Every mother should know this: five amulets that will protect a child from the evil eye

Even in ancient times, it was very important for the Slavs to protect a child, and amulets were created for this purpose. Some of them have survived to this day.

In Slavic culture, a talisman for a baby is an inseparable element of everyday life. Charms were used not only to protect oneself from the evil eye, vices, and evil plans, they helped the child find peace of mind and body, and set him on the right path. To this day, there are amulets for children that are used separately for different ages.

Only one’s own mother could make a talisman, and with rare exceptions, a grandmother, but only by relation to the mother. Mom's protection has enormous power. It is curious that children up to the age of three were protected not by talismans, but by other means.

Charms for children from 0 to 3 years old

In accordance with the traditions of the Slavic peoples, babies who were born were wrapped in their parents' shirt, little girls in their mother's, and boys in only their father's. No other amulets were made so as not to interfere with the formation of the body and character.

The Slavs firmly believed in the miraculous power of the shirt, its ability to protect the entire surrounding space around the baby. For this purpose, it was customary to embroider protective patterns on it.


Another Slavic amulet for children was the baby’s crib and the home itself. Where there was a cradle for a newborn, a bathing wreath was hung on the door, in a red corner, and even before the adoption of Orthodoxy, a towel with embroidery was placed under the sanctuary with the gods. When entering a child’s room, a cross made of rowan was hung on the door as protection from evil spirits and evil.

The amulets were embroidered not only on a towel, but also on a blanket, in the form of a picture on the wall. They were made of wood and pictures were painted on the walls. These were the Slavic amulets for children:

  • The classic mascot was Alatyr . There was an opinion that he was able to protect the child throughout his life.


  • Another powerful amulet was considered to be the “family sign”, the Sign of the Family. This amulet had the power to protect from birth to death. Until he was 10 years old, he lay next to the child, and then he carried him on his body.


  • Small silver bells warded off evil spirits.

Little ones

  • A swing in the shape of a horse provided protection from negativity.

On the floor

  • Swaddle dolls were also powerful talismans. They were made in the form of newborns wrapped in an envelope. It was a talisman against evil spirits; it was placed in the crib with the baby. He lured all the negative energy to himself. This doll was made without using a needle.

For kids

A child up to 3 years of age was protected only with objects, and nothing was put on his body.

Herbal amulets

Magic herbs will help protect your baby. Many people remember how grandmothers used plants as a talisman, for example, they swept the floor with wormwood, carefully sweeping the corners of the house, hung garlic and rowan in the corners, and put bags of different herbs under the pillow. Herbs can be used in the form of garlands hung in a visible place and wreaths woven from protective plants, bags with various collections, herbs under the pillow (or in the pillow), placed in the form of brooms in the corners.

Herbal amulets can be made from one plant or several. There are plants aimed at achieving different goals:

  • from the evil eye;
  • from damage;
  • for good luck;
  • for health;
  • for money;
  • for success;
  • for love;
  • for prosperity;
  • to win;
  • for spiritual growth;
  • for career growth, etc.

Considering that we are talking about protecting children, we are interested in plants for protection from evil forces, the evil eye, for health and for promoting learning.

Slavic amulets for children from 3 to 7 years old

When the child grew older, a talisman was put on his body. They were made with their own hands from materials that were always at hand: wood, cloth, silver, birch bark. In the north of the country, talismans were made from animal bones.

The pattern that was embroidered on clothes was the same for both girls and boys. They were made from parents' old things. Children under 7 years old had to wear “Ladins”, named after the Goddess Lada.

For preschoolers

Quite often, children, starting from the age of 3, wore “radinets” on their bodies, which gave joy and peace, and in the belt area - “kopoushki” - these are spoons that symbolized satiety and prosperity, and “keys”, symbols of knowledge. Small bells were hung on things to scare away evil spirits.

They also wore rings and other jewelry made of birch and fabric. Charms were embroidered on the material: “baby”, which has the power to awaken the feminine essence and instincts in girls, “Molvinets”, which protected from the evil eye, slander, “light”, bringing success and happiness.

Toys amulets

The sun is used as a pendant in the crib
. A toy can become a talisman for a child, the most common are: the sun, embroidered and carved cockerels, bells, amulets dolls, various animals and tools (spindle for girls, anvil, sword for boys).

Some toys inspire confidence and lift your spirits, others protect you from the evil eye and damage, and others protect your health.


A bell is the best protection for a baby from diseases and the evil eye.
A bell is the most common amulet for the home. Suitable for protecting the child from birth. It is believed that the ringing of a bell cleanses the energy of the house, scares away evil spirits and attracts good luck to the house. The ringing of bells also promotes a speedy recovery by tuning the body to the desired wave during viral diseases.

It is recommended to hang the bell under a chandelier in the middle of the room, as well as protective birds made of wood or fabric.

Baby doll

A good amulet is a doll made by hand for a child from the clothes of the mother and father. For a girl, mother's clothes are taken, and for a boy, father's clothes. The simplest option is a diaper doll. Such small motanka dolls are not only amulets, but wonderful toys for young children. The doll fits perfectly into the baby's hand, it is soft and bright.

You need to know: when making a protective doll for a child, the fabric and threads are torn off by hand ; cutting with scissors and pricking with a needle is not allowed.
The doll must be faceless.

A do-it-yourself doll can be hung over a crib, over a stroller, or placed under a pillow. There can be many such dolls, of different colors, different sizes and fabrics of different textures.

Angel amulet

A toy in the shape of an angel has great power as a talisman. It could be a figurine, a doll. Embroidery on a blanket or clothing. It is important that the angel is made in light colors and in a good mood. The simplest option is to make a guardian angel from a piece of white fabric or linen; you can also knit, sew, or mold an angel from clay or salt dough.

The angel amulet is hung over the window, door, crib. At Christmas, the Christmas tree is decorated with angels. Various angels are given to loved ones with wishes of health and happiness.

Slavic amulets for children from 7 to 14 years old

When the child turned seven years old, relatives and friends analyzed his abilities and began to initiate the child into the basics of the craft. Charms for children were designed for each occasion separately.

Depending on gender

For boys they were made in the form of tools, a sledgehammer, a hammer, and for girls they were made in the form of a spindle. Divine animals also served as talismans - in their likeness they made silhouettes from wood, stone, material filled with straw, and made special embroideries on towels, blankets, and napkins.

Slavic amulets for children over 14 years old

At the age of 14, children were already considered adults. They performed an initiation ritual and gave him a name. Now he had two names, one was given at birth, and the other symbolized the family, reflected the character and state of mind. They made special talismans for this so that the name could adapt. At the age of 11-14 years, the child was named a youth and a naming ritual was also performed.

The amulets were created with the image of spirits, gods, who protected the entire family. Thus, generic abilities and qualities were passed on to the children.

The amulets for children of this age were as follows:

  • Kolyadnik ” - helped the boy become bolder, more purposeful, constantly win, endowed him with super strength, protected him in battle, and came to the rescue in everyday affairs.

For boys

  • Rodimich ” is a Slavic amulet for children , which they wore all their lives; it protected them from evil spirits with the power of their ancestors.

For life

  • Lunnitsa ” is a talisman that was made to attract love and good luck, to get married well and bear a healthy child, and to protect against female diseases.

For girls

  • Makosh ” - named after the goddess Makosh, it was used to create a strong family and protect the family hearth from the evil eye.


  • Molvinets ” is a Slavic amulet that protects children from unkind words, the evil eye and thoughts.


  • Kolovrat ” - protects children’s health from vices and enemies. He is endowed with the power of the sun.


  • Star of Lada ” is a special Slavic amulet for girls. Endowed with the power to preserve beauty, youth and protect from evil words.

For girls

  • " Axe of Perun " - an amulet for boys. He came to help during the battle, helped not to look at other women.

For boys
These amulets were the most classic and widespread, they were made from improvised means. For example: felt, flax, thread, birch bark, metal, wood, bones, stones.

The dolls were made from natural fiber. The most popular material was birch, less commonly used were oak, poplar, and linden.

Child safety pins

A pin is one of the most common, simple and ancient amulets against the evil eye and envy. It is quite effective in protecting both children and adults. It is often used in our time. The pin is first said and then pinned to the inside of the child’s clothing. There is no need to change it, and you shouldn’t wash it with your clothes either. The spell can be repeated every time you put a pin on another item of your son or daughter’s wardrobe.

Pin spell:

A sharp pin will pierce all evil, send it away, drive it away, drive away everything bad, evil and dashing from (name)! The pin is sharp, you protect (name) every hour and every day! Always and everywhere protect! Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!

On our website there are other protective pin spells for children.

There are many opinions on how to properly pin a pin. Some believe that our ancestors attached them with the head down. And some do it with the point up to prick the evil eye, or downwards to prick the evil tongue.

Very young children do not have pins pinned to their clothes to avoid injury. If you are going to make a talisman for a newborn from this item, place it near the head of the stroller or crib, in a place that is as safe as possible for the baby.

How to revive a talisman for a child?

It’s just that the amulet, as an object, did not have any special power; it had to be revived and given life, endowed with strength and a little soul invested. First, it had to be cleaned, a spell read, and only then given to the child.

If the talisman was made by a person with good intentions, then the purification was not done. In the process of making the talisman, we thought only about good things. Good thoughts made the amulet pure from the very beginning.

The amulet, which was passed down by inheritance or purchased, had to be cleaned before use. They performed a special ritual by placing it in salt for a couple of days.

To revive the amulet, they took it in the hand and read a prayer, asking for protection. Parents constantly took out the talisman and asked for help and protection for the child while he was small.

How were Slavic amulets used for children?

For newborns they were simply placed in the crib, under a pillow or mattress, and for older children they were worn on the body. Obregs for children were toys; they were hung on the door or window. When taking the child in her arms, the mother wore the amulet in her pocket or put it around her neck.

The task of the family was to give birth to healthy children, to educate their minds and souls so that they would become worthy successors to the family line. Parents' concern was manifested in the protection of children. Talismans had strong magical powers. These talismans can still be used now, but it is important to consider its purpose.

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