Nozzle “Twisted star” 9 rays diameter 36 mm height 51 mm

History of the symbol

Science says: the history of the Star of England comes from very ancient times. Many Slavic amulets are based on this symbol, formed by interconnected triangles. Coming from time immemorial, it is not only mentioned in ancient chronicles, but is still used to this day as a talisman. What does the name mean?

Ingliism is the faith of the ancient Slavic and Aryan tribes who lived together.

The Star of England sign is a nine-pointed star enclosed in a circle.
History considers solar or swastika symbols, which are crosses with curved ends, to be the most ancient. The direction was set clockwise or counterclockwise. Nowadays such signs are popularly called in one word “swastika”, but this is not correct. After all, each such image was given its own name: Slavets, Blagovest and others.

Archaeologists during excavations in Eurasia often found similar ornaments on utensils and household items. The signs in the ornaments meant light, sun and life. One of these Slavic amulets was the Inglia rune - a symbol of the primary fire of the universe. Sometimes it is placed in the center of the star of the same name along with other symbols: sword, feather (lightning).

Rune England in the Star of England.

The pattern of the star of England is not similar to the solar symbols described above, although it may include them. But the same applies to elm ornaments, which combine beauty, the power of an amulet and meaning. Intersecting triangles united the concepts of body, soul and spirit, corresponding to 3 worlds: Rule, Reveal and Navi (Glory). A star with 9 rays is considered the main image in the symbolism of the English Old Believers.


The guard is one of the most popular symbols of the ancient Slavs. Representing the Fire Swastika, it denotes the land of our ancestors, following long-standing traditions and customs. The popularity of the amulet lies in the extraordinary power of its influence. He does not protect a specific person, but the entire Slavic people. Its power extends to the entire land native to the owner, giving it energy for growth and development.

The secret of the Guardian is his ability to use the power that our ancestors received from their faith. The amulet connects them with the wisdom accumulated by our contemporaries in faith today, which makes the amulet even more powerful.

Thus, the Oberezhnik can be considered a specialized amulet for people who, out of duty or simply by spiritual calling, head some kind of association or movement. For the amulet to work most effectively, their activities should be aimed at increasing the spiritual and natural powers that the living descendants of the Slavs possess. It is not for nothing that the amulet traditionally helps biologists and geographers, ecologists and travelers - people whose professions are aimed not only at understanding nature, but also at preserving it, and not modifying it. This gives our family not only new important knowledge, but also increases its spiritual strength.

Traditionally, the Oberezhnik is a combination of two symbols. In its center is the Star of England - the most important sign of the faith of our ancestors. It is very difficult to overestimate its impact on a person. It represents both Fire, which arose as a result of the act of divine creation, and the light that the earth receives from the great Sun God Yarila, and man himself, who follows the path of self-improvement, striving to become worthy of his ancestors. The Star of England consists of three intersecting triangles enclosed in one outer circle. This symbol emphasizes the involvement of the owner of the amulet in the secrets of divine creation. Each of the triangles has a connection with one of the worlds that make up the Slavic world: Prav, Yav and Nav. All that remains outside the circle of England is space subject to the single Creator.

The meaning of the Guardian, which includes the Star of England, is expanded due to the additional meanings of this sign. For example, many followers of the ancient Slavs believe that the Star contains two most important principles at once: natural and human. In addition, additional symbols are often placed in its center. These can be runes, swastika elements or other protective signs (Kolovrat, Perunitsa, Salting, Fern Flower), which allows you to repeatedly strengthen the already powerful amulet.

The second element included in the Oberezhnik is the eight-rayed Kolovrat, which contains the Star of England. The number eight in this case is especially symbolic, since it denotes the infinity of divine power. And Kolovrat, as a sign necessary for development and achieving a goal, makes the influence of the Oberezhnik more targeted.

You can buy Oberezhnik in our online store. The order for the amulet is placed directly on the website.

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Meaning of the Star of England

The name “Engliy” means primordial or true light. The ancient calendar consisted of 9 months, and the week included 9 days. Therefore, the nine-pointed symbol could naturally be associated with the orderliness of the universe. Since numbers in those days were given a special meaning, the magical influence of the number 3 was also seen. After all, multiplied by itself it results in 9.

In mythology, three worlds were considered, called Nav, Prav and Reality. In one of them lived the souls of the dead, in the other - the gods, and in the third - ordinary people. It is assumed that each triangle corresponds to one of the worlds. Their harmonious combination reflects one whole.

The Star of England amulet is outlined by a circle, which was attributed to the role of the border of the sacred fire that gives life. And the emptiness outside the circle symbolized existence itself. And also the activities of the Svarozhich family, the light gods. The star should not be confused with the element representing England itself. Their interpretation and appearance are very different.

By enclosing a nine-pointed sign in a circle, energy can be concentrated as much as possible at a point. The combination of three geometric figures - triangles - is determined by several semantic interpretations. One of them is the image of the patron of the worlds, Triglav. Behind the circle that borders the nine-pointed sign is a void associated with space or other external space.

Other interpretations can be considered from the point of view of a person’s connection with the environment.

  • This is the unity of thoughts that make up a positive attitude, good spirits and physical strength. The circle is interpreted as a conscience that ensures a good name. Since ancient times, the symbolism associated with the star of England reflects the strength of the clan and the connection with its ancestors.
  • A combination of the elements of nature: fire, water and earth. The circle is considered the embodiment of air. Traditionally, the void outside the circle was identified with the world of the gods of the Rule.

When analyzing all the interpretations and combining them with a unanimous opinion, the conclusion suggests itself: the star of England and the very meaning of the symbol are very important for Slavic culture. Namely, they are fundamental to many other traditions. After all, this is a connection between man, nature, and supreme forces influencing the formation of new life. Now the interpretation of the sign remains almost the same.

The Star of England is a combination of the elements of nature: fire, water and earth. The circle is considered the embodiment of air.

Features of using the star of England

The amulet with the star of England has powerful energy, and therefore it can be used not only in everyday protective meaning, but also in rituals to accumulate the energy of the wearer.

Therefore, when planning to use this sign, you should formulate your desired goals as specifically as possible. Inaccurate wording can direct the energy of the talisman in the wrong direction.

Additional symbols are also important, adding their own meaning to the meaning of the amulet (they are discussed above).

BY THE WAY! The meaning and direction of the talisman’s action can vary not only from additional signs, but also from the gender and age of the wearer (taking into account what exactly he needs at this stage of life).

Women wearing the star of England with a sword

It was stated above that, according to traditional ideas, the sword is certainly a male symbol, but under certain circumstances it can also be used by women.

This could be, for example, the following situations:

  • participation in hostilities or military service;
  • hard and stressful work;
  • the need to make important decisions and negotiate;
  • temporary difficulties and hardships;
  • raising children alone.

A talisman with a sword in the star of England will give the bearer the necessary strength and endurance that she needs at the moment. However, it is believed that constantly wearing this symbol has an adverse effect on women’s energy and well-being.

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England Star Sword Tattoo

Usually this tattoo is done by young men. Its main meaning is to give the wearer strength, self-confidence, determination, perseverance and perseverance.

It is believed that a tattoo with such a design can radically change a person’s character. Therefore, the permanent application of the symbol should be treated with caution. Some people advise getting a temporary tattoo first and seeing how it interacts with the wearer.

BY THE WAY! There is an opinion that applying a permanent drawing carrying strong energy to the body of an immature person can prevent him from developing at his own pace and in his own way. However, the symbol in question is currently most popular among young people.

Types of amulet

For modern times, the star of England is a very popular talisman. It is used in everyday life and for rituals. The powerful energy attributed to the symbol, in a magical interpretation, can enhance the effect of other amulets. The energy is concentrated and transferred to the owner. The main lines of the sign often include additions, thanks to which the amulet takes on different configurations. This or that auxiliary element is most often represented by the following images.

  • A sword that promotes the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom.
  • Fern , giving health and harmony.
  • Perunitsa , connecting with the deity Perun, providing his protection.

Runes, solar and other symbols contained within a nine-pointed star enhance its energy and impact.

Fern flower in the Star of England

Fern flower in the Star of England.

By including the additional sign of the fern, the Star of England talisman takes on amazing qualities. It helps to go beyond the ordinary, revealing abilities and gifts. A person achieves high goals. Slavic mythology gives the fern flower a special meaning. Legends say that when found at night on the holiday of Ivan Kupala, it helps to find underground treasures.

Sword in the Star of England

The sword is placed in the center of the star with the hilt or tip up. This is a symbol of masculinity, as a result of which women rarely use it. When combined with the Star of England, it gives the owner strength and endurance. Young men who decide to wear this talisman gain the wisdom of their ancestors, masculinity, and confidence.

Sword in the Star of England.

In adulthood, the man who owns the amulet is endowed with balance, in harmony with the world around him. And also perseverance and fortitude. The owners are more easily defined in life and find their purpose. The sword talisman in the Star of England is especially suitable for people who often face dangers and are obliged to show courage. This is how warriors are.

Varieties of the star of England

The Star of England has a number of varieties, which differ in the symbol placed in the center. Most often, these are signs of a fern flower, a sword or a featherberry.

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With this addition, the amulet acquires a new meaning and its energy is enhanced. Thus, the star of England, supplemented with a sword, helps its wearer gain wisdom and gain new knowledge, featherweed enhances the protective power of the amulet, and a fern flower harmonizes the life of the wearer and protects his health.

Star of England, complemented by a sword

The sword is the most common addition to this symbol. It is believed that the star of England with a sword is a traditionally masculine sign. This combination of symbols gives the wearer strength (both physical and spiritual), courage, determination and endurance.

It is especially recommended for young men to wear such an amulet: the energy and experience of their ancestors will give him courage and guide him on the right path.

For mature men, such a talisman is also suitable: it will help to gain balance and harmony, perseverance and strength.

If a man has not yet found himself in maturity, then a talisman with a sword in the star of England will help him determine his path and destiny.

ATTENTION! It is also recommended to wear a talisman, complete with a sword, for those people whose daily activities involve risks to life and health (police officers, doctors, rescuers, etc.).

It is also important where the tip of the sword in the star of England is directed: up or down.

This changes the meaning of the amulet somewhat:

  • The sword amulet in the star of England, pointed upward, helps the wearer protect his family from outside attacks. The amulet gives a person the ability to quickly respond to various life circumstances and always bring his plans to the end;
  • the sword in the star of England, pointing downward, protects the peace of the wearer and his family, maintains harmony and harmony in relationships.

BY THE WAY! Despite the fact that the symbol in question is considered masculine, women can also use the amulet in certain circumstances. Moreover, for women, a sword with the tip down is most suitable.

Star of England with feathertail

Perunitsa is a stylized lightning bolt placed in the center of a circle inside the star of England.

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This symbol is mainly used to recharge the wearer with energy and protect him from negativity (from outside ill-wishers, dark forces, or simply bad thoughts of the person himself).

In addition, the amulet gives strength (both physically and spiritually), determination and perseverance. This symbol suits everyone, regardless of gender, but the meaning given to the talisman is somewhat different:

  • Featherweed in the star of England helps women preserve youth and beauty;
  • In men, featherweed awakens leadership qualities and helps to achieve heights in their careers.

IMPORTANT! All this can be achieved by the bearer only with pure thoughts. If a person achieves his goals dishonestly, the amulet will not help him.

Star of England with fern flower

The fern flower, which is also often used to complement the star of England, is a complex swastika symbol shaped like a diamond.

Its meaning is associated with the ancient Slavic belief that a person who finds a blooming fern on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 6-7) will be endowed with the ability to see hidden treasures underground.

Since in reality the fern reproduces with the help of spores and, accordingly, does not bloom, the meaning of the belief was reduced to exceptional luck (in addition, according to legend, various evil spirits prevent a person from finding a fern flower, depriving the seeker of reason, memory and generally confusing him in every possible way).

In accordance with the above, the symbol in question gives courage and perseverance in achieving even very difficult goals (by analogy with the search for a non-existent flower when counteracting evil forces).

In addition, the fern flower in the center of the star protects the health of the wearer and helps to achieve harmony and mental balance.

Cleansing and activating the amulet

The amulet can be made of any material. It is important to correctly carry out the ritual of its cleansing and activation. There are a number of rules for the procedure. You can make an amulet with the Star of England symbol with your own hands. Then there is no need to clean it. But it is advisable to free jewelry purchased in a store from unnecessary information. You will need clean water from a spring. As well as salt, which is credited with cleansing properties.

The water should be well salted and a pendant made of a material other than wood should be placed there, which will not be spoiled by such an environment. Leave for a day, after which the contents are poured out of the container, and the amulet is removed for activation. It is necessary to establish contact between the wearer and the talisman. When the energies connect, it can be used as decoration.

To recharge your energy, you need to prefer a sunny day. Before the ritual, the owner must get enough sleep and have a positive attitude. Now he begins, turning to the 4 elements.

  • Spends several times over the fire.
  • Sprinkles with earth.
  • Keep under running water.
  • Air dries.

During the process, you should pray to the Slavic gods so that they will help and provide protection. On the first day, it is not recommended to part with the amulet, even at night, strengthening the connection. Then the owner and the talisman will function in a single flow of energy.

Decoration with the Star of England symbol will protect against damage, the forces of evil, and provide vital energy.

How to use the amulet

Having done the cleaning and united the energy of the talisman with the human one, the owner will enter into a continuous process of unification of energy fields. The force will begin to help only if a person sincerely and with a pure heart believes in it. Otherwise it will just be a trinket.

It must be remembered that the cleansing procedure should be carried out periodically. The blackened silver talisman especially needs this. This is believed to mean taking a hit. In case it is cracked, it is recommended to get rid of the broken item because it can no longer be cleaned. The meaning of symbolism, although expressed in a single key, is interpreted differently for each individual person. The power of the ancestors will remain with the owner of the amulet.

Is Ra-M-Ha unique in the Universe?

In the New Reality, Ra-M-Ha is one (one). But if he manifested himself into the New Reality, it means that somewhere there was an Old Reality in which he was not alone. Or maybe there is some other structure, higher than the Old Reality. Therefore, in general there are many Creators of the Ra-M-Ha level . But in order to understand this, one must reach the same level of development as Ra-M-Ha, i.e. go through many Worlds and Universes, learn and understand each World, understand how to move on.

Star of England Tattoo

Having made a tattoo, a person decides to permanently connect his life with the symbols depicted on the skin. It is believed that the ornament with the Star of England will influence fate and character. A person makes a vow to be courageous, honest and fair, with the support of the forces associated with the amulet.

You need to be careful when getting a Star of England tattoo on your body. After all, the power of such symbolism is very great. Not everyone can correspond to the sign or endure the circumstances associated with its influence. Tattooing is one of the modern ways of using protection and assistance.

Tattoo Star of England with a sword.

People who have had this image on their skin or an amulet for a long time felt the impact. In the first two weeks, internal tension began to subside. New strength and desire for activity, motivation to realize opportunities appeared. The illnesses of previous years are becoming a thing of the past. Adversity passes by.

Sword in the Star of England

As I already mentioned, there is a variant of the amulet in which a sword is located in the center of the circle. And then it acquires additional properties that are very useful for men. This is a universal men's amulet that is no longer suitable for women - they will have to be content with the classic version.

What is the meaning of this symbol execution:

  1. It acquires strong protective properties. Literally, it protects its owner from death and danger. Therefore, even from situations involving a risk to life, he will get away with it. Ideal for men in dangerous professions associated with extreme sports and risk.
  2. The sword strengthens the masculine energies in the body. The owner of the amulet becomes more courageous and energetic. He has clear goals, he begins to see the shortest paths to achieve them. And he never stops - he constantly takes action, overcomes obstacles and works hard to get what he wants.
  3. If such a talisman is worn by a boy or teenager, then he will easily be able to reveal his potential, understand what he wants to become, what he wants to realize. The symbol teaches you to see your hidden capabilities and then use them. It also gives access to the memory and wisdom of entire generations.

The “Star of England” man is a decisive, active, purposeful person who never gives in to circumstances, boldly looks into the future and moves forward, never turning anywhere on his path. He is generous, caring, a good family man, his wife will always live in security and confidence in the future.

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