What is a church incense - meaning and rules of wearing

A believer sought the support of the Almighty not only through prayers, but also by wearing symbolic signs of faith. Incense is one of these symbols; it looks like a small container (bag or jug) where incense or other church attributes are placed. Today we will tell you what a church amulet is, how to wear it correctly and learn about the traditions and superstitions associated with it. In the modern world, few people have thought about the original purpose of the amulet and its historical path of development. In ancient times, the amulet was a pagan talisman, inside of which a charmed object was placed. Depending on the need, the enchanted things could be different. The main task of the amulet was to protect and help the owner. After the conspiracy, the sorcerer or molfar would fasten the amulet around the neck or wrist with a knot to those who wished to receive magical protection.

With the advent of the Christian faith, many pagan holidays, traditions and attributes became symbols of faith. This did not bypass the amulet either. Now a different meaning was put into it, it became a repository of relics of Christianity, particles of the relics of saints, texts of psalms, etc. were placed inside so that the wicked and demons would bypass the owner. The incense is not a replacement for the pectoral cross. Now it might look like:

  • a bag made of fabric or leather;
  • a small box in the shape of a vessel or book;
  • a medallion depicting the faces of saints or writing the text of prayers;
  • gold and silver jewelry inlaid with gems.

What is an incense - definition and its purpose

The main purpose of a church amulet is to protect its owner from various troubles and misfortunes. It was worn mainly under clothing closer to the body, hence another name - body amulet. For a long time, every warrior had an amulet with a piece of his native land, which he put on before a campaign, so that it would protect him from wounds and save him from captivity, and help him return home.

Every merchant had it, they were often attacked by robbers, and invisible help to the merchants was extremely necessary. A rare navigator dared to go on a sea voyage without an amulet with the image of his patron saint. The help of amulet was also irreplaceable in solving issues of childbirth. A woman who could not get pregnant for a long time wore an amulet with a prayer to the Mother of God placed in it. Incense became a talisman and salvation for many people; it helped in solving problems, protected and protected not only from evil spirits, but also from enemies and ill-wishers.

Why do you need an amulet on your neck and what to put in it?

Incense on the neck is an excellent individual amulet

You can customize it to suit yourself, taking into account all your features. But what exactly do they put in the amulet and how to wear it?

Incense on the neck - the history of the amulet

Incense is an amulet or amulet that you can always carry with you. It is most convenient to wear it around the neck. It sensitively affects your condition and can attract good luck or protect you from negative influences. A huge plus of incense is that even an ordinary person who has not comprehended the secrets of magical practices can make it. After all, the main part of the power that the amulet uses lies within us - this is faith. That is why there are such a large number of church incense, because where is there more faith than in religion?

Incense acts as a resonator. They sensitively capture your thoughts and strengthen them, helping you achieve what you want. It is also important what object is contained inside the amulet. It is like the center of your thoughts, it can concentrate them, strengthen them and direct them in the right direction.

So, what do they put in the amulet? Things that will help you achieve your goal and items of value. In the case of church ones, these are images of patron saints, or even a particle of the relics of a holy person. But we can say one thing right now. Body amulet is a great way to build self-confidence, which is always useful in any endeavor.

The faith you experience will return multiplied. Such a talisman will help you open the door to your inner reserve of strength and draw from there when you need it most. What is an amulet for? We have already briefly discussed this issue, but it is better to consider it in more detail. We will also talk about how to properly wear an amulet on a pin and simply on the body. The main purpose of wearing it is protection from evil, physical or spiritual. It will be a great help when you are not sure of the outcome of the case, or perhaps you are just nervous.

Also, such an amulet can help in acquiring good luck on the path to spiritual balance, or in finding material well-being. The truth is, you need to remember one thing: the amulet will not help when you yourself do not believe in its help or are too lazy to take the first steps. Water does not flow under a lying stone - this is true for any Slavic amulets. The force needs to concentrate, and then find a point where to apply itself. You will indicate this to her with the help of your thoughts and actions (push her in the right direction). The last question is how to properly wear an amulet on a pin and can it be worn in a similar way? Usually the amulet is worn on a cord, but a pin is a perfectly acceptable method of wearing.

The main thing is to follow a few rules: The amulet should hang above the waist, closer to the heart. After all, this is where the heart chakra, according to Indian tradition, is located, the concentration of your desires, your faith. Secure it so as not to get dirty. It must remain clean under all circumstances. It can be covered with part of your clothing, or even worn under outerwear. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the amulet

What to put in the amulet: To protect against witches and sorcerers, you will need a piece of aspen or buckthorn. It has long been known how well they protect against magic. To make any trip safe, take a pinch of your native land with you. Yes, as in the old parable. If you need luck in love affairs, then you can put a sprig of mistletoe in the amulet - an old symbol of love. To ensure that nothing happens to your loved one, having his photograph constantly close to your heart will help. A lucky ruble will help you attract the desired wealth. Various enchanted objects are also suitable. Incense is a talisman that people have carried with them for many centuries, and it is impossible to turn a blind eye to its miraculous abilities. If you lack faith in yourself, or you want to attract luck to your side. This amulet will help you in any endeavor.

What types of incense are there?

Nowadays, incense is a common and popular decoration. It is sold in monasteries, any church shop or online store. From all the variety, you can choose an amulet to suit any budget and satisfy the most demanding taste. Incenses are:

  1. Depending on the material of manufacture:
  • made of fabric (bags or cases);
  • from leather (tanner);
  • made of wood;
  • from jewelry metals (gold and silver);
  1. By way of wearing:
  • on a pin;
  • on a chain or cord.
  1. By form:
  • opening containers (boxes, books, etc.);
  • medallions with the faces of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God or saints and great martyrs (Matrona of Moscow , Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker and others).

Various religious relics can be stored in an amulet book:

  • incense;
  • resin;
  • relics of great martyrs and saints;
  • rewritten texts of prayers and psalms;
  • sand brought from the Land of Jerusalem;
  • particles of consecrated earth.

What is it and what is its significance?

A church incense is a bag or small ark with incense, particles of relics or holy earth inside, purchased in a parish store or elsewhere, but illuminated in the church. The tradition of wearing incense appeared a long time ago, back in pagan times, but is recognized in Christianity and does not contradict the canons, as it is associated with the image of the Lord, saints, incense or prayers.

The believer himself decides what amulet he should wear: with the image of the saint in whose honor he was named, with a prayer that is close to him, or with earth brought from holy places. There are no clear guidelines on this matter and everyone is free to choose what they like.

The amulet is worn on a chain or rope, placed around the neck. This is for reassurance and confidence that the saint is nearby and will help, the Mother of God will save and console, and the evil eye will not achieve its goal. Sometimes the bag contains the text of prayers or psalms, most often it is: the Jesus Prayer, Psalm 90 or “Our Father”.

Mechanically wearing a talisman with a prayer will not bring any benefit if a person does not know and does not read this prayer. The amulet only maintains contact with God and the saints if the person is a sincere believer.

Priests believe that the amulet helps only people who comply with church regulations and canons. The amulet itself will not have power if it is not consecrated in the church and the person unknowingly chose it, without even knowing the saint depicted or the prayer included in the amulet.

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Why do men and women need it?

The most popular amulets among men are those with the image of the Lord. Also common with the face of a saint, after whom the man is named and considers him his patron and prayer book before Christ for resolving problems, illnesses and misfortunes. There are often amulets with a saint who helps in certain types of activities and businesses:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker helps everyone who prayed to him and asked him to participate in their destiny, salvation and good deeds. He is considered the patron saint of: sailors;
  • travelers;
  • prisoners;
  • people suffering from disasters and financial difficulties.
  • Men whose work involves risk: firefighters, military, police, rescuers, as well as athletes and those starting a new, difficult business consider St. George the Victorious as their patron. He is a great martyr, in his earthly life in military service he distinguished himself with intelligence, courage, amazing physical strength, posture and beauty.
  • For well-being in the family, at home, in case of everyday troubles and needs, in case of worries about troubled children, in case of spiritual weaknesses, oppression for the faith, in order to find a new job and successful trade, they wear a talisman and pray to Spyridon of Trimifuntino.
  • The martyr John of New Sochava is revered as the best prayer book, assistant and patron of businessmen and sales managers.
  • Panteleimon the Healer helps those who suffer from illnesses and those who heal people.
  • Incense with the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be worn by everyone, regardless of gender and age. She protects women, gives well-being, and helps during childbirth. And for everyone else - the first prayer book and savior.
    Also popular are amulets depicting her icons:
    • Vladimirskaya, Kazanskaya.
    • "Joy to all who mourn."

  • "The Queen of All."
  • Also helping women and being loved by them are Ksenia Petersburgskaya, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and Sofia - their mother. Charms from Matrona of Moscow are trusted and popular among millions of people.

    Rules for wearing amulet

    The main task of an amulet is to protect its owner; sometimes some amulet are decorated so skillfully and richly that they are not inferior to jewelry. Let's look at the differences between a pectoral cross and an amulet, and how to wear it correctly.

    1. The incense is not a replacement for the cross, it can act as an addition to it. The pectoral cross is the main attribute of Christianity and every believer should have it. It is not allowed for both symbols of the Christian faith to be worn on the same chain.
    2. The amulet is worn only under clothing, regardless of whether it is attached to a pin or chain.
    3. Keep the amulet clean, it should not get dirty.
    4. Wear the amulet above the waist, it should be as close to the heart as possible.
    5. It can be worn even by an unbaptized child or hung at the head of the crib.
    6. Do not give your amulet to strangers.
    7. Do not accept it as a gift from other people; exceptions are allowed only for close relatives.
    8. You cannot wear jewelry together with an amulet (on one cord).
    9. Remove the amulet during water procedures so as not to wet its contents.
    10. Take only those incense bags that are sold in monasteries or church shops.

    When buying incense for yourself or as a gift for someone, do it only in a good mood and with positive thoughts.

    Incense of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for protection and good luck on the journey

    Incense “Nicholas the Wonderworker”

    Nicholas the Wonderworker is a famous figure in Christian culture. Being a very influential person, he still did not forget about all possible help to every believer. For which he was canonized. Since then, it is not for nothing that he has been considered the protector of travelers and seafarers. He protects everyone who goes on a long and difficult journey.

    People resort to the help of the amulet of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker when good luck on a journey is needed. This can be both protection from breakdowns on the road and from accidents. You can also go on a business trip with this help. She will help you complete things in the best way for you and make a profit. Although, of course, using the image of a saint for material gain is not exactly what suits a true believer. So it is better to turn to the intercession of the Wonderworker when you need to go on a pilgrimage.

    This amulet does not have to be worn on the body. It is quite possible to hang it inside your vehicle, but so that it is not visible. Still, the point is not in the decoration, but in the protection it gives. So it’s better to hide it somewhere, even in the glove compartment. Make sure it is always clean and tidy.

    For men

    Incense for the stronger half of humanity, as a rule, also includes images of Jesus Christ, guardian angels and saints who patronize their field of activity. They protect the owner from troubles and unkind people. The following faces are characteristic of men's amulet:

    1. Jesus Christ - helps to take the right path, relieves mental confusion and gives healing from illnesses.
    2. George the Victorious - provides support to people whose profession is related to the art of war and athletes.
    3. Nicholas the Wonderworker - helps all travelers and those who are on the road due to their profession (sailors, truck drivers, railway workers, etc.) and those who are in custody, protects from disasters.
    4. Archangel Michael - provides support in any difficulties, gives strength to overcome obstacles that arise.
    5. Panteleimon the Healer - patronizes all those whose profession is related to medicine, gives healing to the sick.
    6. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky - protects from attacks by robbers and ill-wishers, patronizes successful trade.

    How to wear an amulet

    It should be noted that the amulet does not replace the pectoral cross, but it is quite acceptable if it is located together with the cross on the same chain or rope on the body of an Orthodox person. But other jewelry that is not related to religion, even if it is also made of silver, gold and other metals, cannot be worn on the same string with church amulets. They are worn on different chains.

    It is important to know that you can give or transfer jewelry to another person only if it was purchased specifically for him. The most powerful amulet is considered to be the one donated by close relatives .

    Nowadays, the most popular amulet items are made of gold and silver. They are beautiful and hardly wear out. Passed on from generation to generation, they become family heirlooms and talismans of the family. But when putting on a talisman, you should remember that first of all it is a shrine, and only then a piece of jewelry. Christians wear body icons, crosses, relics and amulet with reverent reverence, regardless of whether they are made of wood and fabric or gold and silver.

    For women

    For women, amulet with the image of the Mother of God is typical. Most often these are incense boxes with icons:

    1. Kazanskaya - will help unmarried girls meet their destiny.
    2. Vladimirskaya - provides assistance in resolving difficult life situations, helps to find a way out of difficulties.
    3. Seven-shot - protects from ill-wishers and filth.
    4. All Queens - heals various diseases, including oncology.
    5. Signs - protects the hostess from attacks by thieves, and her house from fires.
    6. Mammal - protects a mother feeding her child.
    7. Pochaevskaya - protects against unfair accusations, grants release from custody.
    8. Joy to all those who mourn - it gives hope and protection in difficult, seemingly insoluble situations.

    For a representative of the fair half of humanity, absolutely any amulet with the image of the Mother of God is suitable - it will give her peace and tranquility, will help her become a faithful wife and loving mother. These amulet are universal, men can also wear them, the main thing is to believe in its power. In addition to incense with saints and great martyrs, those that depict a saint who bore the corresponding name or had a common date of birth are especially popular.

    Lately, more and more people have been wearing amulet with the image of the Matrona of Moscow. Matronushka, who performed miracles during her lifetime, still provides patronage to everyone who turns to her. Parents who want to protect their child from troubles and misfortunes can put an amulet on him. An unbaptized child is allowed to wear an amulet until the sacrament of baptism is performed.

    Incense for women

    Women prefer various images of the Virgin Mary, because she is the patron saint of mothers:

    “Seven Arrow” Mother of God: protects the evil thoughts of other people; “Vladimir”: helps resolve everyday difficulties; “Sign”: helps with various diseases; “Kazan” Mother of God: blesses for marriage; “Mammal” icon: protects a nursing mother.

    Any icon of the Mother of God will suit every woman: it will give health, peace and tranquility, and most importantly, it will help fulfill her main mission on Earth - to become a mother and raise worthy children.

    Both men and women need to understand how to wear an amulet. After all, this amulet has power only when it is treated with understanding and knowledge. If the person who wears the amulet truly believes in him, follows all the rules and adheres to the basic canons of the church, then the power of the saint depicted on it will only grow, thereby filling the life of its owner with meaning, love and hope.

    Traditions, beliefs and superstitions associated with incense

    The incense has gone through a long and difficult historical path from a pagan amulet to a symbol of the Christian faith. Throughout all this time, she did an excellent job of helping her owner. With the amulet, as with any protective and security thing, there are beliefs and superstitions. Here are some of them:

    1. You should not let strangers touch your amulet. This is an individual item that works on your energy, so interference from someone else’s field is extremely undesirable.
    2. If the incense has the form of a box, change its contents every three months so that the incense or the written texts of the prayers begin to “work” anew.
    3. Accept incense as a gift only from close people; it is believed that if a blood relative puts it around your neck or pins it on your clothes, this will greatly enhance the effect of the incense.
    4. Don’t leave for yourself an amulet that was given to someone.

    If your amulet suddenly breaks, don’t be upset, it means it has fulfilled its purpose.
    Do not throw it away under any circumstances; it is better to take the broken item to church. Losing an amulet, on the contrary, is considered a bad sign, which means you have lost your protection. In this case, you need to contact the church to order a prayer for health and buy yourself a new amulet. The allotment amulet gives its owner powerful protection and provides comprehensive assistance. If you suddenly decide to buy it, don’t be put off by the price or appearance, listen to yourself, carefully look at the amulet presented in the window, and maybe she herself will “call” you. [Total: 1 Average: 5/5]

    How to wear an amulet

    Nowadays, incense means pendants with images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, and Guardian Angel. They can be made of two halves, into which you can put a piece of the relics of saints, a piece of the Holy Land, or the text of a prayer. They are made from wood, leather, clay, silver, and gold. Worn around the neck or attached to clothing with a pin. Carrying an amulet on a chain or rope is more reliable, but a pin can come unfastened and injure a person, or there is a possibility of losing the amulet itself.

    Important: the amulet does not replace the pectoral cross! It can be worn with it, but not instead of a cross. They can be put on one chain or thread.

    The opinion of the priests regarding the incense is unanimous. First of all, it is a thing, and a thing in itself cannot be a protection from evil spirits and an assistant in communication with God. You should not attach special importance to it and attribute miraculous properties.

    Our protection from bad things is unceasing prayer, confession and communion, participation in divine services, repentance, and mercy. Our righteous, if possible, life, the desire to get away from sin and not commit it again.

    About Christian virtues:

    What is mercyAbout humilityAbout repentance

    But the faces of saints are depicted on the incense, particles of relics and the Holy Land are placed, they are consecrated in the temple, so you need to treat this side of wearing the incense with spiritual trepidation and care. If you don’t take care of it because it is made of precious metal, it will be a vain faith that has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

    Church incense

    Let's find out how the church views incense - this question is not accidental, it is against magical practices. And amulets or amulets are part of these, including amulet. Rest assured, the church supported this practice - there is plenty of evidence of this. In the Middle Ages, many monarchs wore similar “decorations”, and they were presented by church leaders. And since such things were worn by the anointed, then everyone else was allowed to wear them too.

    Nowadays, not only those amulets issued by the church are called church. In modern times, this name is applied to any similar amulet where a thing is placed and which relates to religion. This is both an icon and a miniature prayer book. Everything that relates to faith in its classical form.

    What is important to make sure is that scammers are not slipping you such a thing. They convince people that everything is clean and the thing is sanctified according to all canons. But be careful. Consult with the priest, perform the consecration ceremony again and do not take the amulet from the hands of suspicious individuals. They are insidious, and will slip you a talisman that will bring a curse. And in church shops you will buy incense with peace of mind.

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