Why does a dove knock on the window according to signs?

Why is the dove knocking on the window?

If a dove knocks on the window, the sign is interpreted taking into account the circumstances of the incident. The most common interpretation is that news will be received soon. Also, the belief may have a slightly different meaning:

  • A bird knocks with its beak on the window in the kitchen - it will be possible to achieve financial stability. Money problems will not arise in the near future.
  • In the glass of the living room - good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. It is possible that you will soon be pleased with a promotion, an unexpected profit, or a new round in your personal life.
  • In the bedroom - lovers living in the house are in danger of imminent separation. They will not have the opportunity to see each other for a long time. One of the partners will probably have to move to another city.
  • Into the windshield of a car - there is a risk that a person will get into an accident. It is recommended to stop driving in the near future.
  • In the office - career growth.
  • A dove knocked on the window and fell dead - this means that the person is in serious danger. You need to be as careful as possible.

Bad omens

Despite the popular belief that the dove is a bird of peace, it can also portend bad things.

  • If a dove knocks on the bedroom window, then the lovers living in the apartment are in danger of separation. They will not be able to see each other for a long time, as circumstances will cause one of the partners to move to another city. The bird indicates that people will not be able to remain faithful to each other. Soon they will break up.
  • If the pigeon does not knock, but beats with its whole body, trying to fly into the window, then the owner will be disappointed in his business. He will realize that he is wasting time on things that do not bring him pleasure. However, he will not be able to quickly change jobs and start from scratch.
  • If a dove accidentally flew into the house and fought against the window in an attempt to fly out, then the person will have to endure the betrayal of a close friend. The omen will come true if the individual does not take a closer look at his surroundings in time. If the traitor is found, then you can avoid being stabbed in the back.
  • If a pigeon knocked on the window when it was dying, after which a person found the bird’s corpse at low tide, then the individual would be in serious danger. You need to try to go out as little as possible and not meet strangers at all. You should also establish contact with distant relatives, as the omen may affect them too.
  • If a white dove flew into the house and hit the glass from the inside, then a misfortune awaits the person related to children. If there are pregnant women among his close friends or relatives, then you should be wary of a miscarriage. If there are small children in the family, then you need to closely monitor their health so as not to miss deviations from the norm in the early stages.

The interpretation will take into account the color of the bird

Folk signs associated with pigeons must be interpreted taking into account the color of the bird. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand exactly what the knocking of a bird on the window means:

  • white - joyful events are expected, perhaps a quick addition to the family or a wedding;
  • multi-colored - improved financial situation, happiness;
  • dark gray - you will have to save on everything, there will not be enough money even for basic necessities;
  • the bird is so dirty that it is impossible to see its color - one of the inhabitants of the house will soon fall ill, even death is possible.

If a dove knocked in a dream

Such a dream plot brings only bad news. The degree of their tragedy varies depending on the context of the dream:

  • A white dove knocks on a window in a dream - a meeting with an old acquaintance will make you think about the past. These memories will upset you and make you regret the mistakes you have made.
  • Seeing a chick means getting bad news. Someone close to you will get sick or an accident will happen to them. The sign, however, does not mean the death of the victim. After recovery, his life will continue as before.
  • Another sign associated with the visit of a feathered guest in a dream means that difficulties will soon arise on the path of life. You need to be prepared for them, activate all reserves of strength and resources, and do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones.

A dove is not always a symbol of love and peace. Often a bird knocking on a window does not bode well. The main thing is to prepare for the upcoming changes, analyze the current situation and do everything possible to prevent misfortune.

Interpretation depending on the time of day

The meaning of the signs differs significantly depending on when exactly the bird started knocking on the window:

  • In the morning - great luck. It is possible that you will be lucky enough to win the lottery or achieve a promotion at work.
  • At lunchtime - pleasant, long-awaited events are coming. For example, a wedding, a meeting with close relatives, a fun time with friends.
  • In the evening or at night - negative changes. Perhaps problems will arise in the labor sphere or conflicts will begin within the family.
  • A dove knocks on the window all day - dramatic changes are coming in your life. Whether they will be good or bad directly depends on what emotions a person experiences when he sees a bird. If they are negative, then you shouldn’t expect anything joyful. Positive changes are only possible if the knocking bird is perceived well.

Window location

The type of window and its location affect the interpretation of the sign. It is worth knowing the different interpretations.

  1. Window at work. If a bird hits a window at work and flies away, it is considered a good omen. The event should not be taken personally. A visit from a bird can mean success in the work activities of the entire company or improved working conditions.
  2. Apartment window. If a pigeon hits an apartment window and flies away, what happened does not apply to the people living in the apartment, but to those who were in the room at the time of the collision. The event bears a good sign. If there were several people in the room, then good news can apply to a specific person or to everyone at once.
  3. Window on a balcony or veranda. The balcony and veranda are not considered part of the apartment or house. If after the strike the dove immediately flies away, it is good. If a bird flew into the room after a collision and flew out on its own, the person will experience financial success, provided that the pigeon marked the apartment with excrement. If the bird died on impact, this is news from the other world. The deceased person should be remembered.
  4. Car glass. A collision between a pigeon and a car window is considered a good omen. During the impact, the bird takes upon itself the trouble that threatened the car or its owner in the near future. It is worth thanking the bird and paying tribute if the pigeon dies. For example, bury him. There is a belief that at such a moment the dove contains the soul of a deceased loved one, who protects the car owner from harm.

The meaning of signs for women and men

Signs, as a rule, are divided into “female” and “male”. Naturally, their interpretation will be different:

  • For a girl, the sound of birds is considered a harbinger of marriage. She may soon meet her chosen one. It is possible that the guy she has been dating for a long time will propose to her in the near future.
  • For married ladies, birds report that they have achieved harmony in family relationships and complete mutual understanding with their spouse.
  • For men, these events foreshadow imminent positive changes in the labor sphere. It is also possible that a person will be lucky enough to meet a woman with whom he decides to start a family.

Folk signs about pigeons

Several birds sitting on the windowsill and preening their plumage indicate a change in the weather.

One dove washing itself means for an unmarried girl a meeting with the groom. A young guy needs a promotion up the career ladder. People who are legally married are threatened with small quarrels that can make the marriage stronger.

Pigeons located on the fence of a house - to a long, quiet life with your family. Very soon the family will have an influential friend who will help improve their lives.

The dove, looking first with one eye and then with the other, predicts a quick meeting with an old acquaintance.

Important! To kick a bird out of a window is to drive away good luck.

Folk sign: a dove flew into the house

Above it is written what to do if a dove knocks on the window and what this is a sign of. What to do if he flew into the apartment? A friendly bird is a harbinger of events that can turn life in a positive direction.

Inappropriate behavior indicates injury and a desire to seek protection from the owner of the apartment; I feel his kindness and openness. Then the person needs to be treated and released.

A dove flying through the window announces the arrival of a cheerful group of friends. They are preparing a surprise or a valuable gift for the upcoming holidays.

A bird that often flashed in front of the windows, and one day decided to fly in - a quick conclusion to a happy union and a long family life together.

A dove that did not fly into the house, but proudly entered it with its paws, is a long-awaited addition to the family. A twig in the beak - the soul of a loved one and recently deceased person will be reincarnated in the child.

How to Avoid Bad Predictions

Birds flying to the window do not always bring good news. But even when the interpretation turned out to be negative, you should not despair. You can avoid problems if you adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Under no circumstances should birds be chased away. It's better to feed them. A sick pigeon should be treated.
  • Go to church. It is advisable to light candles for the health of loved ones and the repose of the deceased.
  • Read the prayer. These actions can be performed at home and in the temple.
  • Wash windows using holy water. It would also be a good idea to sprinkle some water on all the doors.
  • Hang a red ribbon or thread on the window handle. Thus, the home becomes protected and no problems arise in the house.

These simple actions will make it possible to prevent bad omens.

A dove knocking on a window most often foreshadows positive changes, success and happiness. Only in rare cases does a sign have a negative meaning. But even if the interpretation turned out to be negative, you should not despair. It is quite possible that the bird does not predict anything at all, for example, the bird flew in in search of food. He just needs to be fed and released in peace.

Values ​​by time of day

Depending on what time of day the dove knocked, you can also decipher the message from heaven:

  • in the morning - be prepared to meet good luck during the day;
  • in the afternoon - large-scale pleasant events are coming, perhaps a long-awaited invitation somewhere (to work, a holiday, to visit, etc.);
  • in the evening - be vigilant, someone needs your help, if you do not provide it, then soon you will need it;
  • the bird knocks throughout the day - dramatic changes are coming, their content depends on the feelings experienced at the sight of a dove - positive sensations will bring joy, exciting ones - worries, negative ones - trouble.

Important . If a bird knocked and then immediately died, then it does not matter at what time of day and through the window of which room it signaled in Morse code - this is a harbinger of impending trouble or grief. Perhaps someone's death will greatly upset you.

Most often, a dove flies in peace and brings the expectation of good news, but if the interpretation of the sign is negative, then the bird’s warning must be used correctly.

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You have time to think and analyze your behavior, remember your loved ones and loved ones. Have you offended anyone lately? Call them for no reason, ask how they are doing, offer help, pray for the living and the dead. Peace and harmony in the soul will help you cope with all future events, and the black streak in life will definitely be replaced by a white streak!

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