Features of white onyx and unique properties of the stone: description, types and applications

Ancient tales, myths, legends and biblical writings cannot do without mention of onyx. This mineral has long been associated with power, holiness, and witchcraft. The striped nugget adorned the images of priests and rulers, and the black mineral accompanied magicians and shamans.

Today, gemstones are used in the same areas as in ancient times. Only the modern world allows everyone to feel the powers of the mineral, and not just a select few.

Religious significance of the stone

Mention of onyx is found in myths, legends and Holy Scripture. Royal chambers, tombs, and priests' clothes were decorated with this mineral. The Old Testament says that onyx was used in the construction of Solomon's temple.

The ancient structure had no windows, but inside it was filled with light because the material transmitted it well. In addition, the mineral is mentioned 2 times in the Bible: as a building material in Eden and as a decoration on the ring of the Jewish high priest Aaron.

Muslims also immediately liked the mineral, especially in black. It decorates the main Muslim shrine - the Kaaba, which is located in Mecca.

The Aztecs valued this natural material most of all. They decorated temples with it, created sacrificial vessels from it, and were engaged in the construction of religious and secular buildings.

History and origin

Legends of several peoples professing different faiths tell about onyx. The mineral was an obligatory ritual attribute, decorated the walls of sanctuaries, and was used to make dishes and crafts.

  1. The ancient Greeks in their myths identified the gem with the petrified nails of the goddess of love Aphrodite. According to legend, the divine son Eros cut off his mother’s nails while she slept. The word “onyx” itself is translated from ancient Greek as “nail”. In fact, nugget stones are shaped like fingernails.
  2. Islamists highly revered the black mineral. The main shrine of Muslims, the Kaab, is decorated with a rare gem.
  3. The Aztecs erected entire buildings from onyx, both for religious and secular purposes. Temples were decorated with striped nuggets, and vessels for sacrifices were made from it. These people, more than others, revered the green mineral of pale shades with orange-brown layers.
  4. Biblical tales on the first pages mention onyx as a stone from the Garden of Eden. The paradise gem adorned the breastplate of the Jewish High Priest, being one of 12 gems. The rich robes of ancient Jewish priests were decorated with the nugget. And according to the Old Testament of the Bible, the Temple of Solomon was built from onyx.
  5. The most extraordinary story tells about sardonyx, one of the varieties of onyx. A legend is connected with the name of the famous artist Benvenuto Cellini. Having disappeared one day for a long time from the Vatican along with an armful of gold and precious stones, the master aroused the anger and indignation of His Holiness.
  6. In response to abusive reproaches, Cellini presented the Pope with a gem cut from multi-colored sardonyx. The canonical gospel plot showed the Last Supper, where each multi-colored layer of mineral characterized the characters. Christ was depicted in white, the Apostle John dressed in a blue robe. Peter received a red vestment, and a gloomy dark brown robe was intended for Judas.

This work amazed the Pope not only with its skill, but also with the way an ordinary cobblestone turned into a masterpiece, although it had been unnecessarily lying underfoot for many years. So Cellini received forgiveness and the title of beloved son of the church, and the master’s work to this day adorns the altar of the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.

Modern architects, following the example of the ancients, use onyx for cladding. Only today such decor is used not in churches, but in metro stations, restaurants, and private residences of high-ranking persons.

Onyx deposits

Onyx is mined in several countries. For example, especially valuable specimens are supplied from Brazil, India, and Uruguay. In Russia, the mineral is mined in the Primorsky Territory, Kolyma and Chukotka.

In Turkmenistan there are caves in which the floor and walls are covered with onyx. Rich deposits of this stone are also located in Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Mexico.

Cave onyx.

Varieties of onyx by color

Nature has created many colors of this stone.

Minerologists distinguish the following types of onyx:

  1. Ordinary. This uniform stone comes in 1 color (grey, blue, beige, pink, purple or yellow). The stripes on it are the same colors, but look a little darker or lighter.
  2. 3-color. It combines brown, white, blue tones.
  3. Sardonyx. This species includes red-brown, orange-red, white-brown shades.
  4. Marble. It is mostly green in color with stripes of varying colors and thicknesses.
  5. Carnelian The stone is painted red, and its pattern looks like white stripes.
  6. Clean. This is a white onyx of a milky or pinkish hue with “rusty” stripes and cracks.
  7. Chalcedony. Gray-white striped stone.
  8. Arab. This is the most valuable type of mineral. It has a rich black color, white inclusions, and stripes.

Types of mineral.

Physical properties

Onyx is silicon dioxide; it is a type of quartz, in which minor impurities form parallel multi-colored layers.

Density2.65—2.667 g/cm³
TransparencyTranslucent or opaque.
ColorGrey, milky white, blue-gray, green, brown, pink, blue, black.

Onyx is hard, frost-resistant, and has the ability to absorb water. These properties exceed those of Granite and Marble.

Healing properties of the mineral

Since ancient times, onyx has been valued not only for its beauty, but also for its healing properties. Doctors in the past could not do without this magic stone. The mineral powder treated the oral cavity, and water infused with it helped to lose weight and get rid of obesity.

Stone powder was excellent for healing wounds. Modern alternative medicine also uses preparations with this mineral.

Onyx is a natural amulet that has a beneficial effect on the body:

  1. Helps with kidney pain and colic. It is applied to sore spots and, with the help of a positive charge, draws out all the bad things.
  2. Cools. Therefore, it is effective for use in inflammatory processes and fever.
  3. Relieves depression and bad mood.
  4. Eliminates insomnia and stress.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental state and prevents suicidal thoughts.
  6. It has a positive effect on the body and fills a person with vital energy.
  7. Increases potency in men.
  8. Helps with rheumatism.
  9. Improves hearing, memory and vision, increases concentration.
  10. Useful for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases.
  11. Is a natural immunostimulant.
  12. Effectively fights fatigue.
  13. Normalizes the digestive system, improves or suppresses appetite depending on the person’s condition.
  14. Relieves headaches and eliminates dizziness.
  15. Helps fight drug addiction.
  16. Extends life.

It must be taken into account that onyx absorbs negative energy and shares positive energy. To prevent it from losing its medicinal properties, you need to periodically rinse it under cold running water. In this way, energetic impurities are washed away.

Onyx bracelet.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, people have learned to use the healing power of onyx to treat many ailments. Powder from the mineral coped with problems of the oral cavity, and water infused with onyx acted as a means for healing wounds and losing weight.

Modern lithotherapists recommend wearing stone jewelry according to problem areas:

  • Earrings with marble onyx will help with eye or ear diseases.
  • A red stone pendant will help with heart disease.
  • An onyx bracelet is useful for arthritis.

To treat other sore spots, an onyx egg is used, which is used to massage problem spots daily.

This is interesting! Lithotherapists believe that marble onyx has a rejuvenating effect on the body. In addition, the green mineral suppresses chronic fatigue and improves immunity. Moreover, a stone endowed with a large number of stripes copes best with these tasks.

The healing capabilities of the mineral are such that the stone can resist almost any disease, including:

  • problems with the speech organs;
  • diseases of the nervous system - phobias, depression, apathetic states, outbreaks of causeless anxiety, insomnia;
  • prevention and treatment of impotence (minerals of red shades are suitable);
  • heart and blood vessel diseases;
  • migraines, headaches;
  • inflammatory processes, febrile conditions;
  • colic of various origins;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • asthma;
  • drug and alcohol addiction;
  • oncological processes.

In addition, onyx improves memory, promotes concentration and increases mental abilities. Therefore, healers recommend students wear the mineral as a talisman. There is also an opinion that if a room is lined with natural stone, the people living there feel better.

The power of the mineral returns optimism to a person, helps drive away laziness, fatigue and sadness. It is worth noting that only a natural mineral has such power. And the capabilities of the stone are enhanced by the presence of stripes - the more stripes, the stronger the healing powers.

The magical properties of onyx

The wonderful gem is believed to have magical properties. It is worn to attract good luck, get rid of problems, and get a lot of money.

The magic of varieties

Magical power depends on the color of the stone. For example, the ancient Aztecs worshiped light green onyx with brown and orange splashes. Modern mystics believe that each color has its own influence on some sphere.

The yellow gem has a positive effect on morally weak individuals. It helps them cope with depression, makes them stronger, braver, more confident.

Green onyx is considered the guardian of the hearth. The one who wears it tries to create a favorable atmosphere in the house and improves the well-being of the family. Green color helps the spouses' feelings to be reborn and improves the relationship between parents and children.

Black stone neutralizes the negative influence of unkind people and other negative influences from the outside. It attracts money and luck.

The white mineral gives positive energy and prevents accidents. It also helps to increase self-esteem and makes a person eloquent.

Marble onyx is a symbol of lovers. It is recommended to give it to newlyweds with the wish of a strong, happy marriage. The mineral calms the nervous system, gives peace and harmony.

Regardless of color, onyx clears the head and consciousness of negative thoughts, relieves fears, disappointments, irritability, and temper.

Green onyx will give peace and tranquility to your family.

The power of talismans

To activate magical abilities, you need to determine what the talisman is for. For male businessmen, a large ring or ring with a black onyx insert is perfect.

The stone will protect a male representative from financial ruin and help him establish useful contacts. If people are not involved in business, then the mineral will have a positive effect on their self-esteem and will help them become more confident and courageous.

A souvenir made in the shape of a pyramid or an apple has a healing effect and helps sick people. The figures should be applied to problem areas as often as possible until the condition improves.

An amulet in the shape of a fish is suitable for those who want to build a dizzying career. This amulet attracts money, luck, success, and helps you pass exams well. To protect your home, it is recommended to use any type of onyx.

As a frame, you should choose silver, which will enhance the magical properties of the stone, or gold, which will help show leadership qualities.

A mineral pyramid to strengthen your health.

Ways to enhance the magic of onyx

To enhance the magical properties of onyx, you need to care for it with special care and love. You should part with the mineral as rarely as possible; it is best to keep it with you at all times.

A ring with this gem should be worn on the right hand on the middle finger. Onyx dishes (plates, cups, glasses) enhance the taste of food and its healing properties, so it is recommended to eat and drink from it.

The magical capabilities of the mineral

Each type of mineral has magical powers. But there are a number of abilities inherent in all types of onyx without exception:

  • manifestation and development of the owner’s hidden talents;
  • assistance in gaining authority in society;
  • the stone gives a person confidence in his abilities;
  • helps to demonstrate oratory talent;
  • contributes to the completion of started tasks;
  • the mineral develops logical thinking and intellectual abilities;
  • acts as a talisman against accidents, mortal dangers, betrayal from close associates, as well as against any witchcraft influence - love spell, damage, evil eye;
  • endows the owner with wisdom, endurance, determination, and courage.

Onyx provides the greatest magical assistance to responsible and strong people. Therefore, the gem becomes a reliable talisman for rescuers, military personnel, teachers and all those whose activities are related to leadership.

For young and hot-tempered people, the talisman will help cool down their ardor, assess the current situation and not commit rash actions. The older generation needs an onyx amulet to support health, gain peace, maintain optimism and protect against loneliness.

The magic of varieties

Some of the subspecies of stone, in addition to the general effect on humans, have specific abilities inherent in a particular species.

  • Yellow onyx acts as a lifeline for apathetic individuals whose nervous system is prone to frequent depression. For such people, a sunny souvenir in the house will be enough. The yellow talisman will illuminate the room with light, making your home a source of comfort and tranquility.

  • The green mineral is a talisman for the family hearth. Such a stone protects newlyweds and spouses with many years of family experience from discord and quarrels. Beads or rings are best suited for this purpose. The talisman restores balance and calm to the soul. A green stone in the shape of a ball or pyramid gives a powerful charge of energy, activating the dormant abilities of the owner.

  • White onyx will help those who do not love themselves or underestimate themselves, in the form of a pendant or inserted into a ring. The gem also scares away unnecessary and unpleasant people from its owner. White stone protects families from negativity and promotes success. Such a mineral will be a good gift for a woman who is about to occupy a high position.

  • Marble onyx is a good gift to give to newlyweds on their wedding day. Such a talisman protects against rash actions, including infidelity of spouses. For people with a choleric type of nervous system, marble mineral is suitable as a sedative, preventing mood swings.

  • Black onyx. The rarest, most expensive and magically powerful type of mineral. This stone works best in protecting against witchcraft powers. Black gem helps to cope with fears, including fear of death, and gives moral fortitude to survive loss.

Important! To maximize the manifestation of the magical abilities of the black nugget, it is recommended to wear the ring exclusively on the index finger. If it is a pendant, then the decoration is located in the solar plexus area. The best cut for this mineral is an oval or round cabochon.

However, the energy of such a stone is sometimes aggressive, so soft-bodied individuals should not wear this amulet - the amulet supports only strong-willed and strong people. Black onyx will help such an owner achieve his goal, preventing him from losing common sense and getting bogged down in greed. The black mineral is considered a stone for men, but women with a masculine character are also under the protection of the talisman.

A rare gem will make a good gift from parents to a graduate. The amulet will help your son or daughter enter a university, graduate successfully, and fly up the career ladder.

The power of talismans

It’s easier to activate certain magical abilities for yourself if you know in what form the talisman will be useful to you:

  • A ring with a black onyx insert is perfect for businessmen. Thanks to the amulet, you will be able to avoid financial losses and establish the necessary connections. For people who have nothing to do with entrepreneurship, such decoration will serve a different purpose - it will increase self-esteem, confidence, and help get rid of the psychological consequences of long-lived problems.
  • Kitchen items. Gemstone dishes are a good family attribute that helps make food and drinks tastier.
  • Figures in the form of an apple or a pyramid. They carry healing power, helping people prone to illness. By applying such a souvenir to the problem area for several weeks in a row, a noticeable improvement is observed.
  • Fish figurine. A talisman for people striving to achieve career heights. The amulet attracts good luck, finances, and helps when passing exams or performing at castings.
  • Any mineral item is suitable to protect your home from thieves and destruction.

To demonstrate the abilities of a leader, a gold frame is suitable. Silver enhances the general magical capabilities of onyx.

For people who go over their heads to achieve what they want, onyx will not provide the slightest assistance.

Application of onyx

The gem is used to create jewelry - in jewelry, arts and crafts and in interior design.

In jewelry

Durable material is great for making jewelry in the form of bracelets, rings, cufflinks, and brooches. Natural stone is beautiful in its original form, and jewelers are happy to work with it.

Jewelry with stone.

In decor

The precious stone is used in the production of various figurines, figurines, facing panels, candlesticks, boxes, lamps, lampshades, ashtrays, tabletops. Onyx chess pieces look exquisite.

Onyx figurines.


A natural gem is white: the more impurities it contains, the richer it is.

The rock samples are quite hard, but easy to process. Skilled craftsmen easily give the gem a glassy shine.

The main advantage is resistance to mechanical damage and low temperatures.

Due to its durability and aesthetics, the material is very popular among interior designers. The most popular species are those with a marbled color.

3 main types of white quartz:

  • sardonyx,
  • chalcedony,
  • carnelian

Such rocks are also used in folk medicine and magical rituals.

What kind of stone

Onyx is a type of white quartz.
Quartz also includes “onyx” agates. This is why it is often mistakenly believed that onyx is a type of agate.

The gem has a wide palette of shades: from very light to deep black.

Some colors have small veins. The black shade is considered the most valuable.

Attitudes to gems among different peoples

Each country has its own philosophy of perception:

  1. In Ancient Egypt it was used as a facing material.
  2. In African countries, they paid as if with coins with different denominations - in shape, color and pattern.
  3. The Assyrians believed that the gem could improve vision and breathing, and they decorated their rooms with it.
  4. In Mesopotamia, stone was seen as a symbol of sadness, which was used to line tombs.
  5. In China, they were guarded as the embodiment of misfortune and misfortune.
  6. The peoples of Yemen associated them with the eyes of the buried.
  7. The Indians used it for amulets.

We recommend: Transformations of AZURITE STONE


Sardonyxalternating red and brown stripes
Arabblack with white stripes
Chalcedonyin green tones
Marblewith white and gray stripes
Carnelianred and white
Three-layerwith layers of three shades
Ordinaryplain with splashes
Whiteusually pale pink

A distinctive feature is the clarity of the drawings.

How to distinguish an original stone from a fake

This natural material is often counterfeited.

You can determine the unnaturalness of a stone in the following ways:

  1. Check weight. The stone must be heavier than plastic or glass.
  2. Evaluate thermal conductivity by touch. If the mineral is natural, then it slowly absorbs human warmth.
  3. Check hardness and strength. A genuine gem cannot be scratched.
  4. Pay attention to brightness. It shouldn't be too strong. The natural color of onyx is slightly muted.
  5. Find out the cost. A stone cannot be cheap, especially if it is a noble black mineral.

Properties and uses of stone

White onyx has a dense layered structure. It is quite hard and easy to cut. These qualities allow the mineral to be used as a material for cladding furniture and interiors.

In jewelry, the semi-precious mineral is in great demand and recognition. Craftsmen love white onyx for its milky shade, universal for any frame. It is used in the manufacture of:

  • jewelry;
  • cufflinks;
  • brooches

Physicochemical characteristics

Among the physical characteristics of white onyx are:

  • hardness: 6–7 on the Mohs scale;
  • density: 2.6 g/cm3;
  • transparent, translucent;
  • milky color with stripes of different shades;
  • glass shine;
  • there is no cleavage;
  • conchoidal fracture.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that the stone can relieve mental and physical pain. The main medicinal properties of white gem are expressed in the beneficial effect on:

  • Nervous system. The stone normalizes the general emotional background, relieves anxiety and obsessions. If you place a stone under your pillow, your sleep will be deep and restful throughout the night.
  • Digestive system. Water charged with a gem helps cleanse the body and speeds up metabolism. Relieves spasms and pain. Improves digestive processes.
  • Genitourinary system. Prevents kidney and bladder diseases. Improves potency in men.
  • Cardiovascular system. Relieves swelling in the extremities, improves blood circulation, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Harmonizes heart function and blood pressure.

White onyx gives beauty and health to the skin and hair. Helps maintain youth. Stimulates brain activity, memory, improves concentration.

In addition to the topic, video review:

Magic properties

White onyx talismans have powerful positive energy. The aura of the stone is capable of absorbing negative impulses from the external environment and purifying them, emitting positive energy in return.

The magical power of the stone affects certain areas of human life:

  • Gives self-confidence and reveals a person’s hidden potential. Helps replenish internal resources and gives impetus on the path to change.
  • The talisman will become an assistant for people seeking power. It will help you win over people and gain authority among them.
  • White onyx amulets will protect against unfavorable incidents, improve the atmosphere in the house, and warm the relationship between household members.
  • An amulet made of white onyx is especially useful for people in the creative field. It will add expressiveness and beauty of speech, making a person more charismatic and open.

The gem will fully reveal its power if in return the owner of the stone is honest and decent.

The stone begins to have a positive effect on the owner only if his soul and thoughts are pure.

See what a stone talisman looks like in the form of elegant beads:

Application in interior design

The main distinguishing feature of white onyx is its soft creamy tint when illuminated. Designers love to use white onyx when creating decorative elements.

Working with onyx is painstaking and requires care. Because of this, stone has a particularly high price in construction. Such material is considered rare and expensive. In this area it is used for:

  • production of floor lamps;
  • countertops;
  • window sills;
  • lamps;
  • fireplaces;
  • decoration of the bathroom, toilet due to the antibacterial properties of the stone.

Snow-white onyx can become a bold interior solution and decoration material. Often they try to combine it with other materials for finishing and decoration:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • plastic.

The cream-colored mineral looks especially beautiful when finished with gold or silver inserts.

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Compatibility with other stones

Onyx is a self-sufficient and powerful stone. It is not advisable to combine it with others, since it occupies a leading position. Strong personalities do not need competition, so they do not tolerate being nearby.

Onyx belongs to the Earth element and is supported by Mercury and Saturn. The stone should not be placed together with garnet, diamond, red tourmaline, zircon and citrine.

Onyx in gold with diamonds looks great.

Properties of white onyx stone for zodiac signs

Astrologers are of the opinion that the properties of the white onyx stone are best revealed for such zodiac signs as Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. It makes them stronger and more balanced. True, experts do not recommend combining this mineral with gold.

White onyx has a positive effect on those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th, especially on Saturdays. It has a negative effect on Libra and Cancer, so it is better for representatives of these zodiac signs to refrain from purchasing products with the stone.

It is important that the owner of white onyx has positive moral qualities. Otherwise, the mineral will not help the person.

Onyx price and preferred time to purchase

Most often, the price is determined by the type of stone, but according to this indicator, onyxes are more affordable compared to other precious stones. White and black minerals are considered the most expensive, since they are rare and imported from Arab countries.

Bright, variegated stones with thin stripes are not cheap and are prized by collectors. The final cost is influenced by the precious frame. The price varies from 1,000 to 20,000 rubles. depending on the type of product.

It is recommended to purchase Onyx on the 5th lunar day, and start wearing it on the 19th. It is better to buy carnelian on the 3rd and 17th, and sardonyx on the 10th and 24th lunar days.

Who is suitable by zodiac sign and name

The color variety of the mineral ensures excellent compatibility of onyx and zodiac signs of different elements. Each type complements the zodiac characteristics and strengthens the connection between a person’s internal energy and the outside world. The following table shows information about who a particular type of mineral is suitable for according to their zodiac sign, and how it affects the person.

Zodiac signSuitable mineralHow does it affect
AriesRedHelps make informed decisions, reduces the intensity of negative emotions, improves communication skills.
TaurusSardonyxIt will improve their sphere of interpersonal interaction and strengthen their self-esteem. It will also show the path in your personal and professional life.
TwinsSardonyxIt will help you gain emotional stability, decide on your professional field, and learn to master your creative and leadership abilities.
CancerBlueNatural inertia, shyness and indecisiveness will become less pronounced by strengthening leadership qualities and a sense of self-confidence.
VirgoChalcedonyWill bring harmony to internal and external psychological relationships. Will guide you to correct mistakes and protect you from making new ones.
a lionBlackStrengthens leadership qualities and imparts oratorical abilities. Increases self-confidence and gives the ability to manage emotions.
ScalesBlueDoubting Libras will gain the ability to act quickly and decisively, and will also become more sociable.
ScorpionCarnelianHelps you cope with problems during difficult emotional periods. It will also become an assistant in strengthening family ties.
SagittariusBlackProtects from the influence of ill-wishers, increases the sense of self-worth and directs a person’s bright abilities in the right direction.
CapricornBlackIt will make them more loyal to the opinions of their loved ones and at the same time strengthen the professional and personal positions of Capricorns.
AquariusWhiteThe innate sense of freedom and defiance transforms into independence and the ability to become a reliable friend and partner.
FishChalcedonyIt will land Pisces dreaming and flying in the clouds. Will become an assistant in performing practical, everyday tasks. It will help to establish relationships with old acquaintances and strengthen connections with distant relatives.

Although it goes with all zodiac signs, it is best suited for:

  • Aries;
  • Cancer;
  • Aquarius.

Onyx goes well with names that have a variety of meanings. It will protect and treat its owner in case of characterological and zodiac compatibility. There are several female names with which he enters into a strong relationship:

  • Anastasia;
  • Zhanna;
  • Love;
  • Darina;
  • Caroline;
  • Ksenia;
  • Adeline;
  • Violet;
  • Svetlana;
  • Catherine;
  • Nina.

Male names that are associated with the stone:

  • Alexei;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Nikolai;
  • Dragomir;
  • Makar;
  • Plato;
  • Sergey;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Michael;
  • Hermann;
  • Ivan;
  • Vadim.

How to wear onyx

When purchasing a stone, it is recommended to establish energetic contact with it, as with a living being. To do this, you should hold it in your hands for a while. If the sensations are pleasant, then this is a signal of good compatibility. If you experience discomfort, it is better not to purchase the stone.

Onyx can be worn constantly or periodically - you need to focus on your well-being. This is a cold mineral, and it feels most comfortable in the cold season.

The stone has a strong influence on middle-aged and older people, to whom it gives beneficial energy. However, it should be borne in mind that when worn for a long time, a person’s character may change: he may become tougher and intolerant. If these qualities have become clearly expressed, then it is better to remove all jewelry from yourself for a while.

The black mineral will influence your destiny.

How to care

Storing and caring for onyx does not require a special approach. It is recommended to keep the jewelry in a spacious box to avoid friction of the stones against each other.

For cleaning, a soap solution and a brush with medium-hard bristles are suitable. A small amount of baking soda may be added if the decoration is complemented by other minerals. Another cleansing option is rubbing with bread crumb.

The gem is not afraid of high temperatures, but bright light leads to discoloration of the mineral.

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