Tarot: interpretation and meaning. Sun (Tarot): meaning in work, in relationships

Value in upright position

The direct Sun tarot card foretells success and the implementation of plans in any area of ​​life!
You have enough skill, knowledge, experience and strength to achieve what you want, and you will not encounter any special obstacles along the way. The nineteenth tarot card is a sign that now everything is easy and stress-free in your hands - material wealth, personal happiness, education, career, fame and recognition. The Sun tarot card in a reading is a wonderful, good sign that can foretell the birth of a long-awaited baby, marriage with a loved one, rapid career advancement or the successful establishment of your own business. This is a wave of stunning luck that will take you to a new social and spiritual level, and will also allow you to create an excellent base for the future!

Inverted position

The reversed Sun tarot card means happiness, but in slightly less bright colors. Like a running cloud, it can be overshadowed by some delays and minor disappointments. At the same time, the general mood of the inverted Sun tarot card is optimistic - you shouldn’t wait for a thunderstorm! Your work will be rewarded, and your wishes will come true, but they may require a little more effort and time to come true than you planned. But the more difficult the goal and the thornier the path to it, the sweeter the victory!

At the same time, the inverted Sun card warns - do not lose your head from success, do not let conceit or pride interfere with your happiness. Don’t bring the situation to the point of absurdity, trying to win your place in the sun. It is necessary to tie your plans to reality - then there is every chance of their successful implementation.

Positive features

Man learned to enjoy life, felt its taste, learned to enjoy life. He, like a child, opened up to the world and is happy about every new day. There was a desire to bring warmth and light to others. The man received wisdom and a clear understanding of his path. He is no longer afraid of his hidden shadow sides, he figured them out, got rid of his fears and decided to further improve himself.

The Sun rose and illuminated all areas of life with bright and direct rays of light. The man gained confidence in his abilities and fell in love with himself. I began to value myself as a unique person. Looks calmly and clearly into the future, knows what he wants. I have found an inner source of energy and generously shares wisdom and love with others.

He clearly understands what is right and what is wrong. Throwing has disappeared, he knows exactly what choice needs to be made in a given situation. His path is illuminated, and he sees it down to the smallest detail. It became clear where you still need to work on yourself, what to improve.

The questioner acts as the darling of fate. Here and now, and in the future, luck is always on his side. All these gifts went to him because he moved forward with tireless desire and energy. A person has an optimistic outlook on life, is hard-working, creative, has a good reputation, and luck itself is on his side.

Negative traits

But even such a person may have shortcomings: vanity, delusions of grandeur, selfishness. He can be capricious, touchy, not accept criticism, and be offended by little things. He needs to find a weak opponent, defeating whom he will rise in his own eyes.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

In many Tarot decks on the Arcana of the Sun children are depicted playing, but in Rider-Waite on this card we see a joyful child sitting on a white horse and holding a red banner. The upper half of the map is occupied by the face of the daylight and a field of bright sunflowers. The mood of the card is as sunny as it gets.

General meaning of the card

What do you think about the Sun? It warms us, radiates warmth, giving it to everyone indiscriminately. Life is more fun on a sunny day than on a cloudy one. Warmth, joy, fun, laughter, sparkle, happiness, success, love, light, giving light and warmth to our entire planet. Now imagine that all this will enter your life in a powerful flow or is already entering.

The Tarot Sun will manifest itself in all aspects in this way. A person enters the best time of life, its relish, its flourishing. Reaches a high level of consciousness, his soul becomes wise and experiences happiness. He receives gifts from fate.

Even if you think the gifts are not deserved, just accept them and enjoy them. Don't try to analyze why you are so happy. Your karmic debts have been written off and you are freed from them. New horizons are opening up before you. Your wishes come true, your goals are achieved.

Sun Tarot, the meaning of the card suggests that you need to take advantage of the given chance. Don’t sit still, strive for new heights, because fate favors you. Take action. The time has come to master new activities that you have wanted to master for a long time, but you did not dare.

If you get down to business, then be confident in yourself and your abilities, think positively. Be in society more often. New connections and acquaintances will turn out to be beneficial for you in the future, both in work and in your personal life. It's time to think about the family, about your continuation - children. Finish the job you started, even if it seems overwhelming and too complicated to you. Take the last step, after which the desired result will appear.

Personal Description

The man went through the most difficult tests, did a lot of work on himself, and eliminated internal contradictions. And now a bright streak has come in his life, the Sun has risen and illuminated the most hidden corners of his soul. Finally, I came to an understanding of what was wrong, what was preventing me from enjoying life, this priceless gift.

Positive features

Man learned to enjoy life, felt its taste, learned to enjoy life. He, like a child, opened up to the world and is happy about every new day. There was a desire to bring warmth and light to others. The man received wisdom and a clear understanding of his path. He is no longer afraid of his hidden shadow sides, he figured them out, got rid of his fears and decided to further improve himself.

The Sun rose and illuminated all areas of life with bright and direct rays of light. The man gained confidence in his abilities and fell in love with himself. I began to value myself as a unique person. Looks calmly and clearly into the future, knows what he wants. I have found an inner source of energy and generously shares wisdom and love with others.

He clearly understands what is right and what is wrong. Throwing has disappeared, he knows exactly what choice needs to be made in a given situation. His path is illuminated, and he sees it down to the smallest detail. It became clear where you still need to work on yourself, what to improve.

The questioner acts as the darling of fate. Here and now, and in the future, luck is always on his side. All these gifts went to him because he moved forward with tireless desire and energy. A person has an optimistic outlook on life, is hard-working, creative, has a good reputation, and luck itself is on his side.

Negative traits

But even such a person may have shortcomings: vanity, delusions of grandeur, selfishness. He can be capricious, touchy, not accept criticism, and be offended by little things. He needs to find a weak opponent, defeating whom he will rise in his own eyes.

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On a deeper level

Imagine that you are a snow-white mountain peak. You are between heaven and earth. A snow-white, bright, pure, innocent, dazzling white peak against the backdrop of a clear, blue sky. What does this mean?

Transition to a new stage of development. You have risen above your problems, and now, looking from the outside, from above, everything has become clear to you. This is something between God and man. Self-acceptance, personality transformation. The process of transformation continues, a transformation occurs, a combination of male and female, subconscious and consciousness.

Finding the meaning of life. Clarity and understanding of the cornerstones. From now on, a person has the ability to clearly and clearly see this world. However, further self-improvement is necessary on the path to achieving the unity of the worldly and spiritual.

The lesson of the Sun is maintaining the purity of perception of the world. Success comes to those who perceive life as children do, directly and naturally, and live easily and joyfully. Preservation of virtue, innocence, warmth. The appearance of the Sun in the chart marks the release of significant karmic debt, liberation from old illnesses, and the healing of unhealed wounds.

Fortune telling about a person's character

In the medieval Florentine Tarot deck, the Sun card depicts a young maiden with a spinning wheel. The meaning of this illustration is this: if you work and be content with little, without complicating your life with ambition and ambition, success and good luck will await you. The images of the boy on the nineteenth lasso are also an allusion to the Gospels. Remember: Jesus Christ placed a little child before his disciples and commanded them to be innocent in heart, like children. And the Gospel of Matthew says: “Be simple as doves and wise as serpents.” The meaning of “Sun” (Tarot) for a person who received such a card is as follows: he has achieved the highest wisdom and perceives life simply and clearly, like children. And he is ready to give joy and peace to others. He has fresh feelings, not clouded by doubts and not influenced by social patterns. His solar energy pours out onto other people. People are drawn to such a person, they love and respect him. He can enjoy the work of his hands.

The meaning of the Sun in various layouts

For career and work

You are the center of attention, you are a charismatic leader, you know how to inspire, convince and captivate.
In your work, success, recognition, well-deserved honors, and professional triumph await you. What you have been working towards for a long time is being realized. This is especially true for those whose profession is related to social relations and art. The Arkan also favors those whose occupation is in the field of education, connected with children, play, and animals.

The card speaks of new projects, plans, undertakings, as well as the achievement of set goals. You can express your ideas clearly and concisely. You like your job, you have found your business. You have warm, friendly relations with your superiors, colleagues, and partners. Successful teamwork, lively creative, warm environment. You can join one of the professional groups or become its creator.

You will quickly move up the career ladder. You are valued at work and you can count on the support of your colleagues. But you shouldn’t rush headlong; haste will inevitably lead to mistakes that will overshadow the result.

If the Sun is in an inverted position, then all your achievements will be of average level. There may be interference from external factors that will eventually ruin everything or try to ruin everything. Colleagues envy you and will be mischievous at every opportunity. You should be collected and not do anything rash.

For finances and property

Rich and generous harvest. Your table is bursting with an abundance of food and drinks. Enjoyment of prosperity, well-being. Prosperity, financial well-being and stability. Success of financial transactions and transactions. Growth of financial situation. Financial problems are left behind. High quality of life.

For love and relationships

Sun Tarot, meaning in relationships predicts happiness for the union. The card symbolizes an energetic, intelligent, kind, courageous, reliable partner, a strong connection, and satisfaction of sexual desires.

Arkan invites you to become the “sun” yourself, to give

The Sun is one of the best cards for describing romantic relationships.

give your partner your warmth without losing anything. You accept your partner without changing anything about him. Acceptance works wonders and he opens up to you. There are no problems in your relationship; you understand each other perfectly.

Close people, warm relationships, acceptance of each other, mutual love, admiration for your partner, enjoying every moment with him, mutual and long-lasting relationships - these are approximate characteristics of your relationship. You have found your soul mate and live in complete harmony. Partners love each other, feel like one, and feel good together.

If you are in a quarrel or in a disagreement and ask for reconciliation, then it will happen. Partners will understand the reasons for disagreements and gently and smoothly come out of the conflict. If a breakup is inevitable, then everything will go smoothly, by mutual agreement. The partners will decide for themselves that they cannot live like this and will calmly part ways with wishes for happiness in later life.

If you are just looking for your soul mate, then the Sun portends you to meet her, this soul mate will be the best. A new relationship, great love, a loved one, a strong connection are waiting for you. Fateful meetings, wedding, birth of a child, happy married life, engagement, successful marriage.

In an inverted position, the Sun indicates problems and quarrels. Don’t be alarmed, perhaps this is just a stage of partners getting used to each other. If you received such a card while preparing for your wedding, then you should think about whether you made the right choice.

For health status

The sun speaks of excellent physical and moral health, a sparkling mood. Fullness of strength, energy, activity are inevitable companions of your well-being. You charge those around you with energy and positivity.

If you are sick, then you will soon recover from even the most complex and protracted illnesses. The same can be said about spiritual health, about mental balance. You will find peace, a calm attitude, harmony, and happiness in life.

In an inverted position, the Sun can mean burnout at work, sunburn, weather dependence on solar radiation, autumn depression due to a decrease in the length of the sunny day. Possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Health status

The Sun Tarot card in a health reading predicts powerful vital energy, activity and vigor. The person has excellent physical and mental health, he is full of vital energy. If a person was previously sick, then he will be able to overcome the disease.

In an inverted position and surrounded by negative cards, the lasso may indicate professional burnout, problems caused by large amounts of heat (sunburn, heatstroke, burn after a fire). In some cases, the lasso speaks of heart problems and seasonal depression.

Sun card tips

Accept life as it comes. Don't sugarcoat or become negative. You should learn to perceive the world the way children perceive it. Enjoy simple little things, enjoy every moment of life.

Learn to be happy with what you have and get more than you wanted. Accept yourself, love yourself, feel your uniqueness, value yourself and your time. Your life will be bright and transparent, give up secret affairs. Let your sunny nature reveal itself, recognize your “dark self” in yourself and bring it into the light.

The meaning of a reversed card

The sun in any position The sun, no matter how you twist it. Imagine that you came to sunbathe on the beach, and clouds appeared in the sky and covered the Sun. All your plans will come true, but perhaps not soon, and you will have to spend a lot of effort and energy to implement them. It is possible that only part of the plans will be implemented.

The Tarot Sun reversed symbolizes difficulties in communication, unnecessary troubles, a misconception of success, separation from a loved one, a postponed wedding. In the love field, wishes will only partially come true.

Sometimes a reversed card can be interpreted as a fear of happiness. Fear of taking advantage of the benefits life offers, the feeling that you are unworthy of these benefits, the inability to give yourself joy and pleasure for the same reasons. It is extremely rare for the inverted Sun to mean a loss of meaning in life.

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What is depicted on the nineteenth lasso

Tarot decks differ markedly from each other in illustrations. But the Sun map looks almost the same in all of them. It, of course, depicts our luminary. It has a human face and the obligatory rays fanning down. This symbolizes the descent of spirit onto matter. There is always an image of a joyful child on the card. In some decks there are two of them - a boy and a girl. Quite often we see on the Sun map a white horse saddled by a child. This may be an allusion to the unicorn - a symbol of the Power that Innocence has harnessed. A happy and favorable meaning for the questioner (Sun, Tarot) is also emphasized by a brick or stone wall in the background. It symbolizes cover from troubles and misfortunes. Blooming sunflowers are sometimes depicted behind the wall. The whole picture exudes joy and serenity.

Combined with other cards

How is the Sun interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Jester - peace, carelessness and spontaneity;
  • With the Magician - successful implementation of all plans, financial success;
  • With the Empress - seize the moment, great opportunities, luck is on your side;
  • With the Emperor - excessive pressure on people, either the questioner or a person from his environment;
  • With the Hierophant, fate favors you, you clearly and clearly see your goal and the meaning of your actions;
  • With the Hermit - it’s time to end the period of hermithood and go out to people. Share your knowledge with others.
  • With Death - completion of transformation and cleansing of space. Fill your life with positivity.
  • With the Devil - stop chasing material wealth, otherwise precarious financial well-being awaits you;
  • With the Tower - temporary problems with money and health may arise. Do not invest money in dubious transactions, otherwise you will become depressed.
  • With the Star - one more step, and you are at the goal, make your last effort;
  • With the Moon - you are on the wrong path, your goals are wrong, you don’t know what you want;
  • With Peace - higher powers favor you, go and finish what you started;
  • With the Ace of Wands - rejoice, a quick marriage awaits you;
  • With the Two of Wands – stamina, vitality, strength;
  • With the Six of Wands - approval, achievement of position;
  • With the Ace of Swords - the birth of a child, successful childbirth;
  • With the Six of Swords – depression, loss of strength;
  • With the Eight of Cups – fatigue;
  • With the Five of Pentacles – fatigue, exhaustion;
  • With the Six of Pentacles - recognition of your talents;
  • When an inverted Sun appears with unfavorable cards, such as the Tower, a literal interpretation is possible: fire, combustion, explosion.
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