When can you cut your nails, and why sometimes not? Signs and beliefs, lunar calendar and recommendations of oracles

You should not cut your nails in the evening - such a sign can be found in the traditions of different peoples of the world. This is explained by the fact that the nail plate contains a considerable part of a person’s energy, so it must be shortened according to special rules so as not to cut off the energy channels and not invite disaster on oneself. Moreover, according to this superstition, cutting nails in the evening can make a person vulnerable to magical effects from ill-wishers: damage, the evil eye, etc.

In order to avoid the negative consequences of signs, you need to know the most favorable days for the procedure. This way you can even correct your destiny, changing it for the better.

Signs and beliefs

Many will be surprised, but several thousand years ago people thought of decorating their nail plates in a special way.
They were painted with special compounds, decorated, and cared for. Typically, such an ancient manicure was done using natural dyes, such as henna or antimony. In China and India, long nails indicated that their wearer had a high status in society. It was clear that she did not do household chores at home, which means she had enough servants. Hence, by the way, a sign associated with wealth: it is believed that a long manicure attracts money.

There is also a widespread belief that small white spots that appear on the nails of the left hand promise pleasant gifts (based on the number of spots themselves). It is also advisable to look at which finger these “defects” appeared on:

  • on the thumb - you will soon receive an unexpected, but very pleasant gift;
  • on the index finger - you will make a new devoted friend;
  • on the middle finger - soon you will encounter a new enemy;
  • on the ring finger - success in the romantic sphere (new admirer);
  • on the little finger - a pleasant journey awaits you.

Attention. If dark spots appear on the nails, this promises the wearer misfortune or bad luck in business. They say that such nails should be cut off and burned as soon as possible.

There is also a sign that prohibits cutting the nail plates until the completion of some important task or before the onset of an important day. This should protect the owner from failures, troubles and the sudden collapse of all plans.

Why can't you cut your nails in the evening or at night?

There is a belief that says that you should not do a manicure in the evening, otherwise financial difficulties will overtake you. These may be losses associated with thoughtless spending of money, as well as situations where you find yourself a victim of criminals.

Another sign has come to us from ancient times. It is interpreted as follows: cutting your nails in the evening will reduce the productivity of your work, because of which your financial well-being will be at risk.

If we talk about cutting hair at night, then doing this is also not recommended. People say that day is a symbol of stability, and night is subject to dark forces. For this reason, this procedure will be tantamount to entering into a conspiracy with them - as a result, the person gives part of his energy to evil spirits.

In addition, if you do a manicure at night, then again, financial losses are possible. In this case, the meaning of the sign echoes the previous interpretation.

Which days are considered the best?

Successful days for a haircut can be chosen in different ways. Some people adhere to the lunar calendar, others prefer to choose the appropriate days of the week, and others rely on upcoming events or the advice of the oracle.

By day of the week

Each day of the week carries a certain energy, which can be both positive and negative, so in order to find out whether it is possible to cut your nails on Monday or, for example, Sunday, it is better to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of weekdays and weekends before cutting:

  1. Monday. This is a kind of energy of everything new, because this day begins a new week.
    On Monday it is good to get rid of bad memories, thoughts, grievances and worries. Cutting your nails or getting a manicure on this day helps speed up the release of all negative energies and also prevents diseases of the genitourinary system. People who want to get rid of complexes should also do manicures and pedicures on Monday.
  2. Tuesday. The second day of the week works to strengthen intuitive abilities and helps to react quickly in unforeseen situations.
    Cutting your nails on this day helps you attract success and prosperity, as well as concentrate all your skills and strengths on achieving your goals. You will feel more collected and serious, and you will have the energy to move forward. In addition, a manicure on Tuesday helps get rid of headaches and normalize blood flow.
  3. Wednesday. If you have been waiting for good news for a long time, then it is best to get your manicure done on Wednesday.
    The wait will be resolved with good news. The energy of this day is aimed at strengthening thought processes, which facilitates learning and perception of new information. On the third day of the week, the right decisions are made, confusion in business is avoided. Rituals performed on Wednesday have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, eliminate stress, and improve sleep.
  4. Thursday. This day is suitable for cutting nails for those who have long been waiting for a cherished career advancement or acceptance into a desired position. You will have self-confidence, determination, and strength for new achievements. Regularly cutting your nails on Thursdays helps improve liver function and increase life expectancy.
  5. Friday. Day of feminine energies, awakening beauty and attractiveness.
    Regular manicure on Fridays will help you regain your youth, awaken grace and charm. You will no longer have to worry about new wrinkles. However, there is also another side to the coin. Many people say that cutting nails on this day promises bad news, illness, and misfortune. Swelling may appear, excess weight will appear and the course of chronic diseases will worsen.
  6. Saturday. It is considered one of the most favorable days of the week.
    Cutting your nails on this day helps strengthen the immune system. Astrologers advise getting a manicure on Saturday for those who are trying to get rid of karmic debts and cleanse their energy field. There is even a saying that says: “Whoever cuts his nails on Saturday pays off his debts.” Also, cutting nails on Saturday increases the chances of finding a soulmate for those who are looking for one, and strengthening feelings between already established partners.
  7. Sunday. In contrast to Saturday, Sunday is considered, to put it mildly, an unfavorable day for all manicure and pedicure procedures.
    On this day, you have every chance of causing serious harm to your health, financial situation and spiritual sphere of life. Sunday is a time of restoration, contact with your guardian angel. So removing pieces of yourself (even the smallest ones) is a risk of losing protection for a long time.

Can I trim my hair in the evening or at night?

It’s worth answering the question right away: no!
Evening (night) is a special time of day, at this time energy flows begin to weaken, life for many kilometers around goes into a state of rest and sleep. So cutting your nails after sunset leads to poor health , serious financial problems, and also to a “conflict” with your spiritual protectors.

Important! Manicure or regular nail cutting must be done before 15:00. This time is relevant for both summer and winter.

Some people say that you should cut your nails before noon, regardless of the time of year.

While in the hospital

When troubles happen to our health or we suddenly end up in a hospital bed, we become even more suspicious. Most people want not only to get rid of the disease as soon as possible, but also to protect themselves from any complications, side effects or chronic conditions:

  1. If you have undergone surgery, it is believed that you cannot cut your nails until all the stitches are completely closed. Otherwise, beliefs say that wounds will take a very long time to heal. The same principle applies to fractures or other injuries.
  2. If a pregnant woman is in the hospital (being preserved), then she should also not cut her nails or get a manicure, especially if a caesarean section is planned. According to ancient beliefs, neglecting these tips can lead to the baby being entangled in the umbilical cord, as well as various health problems for the mother and the unborn child.
  3. If the patient is in the neurological department, then cutting nails can lead to a deterioration in health and an increased risk of injury. The patient will constantly feel irritated, become suspicious, mood swings and attacks of hypochondria are possible.

Before the trip

An old saying says that cutting your nails before a long journey or an important journey can lead to troubles, accidents, and setbacks along the way.
Long nails promise the traveler a calm and smooth road and a safe return home. This belief only applies to manicures, which are done directly on the day of departure.
You are allowed to trim your nails and get a manicure/pedicure a few days before your trip.

Sequence of procedure

After softening your nails and feet, you can begin your pedicure. You cannot cut the nail plate in one motion, as this can lead to:

  • injury;
  • delamination;
  • brokenness.

It is necessary to operate the tool gradually, moving in small sections. When finished, file down the free edge and sharp corners on the sides.

Nails must be wiped dry and only then use a file. Do not file wet ones, as this will lead to delamination.

To prevent drying out, it makes sense to apply a moisturizing base oil to the nail plate.

It is also important to pay attention to the cuticle. You need to cut it carefully with pliers so as not to damage living tissue. It is more convenient to use a remover and an orange stick

The product will painlessly soften excess skin, and removing it will not be difficult

It is more convenient to use a remover and an orange stick. The product will painlessly soften excess skin, and removing it will not be difficult.

The ideal pedicure is one that leaves your heels soft and tender. Therefore, you should work on the softened skin with a pumice stone, and then lubricate your feet with a rich cream.

When should you not cut your hair and why?

There are several important prohibitions that superstitious people cannot ignore:

  1. You cannot cut the nails of a newborn baby until he is 10 days old.
    It is believed that in the first ten days of life, the baby is still very weak both physically and energetically, so cutting his nails will only take away his already small amount of energy and cause illness. In addition, a newborn’s fingers are still very tiny, so you can carry out the procedure carelessly and injure the child, and this is a direct path to infection.
  2. There is no one more superstitious than a student. Therefore, among those who gnaw on the granite of science, there is a belief that cutting your nails before an important exam can contribute to failure. So it’s better to wait a little, save up your strength and energy, close the session successfully and then do your manicure.
  3. There is also a belief that says that you should not cut your nails or get a manicure on your birthday. This can lead to negative consequences that will haunt you throughout the next year. You can only do a light manicure or lightly file your nails with a nail file.
  4. You should not cut your nails at night/evening and on Sunday. These time periods are considered a time of extinction of energies and communication with one’s spiritual protectors; getting rid of even a small part of oneself can cause anger in the latter and lead to illness, loss of finances and failures.

When should you cut your child's nails?

According to popular belief, it is best for a child to start cutting his nails only after he is one year old. Until this time, it is recommended to file the delicate plates or shorten them with special nippers. Signs say that this should be done in the morning, immediately after waking up.

You should not cut your child's nails while he is sleeping. At this time, the baby is defenseless against evil spirits, and therefore, during the procedure, evil spirits can easily get close to him. As a result, the child's sleep will be disturbed, and the next morning he will be restless and capricious. Beliefs also say that this can negatively affect his health.

Signs advise the mother, after the first haircut, to put the baby’s nails in a bag and bury them under an ash tree. This will protect him from the influence of evil spirits.

It should also be remembered that it is extremely undesirable to carry out this procedure on Monday - superstitious people warn that in this case all the child’s teeth may fall out. If a mother dreams of her child singing well, then in this case the signs advise cutting his nails when going out the door of his house onto the street.

Lunar calendar in 2020

MonthMost lucky numbers (positive energies)Suitable numbersUnlucky numbers for manicure
January6, 151, 5, 7, 8, 14, 23, 28, 303, 10, 17, 19, 31
February1, 3, 4, 20, 295, 8, 11, 24, 25, 2716, 21, 23
March7, 28, 304, 5, 9, 18, 21, 25, 2613, 20, 22
April4, 6, 147, 13, 23, 24, 27, 28, 3010, 12, 19
May23, 27, 282–5, 12, 13, 21, 26, 308, 10, 15, 17
June2, 18, 25, 273, 4, 22-2414, 19, 21
July4, 21, 222, 15, 18, 23–25, 2710, 17, 19
August1, 10, 203, 11, 18, 21, 24, 26, 29, 317, 9, 14
September15, 19, 22, 281, 8, 9, 21, 22, 264, 11, 13, 20
October14, 21, 225, 8, 17, 27, 312, 9, 16
November18, 287, 9, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 2613, 15
December15, 16, 19, 265, 7, 21, 25, 284, 11, 13


The first reason why you should cut your nails on this day is to increase your life expectancy. The sign works if you train yourself to always do a manicure on this day. This thesis has not been proven by scientists, but they also cannot refute it. In any case, this is a good day for any hygiene procedures. It’s not for nothing that in Orthodoxy on Maundy Thursday they clean up their homes and clean them up.

Are you planning a promotion? Astrologers recommend getting a manicure on Thursday for those who aim for leadership positions. Also, cutting your nails on this day increases self-esteem.

Cutting marigolds according to Rempel

Rempel is a famous astrologer who took into account a large number of factors in his research and calculations.
He compiled calendars of the most successful days for haircuts and other cosmetic procedures. According to his calculations, nails should not be cut on the new moon or during the first quarter of the waxing moon.

This is due to the fact that during this period the element of earth dominates, which significantly weakens the human body.

Important! It is best to do manicure during the second quarter of the waxing moon or the third quarter of the waning moon. This will help strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes and improve overall well-being.

Nails and the lunar cycle

It is best to pay attention to the phases of the moon when performing this ritual.

  • Signs advise cutting your nails on the waxing Moon, then they will be healthy, beautiful and quickly grow back - an excellent option for fashionistas.
  • On the waning Moon, growth after a haircut slows down, so you can use this time for small children who do not really like the procedure.
  • On a full moon, it is better to abandon the ritual altogether, so as not to deprive yourself of the energetic connection with the luminary, depriving yourself of protection and well-being.

According to the oracle

Some people prefer to follow the recommendations of the oracle rather than the advice of the lunar calendar or days of the week. An oracle is a magical divine advisor:

  1. According to the oracle, the most successful days for cutting nails are all those numbers in the calendar that are divisible by 7 without a remainder (7, 14, 21, 28). These numbers carry a sacred meaning, which means that a manicure done these days will bring success in all endeavors, career advancement, health and financial well-being.
  2. The numbers 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 also have positive energy. They work for any month. A manicure done these days will help normalize your well-being, improve family relationships, and attract good luck.
  3. The 2nd, 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, and 30th of the month are considered neutral in terms of energies. You can do any manicure with these, but you won’t receive any special “bonuses” from the Universe.
  4. The most unlucky days for manicure and pedicure are considered to be 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26 of each month. It is better to avoid any manipulation of your nails during these dates. The oracle claims that these days a person’s energies are significantly weakened, so cosmetic procedures can bring on illness, failure, and financial losses.

The Mystery of the Nail Trimming Ritual

Why do nails receive a lot of attention even today? Is it true that this procedure can affect the rhythm of life of every person or is it just a myth?

Nature has decreed that each part of our body is given for something and performs a specific function. First of all, nails serve as a certain protection for our fingertips from all kinds of external factors (injuries and cracks). On the other hand, the appearance of the nail plate can tell a lot about a person: his wealth, success, social status, character traits and neatness. A manicure done in a sophisticated style or even regular, trimmed nails speak of a person's culture and neatness.

In addition to the aesthetic appearance, many people pay great attention to folk signs that are associated with cutting nails.

Researchers prove that the condition of nails, as well as hair, can indicate the general level of human health (attention is paid to color, shape, state of integrity). This information often becomes the basis for determining superficial disease in medical research.

There is some explanation for this. For example, when the body is intoxicated, the accumulated poison is often displayed on the nail plate (more often determined by the fact of death).

Among magicians and palmists, there is an opinion that hair, the surface of the skin and nail plates store vital energy, strength and potential. Scientists such as astrologers associate nails with cosmic energy. They believe that marigolds are a conductor in the separation of flows throughout the body system. By cutting the nail plate, you can imperceptibly change the energy flows as a whole. With the help of cut particles of material, sorcerers and magicians can influence human destiny, both in a positive direction and in a negative direction.

What to do with trimmed nails?

Since cut nails are part of a person, they still carry his energies. Therefore, you need to be careful about where your nails go after a manicure:

  • They must not fall into the hands of ill-wishers. You should also not throw them in the trash; it is best to flush the marigolds down the toilet.
  • Some people burn their nail clippings in a fire. People who have secret knowledge prefer to pronounce words of power in order to quickly defeat the disease or attract good luck.
  • If you are sick, then the cut nails should be burned and the remaining ashes should be buried at some crossroads. According to beliefs, this will help defeat any, even the most severe, illness.

Over the centuries-old history of life on Earth, many beliefs and signs have developed related to cutting nails. Some people believe in ancient superstitions, some rely on the lunar calendar, others prefer the advice of the oracle.

Of course, it all depends on individual preferences and the strength of faith. But you shouldn’t fanatically follow all the advice that any horoscopes or calendars give. Still, most beliefs remain only beliefs, so you must always remain within the limits of adequacy.


Are you waiting for good news about an important event in your life? Then get your nails done on Wednesday. If you have been tormented by some issue for a long time, you urgently need to find a solution or concentrate as much as possible, then cutting your nails in the middle of the week will help you.

Astrologers also recommend cutting nails on Wednesday: for students during the session, for applicants during the entrance campaign. Manicure in the middle of the week has a good effect on the nervous and immune system. When you cut your nails, try to imagine that together with them you are getting rid of problems and increasing your chances of success.

If there is confusion in your head and you just can’t sort things out at work, then leave everything and go for a manicure after a hard day. Most likely, the next day you will start planning everything and quickly get out of the crisis.

What to do if you need to cut your nails

In the old days, signs were mandatory to follow. They were passed down from generation to generation. Today, due to lack of time and heavy workload, girls visit nail salons when it is convenient for them, including on Sunday.

Everyone does what they feel comfortable with, ignoring ancient customs. The last day of the week has become a time for regular care of your body.

If nails are broken or cracked, they are cut as soon as necessary. Men and women with unkempt hands are unlikely to achieve great heights at work. Overgrown plates on the fingers look sloppy from an aesthetic point of view.

Children are allowed to cut their nails any day. Otherwise, the baby may scratch himself. Sometimes this causes infection.

What time of day to do a manicure

It is better to cut your nails during the day or in the morning. Such procedures should be done when it is light. You should not cut your nails at night, because there is a risk of bringing misfortune on yourself. Nails and hair are a person’s energetic protection; by doing a manicure in the evening, you are depriving yourself of protection. You should not cut your nails in the evening for the same reason as at night. Our ancestors believed that otherworldly forces awaken in the dark. By cutting your nails, you seem to give a part of yourself to them to be torn to pieces. Just don't do it after sunset.

Of course, there is no scientific basis for the sign, so it’s up to you to decide whether to use this advice or not. The only thing that can explain the old sign why you can’t cut your nails at night: our ancestors didn’t have electricity, and doing hygiene procedures by candlelight is very inconvenient. You could get hurt and get an infection. Since there were no antibacterial agents before, any wound was mortally dangerous, since it was possible to get blood poisoning.

Magicians and healers warn people against cutting their nails outside the home. The fact is that cut nails and hair are something that ill-wishers can use in their rituals. If you have the opportunity to do a manicure yourself, then it is better to be careful. Now you know which days you can’t cut your nails and which days you can.

Superstitions for every day

Many people, when cutting their nails, do not think of this action as something magical. And unexpectedly unexpected troubles or joyful events in life are mistakenly correlated with other superstitions.

But all manipulations with parts of the body, even such rudiments as nails and hair, have a powerful impact on our lives. They must be treated responsibly.

The lunar calendar is used in various areas of life, and for manicure specialists it has long become a kind of hint for signs of good luck. Focusing on it, it is better to carry out the procedure in the growing phase and refuse - in the decreasing phase.

From ancient times, signs have come down to us when to cut nails according to the days of the week. By following them, you can avoid any troubles:

  • Monday is a favorable day for manicure. The procedure allows you to cleanse the energy of negativity, drive away sadness and melancholy, heal the soul from depression and replenish strength;
  • Tuesday is another day of the week when you are allowed to cut your nails. The ritual helps protect against ill-wishers and gives strength to fight in various difficult matters, and also activates energy cash flow;
  • Wednesday - a haircut helps to reveal the secret reserve of energy of the mind. Any business will go much faster. Also, getting a haircut on this day helps you understand yourself and establish favorable relationships with people around you;
  • Thursday is a favorable omen. She talks about establishing authority in society and opening new ways for the realization of talent;
  • Friday is the most unfavorable day. Superstitions prohibit cutting your nails, because biochemical processes in the body will slow down, which will provoke a loss of strength and energy breakdowns; troubles cannot be avoided;
  • Saturday is the most favorable day, according to popular belief, for a manicure. A person is freed from karmic debts, there is a chance to meet his other half and even receive unexpected profits;
  • Sunday is not a good day for any manipulation of nails. By cutting them off, a person risks cutting off the connection with his guardian angel and losing the help of higher powers. And also all ongoing processes in the body will slow down significantly, and hidden diseases may manifest.

Many esotericists and experts on omens agree that the most favorable day of the week for manicure is, after all, Tuesday. It is associated with cash flow and positive energy.

By performing a full procedure, and not just cutting off part of the nail plate, you can be guaranteed to program your life for success.

How to cut nails for an adult

The simple trimming procedure is not always performed correctly, which can lead to a number of consequences: cuts and infection, ingrown plates, the formation of hangnails, disruption of the structure and shape of the nail bed. To avoid such problems, carefully study the simple rules and follow them during every hygiene procedure. How to cut your nails correctly:

1. First, wash your hands with soap. This will help get rid of dirt and germs that easily accumulate on your palms and fingertips. If your nails are very hard, steam them by making a bath or holding them under warm running water.

2. Disinfect the scissors. If there is no special apparatus for this (which is most likely the case), wipe the blades with a cotton swab dipped in any alcohol-containing solution

This is especially important if several people use the tool.

3. Fix the brush on a table or other hard surface and begin to cut the nail along the selected contour with the tips of the scissors in short movements. Try not to close the blades all the way - this may cause uneven edges.

4. Sand the resulting shape with a file.

On your birthday

You may have heard that people used to not wash or get their hair cut on their birthday. Naturally, manicure was also prohibited. It sounds crazy to us now, but the fact is that this day is not good for the birthday boy in terms of energy. This is a period when a person is absolutely defenseless, it’s not for nothing that so many people die before literally a day before their birthday, or die on the same day they were born. Whether you follow this sign or not is your right, but the birthday girl or boy can get a beautiful manicure the day before the celebration.

Should you believe in signs about cutting nails today?

Do you cut your nails when you want or with an eye on signs?
If the signs and ancient principles regarding nail cutting and manicure seem strange and incomprehensible to you, then... you may be surprised, but many can be explained from the standpoint of modern science. For example, Sunday can be considered a favorable day for cutting nails, since traditionally it is a day of rest, an ideal time for beauty treatments for your loved one. Without mentioning the supernatural, the ban on hiding cut nails is useful for security reasons, even if you don’t believe in damage and the evil eye, it will be unpleasant to find out that some ill-wishers took your biological material to modern psychics or anonymously ordered a DNA test.

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