My Yakhontovy: ancient names of stones

Natural jasper is a fairly common mineral; its colorful specimens have attracted people's attention a long time ago. The brighter and larger the specimens found, the more the popularity of the gem grew. From the Greek language the term “jasper” itself is translated as “variegated”. From a mineralogical point of view, the value of jasper is low, since it is too contaminated quartz (about 40% impurities). Even relatively homogeneous samples contain at least 10% foreign inclusions. But it is precisely thanks to this feature that jasper is beautiful and valuable in jewelry. In addition, the stone is durable, resistant to external influences and abrasive wear.

Jasper deposits

Jasper deposits are either lens or sheet.
They are usually found next to stones that are colored green. Lava and tuff from an underwater volcanic eruption brought a mass of silica to the surface, in which the processes of crystallization and metamorphism then occurred with the formation of jasper. — Advertising —

The oldest known deposits of the mineral are located in Egypt and India. Today the Ural and Altai deposits are known. Ornamental quality stones are mined in the USA.

Main deposits

Jasper deposits are found throughout the world. The largest and most famous of them are located in Russia, India, the USA, Egypt, and in some European countries - Germany, France, and the Czech Republic. The most ancient mining sites are concentrated in Egypt and India.

The most famous jasper deposits in our country are located in Altai and the Southern Urals. In the Urals, deposits stretch from north to south. Eight unique types of jasper are mined here:

  1. Landscape (variegated, Orsky). Black and brown dendrites of iron oxides resemble shrubs and trees. The gray background of the minerals resembles a foggy, hazy morning sky.
  2. Kalininskaya monochromatic, gray-greenish jasper.
  3. Koshkuldinskaya ribbon, which has no analogues in the world, with beautiful combinations of thin dark or bright red and crimson, green stripes.
  4. Yamskaya streamy dark cherry or fawn color.
  5. Malomuinakovskaya ribbon, which has a unique flowing pattern of wide dark green and fawn ribbons.
  6. Aumkul landscape jasper of a delicate fawn tone with brownish or black tree-like images.
  7. Variegated Urazov jasper.
  8. Purple berkutina.

The most unusual variegated varieties are found on Mount Colonel in Orsk.

History of Jasper

Dense quartz jasper crystals acquire a spectacular glossy shine after polishing.
People discovered these properties in ancient times, and jasper was popular among the inhabitants of India and Egypt. Russian deposits of the mineral in the Urals were discovered only in the mid-18th century by Fedor Babin, Pyotr Babin and Kirill Obvishchev. The red-green specimens they found attracted attention. They were called meat agates. Peter I became interested in the new discovery and initiated the study of the stone, and jasper began to be actively used as a jewelry and ornamental mineral.

Stone formation

To understand what jasper is, you need to know how the mineral is formed in nature. The basis of the semi-precious stone, which belongs to quartz crystals, is silicon. Any mineral rock that contains quartz grains held together by a flint-chalcedony cement composition can be called jasper.

For a long time, geologists were interested in the origin of jasper, but the peak of study of this amazing mineral occurred in the 18th-19th centuries. There are a huge number of varieties of jasper, and the origin of some of them remains a mystery today.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that high-quality jasper is primarily a volcanic rock. In addition, there are varieties that were formed during the fossilization of ancient marine animals and plants.

Physico-chemical characteristics of jasper

Jasper belongs to the silicate group of minerals, and consists of silicon dioxide, as well as impurities of aluminum oxides, iron, calcium and other elements.
In general, 60-95% of the weight of the stone is always quartz. The most common colors of jasper are green and red. There are also black and white samples, and painted in all possible colors. Only blue color is considered rare for jasper. — Advertising —

Jasper is opaque, has a triclinic system, a smooth fracture turning into a conchoidal, glassy or waxy, silky luster. It is not characterized by cleavage and pleochroism. Hardness on the Mohs scale 6.5-7. Specific gravity 2.6 g/cm3.

Types of Irnimite

The texture of these rocks consists of light red, orange or blue tones of the main mass with spots, veins and splashes of deep blue. The mineral is characterized by a large amount of alkaline amphiboles and manganese-type minerals. Impurities of the first can be up to 50% of the main part. In addition to amphibole inclusions, there are others: albite, piemonite, braunite or epidote-zoisite mineral impurities. And the main rock is quartz. The varieties of this stone vary depending on the size and frequency of additional inclusions of dark colors.

  • Rhodonite-like irnimite, dark red in color, is a rock with fine grains and a reddish-gray tint. Its pattern is quite large, it is formed due to the uneven distribution of intersecting lines of a dark blue or black-brown hue. Due to the high content of ore rocks, the mineral had a distinct shine that is characteristic of the metal. During significant development of alkaline amphiboles, the mineral receives circular patterns of rays and the volume of gray-blue color increases, replacing dark red shades.

  • Irnimite is gray-orange in color. The heterogeneous color of the stone, which can vary from blue to dark orange, is characteristic of this type of stone. This species is also characterized by the absolute exclusion of piemonite inclusions, a decrease in aphibole inclusions and an increase in the volume of iron hydroxide and quartz veinlets. Often in this variety of irnimit, point manifestations of multi-colored fastenings are found.

Types of Jasper

Jasper is classified by color into the following varieties:

  • Green jasper – used as an ornamental material.

  • White jasper – painted in light colors. It is characterized by the presence of a striped, lined or mosaic pattern on the surface of the stone. White color is considered conditional and samples are classified as this type even if they contain only half of the light color.

  • Red jasper brick shade. It can be either monochromatic or streaked with strokes, contrasting layers, and spots.

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  • Heliotropes are green-red stones, also known as meat agates and Stephen's stones.

  • Jasper agate - according to the name, combines the two minerals agate and jasper.

How to distinguish from a fake

Counterfeits are an inseparable part of the jewelry world. There is no way to contact a trusted specialist? Then listen to our advice. At the time of buying:

  • Look at the price. Jasper is not a cheap stone, but it is well within the budget of the average buyer. Low prices should be cause for concern. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap, right?
  • Please inspect the item carefully. Does the stone look like it's covered in cracks or streaks? Fine. But only if it's a visual illusion. A blurred pattern on jasper is a sign of a fake.
  • Weigh it. This is one of the easiest ways to distinguish a natural mineral from low-grade artificial substitutes. Fakes are much lighter than real stones.
  • Try to warm it up. Another difference between natural crystals is their ability to remain cool. When held in your palms, the stone will heat up, but this will happen much more slowly than with a fake. Knowing what jasper looks like and how it manifests itself in different conditions, it is easy to detect a fake.

Not sure about the quality of the product?
Do not buy. View jewelry with jasper

Magical properties of jasper

Jasper, as a strong stone, can weaken any negative impact and energy.
Damage, the evil eye and even the death curse will lose their power if a person wears jasper jewelry. Jasper figurines and interior and decorative items are also used as protective amulets. It is important to consider their shape. Household items made of oblong jasper (cornice, shelf, border, mantel, tabletop) free up space from negative external influences. Round-shaped products (ball, disk, plate, vase) help concentrate positive energy. It is recommended to place a small jasper ball in the pocket of a business suit to increase work efficiency. Jasper vases are installed in executive offices to achieve business success.

Mineral mining sites

The largest deposits of stone are located in the highlands of the northern Caucasus, where nuggets with a unique color are found. In the Urals, Altai and Crimea, monotonous stones are mined. Burgundy minerals are found in the central and eastern parts of Siberia. Non-standard specimens are found in the Orsk region.

Recently, agate jasper began to be mined in the United States. Nuggets are found in India, Egypt, France, Japan and Germany.

The healing properties of jasper

Many thousands of years ago, traditional Chinese medicine proposed the use of jasper to cleanse and heal the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and kidneys.
Residents of Ancient Rome carved their names on jasper amulets to gain good health and speed up recovery from any illness. In modern lithotherapy, jasper is considered an excellent natural stimulant. At the same time, its effect on the body is very mild, it helps to normalize the functioning of all organs and systems.

For amulets of different colors, different directions of medicinal properties have been noticed. Thus, red stones improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems. They are used to stop bleeding, normalize the menstrual cycle, and activate the work of the spleen and liver. Green jasper helps strengthen blood vessels and helps in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines. Yellow jasper has analgesic and calming effects.

Stone color palette

Some of the most popular types of jasper include the following.

Red jasper, which is dominated by the mineral hematin. The valuable properties of red jasper include a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, home protection and assistance in concentration.

White jasper is a mineral that is found in nature much less frequently than colored jasper. It is able to bring its owner peace, tranquility, clarity and purity of mind, internal balance and harmony;

Heliotrope is a dark chalcedony with splashes and patterns of red. It is believed that it is better to keep heliotrope near the pulse, for example, wear it on the wrist. This type of jasper helps to concentrate attention and enhances intellectual abilities. In ancient times, heliotrope was believed to help with bleeding.

Green jasper is a natural stone that has a variety of magical and healing properties. People believed that it helped cope with stress and nervous disorders. In addition, a green stone attracts fortune and attracts people to you.

Black jasper is a formation that is found in rocks. It has a soft resinous luster and is easy to sand and process. Black stones are used to make jewelry and props for various rituals and fortune telling; in addition, it is used during Chinese massage.

Branches of application of jasper

Initially, jasper was an ornamental material; in the period of antiquity, and then in the Middle Ages, jewelry began to be made from it.
Starting from the 18th century, special machines appeared on which large products and decorative details began to be turned from jasper, which became especially popular in Russia. Now jasper remains one of the most popular and affordable ornamental and jewelry stones. It is used to create beads, rings, brooches, pendants and souvenirs.

Application area

The mineral has been recognized since ancient times as a first-class artistic material, since it has high strength and hardness, and has a wide range of shades and patterns. It is difficult to scratch or otherwise damage even with a steel object. It has exceptional hardness, surpassed only by diamond and jade, so it can withstand significant loads and is not afraid of weathering. It is difficult to process, but this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that the shiny polish does not lose its properties for a long time, just like the color of the stone, which does not fade or lose saturation over time. The main advantage of this breed is its bizarre coloring and complex and unusual pattern. All these characteristics have created its reputation as an excellent building, facing and decorative material.

Since the mid-eighteenth century, jasper has been actively used to make works of art of various sizes, including vases, bowls, tables, and floor lamps. This mineral is used to make jewelry, souvenirs, and paintings. The most famous example of stone-cutting art is the vase, “The Queen of Vases,” which weighs up to 20 tons, made from a greenish-colored rock with a ribbon pattern. It is kept in the Hermitage. For decorative purposes, not only monolithic stone is often used, but also crumbs from it, which are used to sprinkle paths in front of the dacha, decorate pots, vases and flower beds, fish aquariums, table tops, window frames and shop windows.

The stone is still widely used for flooring and fireplaces in luxury homes.
Examples of flooring made from this rock can be found in the Kremlin and the Chinese Palace. This mineral is actively used in landscape design, especially when designing artificial reservoirs on a personal plot. Return to list of articles

Jasper colors

In terms of color, jasper can be plain, striped, brocade, wavy, variegated and speckled. The color palette of this mineral is rich and varied. Single-color specimens always differ in shades and tints. The most beautiful is considered to be variegated jasper, decorated with complex patterns on the surface of the stone. The most common jasper samples are gray, green, yellow, red, and brown. Stones colored blue, indigo and violet are considered rare.

Classification by texture type

Solid minerals are widespread. These are sedimentary metamorphic minerals that were not affected by recrestalization. Such stones are used for technical purposes as raw materials. They are characterized by an ocellar or globular type structure, which is clearly visible using a microscope. The eye formations are slightly larger than most quartz rocks. And their sizes are up to 1⁄2 mm, they are located evenly throughout the stone and occupy 15-20% of its volume. As for globular structures, they are inherent in gems, which are saturated with garnet inclusions and look like microscopic grains. The place of garnet in this mineral is exclusively in interlayers, where it can occupy up to 80% of their total mass. These layers look like white porcelain. In rock layers it occurs in brown to black colors.

Mining of these stones on the territory of the Russian Federation is possible in many deposits. Thus, the gray-green mineral is mined in two places: the Kalkan deposit and the Kushkuldinskoe deposit. While Red-brown stone is often found in Anastasyevsky deposits. Light blue and blue gems were discovered in the Muladkaevskoye deposit. Stones of unusual coffee color are mined in the Lugovskoye and Safarovskoye deposits, and the wax type of crystals are mined on the Crimean peninsula, namely at Cape Fiolent.

On topic: Dalmatian Jasper - properties of the stone

Video on the topic: turquoise. Precious stones and minerals jasper.

Ribbon minerals are in great demand among lovers of decorative items. One of the main differences was the multi-colored layer and inclusions in the form of alternating lines. The thickness of the lines can range from one millimeter to a couple of centimeters. The most famous representative of this species is Revnevskaya, mined near Zmeinogorsk and minerals from the Kushkuldinskoye deposit.

Spotted crystal has the largest number of textures. It is a completely recrestalized rock, with very fine grains. It consists of four components. These include quartz, garnet, magnetite and hematite. The remaining components are determined by the place where the mineral was found. The most famous deposits are considered to be deposits near the city of Orsk, which are located in Mount Colonel. Variegated crystals are also divided according to the type of pattern:

  1. Breccia: contains vein-type quartz that holds the main part of the rock together.

  2. Brecciform: in this type of pattern there is no separation of clastic material and quartz components.

  3. Fluid: found in areas of development of garnet, magnetite and hematite rocks.

  4. Calico: a type of pattern that is caused by recrystallization and the formation of new rocks.

  5. Concentric;

  6. Actually spotted.

How to care for jasper

Products made from jasper are stored separately from other stones in boxes with soft walls or in velvet bags. Do not allow the stone to overheat, do not leave it for a long time in conditions of high humidity (swimming pool, sauna). To clean jasper jewelry, a warm soapy solution is suitable, after which they are washed with running water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Stone cost

The price of a stone depends on many characteristics, such as type, color, beauty of the pattern, rarity, size and quality. On the jewelry market, connoisseurs are willing to pay more than $10 for 1 gram of a high-quality product. Sibay jasper costs from 10 to 15 rubles per 1 gram, and Kalkan jasper can get you for 500 rubles per kilogram.

Natural jasper stone is often used in arts and crafts and jewelry; it looks beautiful, has countless colors and a soft waxy luster, and due to the physical properties of the stone, jewelry made from it has a high degree of wear resistance.

Wax jasper is used in baths and saunas; on the materials market it can be found at a price of 50-100 rubles per kilogram. Technical jasper, which is used for sharpening, will cost you about 2,000 rubles per bar, and polished jasper can be purchased for 200 rubles per kilogram.

Jasper and zodiac sign

Jasper is most favorable to Virgos. It helps representatives of this sign get rid of difficult character traits, tediousness and mentoring, and helps them think easily and positively. For soft-tempered Pisces, jasper will also become a faithful assistant and inspiration. A multi-colored stone will teach them to balance the relationship between the inner world and the outside world. Jasper helps soften the character of Scorpio. It also affects other zodiac representatives positively, but less pronounced.

Who is jasper suitable for?

There is nothing easier than choosing a talisman according to your horoscope. Signs compatible with Jasper:

  • Fish. Suspicious, passive, often insecure Pisces need jasper. This stone can give them energy and determination. The feeling of wearing such a talisman for this zodiac sign can be compared to a cup of strong coffee.
  • Virgo. Another sign whose compatibility with jasper is beyond doubt. It is believed that the mineral awakens wisdom in Virgos, protecting them from irreparable mistakes on the path of life.
  • Scorpion. The indomitable and daring character of Scorpio can become quite tolerable for others if a person begins to wear a jasper amulet. The stone will teach Scorpio to restrain himself and make contact.
  • Sagittarius. A jasper talisman will come in handy for a fiery Archer at critical moments in life. It will add self-confidence on the way to overcoming temporary difficulties.
  • A lion. The mineral will serve as an excellent source of energy and inspiration for active Leos.

Among those for whom jasper is contraindicated, experts call Cancer. True, only “aggressive” shades are not suitable for this sign. Blue, white and light green crystals will help him achieve harmony with the Universe. Aries and Gemini should not buy jasper at all - in their case, it will only strengthen negative character traits.

Interesting facts about jasper

For archaeologists, jasper is a rock that consists of quartz grains fixed with clay cement materials, saturated with silicon and chalcedony. Scientists have long understood the secrets of its appearance, since it is diverse, like the stone itself. For example, there is jasper of slate volcanic origin. Other layers arose in the seas during the metamorphism of sediments of algae and living organisms. Samples of semi-precious quality are formed in the case of quartzization of the primary mineral together with the magmatic structure. Thanks to this origin, jasper is a keeper and reflection of the history of our planet. The so-called “jasper belt” runs throughout almost the entire Urals (about 1200 km in length). In place of these ridges millions of years ago there were shallow waters, seas and islands. With the beginning of the lava eruption, the fauna that lived at the bottom of the sea died and flowed to the bottom. Her flinty skeletons were petrified. And mountains formed at the top, leaving underwater life inside in the form of beautiful stones.

Sharpening history. Technical jasper

Technical jasper is a green or dark green sharpening stone. This is one of the varieties of cryptocrystalline rock, consisting mainly of quartz, chalcedony and admixtures of other minerals (epidote, actinolite, chlorite, mica, pyrite, oxides and hydroxides of iron and manganese). Jasper is of sedimentary or volcanic origin. Approximate chemical composition of jasper: quartz and chalcedony (SiO2) 80-95%; aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and iron oxide (Fe2O3) up to 15%; calcium oxide (CaO) - 3-6% (and others). It should be noted that quartz and chalcedony have the same chemical formula (SiO2), and differ from each other only in appearance. For a more detailed general description of jasper, see our article: “Sharpening history. Red Jasper."

Photo source: Industrial jasper is mined in places where lens-shaped or sheet rocks are mined. The technical types include primarily quartz and chalcedony-quartz, which belong to the varieties of banded or ribbon jasper. In most cases, this variety of jasper has a green color, which is directly related to the color of the silt ejected by underwater volcanoes. Over millions of years, they erupted large amounts of silica with lava, after which the silt settled in the form of silicon and subsequently underwent a process of recrystallization for millions of years. Jasper can also be of secondary origin from organic raw materials. An example would be petrified trees, which over millions of years have been transformed into various forms of quartz, including jasper. Also, the secondary formation of jasper could occur from certain types of living organisms: sponges, algae, etc.

Photo source: Unlike other types of jasper, industrial jasper has a much higher density, since it usually consists of 80-90% quartz, and 10-15% chlorite (mica-like mineral from the subclass of leaf silicates), with admixtures of epidote, cyosite and clay. Jasper has a conchoidal (splintered) fracture, externally similar to the inner surface of shells. In addition to plain jasper, spotted jasper is also classified as technical jasper. Spotted jaspers are divided into several types according to the number of spots and density: lightly spotted dense, diffusely spotted, brightly spotted, etc. At the same time, a smaller number of spots indicates a higher uniformity of jasper, which is directly related to the efficiency of its work. The more homogeneous the jasper, the better the quality of the sharpening stone, the more spotted it is, the more marks the approach acquires and the more aggressive the cut of the knife becomes after sharpening.

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In industry, industrial jasper is used mainly as technical raw materials and also in the form of facing and ornamental stones. In fact, gems of the lowest quality, not suitable for use in making crafts, souvenirs, and dishes, are called “technical jasper.” They are used for the production of processing shafts, mortars, support prisms for measuring instruments, etc. It is this kind of jasper that has maximum strength, hardness, uniformity, and most importantly, repeatability of the properties of the stone mined at one deposit.

There are quite a lot of industrial jasper deposits in Russia. Gray and grayish-greenish jaspers are mined at the Kalkan deposit; the Kushkuldinskoye, Anastasevskoye, Muldakaevskoye, Malomuinakovskoye and Naurazovskoye deposits, where jasper of other shades are mined, are also considered quite large. Abroad, there are deposits of industrial jasper in India, Japan, Germany, France, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

When sharpening, industrial jasper is used as a finishing and polishing stone. It demonstrates the greatest efficiency when working on carbon steels such as R6M5, U7, 65G, etc. After jasper they acquire a uniform matte finish with an aggressive cut. The stone also performs well when sharpening powder steels RWL, CPM S 35VN, S30V, ELMAX with a hardness of up to 63HRC. The stone is designed to work with oil, but can also work with water. However, when working with water it gives a rougher supply surface than with oil. Experienced sharpeners, comparing technical jasper with washita or Arkansas, note the rougher work of this stone and the more aggressive cut of the knife after sharpening. A knife with a technical jasper sharpening finish gives maximum results when working on wood, meat and other dense materials.

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Technical jasper is not classified as a rare stone, which is available only to specialist sharpeners. This is a common and commercially available stone. Jasper is sold both in the form of large bars, in hand-sharpened format, and in “apexoid” sized bars designed for standard abrasive holders. Having gone through a long journey of several centuries, it still does not give up its positions.

Zodiac compatibility

It's time to figure out who jasper is suitable for. Representatives of any zodiac sign are not recommended to have long contact with the stone.

The universal mineral is favorable to Virgos, who become wiser and more confident thanks to the talisman. Native speakers acquire a gentle character and learn to resolve conflicts. In addition, the stone will provide protection from any troubles and unfavorable situations. Women are recommended to wear red stones, while men are encouraged to wear green mineral colors.

Pisces gain self-confidence and cease to be suspicious. Jasper helps make a representative of the water element a more courageous and wise person. The stone will strengthen willpower and make the wearer resistant to any problems.

For Capricorn men, amulets with jasper will help them move toward self-improvement and achieve their goals. The mineral helps young people acquire new knowledge.

Taurus people are impressed by amulets with jasper in a silver frame. The amulet will protect against any manifestations of negativity. For women, stones with a bright red color will provide a continuous flow of energy and help get rid of fatigue. It is not advisable for Taurus to wear heliotropes.

Bright Sagittarius is suitable for blue and blue colored stones. The mineral will allow you to rationally direct energy and allow you to establish contact with your environment.

Red jasper is suitable for Leos, as it can add energy, improve memory and perception of the world, and also enhance the intellectual capabilities of the wearer.

Scorpios, Aries or Geminis should not wear the stone. The energetic power of these signs, as well as their arrogance and straightforwardness, will be significantly enhanced thanks to jasper.

Cancers are absolutely inert to jasper. Libra and Aquarius may experience discomfort and unwanted effects caused by wearing the gem.

At the same time, the yellow variety of the stone is suitable for any zodiac sign. Thanks to mineral products located on the desktop, you can achieve good results in your professional activities.

Beautiful stones have not lost their relevance for hundreds of years. Every person can benefit from jasper. It is advisable to use an energetically strong stone for good purposes.

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