How can you remove the evil eye from an infant?

The evil eye is a negative impact of negative energy that does not have a specific direction. This distinguishes it from damage, which is always targeted. You may not believe that the evil eye takes place, but there is no doubt that one person can direct clots of negatively charged energy towards another. Children who are not yet equipped with the ability to erect a barrier are in particular danger. Therefore, you need to know how to remove the evil eye from a child at home and use proven, reliable methods.

The health of the child and the purity of his aura are entirely in the hands of the parents; the baby is still too small to defend himself

How to understand that a child has been jinxed?

When excluding medical reasons that cause changes in children's behavior, the surprise factor is the main symptom. If crises, screams and deterioration in health appear suddenly, this is an alarm bell. A child is more sensitive to dark energy than an adult, and therefore reacts to it faster. But it is unlikely to be possible to find out when and who exactly caused the damage.

For the evil eye, it is not necessary to say bad or, conversely, flattering words out loud: it is enough for an evil thought to arise within and thus acquire a material form.

See also...

✅ What to do if a child is jinxed?

✅ Methods of getting rid of damage in the church

✅ How to remove a conspiracy from damage and the evil eye?

✅ Conspiracies and prayers for conceiving a child

The evil ghost has an expiration date, it is short-lived. Unfortunately, even a short period of time is often enough to cause damage to the immune system or mental health. But there is also no need to panic prematurely: children have special cycles in personality formation, periodically repeating every 1 to 3 years. At these moments, they behave unevenly and often throw tantrums. That is why, first, we advise you to seek the help of specialists (pediatrician, child psychologist or neurologist, etc.) to make sure there are no health problems.

Evil eye or illness? How can a parent figure out on their own where to look for the reason? The child is rarely able to explain what exactly is bothering him. Take a closer look to see if he has the following symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Temperature changes (fever gives way to chills and vice versa);
  • General nervous condition;
  • Shyness;
  • Loud screaming and crying, which cannot be calmed by ordinary methods;
  • Increased tear production;
  • Sweating;
  • Unreasonable yawning;
  • Constant drowsiness or extremely restless sleep;
  • Change in attitude towards relatives (refusal of contact);
  • Indifference to toys.

All of these symptoms may be evidence of the presence or a harbinger of the development of a serious disease. That is why we repeat once again: SEEK MEDICAL HELP FIRST! If the situation does not improve even after medical intervention, also act in a different direction.

The fastest way to identify the evil eye is with holy water. Wash your baby with it and see how he behaves. If signs of bad behavior have become more intense, most likely this is a sign of damage. You can get rid of it using special rituals and conspiracies.

Rituals to determine the evil eye are performed using eggs, wax and charcoal. Conspiracies are read on water and candles.

On the egg

Take a chicken egg. Pour water into a transparent glass and hold it above the child's head. Ideally, you should place the glass on the top of his head, but the baby is unlikely to stand still. Break the egg and pour it into the water. Have the white and yolk retained their structure? This means that the cause of troubles is health. If the contents fall apart, change consistency and color, this is a sign of foreign influence. But you should always consider the possibility that you simply received a spoiled product.

On beeswax

Melt a small amount of natural wax in a saucepan and pour it into a saucer with cooled water. After a minute, look at the size and shape of the resulting frozen figure. If it has smooth edges and outlines, everything is fine. A vague, incomprehensible formation that does not have correct boundaries indicates the presence of a bad conspiracy.

On the embers

Fill a faceted glass with clean water. Dip three small pieces of coal into it. The bars remaining on the surface are a sign that it is time to calm down and pay even more attention to the therapeutic approach. But if the coal sinks to the bottom, it indicates the presence of black energy. Start proofreading special spells.

Water spell

Ordinary raw water is spelled like this:

“You are the water flowing from the Jordan, created by the Lord, you wash the fields, forests, banks and meadows, stones and roots - wash, cleanse the soul and body of the servant of God (name of the child). Amen (three times)!”

The spell is read three times, while the water is baptized three times.

Then the ritual itself is performed:

Seven small spoons (teaspoons will do) are taken in the left hand. Take a glass of enchanted water in your other palm. Bring the spoons to the plate and start pouring water on them. While it is flowing, you need to read the “Our Father” three times. The child's face and hands are washed with water from the plate.

Candle spell

Place a wax candle blessed in church at a distance from the child, along the back of the body (from the back of the head to the heels), while reading Psalm 90 (full text). The prayer is said 9 times. Light each reading and set aside one match (there should be nine in total). Watch the flame. If it crackles, jumps, and the candle smokes, this is a sign of a strong evil eye, intentionally induced. At the end of the ritual, the candle is placed near the icon.

If there is no blessed candle in the house, simply move your palm in the same direction. The text of the plot changes (read 9 times):

“After the first time, the first hour (each new time a number in order is used), drive away the look of the eyes (list all possible eye colors), masculine or feminine. I, too, am driving you away, sending you out, through forests, valleys, fields and mountains, rivers and lakes, into a swamp, into a remote swamp, where a person does not walk, and the human eye does not see. You cannot be here, you cannot drink the blood of God’s servant (name of the child), you cannot break teeth, you cannot take your belly, you cannot bow your head, you cannot break bones. Amen (3 times).”

How to protect your home from evil spells? ↑

Protect your home with powerful tools

At all times, sharp objects (knives, needles, etc.) were considered one of the most powerful tools to protect the house from evil spells, damage and the evil eye. So, a simple spell of an evil eye pin stuck into the frame of the front door will help to get rid of uninvited guests with evil thoughts against the owner of the house forever.

To do this, read the following words above the new open pin:

“Whoever comes to me with evil will choke on that evil himself. And whoever comes with good will take away even more good. So be it, amen."

After this, the pin is stuck into the door frame or threshold so that it does not catch the eye of strangers. Experienced magicians claim that black sorcerers and witches are unable to cross the threshold of a house in which a sharp object (knife, needles, pins, etc.) is stuck.

Conspiracy against the evil eye on a child

If it was necessary to use a spell against the evil eye and remove the bad influence of strangers from the child, it means that initially no protective measures were taken. Preventing a problem is easier than fixing it. To prevent the evil eye from affecting children, the mother must follow simple rules:

  • Until one year old, try not to show your baby to strangers. Even mother should not look at him too closely, especially if at that moment she is restless in her soul;
  • Giving things to strangers or showing photographs and videos of a child is prohibited;
  • Hang transparent tulle over the cradle to protect the baby from negative energy;
  • Older children are explained that taking any objects, edible or inedible, from strangers is prohibited. This rule applies not only against the evil eye, but also to avoid other dangerous situations.

Also, the child should know that picking up coins or other objects on the street, no matter how attractive they may seem to him, is not worth it. Such a thing definitely retains the energy of the previous owner, which may turn out to be bad.

Spells against the evil eye for children will work faster if you prepare for them correctly.

Preparation for the ceremony

When the plot is read on an adult, it is not very difficult to prepare him for the process. Another thing is a child. Children are constantly on the move, they quickly get bored with one activity and are looking for new entertainment. If the baby has the evil eye, everything becomes more complicated. But there are general rules for casting a spell to remove the evil eye from a child:

  • The spell is pronounced on the waning moon. However, if the child feels very bad, you should not wait for the lunar phase to change and you need to start the ritual immediately;
  • A woman must read the spell. This could be a mother, grandmother or older sister if she has reached adulthood;
  • All strangers leave the room where the ritual is being held;
  • If there is a dog in the house, remove it from the room during the ceremony. The cat and other pets can stay.

Try to calm the baby down, hug him and briefly explain what is happening. He shouldn't panic even more. Wash his face with clean water. Remove all foreign objects from the child (chain, watch, hairpins, etc.).

Text of the plot against the evil eye of a child

If the situation looks hopeless, use the following prayer. This is one of the most powerful spells, but only the mother can pronounce it, because she has the most powerful connection with the child:

“Blessed Matrona of Moscow, let doubts torment my soul, but I save the soul of my child (name) from the evil eye. Forgive my sins, calm down my confusion, let us zeal for Orthodoxy. You save in illness, you heal in torment. Help me to heal, and how to drink water from oil. The evil eye from the child (name) will evaporate, and grace will settle inside. All this is your will, amen!”

To strengthen the conspiracy, it must be read in the temple in front of the iconostasis.

How to recognize the evil eye?

The comic saying “it got out of my hands as if I had been jinxed” is not always a joke. Often, a child’s non-standard behavior in the absence of visible social reasons can be a consequence of the evil eye. You can understand this by watching the baby. If the following series of signs are noted, it is most likely the evil eye. Sound the alarm if:

  • The child lost his appetite and became apathetic towards his favorite activities, games, and toys.
  • The baby does not make contact with parents, relatives, friends, although he did before.
  • Unreasonable phobias appeared, the prerequisites for which were not observed. This could be a fear of the dark, loneliness, strange things, open or closed spaces, etc.
  • The child is capricious, nervous, tearful and yawning.
  • Body temperature rises and falls.
  • Everything is falling out of hand for the kid; what used to work out with a bang now doesn’t work out.
  • In addition to the above, the child's behavior has changed for the worse.

The presence of most of these symptoms allows us to accurately state that there is an unfavorable influence from outside on the baby’s energy. He could be jinxed by ill-wishers, evil people on the street, neighbors, family enemies, envious parents of other children in kindergarten or school. The cause of the evil eye is most often envy, but it is not necessary to know who could have caused it; the main thing is to protect the child from external influence with the help of simple rituals.

How to charm an amulet to protect a child?

It is useful to have a talisman that helps to minimize or neutralize the impact of ill-wishers. It is not difficult to make and cast an amulet for a child. Tie a red thread on your son or daughter's wrist. This method is used for the smallest children, including infants. For those older, a silver or steel safety pin is pinned to their clothing. To enhance the effect, hang a green glass bead on it. At night, the pin is removed and placed under the pillow. You can't lose her. You need to activate the powers of the amulet with a conspiracy. To do this, a pin is dropped into a glass of water and the words are said:

“Point, sharp, thin, protect me from the eyes of the evil one, demonic spawn and other evil spirits!”

A mother can independently make a protective amulet for her child from available materials:

From rowan

The leaves or berries of the plant are placed in a linen bag. The amulet is placed under the mattress in the children's bedroom. With a lit candle, the plot is read:

“Red Rowan, I ask you, I want to protect the child. Save him from evil, save him from evil! Let my child grow, grow up, let him fly in a calm sleep. Misfortune will bypass him, and envy will not knock at the gate. Let joy find him, let all bad things go away. So I command, let it happen!”

From laurel

Bay leaves are laid out in the corners of the child’s room, on the windowsill and at the head of the room. The child can carry them with him in a woven bag. First read the following text on the amulet:

“The laurel is strong and glorious; whoever carries this bag, let evil not destroy him. Let all bad deeds go away, let all dark thoughts pass. My child will be protected, the power of the laurel will be with him! Amen!"

An amulet made of bay leaves should be kept with the child at all times: in a stroller, bed or in a school backpack.

From a toy

You can start talking either to a new toy from the store or to one that you sewed with your own hands. Protective spells against the evil eye for children are also written on a piece of paper, which is placed inside a toy talisman.

From a shell

Ideally, you should take not a shell, but a pebble with a hole - a chicken god. But if this is not the case, a shell will do, but the hole in it must be of natural origin. Read the plot three times:

“Water and earth, protect (child’s name). The trouble will be averted, the misfortune will be driven away. Stand up to protect (name) with a single force, protect from (list of potential misfortunes, including the evil eye)! Just as water is indomitable, just as the firmament of the earth is indestructible, so this defense is invincible. Let it be so!"

The shell is hung on a thread, knots are tied on the sides, and beads (an odd number) are strung on the sides. When putting on each bead, say what it protects from (from damage, illness, evil spirit, etc.). When you have finished weaving a bracelet or necklace, say:

“I close my work with a knot, I protect (children’s name) from troubles and adversity. Amen!"

Every three months the amulet is placed in water brought from the sea or in sea salt. It protects especially well from the eyes of children born under the sign of water or living near it.

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Plot for a needle and water ↑

The needle, which was stuck by the owner’s hand into the threshold of his house, is a powerful magical attribute that not only does not allow ill-wishers into the home, but also drives away those who simply wish harm to its inhabitants from the house. In order for the needle to enhance its effect, the following ritual is performed over it, during which the following spell for water against the evil eye is read.

Exactly at midnight, the needle is taken out of the door threshold or frame, placed on a silver dish or silver spoon, and water begins to be poured on it, over which the following spell is recited:

“I lock up evil, I close it, I don’t let it into life. Whoever casts an evil glance at my house will have a needle stuck in his heart. It will prick, hurt, and the enemy cannot stand it. Truly."

After these words, a red thread is threaded into the needle and stuck back into the door frame.

How to work with eggs

You only need to use one fresh egg, preferably from a trusted source, for example, from your grandmother's chickens. Rinse the egg well with water before starting. Take the egg in your right hand and pass it over the entire surface of the child’s skin, while simultaneously pronouncing the spell:

“The golden egg, it’s not simple! Magical and healing! The golden hen laid it, brought it to me on a plate, and told me to caress the Servant of God (child’s name). I roll the egg over the head, neck, arms and legs so that its path is merry. I roll over my dear body, collecting all the bad things in it! A testicle - into the fire, an evil eye - to the one who planned evil, he wanted to deprive the baby! Such is the lot! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Further actions involve using fire to get rid of the egg with the negative energy collected in it. We make a fire and get rid of it, throwing it into the thick of it. Don't forget about safety measures and be careful. The evil eye of a child can only be rolled out through the chakras. Mom needs to take him for a ride on:

  • crown;
  • forehead;
  • cervix;
  • breast;
  • in the solar plexus area;
  • coccyx.

The spent egg must be buried in the ground so that the dog does not eat it. You can carefully break it into a glass vessel filled with water and see how much energy dirt a simple chicken egg can remove. Then everything needs to be poured into a latrine and the container thrown away, or left for rituals.

If the evil eye is very strong, and the child is left without strength, lies and looks at one point, then an energy-intensive operation with the eggs will be needed. Buy three different eggs; to be sure of their quality, go to the market. Buy them from three different sellers, one egg at a time. It takes 3 sessions to break in the baby's body. One evening - one egg.

Perform the ritual in the dark, but use church candles purchased in advance as lighting. There should also be three of them - one per session. Cover your bed with a new sheet, sit the baby on your lap and roll it over the entire skin surface of the body, pronouncing the spell as in the first option or use a simplified version:

“On the arms, on the legs, on the heads, on the back, on the stomach, I roll the testicle - I remove the evil eye. Roll, egg, roll, whoever sent the evil eye, return to him.”

Remember to get rid of the candle and egg after each session. They need to be burned or taken far from their home and buried deep under a tree. It would not be superfluous to combine rituals with an egg and holy water, which will only enhance the effect and increase the chances of removing the evil eye.

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