A conspiracy to dream about your beloved man

A simple meditation to dream about your loved one

A common way to dream about a guy or girl is meditation.

The magic will work when a number of conditions are met:

  • no one should know about your intention to dream about your loved one, so as not to ruin your plans;
  • the room where the meditation will take place should be dark;
  • try to be alone at home or conduct meditation at the appropriate time so that none of your relatives or residents can interfere;
  • it is necessary that the person to whom the dream is addressed sleeps, otherwise meditation is simply meaningless;
  • select in advance the quiet meditative music that you will use, it will help you relax and concentrate on the result;
  • a directed dream must have meaning and be interpreted according to the dream book, so that the recipient can not only see it, but also decipher it.

For the meditation ritual you will need to prepare several items:

  • regular white candle;
  • aroma oils;
  • a photograph of a loved one (the addressee should be depicted as he or she looks now - group and children's photos are not suitable).

The correct sequence of actions for meditation:

  1. Darken the room.
  2. Turn on relaxing music.
  3. Rub the candle with aroma oil, drop a few drops into a special aroma lamp. When choosing an oil, it is preferable to opt for light citrus or floral aromas. Lavender will help you relax faster, rose oil will awaken your imagination, orange and lemon oils will make it easier to maintain concentration, peppermint oil will help you get rid of extraneous thoughts during the ritual.
  4. Let your hair down - it’s easier to concentrate your internal energy.
  5. Lie down on the sofa, sit half-sitting in a chair to make it comfortable. Place the photo next to it.
  6. Close your eyes and concentrate on visualizing your loved one.
  7. Breathe slowly, feel how your body becomes weightless and does not restrict your mind from moving.
  8. You need to let go of your thoughts and ask yourself what kind of dream you want to get into.
  9. Imagine that you are standing behind your lover.
  10. Concentrate on an invented dream plot with you in the lead role.
  11. Meditation should take at least an hour.
  12. Be as focused as possible on the goal and try not to fall asleep, despite the darkness and comfortable position.
  13. Don't put out the candle. It should burn out to the end.

Meditation is suitable for purposeful people with sustained concentration and a rich imagination.

If you get distracted and lose touch with the person you are directing the dream to, meditation will not work.

Rules for reading sleep spells

  • The phase of the moon can be any, but many prefer to carry out the ritual on the full moon, since during this period people are more easily susceptible to suggestion;
  • It is best to read a plot to dream about a loved one just before bed. If you perform a ritual and are immediately distracted by other things, the right moment may be missed. Remember: for a person to see you in a dream, both you and he must sleep at that time;
  • Be sure to back up your actions with mental visualization. The more clearly you imagine the dream that your loved one is destined to see, the more likely it is that it will turn out exactly as you intended;
  • If you don't believe in the magical power of a conspiracy, don't read it. Your doubts will block the flow of energy, and magic words will not have the desired effect. With such an attitude, you can only do harm;
  • It is advisable to take a shower or swim before reading the plot. It is especially important that hair is clean - it is a conductor of feminine energy;
  • Before performing a magical ritual, you need to fast and read prayers for several days;
  • Don’t tell anyone that you carried out a conspiracy to return your husband’s love. The fewer people know about this, the greater the likelihood of your wish coming true.

The best ways to dream about the man you love

In ancient times, people believed that dreams were an important component of any person’s life. To this day, many tribes in Africa and the Far North have preserved the belief that sleep and reality are two full-fledged components of existence. It is worth using methods that have been proven since ancient times; they will help attract attention and win the heart of the man you love.

Strong rituals that allow you to dream about a person you really like include:

  • full moon ritual;
  • new moon spell;
  • smoke spell;
  • ritual with photography;
  • conspiracy to reflect;
  • ritual with water;
  • spell for rain.

Rituals will only work if the person performing them believes that they work. Trying to perform rituals “for fun” is a common waste of time.

Full moon ritual

The full moon ritual is one of the most effective ways to make your loved one dream. The power of this method is similar to a love spell. We need to wait for the full moon. When performing a strong ritual, it is imperative to hold a photograph or hair of your loved one in your hands.

Sequence of ritual actions:

  1. On the full moon you will go out into the yard.
  2. Find a place where there are no cars or passersby so that no one will disturb you.
  3. Raise your head to the moon, bring a photo or hair of your loved one to your lips and begin to speak a dream.

The moon fills with light, love for the sweet rises. How I see the lunar disk, and my dear one sees me in a dream

On the way home, try not to meet anyone.

Several ways to come to your loved one in a dream are shown in the video. The video was filmed by the Natalia Radomskaya channel.

Conspiracy for the new moon

The new moon spell is one of the proven ways to dream about your loved one. The convenience of this ritual is that there is no need to wait for a certain day. The ritual can be performed on any night in the first half of the lunar cycle. The ritual will be more effective the closer to the beginning of the cycle it is performed.

For the plot you will need several items:

  • photo or lock of a loved one;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • bowl of water;
  • candle;
  • three coins of the same denomination, preferably silver.

Sequence of actions when reading the plot:

  1. The ritual should be performed near the window, since during magical actions it is important to see the moon.
  2. Light the candle and place it so that the light from it falls on the hair/photo of your loved one.
  3. Place a bowl of water in front of you and throw three coins into it one by one.
  4. Pour sugar into the water and stir while looking at the moon. Start reading love spells for sleep.

The moon walked across the sky, calling her beloved, dropped three coins, and I picked them up. Moon-sister, help the girl, so that my dear one can have a dream this night. May the dream be sweet and long, May the dear one find a way under the canopy in the darkness! My word is strong, my thought is light, Everything will be as I say!

After pronouncing the ritual words:

  1. Don't go to bed until the candle burns out, think about your loved one.
  2. Keep the coins under your pillow until the end of the lunar cycle.
  3. Pour the water from the bowl in the yard under a tree. Preferably under pine or birch.

Smoke plot

Fire and smoke have always been powerful magical attributes. They will also help direct the dream to your lover. There are many rituals and conspiracies associated with smoke.

For the conspiracy you will need:

  • incense stick/candle;
  • matches;
  • ashtray/old plate;
  • sheet of paper and pen.

The order of ritual actions is as follows:

  1. Think carefully about the dream and write it down on a sheet of paper.
  2. Wait until the evening when the first stars begin to appear in the sky.
  3. Fold the sheet of paper in half and place it in an ashtray/on an old plate.
  4. Take a match and set the edges of the sheet on fire.
  5. Carefully light a candle or incense stick on a burning leaf and place it behind an ashtray or plate.
  6. Look at the flame and begin to say the spell (when the page burns out, look at the candle or incense stick).

Like smoke curls above me, sleep is rushing towards my beloved. Silence of the night, I conjure you, let your beloved see my slave (name) in a dream. My word is firm, strong, as I say, so it will be!

Conspiracy to reflect

A spell on a mirror is the most effective, but also the most dangerous method with which you can bring your loved one into a dream. The following ritual requires caution; you should think about and control every action.

To carry out the conspiracy you will need:

  • large mirror;
  • dense, opaque fabric;
  • two candles;
  • matches;
  • lipstick (important - the lipstick belonged to you and no one else wore it);
  • glass of water.

Sequence of ritual actions:

  1. Place a mirror on the table so that a minimum of objects are reflected in it.
  2. Drape the fabric over the mirror so that it can be lowered at any time, covering the reflection.
  3. Place candles on both sides of the mirror.
  4. Place a glass of water in the center, in front of the mirror. It will serve as a kind of barrier from entities that will try to influence or cause harm from the other side of the mirror.
  5. Wait until dark and light the candles.
  6. Write your loved one's name on the mirror.
  7. Sit in front of the mirror and look into it, repeating the spell.

As I am reflected in a mirror, So in a dream “name” appears. He will sleep and rest, and will be able to see me in his dreams.

After pronouncing, you need to do the following:

  1. Looking straight into the eyes of the reflection, repeat the spell three times.
  2. If it seems that someone is watching you, you will feel that the reflection is becoming “wrong”, “alien” - immediately cover the mirror with a cloth and extinguish the candles.
  3. Water from a glass in the morning should be poured into a jar/container and poured away from the house.
  4. No one should see the writing on the mirror. In the morning, get up at dawn and wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Ritual with a photo

In most of the rituals listed earlier, photography was a component of the ritual for a reason. This is due to the fact that the image of a person retains the remainder of his energy. With the help of photography, it is easier to establish a spiritual connection with the person you want to dream about.

For a simple ritual you will need:

  • a clean new tablecloth (preferably made of natural material, cotton or linen);
  • four candles;
  • photograph of a lover/beloved.

Sequence of ritual actions:

  1. Lay out a new tablecloth.
  2. Place candles at the four corners of the table.
  3. Place a photo of your loved one in the center.
  4. Don't let anyone see you preparing for and performing the ritual.
  5. Wait until dark and light the candles.
  6. We repeat a short prayer three times.

Night came, I fell asleep. Slave (name), a simple girl, but I will be a dream for my beloved. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After saying:

  1. We look at a photograph and think about a loved one, we need to evoke the vision of a dream in our mind. Think carefully about what you will say in your dream, what you will look like, what you will ask, and what answer you will hear.
  2. Don't end the ritual until the candles have burned out to make your loved one dream.

Water spell

Water is one of the strongest carriers of information and energy charging points in various rituals. The spell for water attracts with its simplicity and effectiveness.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • ring;
  • candle;
  • a sheet of paper and a pen (prepare a small piece of paper in advance that will fit in the bowl);
  • bowl of water.

Actions that need to be performed for a successful ceremony:

  1. Wait until night.
  2. Draw the curtains tightly. Make sure that the moonlight does not enter the room.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Write your loved one's name on a piece of paper and place it in the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Turn the ring three times on your finger, pronouncing the words of the spell.

Water, water, help your beloved to dream, your dear one will rest and wait for me in his dreams. My word is indestructible, it cannot be broken with a sword, nor can it be deceived with gold!

After pronouncing the spell:

  1. Lower the ring to the bottom of the bowl.
  2. You can't go to bed until the candle burns out.

Conspiracy to dream about your ex

This ritual should be done to remind a person with whom you have a close relationship. It is often used to direct a dream to an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.

Technique for performing the ritual:

  1. You need to go to bed before twelve at night, after saying the prayers - “Our Father” and “St. Nicholas”.
  2. After this, clearly imagining the image of your former lover in your head, say the plot out loud.

Tryn on the grass, a shadow on the wall - I will dream of you, and you - of me!

Repeat the spell at least 12 times before going to bed.

Spell for rain

If there is bad weather outside, wind and rain, then the time for a conspiracy is most suitable.


  1. We need to go outside.
  2. Place your hands under the cold streams of water, holding the image of your loved one in your head.
  3. Say the spell out loud three times.

Horses, horses of the rain - gallop, bring me to your beloved's dream. My beloved is waiting for me in a dream, he doesn’t close his eyes. If he catches me, he will love me.

After completing the ritual, you need to immediately return home and go to bed. At night, your loved one will definitely dream about it.

Effective spells to come to a guy in a dream

The idea that a dream is an expression of a person's subconscious thoughts and desires is partly reliable. However, there are methods that help penetrate night visions. Using dream magic and special spells, you can dream about a guy to evoke the right emotions in him. The spell options we offer below help build relationships and help your loved one take the first step.

Unlike love spells, conspiracies are considered safe methods for achieving what you want. Without having a strong impact on your loved one, the magic of dreams helps to maintain a connection with him and evoke sympathy.

If you decide to use conspiracies, then first familiarize yourself with the main points. Firstly, it is not recommended to use dream magic in relation to a person who is married or in love with another. Such situations, when using energy methods of influence, may not turn out in your favor.

This spell is quite simple. To complete this you will need a small mirror and a marker/felt-tip pen. Having prepared the necessary items, you can begin to perform the ritual.

I am reflected in the mirror surface in order to appear in the dream of my beloved (his name). He can sleep peacefully, rest until morning, and see my image in a dream. Amen.

To dream of a person this night, place a mirror under your pillow. It should be placed with the mirror side up. When you wake up in the morning, take out the enchanted mirror. Rinse its surface under running water. Then dry it and hide it by wrapping it in a piece of clean cloth. This mirror can be used again. If you need to order a dream for your loved one with your participation, repeat the ritual.

Some such conspiracies involve the participation of extraterrestrial forces.

A dream for the servant of God (the name of the desired person). Let your dream be about me. Amen.

We suggest you read: After the love spell, ex-boyfriends began to be attracted

At the same time, you need to baptize your mouth.

After the ceremony, return home. Rest assured, what you ordered to the Moon will definitely come true.

This plot is more effective than the previous one. You need to read it with your eyes on the moon.

Mother, Luna! Please help! Send greetings to my dear servant of God (his name), from the servant of God (his name). So that he would see me in a dream, so that he would remember me, miss me and look for a meeting. I ask for help, I send my heartfelt gratitude.

If you want to dream about your sweetheart, then read the words from the sheet three times in a row. Then you will need to put the paper on a saucer and set it on fire. When the leaf burns out, take the ashes in your palm. After opening the window, blow into your palm to dispel the ashes. Then go to bed. By performing this ritual, you can be sure that what you want will come true.

Smoke helps

There are stronger conspiracies. As a rule, they are read by smoke. With the help of smoke, through a dream, you can inspire your loved one with the warmest thoughts about yourself. The magic of smoke was famous in ancient times for its effectiveness and results.

If you want to read a smoke plot in order to appear in a dream to your beloved guy, then prepare a bunch of straw in advance. It should be collected with your own hands to enhance the effect of the conspiracy. When you go out into a field or meadow, collect flowering herbs. After drying them in the shade, proceed to carry out your plans.

Go to the servant of God (his name), little smoke. Just as the haze will swirl in the wind, so let my dear one dream of me at night. Amen.

After waiting for the entire bunch to burn, collect the ashes. Having scattered it in the wind, close the window. This plot provides a very strong and long-lasting effect.

Speak salt

How often does the servant of God (boyfriend's name) eat salt, so often I appear in his dreams.

This conspiracy to dream about your loved one will last a long time. As long as a person uses salt, as long as you appear in his dreams. If you want to prolong the effect of the magic, add salt again.

What needs to be done to make your loved one dream?

If you have the opportunity to talk with a loved one before going to bed, talk. While lying in bed, visualize the image of your loved one, remembering happy moments of meetings in reality. You can't think about bad things. It is advisable that this person, lying in bed, falling asleep, thinks about you. The subconscious will help in this undertaking. It is important to agree on a bedtime in advance. Meeting in a dream with will happen provided that both fall asleep at the same time.

It will be an additional advantage if you agree on a meeting place. A dream works according to the same laws as real life. The more clearly the conditions are formulated, the higher the percentage of wish fulfillment.


The video will tell you how another person will appear in a dream. Filmed by the Astral Pilgrim channel.

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