The meaning of moles on the body - folk signs about fate and character

The key to your destiny: what moles on your body promise you

In Chinese and Indian astrology, moles are considered signs by which one can read a person’s fate. It is believed that the influence of the planets begins already in the prenatal period, and this is manifested in the appearance of moles on the surface of the body. For example, under the influence of Saturn (black color) in Aries (control), black moles appear on the head. Mars rewards the body with red birthmarks. At the same time, some of the planets influence more strongly, and some less. Female planets affect the appearance of moles on the left side of the body, and male planets on the right. Taoist philosophy claims that moles are imprints of past lives preserved on the body, traces of past karmic deeds, both good and bad. It is believed that moles can indicate important turning points in our lives, warn of a secret obstacle, or suggest where unexpected help will come from. According to ancient Eastern traditions, people with unusual moles were revered and enjoyed special honor and respect. Read more about what Taoist philosophy and Tung Shu philosophy say about this matter below.

The meaning of a mole on the body

Markings on the body have magical meaning if they are located in certain areas of the body. Women with such spots can develop psychic abilities. There are three such places:

  1. A birthmark on the temples indicates a very developed intuition. Unfortunately, many women do not attach importance to this. But they are surprised when a sudden thought turns out to be the most correct. They know how to detect lies and have a good understanding of people. Their ability is clairvoyance and prediction.
  2. A spot above the knee gives a woman the ability to communicate with the other world. This can happen in your sleep. Most often, tips and advice from deceased relatives help a woman make the right decisions.
  3. The mole above the lip attracts the eye. Such a woman knows how to inspire and hypnotize. Often the assumptions and wishes she makes come true. You need to be careful with her. After all, the desire for evil expressed in the hearts can come true. She can easily jinx it.

Moles on the body are usually located randomly. Some have a whole scattering of them, others only have one or two. People completely without moles are rare. If moles on the body form a clear triangle, then the person has a tendency to have supernatural abilities.

The meaning of moles on the back depends on their location. So if the spots are on the upper back, it means that the woman loves an active lifestyle. Most likely, she is an athlete. Takes care of your health and appearance. At the same time, he gets sick often and for a long time. Has a good sense of humor. Treats himself with irony. The life path of such women is full of unpredictable events. But she is able to cope with all problems, since she is a leader in life.

A birthmark on the back means that in a past life the woman experienced betrayal. And now she should open up to people with caution and be selective in communication.

Moles on the lower back characterize a woman with a changeable, impressionable character. She constantly worries about her future and financial situation.

A mole on the sacrum speaks of an independent nature that relies only on itself. She doesn't trust people. And sometimes he suffers because of it.

There are times when suddenly there are more moles. The appearance of new spots indicates that serious changes should be expected soon. You will have to face a lot of obstacles and endure difficulties.

If a mole is hidden on the head under the hair, its owner may not even know about its existence. Usually, such a woman is a manipulator. She is a good psychologist by nature, she reads people like an open book. Unfortunately, because of this, she has problems in relationships with loved ones. In addition, vindictiveness interferes, which does not allow one to forget the insult. Having experienced betrayal once, she will avoid new relationships. This woman is smart and successful. But often lonely.

The signs on the chest also have a sacred meaning. Moreover, the location of the spot matters. If the mole is on the left breast, then the woman is experiencing love troubles and often changes partners. The location on the right chest speaks of a faithful and loving wife. There is an opinion that people who love or have loved have spots on their chests.

The meaning of birthmarks depending on the shape

The influence of marks depends on their size and structure. The larger the spots, the more strongly they affect the character and fate of a person. Small moles may not carry any meaning. The marks come in different shapes.

Round spots indicate a happy life and good character.

Square-shaped moles are a warning sign. A person expects many difficulties in his personal life and work, and health problems may arise. Such difficulties often begin at a younger age and may disappear over the years.

Triangular markings do not provide accurate information. It can be either good or have a negative interpretation. It is worthwhile to approach issues carefully and carefully.

Moles in the shape of a star or other zigzags make you wary. Fate has prepared many unforeseen situations and turns for a person, which are most often unfavorable.

Nevi can also be flat or convex. Convex spots can cause discomfort and bleed if frequently injured. If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to remove such marks.

The meaning of moles on the hands

Hands are the most visible part of a person. Therefore, by looking at the moles on the hands, it is not difficult to determine a person’s character. Of course, if you know how to do it.

A woman with moles on her shoulders successfully achieve career heights. But this path does not come easy to them. Every time you have to overcome yourself. Therefore, such a woman knows how to control both herself and those around her. She is domineering and strict, but at the same time very calm. It is difficult to understand from her what emotions she is experiencing. Everything happens deep inside, but on the outside there is an indifferent mask. Due to the reluctance to show emotions and the desire to keep everything under control, such a woman is often lonely.

If the mole is hidden under your arm, then you are lucky. The owner of the mark is lucky. Whatever she undertakes, success is guaranteed. Be it career, personal life, finances. They have a fairly calm character. But sometimes warmth and softness are not enough. Therefore, a man will be unhappy in a marriage with such a woman.

Markings on the left palm are a bad sign. It is believed that this is a curse. And the fate of a woman is difficult. Nothing will come easy for her. She will experience a lot of shocks and suffering. Such a spot indicates the presence of a gift. If a woman can find it in herself and develop it, she will be able to control her destiny. It will be easier for her to cope with obstacles. Such a woman is not successful in relationships with men. She will have to go through several betrayals and marriages. But in the end, she will find a man who is faithful to her.

The signs on the fingers belong to creative individuals. They draw great and play instruments. They make virtuoso magicians. But if the spot is on the ring finger, this is a bad sign. You should expect problems in relationships with men. It is recommended to hide such spots with a ring, especially for unmarried women.

Location on the outer side of the palm promises a successful marriage and a happy family life. These women are loyal and hardworking. Good housewives. But their careers are also on the rise.

General interpretations of signs

  • It can be noted with great confidence that the owners of spots on the neck are spiritually developed people. They are open to any religious movements and practices, perceive signals from the outside especially sensitively and often have extrasensory abilities.
  • Another distinctive feature of a person with a mark on the neck is amazingly good health and incredible stamina. They cope well with any stress without losing their presence of mind in the most unusual situation. Their energy is enough not only for their own achievements, but also for supporting loved ones.
  • If your spouse or colleague has a mole on their neck, consider yourself very lucky. Indeed, in communication, such individuals create a comfort zone around themselves for any person. Working and living with them is easy and pleasant due to their balanced and patient nature. However, too impulsive natures can be irritated by the slowness and prudence of the owner of the “neck decoration”.
  • Despite a lot of positive human and professional qualities, someone who has a mole on their neck will never achieve very noticeable success in life. And all because such people are too correct and law-abiding, do not like to take risks and avoid unpleasant situations.

The meaning of a mole on the stomach

Moles on the stomach are characteristic of hot-tempered, impatient and emotional women. Passions boil inside them, which sometimes interfere with achieving their goals. Such women are very attractive in appearance. They know how to win the attention of men and the envy of women. Quite selfish and narcissistic people.

The main problem is food. Women with moles on their stomachs do not know how to control themselves and often overeat. Accordingly, they suffer from excess weight. It can be difficult for them to force themselves to give up their favorite cakes and other sweets. But natural beauty helps them. They easily find a life partner and are happy with him. They have a big friendly family. Such a woman is a good wife and mother. But she is prone to bad habits. Therefore, close people should control her addictions and not let this happen.

A mole in the navel characterizes a devoted, caring woman. She chooses her husband carefully. And he stays by his side all his life, supporting him in every possible way.


The presence of such “marks” indicates a large number of ups and downs in the life of a person who is accustomed to rushing to extremes. If a mole is located on a woman’s left breast, this indicates an unhappy life or unrequited love; on the right, it indicates fidelity and constancy in marriage.

The same applies to men, most often widowers, who do not remarry after the death of their wife.

A nevus under the chest indicates an insidious and scheming person, capable of doing anything for his own benefit.

The meaning of moles on the legs

If the mole is located on the knee or above, then the woman is mysterious and modest. She spends most of her time thinking. Is in itself. They are impressionable, so they often suffer from psychological disorders. May have magical powers. At the same time, men find them attractive. Such a woman has no problems with choosing a companion.

If the mole is on the thigh, then the woman is a workaholic. She sticks to her job and puts all her strength into it. So that there is stability in her life. This means a lot to her. She knows how to manage money and think through the family budget down to the smallest detail. If the mole is located on the back of the thigh, then the owner will be lucky. She is an optimist and cheerful person.

If there are a lot of moles on the thighs, then the person is absent-minded. Can't find his way in life. She takes on everything at once and never finishes anything.

The marks on the feet characterize the owner as a serious, caring woman. At the same time, she is characterized by some inconstancy in tastes and views. She easily changes her mind. He doesn't know how to defend it.

If you have moles on your toes, you should take care of your health. High risk of disease, poor immunity.

On the face of men

For men, the meaning of the location of moles is different from for women. For example, if a man has a mole on his cheek, then he has a strong-willed character. He quickly makes decisions that are unexpected for those around him.

Mole under the lower lip

Talks about sexual desires, which do not always lead to good things. Such a person has a difficult character: jealousy and laziness predominate.

Presence of a large mole on the chin

Speaks of a powerful, even despotic character. This is a man with big goals and outdated moral principles. The main thing for him is a strong family, in which everyone obeys the head of the family. If the mole is on the right side of the chin, the man is aggressive, rude and greedy. On the left – it accepts new trends and is constantly improving.

Mole under the nose

Makes the man look like a wizard. It has the potential of a predictor. He can explain dreams, be a good astrologer and psychologist.

The meaning of a mole on the forehead

Moles and spots on the face often displease the fair half. Especially if they have an irregular shape, there are many of them, or they are located in strange places. Sometimes it can be very ugly and noticeable. Women try by all means to hide a mole or remove it using medical methods.

Moles on the frontal part of the face are of particular importance. Experts use them to evaluate a person’s abilities.

A mole above the bridge of the nose belongs to women with high intelligence and developed intuition. They strive for new knowledge and are curious. They often have extrasensory abilities, such as clairvoyance. A woman may not attach any importance to this. But on an intuitive level he knows how to listen to himself.

The mark on the forehead is characteristic of leaders. Such women make good leaders and politicians. If we add hard work, then a woman is able to achieve all the heights that she has planned.

The location of a mole on the right side of the forehead promises good luck financially. Money flows to such people on their own. If a woman is able to manage them correctly, then the financial well-being of her family, children and grandchildren is ensured.

Three witch marks

In the old days they believed that large moles were the marks of the devil. In the Middle Ages, people were burned at the stake for this, declaring such people witches. Sorcerers and magicians believe that some moles can determine whether a person has extrasensory, mystical abilities.

There are three places called the three witches' marks. This is the presence of a mole:

  1. On the temple
  2. Above the knee
  3. Above the upper lip

If a person has a large dark mole on his temple, then this may indicate that the person has beyond intuition. He feels people well, hears his inner voice and trusts it. Such people can predict events and help others with the right advice.

Another sign of superpowers in a person is the presence of a mole above the knee. Such people are conductors of thoughts and messages from the other world to the world of the living. They can see deceased people in their dreams and in reality and have conversations with them. People with such a mole can be real magicians.

If a person has a mole above his upper lip, he has developed the ability to hypnosis. They, like a magnet, attract other people to themselves. But they can easily “jinx” another. Even accidentally, a bad word spoken in the hearts can harm another person. Therefore, such people need to watch their words.

The meaning of a mole on the neck

Spots on the neck indicate a woman’s willfulness. She does not take into account other people's opinions. Finds counterarguments to arguments. He loves to argue. He gets upset if he loses and worries about it for a long time. If she falls in love, then forever. A woman treats her chosen one with tenderness and sensitivity. She becomes a good wife and mother. Often, owners of moles on the neck have a similar fate to their mother.

If the mole is on the back of the neck, you need to be careful with excitement and spending money. Learn to budget and save. For such women, money flows away like water. They can easily spend a large amount and then live by counting their pennies.

But if the mole is on the front of the neck, the woman’s finances are fine. She knows their value and knows how to earn money. She is a realist and always cares about the future of her family.

You may recognize yourself in these descriptions. Or maybe not. You should never take such characteristics literally. After all, every person is individual. What suits one may not suit another. Remember that all these characteristics are general. It is impossible to systematize every mole. The same applies to signs on the body. Moles tend to appear and disappear, grow and shrink. These formations are still poorly studied. There are many unclear points regarding the reason for their appearance and changes. For example, why some moles are permanent while others change. There is an opinion that moles, which decide one’s fate, remain on the body forever. Even if you bring them together, they will appear again. Therefore, if the mole does not bother you, do not touch it. Let him live with you. After all, by removing it, you can remove your talisman and protector.

Esotericism is not an exact science. No one will ever be able to describe you correctly just by looking at your moles. To do this you also need to be a good psychologist. The person must recognize you. But if you compare famous personalities and the meanings of their moles, a lot coincides. And everyone decides for themselves to believe in the meaning of moles or not.

Signs about moles

Various interpretations contain a lot of information, sometimes quite contradictory, about where the mole is located and what it means. In some cases, according to signs, such “marks” can affect the fate, health and character of their owner.

The most iconic are moles on the face. Their owners are emotional, creative and talented people who never cease to amaze with their originality and abilities. It is no coincidence that such nevi become the calling card of many celebrities (Cindy Crawford, Vera Brezhneva, Marilyn Monroe).

Let's take a closer look at other places of appearance and signs about moles.

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