How to diagnose damage to your own health and remove it

Feeling a deterioration in their condition or an exacerbation of a chronic illness, some people try to look for signs of damage to their health in order to remove it from themselves as soon as possible. It is easy to identify symptoms of external exposure. If no diseases are detected for medical reasons, then this is most likely a sign of spoilage. In such a situation, you should not hesitate, otherwise the consequences will be sad. The body will be completely weakened, which can lead to death.

About damage

If a person has been damaged, then his health begins to deteriorate sharply, doctors cannot make a correct diagnosis, and medicine does not help to recover at all. Frequent and prolonged illnesses or the appearance of chronic diseases indicate that a person has been damaged or jinxed.

Damage can be caused magically, as well as through the use of ineffective drugs. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as older people, are considered the most vulnerable.

Signs: obvious deterioration in health, growths and ulcers, impotence, hair loss, insomnia, menstrual irregularities, desire to smoke or drink, yellow pupils, feeling of suffocation, weight loss, tooth decay, apathy. You can remove damage through the temple. You need to pray a lot and light candles for the health of yourself and your enemies. Read more on this topic below.

Why is damage needed?

In order for the result to be complete and you not to be disappointed in your actions, you need to strictly follow the rituals. But, besides the technical side, the emotional side is important.

Your confidence in your actions should be supported by things like:

  • Confidence in a person's guilt;
  • Inability to convince him to admit his guilt;
  • Aggressiveness on his part;
  • Threats or a feeling of danger emanating from a person.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons, before spoiling the disease, you need to know that serious conspiracies cannot be removed. Only after this can you begin to do a serious ritual.

If the situation with the offender becomes more and more acute, and, for example, the court cannot find him guilty due to lack of evidence, damage may force him to confess.

Damage to health

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. Ill-wishers target your health if they decide to cause maximum harm. However, it is quite easy to identify the signs of damage to a person; this is what helps to understand in the shortest possible time that there is a negative impact from outside and take urgent action.

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Publication from Clairvoyant Natalya Polyarnaya (@natali.kristall) Aug 4, 2021 at 10:36 PDT

If damage is caused, the symptoms will be characteristic:

  • a sharp deterioration in health (severe headaches, weakness, apathy, nervousness, aggression);
  • doctors often cannot make a correct diagnosis of a patient who has been damaged or damaged by the evil eye;
  • Medicine is not able to help a person recover; even the most powerful and expensive drugs do not improve well-being.

Failure to cure ailments over a long period of time gradually leads to the fact that a person begins to literally fade away. The evil eye or damage to health can be fatal. But in most cases, damage to health ends in moral oppression and leads to physical failure of a person.

Damage to death works in a similar way. Every day the person gets worse, medicines do not help, and ultimately this leads to death.

To avoid the terrible consequences of damage and the evil eye, it is important to listen carefully to your well-being. If traditional medicine does not help restore health for a long time, it is worth considering the negative impact with the help of an unconventional and dangerous black ritual.

Why is such damage dangerous?

Diseases are not just a signal from the body that it is not working properly. Frequent or long-term health problems may indicate that someone is intentionally harming a person's life.

This can happen by;

  • replacing medications with less effective drugs;
  • remote influence on a person using magical rituals.

In the first option, you can change medications, doctor or clinic and get rid of the disease. With the second scenario, things are much more complicated. You have an ill-wisher who has performed a ritual of spoiling your health. Now all attempts to get rid of the disease will be unsuccessful until you get rid of the root cause - witchcraft.

The most vulnerable to witchcraft are:

  • pregnant or lactating women due to weakened immunity;
  • older people who did not pay attention to the manifestation of negativity in time and did not eliminate it. They may suffer from problems with the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory system. It is not uncommon for such people to experience mental health problems or develop cancer.

Men of reproductive age, most often, have strong natural protection against all kinds of energetic influences. Only rituals of black magic can violate the integrity of this shell.

Damage to health cannot be ignored. This is not a simple runny nose that will go away on its own. If you do not cleanse yourself of witchcraft, the negative program will only increase its influence on the body until it completely destroys it.

Mages distinguish several types of damage. The generational curse is considered one of the most powerful. It works slowly but surely. Sluggish symptoms and general malaise can be explained by any reason. And only a very observant person sees this as a manifestation of witchcraft.

The effect of this type of witchcraft does not end with the death of one family member - it is transferred to the next generation. A clear sign of a generational curse is the fact that all deaths in the family occur for the same reason - the same disease.

You can get rid of the witchcraft effects on your health on your own. But you must take into account that only a strong magician has enough experience to work with difficult cases. Therefore, “self-medication” here can cause more harm than taking medications without a doctor’s prescription.

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The human body is a complex mechanism. It works like a watch, and allows people to function. Like a watch, it needs to be wound up - to sleep. But what happens to the watch when it breaks? They simply throw them away and buy new ones. Likewise, a person is capable of breaking down at any moment - getting sick.

Sometimes, in order for people to start getting sick, it is enough to “cross the path” of a witch or witcher, someone who is able to act in magical ways - to cause damage. If this happens, then it is impossible to cure unless you do the opposite and get rid of the negative impact. How to remove damage to health, what are the types and signs? Let's discuss.

Damage and its consequences: types, symptoms of spoilage

Since ancient times, people have been very afraid of black magic. Currently, the situation has not changed at all: fears of the unknown burn through human hearts when they encounter the first signs of black magic.

What exactly is corruption? What types of it exist and what happens to a person after the damage is removed from him?

Damage is a powerful impact of strong energy that is aimed at destroying vital human energy. The person who sends the damage can do it independently or use the help of a professional sorcerer.

There are different types of damage

Corruption carries with it destructive power. Now there are many types of damage. As a rule, some of them begin to act gradually, and some very quickly. Not every magician undertakes to do this kind of magic. After all, black forces act like a boomerang.

The energetic force that is directed at the victim is sure to return, and at the same time it increases its own power.

Types of damage:

There are various options for damage. Mostly black magicians use:

  • Damage to death
  • Damage to success
  • Damage to human health
  • Prisushka (love spell)
  • Strong evil eye

Symptoms of damage can be both obvious and hidden. But hidden ones tend to appear over time. Only in such a situation it is no longer possible to help a person.

The main symptoms of damage are:

  • Your health deteriorates sharply.
  • There is a loss of finances.
  • There is a quarrel in the family.
  • Infertility.
  • Failures come one after another.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • Unexpected events that lead to death.
  • Suicidal tendencies appear.

Signs of damage will appear in any case

You will have to worry a lot and ask for help from professionals if you have:

  • For no particular reason, my head started to hurt.
  • You are constantly tired and feel overwhelmed.
  • You have regular nausea and diarrhea.
  • You are sweating a lot.
  • You are constantly thirsty.
  • You are annoyed.
  • Your libido has decreased.

In such a situation, only a professional can help you. But you should know what will happen to you after the damage is removed.

What is damage and how does it manifest itself?

The concept and manifestation of damage

In the process of casting damage, a magician or sorcerer sends a stream of negative energy to a person. Such energy can extinguish the vital forces of the target of damage, doom him to suffering and even bring him to the grave.

The main signs of damage to a person include the following conditions:

  • Weakness.
  • Impotence.
  • Frequent groundless headaches.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sleep disturbance (shallow sleep, insomnia, constant nightmares, haunting recurring dreams).
  • An inexplicable change in attitude towards a person on the part of one or more of his loved ones.
  • Diseases that cannot be researched or treated.
  • Constant worry, anxiety and a feeling of an inevitable terrible outcome.
  • Unusual behavior of animals (beloved pets may initially seek affection from their “damaged” owner, and then avoid him or even show aggression in the form of hissing, growling, whining).
  • Failures in all endeavors.
  • Problems at work and financially.
  • The unexpected appearance of new acquaintances or strangers in life who can negatively influence or even harm.
  • Pain in the shoulders and back - it feels like there is always some kind of burden on the shoulders.
  • Coldness in the abdominal cavity and heaviness in the heart.
  • Frequent accidental loss of the pectoral cross or the desire to get rid of it once and for all.
  • Unpleasant sensations and burning sensations upon contact with consecrated things (water, cross, crucifix, icon).
  • Deceptions of smell - the feeling of the presence of extraneous unusual and unpleasant odors, which a priori cannot exist.
  • Apathy and despondency.
  • Depression and thoughts of suicide.
  • The presence of unusual objects in the house or in the space adjacent to it, the presence of which has no explanation (soil in a bag, needles or pins under the threshold, in the door, hair, knots on rags or on ropes).
  • The emergence of numerous phobias.
  • Hallucinations and strange voices in the head.
  • The emergence of new addictions (bad habits, dangerous relationships) or a return to long-forgotten ones.
  • Unexplained sudden yawning when hearing prayer or reading it independently.
  • Exacerbation of old and emergence of new phobias.
  • Spontaneous appearance of pigmentation of various shapes and sizes on the face.
  • Insects entering the house.
  • Sudden, uncharacteristic sensitivity to human words, touchiness.
  • Discomfort when being in church.
  • Aversion to the smell of incense.

How does damage affect a person?

The influence of damage on humans

  • Damage is a flow of negative energy aimed at weakening, exhaustion, undermining strength and destroying a certain person.
  • Naturally, the consequences of such a negative impact are numerous troubles, illnesses, and difficulties in the social, personal and financial spheres.
  • A “tainted” person often faces misunderstandings in society, his close circle, and his circle of friends. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to communicate with people. At the same time, completely new, unfavorable persons may appear next to him, constantly dragging him into trouble and setting him up in every possible way.
  • Relatives, friends and loved ones may begin to turn away from the victim of damage - quarrels and outright hostility appear in their relationships.
  • Spoilage has a very negative effect on health - it can provoke the emergence of new or long-treated ailments. Medicine often turns out to be powerless with these types of diseases - it cannot even diagnose them, let alone treat them.
  • At work, a person with damage also expects troubles - constant failures, stupid offenses, possibly even dismissal.
  • When damaged, the psychological and intellectual state of a person suffers greatly. A hitherto reasonable and prudent intellectual can instantly turn into a narrow-minded, narrow-minded, rude boor.
  • Victims of damage should also be careful with bad habits and manias - for many they are just beginning to appear, while for others they are already worsening.
  • Another person is haunted by constant worries, fears and phobias. They prevent you from sleeping and leading a normal life.
  • The result of all this can be complete loneliness, isolation from society, thoughts or actions of a suicidal nature, serious illness, and in the most advanced cases, death.

Symptoms of damage to health

You can read about what types of magical harm there are, and the general signs of their diagnosis, in the article in this section, “Spells against damage will help you save yourself from troubles.”

Now it is important to understand what may alert you when determining damage to a disease, because, in addition to innate intuition and the feeling that something is wrong with the body, certain symptoms that are repeated over a long time will help you recognize the negative, namely:

  • obvious deterioration in health;
  • conflicting test results;
  • doctors' futile attempts to determine a diagnosis;
  • health status remaining unchanged after taking prescribed medications;
  • formation of ulcers and growths on the body;
  • long healing of accidental scratches and minor injuries;
  • decreased vision, tearing;
  • tooth decay, putrid breath;
  • weight loss or sudden fluctuation without dieting;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • sexual impotence in men;
  • rapid loss of body hair or excessive growth;
  • insomnia or nightmares;
  • complaints from relatives about your teeth grinding at night;
  • the appearance of ailments inappropriate for age - sclerosis, rheumatism;
  • feeling of suffocation, pressure on the chest at night;
  • the appearance of suspicious tumors;
  • hallucinations and periodic attacks of fear;
  • avoidance of mirrors, aversion to one’s own reflection;
  • feverish shine of the eyes, yellowness of the pupils;
  • constant feeling as if someone is looking at you;
  • persecution of consciousness by otherworldly sounds, voices;
  • an irresistible urge to smoke or drink alcohol.

If you have more than half of the listed conditions, try as soon as possible to find a clairvoyant or sorcerer who will accurately indicate whether there is an evil eye or damage to your health - believe me, they definitely understand how to determine the impact better than you.

Which ritual is the most powerful?

Damage to diseases is highlighted by black magic as the most serious, because many of them lead to the saddest changes. This is not a simple conspiracy to change attitudes towards a person, but such rituals change the person himself. Inner confidence in his rightness disappears completely.

Black damage has the strongest effect, and only an experienced sorcerer can remove it or weaken its effect. This can be done provided that the sick person understands the nature of his illness, admits his guilt, asks for forgiveness and returns the person offended by him to his past life.

If it is possible to compensate financially or emotionally, then serious things, such as causing harm to health, or leading to prison or death, cannot be changed by the offender. Then it will be difficult to forgive him.

In this case, everything will depend only on the mercy of the person who performed the ritual for black damage.

There are several types of black damage, the three main and most effective ones are known to a few.

How to find out who did it

How can you find out who sent this stream of negative energy? It is clear that professional witches and sorcerers are engaged in such activities. But who was the customer of the damage that led to deterioration of health? Remember if you were treated to a person who has a bad reputation. Or maybe you recently had a serious conflict?

Or have you recently lost personal belongings? If one of the events occurred, it may be associated with a deterioration in your health. You should also take into account the ancestral roots of damage - in this case, the negative message extends to the entire family.

How to expose the creator of damage? To do this you need to make a dream. On the eve of any Orthodox holiday or on Sunday night, read the following text before going to bed:

“I walk in rows, looking with my eyes. In the middle of the rows stands Saint Samson. In the name of God, who is always alive, I say to him the holy word: “Holy Samson, show me a prophetic dream.” I punish - let Samson point out the enemy to me and show me his face in a prophetic dream. Most Holy Trinity, help me in this matter, and the great Jesus Christ bless my dream. I call on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for help. From now on and forever. Amen".

Then go to bed. Among the visions, the creator of corruption should appear.

If you want a personal meeting with the enemy, perform the nail ritual. The tool should not be simple - you need to find it in a cemetery or ask it from a funeral service agency. The nail must be the same type that was used to nail down the coffin lid. You cannot take it with your bare hands - this can be done with gloves or using a cloth.

Use the nail like this. Having driven it into the threshold of your own home, say: “Whoever harmed me and spoiled me, I call with a nail. If you don’t come to me in 3 days, you will die in six months. Coffin, cemetery, nail. Come to me, invited guest."

Reinforce the plot with a threefold “Amen.” Now wait for the enemy - he will appear in the next 3 days. Even if this person is familiar to you, do not be surprised by his strange behavior.

Hair ritual

Taking the hair of an offender is difficult, but it is possible if you see him. Remove from clothing, or

pretend that you are removing garbage from your head. Black magic distinguishes this damage to disease among the main ones, since it involves human biological material.

You need at least one hair that belongs to this particular person.

Let's start to act:

  1. Bring the hair home silently;
  2. Wrap it in red cloth, put it in a dark place until night;
  3. The next night, prepare a hard-boiled egg, peel it;
  4. Find a bird feather on the street;
  5. A handful of soil from a tree with a feminine name;
  6. A handful of soil from a tree with a masculine name;
  7. Water from the street, or melted snow, a few drops;
  8. A black wool thread long enough to wrap around your right fist three times;
  9. Lay everything out on the table, unfold the red cloth with the hair;
  10. Read the damage to the disease, and put all the ingredients in the fabric in order. Do not lift hair from the fabric;
  11. Perform all actions strictly according to the words of the conspiracy;
  12. After this, wrap the fabric, tie it with thread, and wrap the bundle several times;
  13. Immediately, silently take it under a male tree if it is a man, or under a female tree if the plot is against a woman.

Conspiracy of corruption:

“Behind the dark mountains and deep ravines there is red earth with a snake on it. The serpent is dashing, the serpent is proud and powerful, but thin and brittle, but not eternal. A bird flew over the snake, dropped a feather - it killed the snake, the moon rolled - an egg, fell on the snake, killed the snake, water fell from the sky, killed the snake, earth fell from Venus and killed the snake, earth fell from Mars - killed the snake. The red earth curled up with the serpent, but the serpent did not die. With a black thread I rewind you, servant of God (name) with the serpent, and with everything that killed him and did not kill him, I rewind you tightly, servant of God (name) with the serpent, and with everything that killed him and did not kill him. I leave you to the will of Mars and Venus, your health to the will of the wind and sun, and stray dogs, my word is strong and molded. Amen."

How to spoil a disease

Black magic helps to cause illness after damage to an ill-wisher, and medicine will no longer be powerless here. You just need to remember that you have to pay for evil. The stronger the damage is applied, the more the performer will receive a return, which can pass on to the family and force several generations of descendants to pay.

It is recommended to perform the ritual in a non-residential area. The enemy is damaged by an incurable disease in different ways; the performer can choose the best option for himself:

  1. Go out into the street, pick up dust from the road in your hand and throw it after the victim, mentally sending illnesses, troubles and failures.
  2. Tie several knots on a woolen thread - they symbolize abscesses that will soon appear in a person. Throw it on the ground in front of him, and when he steps on it with his foot or touches the object with his hand, the magic will begin to work.
  3. Nails or needles are driven into the footprint of the offender in the snow and a conspiracy is read.
  4. A photograph of an ill-wisher, taken recently, should be buried in the grave of the deceased at night in the cemetery with the same name as the object of witchcraft, and a spell should be cast.
  5. Make a miniature black coffin and place it on a tabletop covered with a shroud. Place a photo card inside and read the magic spell (above). The energy of the person in the photo will be transferred to the performer of the ritual and the victim will suddenly develop an illness. Treating diseases from damage may not bring results and the target will quickly burn out. There is a second option, only using salt - it is poured into a coffin, a curse is read and the salt is thrown onto the enemy’s doorstep.
  6. Use a broom to sweep the trash out of the house and read the magic words, throw it under the front door of the ill-wisher. After this ritual, a person suffers from illnesses from the evil eye and damage, which are difficult to cure.
  7. Buy a black evening dress in a store, turn it into rags using scissors, and at the same time read the black conspiracy. Bring the little thing home to your rival, and it begins to quickly burn out from a progressive illness.
  8. Throw a charmed lining made from personal belongings - hair, nails, dolls or coins - into the enemy's house.
  9. On Friday night, come to the crossroads, lay out a black cloth, cut off chicken legs on top, which are tied together with the hair of the offender, cover the objects with cemetery soil and read the black plot (above). Drip wax from a burning candle onto the lining, tie it tightly in a knot and hide it under the enemy’s threshold.

What are the different types?

Damage to health comes in different forms.

  • According to its purpose: one hits the entire body at once, the other only affects the health of a certain organ or part of the body (say, damage to infertility or impotence). If a witch casts a spell on an organ, but does not name it, the spell itself finds the weakest point in the body and hits it.
  • By duration: the damage can be one-time (inflicted once and it lasts for a long time) or multiple times (this month the victim’s nervous system suffers, next month, say, the functioning of the kidneys, and so on). Repeated damage is more energy-consuming, but it is also more difficult to clear your health of it.
  • At its core. Physical damage - for a fracture, a wound; foreign interference - so that health suffers from a virus, parasites; psychological - undermines the state of mind, sows fear, panic attacks, attacks of anger; zombification - the victim loses willpower, begins to obey the witch or her customer (a love spell is also considered such damage).

Organic spoilage

It is also a curse caused by foreign interference, which undermines the victim’s physical health, or rather, her immunity. Such interference becomes strongest if the enemy used your personal item or photo.

Once-inflicted damage of this kind is removed by a simple cleansing ritual (after which it is necessary to install protection).

Repeated damage to immune health requires several removal rituals. If the victim is not baptized, the rite of baptism can remove all the negativity at once, plus protect for a long time.

What does inorganic spoilage look like?

Such damage affects the psyche. Mental health is broken with the help of objects from the world of the dead - for example, they can tie the soul of a dead person to a living person, which will follow the unfortunate person, invisible to others, driving him crazy. Such damage can be recognized if a person hears outside voices.

Also, symptoms of inorganic health damage will be:

  • decreased performance;
  • dislike for your favorite food, family, and the outside world;
  • fear of light;
  • addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Lining for poor health

Illness is a long-term impact on a person’s energy, which weakens any defense. The disease is a consequence, but the cause itself cannot be treated with medications alone. Damage through the lining (charmed by the Koran, suras and duas) lasts for more than one week, destroying the health of the victim.

It is rarely possible to remove such an influence, because until a lining is found, any protective and lapel conspiracies are a waste of time.

If a person himself comes to the conclusion “I often get sick for no reason - I’ve been jinxed” and notices how often he feels bad, then he realizes the work of the curse. This happens very rarely and the lining affects the victim’s biofield for years.

Even Orthodox people believe in the power of the lining (a small parcel with enchanted attributes). Magic through a thrown package is always very strong.

Preparation for the ceremony

Black magic works on everyone, even strong personalities. Damage to a severe illness through the lining is purposefully caused without the ability to remove the dangerous spell. For enemies, this type of damage is the best option, which works in the long term. There will be no salvation for either adults or children from illness after this kind of damage is removed.

Making a lining is not difficult, because any attributes can cause damage in a matter of days:

  • rusty needle;
  • a piece of ordinary fabric;
  • the victim's hair or nails (if there are no such attributes, you can take a photo or thing belonging to the victim).

Depending on the selected attributes, the duration of the illness after the damage is removed can vary from a month to several years. Magic to make enemies unhappy and weak spares no one. The lining works until it is found and destroyed.

The consequences of the evil eye, which was created through the lining, depend on the weak points in the human biofield. If enemies have a weak heart, damage is caused to the cardiovascular system, resulting in stroke and heart attack. For people with weak psyches, the evil eye results in schizophrenia or hysteria. For enemies, it is difficult to determine damage through the lining.

How to strengthen damage to health

No one should see the lining

Making a lining on any day is ineffective. It is better to guess over time when the Moon will wan. For enemies, a lining charged for the waning month will be a death sentence.

Damage is caused in several successive stages:

  1. First, you should go to the cemetery and find the grave of a person with the name of the victim. The found tombstone and grave will become the location for the main part of the ritual.
  2. For lining they use old needles, unnecessary and rusty. At the cemetery, needles are stuck into dead soil. The needles are charged throughout the cycle from the waning Moon to the New Moon.
  3. After this, the needles are taken home. You need to read spells on attributes (read from memory, not read from a piece of paper) in order to damage them:

“Now you are not yourself, you are now in trouble. The servant of God can no longer live in peace, no longer roam the earth. He has a hundred troubles in one answer. Let it be so".

You need to read conspiracies throughout the week. After this, on the night of the eighth day, you need to light candles, put needles, hair or things of the victim on the fabric, and speak to them again:

"Seal. Lock. You can’t let go of trouble, you can’t hide from it. I seal it forever, I curse the enemy.”

To induce illness, so that the husband’s mistress or enemy gets sick, one should put a lining in the victim’s house. They do it unnoticed. No one will find the treasure in a secluded place and will not cancel the work of the curse on health.

Damage to health: how to remove

Remove damage: option 1

If the negative is not strong or the program has not yet had time to take root in the energy system, you can remove the damage to your health yourself. To do this, in the morning and evening, drink water blessed by your egregor and read the prayers of your religion. To make it clearer, Christians read the “Our Father” for water and the prayer itself, Buddhists read the corresponding mantras, and so on.

Remove damage: option 2

Another way to remove damage to health is to transfer it to metal. Take a metal object and speak to it:

“On the island of Buyan sits an iron grandfather, dressed in a hundred skins. Take away my illness, grandfather, let it sit on the iron, it won’t harm anyone else. It’s ordered!”

After this, throw the enchanted object into a river or a deserted place.

Remove damage: option 3

Plain water also helps get rid of spoilage. This is not surprising, since she has memory and is able to take on diseases and negative programs.

It is best to remove damage from yourself at Epiphany. Epiphany water itself is healing, and besides, when swimming in an ice hole, the cleansing effect is increased due to the fact that the clergy recite additional prayers over the water. You must enter the water taking all necessary precautions and not neglecting warm blankets and towels.

If it is not possible to take a bath at Epiphany or for a very long time before the holiday, you can do the same by performing a ritual ablution in any river. But in this case, you need to recite prayers and ask for deliverance from damage to your health on your own.

Why does magical influence deteriorate health?

Damage to health is a strong negative program that destroys our energy “shield” and forms voracious “funnels” in the biofield, absorbing strength and all positive energy. They absorb vital energy, it becomes more difficult for the body to fight external factors, and that’s why diseases “climb.”

Sometimes the damage “breaks” seemingly not too much, causing some simple disease. But before you have time to cure it, it comes back again, or turns into complications.

How to remove damage to illness

Weak magic is removed without a trace by dipping into an ice hole at Epiphany - holy water takes away negative energy and charges a person with new strength. Hexes caused by a serious illness are removed by trained sorcerers and fortune-tellers, but there are also rituals for amateurs to independently remove witchcraft at home.

Before removing damage to a disease, you need to make sure that it exists. The presence of the evil eye can be detected with the help of candles - place a lit church candle around a person and read a prayer; if it crackles and black smoke comes out, then the negative exists and it needs to be removed urgently.

Pets feel spoiled by deteriorating health - cats avoid humans and show aggression towards them.

Effective rituals:

  1. Spend one of the days of the waxing moon on the bank of a river, bet or lake. Buy a white towel (light) and a candle from the church. At dawn, take a candle in your left hand, cross yourself three times, go into the water at knee level and say a spell. Walk forward so that the water reaches your waist and say the words again. The final stage is to say a special text and plunge headlong 3 times, but keep the candle above the water so that it does not get wet or go out.
  2. Take salt, red wine, a candle from the church, a handful of ash and a small amount of water. Stand facing west and place a vessel with poured wine opposite. Add water, salt (about 3 pinches), ash, light a church candle and cast a spell. Wash your face and do not wipe it. Within 3 days after the ceremony, the enemy will come and apologize, without understanding why he is doing this. You need to forgive him from the bottom of your heart, otherwise the offender will send magic again and it will not be easy to remove the damage to the disease yourself.
  3. Wash your face daily with blessed water and take it orally three times a day, while reading prayers.
  4. Buy 10 fresh village eggs and, in order, roll out circles over the body with each egg, starting from the top of the head and going down to the feet, while reading a prayer. Black magic will be sealed under the shell and will leave the wearer. Damage to severe illness is removed in 3-4 hours. After the ritual, the egg is broken and poured into the sewer.
  5. Buy a green apple, a candle and 5 needles. Divide the apple into halves with a knife and cut out the middle. With a lit candle, walk around the perimeter of the apartment, paying special attention to corners and doorways. Melt the remaining candle cinder and pour it into the holes after the cores have been removed. Connect the apple and secure it with needles, then throw it out onto a deserted street.
  6. Before dawn, draw water into a container and speak - it will acquire healing qualities. She needs to wash her face, drink, sprinkle personal belongings and the interior of the apartment - this will help remove the damage to the disease.
  7. At midnight, fry a small amount of salt in a hot frying pan and read a special spell over it. You need to stir it for a quarter of an hour, if it starts to make a crackling sound or black smoke pours out, this is a sign of negativity. The salt is washed down the drain. Manipulations are carried out every day until the crackling and smoke disappear. This is the most reliable way to determine damage to disease.

You can preserve your health by minimizing visits to crowded places. Take a close look at your surroundings - there may be negative personalities in it who are quite capable of causing illness. If possible, reduce communication with them and do not let them into your circle of close friends.

The pectoral cross protects from damage, it reduces the effect of black magic and will instantly indicate to the owner that a black ritual was performed on him - it will suddenly darken or get lost. It is not recommended to post photographs on social networks - offenders can easily use them in rituals.

A sharp deterioration in health due to damage to illness will bring a weak person to the grave. No one has the right to take away the vitality of another just because there is a conflict or omission between them. Damage in the form of illness is the last way out of the situation.

The Bible and the Koran say that for every bad act you have to pay and the return may simply be beyond the capabilities of the performer or customer.

There are Muslim prayers for illnesses - Dua and Surah, they will help everyone who sincerely believes in the religion. God will not leave anyone behind and will come in difficult times.

You should resort to black magic only in the most extreme cases and preferably not on your own, but use the services of a professional magician. Any witchcraft is a terrible sin, especially when you are trying to spoil a disease.

Removing damage with wax

For this simple ritual you will need an apple, a candle and five needles. The apple should be cut into two parts and the core should be peeled. Light a candle and walk around the entire apartment with it.

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Go through all corners and doors clockwise. Pour the remaining wax from the candle into the apple cores. Then connect the two halves and secure with needles. You need to throw it away on the street, where fewer people pass by, so that no one can pick it up.

By water

Cleaning from spoilage must be carried out with specially prepared water. She must go through the spell. Before sunrise, you need to collect water in some container.

Read the plot:

“Voditsa Stepanida, dawn of Solomodin, land of Levanida, well of Jacob! Bless, Father Jacob, to collect some water for the servant of God (name) for his health, for his strength, for his life! In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After this, the water has healing properties. You can wash your face and drink it. You can also spray things and the house. Remember, you cannot pour it out. If someone’s name was mentioned in the conspiracy, then this water can only be used by that person.

Ritual with a pin

The ritual is easy to perform if you have access to the person's home. It involves casting spells on a pin and leaving it in the enemy’s house. If he does not find her, and does not perform a cleansing and undoing ritual with her, the spell cannot be lifted.

It is for this purpose, after he understands the cause of the illness, that he needs to ask you for forgiveness for the offense and ask you to indicate the place.

Let's start to act:

  1. Buy a new pin, put it in water in a dark place for 7 days;
  2. After this, put it in the ground for 7 days, it can be any flower pot in your home;
  3. Take it out at night, don't wash it. It should rust slightly. Do not open the pin during the entire ritual;
  4. Prepare a saucer, a small piece of paper and a dark candle;
  5. Light a dark candle, or any color other than light colors;
  6. Wrap the pin in a thin layer of paper and pass it over the candles without touching the fire. At the same time, read the spelling of the disease;
  7. After the last words, set fire to the paper and place it burning on a saucer;
  8. When the paper burns and the pin darkens, wrap it in paper and put it away until you can throw it into the offender’s house;
  9. Before placing the pin, unfold it and open it.

It is convenient to place a pin in the floor, between the boards, or a gap in the wall, near the baseboard. It can be quickly discovered on clothing, or it can fall off clothes on the street. There are a lot of cracks and joints in furniture where it may never be found.

“Fishes are not fish, animals are not animals, birds are not birds. Iron destroys, iron kills, and water wears away iron, but earth blackens, and fire melts. My words bend and break iron. Just as iron is brittle and rusty after water, earth and fire, so the support of God’s servant (name) is weak and brittle. Just as iron is sharp and brittle, so the servant of God (name) loses his strength but cannot find it. From word to word, my words are strong and indestructible. So be it"

Evil eye, damage and protective spellsText

Chapter 2 How damage is sent

We have already talked a little about some methods of sending damage: in the wind, on the trail, by removing the trail. released through water
. Powders and poisons, and some other drugs are added to it. This happens, for example, while washing in a bathhouse or even swimming in a river.

If it is not possible to spoil a person using the methods described, they cast a spell on clothes. Various charmed objects are also thrown onto the road. These could be, for example, balls of sheep wool mixed with cat and human hair. And witchcraft on hair is generally a terrible thing. They can be sewn into pillows, thrown into the oven, smeared into a chimney, etc., etc. It all depends on the sorcerer’s imagination.

There was a type of corruption called hall

. This is a bundle of ears twisted and tied into a knot. Sometimes they also sprinkled him with ashes and earth taken from the cemetery. If you cut such a crease, there is an inevitable probability of getting a long illness or dying. Sometimes wounds appear from the crease, in which a thin, narrow worm, similar to a hair, appears. It constantly eats away at the wound and it never heals.

Damage to the crease is transmitted to the entire strip. Therefore, the peasants did not eat bread from such strips. Healers can destroy a hall spotted in time. This is called "spin".

A few more words about removing the soil from under the footprint.

It is dried over a fire, hung in a bag near the stove, and sometimes taken to a cemetery. And the person whose trace was taken out begins to dry up.

When the sorcerers had no enemies, they cast their spell through the air

. According to popular beliefs, such damage flew to the crossroads and stopped, because it did not know where to fly. But she immediately entered the one who first appeared at the crossroads. This is where the custom comes from: reading a prayer at a crossroads and spitting over your shoulder three times.

There is a method of causing damage called envolting

. It is performed using wax figures. This is a very strong and terrible way of causing damage, aiming at the death of your enemy. Sometimes they cast a spell over the blood of the victim, and often pierce the figurine with needles.

To induce damage, sorcerers widely used different types of plants along with other magical means. Science still cannot explain their magical properties.


- a widespread plant, seemingly a weed. But it was used by sorcerers in divination. They used this herb to “plant a kikimora in the house,” to cause the appearance of an invisible spirit that causes all sorts of outrages in the house: pogroms, fires, moving things, in a word, what is now called a poltergeist, and the spirit is called a “drummer.” From burdock thorns they “sculpted” a doll similar to a woman, long, narrow, with an elongated head. Then they threw this burdock figurine into the house: into the basement, cellar, and buried the doll in the yard.

Damage could also be caused by SOS. Anyone wishing to cause damage would bend the stem of this plant to the ground, clamp it with a flyer and pronounce the spell: “If you cause damage, you will heal well. If you don’t get rid of it, you will fall by the roots.”

Poisonous fighter

grew from the foam dripping from the mouth of the dog Cerberus, who guarded hell. This happened at the moment when Hercules was dragging him from the underworld. It is used to cast spells on newlyweds during a wedding. For this purpose, the plant, along with its roots, is thrown under the threshold of the house in which the celebration will take place. To avoid damage, according to legend, newlyweds had to jump over the threshold, under no circumstances stepping on it in order to avoid trouble.

But the young people might not have known that all sorts of spoken little things were sewn into their pillows and feather beds. It could be a woman's hair tangled into a ball, a bone taken from a cemetery, three splinters singed at the ends, wolf berries. Healers had their own ways of removing damage from bedding. They fumigated them with fire or floated them on water. They also baked cakes with various drugs and treated them or gave them to those suspected of causing damage.

Damage could also be caused using the hair of a walking woman. According to legend, a walking woman brings misfortune to her family and future generations. She stops the birth on herself. Leaving her husband for others, she goes to destroy family nests, brings tears, desolation to the family, orphanhood for children. One walking woman could mow down several villages and cause a lot of trouble, so such a woman has been despised since ancient times. She did not think about the birth, did not create peace in the house.

The sorcerers took the hair of a walking woman and threw it into the house they wanted to damage. Hair takes, absorbs all the power from the home, its inhabitants, feeds on their living force. Sometimes hair was entangled in the egg. The egg is a life-giving force, the personification of the entire universe, the entire human race. Hair draws strength not only from the egg, but also the entire life-giving force of the family, because they themselves have absorbed a lot of this force and become powerful. And this force, absorbed by the hair from the egg, fell on the house into which they were thrown, bringing great misfortune.

Some drugs were often mixed into drinks - kvass, beer, vodka, compote, etc. - as well as into food. One of these potions is prepared from white worms that grow in a wine barrel. They take them out, go with them to the tavern, lower them to the ground and force them to crawl. The worm that crawls towards the tavern is the most harmful. It is taken, dried, ground into powder and added to food or drink. As a result of this, a person who has consumed food or drink with such a drug will go on a binge.

To cause damage

there were special conspiracies. For example, like this:

“A menacing spirit walks across the earth, tearing out stumps and roots, white stones and superstitious trees breaking the ground. With this I conjure that my enemy and adversary will be damaged in the same way, forever and ever, amen.”

Such damage, through a spell cast on food and drink, invariably enters a person with all its consequences.

Below we present some more spells.


Take the worms that remain in empty wine barrels, dry them and put them in wine, then read the spell:

“King of the depths of the sea, take away the zealous heart of the slave (name) from the loose sands, from the flammable stones; start a feathered nest in it. The Namyr bird became hungry, leaped in the womb, bathed in potions and wine, and the drunken soul shook itself.”

They give spoken wine to the one they want to spoil.


You need to remove the cross from your neck, put it under your heel and, after carrying it for half a day, say:

“I renounce God and the life-giving cross, I surrender myself into the hands of the devils.”

Then whisper the following over the salt:

“Give this person (name) insults and hiccups, shake and torture him until the end of his life.”

Then, having taken your cross out of your shoes, you need to hang it on your back: at this time the devils will appear. After a day, the cross must be turned over, take salt and throw it on the road along which the person who is affected by this disease walks, with the words:

“As this salt dries up, so shall that man also dry up.” Then the devils will begin to torment him with hiccups.


I will stand, without blessing, I will go, without crossing myself, from the hut not by doors, from the yard not by gates, from the entryway not by the entryway, from the hut by smoke and fire, steam, from the yard by the wind, I will go out into an open field, I will stand facing west, facing east with my ridge , I'll look at the sky, I'll look at the earth. Move apart, earth, part three hundred cubits and from there come out an evil, severe, serious illness, a full-blown red hernia. And I, slave (name), will shout to an evil, fierce snake, a severe red hernia caused by illness: “Where have you flown?” And the hernia says to me: “I flew to distant seas, to distant rivers, to distant lakes and rivers, dry lakes, and drinkable seas.” And I will bow down, slave (name), and pray: “Oh, you, you evil snake, you have suffered a serious illness, a red hernia, do not fly to distant seas, to distant rivers, to distant lakes and rivers, dry lakes, drink the sea, but fly to your slave (name). Enter his womb, and live in him, and torment him all his life until man comes out.”


1st speech: My name is Treseya.

2nd speech: my name is Gnesya; lies in a person’s chest, and prevents the breast from drinking or eating.

3rd speech: My name is Ledeya; that person is shivering and cannot warm up in the oven.

4th speech: my name is Gnedya, and Gnedya does not allow a person to sleep, they approach and sweep with their minds.

5th speech: my name is Glukhia; It lies at the head of a person, and blocks his ears: and his head hurts, and as a result the person becomes deaf.

6th speech: My name is Pukhia; it lets a person go and turns his womb yellow.

7th speech: My name is Breasts; It settles in a person’s chest and causes trembling.

8th speech: My name is Yellow; that person turns yellow, as the color will be.

9th speech: my name is Fire; it kindles a person like tarred firewood.

10th speech: My name is Lomea; It breaks a person like a dry tree in a storm.

11th speech: my name is Kornosh; that man's hand and sheath draws the sinews into place.

12th speech: My name is Neveah, the elder sister of the Plesovite, who beheaded the head of John the Baptist; If a person is taken away, that person cannot live.


“In the name of Satan and the judge of his demon, the venerable demon Pilate Hegemon, I will rise, good fellow (name), and I, good fellow (name), will go, neither by way nor by road, on the trail of a hare, on a dog’s raid, and I will enter an evil place, and I will look into the open field to the west, under the damp soil... Goy, thou art, Lord Satan! Some of the demons and demons with burning fires came to my aid, your servant (name). So that she, the servant of God (name), could neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink, like a white fish without water, a dead body without a soul, a baby without a mother... My words are full and slanderous, like a great ocean-sea, strong and molded, stronger and more moldable than glue, and harder and denser than damask steel and stone... I will put the key and lock for Satan himself under his golden throne, and when his throne is destroyed, then this matter will be revealed.”

DAMAGE TO Drowsiness

Sorcerers can cause damage, which in the language of sorceresses is called “beseverance”. A person wants to sleep all the time. This damage is done in two ways. The first of them is that in a photograph of a person, a victim of witchcraft, his eyes are gouged out. Then wax from several candles is dripped into it.

They read the plot, first usually, then backwards, and then put the photograph face down under the bed.

The second way is this. A sprouted potato is taken, its eyes are picked out and fed to the chickens, naturally, a spell is pronounced.

Eyes close, Sleep creeps up like a vine. Bad dream, shaggy. Horned demon to help. Sleep, wake up, sleep again. Sleep for you - my spell. Amen.


An evil witch can treat a person to food, into which she sprinkles snake scales. The snake skin spell is done at night before dawn. And it is stored in a place inaccessible to sunlight, in the sand. It is taken out as needed. The remains of the food into which it was mixed and which the person ate are given to the black cat.

I'll go out into the open field. I whistle and a snake will crawl out. I will ask her to give me scales, so that I can brew a potion, so that the enemy can eat the snake skin and become like a snake. So that he would be sleepy and lethargic, He would still lie in the sun. Like a snake dying, so a slave (name) should lie in the coffin. Demon. Dark. Horns. Defeat the enemy. Amen!

Of course, we did not present all these methods of causing damage in our book so that anyone could use them. It is given to witches to send deadly damage, not to us, mere mortals. They were given witchcraft power from the devil. And these words acquire power only in the mouths of people endowed with witchcraft abilities. And we are simply explaining what monstrous methods bad people who hate and envy can resort to. But if they weren’t there, there wouldn’t be damage and other evils.

Chapter 3 Not everyone knows what they call damage

The healing method of healers is based on folk experience, folk theory about the origin of diseases.

And people believe that the basis of all these diseases is corruption. Damage in the broadest sense of the word is harm to a person from malicious intent.

Damage can be temporary, curable, or completely incurable.

Diseases resulting from damage are divided into grief, black sickness, falling sickness, infirmity, ghost, bite, evil eye, lesson, flash, itching, hiccups, pinching, slander and many others.

Let's look at some of them.


- This is heart disease.

Black sickness

– cholera, venereal diseases.


- from bad and cunning people. They talk about this if someone suddenly gets a headache or starts to have a fever or their leg ache. This also includes heaviness in the stomach, and words spoken at an inopportune, bad hour. Every person has it. They say that if you follow your life, it will turn out that all the troubles and misfortunes happen at a certain hour.

Prize, touch

comes from the unfriendly gaze of a stranger.


also comes from the evil eye, a bad unkind look, from words spoken by someone in their hearts about someone or with envy, or yawning when talking with someone.


also occurs when pronouncing words spoken with envy.

There is still a spark

- instant fear. This word defines the diseases of idiocy, insanity, hysteria, hysteria, epilepsy. There is still a belief in a “messenger demon” that can take the form of a bird or any animal, appear unexpectedly in front of a person and cause one of the listed diseases. We will talk about demons in a separate chapter.

There is another rural disease - influx

. It happens suddenly. This is a blow, paralysis, unexpected lameness or dislocation, etc.

Damage to young people is common

at the wedding. They spoil drinks and wedding dishes. We have already mentioned that such damage consists of damaging the reproductive organs of a man or woman. The result of such damage is sexual impotence, infertility, physical disgust of young spouses towards each other.

In fiction we will find many examples confirming that male impotence from damage is not just empty words. Let's open the page of the novel "A Moment of Eternity", authored by writer Bertrice Small.

“Tonight, sir, my husband will offer you the services of a hall concubine. Do not accept this offer if you value your life.

- Why? – Boda asked in a rough voice, peering at them with curiosity with his bloodshot eyes.

“She’s a witch,” Edith Dagian said ahead of her.

“Yes,” Dagian quickly confirmed and lowered her voice. “She deprived our husband of his male power when he tried to take possession of her. Now he is unable to do anything with any of us, although he boasts and pretends that everything is in order.

“Why doesn’t he get rid of her?” – Boda asked suspiciously.

“The old owner bought her so that she could serve as a healer at home,” Edith answered. “We don’t have another healer or anyone else who can heal people.” That is why our master does not let her go, although we begged him about it.

“If she’s a healer, then why is she also the hall’s concubine?” – Boda made a cautious attempt.

“She was the old master’s beloved woman and bore him a child,” Edith said. “After his death, our husband tried to take possession of her, because he is a big lover of the female body. When he did not listen to her admonitions, she placed a curse on him. In retaliation, our husband made her the hall's concubine. But we warn everyone to whom he offers her, because as good Christian women, we cannot allow her to curse another man. She swore that she would curse anyone who dared to take possession of her. And believe me, sir, she will keep her promise!

The merchant nodded understandingly.

- Thank you, madam, for warning me. I don't want to be crippled. I have a young second wife..."

But the healers were also able to cure male impotence that occurred as a result of the same damage. They knew the recipes for some drugs. This is how the hero of the same novel, Bertrice Small, tried to recover from this illness.

“It was a simple family dinner. Roast rabbit, bread, cheese, sweet apple pie. Freshly brewed ale, the merits of which Kaderik fully appreciated. “It’s so good to see him so happy,” Edith thought. She could not remember when she had seen him so joyful as that evening. When the dishes were cleared from the table, Caderick smiled broadly. It was clear that he was quite pleased with himself.

“Before dinner, Edith asked if I had bought anything from Boda,” Kaderik began. - Yes, I bought it! - Reaching under the chair, he took out the silver goblet that he so wanted to have and put it on the table. “My father never had such a valuable thing in this room,” he boasted. - Boda says that the cup is from the workshop of Simon from Constantinople, one of the best silversmiths in all of Byzantium. Look at the engraving, Edith! This is a big bull fighting a lion. Boda says it is a lion. How I would like to hunt a lion! – Kaderik’s face expressed pleasure, and he was filled with boyish excitement. - Yes, I have something, my wife. “He pulled out of his pocket a small bottle of some reddish powder, whispering to her: “Boda says this will give me back my virility.”

, Edith. This is a magic powder. It must be added to wine and drunk for seven days, and after that I will give my women sons! Isn’t this wonderful?..”

There is also such a type of damage as touching

. Damage can be transmitted by a blow with a hand or even from a simple touch of an unkind person.

But the most common type of damage is attributed to the gaze

. They said that there are sorcerers who with one glance can drive a person crazy, sometimes simply dry him up. Such sorcerers have their own name - “viritnik”. They fear him much more than a simple sorcerer or witch. The power of his gaze is such that his victim instantly begins to feel aches throughout the body, dizziness, pain in the heart and paralysis of the arms: they seem to turn to stone, and the person is simply unable to lift them. There are allegations that he can even damage an entire village, even to the point of its complete extermination.

The evil eye is not far from the evil eye

Corruption through a glance, i.e. the eye, a bad eye, an evil eye, is called the evil eye

. The evil eye can be called a type of damage. The difference between them is that damage occurs consciously, with the goal of causing harm, and the evil eye can occur as if automatically, not even by the evil will of a person, but simply sometimes from the innate ability to cause harm to what the owner of such bad eyes touches.

The belief in the evil eye was born back in those primitive times, when they believed that the world was filled with spirits, to which, as we know, everything was attributed: good luck on the hunt, all phenomena occurring in nature - the change of day and night and seasons, thunder, lightning , river floods, disease, death. Everyone saw this, everyone reflected the man’s eyes, and therefore they began to attribute mysterious power to him.

Particular importance was attached to the view of the Gods. The sun god Horus was depicted by the ancients as a soaring bird whose eyes were the moon and the sun. There were many legends about eyes. One of them is about the god Osiris, who was the son of the earth god Geb and his wife Nut. Having inherited his father's kingdom, Osiris ruled it fairly. But out of envy, he was killed by his brother, the evil god of the desert Set. Osiris' wife Isis found his body after dragging it out of the Nile. But Seth stole it, cut it into 40 pieces and scattered it throughout the country. Isis undertook a long search, but collected all these pieces and revived her husband’s body with the help of magic spells. Horus, who was the son of Osiris and Isis, entered into single combat with his uncle and defeated him, losing one eye in the battle with Set. At the same time, he also lost his power. He could only return it by taking Seth’s eye away. Myths about the loss and return of the eye were associated with the setting and rising of the moon and sun. Myths claimed that the eyes of the gods bring peace, goodness and happiness to people.

The eyes were also considered, according to ancient beliefs, to be the seat of the soul. Through the eyes the soul entered and left the body. In the same way, evil and good spirits penetrated into a person. Evil spirits, the ancients believed, together with the gaze of the person in which they were located, pass on to everything that the person looks at. The presence of evil spirits, demons, in the human body explained anger, hatred, fear, and the presence of good ones explained love, goodwill, and tenderness.

It turns out that the origins of the belief in the evil eye lie in the ancient belief in demons.

The evil eye is believed in many countries around the world. Different peoples have their own idea of ​​the evil eye. This belief is widespread in Europe, America and Canada, African countries, India, Turkey, Iran. In Mongolia, China, and Japan, superstitions associated with the evil eye are less common than in the countries mentioned earlier. But in Thailand, Burma, Korea, and Tibet there is no such concept at all.

In Europe, fear was caused by the eyes of a person of Jewish nationality, with its special culture and identity. For example, in England, Jews were forbidden to attend the coronation of Richard the Lionheart, and in Spain, Jews were forbidden to be in the field during the ripening period of the grain, so that there would be no evil eye on their part.

In Rus', eyes that were sunken, slanted, or bulging were considered evil, that is, not entirely normal. In general, all sorts of unfamiliar eyes can bring bad things.

Russians have always been afraid of the gypsy eye. According to Russian beliefs, the eyes of the Mordovians, Tatars, Karelians, and Finns also had a bad influence.

And if such a person also had strangely shaped ears - God forbid they were very large or hairy - then the evil eye could definitely not be avoided. A person with unusual ears, according to legend, was considered capable of the evil eye, because he could say something that could cause damage.

The ancient doctors Avicenna and Paracelsus believed in the negative impact of one person’s evil gaze on another. Major philosophers of the Middle Ages wrote about this quite seriously. Avicenna, in his book on nature, wrote: “Often the soul influences another’s body in the same way as its own, as, for example, when influenced by the evil eye.”

In the 5th century BC, anyone accused of the evil eye could be sentenced to death. One could read about the evil eye in Scandinavian sagas, legends, myths of the Tibetans, Arabian tales and traditions of the indigenous people of Australia. Conspiracies against the evil eye have survived and survived to this day. We can find them in Chaldean, Egyptian, Indian and Persian texts. Even the Gospel of Mark says: “for from within, from the heart of man, come evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, an envious eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All this evil comes from within and defiles a person.” And the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul. Dark thoughts – dark mirror – dark influence.

Thomas Aquinas, the famous theologian and philosopher (1225–1274), argued that as a result of strong mental stress, the eyes emit a special energy that infects the air over a large area. He convinced that the gaze of evil people is poisonous and carries damage, to which children with their weak psyches are especially susceptible. A woman's gaze was considered very harmful, especially on the days of her regulation. Paracelsus expressed the idea that during this period a woman’s gaze interfered with the healing of wounds, and the ancient Greeks stated that it caused pumpkins and cucumbers to wither. The danger of evil influence was also seen in the gaze of pregnant women.

In the 15th century, a law was issued which stated that “with their witchcraft, enchantments, spells and other terrible superstitious, vicious and criminal acts,” sorcerers cause “premature births to women, damage the offspring of animals, cereals, grapes on vines and fruits on trees, equally spoil men, women, domestic and other animals..." that "they mercilessly torment men, women, domestic animals with both internal and external terrible pains, that they prevent men from producing and women from conceiving children and deprive husbands and wives ability to fulfill one’s marital duty,” etc.

Professors of theology G. Insitoris and J. Sprenger have their own theory, who wrote that “the eyes easily perceive bad impressions. Therefore, it often happens that internal bad excitement gives them a bad imprint... If the eyes are full of harmful properties, then it may happen that they give bad qualities to the air around them... We see that a person suffering from an eye disease can at times, with his gaze, cast a spell on someone who will look at him." Eyes full of evil properties, they argued, infect the healthy eyes of the one who looks at them. “Infection is transmitted in a direct line... At the same time, the imagination of the one who believes that he can become infected is of great importance here.”

Who is the owner of “unclean” eyes? It is assumed that a person with an evil look is given away by some physical defects or something strange in the appearance of the person himself, and especially in the eyes. We have already mentioned that even the ancients avoided cross-eyed people, those with small, deep-set eyes and bulging eyes. People with twitching eyes aroused suspicion. They were especially wary of those who had multi-colored eyes. The eyes of people with yellowish skin, a large sharp nose and toothless were considered evil eyes.

The look of a woman who could not cry, the one about whom they say that you cannot knock out a tear, was considered bad.

In the East, as can be seen from legends and fairy tales, the ability to cast the evil eye was attributed to those with one eye.

The people attributed evil influences to the eyes of ugly old women, beggars and blacksmiths. From A. N. Afanasyev we read: “Slanting eyes give the face an unpleasant expression; To an ancient man they reminded a sunset, the diminishing of daylight, the approaching triumph of evil spirits. Therefore, the word “touch” is given the meaning “evil eye” (to touch - to cast the evil eye, to touch - afraid of an evil look, damage; to look askance at someone - to look with hostility); in conspiracies they ask for protection from “lessons” and “touches”. The ability of vision, according to pagan concepts, was endowed by the gods of light and goodness; with the deficiency, and even more so with the absence of this gift, was connected the thought of moral imperfection, deceit and malice. That’s why the word “oblique” was used in the sense of “devil”: “Take it with the scythe!”

In many countries, the evil eye is associated with an envious glance. There is even a legend about this.

Alexander the Great was returning home after his long campaigns. On the way, he met a stream originating at the gates of heaven. Alexander moved along the stream, reached the gate, but could not open it. But when he turned to leave, a human eye suddenly rolled out of the gate. He asked the sages to decipher this sign. The sages took gold, silver, various jewelry and put it all on a scale, and on the other - a human eye. And the eye outweighed! The sages gave the following explanation: “If you put all the wealth of the world on a scale, then even then the human eye will outweigh it. Because a person is never satisfied with what he has.” Macedonsky did not believe their words. Then the sages took gold and jewelry from the scales and threw a pinch of dust onto the scales. And a weightless pinch of dust prevailed. And then Alexander realized that while a person looks at the world, he is tormented by desires. And only death, turning a person into dust, deprives him of his envious power.

Envy is caused by beauty, health, strength, wealth, power, fashionable clothes, a good husband, healthy children, a happy family, a successful career, everything that is associated with success and brings happiness and joy. In this regard, it is considered dangerous to praise someone, because praise also attracts the evil eye, witchcraft.

There is an opinion that the custom of savages wearing a loincloth is associated not with a feeling of shame, but with the fear of the negative impact of someone else's eye, especially a witch's eye. In the East there is even such an aphorism: “The sick person will recover, but the one who has been jinxed will never.”

There was also a list of diseases caused by the evil eye: thinness, paralysis, tumors, convulsions, melancholy, blindness, obsession, greed for food, impotence. In such patients, they say, nails, needles, threads, bones, hair, pebbles and even spiders were found in the feces and vomit.

Children were especially protected from the evil eye. There is a belief (and to this day) not to show the child to anyone until he is baptized. In Germany, even cats were not allowed into the children's room, because werewolf sorcerers often turn into cats. Even parents themselves can put the evil eye on their own child. In some countries, for this reason, the father was not allowed to see the born child for some time.

Childhood diseases caused by the evil eye included insomnia, headaches, epileptic seizures, nausea, consumption, and screaming. Symptoms of damage from the evil eye included such signs as sudden weight loss, pallor, poor pulse, fever, lack of appetite, convulsions, and sweating. Adults exposed to the evil eye often experienced anxiety, indulged in melancholy, cried, felt a sense of panic, suffered from headaches, lack of appetite, and emaciation. Often such a person was afraid of priests, shunned holy water, feared the name of Jesus Christ, was afraid of prayer, and could not be cured with medicine.

“Spoiled” animals lost weight, were sad and indifferent to food, sweated and trembled. In Germany, a cow whose milk suddenly curdled, even when it was not sour, or suddenly acquired a reddish tint, was considered “smoothed.”

A pig was considered “spoiled” if it squealed continuously, ate any food it had not eaten before, but remained hungry all the time. Chickens that were spoiled jumped onto the wall or fell to the ground.

The book of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and BASS, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor I.F. Zayanchkovsky, “Animals, Signs and Prejudices,” published in 1991, provides examples of belief in the deterioration of animals even today. For example, he describes a case that happened in the Saratov region. Two friends quarreled there - Shura D. and Zhenya K. Shura boasted that she could both cure a cow and send damage to it, because she had magical powers. Soon, Zhenya’s cow suddenly fell ill and stopped milking. Fame spread throughout the village that it was Shura who caused the damage, that she was a witch. This led to a big quarrel between the friends. Even the fact that the veterinarian found that she had a disease - traumatic pericarditis - did not help Shurka get rid of the evil label of a witch.

One of the old women from the village of Pentseva, Belgorod region, is credited, writes Zayanchkovsky, with the ability to cast a spell on cows and remove it. They say that she sits on a bench near her house and looks at the cows passing from the pasture. And whatever he decides to jinx, he does so. The cow stops milking. The owners run to the grandmother so that she can remove the damage. She casts a spell and drives the evil spirit out of the cow.

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