How to determine if there is a love spell on your wife and who did it

For a long time it was believed that magic did not exist. If our distant ancestors believed in the effectiveness of various rituals, modern men diligently deny otherworldly forces .

Only even the most persistent skeptics are powerless in the face of surging feelings, which become more persistent every day. And, when there is no longer any strength left for further struggle, the time comes for decisive action. A love spell is used, on which the man places great hopes.

Very little time passes - and the desired woman is nearby. She is ready to share sorrows and joys, ready to please her lover. But such relationships do not bring happiness , because there is magic behind everything. It leaves its mark on everything, forcing people to change.

In this case, both the victim of the love spell and the customer himself undergo changes. And the most difficult times for a new couple come if the magical effect was performed by a novice sorcerer. In this case, both the victim’s relatives and the customer’s relatives may come under attack.

Can the victim of a love spell notice the changes on their own?

A love spell can destroy a person's life and aura.
The victim of a love spell can independently notice changes in his behavior and well-being, but this rarely happens. The problem lies in the psychological state of the person after the ritual. One of the symptoms of a love spell in women is the inability to think logically.

The girl feels a strong sympathy for the customer and associates this with falling in love, even if she understands that she is behaving inappropriately. Subconsciously, the bewitched woman may understand that something is going wrong, but she becomes dependent on her lover.

Even when there is awareness of what is happening, the desire to free yourself from the love spell does not always arise. This happens due to the feeling of euphoria and happiness next to the customer.

The participation of relatives in the process increases the likelihood of the girl being freed from love spells. Close people are better able to see changes in a person’s behavior. However, they should be careful: they cannot talk about a love spell directly, as this can cause aggression and a break in relations with the victim.

Differences in the behavior of a bewitched girl

The love spell is aimed at suppressing the volitional center. Vivid changes occur in life: from an active and decisive lady turns into a passive, indifferent one - or vice versa. On a subconscious level, she is waiting for a meeting with the object of artificial love. Character, behavior, hobbies change.

A girl bewitched by love behaves strangely. Signs by which witchcraft can be distinguished:

  • frequent change of sexual partners, wild lifestyle, which speaks of demonic influence;
  • mood swings: depression, outbursts of unjustified aggression, causeless laughter;
  • loss of self-esteem: a woman is ready to do anything to be with the object of passion;
  • bad habits appear - drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • complete submission to the customer of the influence is evidence of a slave love spell.

The information is relevant if the girl has not behaved this way before.

Classification of love spells and specific signs

There are several types of rituals. You can distinguish them by how the love spell works on a girl. The ritual can make the victim feel a strong sexual attraction, cause sympathy, or completely deprive him of his own will.

Love spell

A love spell makes a girl feel a strong interest in the customer. This is especially alarming if there are no prerequisites for the development of relationships.

For example, people broke up six months ago and left negative impressions of each other. During this time they did not see each other, but sympathy and a desire to resume communication suddenly arose. If a woman had a partner at the time of the love spell, she breaks off relations with him.

Magic on a date

Magic on a date is considered a relatively mild influence. It causes anxiety in a woman, a desire to leave the house and go outside to a public place.

A girl may be looking for an opportunity to meet a customer. She will attend events where the object of her affection is present. Magic on a date is most often done if there are already prerequisites for the development of a relationship, to speed up the process.

Woman looking for a date.

Suppression of will

When the will is suppressed, a person loses his own opinion. He becomes passive, weak-willed. The desire to do anything disappears.

It is possible to determine from the symptoms whether magical intervention is present only if the girl was previously confident and assertive and showed leadership qualities. Constant passivity may be an individual character trait.

Suppression of will is most often combined with love spells to enhance their effect. In its pure form, such a ritual will not ensure the emergence of feelings.

When the rituals are combined, the girl will experience strong love for the customer, since he will be her only interest, and will begin to devote all her attention to him. Rituals to suppress the will are considered undesirable, because they lead to personality degradation.

Sexual attachment

The ritual of sexual attachment causes a strong sexual desire. This works even if the girl previously paid little attention to the intimate side of the relationship. The woman develops an aversion to other potential partners. She avoids even accidental touching them.

Sexual attachment does not guarantee the development of a love relationship between people. The girl may even experience aggression towards the customer. Subconsciously, she will feel that he is the cause of her problems in the relationship. Therefore, sexual attachments are combined with love ones.

For melancholy

The girl feels sad when the customer is not around. There is a strong desire to see the person. In the presence of the object of sympathy, the mood improves, but at the end of the meeting it worsens again.

A girl can behave intrusively: be the first to start conversations, look for reasons for meetings, come to her chosen one at work for no reason, etc. Interest in other potential partners is lost.

The ritual was performed for melancholy.

Common initial signs of a love spell

The signs of a love spell depend on its type. There are white and black rituals.

For a white love spell

A white love spell is gentle and resembles a spell in effect.

You can determine whether a ritual was performed on a woman by the following changes:

  1. Feeling unwell . The malaise manifests itself on a physical level. The girl feels nausea, weakness and headache. With a strong love spell, there is no strength even for everyday duties. Women's diseases may occur, and the menstrual cycle often gets disrupted. Existing pathologies worsen. Appeals to doctors do not yield results. Symptoms may disappear on their own without outside intervention, then reappear.
  2. Coolness in relationships . This applies to the existing partner, not the customer. The girl begins to behave distantly for no reason, avoids communication, and prefers to be outside the home. She refuses meetings and can ignore them. Even among married women, a husband can cause aggression and hostility. All the thoughts of the bewitched woman are occupied only with the customer.
  3. Sudden mood swings . They cannot be attributed to women’s whims, since they arise for no reason and abruptly. The girl either rejoices and laughs for no reason, then begins to be sad and cry. The one who is bewitched can be lethargic and apathetic, or, on the contrary, too energetic. She becomes nervous, experiences aggression even for minor reasons, and stops communicating with relatives and friends. Some girls throw hysterics, but cannot explain what is happening to them and what they want.
  4. Change of interests . The woman begins to act in a way that is atypical for herself. She gives up her previous hobbies, but masters new hobbies that the customer likes. This helps the girl maintain communication. Homebodies may spend more time outside. Previously active women, on the contrary, stop attending social events and prefer to be alone. Family girls stop caring for children and cleaning the house. Career women quit or lose interest in advancement.
  5. Problems at work . The girl not only loses motivation for professional development, but also makes many mistakes while working. She cannot concentrate on tasks and is slow to make decisions. A woman perceives justified criticism and dissatisfaction from her colleagues with aggression.
  6. Changing eating behavior . The girl begins to be interested in products that are atypical for herself. Those who love a hearty lunch go hungry, while others, on the contrary, do not monitor their appetite well. The latter often occurs with sexual dryness. The desire to eat something increases if the object of sympathy is far away. In this way, the girl tries to solve the problem.

Coldness in relationships.

For a black love spell

Black love spells are more powerful, but they also have a more destructive effect on the victim.

Possible consequences include:

  1. Diseases . Many pathologies develop that prevent a person from leading a normal lifestyle. It often leads to disability or death. Tumors and cysts often form. A woman suffers from pain, but doctors cannot find the cause.
  2. Mental disorders . They determine how the bewitched woman behaves. When women are depressed, they stop being interested in anything. It may lead to suicide. Neuroses provoke stress. Often girls feel the urge to harm themselves. Another consequence of a love spell is nymphomania. Panic attacks, increased anxiety and uncontrollable hunger occur. With prolonged exposure, schizophrenia sometimes develops.
  3. The emergence of dependence . The symptom is caused by the launch of a self-destruction program. A person develops an addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, and less often to drugs. This leads to personality degradation and death.
  4. Breaking ties with family . The bewitched woman acts aggressively, lashes out at family members and abandons them. Often any communication between people stops. Thus, the victim of witchcraft is deprived not only of moral support, but also of protection on a subtle level. The souls of deceased relatives no longer look after her, which makes the bewitched woman more helpless in front of the customer.

Black magic drives the victim to drunkenness and depression.

How to distinguish the symptoms of love attachment

There are the most characteristic signs of a love spell for each specific case, which can be identified at home. Observation of a person’s actions will help to identify the impact, which will allow both to understand that the love spell was cast on someone close to you, and to determine the initiator of the magical ritual. Before you realize that you have been bewitched, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of your internal state.

The main symptom is the presence of pathological dependence on one person. Its detection will allow you not only to understand that a love spell has been made, but also to quickly cut off the resulting binding. A bewitched person constantly thinks about the initiator and is constantly looking for a meeting and communication with the person who ordered the love spell, experiencing spiritual, intellectual and even physical dependence. The victim of a love spell grieves in separation and feels relief when meeting, but the feeling of anxiety and tension does not disappear even during moments of contact.

A love spell always suppresses a person’s will, but people who are naturally timid and soft especially suffer from magical attachments. A person under the influence of a magical binding becomes especially nervous and is constantly in a state of emotional stress. Under the influence of a love attachment, he does not want to discuss other people, events, plans, except for the object of his adoration. When trying to translate the topic, the bewitched person may experience outbursts of aggression.

A woman who begins to be affected by a love spell becomes more impulsive, hysterical, and it is difficult for even close people to communicate with her. Strong rituals can completely deprive a lady of the desire to communicate with everyone except her “chosen one.” The victim may begin to drink, smoke, and slander, even if nothing of the kind has been noticed before. Love spells always take away health, both soul and body.

Men exhibit unusual aggressive reactions, detachment and indifference to life. The very first signs of a love spell for both a married and a single man are complete infatuation with one woman.

If a wife suspects a love spell on her husband, here are the signs of its action:

  • indifference to the family, even to children;
  • lack of sexual interest in his wife;
  • previously unusual reactions of the husband;
  • the difference of a stranger woman next to her husband.

The negative consequences of a love spell resemble damage, the evil eye. A bewitched man can lose his family, job, status, friends and both psychological and physical health. There are frequent cases of binge drinking and destructive addiction to alcohol.

You can find out whether a person has undergone a ritual for love by carefully observing him and carefully analyzing his reactions. The main signs that dryness exists are an obsessive and undisguised desire to be with one woman, ignoring everything around except her.

How to prove to a person that he has a love spell on him

If the signs that there is a love spell on a person are obvious, you need to try to gently call the bewitched victim to reason. You need to try to explain that the existing signs indicate a love affair, the feelings do not belong to him, he is just a puppet in the wrong hands. Sometimes it is very difficult to reach the common sense of a person who has already been affected by a love spell, but you should not give up, because the consequences of such witchcraft can be very dire.

When a love spell is cast on a person, you need to act quickly and decisively before the situation gets completely out of control. If there is a suspicion that love magic is influencing a loved one, you need to analyze his behavior in detail, creating a situation of discussion. You can prove to the victim that he is under a love spell using the following signs.

  1. There is a feeling of falling in love with a person who was not particularly liked before. This may become the main argument in the dispute.
  2. Next, you need to draw the victim’s attention to behavior that is unusual for him personally.
  3. The third argument can be the loss of sexual interest in other members of the opposite sex.

Three pieces of evidence are enough to make the victim wonder if he has a love spell on him, and find other evidence of this on his own. To understand that a person has a love spell, some features depending on gender, which will be discussed further, will also help.

Atypical consequences

Those who are bewitched may have problems sleeping. They suffer from insomnia or nightmares. With strong black love spells, victims get up in the middle of the night and go to the customer. The next morning they don’t remember how they got into someone else’s house.

Due to disruption of the energy field, appearance deteriorates. Hair deteriorates and falls out, skin dries out. Nails peel and sometimes stop growing.

Bewitched women are not capable of bearing children. If they still manage to bear a fetus, a sick child is born, rarely surviving beyond 1-3 years.

Apathy and poor health are signs of a love spell.

Why is a love spell so dangerous?

A love spell is a ritual of black magic designed to create an energetic connection between one person and another. This occurs by suppressing the human will, forcing a change in character, personal desires and attachments. Many people believe that bewitching a woman is normal and does not pose any danger. In fact, this process may have unpredictable consequences. For example, health problems, breakdown of friendships, family problems and many others.

A bewitched woman may even stop liking herself, including by driving herself to suicide. Therefore, before you decide to cast a love spell, you should know the features of possible changes in a person’s life and its symptoms.

Diagnostic methods

For diagnosis, homemade chicken eggs, Tarot cards or candles are most often used.

Egg roll

To find out if you have a love spell, take a chicken egg and start rolling it over your body in the area from the groin to the chest. After this, break the shell and carefully, trying not to damage the contents, place the white and yolk in a glass of water. Place the container at the head of your bed at night.

In the morning, examine the contents of the glass. If it remains the same, there is no love spell. Protein threads, blackening of the yolk or white, a rancid odor from the water, etc. may indicate magical intervention.

For additional diagnostics, you need to contact a magician, since the listed signs may indicate not only a love spell, but also damage.

Cleaning with egg.

Tarot card spread

The easiest way to see a love spell is if the person has previously been given spells. With magical intervention, the specialist will immediately notice that the situation has changed dramatically. For example, before this, the wife was faithful to her husband, but now she is cheating on him, the man has problems because of someone who interfered in their relationship, etc.

Mixed layouts are bad signs. For example, cards indicating warm feelings appear, but bad symbols appear at the same time.

Classic combinations for love spells are 8 swords or the Ace of Cups and the Devil or the Moon, 7 swords and 7 cups. Often you come across cards of illusions, dreams, and suggestions.

The peculiarity of the love spell is the absence of reasons for cooling the relationship in the scenario. It cannot be argued that there were conflicts, misunderstandings or grievances between people. Normally, it is clear what led to discord in the relationship. With a love spell, it is not possible to obtain a cause-and-effect relationship after analyzing the positions.

At the same time, cards appear that indicate the presence of some limiting factors. This is the Hanged Man, 8 swords or 4 swords. They symbolize both the barrier between the bewitched and the former chosen one, and the lack of one’s own will.

With a love spell, the overall forecast for the future changes dramatically. If a few weeks ago you got a Priest or 4 wands, which indicate a wedding, now you get a Tower, a Priestess, etc. These cards portend a breakup and loneliness, and may indicate magical intervention.

Tarot cards will tell you about the impact of magic on your destiny.

Ritual with a candle

For the ceremony you will need a church candle and a photograph depicting a potentially bewitched person. The photograph is placed behind the candle, then the wick is lit. If the image in a photograph begins to distort and grimaces appear, magical interference is present.

Another way is to pass your hand over the flame. The presence of a love spell or damage is indicated by the twitching of tongues of fire, smoke or crackling. If you receive a positive result, you must contact a magician to clarify the type of effect.

Magic with a candle.

How to act when a love spell is detected

First of all, when a love spell is detected, you need to search the girl’s house and personal belongings. Often customers cast a spell on objects and then present them as a gift.

If you suspect a person who often visits your home has committed a love spell, check to see if there is a cover somewhere. It may look like needles, hair from the groin area, etc.

If a love spell is detected, it is strongly recommended to contact a magician. He will conduct energy cleansing and strengthen the victim’s aura. It's better to do this yourself.

Immediately take a photograph of the girl with you, since most specialists work with photographs. It is not recommended to try to remove a love spell yourself, since in the process you can damage the woman’s aura even more.

You cannot tell a girl directly that she has a love spell and try to force her to visit a magician. This is only permissible when she realizes that something wrong is happening to her and asks for your help.

Otherwise, you will anger the girl and provoke a scandal, which will lead to the rupture of the entire relationship. After this, it will be more difficult to remove the love spell, since it is easier for the magician to work with the existing connection.

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