Description and application of aquamarine color

Bright, pure, inspiring, associated with dreams and memories of vacation - all this refers to the deep and stunning color of aquamarine. It takes its name from the icy crystal aquamarine, the color of which Pliny the Elder so admired in his time. He named the stone. This shade was especially popular during the art decor era. Then its luxury was emphasized with the help of diamonds.

Historical reference

Aquamarine is not typical for jewelry from antiquity and the Middle Ages. With a relatively high level of metalworking, the skills of cutting precious and semi-precious stones were not developed, which did not allow the potential of transparent minerals to be revealed.

Roman three-dimensional glyptics, 2nd century AD. e.

There are individual examples of ancient Greek jewelry using aquamarines in cabochon processing and ancient Roman carved gems.

In the Middle Ages, precious stones also had the simplest cabochon cut; bright colors were valued primarily in minerals; blue sapphires, rubies and red garnets were especially valuable and popular.

In the 18th century, the Rococo style appeared with a love of light pastel colors, primarily blue and pink; aquamarine, together with multi-colored topazes, begins to come into fashion. Around the same time, progress was made in cutting, and diamonds appeared for the first time in European jewelry.

The greatest popularity of aquamarine in jewelry occurred in the first half of the 20th century and the Art Deco style. Icy transparency and coldness allowed aquamarine to become one of the favorite materials of jewelers of the Art Deco era, along with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and black onyx.

Aquamarine looked good in the popular rectangular cut (table or baguette) of those years; colorless diamonds and black onyx emphasized its icy color and laconic severity.

Aquamarine is actively used in jewelry today.

History and origin

A gift from the ruler of the deep sea, Poseidon, aquamarine was taken with them by sailors in Rome and Greece for protection from storms. Ancient craftsmen carved stone figures of mythical characters, rulers and gods.


The mineral, reminiscent of a warm tropical sea or cloudless sky, is accompanied by legends:

  • The first stone was discovered by sailors who pulled out a treasure chest belonging to a mermaid. The hostess was not angry, but became their patroness.
  • The stone is associated with the planet Neptune and the month of March, when the sky resembles pastel.

It is present in the tiara of Pope Julius ll, the 30-centimeter scepter with aquamarine of the ruler of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Stanislav is kept in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. This stone was appreciated by the great Faberge: in one of the Easter eggs, a stone plate imitates the surface of the sea. The artifact was commissioned by Emperor Alexander lll.

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain owns an aquamarine parure (that is, a set of jewelry with a stone). A 200-gram Indian stone adorns the British crown.

The name of the gem was invented by the sage of Ancient Rome Pliny the Elder: aqua marina translated from Latin - sea water.

The most valuable specimens were considered to be the color of greenish-transparent water. The peak of popularity of the mineral occurred in the Art Deco era (early 20th century). Jewelers softened the icy transparency and laconic severity with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds or black onyx. Gems are found in pegmatites, which are part of coarse-grained granites.

Physical and chemical properties

Aquamarine is a jewelry variety of beryl. The main characteristic is the color from blue to greenish. Iron creates green stones, brown stones are obtained if there are many cavities and they are filled with liquid.

Natural crystal is a hexagonal prism or columnar specimens.

Unique properties of aquamarine:

  • unusually large crystals;
  • combination of hardness, fragility and lightness;
  • two-color, which appears when the viewing angle changes.

The color of specimens from different deposits is not the same.

ColorLight blue, bluish green, greenish blue or blue gray
TransparencyTransparent to opaque
KinkConchoidal, uneven; fragile
Density2.67—2.71 g/cm³


Despite the uniform color of the crystals, samples are known where the color is distributed zonally. The Brazilian aquamarine “Marambaya”, discovered in 1910, whose weight was 110 kg, deserves attention. In the center the crystal was blue, along the edges it was light green, and in the intermediate part it was yellow. The mineral was cut, one part was sent to New York, and the other was cut into small pieces and used to make cut stones. Jewelry made from them later spread throughout the world. Other notable examples of aquamarine found in Brazil: "Cachasina", 62 kg. "Marta Roja", 34 kg. "Etrela Dalva", 22 kg. Large aquamarine crystals have also been found in Russia. The first was discovered at the end of the 18th century in Eastern Transbaikalia. And the largest specimen from this deposit was 82 kg. The very first crystals of Russian stones were found in 1669 in the Urals in the Murzinsky fort. These days, the aquamarine deposit in Ukraine deserves special attention; crystals weighing up to 15 kg have been found here. Among other things, these are aquamarines of unique color purity and transparency. The stones acquired this property thanks to weathering processes that dissolved dirty areas in the cracks of the crystals.

Place of Birth

Aquamarine from Pakistan
Aquamarines are obtained from pegmatites, often found in coarse granites.

Deposits are known on all continents, the most significant: Brazil (Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espirito Santo), Madagascar, Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia).

Aquamarines are also found in smaller quantities in other countries: Australia (New South Wales), Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Ukraine (Volyn), USA (Colorado, Connecticut, California, Maine, North Carolina).

The largest gem-quality crystal was found in 1910 in Brazil (weight 110.2 kg, 48.2x41 cm). 220 thousand carats of cutting material were obtained from it. A little earlier, an aquamarine weighing 18 kg, called “Jacketeau”, was found there, from which about 30 thousand carats of jewelry material was obtained.

Where is the mineral mined?

The largest gem deposits are found in:

  • USA;
  • America;
  • Pakistan.

The leader in aquamarine production is Brazil.
Aquamarine is also mined in India, Australia and Sri Lanka. If we talk about our latitudes, then there are also deposits of the mineral in Russia and Ukraine.

Brazil rightfully took first place in the extraction of the largest specimens in the world. At the beginning of the last century, a specimen weighing about 100 kg was discovered in one of the large Brazilian deposits.

Color varieties

Some believe that aquamarine only comes in blue. But this opinion is wrong - in fact, its shades range from blue to completely transparent. This only complicates the procedure for identifying a fake.

But what does the color of a mineral depend on? There are many beautiful legends about this, but in fact, the color of the stone is influenced by the amount of iron in its composition. Different deposits have different colors of aquamarine:

  • blue aquamarine is mined in South America;
  • blue aquamarine is typical for Brazilian mines, as well as for the Urals and Transbaikalia;
  • The birthplace of green aquamarine is the Southern Urals.

Among all the other shades of this mineral, amber aquamarine is also found. However, it is usually quite cloudy, and therefore is valued much lower than azure samples.

Varieties and colors

Experts have classified the following aquamarine colors:

There are specimens with asterism or a “cat’s eye” effect. Maxis aquamarine has become a world-famous variety of stone.

The magical properties of aquamarine

Magical properties of natural aquamarine:

  • helps to recognize lies (clouding of the stone means that they are trying to deceive the owner);
  • harmonizes emotions, neutralizes phobias, this is a godsend for shy or reserved people, teenagers;
  • The stone has special significance for a woman: it strengthens relationships with a man, protects the family hearth, even if people have opposing interests; eliminates disharmony in the sexual sphere;
  • this is a symbol of friendship and fidelity: a ring or other little thing with a stone is given to the person leaving so that feelings do not cool down;
  • resolves conflicts, so lawyers wear an aquamarine ring to court hearings;
  • protects against storms, relieves hydrophobia or seasickness, helps learn to swim;
  • The stone is suitable for meditation or awakening paranormal abilities.

The main meaning of the stone in amulets or talismans is to protect the owner from extremes in behavior or decision-making.

Aquamarine will teach you to see the essence of things and believe in yourself.

  • If a person intends to lie to someone, it is better for him to refuse the product with the stone, otherwise nothing will work out.
  • Aquamarine with the silhouette of a frog or lizard will make even a pathological lazy person hardworking.
  • If you point the crystal to the north and contemplate it closely, you can see a guardian angel.

To protect against external negativity such as the evil eye or damage, greenish aquamarine is better suited. But you can't wear it all the time. The more transparent and paler the stone, the safer it is. He will also cut off unnecessary or tiresome connections.

The colors of natural aquamarine change according to the weather or the mood of the owner:

  • sunny weather and the same mood of the owner - a clear blue mineral;
  • before bad weather or when a person is nervous, the stone turns green;
  • if the owner has grief or great sadness, it becomes cloudy.

The sorcerers of the Middle Ages believed that the magic of the stone could protect the owner from poisons. It was worn by “big” people as amulets.

Medicinal properties

With its color alone, aquamarine gives optimism and hope for recovery. Shamans and healers use it almost everywhere.

The properties of any aquamarine stone make it a powerful natural biostimulator. It is better to wear it on the body, closer to the areas being healed.

Areas of “responsibility” of aquamarine:

  • joints, veins (helps with arthritis, as a preventive measure for varicose veins) - bracelet;
  • allergies (eliminates itching, hives, eczema);
  • eyes - earrings;
  • breathing (treats ARVI, cough, nasal congestion) - pendant;
  • thyroid gland - beads;
  • spasms - decoration on the solar plexus;
  • heart - green stone;
  • skin (relieves itching, relieves rashes) - ring.

The mineral normalizes the body’s water balance, mental state, strengthens the immune system, removes waste and toxins, soothes headaches, heals the stomach and liver. Helps get rid of addiction to drugs, alcohol or tobacco.

Aquamarine beads
To sleep soundly and peacefully, you can contemplate the pebble for 15–20 minutes before going to bed or take a bath. For a bath, immerse the gem in hot water for half an hour, then add hot water, take out the stone, and enjoy for 15 minutes. The whole body will become healthier.

Healing properties

Aquamarine set
The properties of the aquamarine stone were appreciated in ancient times. It is known that the Romans used it to treat the throat, liver and stomach. Current experts also agree that the mineral allows you to get rid of many diseases.

Aquamarine jewelry can be beneficial not only in the treatment of minor complications, but also in advanced diseases.

Among the problems that this amazing stone can solve are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • water imbalance;
  • loss of vision;
  • heart disease;
  • lung diseases;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • toothache;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • alcoholism and smoking.

The main properties of the mineral are associated with the relief of physical condition in diseases. But that's not all he's capable of. In addition, the stone helps with disorders of the nervous system - it calms, relieves stress, and helps get out of depression.

This is a popular talisman among travelers. The stone has earned its popularity among tourists due to one of its unusual properties. It is believed that he knows how to show the right path and pacify seasickness.

It also removes toxins from the body, which helps suppress infectious diseases, improve mood and well-being.


Aquamarine is a stone of “noble blood”, one of the most beautiful varieties of beryl. Its closest “relatives” are emerald, sapphire, ruby. Probably, this fact explains the nature of the divine beauty of the mineral.

Sky blue stone. Charming, very clean and perfectly transparent. In nature, aquamarine is found much more often than emeralds and rubies, so the cost of the mineral is significantly more affordable. An interesting property of aquamarine is its two-tone color. If you change the angle of view, the shade of the stone changes and becomes either bluish or greenish.

Another interesting fact: aquamarine has the ability to change its hue when the weather changes. Just like the sea changes its color in clear weather and in stormy weather. The soft blue color of aquamarine fades and takes on a greenish tint before rain or storm. It was for this quality that aquamarine was highly valued by medieval sailors. No matter what part of the world they went to, they always took with them aquamarine talismans, which showed them the right path and protected them from storms, which pose a mortal danger in the open ocean. Ancient sailors believed that aquamarine was the materialized soul of the sea. It was believed that aquamarine was able to tame and pacify sea storms!

Since then, aquamarine has become one of the best talismans for travelers, or tourists in the modern sense. When going on vacation or a business trip, be sure to take this wonderful pebble with you - it won’t hurt you! By the way, it was travelers who noticed that aquamarine alleviates the condition during seasickness and saves from “sea sickness.”

Romantic, gentle, light, brilliant! In nature, bluish-green, greenish-blue or gray-blue aquamarines are found. Absolutely all shades of aquamarine are light and airy. This mineral emits the finest vibrations, and its energy, in principle, is never “heavy”. His aura is light and “fragile”, but fragile only at first glance. Aquamarine is a durable, wear-resistant mineral. The high strength of the stone eliminates the appearance of scratches and other defects on the surface, preserving its excellent glassy shine for decades, which women like and enchants men.

Whatever aquamarine pebble you look at, it will remind you of either a clear sky or the surface of the sea. The aristocratic pale blue hue of the mineral is due to its iron content. The richer the shade of aquamarine, the higher its price. On the jewelry market, the most prized item is aquamarine, which is of a deep blue color, reminiscent of the shade of seawater in tropical latitudes. The kind of water that washes the shores of the fabulously beautiful island of Mauritius or the island of Bora Bora. The name of the magical mineral is translated as “sea water”. The name of the stone is composed of two Latin words “aqua”, which means “water”, and “mare” - “more”. It is believed that the name of the stone was given by the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder, who, describing beryl, Fr.

There is probably no woman in the world who would remain indifferent if a piece of aquamarine jewelry fell into her hands. The most delicate, sophisticated shade of the stone suits any eye color and appearance color type! It awakens in us the warmest feelings and pleasant sensations. Gives harmony, peace and happiness. Shades of water and sky give vitality, the brightest and purest thoughts. This is the color of divine height.

"Santa Maria", "Don Pedro", "Marta Roja" and other aquamarines of Brazil

Among the various shades of aquamarine, one variety stands out, widely known in the jewelry market under the name “Santa Maria” - the stones are rare, intensely colored and so beautiful that they have received special attention. Santa Maria aquamarines are mined in the Brazilian town of the same name, Santa Maria. Stones similar in shade are found in African deposits, which are also called “Santa Maria Africana”.

Espirito Santo is another aquamarine shade that especially stood out in the “sea” of aquamarine splendor. True, its shade is not as blue as that of Santa Maria, but it is unique and noticeable. Espirito Santo is also mined in Brazil. Today the stone is in great demand on the global jewelry market.

"Marta Roja" is also a variety of aquamarine from Brazil, which was named after the Brazilian beauty queen of 1954.

As you might guess, today Brazil is one of the main suppliers of aquamarines in the world. The richest deposits, as well as amazing shades of the natural mineral, have formed a gigantic aquamarine market in these places. The largest, crystal clear sky blue aquamarines are born in the soil of South America, the best of which become museum exhibits and worthy adornments of private collections.

One of these is Dom Pedro, a twenty-six-pound aquamarine that was discovered in Brazil in 1992. This crystal is considered the largest cut aquamarine in the world. Today, the beautiful aquamarine is exhibited at the Washington National Museum, delighting all visitors. But he is not the largest aquamarine. In 1910, in the same place, in Brazil, in the city of Marambaya, an aquamarine weighing 110 kilograms was found! The color of this giant is no less remarkable - in the center the crystal is sky blue, golden rays emerge from it, turning into a light greenish tint at the ends of the mineral. The stone is fantastically beautiful.

But it is not only Brazilian soil that produces large aquamarines. The Russian expanses are quite worthy competition for them. The largest Russian aquamarine was found in 1796 in Transbaikalia. The weight of the crystal was 82 kilograms. Quite large aquamarines are regularly found in Altai and the Ilmen Mountains.

Record-breaking large aquamarines, of course, did not go unnoticed by the royal courts and entered the royal jewelry collections of many European countries. The Polish king Stanislaus even wanted to have an aquamarine scepter. By his order, a scepter 30 centimeters long was cut out of a large crystal, which today is kept in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. English kings also loved aquamarines. In the museum of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute you can see an aquamarine of amazing beauty with a diameter of 125 cm.

The “sea” aquamarine stone resembles a small crystallized piece of the ocean. It is not for nothing that this mineral has been considered a talisman of sailors for many centuries. According to an ancient ritual, an aquamarine stone must be lowered into water in the light of the sun's rays, and then the power of the stone will be maximally activated.

Aquamarine has also always been considered a stone of marriage. Talismans were worn with it to get married well and attract material well-being. In the old days, it was believed that this stone preserves the unity of spouses, harmonizes relationships, and puts them in a good mood. Aquamarine amulets are the best helpers, cooling ardent debaters, preventing conflicts and quarrels, and cooling raging passions. An excellent stabilizer of the emotional and mental sphere.

A full-fledged “relative” of rubies and emeralds, it has the most powerful magical and healing properties. Every owner of aquamarine jewelry will certainly feel a truly unique gift of nature.

The favorite stone of magicians, aquamarine has been used in sorcery since the earliest stages of the development of human civilization. This divine mineral was considered one of the most powerful stones, with which they protected themselves from the strongest astral attacks. Therefore, they began to use it very early to create amulets and amulets. A stone of crystal purity and a divinely heavenly hue helps its owner to open and develop inner vision, the so-called “emotional mind,” which allows one to see and understand much more, feel deeper and stronger, and helps to “decipher” secret signs and messages of the Universe. For example, in India, aquamarine has been revered for many centuries as a mineral that strengthens the spirit, helping to expose deceit and deception. Indians believe that such a pure stone with a divine tint can only be worn by crystal-honest people who never lie. If a dishonest person uses the stone, then all his deceptions will certainly be exposed! This is a high-energy stone, capable of carefully correcting the thoughts and actions of its owners, imperceptibly redirecting attention from some primitive material things to the higher spheres of our universe. No wonder aquamarine has become a talisman of scientists and philosophers. The stone is conducive to intellectual work and puts you in a serious mood. The bright and positive energy of aquamarine significantly improves mood, revitalizes the mind and drives out laziness.

Aquamarine is a helper, a protector, and a wise “teacher.” Soft and delicate color radiation, as well as subtle vibrations of aquamarine calm the hot-tempered, cool the aggressive, educate the immoral, instilling positive thoughts in them. By the way, it has long been noted that aquamarine is able to protect its owner from bad company and bad habits, “wean” him off alcohol, help him quit smoking, etc.

From the history of aquamarine Aquamarine has been known to mankind for a very long time, but worldwide fame for this luxurious stone came only in the Middle Ages. As mentioned earlier, the amazing properties of aquamarine were noticed by sailors and travelers - changing the shade in bad weather, warning of storms, treating seasickness, etc. The connection of aquamarine with the sea and ocean was defined by medieval sailors as nothing other than mystical. It was believed that it was best to wear aquamarine in the form of pendants, necklaces or beads, so that the “soul of the sea” would be closer to the heart. In the aristocratic environment, it was fashionable to combine aquamarines and diamonds in one product, symbolizing the elements of Water and Air. Bohemian beauties and insidious intriguers of the royal courts of Europe carefully observed the color of the stone of their rivals: if the sky-blue aquamarine became cloudy and acquired a greenish color, it meant that the lady was in a bad mood and in emotional distress. It was believed that aquamarine was able to reflect the mood and well-being of its owner. Also, a crystal clear stone warns its owner about a lie or an insidious plan directed against her - the stone changes color, loses transparency and darkens.

Aquamarines from India – large, perfectly clear crystals of a stunningly delicate, heavenly hue – were especially highly valued in medieval Europe. The jewelry collections of the British royal house today contain a lot of jewelry with luxurious Indian aquamarines.

Modern jewelry designers and jewelers love aquamarine. It is difficult to find a stone that, in terms of cutting, would be processed so differently and so variably - these are both time-tested classics and modern avant-garde types of cutting. No matter what shape the master gives to the aquamarine, the stone always looks amazing!

Imitations and similar stones Aquamarine is often counterfeited or simply confused with stones of similar colors. Spinel in blue shades is very similar to aquamarine in rich tones. It is quite difficult for a non-professional to distinguish these stones. Spinel is an inexpensive mineral, so it is often passed off as the more valuable aquamarine. To determine the name of the stone, specialists hold it up to a lamp - under artificial lighting, spinel noticeably gives off red tints, which is completely uncharacteristic for aquamarine.

Aquamarines of dark shades are very similar to blue topazes. It should be noted that the brilliance of aquamarines is somewhat inferior to the brilliance of topaz in intensity. Another marker of difference is that topazes never have snow-white crystal-like inclusions, which can often be seen in aquamarines.

Aquamarine is often confused with pale varieties of sapphire. But do not forget about one unique property of aquamarine - two-color. If you change the angle of view, the shade of aquamarine changes, but sapphire does not!

Place of Birth

The most significant deposits of aquamarine are located in Madagascar and Brazil (the largest specimens were found in Brazil). Aquamarine is also mined in Russia - in the Urals and Transbaikalia. Aquamarine is found in smaller quantities in Australia, the USA, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Ukraine, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania.

Magical properties Aquamarine belongs to the element of Water. Carries Yin energy. Talismans with aquamarines protect their owners from dangers and deceptions, making them more reasonable and capable of making informed decisions. The stone helps to extinguish anger and negative emotions, relieves stress and fears. It “works” most actively in the ring on the little finger, index or ring finger. A good option is a pendant or pendant with aquamarine.

Don't forget to look closely at your aquamarine and notice the change in its color - in clear weather, the aquamarine stone shines with a pure blue hue. In gloomy weather, the stone becomes cloudy and filled with green colors, like the sea before a storm. Perhaps this weather change indicator will one day serve you well.

Jewelry with aquamarines can be worn without restrictions by Aquarius, Libra, Pisces, and Cancer. Astrologers recommend wearing aquamarine with caution for Scorpios and Geminis. Aquamarine works worse with overly active people than with those with a calm and moderate disposition. The vibrations of the stone are very subtle, and violent energy can simply neutralize them. You should never forget that aquamarine is capable of revealing the deceptions of dishonest people, bringing them to clean water.

Most of all, aquamarine favors Pisces, whose positive traits and abilities are greatly enhanced by the energy of this mineral. Harmonizes the interaction of spirit and body. Aquamarine protects representatives of this sign from negativity, reduces their reaction to everything negative, helps them develop intellectually and spiritually, be a faithful and devoted friend, cherish love and good relationships with loved ones and family. Aquamarine adds courage to Pisces, strengthens and increases self-esteem, a sense of justice. The magical power of aquamarine helps representatives of the Pisces sign neutralize one of their main shortcomings - uncontrolled outbursts of emotions. The energy of the stone helps to avoid breakdowns, eliminate stress and avoid unnecessary, exhausting experiences.

Healing properties Aquamarine, with its ability to change color, is considered an indicator not only of the weather, but also of the owner’s state of mind, its corrector and stabilizer. People who instantly flare up emotionally and lose control of themselves are advised to always have this divine mineral with them. This is an excellent natural biostimulant that works regardless of the horoscope and physiological state of the body. Aquamarine helps with various disorders of the nervous system - eliminates anxiety, feelings of anxiety and unreasonable fear, calms the psyche, and relieves overexcitement.

Indian yogis have been using aquamarine for thousands of years to activate the Vishuddhi throat chakra - this is one of the main energy centers of the human body, associated with the thyroid gland, responsible for managing emotions. Therefore, lithotherapists recommend that all women regularly wear aquamarine pendants and beads.

The renowned Tibetan and Mongolian medicine describes aquamarine as one of the best bioregulators, relieving tension and helping to find peace of mind. The healing mineral helps to heal from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney diseases. Optimizes the functioning of the stomach and liver. Helps treat colds, runny nose, asthma.

Aquamarine can significantly relieve toothache and headaches. Helps treat common eye diseases. With regular examination of the stone and high concentration of attention, vision becomes sharper.

Jewelry with stones has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands and adrenal glands, normalizes the body's water metabolism, helps remove excess fluid from the body, which accelerates the process of weight loss.

Lithotherapists advise wearing aquamarine to strengthen the immune system, as well as to cleanse the body of toxins. The mineral normalizes the salt composition of the blood, which is a valuable and rare property.

It is believed that rings with aquamarines help get rid of various skin diseases, including allergic rashes. Aquamarine in general noticeably softens allergic reactions.

Compatibility with other minerals

Aquamarine is a stone of Water. Belonging to the elements makes it compatible with other aquatic minerals:

  • Pearl;
  • Topaz;
  • Coral;
  • Opal;
  • Selenite;
  • Euclase;
  • Heliotrope;
  • Moon rock;
  • Alexandrite.

With Fire stones (Grossular, Pyrope, Diamond, Ruby) a process of mutual destruction occurs. The combination with Air minerals (sapphire, amethyst, citrine and rose quartz) is also unsuccessful due to the creation of uncomfortable vibrations.

What colors are best to combine with?

Compositions that use combinations of sea wave shades are bright and juicy. It is worth considering the most successful combinations:

  • With pink : combinations of aquamarine with cool shades of pink look gentle and harmonious, and its bright shades are revealed against the backdrop of fresh and light blue.
  • With red: combinations with shades of red will create a bright, rich look. Neutral aquamarine seems to calm the temperamental red, resulting in an interesting pairing.
  • With orange: this combination is based on bright contrast. It can be diluted with a neutral shade, or pale shades of orange can be used as a basis.
  • With yellow: a warm, sunny combination that is associated with summer days. Aquamarine goes well with pale tones of yellow, sand, and mustard.
  • With warm green: such colors look related and the temperature contrast does not stand out, thereby creating harmony that is pleasing to the eye.
  • With cool green: a pleasing harmony built on the contrast of light.
  • With blue: these colors are different shades of the same tone. By choosing darker shades of blue, the contrast will be enhanced.
  • With purple: related colors go well together, creating a mysterious but vibrant pair.
  • With brown: this very effective combination is somewhat similar to a pair with orange in its mood, but due to the fact that brown is a less bright color, it does not require additional neutral shades.
  • With white: a fresh, light, airy combination that conveys a relaxed mood.
  • With grey: this color allows aquamarine to remain in the foreground, giving it severity.
  • With beige: with this neutral, understated color, a truly luxurious combination is created, while the magical aquamarine remains the main character of the duet.
  • With Black: Basic black helps bring out the aqua color, resulting in a great pairing.

Areas of application

Earrings with aquamarines
Aquamarine is a precious jewelry stone. The relatively large supply of raw materials leads to the fact that, first of all, large stones weighing over 10 carats of a dark blue color are in demand. To achieve this effect, most stones after cutting are subjected to calcination (up to 400-500 ° C) or irradiation, and as a result of the reduction of ferric iron, a color change occurs - for example, from greenish-blue to blue. Assessing the quality of stones for jewelry production takes into account the size of the crystal, the presence of cracks and inclusions. The greatest value on the international market is for cut stones over 3 carats of intense blue color. The presence of cracks and inclusions reduces the cost by 60-70%.

Large specimens are in the collections of the British Museum, the American Museum of National History, and the Smithsonian Institution. Large collections of aquamarines are also located in Russia, Iran and Turkey. A Ukrainian cut aquamarine weighing 139 grams or 695 carats is located in the Colored Stones salon in Moscow (data from 1985).

Aquamarines were used to decorate royal crowns and used them as lenses for glasses (the first lenses date back to 1300). The largest known faceted stone weighs 2594 carats, or 518.8 g. One of the largest (184 g or 920 carats) faceted aquamarines is inserted into the crown of the Queen of England.

Aquamarines are usually cut with step or wedge cuts in a rectangular or oval shape, but the emerald cut is most often used.

Use of aquamarine stone

For many centuries, aquamarine has been actively used as a biostimulant. There is a point of view that it can protect its owner from any infectious diseases. In addition, it significantly strengthens the body's immune system and improves overall health.

Jewelry craftsmen highly value this stone. They highlight exceptional transparency, attractiveness and amazing shades of aquamarine. Experienced specialists skillfully use it to decorate various rings, tiaras and other jewelry. As a result, they amaze with their beauty, sophistication and elegance. The stone shows itself best as a pendant or brooch, since it manages to make its owner stand out from other representatives of the fair sex.

Decorations and prices

Aquamarine, earrings, Silver 925
Aquamarine belongs to the second level precious stones. The natural feature of occurrence in the form of large crystals makes large stones over 10 carats popular. The nugget is often processed with an emerald cut. The color palette of the stone makes it possible to create jewelry from multi-colored metals.

The cost of aquamarine varies and depends on the clarity, color and size of the stone. Typically, this ranges from $10 to $100 per carat. Clean, richly colored, large specimens are valued at around $250/carat. Inclusions and microcracks reduce the cost of stone by up to 70%. But unusual, rare inclusions, reminiscent of patterns of snowflakes or flowers, are welcome and can significantly increase the price.

The domestic jewelry market offers both luxury products and publicly available jewelry with aquamarine in different price categories:

  • Rings. From $80 for silver, from $300 for gold.
  • Earrings. Gold is estimated at $250-300, silver – about $80-100.
  • Frameless bracelet – from $10.
  • Beads – from $20. A scattering of stones (a combination of aquamarine with rock crystal, pearls) – from $50.

Blue aquamarine

It stands out among its competitors for its ability to reflect light, which makes it look like a cat's iris. This phenomenon is defined as temporary and does not occur regularly, so it is even more of a shock in aquamarine type gemstones. Parallel needle-like cuts are visible to the naked eye throughout the mineral.

How to recognize a fake

Processed Aquamarine
Synthetic aquamarine exists, but its production process is expensive and there is no market demand. It is easier to grow an artificial blue spinel crystal. Instead of aquamarine, they offer colored glass or other natural gems.

The sample can be easily verified for authenticity, taking into account the description and characteristics of natural aquamarine:

  • the color is bright blue or greenish-blue, sometimes with a yellowish tint;
  • structure without bubbles, dark inclusions or adhesions, needle-like rain effect, whitish snowflake inclusions, stars, chrysanthemums are welcome; size does not affect the transparency of aquamarine: large specimens are clear;
  • property of pleochroism: when turned at an angle, a natural stone changes shade;
  • in the hands the natural mineral heats up slowly, rapid heating means glass or plastic.

Aquamarine looks like the light sapphire, spinel or topaz with which it is confused.

Aquamarine can be distinguished from these crystals by heating the sample to 410–500 °C. The aquamarine will turn deep blue.

Flat-cut aquamarine exhibits a silvery sheen at an angle, reminiscent of a chrysanthemum. Irradiated pink or colorless beryl can become sapphire or dark blue. But this method can only be checked in a laboratory.

How to spot a fake

  • Check the mineral carefully. If scratches are found, it may be glass. Aquamarine has great hardness and is not easy to scratch;
  • Examine the stone carefully, if you see bubbles inside the gemstone, it is glass. Aquamarine never has bubbles;
  • Another method is to place a stone on your forehead. If it feels at room temperature, it is glass. Aquamarine is cold when applied to the forehead;
  • Examine the stone from different angles. Glass will be the same color at any angle, while aquamarine displays different colors at angles;
  • If you still doubt the authenticity of the stone, take the stone to a geologist or jeweler for further examination.

How to wear it correctly

A set of jewelry with aquamarine
Products with aquamarine are universal, suitable for everyone, without exception, by age, gender and type of appearance. It is preferable for green-eyed or blue-eyed blondes to wear light stones in a silver or any other white frame. Products with frames made of colored gold, complemented by more saturated specimens, are intended for brown-eyed brunettes.

  • Young girls choose jewelry made of silver or gold, which combines several varieties of aquamarine. Necklaces where small aquamarines are intertwined with pearls, topazes and cubic zirconia are also popular.
  • For older women, bracelets or beads made of large stones are suitable. Platinum and gold jewelry with large solo stones look good.
  • For little and young princesses, light, neat jewelry made of alloys or silver, complemented by small light aquamarines, is recommended.
  • Men's accessories are frames of strict shapes with dark stones.

Regarding the wardrobe, the best solution for aquamarine jewelry is clothing in light, pastel colors, against which the gem will not be lost.

You should buy aquamarine according to the lunar calendar. For a blue stone, the ideal day of acquisition is the 3rd lunar day, and for a green stone - the 14th. It is recommended to use any type of aquamarine no earlier than after 14 days. At the same time, the stone should not just lie there for 2 weeks and wait in the wings - you need to talk to it so that the mineral gets used to its owner.

Aquamarine categories

Precious or semi-precious gem? To answer this question, let us turn to the well-known classification of stones.

  • Precious minerals include minerals with special properties (hardness, brightness, shine, optical characteristics). The uniqueness of the stone is also taken into account. Therefore, stones such as diamond, sapphire, alexandrite, ruby ​​and some others are such.
  • Semi-precious minerals include minerals with lower hardness values ​​and other less pronounced characteristics. These include aquamarine, tourmaline, opal, zircon, etc. According to another classification that determines the order of the stone, aventurine is a second-order stone.

Precious or not - how important is this characteristic? The main thing is that the stone suits the person, complements him and is not in antiphase with him.

How to care for stone

Aquamarine jewelry is not just jewelry, it is your talismans. This means that they need to be given more attention and care than ordinary jewelry trinkets.


It is important to remember that every amulet needs energy cleansing. Protecting its owner from all sorts of troubles, the mineral takes on all the negativity.

Don't be surprised if one day the stone breaks, falling from a very small height. It is likely that the talisman simply could not withstand the next load or absorbed the damage directed at you. It is usually impossible to save amulets from the latter. But avoiding the cumulative effect is quite easy.

For this:

  • Every day, when you remove your jewelry before going to bed, wash it. Water is more important here than soap. The aquamarine stone must be kept under running water. In this way, all the negativity will disappear from it and the talisman will be able to continue to protect you.
  • Once or twice a week, soak your jewelry in salt overnight. At the same time, the main thing is not to forget to warn your family that there is no need to take salt from that plate over there. Because salt taken for energy cleansing can no longer be consumed as food. Otherwise, you risk getting very sick.

Following these rules is not at all difficult. In fact, they are suitable not only for this mineral, but also for any other.

When using water to cleanse the stone of dirt and harmful energies, try to adjust the average temperature. For some stones, too hot or too cold water can be detrimental. After exposure to it, the mineral may lose its shine or even color.

In general, the rules for caring for this precious stone are the same as for most of its “relatives”:

  • keep jewelry away from direct sunlight - wearing them in the summer is not prohibited, but you should not sunbathe in them;
  • To remove dirt, use a soft brush - you can use a toothbrush;
  • Do not clean the stone with strong chemicals - wash the talisman with soap and wipe with a napkin with an alcohol solution.

It is better if you store the gem separately from other jewelry. This will help avoid accidental damage. Well, the negative emotions that the mineral has absorbed will not spread to other jewelry.

Description of the aquamarine stone

The popularity and fame of the mineral is due to its amazing purity. Jewelry specialists, as well as ordinary consumers, highly value its turquoise color, which in sunlight pleases and surprises with magical tints. The cost of an aquamarine stone is directly dependent on the intensity of the color. Experts believe that the most valuable is the pale blue mineral.

It is noteworthy that size does not affect the quality of aquamarine. Even large stones have pronounced crystal clarity.

Aquamarine and zodiac signs

Earrings and ring Aquamarine
Aquamarine is a mystical crystal, although it is often found in nature. Some people treat it as just a stone, but for others it is a real amulet. It has a huge influence on some zodiac signs.

The influence of the mineral depending on the horoscope:

  • For Taurus it is a so-called pacifier. It saves you from apathy, depression, and also improves your health.
  • For Aries, it opens the way to love relationships and grants success in entering into a strong union.
  • For Gemini, it expands the worldview and gets rid of complexes. This sign can wear the stone around the clock, because it affects them regardless of the lunar cycle, and during the full moon it only increases its strength.
  • For Cancers, this is a real talisman; it increases luck and helps them find peace of mind.
  • Virgos will reveal their leadership qualities with the help of the mineral.
  • Libras must be prepared for global changes; aquamarine will reveal all their abilities and gifts.
  • Scorpios need to be careful with the mineral. It should be worn only during the day for harmonization and peace. Remove the stone at night.
  • Capricorn, under the influence of the mineral, becomes more emotional, active and lively.
  • For Aquarius, aquamarine will inspire creative impulses and career growth is possible.
  • Prosperity and success await Pisces, dreams will begin to come true.
  • For Sagittarius, the stone favors a quiet life and will get rid of people with bad energy from your life. It will help men in implementing their plans, and women will improve relationships with loved ones.
  • Leos will stop tormenting themselves with causeless worries.
Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” is ideal, “+” is good, “-” is bad):
a lion+

Aquamarine for women

Mature women should wear the stone in large pendants, bracelets, and brooches. Earrings and small pendants are more suitable for young girls. Aquamarine looks best on a woman with large blue eyes.

Women use aquamarine as a talisman to strengthen love relationships, prevent infidelity on the part of men, and harmonize family ties. The stone helps to find a man who is ideally compatible sexually, increases the desire for intimacy, and smoothes out incompatibility of interests.

The stone becomes an ideal talisman for women with the names Snezhana and Vera. Helps them identify liars, strengthens intuition, warns of dangers and emerging diseases.

Who suits the name

People with certain names can draw something of their own from the talisman, personal, in addition to the general magical abilities of the gem. Such names are:

  • Mark. Aquamarine will make such a man reasonable, cool down his ardor, and protect him from deception.
  • Faith. For her, the stone of the seas is a talisman of fortitude, family warmth, and exposing lies.
  • Michael. The nugget will become a motivator for him, prompting him to take action. Thanks to the amulet, Mikhail will be able to clearly comprehend the situation, assessing mistakes, exposing untruths.
  • Snezhana. Aquamarine gave her the ability to clairvoyance. A prophetic gem will help Snezhana learn about dangers or illnesses in a timely manner.
  • Rodion. The talisman will bring prosperity to Rodion’s family, help to maintain a positive attitude and not succumb to human deceit.

Even if the gem does not patronize by name, everyone will discover something good from friendship with this amazing mineral.

Talismans and amulets

The use of aquamarine as talismans is due to its magical properties:

  • The stone helps to recognize lies, so it can be used by people whose professions involve identifying the truth.
  • The gem helps to preserve the feelings of lovers during separation. Therefore, if one of the couple is going to go somewhere for a while, then the second one should give him this pebble.
  • A ring with a stone is suitable for lawyers, as it clears the mind and helps resolve conflicts.
  • Beginning magicians also cannot do without aquamarine, as it enhances paranormal abilities and teaches them to control them.
  • For those who plan to travel by sea, the stone will protect against unexpected and destructive manifestations of the elements, and will also relieve seasickness.

Aquamarine is the patron saint of newlyweds. If you give them jewelry with a stone at a wedding, it will help the newlyweds quickly get used to each other, find mutual understanding, maintain the ardor of feelings for a long time and create a strong, friendly family.

Owners of the following names should especially turn to aquamarine for support:

  • Vera will become stronger morally, learn to expose lies and improve her relationship with her husband.
  • Snezhana will become more perceptive and will be able to predict events, which will allow her to avoid many dangers.
  • Mikhail will become more active, energetic and purposeful.
  • Mark will become calmer and learn to make informed decisions.
  • Rodion will maintain a positive attitude in any situation, which will help him avoid quarrels and misunderstandings in the family.

This is interesting

  • If you look at the stone before going to bed for 15 minutes, and then put it under your pillow, your sleep will be deep and bright.
  • When taking a bath, it is useful to place a stone in water at 36C. It makes the water healing and allows you to heal the body.
  • In ancient times, scammers sold aquamarine as an emerald; these two stones are very similar in appearance, although they differ significantly in price.
  • When heated to 400C, aquamarine becomes almost transparent.
  • The most significant deposit was found in Madagascar.
  • The largest crystal yielded approximately 220 carats of material.
  • The most expensive aquamarines are stones above 3 carats of blue color.
  • Some crystals have a "cat's eye" property.
  • Previously, stones were used as lenses for glasses.

Aquamarine is a beautiful mineral that should be in any fashionista's jewelry box. Moreover, it has many magical properties, which enhances the uniqueness of the stone many times over. Buying a natural crystal is a real success.

Sources and literature

  1. Ya. P. Samsonov, A. P. Turinge. Gems of the USSR / Ed. V. I. Smirnova. - M.: Nedra, 1984. - 335 p. — 90,000 copies.
  2. Beryl and Its Color Varieties, Extra Lapis English No. 7.
  3. Barsanov G.P. Beryl article in TSB
  4. Bartoshinsky Z.V., Matkovsky O.I., Srebrodolsky B.I. Accessory beryl from chamber pegmatites of Volyn. - Mineral. Sat. Lvovsk. University, 1969, No. 23, Issue. 4, p. 328-397
  5. Pekov I.V. Remarkable finds of beryllium minerals on the territory of the USSR. - World of Stones, 1994, No. 4, pp. 3-12 (10-26).
  6. Aquamarine on Wikipedia

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Stone cost

Gems come in almost any size, and large specimens are not uncommon. Minerals of low quality cost from $5 to $80 per carat. Top quality gemstones are priced from $150 to $1,500 per carat, depending on size and color intensity.

The cost of real aquamarine is determined by the size of the stone and its color. The country and place of extraction of the gem, as well as the shade and quality of the cut, are also of great importance. It is important to note that there are also synthetic, non-natural minerals: such stones are impeccably smooth and even. The main characteristics of aquamarine are step cutting and wear resistance.

Look at the photo what an aquamarine stone looks like:

A dull green gem of up to 10 carats can be purchased for several tens of dollars. The greatest demand is for blue-colored minerals larger than 10 carats; their price ranges from several hundred dollars.

Aquamarines from 10 carats are considered to be in demand stones for jewelers, with pricing starting from $250, smaller stones – $60 per carat.

To enjoy the many shades and color palette of the gem, it is recommended to buy stones of at least 3 carats.

In ancient jewelry, jewelers sometimes placed blue foil under the mineral, which added brightness to the gem. Now this is a forgotten practice; the natural color of the stone is more valued.

The price of aquamarine with a dark blue stone will be higher than with a transparent one. The cheapest gems are aquamarines with a green tint.

Sometimes the mineral is sent for technological processing in order to obtain blue, more expensive, crystals from green crystals. Also, pale blue color is turned into blue-green. Whether the gem has been refined can only be determined by a special laboratory.

Magical Features

The stone's predisposition to pleochroism (color changes) has increased interest in it from a magical point of view. Associated with the sea and sky, the gem became a talisman for sailors and travelers. It serves as a guiding star for those who are charting new routes not only on water, but also on land and in the air.

The significance of the stone in human self-development is also great. It helps to make scientific discoveries, reveals the secrets of the universe, and encourages research. Keeps peace in the family and loyalty in friendship.

Lunar aquamarine with enhanced energy is obtained by charging the stone with moonlight. To perform it correctly, the gem must be washed under running water and left to dry under the ray emanating from the Moon.

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