If a dove flew into the window, what does such a sign mean, is it for good or for bad?

The essence of the sign is that if a dove has flown in, expect changes or news. But depending on the nuances, one can assume good or bad prospects.

For example, you should pay attention to the bird’s beak; if it is empty, the news will be negative, but if the dove is holding a twig, it will be good news.

But, one of the well-known interpretations: a bird flew into a room with the windows closed - to imminent death or trouble in the family. It was believed that a dove circling indoors symbolizes the soul of a deceased relative and is a warning of misfortune.

Important! Despite the stereotype, there are signs among the people with a positive omen.


A white dove flew into the apartment - a wonderful omen! I circled the room - the wedding is coming soon. In addition to weddings, this sign is also interpreted as reconciliation with loved ones or a meeting with your soulmate. If there are several snow-white birds, happy events will happen sooner than you think. A feathered guest touched you with his wing - expect monetary abundance, winnings, and a large inheritance. If you dropped a feather, be sure to save it and carry it with you everywhere. The dove left you a talisman that attracts happy accidents.

Brown or red

A dove of this color brings news, and, most often, joyful news. Many people associate this news with the birth of a child or pregnancy. If the bird not only flies around the room, but also lands on your shoulder, expect pleasant guests. Sat on your head - to good luck in money matters. Colored birds in general, as a rule, bring good news. It is believed that if a brown-red dove often coos near your house, sits on the windowsill or on the balcony, news of pregnancy awaits you. In any case, if a red dove flies into the apartment window, it is a positive omen.

Gray or black

There are more black and gray pigeons, so the likelihood that just such a bird will fly to you is quite high. A dark bird is always a warning of difficult times. Be careful for a while: don’t spend money on dubious things, don’t visit dubious establishments, don’t get involved in dangerous projects. As they say, “walk and look around.” If the sign of a dark dove knocking on the window indicates a serious illness (yours or your relatives), then the bird’s visit is interpreted a little differently. Literally it may sound something like this: you have accumulated a lot of unresolved problems, do not aggravate them with unreasonable behavior, but start acting correctly. If suddenly a gray-black dove touched one of the household members with its wing, this is a direct indication that the person practically does not rest, is exhausted and devastated. This means that it is now easy for him to make a mistake or make a mistake.

How exactly did it appear and how does it behave?

All birds appear differently and behave differently. What does the sign mean if a dove flies onto a balcony, through a door or window, or through a ventilation pipe? What does his unusual behavior mean, for example, if he does not try to fly out into the street, but calmly settles down on the closet or even on the washbasin? It's actually quite simple. You interpret the sign by the color of the dove, and the place of appearance and behavior of the bird only clarify the details of upcoming events. Let us give a few examples known from our ancestors.

  • What does it mean if a dove flies into the window? This case is explained depending on the color of the plumage, without specifying the details. A white bird means luckily, a red one means good news, a gray one means future problems.
  • A dove appeared through the door - what it promises you will find you on the road. There will be some kind of journey or trip. But what it will bring you, joy or problems, you will understand by the color of the feathers of the winged messenger.
  • We should also consider the appearance of a winged guest at work. Here, too, everything is standard, and is interpreted according to the color of the bird. For example, white means a happy office romance, dark means work problems, reprimands and even fines. Well, brown-red indicates useful information that will be very useful to you. If it got in through a door, expect a test or inspection.
  • A dove flew onto the balcony - a sign means that something will unexpectedly change for you - through a letter, a telephone message, or you accidentally learn something important from friends.
  • Sometimes birds get into the house in rather unusual ways, for example, what should you think if a pigeon flew into the apartment through the ventilation? This sign can be equated to a situation where a dove entered the house through a chimney. Our ancestors, who lived in villages and villages, said that this means a very sad event, no matter what kind of bird got there. This sad event will not happen if you help the bird get out of the chimney or ventilation pipe, and it will fly away into the wild, safe and sound. There are very real cases when a bird got stuck in the chimney of a country house and, at the same time, the owner learned about the illness of someone close to him. If the bird managed to get out of the chimney, or was helped, the loved one was on the mend. And if the owners did not even make attempts to help the feathered creature, trouble also happened to the person. We can only guess why such situations are sent to us. Perhaps this is a test of our humanity in relation to those who are weaker than us.
  • But it also happened that a pigeon flew into the apartment and sat in the bathroom. The sign is clearly unusual. Let's also try to turn to village interpretations. If a dove flew into a bathhouse or dressing room, people considered this a sign to be wary of water. Either you are afraid of floods, or you don’t want to swim in the river.
  • Popular wisdom has found an explanation for the car too. A bird flying into the cabin is, of course, a warning that today you need to be much more careful on the road than usual. Just in case, say: , and, if possible, get the car blessed. But if the driver or passenger is a lonely girl, then the dove informs her that she will soon meet a man of the same color as the bird. Moreover, he will have his own car. It sounds a little naive, but this interpretation has been confirmed many times!
  • It happens that a pigeon not only visited your home, but also left its droppings, for example, on the carpet. Do not rush to pour out your anger on him, this is a direct indication of great wealth. This is also indicated by a sign if a bird brought something in its beak - a leaf, a twig, it doesn’t matter what exactly.
  • If he came to you through the kitchen window, a very warm and happy family life awaits you.

A pigeon craps in the apartment

If you notice that a bird that has flown into your apartment has pooped on the floor or furniture and flies out the open window, expect financial well-being. Soon fortune will turn its face towards you. This behavior of the bird indicates financial profit. Perhaps a salary increase or an unexpected inheritance awaits you.

You can try to play with fortune and buy a lottery ticket, which is sure to be a winner.

Signs about pigeons are always associated with unexpected news, but if the bird also craps in your room, then this necessarily indicates an influx of money for you personally.

What to do if a dove flew into the window. Folk signs about pigeons Pigeons entered the wrong house!

The dove flew to the young people

What girl doesn't dream of getting married? Many young unmarried beauties make fortunes for the New Year and Christmas. But there is one sign by which you can immediately tell whether there will be a wedding in the near future or not.

  • If a flock of pigeons often flies to an unmarried girl’s window, or pigeons often knock on the window, then there will soon be a wedding in this house.
  • The dove foreshadows a marriage proposal that a lover will make in the near future.
  • If a dove knocks on the door of a lonely girl, then she will soon meet her future lover.
  • If a dove often flies to a married couple, then perhaps they will soon have an addition to their family.

Why does a dove fly into the window?

Zoologists classify pigeons as beautiful, peaceful animals that live happily next to humans. Psychics and esotericists slightly disagree with this. For a long time there has been special attention to this bird; it was considered not just a messenger from the other world, many signs were associated with it, and not always good ones.

It was believed that the souls of deceased relatives inhabit the body of the dove. Flying to a person, they try to warn about something or say goodbye.

Such meetings do not bode well, but you should not be afraid of them. You need to be able to correctly interpret an unpleasant phenomenon and prevent possible negative consequences, which the bird is in a hurry to talk about.

A dove flew into the apartment window

In city apartments, more often than in rural houses, the windows are opened - the air is stale, stuffy, you have to constantly ventilate the rooms. If pigeons live nearby, then there is nothing strange about the fact that they periodically visit out of curiosity.

However, if there are practically no birds in the vicinity, and a visitor suddenly flies into the room, something is wrong. You especially need to be afraid when a sick pigeon flies into an apartment and dies there, crashes. This sign definitely prophesies death and trouble.

Such a phenomenon should be considered as a warning that illness will come soon. If treated incorrectly, a serious condition will worsen and the patient may die.

All residents of the apartment should be wary, but the sign will especially affect the one who met the visitor first. Along with this, a white dove can portend an imminent marriage and does not prophesy anything bad with its presence.

A dove flew into the window of a house

Nothing good comes from a messenger from the other world flying into the window of a private house. Illnesses, losses, problems and other troubles, even the death of family members, are foreshadowed by such visitors. Moreover, if the bird flew in and flew out almost immediately, the troubles will not be too serious. If you can’t drive it away for a long time, expect trouble.

This is especially true for gray and black pigeons. A brown or red bird brings the news that a meeting with friends will soon take place. If the pigeon is light, and after its arrival it also shits itself - expect financial well-being and success.

Flying into the kitchen window, the feathered messenger reports family well-being and an idyllic personal life. The owners will live a long life, will never be in need, and will have little pain.

Remember! Along with troubles, a dove can bring prosperity, good luck, and happiness to its owners. You should not rush to drive away a guest without understanding why he came.

A dove flew into the entrance window

Taking a closer look at the bustle of pigeons, you understand that the animals live their own lives. Beautiful creatures are very sensitive and trusting towards humans. At the same time, they are curious and at the same time arrogant. So, in search of food and warmth, they often penetrate the windows of entrances, and there is no need to be afraid of such a phenomenon.

According to popular wisdom, this behavior of birds often does not mean anything bad:

  • If a couple arrives, one of the neighbors is getting married.
  • A beautiful cheerful bird is a sign of a housewarming, new residents will move in.
  • The bird is trying to build a nest or has already made a nest - a baby will be born or repair work will begin.

A healthy, cheerful guest came with good intentions, since ridiculous visits are possible only in prosperous houses, where there is a lot of blackness and negativity, the bird will not fly. However, the sick, disheveled messenger speaks of the imminent death of his neighbor.

A dove flew into the office window at work

Such a guest at the workplace promises:

  • a quick change of leadership, the color of the pigeon can be used to judge for better or worse;
  • unexpected changes, perhaps a new employee will appear, thanks to whom the company’s business will go well;
  • several birds - expansion of the staff, which means there will be no planned reduction;
  • weak, sick, disheveled visitor - there will be bankruptcy, layoffs of employees are coming, problems in business.

In addition, if, while paying a visit, a guest also knocks lightly with his beak on the glass or window sill, there will be an inspection.

Note! Often, after the visit of uninvited white feathered guests, surprises (feathers, droppings) remain. The dove left the feather for a reason - it needs to be picked up and kept as a talisman, a talisman for good luck. Shit - financial well-being is coming, receiving a bonus or promotion.

The bird flew onto the balcony

You should pay attention to the fact that the balcony is part of the house, so the interpretation of the sign will be slightly different. That is, both positive and negative meanings are mitigated. For example, if a dead bird in the house means death, then finding it on the balcony means injury or illness. Or, a wedding dove in the room - for marriage, on the loggia - for a successful acquaintance.

But, if the balcony is converted into an independent room (room, office, playroom, etc.), the nature of the omen changes:

  • a pair of birds on the balcony - to peace in the family;
  • the bird sits calmly on the railing - for replenishment;
  • repeated appearance of a dove - to the departure of one of the family members, for example, in connection with marriage, study, long travel, etc.;

Important! If a dove settled on the balcony, it became a talisman for the family. You can feed your friend so that he does not leave the house.

Pigeon in the garage

If a pigeon has flown into your garage, you should carefully examine the bird. A calmly behaving bird that walks around the garage without being scared or is quiet in a corner indicates that you will soon purchase a new car or other controlled vehicle. At the same time, you should not scare an unexpected guest; it is better to try to lure her out of the room with bait.

If a bird is rushing around in the garage and looking at you fearfully, you should listen to your inner voice. Perhaps the bird is warning that you should not make an upcoming purchase or get behind the wheel of a car.

Pigeon in the yard

If a pigeon has flown into the courtyard of a private house, then you should expect guests soon. If you see a bird that has flown into the entrance and is knocking on the doors of the residents, then you should take a closer look at the house. Perhaps a crack has appeared or the walls of the house have settled. It is important to check if there is any smell of gas. Perhaps the bird is trying to warn the residents about the danger. You need to take this sign very seriously.

Popular signs say that if a ringed dove flies into the kitchen, you should expect an imminent wedding. A bird flying into the kitchen indicates that significant events will soon occur that will accompany a mass feast.

Weather harbingers

If pigeons coo on the street, this probably indicates an imminent change in the weather. If it is a clear day, it will soon change to cloudy. And vice versa: in gloomy weather, loud cooing announces that the sun will soon appear. Usually pigeons bathe in a puddle before a long drought or simply dry and hot weather. If you see such “procedures”, you don’t have to worry about rain in the coming days.

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These "baths" can be monitored throughout the spring to give an impression of the weather during the summer months. If the birds bathe a lot and regularly, expect a sunny and hot summer with minimal precipitation. If the puddles left after the rain do not attract pigeons at all, this means that it will happen again soon. In such cases, the birds stubbornly avoid the puddles, and if they enter them, they immediately run out. If on a sunny day in the fall all the doves suddenly hide, the weather will turn bad and it will rain.

Good omens

The positive meaning of the sign about a dove that flew into a room appeared relatively recently. This is due to the spread of religious beliefs, according to which this particular bird symbolizes the Holy Spirit. In addition, she became the guardian of family happiness, and her participation in special events is far from uncommon. Based on these nuances, positive omens should be considered:

  1. If a white wedding dove (with decorations on its legs) flies into the room - fortunately, good news.
  2. The bird ended up in the apartment of an unmarried girl - a sign of imminent marriage.
  3. A dove landing on something and not rushing around the room means improved material well-being.
  4. If a bird crashes into one of the household members in flight, good luck and success in business await the person. The main thing is that in this case there are no abrasions or bruises.
  5. A pair of doves cooing among themselves foreshadows the acquisition of a soul mate, sincere love.

Important! Your own positive emotions after the bird’s visit are the first sign of a successful prediction.


The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about pigeons is love and fidelity, marital happiness and harmony in the family. This symbolism is based on the ability of pigeons to spend their entire lives with a single “partner”: most often, these birds choose a mate for themselves once and for all. In addition, pigeons are excellent parents. They feed the chicks until they come of age, and if something happens to one parent, the other never abandons the clutch: it incubates and feeds the chicks alone.

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The dove is also a symbol of meek disposition, innocence and spiritual purity - this is especially true for white birds. It can symbolize the soul and the connection of a person with the divine (the dove is often depicted as part of the Holy Trinity in the form of the Holy Spirit hovering next to the Father and the Son), and therefore some signs about doves relate to the transition of the soul to another world and can warn a person about death.

Another common meaning of this bird is news or news. Since pigeons are recognized messengers or "postmen", they often warn of unexpected events and guests.

Negative interpretation

The most widespread belief among people is that a dove flying into an apartment is a harbinger of death, illness, and misfortune. This interpretation is valid only under certain circumstances:

  1. The pigeon behaves noisily - to an unsuccessful period in life.
  2. A dead bird in the house means the death of a relative, or a series of major troubles.
  3. If a feathered friend gets into a room where there is a sick person, the condition will worsen and require prolonged treatment.
  4. A dove hits the window and cannot find a way out - to problems in the family or at work.
  5. If a bird crashes into a household member causing harm to health, you must be careful when traveling or upcoming trips.
  6. A feathered frightened a child in the house, or someone present, which means that the deceased relatives are dissatisfied with something.
  7. Repeated visits by birds and knocking on the window mean a fire or other disaster for the home.

Important! The main indicator in such situations is the restless behavior of the pigeon or its death.

The meaning of the sign depending on the color of the bird

If a dove unexpectedly flies into the house, wait for news. They can be both joyful and bad. The interpretation of signs directly depends on the place visited by the feathered guest.


In city apartments, rooms are always ventilated. It's no surprise that feathered friends fly into homes. If there are many birds nearby, you should not pay attention to it. You need to be afraid when a pigeon flies into the apartment alone, since this, according to the sign, is a bad sign.


In such a situation, the bird is considered a harbinger of a serious illness that can lead to death for the apartment owners. You especially need to be afraid if you come across a sick visitor or if he dies in the apartment. In this case, the owners will not be able to avoid grief.

A private house

Problems, losses, illnesses and other negative consequences are what pigeons usually fly to private homes for. All details need to be taken into account. If the bird flew in and flew out immediately, then the problems will not be serious. The visitor does not leave the house for a long time - trouble cannot be avoided. In this case, you need to take into account the color of the bird:

  • white - to prosperity and success;
  • red or brown - for a long-awaited meeting with friends or acquaintances;
  • gray or black - to grief.

This applies to owners of private houses, summer cottages and residential complexes. If the guest is inquisitive and calm, then there is no reason to panic. On the contrary, the bird will be a harbinger of good changes in life - buying a new car, renovating a house, etc. In this case, you cannot drive the bird away, otherwise the owners will face a series of failures. The owners of the house will also be lucky if they find a feather on the property. According to legend, such a gift is a talisman of happiness, good luck and an effective talisman.

Sometimes pigeons may fly into premises at work. This will lead to:

  • Change of leadership. If the bird was white, the leaders will be good; if it was dark, the leaders will be bad.
  • Staff expansion. This should be expected when several visitors fly into the room.
  • Change. For example, a company will sign a lucrative contract, win a tender, or a new employee will get a job who will put the company’s affairs in order.
  • Dismissal. This will happen if a sick feathered visitor flies in.


In search of food and warmth, guests find themselves in residential complexes. If a pigeon suddenly flies into the entrance, according to the sign, it is necessary to count the number of birds:

  • one - for housewarming, change of residence or new neighbors;
  • two - for the wedding.

When a feathered guest builds a nest, you can expect renovations in a multi-story building or the birth of a child.

Signs must be interpreted taking into account the color of the feathered guest. A black bird is a harbinger of trouble. She always brings bad news. In this case, it is recommended to be examined by doctors, resolve problems and make peace with the people around you. White visitors are rare visitors. Their appearance will be a positive sign. Most often, the white bird represents light, innocence and purity. The owners should expect positive changes, good luck and happiness.

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Pigeon droppings are a good sign. This sign has several interpretations depending on what the bird marked:

  • head - to success in business or career growth;
  • shoulder or hand - to creative success, new beginnings or completion of plans;
  • leg - for a long-awaited meeting;
  • clothes - for a new purchase;
  • shoes - to move or change your usual environment.

Interpretation depends on residents

According to beliefs and signs, if a pigeon flew into a house, you need to pay attention to who first noticed it and how it interacted with the bird. For an unmarried girl, the feathered bird promises a quick wedding or a fateful acquaintance. It is important to try to let the guest out without shouting and fuss, so that he is left without physical injury or fear.

For a lonely woman, a dove in the house foretells that she will meet a loved one in the near future and get married. For a married couple, the feathered bird prophesies an addition to the family. The bird advises a man to think about choosing a betrothed or about changing jobs. The young man is reminded of the need to take life more seriously.

If there is a seriously ill person in the house, his health may worsen. After interacting with a bird, someone is left with injuries - you need to be careful when traveling, postpone your trip, change your plane ticket for another day. Accidents are also possible in public transport or in your own car.

The meaning of the sign depending on the color of the bird

A private house


Each sign has its own meaning. You need to figure out why the pigeon flies into the ventilation, window, balcony or loggia.

Into the ventilation

This happens quite rarely. If a pigeon flew into the house through the ventilation, according to signs, you should expect good events. In this case, an unexpected guest will bring news from the other world from relatives. For example, they can warn an unmarried girl about an upcoming marriage, and a married couple about positive changes in life.

Through the window

According to signs, if a dove suddenly flies into the window, it means there will be news. The owners are not waiting for them, but they are the ones who can change their lives. If a dove flew into the apartment of a lonely person, according to the sign, through the window, he will soon meet his love. This relationship can lead the couple to marriage.

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You should be wary if your feathered guest behaves restlessly. In this case, beliefs have a negative meaning. A bird's visit will be a harbinger of death, serious illness or family problems. The one who first discovers the visitor will suffer first.

Change is what the pigeons fly through the balconies for. In such a situation, it is necessary to look at the behavior of the unexpected visitor. If he behaves calmly, then children will appear in the family. Here the visitor plays the role of a stork. If 2-3 birds arrive, it means that love, support, care and peace will reign in the family. When a winged guest often appears on the balcony, someone will soon leave the apartment:

  • for military service;
  • married;
  • to another country;
  • to a new home.

The interpretation of superstitions is also influenced by the color and behavior of the bird. These factors cannot be ignored.

A sign if a dove wanted to fly into the window, but did not fly

If the blue-winged bird did not fly into the room, but settled on the windowsill, this may indicate a threat looming over the home. For example, about an upcoming fire or flood, or about the threat of robbery. If the pigeon also knocks on the window with its beak, you need to be doubly careful. And if he decided to stay on the loggia, that’s an addition. Pigeon nests built on the balcony promise the spouses a long life together.

Attention! The touch of this divine bird is considered a good sign that neutralizes bad omens. When a dove appears in the house, you should lightly touch it and get ready for good changes


How to dispel a negative interpretation

According to experts, how a person himself perceives a visitor is how he should expect such changes. By initially tuning in to the bad, you can attract problems. There is a popular belief: if you see a dove flying into your house, smile at it, and good luck will be in your pocket.

When there is no doubt, the news will be about death, which means you need to go to the priest and pray for health. The place where the messenger sat is washed or sprayed with holy water and sprinkled with salt.

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to our closest neighbors from the natural world - pigeons. Some people love them with all their hearts for their devotion and beauty, graceful twirling in the air and diversity of species. Others have difficulty withstanding noisy and restless flocks, which leave behind stains of excrement and a pungent odor.

Among superstitious people there are both. Pessimists remember very well that any bird is a messenger from the world of the dead. Optimists call the dove God's messenger and expect only good omens from its appearance. The truth, as always, lies in the middle. So what can you expect from the appearance of a pigeon in an office building?

  • The appearance of a feathered messenger of higher powers in the office through an open window predicts a variety of news. A guest with steel-gray or gray plumage promises an urgent task from the authorities, a dark-winged bird will upset you with the gloomy prospects of reduced income, and a snow-white visitor will delight you with news of a bonus or promotion.
  • It happens that, due to an oversight by the guards, a pigeon enters the office in the traditional way, that is, through the door. In this case, we should expect the appearance of a delegation of partners for negotiations or a “landing party” of foreign colleagues to exchange experience. However, an unexpected revision is quite possible.
  • Pay attention to the bird's behavior. If she calmly and curiously explores the room, then you don’t have to worry and calmly expect good news. A twig or blade of grass in a guest's beak is considered a particularly good omen. After all, this sign indicates positive dynamics in the financial condition of the company and the financial situation of employees.
  • The only unfavorable interpretation foreshadowing the bankruptcy of an enterprise is associated with the mysterious appearance of a feathered messenger in the office with the windows and doors closed. Such an event should be an impetus for looking for a new job, especially if the bird is mindlessly darting around offices or, conversely, sitting ruffled in the darkest corner.

Since ancient times, the dove has been considered a sacred bird, a kind of messenger from heaven. According to Slavic beliefs, it personifies the souls of the departed, serving as a link with the divine world. In different parts of the world, these birds are given different meanings. In our country, it is traditionally believed that if, according to a sign, a dove flies into the window, then this sign of fate foreshadows the possible death of one of the household members.

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What to do with a dove flying into a window

The most important thing upon the arrival of the messenger of heaven is not to get scared yourself and not to frighten the unfortunate animal. Of course, it needs to be visually inspected in order to understand the intentions. No matter what color the visitor is, he must not be harmed. We must do everything possible to ensure that the bird, having fulfilled its purpose, flies away alive and healthy.

It would be nice to feed the messenger of goodness by pouring cereals and crumbs. And it would also do no harm for the messenger of bad news to feast on it, perhaps by appeasing the dove and the problems will be alleviated a little.

Next, you need to open the window or window as wide as possible and wait for the bird to fly away. Those who are too annoying can be carefully picked up with gloves and released out the same window through which they flew into the home.

Elimination of negative effect

To ward off the consequences of a bad omen from your family and home, you should do several things:

  1. release the bird outside without damaging its wings and paws; if it does not fly away on its own, you should put on gloves and catch it, and then release it;
  2. the balcony or window through which the pigeon flew in must be washed using detergents, wipe all surfaces touched by the bird with a damp cloth with an antiseptic;
  3. the room needs to be ventilated, believers can go to church and remember their deceased loved ones. It is also recommended to check your health, apartment and car insurance.

In order to avoid bad consequences, a restless feathered guest must be calmed. Open the window wide and say:

“Fly for food, not for your soul”

“Fly to freedom, take away our grief”

After such a ritual, misfortunes should bypass the apartment residents.

To get rid of the negative consequences of a sign, you should go to church

Black dove

If a black dove knocks on your window, then you should beware of bad news. Black color is a harbinger of trouble. If someone in your family has health problems, you need to be thoroughly examined to avoid unwanted consequences.

Well, if you notice that a black dove is looking into your room through the glass, then this is also bad news.

Of course, there are people who really believe in omens and find some signs in our hectic lives, but you shouldn’t depend so much on them.

A bird flying onto a balcony is not always a sign. Perhaps the reason lies in the disorientation of the birds, which have flown to a great height and cannot determine the desired direction. Perhaps the pigeon just got hungry and found seeds or other food on your balcony.

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