A conspiracy to fire someone who interferes with your work

How to read a conspiracy correctly so as not to be fired from your job

Before you start conspiracies, you need to prepare for them. You cannot pronounce conspiracies when you are tired, stressed, angry, or even sick. Therefore, you need to observe a small cleansing fast: do not eat meat, fatty foods, do not drink coffee and carbonated drinks (of course, alcohol), give up sugar for a while, and eat only vegetables and fruits, drink herbal infusions. This will cleanse the physical body. In addition, you need to relax, visit the sauna, spa. A person should be completely rested.

How to remove damage to work?

All rituals are carried out independently in the dark, on the waning moon, unless otherwise stated.

Rituals to remove damage to work can be carried out independently, using simple but reliable ancient rituals. Most often these are rituals of reducing damage to water, salt, and eggs.

Ritual for water.

For all rituals, only living water is used, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Pour water into a glass and say the following words:

“The light of the sun, the rising of the moon, the strength of the wind, the strength of the earth! I conjure all my strength to remove the damage to the grave! Gather together, be strong, and pray for the Servant of God (name)! My star shines brightly! I’m removing the damage forever!”

They slander the water three times for three evenings in a row. Then you should drink the water;

  1. Fill a bucket of running water and whisper over it:

“Deliver me the servant of God (the name of the victim) from the one-wife, the bigamist, the one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from the one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from the one-haired, two-haired, three-haired. From your eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming, transverse, fleeting, from everything dashing: from single, young, blind, crooked, empty-haired and old.”

It is best to take the bucket out into the yard and completely douse yourself with the enchanted water from head to toe. It is better to take cold/cool water. If it is impossible to perform the ceremony in the fresh air, standing with bare feet on the ground, then perform the ceremony in the bathroom;

  1. Pour a glass of water and whisper the following words:

“Transparent and pure, life-giving water, take away all the bad things that are on me and take them far, deep. Thank you, amen!”

The water should be poured into the toilet and flushed with water.

Rituals for salt.

  1. Take regular table salt and rub it like a scrub. Rinse off with a cold shower. If the water is dirty, it means you did everything right, removed the negative;
  2. Take a handful of table salt and place it on a saucer. Whisper words into the salt, warming with your breath:

“I will forgive everyone I have offended, I will forgive myself, I ask you for salt, take away all the bad things and cleanse me. Amen!".

After this, rinse the salt from the saucer under running water.

Rolling out an egg.

Eggs are needed fresh, from the village, bought without haggling and without change. Preferably from black chicken.

Make the person sit facing the window and start rolling out a raw egg. You should start with the head, then the spine, arms and legs. You need to roll it out very carefully. After the ritual, the egg can change shape, color, smell - this is how it absorbed the negative. If the damage is very severe, you need to go to work for several days in a row.

To the air (to the wind).

The ritual is carried out on the street, at least, near an open window before going to bed. The plot is read until the damage goes away and what was lost returns. Say the following words:

“For the earthling - clear sun and torrential rain, for the bird - more grain and a warmer nest, for the forest hare - grass and ripe carrots, for me - success and help in business. You run knives and daggers, Together with the owners, so that you can run away from me! They didn’t stop me from doing good, but they trembled in fear of the angels. Angel on my shoulders, light in my eyes. Amen."

You can read to yourself at work or while looking for a new job. But it is better not to undertake any undertakings during the period of lifting the damage to work. Leave this until the healing period.

Ritual to remove damage to work with a candle.

Pour salt into a cup and stick any small candle. Light it up. Looking at the flame you should say:

“Fire, I ask you, burn all the evil that has been sent to me, turn it into ashes and scatter it in the air. Thank you, amen!”

Do not extinguish the candle, it must burn out to the end! A candle can spark, smoke, smoke - this burns the negative. Rinse the cinder and salt down the toilet.

Usually, after cleansing from damage, protection is installed - a mirror shield.
This is a very strong defense. In contact with

What to do if you survive from work: conspiracies

In times of economic crisis, which has become chronic, employees of large companies are in tension. All for the reason that in such places there are often attempts to increase the efficiency of the staff, and if the employees cannot cope, they begin so-called layoffs. People are willing to do a lot to stay in their place, including conspiracies.

Conspiracy to stay at work, on water

The spell for water is quite simple, although preparation for it will take several days. Ordinary running water needs to be poured into some vessel, jar, bowl or basin. You need enough water to wash your face. They put water at home by the bed, at the feet. Three days later, for convenience, the water is poured into a jar and brought to work. There, unnoticed by prying eyes, it is advisable to carry water into the restroom, where they wash their faces with the words: “I was here, am here and will stay as long as I need. This place needs me." Secured with a single “Amen.” That's it, the plot is ready.

Spell to leave at work, on oak leaves

This conspiracy is considered dangerous because here the appeal is not to higher powers, but to the devils themselves. To complete it, you need to go to the forest where there are oak trees, collect 36 leaves from them, carefully stacking them with each other. Next you need to find a clearing where there is a stump. They draw a circle around it with a stick, position themselves on cards near the stump and say: “Brothers of devils, let’s play cards.” After this, the fortuneteller “distributes” the oak leaves as if he were actually playing cards with someone. In this case, you should say: “Let me lose to you at the oaks, and you will play along with me in the case (further ask not to be fired from your job).”

The next step is to tear up the leaves for the “rival”, and the superstitious one takes his own to the building where he works. There he throws his oak leaves towards the entrance. That's all, you don't have to worry about getting fired for a long time.

Attention! But here's the catch - it is strictly forbidden to play cards ever from now on. If a superstitious person picks up the cards, then very soon he will not only lose his job, but he will not be able to find a new one for a very long time.

Conspiracy to avoid being laid off at work, for salt

To avoid being laid off at work, you can cast salt, which will later serve as a talisman for the employee. Regular table salt needs to be calcined in a frying pan, that is, simply poured into a bowl and put on fire. Warm it up thoroughly, saying: “I have a strong defense that cannot be broken through. I am under twelve locks, locked with twelve keys. Don’t get me, don’t harm me.” The phrase is fixed with the threefold word “Amen”. Collect the salt in a convenient bag or container and bring it to work. You need to sprinkle it discreetly (so that your colleagues do not get suspicious) around your workplace, imagining that it is growing a wall through which no trouble will penetrate.

A conspiracy to stop people from surviving on pine cones

A spell for pine cones will work as a talisman. To perform it, you need to find two pine cones, preferably forest ones, not park ones. You also need clay, or replace it with plasticine. You will need a candle and a mirror.

The candle is placed in front of the mirror and lit. Two cones are placed with their base in an iron bowl with clay or plasticine, the bowl is heated on a candle, and the cones are pressed tightly against each other. The entire conspiracy process is carried out with the words: “I appeal to natural forces. Just as the cones became one with each other, so unite me with the work.” After the ritual is over, the cones are hidden in a dark, secluded place, occasionally checking to make sure they do not fall apart.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

Conspiracies from this woman are based on prayers, one of which is read on the doorstep of the authorities. If an employee has heard about the layoffs, he needs to go to the boss’s office and at the threshold read a prayer about a “just cause,” raising his right hand.

She also advises using plain water and then washing your face with it three times: once at home in the morning, a second time (you’ll have to take some water with you) at work, and a third time washing your face after a working day when you return home. The only requirement of the conspiracy is that it should not be carried out on sacred holidays.

An interesting plot is being made near the work building. They take bread crumbs (not grain, but bread crumbs), sprinkle them on the birds not far from work, saying a spell like “Just as you don’t turn the bread back into grain, you can’t drive me away from the place of bread.”

Otherwise, there is one general piece of advice for all conspiracies. It says that immediately after carrying out one or another conspiracy, one must forget about what was done. As they say, a wish must be released in order for it to come true. It’s the same with rituals, you don’t have to think about them and go over them in your head, you need to clear your thoughts and let the universe work.

Spell on a nail

It happens that it is absolutely impossible to carry out the most modest ritual in the workplace - neither washing your face with enchanted water, nor sprinkling salt (in large organizations, cleaning managers operate every day). So, you will have to buy a new hammer and nails, although you will only need one. Under no circumstances should you steal, although it may seem that one nail will not make anyone poorer (karma will become poorer). At home, a nail is slowly and carefully driven into any door frame (primarily for safety reasons), while saying: “As firmly as a nail sits in a tree, so firmly I sit at my workplace. Just as it’s hard to get a nail out of a tree, it’s so hard to drive me away. Just as you can’t drive a nail into a tree without a hammer, so without me there can be no work.” The conspiracy is consolidated with the word “Amen”.

A conspiracy to prevent my husband from being fired from his job

A conspiracy for a spouse is based on church prayer, in other words, faith is important here - strong, sincere faith in higher powers and the help of God. In addition, before starting such invocations, you need to prepare. Believers first go to the temple and light a candle in the name of their desire, that is, to preserve their place in their career. In addition, they observe a fast of about a week - they consume infusions, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, completely eliminating sugar, coffee, meat and junk food. Read “Our Father” in the morning and before bed.

Finally, when the wife, concerned about the situation of her husband at work, has prepared herself, she appeals to God, the higher powers, asking them to save her dear husband’s workplace: “The ill-wishers have noticed the workplace of God’s servant (name of the spouse), save for him, protect and save.” Afterwards she praises divine power, strengthens the prayer with the word “Amen”, and the conspiracy is ready.

Conspiracy to prevent my son from being fired from his job

This plot is almost identical to the previous one. There is also a week-long preparation for it, they observe fasting, and visit the temple. The prayer praises the Lord and his strength. The prayer itself is slightly modified: “Keep the work place of God’s servant (son’s name) marked by ill-wishers for him, protect and save.”

Magic techniques aimed at eliminating the enemy

Choosing the optimal method in your case depends on your internal state. Read the description. Feel the response of your soul. The right one will respond with a lift in mood, a sunbeam on the wall, a creaking floorboard or door, a feeling of confident calm.

The most simple ritual:

  1. Challenge your enemy to a squabble or wait for his anger. Pick it up to let out more anger.
  2. At the peak of his ora, calmly leave the room.
  3. Mentally or in a whisper, say: “The dust is in a spray, and you (name) are in the void, beyond the threshold. Amen".
  4. Get some privacy. Draw a schematic figure of the enemy on a separate sheet of paper. Cross out with a black cross, repeating the spell.
  5. Take it to a latrine. Tear the sheet into small pieces and flush it down the toilet.

Important: it is necessary to cast magic with inner indifference, without including the emotional factor. Then forget about the enemy.

Strong spell for salt and pepper

A 100% effective technique will help you cope with your equal or subordinate. There is a different ritual for the boss.

Prepare the charmed mixture in advance (during the waning phase of the moon). Details:

  1. At midnight, open a window or window.
  2. Measure a handful of salt into the pan. Warm up for 15 minutes (removes damage from you).
  3. Add equal amount of black pepper. Measure your right hand with your palm. The left hand is used to eliminate a rival in love.
  4. While stirring with a wooden stick, read seven times:

Salt in your (name) eyes. Let the tears flow. So that the evil pepper takes home forever. So that the plans did not come true, they argued with the boss. So that after three nights, he doesn’t turn his eyes to the service. Amen.

Sprinkle the mixture quietly around the enemy's table. It is necessary for a person to fall into a closed ring without a single gap.

Dismissal via poppy

Black seeds help remove any colleague. Their power lies in the fact that they cloud the mind and turn away from reality. The spiteful critic will fall into the world of his own fantasies for a while. Shows himself to those around him in his true light. No one will tolerate this.

Buy poppy seeds on the first day of decline . At home, pour into a wooden bowl. Better from aspen. Using a new knife, stir in a counterclockwise direction. Say the name loudly (40 times). Then once:

I'm torturing and confusing. I'll confuse the rogue. Become yourself, not a heavenly star. As soon as you touch the poppy, you will get into a fight. The second time you take it, you’ll instantly go into a black frenzy. If you put on a crown, you will leave your job. Do not turn back what has been said, do not disturb my thoughts.

Sprinkle in the room in the morning: in corners, under tables, on surfaces, in drawers. Make sure that the grains stick to it twice. If possible, throw some drink in your pockets and shoes.

Ritual with a photo to kick out an enemy with a wolf ticket

This method is suitable if a colleague is really annoying everyone. He is shamelessly impudent, overloads his shortcomings on his colleagues, and gets him into trouble.

Take a full-length photograph of the enemy's face. Print it out. In the temple, take a wax candle. Prepare a dark brown envelope. You can paint the regular one.

Cast your spell from midnight to three in the morning. Methodology:

  1. Place the photo in front of you. Light the candle, turning off the light.
  2. Focus on the picture of his ignominious dismissal. Imagine in detail how he writes a statement and collects personal belongings.
  3. Place candle wax on the face and legs of the figure in the photo, saying:

I close the roads, I block the paths. The Devil’s slave (name) should not walk around (call the enterprise) Gogol, do not show off as a vile dandy. Do not look with victory, but leave with disaster. Amen

Wait until it dries. Pack it in an envelope. Seal with wax. Leave the prints of your right index finger on the drops. Hide it for a week. Time it to end when Selena wanes. After a week, you need to completely burn the envelope with the photo without opening it. Collect the ashes carefully and throw them at the feet of the bad employee. It needs to come.

To be thrown away the next day

It is advisable to also have a photo. Prepare a bottle of 9% vinegar and a jar with a tight lid.

On the photo, write the phrase 13 times diagonally:

Go away. One night for everything.

Carefully roll into a tube. Secure with thread to prevent it from unraveling. Place it in a jar and fill it with vinegar. Place it in a dark place, away from it. For example, in a closet, basement, under a sofa.

For the conspiracy to take effect, you need to treat your enemy collaborator with something. Have a tea party, bring a pie. Look at the situation. And behave like a sweetheart, don’t swear.

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