Sacred Tibetan talisman of love - Dzi Bead 2 eyes. How to wear an amulet correctly?

General information about Dzi beads

The ancient artifact is the strongest talisman of Tibet. Beads can protect against troubles, attract success, health and money, and ensure spiritual development. A powerful weapon for attracting positive energy works only in conjunction with a person’s intention.

Monks make Dzi with their own hands, giving them power with the help of mantras. The amulet has an oblong cylindrical shape with a hollow center necessary for threading. It is made from agate or chalcedony, stones that are mined in the Himalayan mountains.

These are the most mysterious talismans in the world. The mystery of beads depicting magical patterns (eyes, stripes, geometry, symbols) is a thing of the past. The sacred land on which they are created is a place of power that gives part of its energy to everything that is generated there.

History of origin

The history of Dzi is shrouded in mystery. Archaeologists found a description of the history of the amulet during excavations in Tibet. The ancient inhabitants of the country believed that this was a gift from heaven. They believed in the legend that the gods scattered particles of their talismans across the planet to protect people from hunger and disease. The chronicles say that Tibetans who found the beads were healed and given the skills necessary to survive.

According to another legend, the beads are frozen scarab beetles. These insects hide from prying eyes. If a person found a scarab, it turned into stone and transferred its energy to the new owner.

In ancient times, it was believed that Dzi beads were a gift from heaven.

Finding original antique Dzi is not easy. They are kept in museums or personal collections. The price reaches $1 million per product. Almost all ancient “stones of the gods” found in the soil are damaged. Scientists came to the conclusion that after the death of the owner, the beads were cremated, which is why they burned. Well-preserved giant sacred items are kept on the altars of Tibetan monasteries.

There are many assumptions about the origin of the artifacts, but no one knows for sure where they came from. Realists are inclined to believe that these are pieces of an ancient meteorite or fossilized shells of mollusks. What is known for sure is that the oldest bead is about 3000 years old.

Now archaeological work in Tibet is prohibited, so it is not possible to study the secret of Dzi. It remains to rely on the stories of local residents. The isolated type of life of the Tibetans made it possible to preserve the designs of beads in their original form. The mantra symbols imitating ornaments carry a deep meaning.

Each pattern has its own meaning, which is not related to the horoscope or date of birth.

Artifact from Tibet - 2 eyes DZI bead. Love, family relationships. Black agate

DZI is one of the most mysterious things known to us today. The exact time of origin and its manufacture is unknown. It is only known that these stone DZIs, dotted with mystical patterns (eyes, stripes), are currently the most protected amulets in the world. Translated, the word “dzi” in Tibet means “radiance, brightness, clarity, brilliance.” Tibet itself is shrouded in an aura of mystery. And precious stones were always given great importance there: they were used as a way to show the status of the owner, and also had great religious significance. Even the poorest families kept some types of beads as amulets. Buddhism is widespread in Tibet, but it is believed that Dzi beads appeared at a time when there was a single religion. This follows from the strange designs on the beads, which suggest thoughts of shamanism and real witchcraft. Dzi beads were used as amulets to increase strength. The Dzi bead is an engraved agate with a specific pattern applied to it: circles (eyes), squares, waves and stripes. Most Tibetans value Dzi because... this ensures their protection. The ancient origin and the ban on archaeological excavations in Tibet have led to a huge demand for real Dzi beads, many times exceeding the supply. The most reliable time for the production of the first Dzi beads is 2700 BC.

When deciphering the symbolism of Dzi beads, first of all, pay attention to the number of eyes present on it, since it is believed that these symbols give the Dzi bead the greatest power.

Tibetans believe that “Dzi” is jewelry of supernatural origin. There are many different stories and legends surrounding “Dzi”. Their origin is associated with ancient times, when demigods wore them as jewelry. Whenever "Dzi" spoiled a little, it was thrown away. This explains why the beads have never been found in perfect condition. As soon as they fell to the ground, they immediately turned into insects. There are several stories regarding "Dzi" as insects. They tell that once upon a time “Dzi” were insects that lived like worms in the earth, but turned to stone upon contact with a human hand. One story tells of a man who saw such an insect high in the mountains and threw his hat over it to catch it. When he took off his hat, the insect turned to stone. The insect theory is widespread and is often used to explain why Dzi are often found together, forming a kind of “nest”. There is also a legend that even after the beads are unearthed, they continue to move for some time.

Another legend from Ngari (Western Tibet) says that “Dzi” originated from a mountain near Rudok. In ancient times, they flowed down its slopes in streams. One day the evil woman glanced at the mountain, and the flow immediately stopped. Hence the characteristic black and white stripes on Dzi.

One of the modern stories about “Dzi” is also known, which has become a kind of “urban legend”. As a result of a car accident in Taipei, all passengers would have died if one of them had not had a Dzi bead on him. All these stories confirm the belief that Dzi are magical and can protect their owners from troubles, illnesses and bad moods. “Dzi” also has medicinal value. Traditional medicine in Tibet for the treatment of epilepsy uses powder obtained from the unbroken (unbroken) Dzi, mixed with other magical substances, from which they make a pill for the sufferer. It is very important to use an unbroken “Dzi”, because if the “Dzi” is broken, then its power has been spent for protection.

“Dzi” is an amazing and very effective way to enhance energy.
They have healing powers and are widely used for treatment. It is believed that DZIs protect against all types of failures and bring prosperity, wealth and health to their owners . There are several varieties of Dzi depending on the effect they produce and the type of luck you want to attract. This is a powerful amulet of protection in Tibet. Ancient Dzi are very rare and highly prized. The price of one antique “Dzi” can reach several thousand dollars. The technique of making “Dzi” is very ancient. They were made from agate and chalcedony, by applying a special design using special Tibetan technology. Currently, “Dzi” is also made from precious stones, glass ceramics, gold and silver. DZI enhance a person’s energy and strength, protect against negativity, promote spiritual growth and improvement. If a dzi bead breaks or splits, it is thrown away. It is believed that she absorbed negativity directed at a person or helped her owner avoid trouble. It is most correct to wear “dzi” on your hand on the pulse or on your neck on the chakra. You can often find bracelets and beads with two or more DZI. Each person can choose a DZI personally for themselves, depending on the situation. There is also a system by which you can choose the Dzi bead or Dzi bead of the current year of the patron that is suitable for you. But the most correct thing is to always focus on your own feelings and carefully read the description of the dzi and their direction

The meaning of drawings and their influence on a person

When choosing a bead, you need to decide on your intentions and understand what your soul is striving for. In accordance with the need, an amulet with the desired ornament is selected. By making the right choice, you can receive magical protection and help, energy and blessings from heaven.

Tibetan bead designs include 6 main symbols: circle, square, triangle, moon, wave and line. Each product has its own original design, which has its own meaning:

  1. Circles are symbols of the sky. They help remove obstacles, misfortunes and troubles.
  2. Square and rectangular symbols are associated with earth. Promote career advancement and success. Gives strength and wisdom. They attract money.
  3. The symbols of the moon or month represent the element of perfection. They bring health, mental acuity and confidence. They make a person spiritually attractive and revered.
  4. Triangular signs are amulets against evil and barriers created by evil spirits.
  5. Double waves separated by stripes are a symbol of pure flow and an inexhaustible flow of wealth.
  6. Stripes give comfort and harmony and help dreams come true.

The beads have their own original design.
Such designations are applied to products in the correct order and combination. When combined, the signs create the semblance of letters that form magic words.

The amount of repetitions of a symbol on a bead changes the vector of its impact.

Circle-shaped patterns are called eyes.

The strength of the amulet’s influence on the owner depends on their number:

  • 1 – will bring calm, creative spirit and new intellectual capabilities;
  • 2 – harmonize, give strength to fight, teach to love and compassion;
  • 3 – give health and success, enrich;
  • 4 – relieves suffering, imparts wisdom, wealth and good luck;
  • 5 – promote prosperity, enrichment, longevity;
  • 6 – eliminate sadness and suffering, open access to good luck;
  • 7 – help in career, finding a happy marriage and health;
  • 8 – protect from accidents and dangers, show the right path;
  • 9 – glorify, bring authority, good reputation;
  • 10 – remove obstacles on the path to career achievements, bestow wisdom and charisma;
  • 11 – relieve suffering, give happiness;
  • 12 – fulfill desires, provide energy for self-improvement, remove fears;
  • 13 – develop public speaking skills, establish communication with spirits;
  • 14 – clears the mind, promotes meditation;
  • 15 – give heavenly protection, good luck and luck;
  • 16 – drive out sadness and melancholy, create a good mood;
  • 17 – bestows the ability of true perception and self-confidence;
  • 18 – get rid of addiction and outside influence;
  • 19 – wishes come true;
  • 20 – spiritually enlighten;
  • 21 – increases magical powers, bestows health and money.

The complex designs of the beads carry a deeper meaning. To make choosing a product easier, each of them was given a name associated with the meaning of the image.


Translated from the Northern Chinese dialect - “according to your desire.” A sacred stone with this sign fulfills the owner’s dreams without having a negative impact. The talisman prevents accidents and illnesses.


Makes thoughts clear, gives attractiveness and tranquility. Lotus will create harmony in relationships. Buddhists consider this flower a symbol of purity, which it identifies.

“Lotus” gives attractiveness and tranquility.

"Tiger's Tooth"

The owner of such a talisman will gain fortitude and perseverance. “Tiger's Tooth” will dispel doubts, give determination and strength to overcome obstacles.

People of both sexes wear it to find a way to eliminate a homewrecker or rival.


Garuda is a mythical bird with the power of healing. The symbol helps in the fight against diseases, drives away bad thoughts and improves mood. Wearing Garuda is believed to guarantee longevity.

Garuda beads help in the fight against diseases.


This symbol is responsible for self-realization and business success. He helps his owner earn a good reputation and build a career. “Mountain” should not be worn by a person who is characterized by selfishness and arrogance. These characteristics destroy the energy of the talisman.


This ornament is an image of a humanoid creature with 2 heads. It will give strength to a person working physically, improve memory, develop logical thinking, and make the mind of an old man clear.

“Aristocrat” will give strength to a person.

"Eye of Buddha"

The "Eye of Buddha" is a symbol of hope. It helps to make dreams come true, find happiness and spiritual harmony. The direction of impact depends on the number of eyes on the bead.

"Bodhi Tree"

According to legend, Gautama received enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and became Buddha. With such an amulet the learning process becomes easier. It gives the owner a sense of compassion, generosity and kindness, and also protects from troubles.

The Bodhi Tree gives the owner a feeling of compassion.

"Earth and Heaven"

In Southeast Asia, such a bead can be seen on the wrists of entrepreneurs. It balances Yin and Yang, allows you to quickly make the right decisions and brings harmony. “Earth and Heaven” gives the owner additional energy, endurance and the ability to achieve results. Makes overcoming obstacles to success an easy game.

"Ho Tu"

"Ho Tu" resembles a swastika, but symbolizes the light of the sun. The amulet protects from troubles and eliminates threats, develops good character traits, makes the owner decent, strong-willed and courageous.

Ho Tu symbolizes the light of the sun.

"Bottle of Longevity"

Will ensure long life and good health. The “Bottle of Longevity” will protect you from depression, bad mood and apathy.

The talisman can improve the quality of life and teach the desperate to enjoy life.

"Waves of Fate"

Luxury and prosperity will be attracted within just six months of wearing the talisman.

“Waves of fate” attract luxury.

"Sun and moon"

In another way it is called “The Universe”. “Sun and Moon” helps to increase self-esteem, change your attitude towards life and develop willpower.

Helps managers create good relationships with subordinates.


The sign that resembles a beetle is the personification of good luck, prosperity and long life.

"Felicity" is the personification of luck.


This name was given to ritual weapons made from the bones of a sage. The amulet will relieve unpleasant feelings and emotions, such as anger, pride, selfishness. “Vajra” will reward its owner with a warlike character, make him purposeful and wise.


The use of Vastu promotes self-understanding and acceptance, achieving sensory and physical balance. Such a bead works as a talisman, protecting the owner’s house from harm.

Vastu works as a protective amulet.


The image of a turtle shell is used in Buddhism for healing. The amulet strengthens the immune system, relieves diseases and injuries, creates protection against damage, and prolongs life.

"Money Hook"

It will help increase savings and prevent bankruptcy. “Money hook” will open the entrepreneurial spirit in its owner and increase his financial sense for additional sources of income.

The “cash hook” will help increase your savings.

"Woo Lu"

The “Wu Lu” bead is a symbol of health and a talisman against poverty and grief. It traps bad energy inside itself and prevents evil forces from breaking out.

"God of Wealth"

An effective symbol of a rich life attracts material wealth, creates conditions for earning money, and helps in achieving well-being. The “God of Wealth” will not allow money to slip through your fingers.

“God of Wealth” is a symbol of a rich life.

"Guan Yin"

Guan Yin is the name of the Goddess of Mercy in South Asian religious culture.

An amulet with her image gives peace of mind and protects against emotional torment, sadness and depression.

"Six Eyes of the Dragon"

This image helps to activate the capabilities of the body and brain activity, achieving mental balance.

"Six Eyes of the Dragon" helps activate the body's capabilities.

"Mortar and pestle"

This talisman radiates masculine energy and increases physical endurance. “Mortar and Pestle” eliminates illusions and protects against the harm of evil spirits.

Healers and physicians receive from the amulet the necessary energy to help people and gain the ability to correctly diagnose.

"The Dragon"

The Chinese sign, symbolizing goal achievement, success and money, is suitable for men: politicians, entrepreneurs, artists and anyone who wants to make a career in a short time.

"Dragon" symbolizes goal achievement and success.

"Eye of the Phoenix"

Promotes renunciation of vanity, finding your own path and correct vision of the world. The “Eye of the Phoenix” indicates what is important and protects against rash and hasty actions.

"Heart of Longevity"

With its help, they gain vital energy and endurance, develop abilities and perception of information. Additionally, the talisman improves well-being.

“Heart of Longevity” develops abilities and perception of information.


The Speaker's Bead develops communication skills and writing abilities. Encourages others to respect the owner, gives expressiveness and persuasiveness to speech.


A stone with such an ornament encourages a person to create, and with its help enlightenment is achieved. The talisman eliminates uncertainty, passivity and mediocrity.

Kundalini pushes a person to create.

"Sweet Speeches"

The amulet helps to find the right words in negotiations, increases eloquence, charm and charisma. “Sweet speeches” allow you to make your dreams come true, gain respect and turn difficulties to your advantage.

Altar or temple

These are large Dzi stones that are stored in a home or office space. Any bead can be used as a temple bead if you organize a place for it where it cannot be moved. Then it will be favorable for all inhabitants.

Dzi temple stones are kept in the dwelling.

Descriptions and meanings of symbolism

Dzi beads

There are instances of artifacts that do not have eyes on the surface, but contain symbolic images of animals, birds, people and phenomena. You can find out about them below.

The spirit of a large mythical bird is a very rare Dzi. Allows you to cope with negativity and depression. An excellent amulet against rumors, anxiety and vanity.

Dzi Big Man is a symbol of survival. Provides self-confidence. The amulet is called the Patron. The bead will bring victory, get rid of bad karmic history, damage. It will drive away evil spirits, protect against the evil eye and any misfortune, and give wealth and respect to others.

Dzi medicine has a narrow specialization. Returns health to older people, protects against all diseases and promotes healing.

Ho Tu Dzi protects against slander, evil eyes and insults.

Lotus Dzi provides confidence, equanimity, and increases attractiveness.

The Heaven and Earth Bead gives confidence and creates a favorable environment around the one who owns it. Attracts allies, teachers.

Ru Ji is a talisman for influential people. Brings unshakable authority, success in business, leadership abilities and the power to manage people.

Dzi Turtle protects against diseases and gives the best health.

The Longevity Dzi guarantees long life and the absence of fatal diseases.

Five bats dzi brings happiness, luck and long life.

Dzi of spiritual enlightenment is only for those following the path of spiritual development. The talisman will make it easier to find it.

Dzi of abundance, as you might guess from the name of the artifact, brings good luck in financial matters.

Dzi of the deity of abundance will help you quickly get rich and achieve success.

There are also beads with stripes - striped Dzi. They help in all desires and give a comfortable life with material benefits. They can turn an unfavorable situation into a way that benefits the owner.

Dzi Dragon protects from curses and damage, eliminates gossip and rumors, negative programs, and protects from unnecessary fuss.

Dragon Eye Dzi is necessary for those in whose lives there are many losses and troubles. Will remove sadness and suffering.

Beads with swastikas are often found. Their meaning is the development of all positive qualities in a person. They force you to think before doing something. They save you from failures on your life's journey.

Dzi tiger tooth removes obstacles in the path of the owner of the amulet. Increases confidence, inner strength, helps get rid of fears.

The Four Graces of Dzi give success in increasing capital, drive away evil spirits, and develop intellect.

The Sun and Moon are a symbol of eternity, harmonizing human energy. Helps with travel and achieving goals.

Money hook - for those who do not know how to manage money correctly.

Dzi nectar vessel expands the list of positive qualities of a person and prevents his character from deteriorating. Brings good luck, protects from troubles and accidents.

Garuda Dzi is a magical item for communicating with the gods. Teaches you to ask them for help. A good amulet for travelers. Brings happiness, wealth, wisdom and success in any endeavor.

Padmasambhava's cap symbolizes help from each Buddha. The talisman will not allow the soul to be polluted.

Bodhi Dzi softens character and eliminates failures from the path of life.

How to choose the right Dzi

Choosing your own bead is a responsible and important undertaking. There are 150 variations of body Dzi and about 1000 altar stones, so determining your talisman by meaning will not be easy, and it will take a lot of time. It is necessary to correctly navigate the diversity in order to get the expected result. You won’t be able to make a mistake when choosing either, because any product will be beneficial.

It should be noted that antique Dzi have historical value, but they are full of alien energy accumulated from previous owners. For personal use, it is better to choose new beads.

If a person has developed intuition, then he uses this feeling in search of his own amulet. Dzi himself will determine such an owner, sending magical signals that determine the buyer’s interest in a particular product.

When choosing a stone, you need to feel it. There should be a desire to hold it in your hands. The future owner should like the bead. In this way, several pieces are selected, then their meaning is studied and those that have the desired properties are acquired. If the product in your hand causes anxiety or discomfort, then it is intended for another person.

For greater effect, it is better to purchase several beads that will work together. It has been noticed that if there is no financial opportunity to buy a copy that the owner himself chose, then the money will soon be found. The amount that comes unexpectedly should be spent on purchasing an artifact; other purchases will not bring satisfaction or benefit.

Choosing Dzi beads is a very important event.

They also pay attention to the shape: women’s stones are thin and pointed, while men’s stones are thick, reminiscent of a barrel. Dzi promotes good events, happiness and balance only if the talisman is original.

Therefore, when choosing an amulet, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Original Dzi are made by Tibetan monks, after which they are exported to different countries of the world. Such products cost a lot.
  2. Talismans are made only from natural stone. You should hold the mineral in your palm - it should quickly warm up, become warm and cause a pleasant sensation.
  3. Antique artifacts are not for sale in tourist shops, even in Tibet.

Such a gift can only be given to a close and well-known person, knowing his advantages, disadvantages and needs.

It is better to let the person who will wear it choose the amulet. If there is no emotional connection and sympathy, the talisman will not work.

Cleaning and charging Dzi

Before ending up in the hands of a new owner, a sacred item could come into contact with other people. To protect against foreign, unnecessary energy, stones are cleaned before wearing. This procedure brings the owner closer to his new Dzi and creates their spiritual connection.

The stone is kept under running water for several minutes. If there is no body of water in the vicinity, use tap water. During these moments, they focus on good emotions, passing them through their hands to their product.

The beads are fumigated with incense sticks; to do this, they are kept in the emitted smoke for 5 minutes.

Before wearing, Dzi beads need to be cleaned and charged.

Dzi is cleansed using a singing bowl. Water is poured into it, the product is placed on the bottom and a stick is moved along the edges until the sound of the metal changes to clear and clear.

After cleaning, the stone is dried, taken in the palms of the hands and brought to the face, touching the tip of the nose with the middle fingers. Closing their eyes, they ask Dzi to become a part of life, without showing emotions and showing only sincere intentions.

Afterwards, a recharging ritual is carried out. Leave the product to lie in the open sun for 2-3 hours - this will give the talisman solar energy. You can also charge the bead using a night light. To do this, after cleansing, Dzi is left overnight under the light of the growing Moon.

Before putting the bead on, they assure that they will take care and protect it, and in return they ask to protect the owner in the same way. After this, no one should touch the talisman except the owner.

If negative situations arise, the cleaning is repeated, since amulets are capable of accumulating bad energy. It is better to carry out the procedure once a month or more often (if there is a feeling that the stone is no longer helping, and also after each visit to places from which you wanted to leave as soon as possible). Even with a favorable course of life, it may happen that Dzi absorb dirt, and a person gets only good things.

Splitting or destruction of a product without mechanical impact indicates that the baggage of protective energy has been exhausted. When a bead accumulates a large amount of bad energy during its service life to its owner, it breaks from the inside. This can happen even in 1 day if the stone helped to avoid tragedy or strong magical influence. The bursting Dzi are interred, showing tribute.

How to wear Dzi beads

Dzi is worn with a bracelet. It can be used as a pendant, but the bead should be located on the throat or heart chakra.

Most cannot acquire the original and purchase ordinary beads. Like any purchased jewelry or amulet, they should be cleaned, because the item has been touched by the wrong hands. The cleansing procedure will help you quickly find contact with the amulet.

  1. Running water. Hold your purchase in a stream or river. A water tap will also work. Leave the amulet under cool water for a few minutes. Try to think as positively as possible. Convey your impressions of it to the subject, imagine how it will help.

  2. Place it in the sun, not necessarily outside. It should dry naturally, no need to wipe.
  3. Take the amulet with both hands and concentrate. Ask to become a part of your existence, promising care and respect in return.

Cleaning needs to be done monthly. It will be useful to let the amulet lie in the moon or sun rays. In Tibet, talismans are purified using singing bowls. Place a bead in it and use the pestle to make it sing.

Before going to bed, Dzi is removed. While you're not wearing it, store it above most of your belongings. This way you will show respect for a strong and rare amulet.

Overall, this is an excellent amulet for almost all occasions. But it’s better to find a bead rather than buy it so that its full potential is revealed.

Combination with other stones

The correct selection of natural stones that will be worn in combination with beads can enhance the impact of the amulet. It is advisable to prefer those minerals that are found in the homeland of Dzi.

Dzi beads are combined with many stones.

You need to pay attention to the following stones, since combinations with them are used in Tibet:

  1. Amber is a symbol of joy, harmony and happiness. It protects against negative magical influences and natural disasters.
  2. Turquoise is a symbol of kindness, success and immaculate love. The mineral brings peace and luck to the owner's life.
  3. Carnelian - represents love and devotion. Gives prosperity and tranquility.
  4. Red coral will make the owner creative, sober and clear-minded. Will give family happiness, protect from evil.

The beads are framed only with silver - a metal that can cleanse the aura, neutralize evil energy and enhance the properties of the artifact.


Tibetan Dzi Beads have the ability to protect their owner from supernatural forces of evil and negative energy. Evil spirits, illnesses, and failures recede when powerful Dzi Beads appear.

Dzi beads balance yin-yang energies and the interaction of the five elements in the human body, improve the immune system and promote health.

Dzi beads attract wealth, help spiritual improvement and restore peace of mind.

Dzi beads are made of gray agate on which various patterns are skillfully etched.

Dzi Beads should be worn in a bracelet on the wrist, the beads should be adjacent to the “pulse points”. Another option is to wear it on a cord at the throat or in front of the heart. Upon contact with the skin, the energy of the beads awakens.

Dzi beads can be worn by everyone, regardless of nationality, religion, gender and age, since they are not objects of religious worship. Their main goal is to create a good aura for a person.

Below is a description of some of them:

HEALTH : 6-eyed Dzi bead

Dzi with 6 eyes restores physical strength, attracts happiness and good luck. Dzi with 6 eyes frees you from sadness and suffering. Clears bad karma.

FAME, FAME - Dzi with 7 eyes

7 Eye Dzi Beads are used to help achieve fame, health, long life, wealth and career success.

Patronage in LOVE - Dzi with the Goddess of Mercy Guan Yin

The Goddess of Mercy is a very popular symbol of compassion and mercy. Her kind heart and character have touched the hearts of many who want to improve their karma and find joy in life. Dzi with the Goddess of Mercy will help you overcome all obstacles and problems: illness, difficulties in relationships, family problems, career difficulties, death of loved ones, difficulties in carrying a child, and other failures. The Goddess of Mercy brings peace, tranquility and compassion.

SUCCESS in BUSINESS - Dzi with 15 eyes

Dzi with 15 eyes gives its owner Heavenly luck. One who has Heavenly luck enjoys a calm and pleasant life and good luck in all endeavors. They bring lucky opportunities, business success and abundance.

An excellent talisman for people doing business.


Dzi Golden Key symbolizes constant wealth, abundance of food and good reputation. This magical golden key will open the doors to all the Treasures of the World.

TO DO THE “IMPOSSIBLE” - Dzi Bodhi and obsidian bracelet.

The Bodhi Tree is famous for the fact that Gautama Buddha gained enlightenment while sitting under it. The tree provided protection and shelter for the Buddha and has been considered sacred ever since. It is believed that the symbol of this tree gives the one who wears it protection from obstacles and removes all difficulties from the path to achieve goals. This bracelet is especially suitable for those who are taking important exams or strive to achieve the “impossible”.

WEALTH AND LONGEVITY - Dzi of Wealth and Longevity

Dzi of Wealth and Longevity it is called so because it depicts the symbol of a bat and “Sau”. The bat is a popular symbol of prosperity, wealth and happiness. At the same time, “Sau”, a symbol of longevity, speaks of a long life without disease. This Dzi helps its owner in accumulating wealth and brings good luck to a long life.


Dzi beads with 5 eyes are a money magnet and have the ability to attract wealth from five directions, which are associated with the 5 Gods of wealth. The five directions are North, South, East, West and Heaven. The 5 Eye Dzi is a powerful amulet for wealth that blesses its owner with all material wealth, prosperity, luck in money, good fortune, helpers, success, financial achievements and numerous sources of income. The lightning symbol, in turn, helps overcome negative forces, dispels obstacles, enhances virtues, and prolongs life.


One of the most desirable Dzi beads! It is believed that it helps to fulfill all your dreams and desires, and enhance the luck of fame and recognition. It also brings you strength and courage to overcome fear when faced with problems and difficulties.


Dzi 9 eyes helps its owner gain influence in society, fame and maintain a good reputation. The Dzi bead brings incredible luck, improves health, removes obstacles, protects against negativity and failures

POWER AND GLORY - Dzi with 12 eyes

Dzi 12 eyes attract authority, power and influence to their owner.

These Dzi enable a person to exceed expectations and achieve power and glory.


Garuda is a huge mystical bird, the guardian of Hindu and Buddhist temples. She is believed to have magical supernatural powers. Dzi with Garuda helps to dispel diseases, overcome suffering, remove embarrassment, eliminate dangers, ward off evil spirits, prevent failure and stimulate fame and good reputation.

BLESSING, LIFE'S PATH - Dzi with 8 eyes

Dzi beads with 8 eyes are the most popular during the entire 8th period (2004 to 2024), as they bring excellent luck to their owner. The magical properties of the eight lucky objects bring harmony and satisfaction to a person's life. These Dzi also protect against disasters and disasters and help the owner find his own path in life. Dzi with 8 eyes bless the owner with abundance of money, wealth, good luck and prosperity.

LOVE - Dzi with 2 eyes

2-Eyed Dzi is a talisman of love and a great activator of relationships. For single people, it will help attract the right partner. For lovers it will bring good luck and happiness in marriage. For married couples - it will strengthen relationships, enhance love and passion.

PATRONAGE, EASY LIFE - Dzi of the Aristocrat or “High Patron”

The Aristocrat Dzi activates the luck of having high-ranking people, mentors, teachers in your life to offer help, advice and patronage. Guarantees a “smooth” easy and successful life.


This Dzi is the Tibetan symbol of cosmic energy and is associated with the instrument known as Vajara (thunderbolt). Vajara symbolizes the masculine principle and method of achieving Awakening. This bead gives its owner the power to overcome all obstacles and addictions (nicotine, alcohol, passion for gambling). Increases dignity and wisdom.


This Dzi is associated with the durability and wisdom of the turtle. An excellent activator of excellent HEALTH and LONGEVITY. In addition, it is reliable protection against various types of negativity and injury.

Dzi beads serve as talismans. It is believed that Dzi elderberries are a gift from the gods to people. The moment the designs appeared on the beads, the Gods threw them to Earth so that people could use them for their own good. Wearing Dzi beads makes our life better and more enjoyable.

Each bead has its own meaning and works in conjunction with natural semi-precious stones.

The Dzi bead with 9 eyes is the most popular bead, it helps a person achieve their goals very quickly, and helps to realize financial plans.

Dzi bead with 2 eyes - improves relationships with your other half, find compromises.

Bead with 8 eyes. The number 8 is one of the most auspicious numbers in Feng Shui, the number 8 brings very good luck.

A bead with a Dragon on which a Woman stands gives strength to overcome negative circumstances. Symbolism of the bead - we are flying on the Dragon.

Dzi beads with 12 eyes are for ambitious people who strive to have power, a high position in society and influence on people. It enhances your attractiveness, thereby giving you the opportunity to satisfy your ambitions.

A bead with a lightning bolt and a mystical 4-sided knot will protect you from ill-wishers and envious people.

Beads with the RUI symbol gives a person power over the situation and authority. It is always advisable to have the RUI symbol in the office and on your desktop. This symbol helps to build relationships with people smoothly, easily, on a friendly footing. Many business problems will be solved easier.

Rock crystal has a very beneficial effect on a person - it clears thoughts, helps to relax, calm down. Wearing rock crystal in itself is very beneficial.

Rose quartz - ensures harmony with the world, the best feminine qualities come out, you become more feminine, attractive and harmonious.

Blue topaz - gives clarity of thought, clarity of understanding of one’s goal and task, protects from evil and negative moments in life.

Yellow quartz is a magnet for money. If you are going to an important meeting, it is useful to have a piece of yellow quartz in your pocket; it attracts monetary luck.

Yellow citrine, like yellow quartz, is a magnet for money and business success.

Amethyst is a stone of mental and spiritual enlightenment; it is Saint Germain’s favorite stone. Amethyst retains all the wisdom of the world, and the person who wears an amethyst takes on all the wisdom contained in the stone.

Tiger's eye has the most powerful ability to protect a person from failure. The beads absorb all the negativity directed at the owner and can even split, overflowing with negative energy. In this case, be sure to thank the bead, it helped you a lot.

Obsidian is a stone of volcanic origin, formed from molten rock. It has the ability to bring peace to a person, relieve stress and cure colds.

Smoky quartz - helps a person get rid of obsessive states, negative habits, alcoholism, smoking, the stone cleanses a person, helps to become a better person and live a happier life.

When choosing a stone, listen to the prompts of your heart.

Rules for wearing and use

Bracelets are worn on any hand, with a bead on the pulse. Rolling the stone on the inside of the wrist starts the process of activating the vibrations of luck and inner strength. It is better for the sacred object to touch the skin, although in Tibet bracelets are also worn over clothing.

It is acceptable to wear Dei in the form of pendants on a short chain. However, this is not practical because it is recommended to remove the stones during sleeping and bathing to avoid damage. In Ancient China and Tibet, these amulets were always worn on a cord around the neck, next to the heart - just like Christians wear a cross on their body.

Bracelets with Dzi beads are worn on the hand.

Several rules for using the talisman should be followed:

  • beads and other decorations are stored separately;
  • Dzi should have his own secluded place, with incense, icons and everything that gives strength to the owner;
  • You must not let another person touch or use your bead;
  • At night, the stone is removed under the pillow - this way the connection with it is not broken;
  • beads are not worn at funerals, they are removed before sex and drinking alcohol;
  • loss of a talisman due to inattention will lead to failure and emotional imbalance;
  • If a bead appears cracked or split, it is no longer recommended to use it.

Talisman capabilities

In Tibet, the three-eyed Dzi is associated with the god of wealth - Kuberu. The drawing symbolizes the eyes and mouth of God. Another meaning of the bead is soul, body, and mind. Combining the three main characteristics of a person into one whole contributes to the emergence of harmony, gives health, spiritual development, wealth and success.

The Legend of Kubera

For a long time, Kubera led an ascetic lifestyle and indulged in prayers. Seeing this, Brahma decided to reward him. God gave Kubera immortality, making him the keeper of treasures hidden in the earth, and exalted him to the god of Wealth. The residence of the new god became the current island of Ceylon, and for movement Kubera received from Brahma a flying chariot - Vimana.

Due to the internecine wars of the gods, Kubera was expelled from the island. He moved to Alakapuri, near Mount Kailash.

The Dzi bead three eyes, the meaning of which is a well-deserved reward, is associated with humility and spiritual development, and not just with the desire to get rich.

The God of Wealth is depicted sitting on a white lion, with a menacing expression on his face. On his head is a tiara made of precious stones, and in his ears are earrings. In the right hand is a banner of victory, in the left is a mongoose regurgitating precious stones. There is a green halo above Kubera's head. You can find images of God with shells, lotus, golden fish and other attributes of divine power. The second (Hindu) name of God is Vaishravana.

Kubera's task on earth is to store earthly wealth and distribute it among worthy people depending on how great their karmic merits are. Buddhists believe that wearing Dzi 3 eyes allows you to receive your share of these riches from the hands of God.

How do Dzi work?

The bead absorbs negative energy and acts as a barrier between a person and his environment, absorbing evil like a sponge. She will not be able to completely protect the owner from bad situations, but she will protect her from critical events. There is no point in relaxing and letting life go with the flow; what happens is the result of actions and decisions. The magic of Dzi will guide you along the right path, give you confidence and strength, but it is necessary to listen to the signals of the Universe and the influences of the sacred product.

The bead acts as a conductor of energy between the owner, his spiritual world and the external environment. A person has a dream, but rarely sees the path to it or has the resources to realize it. At this moment, the power of Dzi comes to the rescue; it increases the flow of favorable energy, making the owner stronger and endowing him with the necessary qualities that can only be used to achieve what he wants. Thus, the owner and the bead work in pairs; without this interaction, success cannot be achieved. This thought is the key to success.

Dzi beads protect the owner from bad situations.

Strong amulets that have a good connection with a person can push him towards his dream in a harsh way. Changes occur in the owner’s life, unnecessary people and familiar circumstances leave it, making room for new events. If there have been no changes in your life for a long time, you should be prepared for active changes that begin through powerful cleansing of space and removal of interference. This is the framework for building your own temple of happiness. However, many are frightened by change, and a confrontation begins that destroys the road and burns bridges to a better life.

This situation is similar to the destruction of a dilapidated home, when you need to demolish it, remove the rubbish and build a new and high-quality house in this place. Therefore, we must accept that Dzi attracts opportunities and works for us. But before turning to the Higher Powers, we need to make sure that we are ready to fight, change our lives and make decisions.

What is the meaning of the two-eyed amulet?

The 2 eye Dzi bead is an engraved stone. A certain pattern is applied to it: 2 circles (eyes) of unusual shape, squares, waves and stripes. The stone consists of 70% agate, 25% carnelian, chalcedony. 5% are elements of unearthly origin.

The two-eyed bead is a talisman of love and creates a balance between male and female energy.

This is a symbol of the harmonious combination of the principles of Yin and Yang. The energies of Yin and Yang establish all types of relationships in the world, establish balance in life and energy.

  • Yang denotes a man, his energy. This is day, movement, strength.
  • Yin represents darkness, flexibility, softness, silence, symbolizes a woman.

They are one and complement each other.

A bead with two eyes is able to achieve constancy and balance. The amulet is powerful and has the following properties:

  • helps to find love, find your soul mate, create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind;
  • helps maintain and strengthen ties between husband and wife, improve family relationships and achieve harmony;
  • restores damaged relationships with other people, resolves conflict situations peacefully;
  • allows you to avoid quarrels, helps you get into a good team and build a career;
  • contributes to the achievement of life goals, gives a person wisdom, dispels negative energy and brings good luck.

Beads cost

The price of the product in Europe or America will be higher than in Asia. The cost of new beads varies from $15 to 50, and older ones - from $50 to 2000. The most expensive antique specimens sell for $1 million or more.

The cost of beads is higher in America and Europe.

The price of the product is affected by:

  • age;
  • external condition;
  • type of bead;
  • rarity;
  • material of manufacture;
  • size (large ones are cheaper, and small ones are more expensive).

When choosing a bead, the main thing is to listen to your own heart. If chosen incorrectly, even the most expensive talisman will remain silent.

About the authenticity and value of products

Medieval copies cannot now be found for sale even in East Asia. You can only admire them in museums. Such products have lost their external aesthetics due to the effects of time. All of them are deformed, and the ornament is erased. Despite the great value of such stones, they should be considered only as collectible objects. Such a bead will not be able to achieve interaction with the new owner.

A bead is considered genuine if it is blessed by the monks.

Modern Dzi, under the right manufacturing conditions, will benefit the owner. The new product does not contain energy absorbed from the previous owner. A bead is considered authentic and valuable if it is made in a Buddhist temple and blessed by monks. Or it appeared through the efforts of a person endowed with a magical gift, who put good intentions into it and performed a ritual that turned a stone ball into an amulet.

Imitations made of glass, porcelain and horn, sold in bags in the markets, have no value. They are produced and painted by automatic machines. Such specimens are purchased as a souvenir - they will not bring any benefit or harm.

The beads also have medical value. In traditional Tibetan medicine, undisturbed Dzi ground into powder is used to treat epilepsy. Healers mix the resulting dust with other magical secret ingredients and make pills from this mixture.

Broken stones are not used because their power was lost in the process of protecting the owners. The cost of medical artifacts reaches $5000 per 1 g.

How to charge in places of power

A place of power is an energetically charged area on the planet, visited by pilgrims from all over the world. People come there at the call of their hearts to cleanse themselves and get a boost of energy.

Such places include:

  • Tibet;
  • Mount Kailash;
  • Butane;
  • Machu Picchu;
  • Angkor Wat;
  • Kilimanjaro;
  • Cambodia;
  • Table Mountain.

Visiting holy places enhances the effect of Dzi, especially if this is the birthplace of beads. Once in the sacred territory, you need to meditate to feel the power of the local lands and absorb their energy.

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