The omen's rice crumbled. Sign: scatter rice. Interpretation, superstitions. What spells are made on millet?

In past centuries, products were not as accessible as they are now. There were no supermarkets or the shops we were used to; for the most part, people ate what they grew themselves. Accordingly, the attitude of the owners towards the crops grown in their own fields, or exotic products purchased at high prices, was more careful than now. Dropping any food, including cereal, on the floor was considered a bad sign. From here came various beliefs about scattered cereals and other bulk products.


Symbolizes the sweet life. Newlyweds are often sprinkled not only with rice, but also with sugar, wishing them well-being.

A randomly spilled product can have several meanings:

  • If there is a hole in the purchased bag and sugar constantly spills out, the family will experience prosperity, improved financial condition, and a permanent income.
  • Scattering sugar in the kitchen means improving relationships and quick reconciliation.
  • A bag of granulated sugar cracks or breaks right in your hands - be prepared to receive a large income (a bag of money).
  • Sugar, scattered in a slide, symbolizes the receipt of an unexpected one-time profit, for example, receiving an inheritance, winning the lottery, or paying a bonus.
  • An unmarried girl scattered it - to the appearance of a admirer. If at the same time sugar spills out on the floor, a love date is approaching.
  • Sugar scattered by one of the spouses promises a renewal of their feelings, improved relationships, and a long and happy family life.
  • A piece of refined sugar crumbles before it is bitten or brought to the cup - you should expect a lucrative deal or a salary increase. It is also fortunate if the dropped piece hits the table and breaks into many pieces.
  • To attract love into your life, you need to draw a heart on the crumbled granulated sugar with your left hand, or lay it out from cubes of refined sugar. For the omen to come true, you do not need to remove the sweetness immediately, but wait a few minutes. Then the collected sugar should be taken outside and poured onto the ground, and not thrown into the sewer or trash can, so as not to lose your luck.

Interpretation of dreams based on the location of rice

The location of the rice grains in a dream is also of great importance.

  • In the cup - expect changes for the better.
  • On a plate - the time for troubles has passed and you can prepare for a calmer pace of life.
  • In the package, the family will be touched by joyful changes. You should prepare for a family celebration.
  • In a saucepan - be prepared that your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • In your hair - you will achieve respect from others.
  • In the bag - you will successfully invest money in some business and win a substantial jackpot. Wealth awaits you.


Scattered salt foreshadows a quarrel soon. To avoid conflict, you need to throw a pinch of sugar on top of it, thus appeasing the situation. You can also neutralize or soften the effect of the sign by drawing a cross on the spilled product with your finger.

You should collect salt not with your hand, but with a napkin or a broom, then these items must be rinsed under running water, repeating the words: “Salt - salt, pain - pain, me - none.”

Read in more detail why people have developed a negative attitude towards spilled salt and what this event portends

Positive symbolism

Oddly enough, the sign under discussion also has a good meaning. Spilling rice on the floor - what's the point? If everything happened at the wedding, then to the good. This is a whole ritual - showering the newlyweds leaving the registry office with cereal. This is how guests bless the newly-made spouses for a prosperous life of prosperity and fertility.

And in the West, by the way, rice is scattered during a wedding to drive away evil spirits who want to harm the lovers. And these actions were accompanied by loud screams, which were also believed to scare away evil spirits.

Be that as it may, people who want to know why spill rice on the floor need not be afraid if it happens during a wedding.


The general interpretation of the sign is negative; scattered pepper entails conflicts:

  • Ground black pepper - to quarrels and lack of mutual understanding. Scatter in the morning - the disagreement will be small and short-lived, in the evening - there will be a scandal with mutual insults and reproaches.
  • Ground red pepper - the conflict will be related to paperwork or money issues. For a girl, this may mean a split in her relationship with her boyfriend.
  • Black peppercorns mean serious financial problems.
  • Sprinkle pepper on the table - a disagreement will occur at the level of dialogue, on the floor - negotiations alone will not be enough to resolve the dispute.
  • If the product was spilled in a public place, then conflicts with colleagues are expected; while at a party, disagreements should be expected with people who are not related to family and friends.

To avoid trouble, 3 pinches of ground pepper should be thrown with your right hand over your left shoulder, repeating: “Where there is pepper, there will be trouble,” then thoroughly wash the place where it spilled. If peppercorns are scattered, you need to collect them until they are single, wrap them in paper and burn them.


Rice spilled on the floor promises a series of troubles, conflict situations and losses.

If a container of rice turns over and its contents end up on the table or floor, there is a high probability that ill-wishers will cause a lot of problems.

Another interpretation says the approach of the disease.

If the rice crumbles during cooking, then you should prepare for minor events that do not bode well - it could be a broken nail, or a bus leaving a moment before it arrives at the stop.


Any cereal is a symbol of wealth and success in life; scattering it means losing something important in life, work, relationships. The interpretation of signs differs slightly depending on the product.


This cereal crop symbolizes wealth and financial well-being. It has long been customary to sprinkle rice on newlyweds - for prosperity in the family and a happy, prosperous life.

However, in Asian countries, where rice is a sacred product, spilling it is perceived differently:

  • Scattering rice means trouble, waste and poverty, the onset of a dark streak in life.
  • Turning over a plate of rice of a person sitting next to him means humiliating him, causing an insult.

  • In the East, deliberately scattering rice is also considered an impermissible action, symbolizing disdain for luck, which can cause you to lose it.


Buckwheat is associated with family well-being, especially financial well-being. Sometimes it was specially scattered in the house for the New Year to attract prosperity and abundance. Along with wheat, the newlyweds were sprinkled with buckwheat at the wedding, wishing them a quick birth of children.

Unintentionally scattered culture can mean the following:

  • Unexpected expenses. To minimize waste, scattered grains must be collected by hand, washed and used, or given to the birds. According to popular belief, if you sweep away buckwheat with a broom or rag, you will have to spend much more money.
  • If a bag of buckwheat breaks and the grain spills in a public place or on the road, you should expect the appearance of people in uniform who will force you to pay debts - alimony, taxes, fines. If the package is torn in your bag, the expenses will be small.
  • Scatter it on the doorstep - they will soon come to ask for a loan, and the reason will be such that they will not be able to refuse. To avoid this, you should collect the cereal and put it under the rug, and remove it only the next day.
  • Upsetting a plate of cooked buckwheat means another housewife will appear in the kitchen. This could be a mother, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law or a rival - a woman who creates competition.


Semolina attracts money and is associated with profit - you can carry it in your wallet to attract banknotes, or sprinkle it along the path from the nearest bank to your home.

However, accidentally scattering semolina means conflicts or loss of funds. To prevent this from happening, the grain is collected and given to the birds, mentally wishing for peace and well-being.


Spilling this product means inviting a quarrel. To prevent trouble, the cereal should be carefully collected, taken out into the yard and given to the birds, saying: “As much millet as you need, so much good for me.”

Legumes (peas, beans, lentils)

These crops are widely used in rituals: during a wedding, the bride is sprinkled with peas - the number of future children is judged by the number of peas stuck in the folds of her dress; at funerals, peas are scattered in the corners and pies are baked with them - so that the soul of the deceased does not remain hungry. They tell fortunes about beans and lentils.

However, accidentally spilling beans means tears. To prevent troubles from happening, you need to collect every single pea with your hands and feed them to the birds.

Symbolism of rice

This cereal crop is believed to have divine origin.

Rice symbolizes divine care, knowledge and endless fertility: it is not in vain that it is scattered at the feet of newlyweds.

It is also believed that this cereal can ward off evil spirits and was placed in the mouths of the deceased. The remains were forbidden to be thrown away, otherwise the culprit could be struck by heavenly thunder. Therefore, there have been many interpretations of what rice means in dreams, which foreshadow all sorts of benefits.


Since ancient times, flour has been considered one of the most important products, a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Scattering it means bringing hunger on your family. However, if earlier the omen was interpreted literally, and there was actually nothing to feed the family, now scattered flour only foreshadows that a careless person will soon experience a feeling of hunger - for example, due to being late for lunch, being late at work.

Scattering products made from flour, including pasta, cookies, crackers, is a sign of impending financial losses.

Purely Russian interpretation

Above we talked about why you should sprinkle rice on the table at a wedding. But what if this happened in everyday life? Unfortunately, the interpretation is becoming less positive. Here are some purely Russian interpretations of spilled rice situations:

  1. Did the cereal fall to the floor? This is a sign of imminent losses, conflicts, scandals and unpleasant events.
  2. Did your rice plate tip over? This means that his ill-wishers will soon bring a lot of problems to the person.
  3. The cereal scattered all over the room and it took a long time to carefully clean it up. A close, imminent illness is possible.
  4. Did the person spill the cereal at the moment when he was making some kind of dish from it? This means he needs to prepare for incidents. They will be insignificant, but they will cause discomfort in a decent amount.

The main thing is not to throw spilled cereal into the trash. Such an act will only strengthen the effect of a negative omen. It is worth taking an example from the Japanese - feeding grains to the birds.

Coffee or tea

Signs about coffee are quite young, and are based on the high cost of the product. It is believed that coffee represents prosperity, and spilling it means disaster:

  • Scattering coffee beans or ground coffee on the table means conflict with household members.
  • The product spilled onto the floor - you should expect a series of serious problems or a break in a love relationship.
  • Scattering dry tea leaves (tea leaves) is an unpleasant surprise, and you can also find yourself in an awkward situation.

Other interpretations

This is not all that a situation in which a person accidentally manages to spill rice can portend. Here are other beliefs:

  1. Are the grains flying all over the floor? This leads to losses in the financial sector and losses. It is logical, because the loss of food is fraught with the need to cook or buy another portion to replace it.
  2. Did the cereal fall a little and even neatly onto the floor? This either indicates the onset of a serious illness or the machinations of enemies.
  3. If the cook accidentally spilled rice, the omen will mean something else for him: a whole series of small but annoying troubles.

Sometimes spilled rice is a sign of lack of culture. For example, in Azerbaijan, to show disrespect for someone, they take a handful of cereals and throw it on the floor. This is considered a serious insult.


Money signs help you attract wealth into your life and avoid poverty. The newlyweds are showered with coins and placed under the threshold or foundation of a new house.

Accidentally scattering coins means that large monetary expenses are expected in the near future, the nature of which can be anything from the purchase of real estate to theft. Scattered change should be collected with your right hand and exchanged for larger bills or given to the poor; it is advisable not to hide them in a wallet or piggy bank. You can leave 1 coin on the ground, make a wish and leave. If, when you turn around, you see that the coin has been picked up, your wish will come true.

Positive symbolism

Oddly enough, the sign under discussion also has a good meaning. Spilling rice on the floor - what's the point? If everything happened at the wedding, then to the good. This is a whole ritual - showering the newlyweds leaving the registry office with cereal. This is how guests bless the newly-made spouses for a prosperous life of prosperity and fertility.

And in the West, by the way, rice is scattered during a wedding to drive away evil spirits who want to harm the lovers. And these actions were accompanied by loud screams, which were also believed to scare away evil spirits.

Be that as it may, people who want to know why spill rice on the floor need not be afraid if it happens during a wedding.


It happens that when replanting plants, soil accidentally spills out of the bag or pets dig it out of a flower pot. Signs associated with earth are alarming in nature and are associated with conflicts in the family, illness or death of someone close. Sometimes earth found at the threshold of a house or near the front door of an apartment means that someone is trying to inflict an energy blow on you (spoil you).

Scattered soil must be swept into a bag with newspaper, without touching it with bare hands, and thrown away or burned along with cleaning materials. The place where it lay must be thoroughly washed.

Washing powder

Accidentally spilling washing or cleaning detergent is an unkind sign indicating an approaching quarrel. To avoid conflict, the powder should be carefully collected with a damp cloth, then rinsed under running water.

Belief in supernatural forces has been embedded in the subconscious of people since ancient times. There are many beliefs that everyone knows about. But the sign of scattering rice is known to few people. It promises waste and need. Our ancestors placed great importance on superstitions associated with grains.

Symbolic meaning

I would like to start with him. Rice has the same meaning as bread and other grains - it is associated with abundance, it is even attributed to divine origin. And in myths, this cereal was even described as a gift from the hero gods or something that originates in the primary pumpkin along with human life.

Rice represents material and spiritual food. People believed that he could be magical, and therefore capable of giving supernatural power. If you believe the legends, then its cultivation became an acute problem only after the separation of Heaven and Earth and the loss of paradise.

Rice is something that symbolizes happiness, knowledge, glory, abundance, energy and purity. It was not only a food product, but also a protective amulet. Grains were even placed with the dead during funerals to protect their souls from the influence of evil spirits. Needless to say, rice vodka was considered a valuable elixir.

And on the island of Bali there is a cult of the Mother of Rice, whose figure is formed from long and short sheaves of rice straw. In this image, religious people expressed their belief that these stems, just like human creatures, contain the energy of life.

Why spill food?

Every family has food supplies in its pantry. They represent prosperity and confidence in the future. A negative interpretation has the sign of scattering cereals. To lose valuable grains means to lose income and face need in the future. This may promise unexpected expenses or waste that will not bring pleasure later.

In addition to cereals, superstitious people attach weight to food products such as sugar, pepper, bay leaves and even soda.


The sweet additive is often in the sugar bowl on the table, and there is always a risk of knocking it over or breaking it. It is not uncommon for sugar to end up on the tablecloth or floor. If salt is associated with undesirable consequences of omens, then with sugar it is quite the opposite.

Scattered sand promises an unexpected replenishment of the family budget.

Overturned dishes with it are a good sign. You can safely count on receiving a round sum.

Perhaps a long-awaited deal will take place, payments on investments will be received, the debt will be returned with interest, pay will be increased at work or a bonus will be given for merit. Even a small portion of sweet grains falling from a teaspoon promises income.

Unmarried girls and relationship-free guys should expect not monetary rewards for absent-mindedness, but sweet bonds of love. However, this applies not only to those who are looking for a soulmate, but also to those who are already in a long-term relationship. Romance will flare up with renewed vigor.

One thing is certain: if you sprinkle sugar, you can expect a sweet life.


The belief that spilled salt leads to a quarrel worries even skeptics. They throw her over her left shoulder, saying that there will be no discord. We know where this dislike for seasoning came from, without which not a single dish can do. The fact is that people are angry not at the salt, but at the slow family member who dropped it.

This is due to the fact that in the old days salt was not so common and was mined on a small scale. People with less income served a salt shaker only when a long-awaited guest arrived. And if someone in the family was so clumsy that he spilled salt, the wrath of the entire family fell upon him.

The meaning of signs with salt speaks of different things. For example, if several crystals are on the dining table, then this does not foretell quarrels and insults. But spilled additives on the floor are a harbinger of imminent discord and hostility.

Signs come true only when people believe in them. You don’t have to dwell on the annoying disappointment and simply wipe away the spilled grains with a sponge, without giving it much importance. The main thing is not to think about the negative, and it will not be attracted.


The hot seasoning carries the same message as salt. Ground pepper scattered on the table surface promises financial difficulties. Depending on the type of spice and the place where it was spilled, the signs have different meanings:

  • If black seasoning spills onto the table, then you should expect problems and hassle with documents. They can be of a different nature, for example, buying real estate or registering papers for an inheritance left by a deceased relative. Spice on the floor means big losses and protracted troubles. Perhaps there is a business ahead that will fail.
  • Red pepper means love troubles. If only a handful of hot seasoning is lost, then you should expect a conflict with your loved one. The red color is very rich - the meaning of the sign is the same. During the quarrel, violent emotions will appear. If a brightly colored pepper ends up on the floor, then the pair will inevitably break up. This may be due to the infidelity of one of the spouses.
  • White pepper is the least insidious on the table. He warns the owner of the house about the insincerity of the intentions of his guests if the incident happened during the meal.
  • Black peppercorns portend financial losses and a long recovery of one’s business.

Spicy seasoning is a harbinger of urgent needs and difficulties. Spilling pepper is one of the ominous signs.

Bay leaf

Since ancient times, bay leaves have been used by people to protect themselves and their homes from the evil eye and slander. Seasoning leaves scattered across the kitchen floor foreshadow the loss of money. If a leaf lands on fire, then its strong crackling during combustion promises a solution to all problems, and silent ignition means failure.

A laurel wreath hung above the front door will protect the home from evil spirits and people with unclean thoughts.

But if the leaves begin to fall off, this means that people who do not wish him well are coming into the house.


Soda on the floor means trouble. The meaning of the sign about soda spilled on the floor foreshadows troubles and losses. If crystals spill out of a torn package, then tragedy can be expected.


A positive interpretation of the sign of spilled rice is interpreted only at wedding ceremonies in the East. This cereal symbolizes the happiness and dignified life of the newlyweds.

It is sprinkled at the feet of the newlyweds so that their life path is filled with joyful events, and the house becomes a full cup.

Otherwise, scattered rice is a sign with a negative meaning. It promises financial losses, troubles at work, minor everyday difficulties and discord in relationships.


The sign about scattered buckwheat came to us from the depths of the past. This crop has been grown for a long time. It was the main supply for the winter period. Along with flour, buckwheat was valued as a main product on the table, so losing brown grains on the kitchen floor or table means a financial waste.

The sign that buckwheat brings prosperity still exists. The finished porridge should be placed on plates carefully. It is important not to drop the swollen grains on the floor. This has the same meaning as scattering raw grains of buckwheat.

Skilled housewives always know that if buckwheat wakes up, then another woman may appear in the kitchen.

She could be the spouse's mistress or the fiancée of an adult son.

To appease the brownie, a handful of cereals were left in a saucer on the table overnight. The mythical inhabitant of the home will be favorable to the household and will help in every possible way.


Randomly scattered grains of semolina lead to a series of unpleasant events in family life. Quarrels with your significant other will lead to a breakup or mutual hostility.

There are signs that if you scatter semolina deliberately, you can achieve a significant improvement in your financial situation. Our ancestors used this trick; they were sure that countless grains of semolina were akin to great wealth.

In order to attract banknotes to your wallet, a pinch of semolina was poured into it. The same was done with the pocket.

To increase the flow of funds, businessmen should sprinkle a pinch of semolina in the corners of their office.


Golden grains of millet will give the one who dropped them real success and happiness. Like the sun's rays, they fill the entire kitchen floor. Life will be filled with warmth and joy. Scattering millet means unexpectedly getting rich or receiving significant capital.


People have always treated flour in the house with trepidation and respect. This symbol of prosperity and satiety is protected from pests, protected from moisture and extolled, like bread.

There are a lot of superstitions about flour; superstitious people are afraid to spill this valuable product.

The main signs are deprivation of family income, hunger and a poor existence.

The sign that flour should not be spilled is reinforced by the common past of people. The power of tradition and the fear of being deprived of our main source of food are strong in us.

Purely Russian interpretation

Above we talked about why you should sprinkle rice on the table at a wedding. But what if this happened in everyday life? Unfortunately, the interpretation is becoming less positive. Here are some purely Russian interpretations of spilled rice situations:

  1. Did the cereal fall to the floor? This is a sign of imminent losses, conflicts, scandals and unpleasant events.
  2. Did your rice plate tip over? This means that his ill-wishers will soon bring a lot of problems to the person.
  3. The cereal scattered all over the room and it took a long time to carefully clean it up. A close, imminent illness is possible.
  4. Did the person spill the cereal at the moment when he was making some kind of dish from it? This means he needs to prepare for incidents. They will be insignificant, but they will cause discomfort in a decent amount.

The main thing is not to throw spilled cereal into the trash. Such an act will only strengthen the effect of a negative omen. It is worth taking an example from the Japanese - feeding grains to the birds.

Neutralization of consequences

Our superstitious ancestors paid great attention to signs and methods to avoid negative events. There are the following ways to overcome undesirable consequences:

  • if the pepper is scattered, then it must be collected with a napkin and burned;
  • rice, semolina and buckwheat are given to feed birds;
  • salt is thrown over the left shoulder;
  • put the flour on a napkin and bury it in the ground;
  • collect the soda with a damp cloth;
  • bay leaves are swept away.

It is very important not to touch food dropped on the floor with your hands, but to use kitchen sponges or napkins for this.

To follow signs or ignore them is an individual decision for each person. Someone will sigh in annoyance after spilling a bag of buckwheat, while someone will be glad that this did not happen to him on the way home. Observance of signs about food includes respect for the work of other people and the concept of the value of material goods. From childhood we are taught to respect food, not to play at the table and to observe moderation.

Eat pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Reaping standing rice while harvesting means peace and prosperity in the family.

Selected rice - wealth and happiness.

Getting standing rice and unexpectedly losing it means establishing order, acquiring the correct sequence.

Seeing wheat and rice portends great wealth.

Scattered rice is bad luck.

The rice grains are piled up - fortunately.

If you see yourself among the standing rice, it means great happiness and benefit.

You sow rice in the field yourself - you go on business.

Sitting or lying on rice and wheat means great happiness.

Alternating rows of rice and wheat is great happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Japanese belief

In the Land of the Rising Sun, rice has been (and, in fact, remains) the staple food for centuries. Of course, among the Japanese it is not good to spill rice. The sign has a definitely negative meaning.

In Japan, rice is considered the basis of life, so many manipulations carried out with dishes made from it have sacred meaning. For example, vertically placed sticks in a cup of cereal are an element of a funeral rite. Nobody puts them like that in everyday life.

So, spilled rice is a bad sign. He foreshadows misfortunes and grief that will soon befall the one who did this. The black streak will affect all areas of life - home, work, personal life, health.

If rice spills, it is removed immediately, but not thrown into the trash. The grains are poured out for the birds to eat. They say that this is the only way to neutralize the negative impact of omens.

Rice spilled on someone is also a bad sign. This portends strong resentment and mortal insult.

Dream Interpretation - Draw, drawing

If you drew in a dream, this indicates your passion for solitude.

You are characterized by daydreaming and great impressionability.

You are interested in art, often go to theaters and museums, and then leave memories and impressions of what you saw in your memory for a long time.

However, the dream claims that if you look closely, your life turns out to be only half rich.

It would be very useful for you to communicate more with people; It wouldn’t hurt to adjust your current lifestyle in favor of being more active.

The dream suggests that the time has come to get down to business that you are quite capable of handling perfectly - you just need to want to.

To see how someone drew - such a dream speaks of your envy of everyone who, in your opinion, does everything in life better, more correctly, etc. than you.

By paying too much attention to the lives of others, you let your own life take its course.

The dream advises you to study or not notice other people's achievements, or to rejoice at them.

You should finally understand that everyone simply cannot live the same way.

In a dream, someone drew you - this suggests that you could direct your unspent feelings, all your nobility and mercy to your family, friends, acquaintances and strangers who need it.

Seeing your love for others, your future other half will pay attention to you.

Interpretation of dreams from

We love signs and beliefs - since ancient times they have helped us to better understand life and destiny, avoid troubles, and prepare for happy changes.

Many everyday actions and incidents, according to signs, do not just happen, but mean or portend something. Some superstitions are widespread and known to everyone.

For example, everyone knows that spilled salt means a quarrel, and it is known what ritual measures are needed to prevent conflict. But not only salt can wake up, but also cereal, coffee, sugar... Does this also lead to quarrels, or does it mean nothing at all?

Superstitions, in fact, are associated with a huge number of things. You don’t have to believe in them, or you can take it moderately seriously and try to understand what the sign of spilling rice or other cereals, sugar or coffee means, what it promises and what to do to prevent trouble.

Beliefs say that each substance that awakens means something individual and special. This could be, for example:

  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Coffee.
  • Pepper.
  • Millet.

For some reason, these bulk products are especially popular in superstitions, and there are a lot of signs associated with them. What they say is not difficult to find out.

Interpretation of dreams with rice according to Hasse

In dream books from the famous dream interpreter Miss Hasse, rice is a symbol of good health and prosperity. It may also be a sign that all business meetings will end in your favor and will bring additional cash earnings. For people working on the land, it promises a bountiful harvest.

  • Eating rice in a dream is a symbol of an established and happy family life.
  • But if you dreamed of rice with garbage, then be prepared for a quarrel with your close friends.
  • For a young girl, such a dream predicts new affairs that can lead to enrichment.

It’s worth figuring out what the consequences of spilling rice are and how to neutralize the bad consequences if trouble has already happened.

Carelessness or fate?

You can say that the coffee woke up from sloppiness, or you can find a secret, hidden meaning in this. No one says that signs are one hundred percent reliable, however, they do not appear out of nowhere without a reason, and every sign - including the sprinkling of salt, sugar or pepper - promises something.

1. The most famous sign - spilled salt - promises a quarrel.

In fact, this belief has a history. Our ancestors once valued salt very highly; it was a scarce and extremely expensive product.

Naturally, if someone scattered this jewel on the table, then a quarrel would occur - and so a belief arose that is still valid today. It is believed that you can avoid conflict by throwing a couple of pinches over your left shoulder.

2. There are also good signs! For example, scattering sugar on the table or floor is, as has been believed since ancient times, a very auspicious sign.

Firstly, such an accident foreshadows wealth, a happy “sweet” life. The more white sweetness scattered, the better - so don’t scold the careless culprit, but on the contrary, rejoice!

Secondly, for young people, spilled sugar portends love. For a young girl it can promise a happy marriage.

3. Spilled coffee portends unnecessary waste in the family.

Here it is also believed that the scale of waste depends on the amount of spilled coffee - if a little powder or a few beans spilled onto the table, then it’s okay, but the more, the greater the losses.

Here we can add one thing - you shouldn’t blame your own extravagance on an innocent drink. Try to be smarter. Let this sign remind you that you should spend money wisely, live within your means and think in advance about how to distribute your finances.

4. Rice is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

It is not for nothing that this particular grain is scattered in front of the newlyweds during the wedding celebration, believing that this ritual will certainly bring harmony, happiness and stable income to the new family.

Accidentally spilling rice is a bad omen; it promises waste and poverty. The Chinese, the main admirers of rice, generally have very serious signs associated with it - they are terrified of accidentally knocking over a bowl of rice, so as not to bring trouble to their family.

It is believed that in order to neutralize the bad effect of a sign, you should take scattered rice and throw it into a bird feeder. This ritual action will supposedly “appease” fate, and it will not present a person with unpleasant surprises.

5. Scattered pepper - no matter red or black, peas or ground - just like salt, promises conflicts.

Moreover, it is believed that if the pepper spilled on the table, the quarrel will be verbal - just a squabble. If pepper is spilled on the floor, more serious conflict situations are possible.

There is a counteraction - to avoid trouble and maintain peace, the scattered pepper should be sprinkled directly on top with a small amount of regular sugar, and only then removed. Besides this, you should just try to be kinder to your household and not start quarrels.

6. According to ancient beliefs, scattered millet foretells wealth. There is no need to do anything here - just believe in the sign, because good signs are made to be believed in!

Your faith will certainly attract pleasant events and good changes into life. And don’t forget to thank the Universe, then there will only be more pleasant reasons for gratitude!

To believe in signs or not to believe and ignore - everyone decides for themselves. It is worth respecting them simply because they are hundreds of years old - they pass from one generation to the next, and retain their mysterious power. Everything is good in moderation! Remember this and try to believe in the best. Author: Vasilina Serova

Eat pancakes or rice - portends unfulfilled desires.

Reaping standing rice while harvesting means peace and prosperity in the family.

Selected rice - wealth and happiness.

Getting standing rice and unexpectedly losing it means establishing order, acquiring the correct sequence.

Seeing wheat and rice portends great wealth.

Scattered rice is bad luck.

The rice grains are piled up - fortunately.

If you see yourself among the standing rice, it means great happiness and benefit.

You sow rice in the field yourself - you go on business.

Sitting or lying on rice and wheat means great happiness.

Alternating rows of rice and wheat is great happiness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Interpretation of Zhou Gong

The ancient Chinese dream interpreter Zhou Gong also attached great importance to rice.

In his opinion, seeing selected and clean rice in your dream predicts quick enrichment and a solution to any financial problems.

  • If you collect a rich harvest of this cereal plant, your home will be visited by peace and a life devoid of difficulties.
  • Sowing may mean leaving home quickly on business.
  • Seeing yourself in the middle of a rice plantation or sitting there means that you will soon meet your happiness or achieve great benefits in your affairs. This is also foreshadowed by the fields on which rows of wheat and rice alternate with each other.
  • Gaining and losing rice means that you are on the right track and will soon achieve the desired result.
  • Seeing a large pile of rice in front of you is lucky. But if you see eating rice in a dream, this will be a sign that you are captured by unfulfilled desires, which are better to give up.
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