Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man compatibility of zodiac signs - 80%

Ice and fire - they attract each other at first sight, because the forbidden fruit is sweet.
The main thing for a man is not to get burned by the sparks of Sagittarius, and for a woman - not to lose herself, not to fade away in the everyday routine of Capricorn. Their union does not always work out successfully, but there is a high percentage of successful couples who have found a “soul mate” - in these cases, their opposite qualities and values ​​are intricately intertwined, creating an ideal relationship that has absorbed the best from its representatives. The Capricorn man is distinguished by determination, natural intelligence and the ability to earn money. Successful and reserved men - their coldness hides compassion, willingness to help and the ability to love.

Capricorn and Sagittarius - they attract each other at first sight

The Sagittarius woman is fire in its brightest manifestation. She is charming, energetic, straightforward and knows how to achieve goals. She is an optimist and charges those around her with positivity; she has a lot of ideas and plans, most of which are actually implemented.

How a Sagittarius woman can win a Capricorn man

To “hook” Capricorn, it is not enough to be beautiful and seductive: you will need a sharp mind, charm and inner core.
Sagittarius girls often seem a little superficial and freedom-loving, but an Archer in love is capable of being soft, gentle and sensual. Her optimism is what will brighten the Capricorn man’s strict outlook on life. The positivity and powerful vital energy of a strong woman will not go unnoticed - a little casual communication, and you can begin to conquer this stubborn and reserved man.

Her optimism will be enhanced by the Capricorn man’s strict outlook on life.

The girl must show her seriousness and respect for family values ​​- for a Capricorn man, his parents and relatives are important, he will not forgive an accidental negative phrase addressed to them.

How a Capricorn man can win a Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius needs more than love or a relationship - she needs a reliable partner with whom she can have fun, talk about serious topics or go on a trip.
She is very demanding of men, so she must be a strong, successful person. Some Sagittarius women, falling in love, create their own ideal man and help him realize his professional aspirations. The Capricorn man is smart and decisive; when conquering his beloved, only pessimism or uncertainty about his feelings can hinder him. Alas, people born under this constellation tend to notice the minuses and lose sight of the pluses, so Capricorns should remember that Sagittarius tries to exclude “eternal whiners” from their inner circle.

A Capricorn in love can be romantic, sensual, capable of beautiful actions that a “fiery” girl needs. Capricorn should not hope that the chosen one will become more humble after the wedding or the birth of a child. He will have to come to terms with her strong character and frantic energy, which is a little difficult for a man who values ​​constancy and stability.

Advantages of the union

The Sagittarius woman is gentle, sincere, intelligent - she is very similar to the ideal of Capricorn. Their union requires compromises and strong feelings, and in later life also benefits. Both want a partner equal to themselves - this is not surprising, because there are many advantages in their relationship:

  • Partner addition. Capricorn is reserved, and Sagittarius is more impulsive, the man is practical, but traditional, and the woman is a generator of ideas and inspiration. A Capricorn man is capable of achieving significant success in his career if he listens to the opinion of his partner, and vice versa. This is an excellent tandem for everyone’s personal growth, if both can accept each other and are ready to make concessions.
  • Healthy optimism. Men are prone to melancholy and isolation during difficult periods of life. The Sagittarius woman never gives up; she finds thousands of ways to solve problems and millions of reasons to smile. Sagittarius charges with its energy, and this makes both of them happier.
  • Mutual respect – both take their partner’s love and interests seriously. In their youth they are overwhelmed with ambition, but with age, understanding and loyalty reign in the couple. To love each other, they do not need to suppress, limit freedom and jealously monitor the chosen one - over time, both become integral individuals with enormous potential.

Compatibility between Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman

It is difficult to imagine a more serious lady than the Capricorn woman. And although she has a wonderful sense of humor, she rarely shows it to strangers. Despite the unapproachable appearance of the daughter of Saturn, she always has many admirers. And all because she has a sharp mind, aristocratic manners, royal bearing and excellent taste. This earthly beauty is usually in no hurry to get married, preferring to pursue a career.

And having achieved career heights, the Capricorn woman does not grab the first person she meets. Her future husband should earn no less than she does. And besides, be smart, decent and neat. Despite such high demands, Saturn’s daughter gets married quite successfully and pleases her husband with her skills throughout her entire life together.

The Sagittarius man does not always have the appearance of a movie hero-lover, but at the same time he has more than enough fans. In this he is helped by a wonderful sense of humor, natural optimism and cheerfulness, as well as an easy and non-harmful character. The lack of a sharp analytical mind in the son of Jupiter is replaced by resourcefulness, and a penchant for adventure helps not to get bored even in gray everyday life.

This fiery man is very amorous, and he has a big heart with enough room for everyone. He does not divide women by appearance; he is more interested in different cultures and places of residence of beauties. The Sagittarius man loves to travel and has numerous affairs while traveling. As a rule, he marries more than once. But the stars don’t know a single woman who would remain offended by Sagittarius.


The Capricorn woman is very constant in her habits. She vacations in the same place every year, loves to re-read books and practically never takes off her favorite jeans. The Sagittarius man changes his habits every day. He loves to travel and discover new vacation spots, prefers a computer to books, and does not pay any attention to his clothes at all.

But Jupiter’s son loves creativity and, in his free time from traveling, paints the walls of his apartment to make it more pleasant to be in. To buy paint for the walls, he needs to go to a hardware store, where a Capricorn woman, who loves repairs and design, is already choosing laminate for her living room. On this basis, they may well become acquainted, especially if the store consultant is poorly versed in painting walls. The daughter of Saturn will immediately come to the rescue.

And then you have to go see the result. Moreover, the Sagittarius man will definitely take the phone number of such an informed lady.


The Sagittarius man would prefer that his date with the Capricorn woman take place in some exotic country, but the daughter of Saturn will clearly be against it. For her, the ideal date is a modest dinner in a classical style or a classical music concert with a cup of coffee after. As a last resort, she could agree to a trip out of town.

In order not to frighten off the cautious Capricorn woman, the Sagittarius man will compromise and invite her to the Museum of Contemporary Painting and Art. He himself is very interested in the work of contemporary artists, and Saturn’s daughter is partial to sculpture. Well, and that same cup of coffee at the end with a discussion of what we saw.


The Capricorn woman is wary of love. She is not amorous and often looks closely at a candidate for a lover for a long time. The Sagittarius man noisily bursts into women's hearts and just as easily gives his own in return. At first, he will also try to conquer the unapproachable daughter of Saturn at once. But for such an attack, the son of Jupiter chose the wrong object. What is needed here, rather, is a long siege of the fortress.

Will a fiery man have enough patience, since this is not his strongest side? And can he promise the Capricorn woman not to respond to the calls of his ex-girlfriends and others who want to fall into the arms of a Sagittarius man? If so, then perhaps he will receive the heart of his Snow Queen as a reward.


In general, one thing can be said for sure – it won’t be boring.

There will be many difficulties in the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn woman. The incredible sociability and carelessness of the Sagittarius man will irritate the reserved and punctual Capricorn woman. And he, in turn, will be upset by the coldness and detachment of his beloved.

The compatibility of Sagittarius and Capricorn in a love relationship resembles a roller coaster - sometimes love and harmony, sometimes coldness and worries. This couple may even break off their relationship more than once.

Then the Capricorn woman will throw the fickle son of Jupiter out the door and stop answering calls. Then the Sagittarius man may get carried away by the visiting beauty and follow her to her homeland, forgetting to call Saturn’s daughter.


It is difficult to say whether the Capricorn woman and Sagittarius man will ever reach the registry office. But if this is destined to happen, then, most likely, thanks to the patience and wisdom of the daughter of Saturn. She will turn a blind eye to some of the quirks of her versatile husband, and the son of Jupiter, with his good nature and easy, cheerful character, will be able to improve the atmosphere in their common home. In addition, the child-loving Sagittarius man will never leave his children.

So all women who are vying for the heart of a married Sagittarius should think carefully before flirting with him - things will not go further than this.


The cheerful naughty Sagittarius will try to play a joke on baby Capricorn, but in response he will only receive a stern look. This could discourage anyone, but not this natural optimist. During her school years, only the Capricorn girl will know where her eccentric friend is, who is already being sought by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Both will spend their youth in student groups, and in adulthood the restless Sagittarius man will find his school friend Capricorn and will constantly bother her family with his unexpected appearances.


If a Capricorn woman and a Sagittarius man organize a joint business, then you need to keep an eye on this company. Unexpected projects of the son of Jupiter in a variety of areas will be supported by a stable financial base and analytics from the daughter of Saturn.

This company will be one of the first to enter the international market, thanks to the connections of the Sagittarius man. And thanks to a clear plan developed by the Capricorn woman, the company’s progress will be rapid. This couple is good at working in the fields of international relations, higher education, tourism and Internet technologies.

Disadvantages of the Union

Problems in relationships most often arise if there are not enough feelings - one loves, and the second is not sure of feelings or it is simply convenient for him to be together. Sagittarius and Capricorn do not recognize the fact of a relationship of convenience, but representatives of the fair sex try to choose promising men. It is difficult for young representatives of these signs to maintain an alliance - both are impulsive, categorical and too emotional, which also determines relationship problems:

  • Different outlook on life. For a man, work and home are important, for a woman, career, self-realization, communication and much more. Sagittarius skillfully fill their lives with emotions and vivid impressions; not every Capricorn is ready for such shocks. The partner of an ambitious girl values ​​constancy and orderliness - the behavior of a creative chosen one will sometimes shock him.
  • Attitude to money. Both know how to earn money, but the woman also easily spends it on self-development, travel, and fun, while Capricorn prefers to lead a more modest lifestyle, avoiding unnecessary expenses.
  • Different emotional intelligence. Sagittarius has well-developed empathy: she senses the weakest fluctuations in her partner’s mood. Capricorn is a loser in this regard - he doesn’t understand hints, and will be able to suspect trouble in a relationship only if they are expressed to him in plain text. The archer, of course, is not used to hiding her emotions, but she also cannot be read like an open book, according to astrologers at
  • Difference of opinions about joint recreation. A man, in principle, has no time to rest - he either works or helps relatives, but Sagittarius needs meetings with friends, active recreation, and joint outings. Problems also arise in personal relationships - Sagittarius needs more feelings, spiritual and physical intimacy, but the partner does not have the time and energy.

How to find a common language in a couple: Capricorn Man and Sagittarius Woman

For such different partners to feel comfortable together, love alone is not enough for them, although without it it would be completely impossible to establish relationships. A man should not limit Sagittarius too much and think that after marriage she will only take care of the house and children. Even if she is not very sociable, there will always be friends around her, people, just acquaintances who can irritate Capricorn. Therefore, when choosing this woman, take into account her interests and try to become more relaxed emotionally. Psychology and acting skills help many people with this so that you can better understand the female world.

A woman should listen to Capricorn and perceive his words not as an attempt to limit her freedom, but as a manifestation of care and love, if it is not excessive. Teenage behavior in communication with him will be as inappropriate as broken dishes, hysterics and scandals. It is better to rationally explain to him what you want, and he will gladly fulfill your request. Over time, Capricorn will become more emotional and learn to enjoy the same things as you, so don't worry if he prefers books to socializing or isn't too eager to meet your friends at the bar.

Intimate life

The Sagittarius woman loves romance, long moments of intimacy and heartfelt conversations afterwards.
Capricorn is more practical and traditional - he is sensual, gentle, but work takes a lot of energy and often he is not ready to devote much time to his beloved. The stage of falling in love for Sagittarius and Capricorn is a flash of feelings and immersion in each other’s world. At this moment, she constantly needs admiration and expression of feelings. Sagittarius knows how to inspire and motivate, but she should also take into account the temperamental characteristics of her chosen one. He is not ready for bold experiments and is cautious in relationships; initiative and love must first of all come from a woman. A Capricorn man will be required to be sensitive after intimacy: a woman loves to prolong intimate moments and complement them with spiritual intimacy. She reveals her soul and will be very offended when she hears in response the peaceful snoring of her fallen loved one.

A Capricorn man will need sensitivity after intimacy

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Capricorn Man and Sagittarius Woman

For family relationships, such partners are not always suitable for each other. It is best if people of the same age get married who have common interests, life plans and who like to spend a lot of time outside the home, or if the difference between the partners is very large and the man is much older than the woman.

In other cases, the marriage between such partners is rarely happy, since there is a tendency to change each other and constantly quarrel. Capricorn strives for discipline, responsibility, and economy, which seems dry and boring to Sagittarius. Such a woman strives for the house to be cozy and joyful, but does not understand how it is possible not to buy an expensive gift for the child, although there are already enough toys in the house.

Therefore, Capricorn's economy and discipline can be perceived as greed and tediousness, which is completely unacceptable for Sagittarius. Both partners begin to pull each other in different directions: the woman begins to take offense at Capricorn’s isolation and unsociability and forces him to share entertainment with her, and the man begins to pull her toward discipline and demand that she pay more attention to home and order. This can lead to unpredictable consequences, so such partners should not be together unless love contributes to changes in their communication and lifestyle.

What kind of parents will they be?

The positions of men and women in education are opposite - Sagittarius teaches openness and initiative, while Capricorn demands submission and discipline.
The woman becomes a friend to the child, the man is strict and distant, he believes that his main task is to provide for his family financially. But in an equal union, both parents will be able to agree and build the upbringing process as an integral system, where each has their own role. The Sagittarius mother hesitates for a long time to have a baby, but motherhood makes her even stronger. Additional motivation for self-realization appears, thoughts are organized and it is easier for her to choose the right direction for the development of the family. Instills in the child a love of the world, travel and fosters independence and the ability to solve problems.

Capricorn dad gives the impression of a strict and principled dictator, but behind his coldness lies tenderness, fear for his children and enormous responsibility. It is difficult for him to show his feelings, so he often gives affection furtively and in doses, for fear of spoiling the baby.

What will their children be like?

A serious problem for a child can be a lack of parental attention - Capricorn and Sagittarius are too busy with themselves, their careers, and organizing their lives.
The baby will often stay with relatives and spend a long time in kindergarten. This will instill independence in him, but will take away part of his childhood. But a vacation with your parents will always be filled with bright impressions - Sagittarius know how to have fun and make even an ordinary day a holiday. But Capricorn’s coldness in the future may come back to haunt him with serious mental problems and attempts to compensate for lost attention, but in a relationship. Mom and dad have different requirements - if they fail to agree, this will affect the children. Free upbringing on the one hand and rigidity on the other will become a reason for uncertainty and emotionality. In a harmonious family, children absorb the best qualities of both parents - they are independent, reasonable, versatile and inquisitive.

Mom and dad have different requirements - if they fail to agree, this will affect the children

The main conflicts in a pair of Capricorn and Sagittarius

If Capricorn and Sagittarius decide to realize their “friendly” compatibility in a family union, then it is easy to predict many difficulties even before the start. For example, how do you imagine a Sagittarius voluntarily performing boring family duties and spending quiet evenings in the family circle, hugging an equally boring Capricorn? And every day and following the schedule. Of course, Sagittarius strives to make every evening bright and it is advisable to spend it in a noisy get-together. A couple of times Capricorn even agrees to break up with him. But this will never become his constant rhythm of life.

In the soul of Capricorn, an awl in a certain place in Sagittarius will be very irritating. His impulsiveness, inconstancy and therefore unpredictability. Capricorn, in his authoritarian manner, will try to force his partner into a framework, but will immediately receive a rebuff - Sagittarius does not tolerate encroachments on his freedom. And this applies to Sagittarius of any age and position.

By the way, even the very concept of freedom for Capricorn and Sagittarius is very different. For Capricorn, freedom is the opportunity to express what is on his mind, to work more for himself than for someone else, to manage money as he wishes. For Sagittarius, freedom is movement in all directions of space, personal independence, being with those people and partners with whom you want here and now. And to some extent, for Sagittarius, that same “freedom of relationships” operates, which is very at odds with Capricorn’s understanding of traditional family values. Knowing that both signs are excellent egoists, there is no point in even thinking about the fact that someone will sacrifice their freedom in favor of the other.

For some reason, Sagittarius often thinks that Capricorn rejoices at his failures. Especially in cases where Capricorn warned about them. But in fact, Capricorn simply wants to assert himself in this way in his own eyes with an extra “I was right.” But Sagittarius still looks at him as an old friend who needs to lend a helping hand.

Capricorn himself rarely leaves relationships with Sagittarius, because he rarely leaves what he is very accustomed to. And “the best friend and the best enemy” is, among other things, a relationship of habit. There is a much greater chance that in the next search for something new, Sagittarius will move away, tired of the stone Capricorn.

Is a Sagittarius woman prone to cheating?

A fiery woman is a queen by nature - not a timid and inexperienced princess, but a strong and confident woman, capable of ruling the souls and destinies of other people.
She has no shortage of male attention, but she will not succumb to temptation out of respect for herself and love for her man. A Capricorn man, having achieved his beloved, directs his ardor and passion into work - this becomes the cause of problems in relationships. A woman needs emotions and recognition. If a man tries to push her into the background, then she does not always have enough endurance and wisdom so as not to start looking for attention on the side. In their first relationships, women often allow themselves to behave in a “fickle” manner – this could simply be flirting or a response to their partner’s infidelity. With age, women value constancy more and will never dare to betray if Capricorn does not give in to his negative moods and respects the hobbies of his chosen one.

Is a Capricorn man prone to cheating?

It is difficult to fall out of love with a Sagittarius, but as long as a Capricorn man is in love, he will be faithful. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not prone to betrayal, but even permanent Capricorns have second families and mistresses - when passion leaves the relationship and they and their spouse become just partners. Men rarely leave their families - the value of home life and stable relationships is very high. They are talented at hiding betrayals, and in response to suspicions, even justified ones, they will demonstrate serious resentment. Sagittarians love freedom and emotions, and will not let their chosen one get bored. In relationships with energetic girls, Capricorns barely have enough energy for work and home, so they would rather break up than decide to betray. One of the reasons for infidelity may be the suppression of the dominant role of Capricorn in the union - other parallel relationships will become an “outlet” where they can prove their worth and superiority.

Sagittarians love freedom and emotions, and they won’t let their chosen one get bored

What are they afraid of in a relationship?

Sagittarius is too positive for fears, and Capricorn will never admit their fears, but at one stage of the relationship they will have to face their phobias:

  • Capricorn values ​​consistency, but routine is detrimental to Sagittarius. Emotional contact must be constant, even if it is not always positive.
  • Loss of leadership - The Archer is in no way inferior to her man, she is just as confident, purposeful and successful. Sagittarius will not allow herself to be humiliated or offended; she needs to be on an equal footing with her partner or even higher. Capricorn also knows his own worth and will never become a puppet. This is a union of two personalities, where neither is ready to submit. A woman can show flexibility if her feelings are sincere, but her partner should not demonstrate his superiority and consider that he has tamed Sagittarius.
  • The Sagittarius woman cannot stand pessimism, demonstrations of deep despair and hopelessness; she is afraid of the manifestation of these qualities in her partner.
  • Loneliness - it upsets the Sagittarius woman and depresses Capricorn. At the same time, the girl loves freedom and is often reluctant to change her status, while Capricorn is in no hurry to fully open up and trust.

What to work on

Working on an alliance is the normal state of Capricorn and Sagittarius, only the first organizes the relationship, and the second brings chaos into it. Such a counterbalance and different understanding of the “ideal life” hinders development and exhausts both. We need to get away from stereotypes and build relationships based on feelings, and not on principles and habitual judgments. Such a different couple has a lot to work on:

  • Capricorn and Sagittarius are very different, which is why they are so drawn to each other at the beginning of a relationship. In order for passion and respect not to be lost, there is no need to suppress your partner and try to change him.
  • Compromises are difficult for both. Sagittarius only seems to be an “easy” person - she is principled and firm. Capricorn will feel this power immediately, but her attempts to suppress and control him will seriously disappoint the man.
  • Inner harmony and comfort - these concepts will have to be expanded, Sagittarius should respect her man’s family and the fact that he will have to constantly “share” him with them, and Capricorn should not hold back positive emotions and allow himself to periodically look at the world through the prism of positivity and optimism of his chosen one.

Love compatibility horoscope for the signs Capricorn and Sagittarius.

This couple is quite compatible and has good potential for a long-term relationship, but with many “buts”.

Here it is not differences in temperament that come to the fore, but different outlooks on life. But first things first.

At the level of physical attraction, everything is fine, at least at first. Sagittarius lights up with its optimism and splashing energy. He intrigues Capricorn in his own way and makes him literally “forget” for a while. In the arms of Sagittarius, Capricorn is happy.

On the other hand, Capricorn himself likes Sagittarius for his depth and equanimity and, again, Sagittarius, as a feeling nature, can appreciate the potential of Capricorn in general and his ability to solve material problems in particular.

Now, actually, about the views. There is no time for sensations anymore. The cold mind of Capricorn screams that Sagittarius is the height of unreliability. What can you do, Sagittarius is designed like this: he does not live in a stable future, he lives here and now, and what will happen tomorrow will happen! This person is happy because he does not want to torment himself with forecasts about the distant future.

In general, Capricorn cannot appreciate the breadth of Sagittarius’s nature, his frivolity and carelessness in love. Capricorn is attached to home and family traditions, he strives there. Sagittarius dreams of hiking and traveling. For Sagittarius, home is a place of respite between travels.

Of course, sooner or later, Capricorn will try to calm down Sagittarius and put him under lock and key - it’s safer and calmer, but he’s unlikely to succeed.

But not everything is so simple. Sagittarius, although active, is also smart. He understands very well that Capricorn can give him a lot, and perhaps precisely the basis on which it will be possible to engage in creativity together. If both keep a balance in this union, then life together can be more than satisfactory.

Capricorn can look at Sagittarius from the point of view of his business skills. If he is properly interested, then Sagittarius will be an excellent companion in any useful endeavor - why isn’t that the basis for a stable family life?

In turn, Sagittarius must moderate his ardor in his desire to paralyze the will of Capricorn and impose his understanding of life on him. It will be useful for Sagittarius to look at their partner from the outside and, if not accept him entirely, then at least not force him to look at the world through the eyes of Sagittarius. Isn't it too difficult?

Very different personalities, but certainly finding common themes. Capricorn is a representative of the Earth element, and Sagittarius is a representative of Fire. The compatibility of two neighboring signs from incompatible elements in the horoscope is not usually considered favorable. But in this case it can be called tolerable. “Best friend and best enemy” - this is the name of the type of relationship between signs and neighbors and their friendship can last from early childhood to old age, experiencing ups and downs, hot meetings, and partings for years.

You shouldn’t count on a long-term permanent relationship here, if only because the fiery Sagittarius sign is a very restless sign, always eager to go to new places, travel, to new events and people, while the earthly and not so easy-going Capricorn, on the contrary, takes root in one place and develops in it. Rare Capricorns decide to change the place of their permanent deployment, because this entails a big blow to their established way of life.

What is the secret of their friendship? Perhaps a common desire for a better life, for victories, for the same ideals. And they can discuss these points for a very long time, sharing their points of view with interest. But they will still go to these goals in different ways - those that are destined for them by fate. For Capricorn, this is a difficult path of personal labor, uncompromising struggle, hardening, experience and testing of one’s wisdom. It is clear that this is not a quick path. In contrast to the rapid path of Sagittarius, who is favored by luck, to whom people listen and follow him, who uses all the opportunities visible on the horizon and who can soar to heights inaccessible to many. But it’s just as quick to fall off them. And mature Sagittarius understands this very well. Therefore, he subconsciously reaches out to his “best friend” Capricorn for his rationality, reliability, support and protection in difficult situations.

Wise Capricorn sees strength and ambition in the bright personality of Sagittarius, for which he is imbued with respect for him. From Sagittarius he longs to receive inspiration and a positive charge at the moments of their meetings. But being close to each other for too long causes conflicts: it is difficult to give in to each other, because everyone wants to be a leader, it is generally impossible to find compromises, and every now and then attempts arise to re-educate each other. From behavior to handling money, where Capricorn becomes furious at Sagittarius’ extravagance, everything causes mutual complaints.

And Sagittarius will not be able to influence Capricorn. At a minimum, Capricorn does not believe him, because... knows very well that behind the successes of Sagittarius is largely luck and the will of chance. And behind him is personal experience and life wisdom. No matter how much Capricorn tries to give Sagittarius suggestions and advice, he still does it his own way. But then he stumbles and realizes that Capricorn was right. And because of this, Sagittarius begins to hold a grudge against him in his soul, becoming “the best enemy.” Added to this are Capricorn’s refusals to Sagittarius’ proposals to participate in various dubious events, the earth sign’s disbelief in the Napoleonic plans of his “friend,” the loss of respect for unfulfilled promises and empty talk.

How does a Capricorn man behave during a breakup?

Capricorn, like Sagittarius, often leaves relationships only to return after a while. Every breakup is experienced very hard, even if they themselves were the initiator. They try to hide their emotions in front of their acquaintances, but their partner will notice his feelings.

Capricorn, like Sagittarius, often leaves relationships only to return after a while

The reason for a temporary breakup with a Sagittarius woman may be an attempt to “tame” the girl; her love of freedom and violent disposition prevent a man from feeling like he’s in charge and in control of the situation. Sagittarians are proud, their restraint will be a reason for Capricorn to return, because stubbornness will not allow them to give up on conquering their beloved.

Is friendship possible between them?

A freedom-loving, attractive woman has a lot to offer Capricorn in personal relationships, but friendship between these zodiac signs rarely develops.
A man, in principle, is not inclined to make friends of the opposite sex, except with the prospect of further relationships or due to current circumstances. Their communication can begin at school, college, or work. Capricorn is responsive and often helps others, and Sagittarius will not hesitate to ask for help if necessary. They are very different - social circles, recreation, interests, but a common business or hobby unites more different people.

Disadvantages of the union: Capricorn Man and Sagittarius Woman

There are more than enough pitfalls in the relationship between these signs. First of all, this is due to the fact that they both look at life completely differently, show emotions and manage money. Capricorn, accustomed to his own rules, is unlikely to approve of a woman’s constant desire to travel, communicate with friends to the detriment of family relationships, and even allow herself to flirt on the side, which may end with God knows how.

Sagittarius will perceive a man as a boring and uninteresting person who does not know how to live and interferes with her freedom, which is why such people often break up after living together. But, despite all the difficulties, such partners can be happy together if they learn to understand and forgive each other’s weaknesses.

The main disadvantages of this union may be:

  • different attitudes to life, little things and everyday difficulties;
  • partners show emotions and feelings in completely different ways;
  • pettiness and pickiness, domestic scandals;
  • quarrels over money;
  • Capricorn's conservatism can negatively affect relationships with children;
  • manipulation, cunning and prudence of a man can ruin a relationship with a woman;
  • Capricorn's jealousy can destroy relationships;
  • different sexual potential of both partners;
  • a man may consider a woman too frivolous and careless;
  • different interests and social circles can pull partners in different directions.

Compatibility at work

Relationships at work are not always easy, but both are intellectuals and workaholics, so over time, their working relationship will develop trust and confidence in mutual support. The implementation of important projects often rests on their shoulders - they are valued and listened to.

Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man are intellectuals and workaholics

Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man are colleagues

They don’t always understand each other, but they can work productively on the same project. A man is persistent and will not stop until he gets the job done efficiently, while a woman’s flexibility and ability to see many solutions to difficulties speeds up the work.

Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man are bosses

Both are strong, smart and ambitious. A man can use the ideas and capabilities of his partner, but for Sagittarius the creative process itself is more important, so she is ready to compromise in order to reach an agreement.

Disadvantages of this union

One is optimistic, one is pessimistic, one is expansive, the other is tough. There are many gaps between them, so clashes are inevitable.

Sagittarians are full of enthusiasm and fun, but they are too irresponsible for Capricorns. Plus, the way they handle money is sure to irritate Capricorn a lot. Capricorns need someone like them, down to earth and ambitious.

They can't expect too much from Sagittarians, who live only in the moment and want to change all the time. One is an adult, the other is like a newborn. Sagittarius does not tolerate boredom and immobility; they will never understand why Capricorn so wants stability and confidence in the future. This is why they often try to revive Capricorn.

Although they are both devoted and devoted to each other, when they are in love, they will not be able to understand how the other lives. Neither of them are particularly emotional, but Sagittarius still needs intimate moments before the day comes to an end. Capricorn is more work oriented. Perhaps they will separate because of a big fight. They both do everything they can to avoid problems, so all their problems will accumulate until one day they explode.

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