Description, properties and rules for wearing green onyx

Green onyx is considered one of the most valuable varieties of quartz. This gem gets its name from the Greek language, where the word that sounds like “onyx” means “nail”. The name of the marvelous stone was due to the layered pattern that was created by nature itself. Onyx has not only an unusual appearance, but also powerful energy, which allows this gem to be used as a talisman and an additional means of treatment. Of all the varieties of onyx, the green gem is considered the most common.

Green onyx beads

Green onyx is used to make jewelry and is also used to make jewelry inserts. Onyxes are also used as ornamental stones; they are used to make aesthetically attractive decorative items: figurines, glasses, balls, animal figurines and much more.

History of green onyx stone

Agate is a layered chalcedony. Its colors are different. And the patterns are interesting and unusual. When straight stripes are found on a cut of a mineral, located parallel to each other, then it is onyx. The shades of the lines are different. Green onyx is considered the rarest and most valuable.

Onyx is one of the varieties of quartz. The name of the mineral is translated from Greek as “nail”. The design on it, which is placed in layers, really resembles a nail. The intricacy of the patterns is due to the fact that there are several layers in its structure, which in most cases differ in shades. For this reason, experts include various subspecies of quartz chalcedony and minerals that have grown together as onyxes.

There are different colors of stone found in nature. The shade is influenced by the presence of a particular mineral mixture in its composition. And the temperature conditions of the origin of onyx form a certain width of the layers.

Green onyx was very popular among the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Rome. True, this was not influenced by its deposit, because the most beautiful stones were mined on the territory of Greece and Italy. Its deposits are concentrated in Brazil, Uruguay, India and Saudi Arabia. In addition, mining takes place in North America and Australia. Deposits of the mineral are also known in the north and east of Russia.


Green onyx is a natural mineral, a chalcedony variety of quartz. Like all stones of this group, it similarly has a banded color due to the presence of various impurities in its composition. They form parallel layers of different colors on the surface of onyx.

The mineral has a very rich and interesting history. It has been known since ancient times. For example, in Assyria, Babylon and Ancient Egypt it was used to create beautiful jewelry, household items, dishes, and clothing decoration. Already in antiquity, green onyx was used in the construction of temples and palaces. Small specimens of stone were laid out on the walls in the form of a mosaic. There is a legend that Solomon's temple in Jerusalem had no windows. However, thanks to the inserts in the walls made of gemstones, it was very light. But the American Indians attached special meaning to green onyx - there it was considered sacred.

Onyx is a fairly hard mineral - 6.5-7.0 on the Mohs scale. Its density is 2.6-2.8 g per cm3. In composition, it is nothing more than silicon dioxide.

The shine of the stone is glassy. But his concept of transparency is quite relative. It can be visible several centimeters deep, or it can have such an intense color that it will be completely opaque.

Main deposits:

  • Uruguay;
  • Algeria;
  • Armenia;
  • Pakistan;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Arabian Peninsula;
  • USA.

The healing properties of green onyx stone

Experts who practice alternative medicine tend to claim that green onyx is endowed with a number of healing qualities that have a beneficial effect on the human body. They believe that it can improve the condition of its owner, cope with any diseases and help with ailments. It turns out that the healing properties of green onyx stone strengthen human health and promote longevity.

Green onyx awakens the bioenergy field and helps relieve depression and stress. In addition, it relieves nervous tension. The radiation of the mineral improves appetite and stabilizes the functioning of the digestive system. It affects metabolism and normalizes calcium levels. There is an opinion that it has a beneficial effect on potency.

History and origin

The stone appears in myths and legends. They decorated royal chambers, tombs, robes and regalia of priests.


The Old Testament states that this ornamental stone (and not marble) was used to build Solomon's temple. The structure did not have windows, but was filled with light: the material transmitted it well. Onyx was in Eden and on the breastplate of the high priest of Judah.

The gem is mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. Onyxes are the petrified nails of Aphrodite. While the goddess was sleeping, her son Eros cut them off. Onyx translated from ancient Greek means “nail”. Externally, the pebble also resembles a marigold.

This is a sacred attribute of Islam: the stone in the main Muslim shrine of the Kaaba is black onyx.

The Aztecs valued above all others the influence of a pale green mineral with brown-orange layering. Temples were decorated with it, and sacrificial vessels were made from it. Religious and secular buildings were erected from the gem.

Modern architects also use onyx, but more artificial. The tiles are used to cover subway stations, official and private residences, chic restaurants, and clubs.

The magical properties of green onyx stone

Green onyx brings luck and joy to life if you wear a ring with it on your middle fingers. It is optimal to wear it throughout autumn and winter. It becomes a reliable protection against adversity and misfortune.

Who is green onyx stone suitable for its magical properties? Rings with it should be purchased by people whose professional activities involve constant stress, overexertion and danger. It is believed to promote business development, so entrepreneurs should wear items with green onyx. It helps to take the business to a higher level and improve it.

In addition, green onyx has a number of qualities that help strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit. The stone has a beneficial effect on negotiations and transactions. It makes its owner self-confident and helps him make the right business decisions.

Already in ancient times, the magical properties of the green onyx stone were attributed to the ability to bestow a person with oratorical inclinations. It is easier for its owner to find the right words and reach out to others. His point of view is accepted and approved. For this reason, the mineral is very popular among politicians, teachers, lecturers and lawyers. People who want to gain self-confidence and universal respect should buy it.

Green onyx turns out to be useful for those who do not know how to be persistent and defend their beliefs. The stone makes people with weak character persistent and purposeful. Thanks to the mineral, these qualities develop and intensify in its owner.

With the assistance of green onyx, a person purposefully moves towards the realization of his own plans. The main feature of the mineral is that it helps achieve what is planned through honest and independent work. If its owner has an overly soft and pliable character, and lacks willpower, then the stone will make him more confident and decisive.

How to choose and not fall for a fake

There is no pure green mineral. It is represented by a type of marble with various admixtures of copper, magnesium and iron, which can give it a color from emerald to delicate light green. Acid, even weak carbonic acid, contained in wine, reacts easily to it. It causes clouding of the stone.

How to recognize a fake? The magazine will teach you how to quickly distinguish fake stones and jewelry. If the stone is counterfeited using artificial polymers, then it will be lighter than an ordinary gem. In addition, the dyes that are used to create color are initially very bright and unnatural in color, which fade over time, leaving a cloudy glass effect. Onyx is always translucent, regardless of color. By the way, the green mineral will always be cheaper in price than chalcedony.

Properties of green onyx stone for zodiac signs

This mineral helps its owner to concentrate on the most important moments in a specific period of time. Green onyx focuses his attention on the main thing, eliminates distracting thoughts and significantly increases people's ability to work.

The stone makes them stronger and more energetic. It fills its owner with an optimistic outlook and cheerfulness. He is able to cope with apathetic and depressive states. If a person is indecisive and shy, green onyx promotes contact and openness.

Thanks to such qualities, green onyx turns out to be very useful and necessary for students. With its help, they concentrate on passing the session and gaining knowledge and skills. This stone should be purchased by people who have made a choice in favor of the profession of an accountant, manager or lawyer.

Giving a piece of green onyx jewelry as a gift to your spouse or mother-in-law is quite risky. If they wear it, their leadership abilities and influence will increase significantly.

Green onyx protects the energy field of its owner from negative external influences and magical rituals. He should not be afraid of damage, the evil eye and bad influence.

The stone will demonstrate its strength and positive qualities only to people who have good intentions and plans. In India, people highly value and revere it as it symbolizes success and good fortune.

Astrologers are of the opinion that this mineral is an excellent talisman and amulet for Taurus and Capricorn. He protects them from difficulties and problems. According to its properties, the green onyx stone is also suitable for the Virgo zodiac sign. It is very useful for them. The gem strengthens their vital energy, gives them self-confidence and improves their mood, which becomes the key to successful work.

Geminis should not buy green onyx for themselves, because this stone is completely unsuitable for them.

According to the recommendations of esotericists and astrologers, green onyx products must be purchased on the nineteenth day of the lunar cycle. However, you should wear jewelry with a mineral for the first time only on the fourth day.

Both silver and gold frames work well with onyx. True, in most jewelry stores, products with it are made in silver.


Green onyx is an inexpensive ornamental stone. This allows it to be used in the jewelry industry to create jewelry. But the stone is also used in other areas. For example, beautiful decorative items are made from it - boxes, vases, candlesticks, decorative containers, and stationery. Onyx dishes made from gems also look very attractive and rich.

Figures and fragments of small tableware (for example, handles of forks and spoons) can be cut out of it. Some specimens of the mineral are used for mosaic and facing work. Onyx countertops are also very popular, adding special sophistication and status to the interior of the room.

Onyx color variations and development locations

Completely black onyx is a very rare stone, but most valued by businessmen, esotericists and adherents of occult practices. Of the colored samples, the rarest variety is the red palette, these are carnelian and sardonyx, the deposits of which are almost completely exhausted.

The most common shades of glassy mineral

The most common are translucent samples with stripes of the following shades:

  • gray;
  • light green;
  • red-brown;
  • white;
  • pinkish;
  • blue;
  • honey;
  • amber tone.

This gem does not have a pure white and transparent layer or (a fragmentary influx without stripes). Most often, white onyx has a milky, greenish and pinkish tint, less often with blue. The price includes variegated striped and completely black stones.

Historical information about onyx

In historical primary sources, this type of quartz or silicon dioxide was called differently, and its color combinations also differed:

  • “Aphrodite’s nails,” as the ancient Greeks called it for the visual resemblance of elongated pebbles with colored sagging, is described with various variations, and healing properties are attributed to it;
  • light shades were traditionally called "chalcedon" and were used for jewelry, and their value varied depending on the color and metal in which the semi-precious stone was set;
  • black stone was used in occult practices, considered “the stone of magicians and sorcerers”;
  • red sardonyx was considered a “stone of power”; it controlled the hidden potential of its owner and directed his energy into a creative direction.

Stone is mentioned in Biblical texts as one of the building materials of Solomon's Temple and in the City of the Future. The third base is made of chalcedony, the fifth base is made of sardonyx - these are color varieties of this mineral. Mesopotamia, where Paradise on earth was, is described as a place where there is “gold ... bdellium (fossilized resin, possibly amber) and onyx stone.”

The Aztecs found a light green gem with brown veins; it was highly valued in their cults. Altars and inserts into the eyes of deities on the pyramids were made from such rare finds.

Many thousands of years ago, knives, cutters, and spear tips were made from fragments of natural glass. Along with bone analogues, they were found in ancient human sites in Italy and Greece.

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