins to put pressure on the conscience and sense of duty of her husband or children. She does not always take into account the opinions and desires of her loved ones, since for her the main thing is not their self-expression, but that everything is correct, worthy and “like everyone else.”

Man A man with Marriage Number 3 advocates for equality in the family, but he allows himself more than he is willing to allow his wife. He often looks for entertainment on the side, and sometimes lives with two families for many years or has a constant mistress. Such a man is characterized by mental tossing and turning over the imperfections of his own life, and he often blames it not on himself, his beloved, but on his wife and other loved ones. It seems to him that everyone around him is doing everything to ruin his life. Although in fact his restless and unclean conscience forces him to behave this way.


Woman A woman with Marriage Number 4 rarely values ​​family. She is disgusted by the rules of morality; for her, fidelity is not the basis of marriage; she advocates easy and unburdensome relationships. True, under the influence of society, she can pretend that she is happy in her marriage and faithful to her husband, but she is happy to cheat on her spouse when she is sure that no one will know about it. It is difficult to force such a woman to faithfully serve her husband and children; she always puts only her own pleasures and interests in the first place, and she is able to actively defend her right to live as she sees fit.

Man Such a man rarely starts a family early. In order to decide on this important step, he must overcome his fear of dependence on another being. In his youth, a man with Marriage Number 4 looks for entertainment; as he gets older, he begins to look for the meaning of life, realizes himself through a career or through spiritual tossing. And only when the realization comes that “there will be no one to give a glass of water”, such a man moves from searching for the meaning of life to searching for a life partner. He has a consumeristic attitude towards marriage and often believes that a woman should be forever grateful to him just because he married her.


Woman Such a woman has been looking for her soul mate for a long time, and she is not always able to get married happily and forever the first time or do this in her early youth. She is easy-going, not afraid to change her place of residence, and this is rarely consistent with the concept of a strong and stable family - not every man is ready to follow her ideas about a harmonious life. Most often, such a woman finds her family happiness already in adulthood, when her priorities change and she is ready to compromise. Moreover, sometimes, only after crossing the thirty or forty-year mark, she understands that all her wanderings were aimed not at finding freedom, but at searching for an ideal companion.

Man A man with Marriage Number 5 is not at all created for a harmonious family life; he has too many other interests. He is attracted to distant countries, new impressions, and instability. And marriage limits his freedom. And even if such a man starts a family, he quickly becomes bored. He either gets divorced or finds himself a job with constant business trips, so as to be at home as little as possible. The only woman with whom such a man will be happy is the same restless traveler, constantly striving forward and supporting all her husband’s ideas.


Woman A woman with Marriage Number 6 initially tries to organize her family life according to the principle: you give me - I give you. She is ready to give herself completely to her husband only if he gives her all of himself in advance - his soul, body and wallet. Such a woman often marries for convenience, although she tries to match the amount of money that her husband is willing to spend on her. She will never give without receiving anything in return. Selfless service to the family is not in her rules; she believes that even her children owe her only because she gave birth to them. And he demands his own. Sometimes even in a rude or aggressive manner. Such women often get married 5-6 times. And every time it’s successful.

Man A man with Marriage Number 6 works selflessly for the good of the family, he puts his soul and money into it, tries to ensure that everything is at a decent level. True, it is important for him to know that this is appreciated by his wife and children. For a long time he may not notice the indifference of his wife or the ingratitude of his children, but if he sees the light, he reacts very painfully. This is a person with a fine mental organization, so someone else’s ingratitude can lead him to a nervous breakdown or even suicide. If he does not get what he deserves, the meaning of his life is lost. However, such men often make professional gigolos.


Woman A woman with Marriage Number 7 chooses her life partner for a long time and thoughtfully. She rarely acts on emotions; she analyzes each applicant, his merits and potential capabilities. Sometimes they even force you to present a medical certificate and a “pedigree.” Much in her family life depends on the purpose for which such a woman entered into marriage. She creates a model of behavior based on what she wants to get - a child, a strong financial position or position in society. Such a woman carefully weighs her every word, every action. This is an “iron lady” who acts mostly logically and rationally. True, there is another type of women with Marriage Number 7 - dreamers. In this case, such a woman can live in her chimeras until a very old age, build castles in the air and wait for the “prince on a white horse.” And, accordingly, remain an old maid.

Man Men with Marriage Number 7 also come in two types - the “bookworm” who lives not in the real world, but in the world of science or philosophy, and therefore either does not create a family at all, since all this is “vanity of vanities and vexation of spirit”, or he marries by misunderstanding, to the person who purposefully seeks this. The second type is a tough analyst. He analyzes everything - the money his wife spent, her headache, the color of the newborn baby's eyes. Such a man does not believe in coincidences, he must see cause-and-effect relationships in everything, he is stingy with affection and kind words. However, if his wife manages to direct his energy and analytical mind in a peaceful direction, and if she maintains in her husband confidence in his exclusivity, then it is quite possible to get along with such a man.


Woman A calculator constantly lives in such a woman; she calculates everything - the family budget, the pocket money of her husband and children, calories and the number of dresses her best friend has. The husband of such a woman can only be someone who earns a very, very decent amount of money, otherwise the wife will simply scold him for his inability to provide the family with everything necessary. However, if the husband is not able to do this, then the woman may well take her financial situation into her own hands and put “the creature that, by misunderstanding, is called a man” under her belt. And then the husband will either have to fulfill all the duties around the house, that is, transition to a female hypostasis, or get a divorce. For a woman with Marriage Number 8 will never consider him equal to herself.

Man A man with Marriage Number 8 stands firmly on his feet and is able to provide not only for his wife, but also for her numerous relatives. Such a man has only one requirement for his wife - not to interfere with his making money. On occasion, such a man can cheat on his wife by buying “love for half an hour.” This way he gets a release without wasting precious time on tenderness, and proves to himself and those around him that he can buy anything he wants. This is a strong and tough man who can sometimes remind his wife whose money she lives on. Moreover, such a man also often treats marriage itself as a transaction, for example, “I support you - you raise an heir.”


The woman is a wonderful housewife and wife, it is important for her that her husband has everything - clean shirts, sandwiches in a box if he suddenly gets hungry at work before or after lunch, pocket money and the opportunity to chat with friends. Such a woman surrounds her husband with care, pushing everything else into the background. But often such behavior is not appreciated; a woman is sometimes even considered a “mother hen”, since she does not see herself, her value as an individual and her own ambitions behind her service to her husband. And a man may even go to a more selfish person, since there he will breathe more freely.

Man This is a vivid example of a henpecked man. He does not have his own opinion, he is guided in everything by his wife, mother-in-law and mother, which fundamentally prevents him from building harmonious family relationships. That is, if he has the opportunity to be under the thumb only of his wife, then everything will be fine, he will settle down very comfortably there and live a long and happy life. But if both his wife and his own mother pull him in different directions, then such a life can result in a heart attack or a nervous breakdown. Next to such a man there should be only one woman who leads him.

So, in order to build harmonious family relationships, you need to take into account not only your own Marriage Number, but also the Marriage Number of your chosen one. This will help you either avoid the mistake of connecting your life with a person who has his own goals and values, or understand why your “other half” behaves this way and not otherwise. And, having understood, you will be able to draw the appropriate conclusions and accept your chosen one as he is, and not as you dream of seeing him.

Author Nadezhda Popova especially for

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