Celtic cross tattoo - full description, places of application (on the arm, wrist, shoulder), interesting sketches and photos of works

In the modern world, it is difficult to meet a person who does not have a tattoo or has never thought about getting one. The thing is that the art of body painting helps people express their feelings and emotions, character traits and life experiences, making their body more original and attractive. When choosing a design, many people choose animalistic or botanical designs, however, Celtic tattoos are no less popular.

Celtic patterns are so unusual and beautiful that they attract everyone with their mystery, infinity of lines, imbued with a deep meaning that has come to us from ancient tribes. Celtic tattoos have many variations, so everyone can choose the perfect option for themselves, but before choosing a design, it is important to know the meaning of the symbol.

In order to get a Celtic tattoo, you need to find out which patterns are suitable for men and which for girls. Previously, symbols were used everywhere, they were applied to clothes, walls, dishes and weapons, and each ornament had a special meaning. Unfortunately, only some meanings have survived to this day, while other symbols have remained forever unknown, and their meaning is simply missing. The peculiarity of the tattoo is that one line that makes up the pattern always has a complete appearance, its beginning meets the end, symbolizing infinity, life cycle and transience.

Origin story

There are several versions of the origin of the symbol now called the Celtic cross:

  1. The first version claims that the Celtic cross was invented by Christian missionaries who carried their teachings to the wild tribes of the Celts. Already among the Celts themselves, missionaries saw amulets with the image of a cross and endowed the Celtic symbol with Christian characteristics, because. the cross itself was one of the main symbols of the Christian religion.
  2. The Celts knew about the cross for a long time, but they did not use it as a talisman. And only with the penetration of Christian teaching into their masses, the Celtic cross began to be endowed with sublime religious symbolism.
  3. Supporters of this point of view are that the Celtic cross did not exist at all, but it arose with the advent of Christians. It’s just that St. Patrick saw a circle that he liked and wrote an image of a Christian crucifix into it.
  4. The prototype was the Egyptian ankh, from which the Coptic cross first came, and then, having undergone changes, the Celtic cross itself.
  5. The Slavic peoples had a cross, outwardly similar to the Celtic one in pattern. And in terms of the meaning of the symbols, both the Celtic and Slavic crosses had similar indicators.
  6. The cross applied to clothing by representatives of the Templar Order is also believed to have been borrowed precisely in an image derived from the Celtic cross, and not in the standard designation of the Christian crucifixion, although this can be debated for a long time.

Today, several meanings are attributed to the image of the Celtic cross:

  • a cross in a circle symbolizes the world order, where the masculine and feminine principles intersect inextricably from each other;
  • the past and the future are interconnected and connected by a circle symbolizing infinity;
  • wisdom and harmony intersect and unite in a circle into the infinity of their manifestation in the reality of being;

The tattoo itself has very contradictory meanings for its image. For supporters of one theory, the presence of a cross in itself is perceived as a symbol of faith in the Creator. For others, it is assessed as belonging to a subculture. For example, a tattoo depicting a cross is often present in prison tattoos, and the Celtic cross is only a desire to protect oneself from belonging to the criminal world.

The threads that intertwine on the Celtic cross symbolize life itself, as they represent all that exists. And the circle symbolizes the luminary, to which the Celts in ancient times attached increased importance, offering their prayers to it.

At the same time, the Celtic cross can symbolize spiritual and physical development, which are inextricably linked. The meaning of the image may also be associated with the characteristic performance, since it can represent both the seasons or the four cardinal directions, and the unity of the four elements.

And the circle connects the four components together. There is one peculiarity of a tattoo depicting a cross - it will look quite harmonious on any part of the body.

Other symbol names

The Celtic cross also has other names. For example, it is called the solar cross or the Columba cross. The first option is often used in a simple design, like a cross located in a circle. There are no other symbols near the picture. This image does not clearly refer to Christianity. Columba was one of the apostles of Ireland. His sermons played a big role in the adoption of Christianity in a number of countries.

Cross tattoo with patterns on the shoulder in Celtic style

Did you know? Saint Patrick and Columba were related, although by less obvious ties. These two great preachers overlapped indirectly. Thus, the great-grandfather of Saint Columba was a robber who stole the young man who was to become Saint Patrick. Thus, the Celtic cross tattoo, the meaning of which is presented below, is closely related to the names of two saints.

Celtic cross on the leg

The meaning of tattoos for men

Most often, such a tattoo is chosen for application by adults who have achieved success in their lives. It clearly follows that if a teenager gets such a tattoo, many will not perceive it quite adequately.

Like a person who has not yet managed to achieve anything specific in life, but is already trying to emphasize his importance and success with such a specific tattoo. An adult man tries, rather, to express his coming to true faith; this is additionally evidenced by the quality of the tattoo.

Women's tattoos in Celtic style

Miniature body paintings do not look as beautiful as large ones. Braided and twisted lines usually fit tightly together and can merge into a black spot, but you can also choose neat patterns. When choosing a body area for an image, you should think about the durability of the tattoo . Stretch marks, scars and sagging skin can cause it to become distorted and lose its attractiveness. Celtic tattoos look original on the shoulder, forearm, ankle, back, and arm.

The Celtic sun looks beautiful in the form of a circle, in the center of which intricate spirals with knots are intertwined. The symmetrical pattern on the back looks great, reminiscent of openwork wings. Often girls print images of dogs. The picture protects from everything evil and is a symbol of caution and fidelity.

Celtic horse tattoo, the spirit of fertility goddesses, brings beauty and gives vitality, secret knowledge, indomitability. Usually it is placed on the back, and only the head is depicted on the shoulder. Ancient tribes personified the animal with speed and movement.

The hare is a sacred animal, a companion of the Moon goddess, brings prosperity, abundance, and adds strength and health to young mothers. The tribes believed that he weaves a person's destiny. A butterfly looks elegant, especially on the ankle or shoulder. She is often depicted as small in size and with beautiful, graceful wings.

Although black and gray colors predominate in Celtic tattoos, girls can complement the picture with a different shade and make it more feminine. If you choose the right openwork ornaments, you can emphasize your uniqueness.

The meaning of tattoos for women

If a girl has already firmly decided to apply the Celtic cross as a tattoo, she should think about the quality of the image, since the very clarity of the image of this cross should symbolize, first of all, the sophistication of female nature.

And in the “female” case of choosing such a tattoo, it can denote not only a special commitment to religion, but also standard feminine qualities, such as femininity and sophistication. And this in a tattoo can only be expressed by individual components and execution style.

Celtic tattoos on the arm, shoulder and other parts of the body

As you know, the Celts are a brave, warlike and freedom-loving people. All these qualities are considered primordially masculine, which is why Celtic tattoos are especially attractive to men. Anyone looking to get a Celtic tribal tattoo wonders where the image will look best. Experts believe that Celtic tattoos appear on the following areas of the body:

  • Back.
  • Breast.
  • Shoulder.
  • Hand.
  • Belly (preferable for girls).

Modern meaning of tattoo

Today, many people, in whose lives religion and religion have a significant place, are openly afraid to wear such a tattoo, since it is quite likely that they will have to answer for its use to representatives of certain subcultures, including those for whom their stay left its mark on their lives. in custody.

If the desire to wear a tattoo with the image of a Celtic cross is almost obsessive, it is recommended to apply it either on the shoulder (where only a religious perception of such a tattoo is possible) or on parts of the body hidden under clothing.

Although in this case, its application itself is quite strange, because the tattoo, first of all, is designed for its perception from the outside, and applying it where no one can see it seems to be a completely unjustified, and therefore meaningless, decision.

The history of the Celtic cross

The Celtic cross consists of crossed lines in a circle. There is an opinion that this particular symbol was brought to Ireland by St. Patrick, the first missionary of Christianity. According to this theory, a Celtic cross tattoo, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, combines the symbol of religion and the sun and speaks of the unity of God and nature. This symbol arose due to the fact that pagans often worshiped natural phenomena, so it was extremely important to combine these concepts in order to attract them to Christianity.

In the image of this symbol one can also find hints of fish and Christianity - another important symbols of Christianity as a religion. The first is also called Ichthys. In fact, both symbols are related to the spelling of the name of Jesus Christ.

Celtic Cross Shoulder Tattoo

Where is the best place to apply?

The symbol of the Celtic cross is so associated with religion that it should definitely not be applied to the lower parts of the body, as many will perceive it as an open manifestation of disrespect for religion, its rejection from one’s heart and mind.

A tattoo in the neck area, on the contrary, is recognized by everyone who understands at least a little symbolism as a powerful amulet. It gives people an understanding of their place in life and guides them in choosing the right path. The application of an image of a Celtic cross in the area of ​​the heart has increased symbolism.

Religious people believe that faith lives in a person in the heart, and does not need proof. In any case, the most popular role of the Celtic cross tattoo, like any other tattoo, is to hide any defects and minor scars.

The meaning of a tattoo in prison

Prison symbolism is very developed and unusual. It was from prison that the fashion came to attach significance to the place of the cross. In the zone, thieves (specifically women) had small crosses applied to their faces and fingers, such a “professional” mark.

Another image used is a cross with the head of Jesus and the signature “freedom” on fire. This tattoo means that its wearer is completely disappointed in the world. His faith that he could live in freedom “burned out,” as did his faith in divine help.

And another interesting prison tattoo is the crucified Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms. Such a tattoo means that a person will not betray his own and protects until his last breath.

It is impossible to tell everything about the cross as a symbol, simply because there is no more polysemantic symbol that so easily expands the list of its meanings and so easily acquires new meanings in combinations.

Should I get a tattoo or not?

It is important for the future owner of a luxurious image of a Celtic cross to answer the question of whether faith is really strong in him. Indeed, in most cases, a tattoo is applied for life.

In contrast to the adoption of any principles, from which, over time, one can retreat. In modern life, the process of tattoo removal is, of course, possible, but traces still remain. So, when deciding to inflict such a symbolic tattoo on yourself, we can recommend that you first make a decisive conclusion for yourself that it is really necessary.

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