How to solve the riddle of Mr. Mirror (Gunther and Dima) in “Hearts of Stone”?

According to the sign, breaking a mirror means embarking on a long road of failure. When a person breaks reflective glass, his skin becomes cold - this is how much the ancestors intimidated their descendants. Since ancient times, mirrors have been considered a portal between worlds, and breaking this portal meant letting something otherworldly into your home. But over time, the sign also acquired good interpretations. Moreover, if you believe in the negative omen, then there is hope for cleansing from the evil that threatens the broken reflective surface.

Breaking a mirror by accident: why?

Centuries of human experience have proven that even a small mirror, broken by accident, can be the beginning of a series of problems. Mirrors are saturated with energy, both positive and negative.

IMPORTANT: It is strictly forbidden to look into broken mirrors, as they can “suck” the vitality out of a person.

There are several other negative consequences of a cracked amalgam:

  • a family in which a mirror is broken will be haunted by troubles, illnesses and misfortunes for the next seven years, even death is possible for one of its members
  • during a violation of the integrity of a rare mirror, some entities may enter our world that do not have a material shell, but are strongly negatively disposed towards humans

Breaking a mirror means illness and troubles.
However, there are also positive beliefs about broken mirrors:

  • in the process of breaking there is a release, dispersion and subsequent disappearance of all the negativity that has accumulated in the mirror during its life
  • an odd number of fragments of a broken mirror warns of an imminent wedding
  • if a patient looks into the mirror repeatedly and for a long time, it will preserve his suffering and experiences. Such a mirror should be destroyed, and a new one should be looked at with a smile and hope, then the disease will begin to recede, and over time, recovery will come

Why does the mirror break?

Since the Middle Ages, people have believed that a reflective surface is capable of absorbing positive energy and releasing negative energy. These beliefs are associated with certain signs:

  • Chips - even if a small piece breaks off, this will lead to loss of vital energy.
  • Cracks - if a mirror accidentally falls and cracks, this foreshadows a split in family, friendship or love, or warns of some unpleasant event.
  • Pieces of a mirror - a reflective surface broken into small fragments threatens disaster (failures for 7 years, death of one of the family members).

All mirrors are unsafe for humans. The most dangerous:

  • Located in the bedroom, bathroom - a surface reflecting sleep or a naked body can transmit negative energy, because during moments of sleep and washing, people are more vulnerable to the influence of otherworldly forces.
  • Ancient ones - for decades they have absorbed good and bad emotions, so they contain a lot of unspent energy and breaking them even by accident is a big disaster.
  • Reflecting the full moon - it is believed that on the full moon all evil awakens and the mirror transmits negative energy to the place where it is located. It is better to remove the interior item or cover the surface with a thick cloth.

Dangerous mirrors can be cleansed using a ritual. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a fir branch, preferably consecrated in a temple, sprinkle it with holy water.
  2. Spray the mirror three times in a cross pattern.
  3. Wipe the surface with a new napkin, reciting the Lord's Prayer three times.

Small or big

The dimensions indicate the scale of the consequences. If:

  • a mirror from a ladies' cosmetic bag or a child's one breaks - expect minor troubles (a conflict at work, a quarrel with a neighbor);
  • a medium-sized mirror surface has cracked - there may be consequences such as a quarrel with family, household troubles (flooding of the apartment);
  • a large mirror breaks into pieces - expect serious problems (illness, death of a relative).

Where did it break?

Signs are also associated with the place:

  • hallway - unsuccessful acquaintances;
  • bedroom - troubles in love affairs;
  • office - problems with superiors or co-workers;
  • bathroom – a loved one’s illness is likely;
  • car - accident, breakdown.

Who broke

There is a relationship between the damaged item and who did it. If a child breaks a mirror, he must not then look at his reflection. This will make the baby nervous and fearful. The child's godmother or natural mother removes the fragments. If the owner breaks things, this means trouble with others.

If you accidentally damage someone else's mirror, you should be more careful in communicating with its owner. Negative energy emanates from this person. A mirror broken by a married person means divorce, and for single people it means failure in personal relationships.

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Favorable omens

Along with bad omens, there are also good ones:

  • An accidentally broken mirror in the house foreshadows changes for the better, since all the negative energy of the family has also broken.
  • If a person is very sick, folk wisdom recommends looking in a mirror, then breaking it and throwing away the fragments. This will speed up your recovery.
  • If the fragments scatter, you need to count them while collecting them. An odd number promises a quick wedding.
  • If the mirror surface breaks under the weight of a person or due to the fault of an animal (cat), this promises the collapse of barriers to the desired goal.

What to do if a mirror breaks at home, in an apartment, or in a bathroom?

If such a nuisance occurs in your home (house or apartment), then under no circumstances should you panic and despair, but you should follow the wise advice of the Dalai Lama: “If the problem is solved, there is no need to worry; if it is not solved, there is no use worrying! »

For many people, the fear of a broken mirror first paralyzes them and then forces them to do rash things. However, there is a very specific algorithm of actions to mitigate the negative consequences of a broken mirror:

  1. Carefully cover the fragments with any dark thing so that the reflection of your face does not get into them
  2. Collect fragments with gloves or through a towel. If you do this with your bare hands, you can not only cut yourself, but also attract all the bad energy from the broken mirror.
  3. The smallest fragments and dust can then be removed with a wet cloth, which must be disposed of immediately
  4. To be sure to get rid of the bad energy of a damaged mirror, you can rinse large fragments with tap water - a simple action, but very effective
  5. Next, you need to properly get rid of the fragments directly.

Some people believe that it is enough to simply wrap the fragments in an opaque cloth and throw them away. But this is not entirely correct.

The mirror in the bathroom broke

Esotericists suggest taking the following steps:

  • package it well and throw it into the river, but as deep as possible, as people relaxing on the pond may be harmed
  • bury in the ground with the reflection down in a place you never plan to visit

IMPORTANT: If the fragments were removed using a broom, it must be taken outside the house (even an apartment building) to the street and thrown three times. A broom thrown up must touch the ground

It is very important to accompany the process of recycling fragments with simple spells, the effects of which have been tested for centuries. So, before collecting the fragments, you need to read “Our Father” and “Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos,” reinforcing the effect of the words by sprinkling them with holy water.

While throwing away the remains of the mirror, you need to repeat nine times in a whisper, “Even if the mirror breaks, grief will not touch me (name), misfortune will bypass me (name). Amen".

IMPORTANT: Regardless of how and why the mirror broke, you must thank it out loud for the warning.

Holy water and prayer will save you from trouble if a mirror breaks

How to break a mirror

Signs say that a damaged mirror surface promises trouble, the scale of which depends on the degree of damage. If a small chip has formed on it, a small quarrel with loved ones will soon occur.

When the object is completely broken, dreams or plans are not destined to come true. The severity of the consequences can be judged by the size of the product.

If a car mirror is cracked, do not drive, because higher powers are warning you about an accident.

Breaking a small mirror means unimportant minor quarrels and everyday troubles. Big problems are expected when a large object breaks. This is a harbinger of serious illnesses, separations, and protracted conflicts with loved ones or relatives.

Hanging reflectors pose the greatest danger. If such a thing breaks into small pieces, expect major problems. Even the death of one of your loved ones is possible. Looking into a broken mirror means severe deterioration in health.

When the hanging mirror surface cracks, this is a sign. Something urgently needs to be done to protect relatives and yourself from future adversity.


If you accidentally break a mirror, troubles will arise due to the inattentive or frivolous attitude of the owner of the item to life, work or family. Troubles will be minimal if the accessory was small or new.

If a large reflector accidentally falls from the wall at home, expect big failures. To prevent problems, contact a clairvoyant or psychic for help.


If it happened that the mirror fell and broke, then such actions occur for the following reasons:

  • elimination of negativity, the reflector where the sick person has been looking for a long time is destroyed by observing a certain magical ritual;
  • inducing damage, fragments are used to make linings or bury shards along with a photograph of the victim;
  • eliminating the consequences of a previously performed black ritual, the fragments are collected in an opaque cloth and then disposed of.

You cannot perform magical rituals on your own, even for a good purpose. Any rituals must be performed by experienced sorcerers and witches. Only people with magical abilities can protect themselves and other participants in the ritual from danger.

What to do if a mirror breaks at work?

If this happens at work, then you can expect trouble in your professional activities:

  • worsening relationships with colleagues
  • conflicts with superiors
  • shortcomings in work
  • dismissal

However, pleasant surprises are also possible: solving problems that interfere with career or professional growth.

To protect yourself from the negative consequences of your mistake, you need to act approximately as you would at home: cover the fragments with a dark cloth and collect them, get rid of small ones with a damp broom, put everything together in a tight dark bag and throw it outside the building.

If a mirror breaks at work, you need to take the fragments outside the building

What to do with a broken mirror

The person responsible for the incident, except children, must remove the fragments. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Avoid direct contact with fragments (household gloves). To collect large pieces, use a dustpan and a broom; collect small pieces with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Remember not to look at the fragments.
  3. Wash large parts of the broken mirror under running water.
  4. Wrap the collected fragments in a dark cloth.
  5. Place everything at the bottom of a tight bag along with the frame, if there was one.
  6. Try to get rid of the fragments by drowning them in the river or burying them. If this is not possible, throw the bag in the nearest trash bin immediately.
  7. Buy a new interior decoration to replace the damaged one and hang it in the place where the old one hung.
  8. Don't tell anyone what happened to the broken mirror.

What to do if a small mirror breaks?

There is a certain pattern - the smaller the broken mirror, the less trouble its owner will have.

If this happened with a small mirror inserted into a powder compact, into a set of shadows, a comb or lipstick, the maximum that can happen is minor household troubles or small family misunderstandings and quarrels.

However, you need to immediately get rid of the damaged mirror, replacing it with a new one, and in the future be as careful as possible with such a fragile thing.

What to do if a child breaks a mirror?

Every time trouble happens to our children, we worry about the consequences of the decisions we make: whether they will benefit or harm our child. And this case is no exception, since whether or not the bad signs of a broken mirror will be reflected on the child depends entirely on the strength of the mother’s faith in them.

Therefore, a positive attitude in these circumstances is the surest way to solve the problem. You cannot scream and scare the child, but you need to calmly, but quickly, take him away from the place where the trouble happened.

IMPORTANT: If a child manages to look into fragments of a mirror, in the coming days he may become nervous and irritable.

Either the mother or the godmother should get rid of the consequences of childhood carelessness in the manner described above and with a positive mental energy charge.

If a child breaks a mirror, do not let him look at the shards

Who broke the mirror?


  • A lonely girl or woman breaks a mirror - she will not marry for seven years, and if she does, the marriage will be short.
  • Was the culprit a married man or a married woman? You should expect troubles in family life, quarrels, insults and misunderstandings.
  • Was the mirror broken by an adult? Misfortune awaits him.
  • But if the accessory was broken by a child or pet, then there is no need to worry. Children have a very strong protective field, so trouble will bypass them.
  • If you drop someone else's mirror and it breaks, quarrels and misunderstandings will begin between you and the owner of the mirror.

A cracked mirror is a sign: what to do?

According to signs, a mirror can crack for several reasons:

  • carelessness
  • release of a large amount of negativity accumulated in the house and mirror
  • there is evil spirit in the house
  • damaged

It is known that for energetically positive people the mirror is a protector, but even it may not cope with a large influx of negative energy.

The consequences of this phenomenon do not bode well: the owner of the broken mirror and his relatives are in for trouble, grief, quarrels, and illness. Therefore, no matter how sorry it may be, a cracked mirror must be replaced immediately.

If the mirror is cracked, there may be evil spirits in the house

A chip on the mirror: what to do?

If a chip has formed on the mirror surface, this is as bad as cracks. All chips and cracks release very powerful negative energy. These flaws can also break time frames.

IMPORTANT: Looking at your reflection in a chipped mirror for a long time can lead to loss of mind, that is, a person begins to behave like a child and, as it were, finds himself in the past. It’s also possible that you will end up in the future as a result of very rapid aging.

Therefore, such mirrors, especially if they are antiques, need to be removed and replaced with new ones.

A mirror broke - what to do: prayer, conspiracy

You can reduce and possibly stop the impact of the consequences of a damaged amalgam surface by reading simple prayers and spells. Before collecting the fragments, read “Our Father” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” then the conspiracy:

“I will get up, servant of God (name), I will go out of the hut, I will go out the door, From the door into the gate, the slings onto the road, From the road into the open field, To the east, to the eastern side. Three holy elders, Three holy martyrs will meet me. - Oh, you holy elders, holy martyrs, Who equipped you for the journey? Who washed you with holy water? Who gave you the mirror? – The Mother of God herself gave it to us. She blessed us herself, she prepared us for the long journey. Give me, Mother of God, a blessing, a reflection in the mirror of a long life. My angel, be straight and steadfast with me, with God’s servant (name). Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

After this, you must wash yourself and only then begin collecting the fragments in the manner described earlier.

Prayer if a mirror breaks

Before burying the fragments, read another plot:

“Saint Helena! You are the first who held a mirror in your hands, You are the first who broke this mirror. In the name of the One who created the earth and under heaven, whose name casts out a legion of demons, I, God's servant (name), conjure these fragments not to bring me trouble and sorrow. I conjure these fragments in the name of the One who created this world , and on that day and that hour, in which the Savior of this world, Jesus Christ, not to do evil to me, to my soul and to my guardian angel. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

It is important to remember that these actions are not entertainment, but your protection from troubles, misfortunes and illness.

How to get it?

In order to receive Mister Mirror's riddle, you must choose Olgert's side by selecting the answer option: “Help Olgert” during the quest “Who Sows the Wind.”

After this, a contract will be concluded, according to which the witcher must answer the following riddle:

The husband has me, the beast has me, the dead stone has me, the cloud has me. I don’t pry into the soul, I catch changes in appearance. The Virgo, looking at me, becomes dignified. The old man will frown, the child will act out. Who am I?

The solution is reflection.

If the answer is ultimately incorrect, then Gunther o Dim will take both souls - Geralt and Olgert. After this, the witcher goes to the world of Mister Mirror to give a solution.

What to do if you are given a mirror?

A mirror, even a small and cute one, is not the best gift. The soul of the owner should lie towards him, she should feel him, but where is the guarantee that the donated mirror is exactly what is needed?

It is also believed that the one who made such a gift will certainly quarrel with the person to whom it was presented. Therefore, if a person is dear to you, do not take such rash steps. However, what if the donor didn’t bother and you became the owner of such an ambiguous gift?

You cannot refuse - the donor will be offended. The only option left is to clean the thing and use it for its intended purpose.

If you were given a mirror, it needs to be cleaned.

There are several options for clearing mirror memory :

  1. Rinse the mirror on both sides with a stream of tap water. Then place it in a suitable container, fill it with holy water and leave for several hours. After this, wipe dry and, smiling, admire yourself, soaking in positive emotions.
  2. Rinse the mirror on both sides with a stream of tap water and let it dry naturally. Then, putting it in a container or box, cover it with salt and put it out of reach of everyone for 72 hours (three days)
  3. Wash the mirror on both sides with a stream of tap water, wrap it in black silk and hide it for three days.

Any of the proposed methods is proven and effective for clearing negative energy.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a broken mirror?

A broken mirror, no matter small or large, usually promises only negative events in life. So beliefs say that a person is destined for 33 misfortunes, loss of strength or rapid aging. What if this happens in a dream?

There are several options for interpreting sleep:

  1. A broken reflection symbolizes the revelation of a secret . Something has been hidden from you for a long time, kept secret, but soon the conspiracy will come out.
  2. Portends ruined plans, failure at work.
  3. Symbolizes quick and sudden death.

The dream book interprets the dream of a young girl as a possible betrayal by a guy in the future. For a family man - an unhappy marriage and deprivation.

There is also a good sign - if you see a broken reflection of yourself , then expect news from afar. According to Vanga, when a person breaks a surface on his own in a dream, it means that he will defeat his ill-wishers and find a worthy way out of the current situation.


A mirror breaks for many reasons. These reasons are not always within our control. This could be the tricks of a brownie, an absurd accident, or the wear and tear of a household item. You shouldn’t attribute mystical significance to all the events that happen around you, but you need to be more careful.

Don’t panic at the sight of fragments , on the contrary, maintain a positive attitude and then all troubles will go away.

The easiest way to remove negative energy from your home is to not believe in omens and join those who do not pay attention to such nonsense. This way you will stop worrying for no reason, and you will even be delighted at the opportunity to buy a new beautiful piece of furniture.

For the bravest: put your meaning into the sign. A new acquaintance, a long-awaited pregnancy, a wedding, a trip - whatever you want.

After all, words are material, so you will attract good things into your life. The main thing is to believe. Believe in good things and they will definitely come true.

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What to do with old unnecessary mirrors in the house: advice from psychics

Very often, when buying a home, old owners leave unnecessary interior items as a makeweight, one of which is a mirror located in the bathroom, hallway, wardrobe, or built into the closet. However, for the new owners this gift is of no value, and they want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But you can’t just take such a mirror and throw it away. Psychics advise in such cases to properly get rid of old unnecessary mirrors.

Old mirrors need to be buried

There are several simple options for solving the problem.

  1. Completely wrap the mirror in opaque dark fabric or dark thick paper and bury it in the forest under any tree except aspen. During this procedure, you need to experience only positive emotions towards the mirror.
  2. Before throwing away the mirror, you need to clean it using the methods discussed earlier.

After cleaning, you can throw away the mirror with peace of mind, while following some recommendations from psychics:

  • throw only when the moon is in its waning phase
  • when taking it out of the home, wrap it in paper or cloth
  • if the mirror is left near the trash can, it should be sprinkled with a small amount (three pinches) of Thursday salt, which is prepared once a year on Maundy Thursday

IMPORTANT: A new mirror can be installed in place of the old one only after a week, having previously treated it with Thursday salt.

You should throw away your old mirror when the moon wanes.

What to do with a mirror from the previous owners?

If the mirror is not needed, get rid of it using one of the previously mentioned methods. If it is of some antique value, or simply suits your interior, you need to cleanse its energy and you can use it for your pleasure.

But, before making such a decision, carefully and meticulously inspect the entire surface for cracks and chips. If any are present, immediately get rid of such a piece of furniture.

In order not to bring trouble into your home, you should not use the old mirror of the previous owners

Why is it believed that a mirror cracks?

A crack in the mirror is always an alarming sign, warning of possible troubles. It is generally accepted that this piece of furniture has the ability to protect its owner from the evil eye or damage by absorbing negativity. Unable to withstand the accumulation of negative energy, the surface cracks.

If the mirror cracks on its own, it means that either there is an evil spirit in the home, or soon one of the family members will be overtaken by a serious illness. If the glass falls or is dropped, the meaning of the sign does not change.

A cracked reflective surface indicates that its owners should be more attentive, careful and use effective methods of magical protection. The only exception is the case when the glass bursts as a result of a blow from an angry owner.

If another person breaks an object, then you should beware of him, since he subconsciously wants to harm the owner.

What to do with the mirror of a deceased person?

This question is asked by many people, and, as you know, there are so many opinions. Indeed, it is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously.

Some advise getting rid of such a mirror forever, and in an almost pagan way - to “bury” it along with the owner with the mirror surface down.

Others argue that it is enough to clean the energy of the mirror and you can calmly look into it further.

Still others suggest doing nothing at all.

Decide for yourself what to do, but remember that your well-being is in your hands.

You shouldn't look in the mirror of a dead person.

On the way to the solution

But Mister Mirror would not be himself if he had not plotted his way along the way. As soon as Geralt is in his world, the time for completing the task will begin to tick, so you should hurry.

From the place where the White Wolf finds himself, the burning windows of the house will be visible in the distance - and you will need to move towards them through the gloomy world.

The demon uses any means to distract the witcher from making it on time:

  • sends ghosts;
  • creates the illusion of Shani, who calls for help;
  • Highlights places with false answers.

If you want to be on time, then you shouldn’t be distracted by all these moments, but what might interest you on the way to the house with glowing windows is a sword stuck in a stone. It is located in a branch on the left side of the main path. This is a poisoned sword belonging to the Snake School. In terms of performance, it is quite good, and it will no longer be possible to find it in the game.

Before this, the ghost of Him will appear, who was already met earlier in the quest “Chosen of the Gods”. You can either fight with him or just run around. Having climbed onto the ledge, we take the sword and return to the main path.

Approaching the house, we pass the main gate and run inside the building, passing the enemies. Once inside, we go down, following further along the long corridor.

At the end there is a mirror that will break when the witcher approaches. The white wolf will fall through the floor and end up in the courtyard.

Why do mirrors close when a person dies?

When such grief occurs in a family, people, without hesitation, perform the ritual established for centuries, covering the mirrors, and only after some time do they begin to wonder: when can they be opened and why do they need to be covered at all?

There are several explanations for this custom:

  1. The soul that has left the body of a deceased person remains indoors for 40 days, and if it sees its reflection, it may get scared, or accidentally fall into a looking glass, from which it will never be able to get out and will have no peace.
  2. A living person, looking into such a mirror, can see the reflection of the soul of the deceased, and then he will definitely soon follow the deceased
  3. A less mystical explanation is that a living person, having lost a loved one, grieves, cries and, seeing his face at such moments, becomes even more upset, which entails moral exhaustion and illness

What to do with the mirror that saw death?

People who seriously study this topic advise getting rid of such mirrors, having first cleared its energy, since death may soon happen again.

It's better to get rid of the mirror that saw death

Whether to take these tips seriously or not to pay attention to centuries of experience - everyone has their own choice. But no one can deny the fact that mirrors very often become predictors of various events.

The answer to the riddle

There will be several mirrors in the yard, but you shouldn't waste time on them. We head immediately to the left of the entrance. Behind it will be a dried-up fountain. If you use your witcher senses, you will notice that the dilapidated wall is highlighted in red. We apply the Aard sign on it.

Water will flow through the resulting hole, filling the pool. As a result, we managed to create a mirror that cannot be broken and solve the riddle. Odim is hiding behind him.

If everything was done on time, the good ending of the “Hearts of Stone” add-on will start.

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