Why do you dream of boiled crayfish: interpretation from different dream books

In the minds of many dream books, Cancers personify what actions you or those around you can do. It is important to remember whether they were boiled or alive in the dream, where exactly you saw them, and what they looked like. In the article, we have collected for you the opinions of several popular interpreters of night visions, who determine what it means to dream of seeing crayfish, live and boiled.

Interpretation of dreams about crayfish

Why do you dream of arthropods?
The interpretation of a dream depends on many factors: the size of the animal in the dream, appearance, actions performed by you and by itself.

To get a complete picture of what you are dreaming about, you must first study dream books.

Opinions of modern predictors

Most dream books agree that a dream about crayfish is more negative than neutral. It is very rare to find an interpretation that can instill optimism in a sleeping person.

Loff's interpretation

If you, like this animal, back away, you will attract troubles and sorrows.

After dreams in which you simply observed the actions of an animal, a series of minor troubles awaits you. Conflicts at work, troubles at home, minor obstacles on the way - this is how this dream book sees the near future of a sleeping person.

Miller's interpretation

In general, crayfish means that you will receive help from a good friend at the right time.

Cancer backed away in a dream - they will try to deceive you, be extremely careful.

Beer with snack

This dream book believes that eating boiled crayfish while drinking beer means that the dreamer is by nature an indecisive person. It’s easier for him to do as other people tell him, rather than take responsibility for himself.

Dream book of the 21st century

Do you dream that many crayfish are chasing you? This means that you will encounter misunderstandings from the people around you, both at home and at work.

Collecting crayfish is a positive interpretation. After such dreams, you have every chance of making peace with your fierce enemy.

A large cancer attacks - the dream book believes that the sleeper is overwhelmed by internal contradictions.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming of catching crayfish - get support or sponsorship.

Eating them - be more careful in your statements, it is better to generally keep your mouth shut for some time.

If you dream of a dead cancer - refrain from purchasing expensive things, there is a high probability of deception.

If you dream that you are being treated to such a delicacy, in real life you will receive an invitation to a grand celebration, a wedding, an anniversary, a christening.

Interpretation of a symbol such as a crab in a dream

See a crab

Often in such dreams there are another inhabitants of the expanses of water - crabs. And sometimes the dreamer cannot remember in the morning who exactly he dreamed about. Therefore, it would not be amiss to look through the information available in dream books about what creatures such as crabs mean in dreams.

Crabs show the inner qualities of a person, such as slowness, stubbornness, and reluctance to make contact with the outside world.

Seeing crabs slowly moving along the beach line means you will meet a very slow person who will irritate you very much with his lifestyle.

If the crabs were dead, then the business that initially seemed like a failure will be crowned with success.

The crabs you caught in a dream speak of the shy nature of the sleeping person. This bothers not so much himself as the people around him.

And a little about secrets...

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself...

Condition and color

To correctly interpret the dream, you need to take into account what color the cancer was and what it looked like:

a red animal dreams of unsuccessful business management, financial losses; black cancer predicts minor difficulties, which will require a lot of work to overcome; white is a harbinger of the loss of something important (most likely, a loved one will go to another world); motley promises a pleasant surprise; golden promises successful resolution of financial issues; dead cancer warns of a high risk of becoming a victim of scammers (a businessman is advised to postpone planned activities and trips); alive - warning about gossip; a sick and dying person dreams of unpleasant news from distant relatives; boiled portends extra expenses, negative news, disappointment; dreams of a large one for a long trip; small - to minor troubles that will soon be forgotten; river - to big problems hidden from others; a cancer with claws warns that you will be bored in the company of an uninteresting but annoying person; an animal without claws means that the dreamer will be able to deprive ill-wishers of their strength.

If you dreamed of a sick animal

Wounded and dead crayfish are considered a sign of bad luck. The deal will fall through, partners and colleagues will let you down at the most inopportune moment. It does not matter whether it is a river or sea lobster. Troubles will stay in the house of pessimists for a long time. Optimists will be able to get rid of their bad mood and start a new life right away.

Dead, sick individuals warn of disappointment. If you pinned your hopes on someone, they will be deceived. Plans will be disrupted, you will have to postpone a trip, an important meeting, or a lucrative contract for an indefinite period.

If a cancer dies in an aquarium, pay more attention to your health and monitor your rest regime. Do not overwork at work, otherwise there is a risk of weakening your nervous system.

Who, besides crayfish, did you see in your dreams?

If a sleeping person sees a dead fish between living crayfish, then many unpleasant incidents lie ahead.

Crabs in a flock of crayfish are a symbol of the new team. At first the dreamer will have a hard time among his new colleagues, but there is no need to worry: he will gradually be able to integrate into the company.

If a person sees himself as a cancer in a dream, then in reality he is slow and sluggish. If someone you know is turned into a crustacean, then in reality this person will cause the dreamer many problems.

The dreamer talking to cancer is in reality overly closed and detached, hiding his true plans and aspirations even from himself. The dream indicates that you need to trust your own feelings and desires, otherwise loneliness cannot be avoided.

General interpretation of sleep

Cancer is a leisurely and inactive animal; in a dream it is a reflection of the character of the sleeper and future events. If the dreamer does not begin to fight his own laziness and blues, and does not gain confidence to move forward, then the successes achieved in the professional sphere will be reversed. Cancer warns that there is no need to despair, that there are still opportunities and time to correct the situation. Moreover, you need to act quickly and actively.

For a person planning to enter into a family relationship, cancer promises well-being. Sometimes a dream predicts a long trip or slow progress in some business. But the quickly moving crustacean promises to speed things up.

If cancer backs away in a dream, then in the business sphere you will have to face obstacles provoked by uncertainty and intractability. When a person buys crayfish in a dream, then in reality he is worried about his rash action, because of which his loved ones were upset or suffered losses.

Other dreams

If you happen to catch a cancer, you will be successful and things will go uphill at work. Sometimes interpreters predict intrigues behind the dreamer’s back. Be careful when communicating even with your closest friends.

If you see crayfish, you don’t want to admit that there are troubles in your life. You won't be able to get away from them anyway!

If in a dream you happened to eat crayfish and experience pleasure, a love affair awaits you soon. If you have eaten raw river inhabitants, you do not know how to defend your position; you can easily be persuaded and won over to your side. If you ate crayfish in a chic restaurant, soon things will go uphill at work, and you may be offered a high post.

If the interpretation turns out to be negative, do not rush to draw conclusions and panic; consider the dream as a signal or warning if you are inclined to trust dream books. Remember that your life is only in your hands, and you choose what it will be like. If a dream has caused you anxiety, think about what exactly it might be related to. The answer has been sitting in your subconscious for a long time. If you understand, you can solve all problems. Good luck on your life's journey!

USEFUL INFORMATION: Fighting in a dream - detailed interpretation of a dream with a fight according to dream books

See big lobsters

Seeing huge crayfish and getting scared in a dream means trouble. If he tries to bite or attack, be prepared for gossip and slander. Best friends will become rivals, reliable friends will turn away when they learn about secrets, secrets that you hid from them.

Running away, hiding from crayfish - means that pursuers will appear who will want to discredit you. In addition, some dream books warn against sudden inspections at the workplace. Inspectors may arrive without warning.

Colleagues will refuse help, and friends will turn away if you happened to bite a live lobster in a dream. Try to forgive your family and loved ones for small and large weaknesses, and you will easily be able to avoid quarrels and separations

Dream about living crayfish in water

If you saw crayfish in the water and they backed away in your dream, soon you will be set up and greatly offended by a loved one whom you loved and trusted.

If the arthropods are at the bottom of the stream, luck will accompany you in the business you are doing.

If you have seen aquatic creatures in clear and cool water, love will bring you pleasure.

If the water was cloudy, you need to close the door to the past. It literally follows you around, driving you into a frenzy. Find the strength to forget what happened and move forward, otherwise there will be trouble.

If river inhabitants swam in some small container, beware of unprofitable offers that will only result in losses.

If the dream characters lived in an aquarium, you risk getting sick soon.

Description of arthropods

The appearance of crayfish is very important for the completeness and accuracy of the prediction. You need to remember every detail that can significantly affect the interpretation:

  • Red cancer - losses and failures related to money. Some publications write that such a plot is a sign that soon the dreamer will have to blush for someone in front of people.
  • The black creature prepares the sleeper for minor difficulties that occur in reality. Don't worry or be scared too much. For everything to work out, you just need to remain calm and work.
  • A dead arthropod is a harbinger that the dreamer may, due to his carelessness and carelessness, fall into the trap of scammers. People running any business need to be extremely careful. It is better to postpone business trips for a while to avoid failure.
  • Boiled cancer promises disappointment and unpleasant news. If there are a lot of them, then such a plot speaks of large expenses. You need to curb your ardor and live within your means, otherwise you may be left with nothing.
  • The dream book interprets living crayfish as gossip. Close people will discuss the dreamer and talk about him not in the best possible way, although this is completely unjustified. In such a situation, it is better to figure it out immediately and talk to these people so that they do not ruin the person’s reputation with their gossip.
  • Creatures swimming in the clean and beautiful water of a river or lake, as well as in a bucket of clear water, are a symbol of family well-being, harmony and happiness. Life will go smoothly and calmly; no sudden changes are expected in the near future.
  • A multi-colored arthropod speaks of an imminent pleasant surprise that will melt the dreamer’s heart.

Interpretation of sleep depending on details

You should not be afraid of the appearance of crayfish in a dream. They can also portend positive changes in your life. Try to remember exactly what kind of crayfish you saw. Depending on whether it was live or boiled crayfish, the interpretation of your dream will be different. Use our tips to reconstruct the dream in detail and understand its meaning.

Have you seen live or boiled crayfish?

  • Why do you dream of living crayfish - there are a lot of arthropods in a dream, this is a good sign. It promises you family happiness, recovery and climbing the career ladder. However, if a living cancer retreats back, it means that your relationship with your partner is hanging by a thread. And, for the most part, you yourself are to blame for this. As the dream book says, a young unmarried girl’s dream about living crayfish means that she will soon have a fateful meeting that will change her whole life.
  • Then why dream of boiled crayfish? Unfortunately, this dream does not bode well. As the dream book warns, boiled crayfish may mean that you will receive not very pleasant news in the near future. This could be the illness of one of your relatives. And also, watch your behavior and words. Perhaps you will do something for which you will be ashamed later.

If you saw a lot of crayfish in a dream

A long-awaited vacation with your family awaits you. You will go on a journey that will bring you many vivid impressions. However, if crayfish swarm in your sleep, be careful! Perhaps your ill-wishers are plotting against you. Don't trust secrets to strangers! Also, such a dream may mean that you have taken too much on your shoulders. This depresses you, you experience constant stress. You need to rest. Find something you like, meet with friends. The positive emotions you receive will bring you the mental release that you so need.

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

  • For a man, such a dream promises success and prosperity. This could be either moving up the career ladder or starting your own business, which will bring a lot of profit in the future. Perhaps you are waiting for a chance meeting with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. But you don’t have to wait for the moment when circumstances force you to start doing something. We need to act now! Otherwise, your success will quickly turn into dust.
  • Why does a woman dream about living crayfish? This is definitely a positive sign. For those who are not yet married, there is great news. Soon your chosen one will propose to you. And if you have been dreaming of a child for a long time, the joy of adding to your family will not keep you waiting long. As for your career, now is the best time to gain new knowledge. In the future, they will help you change your profession, which will bring you more pleasure and profit.

What did you do with these animals?

A dream in which you cooked crayfish foreshadows love and harmony in your family.

Catching crayfish is a favorable sign. You are the life of the party, and you are surrounded by loyal and devoted friends who are always ready to help you. Get together as a group more often and appreciate the moments spent together! If these are not the best times in your life, things will soon change. Life will get better, and a white streak will come. Don't be afraid of change and look at life positively!

If you cooked crayfish in a dream, pay attention to the process itself. If you enjoyed cooking a dish, in reality everything will turn out great for you too

Good luck will accompany you in all your affairs, love and harmony will reign in the house. If cooking crayfish in a dream caused you discomfort or something didn’t work out, then you should expect problems in real life. Possible deterioration in financial condition, large unexpected expenses. However, you should not be afraid of this. Your friends will come to your aid. Together you will overcome everything!

Buying crayfish portends positive changes in your life. Career advancement, increased income and new interesting offers await you. In your personal life, everything will also be fine. If you are still single, the very person you have been waiting for will soon appear. However, you should not rely only on fate. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Go out more often, meet friends, attend interesting events.

If in a dream you ate crayfish with beer, most likely you are a gentle and trusting person. You are easy to control, and those around you take advantage of this. Until you change, you shouldn’t expect any gifts from fate. All in your hands! And remember that besides you, no one else will help you in developing your character. If you ate crayfish not at home, but in some establishment, you may soon receive a lucrative job offer.

Other plot details

If boiled crustaceans felt too salty or spicy, in reality a person perceives his life as bland. It’s worth adding more bright colors, bringing something positive, for example, finding a new hobby or at least going to a neighboring city.

Drinking beer and eating it with boiled crayfish means an interesting adventure, a pleasant time with friends. Treating a friend to a dish means feeling the need for friendly support. Buying boiled arthropods means getting involved in a dubious undertaking that will bring neither profit nor pleasure. Seeing yourself as a seller selling boiled crabs is a sign of great luck.

In general, a dream about boiled crustaceans can be perceived as neutral or positive. He does not foretell terrible or tragic events.

Dream interpretation of crayfish crabs

Dream interpretation of live crayfish

People treat cancer differently. Some people love them and consider them a delicacy. Others speak disrespectfully of this river inhabitant.

There are many proverbs and sayings about them. When cancer manages to pinch you, the sensations are far from pleasant. What if he becomes the hero of your dreams? Why do you dream about living crayfish?

Interpretation of dreams about crayfish

Why do you dream about arthropods?

The interpretation of a dream depends on many factors: the size of the animal in the dream, appearance, actions performed by you and by it.

To get a complete picture of what you are dreaming about, you must first study dream books.

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Opinions of modern predictors

Most dream books agree that a dream about crayfish is more negative than neutral. It is very rare to find an interpretation that can instill optimism in a sleeping person.

Loff's interpretation

Catching crayfish in a dream means you should take decisive action. The Dream Interpretation believes that now is not the time for long thoughts and indecision.

If you, like this animal, back away, you will attract troubles and sorrows.

After dreams in which you simply observed the actions of an animal, a series of minor troubles awaits you. Conflicts at work, troubles at home, minor obstacles on the way - this is how this dream book sees the near future of a sleeping person.

Miller's interpretation

In general, crayfish means that you will receive help from a good friend at the right time.

Cancer backed away in a dream - they will try to deceive you, be extremely careful.

Beer with snack

This dream book believes that eating boiled crayfish while drinking beer means that the dreamer is by nature an indecisive person. It’s easier for him to do as other people tell him, rather than take responsibility for himself.

Dream book of the 21st century

Do you dream that many crayfish are chasing you? This means that you will encounter misunderstandings from the people around you, both at home and at work.

Collecting crayfish is a positive interpretation. After such dreams, you have every chance of making peace with your fierce enemy.

A large cancer attacks - the dream book believes that the sleeper is overwhelmed by internal contradictions.

In general, the appearance of such dreams is positive for those people who are Cancers according to the horoscope. Such a vision promises a successful period, gifts of fate.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming of catching crayfish - get support or sponsorship.

Eating them - be more careful in your statements, it is better to generally keep your mouth shut for some time.

If you dream of a dead cancer - refrain from purchasing expensive things, there is a high probability of deception.

If you dream that you are being treated to such a delicacy, in real life you will receive an invitation to a grand celebration, a wedding, an anniversary, a christening.

Interpretation of a symbol such as a crab in a dream

Often in such dreams there are another inhabitants of the expanses of water - crabs. And sometimes the dreamer cannot remember in the morning who exactly he dreamed about. Therefore, it would not be amiss to look through the information available in dream books about what creatures such as crabs mean in dreams.

Crabs show the inner qualities of a person, such as slowness, stubbornness, and reluctance to make contact with the outside world.

Seeing crabs slowly moving along the beach line means you will meet a very slow person who will irritate you very much with his lifestyle.

If the crabs were dead, then the business that initially seemed like a failure will be crowned with success.

The crabs you caught in a dream speak of the shy nature of the sleeping person. This bothers not so much himself as the people around him.

If you dream of cancer during pregnancy

Women expecting the birth of a baby dream about a lot of things. Doctors explain this state of affairs by the fact that hormonal levels change significantly during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, seafood from dreams is most likely just an echo of a woman’s taste preferences.

But if a girl in a dream sees a lot of crustaceans that are at her feet, then she will soon find out about her pregnancy. Many dream books do not go into detail and say with confidence that a young girl’s dream of crayfish, regardless of the plot of the dream, means pregnancy.

Other interpretations

If cancer does bite you, then reconsider your life values ​​and change your guidelines. Interpreters say that on the dreamer’s path he will meet a person who will influence these changes.

When cancer bites a dreamer, a lot depends on the behavior of the sleeping person at that moment:

  • you don’t particularly resist - you will face the betrayal of a person you completely trusted;
  • If you experience fear when a gigantic cancer bites you, it means that you will change your views as a result of certain events.

Cancers in a dream

The appearance of these arthropods in a dream, according to almost all well-known interpreters, does not bode well for the dreamer. Interference in business, problems, minor troubles, things that will have to be postponed await him.

If the autumn birthday boy had a dream with cancer in the leading role, you, on the contrary, will achieve success in the business you have started, your wish will come true if you do not stop halfway. If those born in the summer had a dream, you will soon feel guilty or burn with shame for some action you have committed.

If you have seen live red crayfish, you will soon participate in some noisy and fun event, where many will pay attention to you. Get ready to become popular! Sometimes interpreters predict departure if the dreamer saw arthropods in a dream

Moreover, the path will be easy and joyful

Sometimes interpreters predict departure if the dreamer saw arthropods in a dream. Moreover, the path will be easy and joyful.

An accurate interpretation is only possible if you manage to remember the details of the dream. What kind of crayfish did you see in your dream, what did you do with them, what feelings visited you. The full picture will tell more accurately about the state of your affairs in reality. Let's turn to authoritative sources.

Miller's Dream Book

According to a famous psychologist, if you see arthropods in a night dream, your comrades will soon provide you with serious support. It is possible that a rich friend will help you with money.

If in a dream you ate boiled beauties and sipped intoxicating beer, you are easily confused, because you always doubt everything. Bad people can easily persuade you to do some bad thing that will cause you to suffer.

If in a night dream you happen to treat someone with boiled crayfish, you will be offered a higher position.

The psychologist predicts that crayfish in a dream indicates that you will soon be treated to an exotic dish that you have never tried before.

Vanga's Dream Book

A well-known soothsayer believes that the appearance of cancer in a dream indicates people around the dreamer who only want to seem like true friends, but in fact can betray at any moment.

If you happened to try river inhabitants in a dream, soon deceitful people will take advantage of your gullibility and trick you around their finger. You will find yourself in a stupid situation, regretting what happened.

The dream book advises: Live by your opinion!

There is another interpretation of boiled crayfish from the dream book, which states that you have started a risky venture that may end unsuccessfully.

Eating a crayfish dish means that you are influenced by other people. After such a dream, it is worth rethinking your behavior and finally starting to live with your own mind.

If in your night dreams you find yourself in a restaurant and order crayfish, you will soon receive a high and well-paid position that you never even dreamed of.

Seeing boiled crayfish in a dream

Often the world of dreams gives us amazing surprises and reveals in our dreams various animals that inhabit planet Earth. A creature that looks like an evil monster with large claws and a powerful shell can easily make you shiver, because fantasy often gives it gigantic dimensions. Dream books will help you decipher dreams about crayfish.

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Why do I dream about catching crayfish?


Every person knows that crayfish turn red during cooking. There is an opinion that it is for this reason that dream interpreters interpret such visions with feelings of shame and shyness. Boiled crustaceans can bring disappointment, which leads to receiving bad news.


Large-sized arthropods are harbingers of wasted effort and energy to implement the plan, the result of which will be disastrous and the efforts will be in vain.

In the event that a giant cancer pinches you, this means that an important event will occur in life, which subsequently served as an impetus for reconsidering life values ​​and priorities.


If you dreamed of a river inhabitant, then most likely in reality you will make every effort to avoid problems. You will endure the troubles and difficulties of fate alone, withdrawn into yourself.


A dead cancer seen in a dream is a harbinger of falling into the hands of scammers

People running a business are advised to exercise caution when making transactions and postpone business trips if planned.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about cancer?

A lot of

A large concentration of swarming arthropods promises an exciting journey. A lot of boiled crayfish seen in a dream predicts future problems in the financial sector.

With claws

Dream books interpret scenes in which crayfish hang on a person’s clothing, clinging to it, in an extremely exciting way. Your long-forgotten comrade will soon remind you of himself by appearing on your doorstep.


A bad harbinger is crayfish, which you dreamed of as a ready-made dish.

80% of dreams where you eat crayfish promise ridicule

This predicts ridicule and attacks from colleagues, close friends and acquaintances.

It is likely that someone will spread gossip and rumors about you.

Meal place

People can eat boiled crayfish at home, outdoors, in a restaurant or at a party. The meaning of the dream may depend on this, but only if the place of the meal influenced the general mood of the sleeper. So, if you happen to dine on crayfish with a person with whom your relationship is strained in reality, in real life the dreamer avoids contact in every possible way. Subconsciously, he is afraid that he will be invited to visit, and then he will have to communicate through force.

Night dreams in which you happened to stand in a restaurant kitchen and watch crayfish boil in boiling water promise good news. At first it will seem to a person that this cannot be, they are trying to make a joke on him or there has been a misunderstanding. He will soon be convinced that the news is true, and that the people who reported it can always be relied upon. After such a plot, the dreamer will feel stronger and more confident.

Dream Interpretation Crayfish

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Why do Cancers dream in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed of crayfish, this is most often an unfavorable sign, promising numerous life difficulties and obstacles. But the interpretation of the dream, depending on what is seen, can also have a positive meaning.

Interpretation according to popular dream books:

All dream books

A woman dreamed of crayfish

If a woman dreams of crayfish, Felomena’s dream book hints that in this case the chance of conceiving a child is extremely high. Pregnancy will begin in the coming days and will proceed calmly, easily and pleasantly.

Live crayfish in a dream

A dream in which you see live crayfish foretells that you will unexpectedly meet a person whom you have not seen for many years. This could be a close friend in the past or a good friend. The meeting will be bright and unforgettable.

Cancers holding clothes tightly with their claws mean long-awaited news about someone important to you. The near future holds many joyful moments, friendly gatherings and, in general, a pleasant pastime.

Why do you dream of living crayfish in water?

According to Felomena’s dream book, live crayfish that you observe in the water mean that you need to more carefully monitor your well-being. Muddy water can portend intimate illnesses.

Many live crayfish in a dream

The dream book considers a lot of live crayfish crawling at your feet as a quick exciting journey. The trip will give you complete rest and vivid, unforgettable impressions.

I dreamed about living red crayfish

A dream with live red crayfish that crawl under your feet and attempt to attack you promises fun and noisy meetings with friends. There is likely to be a party where you will be very popular.

Catch a cancer in a dream

The dream in which you caught a cancer promises a fateful acquaintance with your soulmate. This dream is especially favorable for single young women and predicts an imminent wedding.

Dream about crayfish and fish

If you dreamed about fish and crayfish, be prepared for unpleasant surprises in all significant areas of life. It’s worth showing prudence and not lashing out, but first, understand the situation that has arisen and think about your further actions.

Dreamed of crabs and crayfish

The crabs and crayfish you saw in your dream are preparing you for a difficult part of your life’s journey. To overcome obstacles and come to the finish line as a winner, you will have to use all your internal resources and connect external ones.

Big cancer in a dream

If you dream of a big cancer, get ready to move soon. It is quite possible that you will decide to change your country of residence, and your choice will fall on lands very far from your homeland.

Interpretations of Freud and Yuri Longo

Sigmund Freud interprets the dream of boiled arthropods as a reflection of the sleeper's dissatisfaction with real life. A person is not satisfied with literally everything, and he feels like a cancer in boiling water. The dream may be related to a sexual partner: the dreamer does not want to continue an unpleasant relationship, but does not know how to break it. Another meaning is the opposite: the sleeper is burdened by loneliness, but at the thought that he can meet someone, it is as if he is scalded with boiling water. Character traits indicated by a dream about boiled crayfish:

  • infantilism;
  • unwillingness to take responsibility for one's actions;
  • helplessness;
  • passivity;
  • fear of any changes;
  • fear of close relationships.

The sleeper seems to be in his own shell, and understands that this is weak protection. But if in a dream a person was treated to perfectly cooked crayfish, in reality he will have a chance to change a lot. The dreamer will meet interesting people and open up during communication. He will soon realize that he underestimated himself.

White magician Yuri Longo believes that a dream about boiled crayfish promises successful overcoming of difficulties that arise at work and in business . The plot is directly related to finance. But if a person in his night dreams threw away boiled arthropods because he considered them spoiled, in reality he will quarrel with wealthy relatives, bosses or colleagues. The dream warns against a rash act.

A dream in which the dish actually turned out to be spoiled foreshadows disappointment in someone with whom the dreamer has close friendships or business relations. The dream may also portend a family quarrel. In all cases, you need to control yourself, because the scandal will not be large-scale. It depends only on the sleeping person whether it will be possible to maintain a good relationship.

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