Star of Rus': all about the amulet Square of Svarog

General information about the Star of Rus' symbol

The Star of Rus' means the feminine and masculine principles.
The Star of Rus' is a male amulet dedicated to the main deity of the East Slavic pagan pantheon, Svarog. Our ancestors considered him the patron saint of blacksmiths. In ancient legends, he was portrayed as a powerful god who gave people fire, weapons and iron tools for cultivating the land, and also taught them how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.

Svarog was considered the Heavenly Father, because together with his wife Lada, the patroness of the family, he gave birth to almost all pagan deities. For this reason, the Slavs treated the blacksmith god with deep respect, and the amulet dedicated to him was considered the most powerful and turned to his help in difficult situations.

Description and appearance

The Star of Rus' symbol is depicted as a square, in the central part of which there are 2 pointed ellipses. They intersect each other and extend beyond the edges of the square. If you look closely, you can see an eight-pointed star in the sign.

Amulet Star of Lada of the Virgin.

Ancient Slavic beliefs say that the entire world around us was forged in the forge of the forefather god Svarog. But life was not born only from the sparks of the sacred flame; it all began with the love between two gods - Svarog and his wife, Lada. It was these deities who headed the ancient pagan pantheon of gods of the Slavs. Here, of course, we can draw a parallel between our divine couple and between the Greek gods - spouses - Zeus and Hera. In general, almost all ancient religious ideas about the creation of the world were based on the intercourse of the feminine and masculine principles; therefore, in the culture of almost every ancient people one can find the supreme pair of gods - the forefather and the foremother. In our case, it was Svarog and Lada who became an example of how Slavic men and women should come together, create a family and be fruitful, continuing their great family. The legend of the creation of the world, where the ferocious power of Svarog was smoothed out by the tenderness and softness of Lada, formed the basis for the ancient Slavs’ understanding of the responsibilities that were distributed between husband and wife. A man is power and strength, protection and care, like walls built around the hearth. A woman is a flame burning in the hearth, its warmth that can warm and strengthen the walls. There is a proverb known to all of us about a husband behind whom, like behind a stone wall, he comes from precisely these times. Even in such seemingly simple statements, the true understanding of things that our ancestors bequeathed to us slips through.

Much attention in Slavic culture was paid to women. Here we are not talking about simple foot worship, but also about a deep understanding of the purpose of women. Quite a few responsibilities fell on women’s shoulders: maintaining a huge household, working in the fields, giving birth and raising many children, pleasing members of her husband’s family, participating in all rituals that required different skills. The well-being of the whole family and the house as a whole depended on a good housewife. Therefore, they raised girls from infancy, instilling love and respect for traditions and the commandments of their ancestors. The spiritual integrity of a woman had to be unshakable, so this was taken care of first of all. For this purpose, there was a whole set of amulets, which were designed to protect Slavic women from all evil spirits.

In this article we will talk about one of the most significant Slavic amulets, which is now known as the Star of Lada. This amulet has different names (Star of Lada of the Virgin Mary, Star of Rus', Square of Svarog), it is very popular and in demand both in everyday life and in a protective sense. This amulet is intended primarily to protect women, since it is obvious that the semantics of the amulet is associated with the name of the goddess Lada, who protects family ties, spring sowing, widows and orphans, and the aesthetic side of life in general.

Origin story

Before the spread of Christianity, the Eastern Slavs practiced polytheism. The population of Rus' believed that life on earth was controlled by different gods, each of which was the patron of a particular sphere. To establish a connection with the deities and enlist their support, people created special amulets that they carried with them. The Star of Rus' among them was considered the most powerful sign, since it personified the supreme god Svarog.

The history of the origin of the symbol dates back to ancient times.

The talisman, dedicated to the Heavenly Father, was worn not only by blacksmiths, but also by warriors, tillers and all those who used iron tools in everyday life. In addition, the amulet was popular among family people, since it personified the hearth and connection with the family. Women embroidered it on clothes, men applied it to shields, swords, and made pendants and other decorations with it.

The symbol of Svarog was used by Grand Duke Svyatoslav Igorevich during military campaigns in foreign lands. This image was also found among soldiers from the princely squad.

After the establishment of Christianity in Rus' in 988, people did not stop worshiping Svarog and continued to use amulets dedicated to him for a long time. This is evidenced by finds made by archaeologists. For example, during excavations in Old Ryazan, researchers discovered a bracelet dating back to the 13th century, on which the sign of the blacksmith god is depicted next to other ancient Slavic symbols.

Runic symbol of Svarog

The interaction and construction of energy and information flows in esotericism are described by runes. Runes are a special system of signs that have inexplicable, from a scientific point of view, properties. The ability to build energy structures helps a person to influence the world around him. Before the advent of Christianity, runes were popular among Slavic tribes.

In the runic system, each symbol has its own name, a specific image and a relationship with one of the elements and a deity. If the rune is inverted, then its influence is reversed. Esotericists consider these symbols to be some kind of two-dimensional images that connect parallel dimensions and act as keys to the secrets of existence.

According to ancient Slavic mythology, Svarog is a heavenly blacksmith and the husband of Mother Lada. He created the Earth where people live, then Dazhdbog appeared from marriage, who created people and gave them the necessary knowledge and skills, including the plow and knowledge of metal. The most common symbol is the square of Svarog. This sign can still be seen today on some people in the form of tattoos and amulets.


Svarozhich differs from other signs in that it is dedicated to Svarog not as a worker God or a creator God, but as the Heavenly Father of the Slavic Gods. Therefore, this symbol is associated not only with Svarog himself, but also with his children - the Svarozhichi. These are the universally revered Slavic Gods: Perun, Lelya, Zhiva, Morena, Lel and Polel. Stribog and Semargl were also created by Svarog.

The Slavs revere Svarog as the father of the Gods, and call themselves his grandchildren - the children of the Svarozhich Gods. Therefore, the Slavic symbol Svarozhich reminds of strong family ties, the unity of the Slavic Family.

The symbol of God Svarog is a square, one of the corners of which looks down, the other looks up, and the diagonals are built from convex lenses or ovals, giving the composition dynamics. That is, the Svarog square is an octagon made up of a square and a pair of ovals.

The symbol of Svarog is a sign of wisdom and justice associated with the fire of heaven - a sign of Rule. Modern pagan communities contain such a design on their banners.

The Svarog Square is outside the universe, it does not belong to either the forces of good or the forces of evil and is completely impartial. The square is a sign of the fire forge of Svarog and Alatyr-stone. Four tongues of flame burst out of the forge in different directions, and from the sparks scattering from the blows of the hammer on the Alatyr-stone, heavenly warriors (ratichi) and other gods were born. Since the heavenly blacksmith strives to put the universe in order, the Svarog Square is also a symbol of harmony.

Terms of use

The Svarog Square is not a universal symbol. It is useless for people who are inert, sedentary, constantly working in the office and do not have their own opinion. This is more of a masculine amulet. However, women can also wear it - the symbol can give protection and help when, due to the nature of their activities, representatives of the weaker sex exhibit masculine character traits - perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility.

The Svarog Amulet is most relevant for artisans, and especially for blacksmiths. It helps everyone involved in physical labor, creative individuals who are inclined to create.

There are many options for using the Svarog symbol. In order not to buy a new thing with the image of a sign, you can simply print out drawings of the design or draw a symbol and hang it in your house or room. This will be especially appropriate in the workplace.

Another option for using the sign is to embroider squares on clothes or apply symbols to tools or other things related to physical labor.

Star Alatyr and Alatyr Shield

Every Slav in Ancient Rus' knew the Alatyr symbol well. It is also called the Eye of God, or the Cross of Svarog. Alatyr is depicted as an eight-pointed star, symbolizing the Beginning of the Divine Family and the World. God is the center of the star, and its rays are the intertwining of the feminine and masculine principles. Since ancient times, it was believed that such an amulet helps a person and protects him with magical powers.

The Alatyr symbol received its form of an eight-pointed star as a result of the image of a straight and oblique cross intertwined. The number eight is sacred to the Slavs. Therefore, the star has eight rays. Eight candles are always lit around the altar (the Slavs also celebrated eight holidays according to their calendar). The Alatyr amulet, enclosed in a circle, becomes much stronger. The main meaning of the talisman is development and eternal movement.

The Alatyr rune got its name from several words:
  • "al" - living in heavenly heights"
  • "la" is the soul
  • "tyr" - giver or gift

The name Alatyr should be understood as “giving the spirit of heaven.” The second meaning of the rune is the unity of Reveal (the abode of the living), Navi (the abode of the dead) and Rule (the kingdom of the light gods). The amulet was created in honor of the Alatyr stone, on which laws binding on representatives of all three worlds were written. Alatyr is the eye of God, who created all living things, including the highest gods.

This amulet can be in the form of the Alatyr Star and Alatyr Shield:

  • Star of Svarog Alatyr - all eight rays point up or down
  • Alatyr Shield - rays look evenly in all directions

The Alatyr Shield amulet in this case has the meaning of protecting the owner not only from others, but also from his own bad thoughts and keeps him from committing bad deeds. The amulet helps fight evil forces and absorbs negativity directed at the person wearing it.

Using Symbols

Symbols Alatyr is a universal sign that is used regardless of age by both men and women. It is believed that such a talisman helps in case of misfortunes and protects the home from theft and fire.

To protect against poisoning and preserve health, Alatyr symbols were applied to dishes and household utensils. More often, the amulet is worn in the form of jewelry, like earrings, a pendant made of metal, leather or wood. The amulet exhibits its properties most clearly if it is made of silver. Such a talisman attracts prosperity and happiness and wards off failures and evil forces.

In the modern world, the rune is designed to help a person move to a new level of development and improve his life. This symbol can only help if its owner himself wants it, honors the memory of his ancestors, adhering to Slavic traditions. Then he will have strength, the amulet will give him wisdom. The Alatyr rune is intended to help reveal in people the divine essence, understanding of existence, getting rid of fear of the future and the belief that even after death only good things await them.

Hammer of Svarog

The Hammer of Svarog talisman looks like a blacksmith's hammer. On one side, as on most amulets, the Alatyr rune is applied. Being, according to legend, the center of everything, it enhances the power of the amulet. The Az rune can be applied to the hammer. On the reverse side of the amulet one of the Svarozhichi signs is depicted.

Anyone who wears the Hammer of God Svarog amulet must be pure in thoughts, since Svarog is a stern god and does not forgive falsehood and lies. Then, the wearer of the amulet gains a connection with deceased representatives of his clan.

The ancient Slavs valued Svarog not only for his justice, but also for his enormous hard work. It is believed that it was he who taught people how to cook dairy foods.

Application of the symbol

Applied to the walls of a home or household utensils, the sign of the Hammer of Svarog protects the safety of the home, strengthens the family, and preserves the comfort and warmth of the home. The amulet gives the owner peace of mind and poise when it is necessary to make quick decisions in difficult everyday situations.

You can wear the amulet around your neck in the form of a necklace or pendant, or in your pocket or purse.

Interpretation of symbolism

To people unfamiliar with the symbolism of our ancestors, it may seem that the pattern that makes up the amulet is simply a beautiful combination of several geometric shapes, but this is not so. Every detail in it has its own meaning.

Lines and weaves

The symbol of Svarog contains magical fields in which a secret meaning is hidden. The Slavs put into it their own idea of ​​how the world works, as well as their attitude towards family and their native land. Their square was a sacred figure that symbolized:

  1. The heavenly forge of Svarog, where life on earth began.
  2. A fertile field that produces a bountiful harvest. The wealth and well-being of the family depended on him.
  3. A shield with which warriors defended their homeland from enemies.

The square symbolized the heavenly forge and a fertile field.
In the interweaving of ellipses one can see the fire in the Svarog forge, the hearth, the relationship between the male and female principles, thanks to which life appeared on earth.

The pointed rays extending beyond the square mean 4 tongues of the sacred flame: honor, faith, will and virtue. According to another opinion, the ends of the ellipses should be personified with the tips of a spear - a weapon with which warriors defended their native land.

The interweaving of ellipses with a square symbolizes the close relationship between Reveal, Prav and Navi - the abodes of people, gods and spirits. These worlds, according to the Slavs, formed the basis of the Universe. Their unity provides balance, giving life and harmony. In addition, in the combination of figures one can consider the trinity of mind, soul and body.

The eight-pointed star resembles a Kolovrat, an ancient Slavic sign that symbolizes the sun, which is in constant motion.

Smoothly moving from one season to another, the luminary ensures the consistent cyclicity of all processes occurring on earth.

Star Lada - the meaning of symbolism.

The Lada Star is a symbol of the indestructibility of the family hearth, its strength and power. If you are endowed with at least a drop of imagination, then you will be able, even without outside clues, to discern the entire sacred meaning of this amulet. The appearance of the Lada Star amulet is a composition of a square through which elongated ellipses pass. The square is a figure symbolizing the stability and stability of the family hearth, and the soft semicircles of the ellipses symbolize the harmony of relationships in the house. If you look at all this in a more symbolic sense, then the intersection of two ellipses, which is a kind of rhombus, symbolizes the hearth itself. This can be interpreted as the very source of the flame that burns inside the hearth. The ends of the ellipses, which stretch in different directions of the world, symbolize the four righteous flames - faith, honor, justice and freedom. The square in which this entire composition is enclosed is the forge of the god Svarog, which is where another name for this amulet arises - Svarog Square. Just think about the sacred message of our ancestors that underlies the image of this amulet. Feminine energy is framed by male strength and power - this is the true understanding of things. The feminine principle must be protected, be inside a protective barrier of walls, which are depicted in the form of the sides of a square. Feminine energy should nourish the family hearth, and strengthen the masculine principle from within - this is the foundation! The Slavic amulet Star of Lada the Virgin Mary is placed in a circle, personifying the energy of the Sun. If we talk about the general semantics of the symbol, then it characterizes the Slavs as a worthy and great race.

The meaning of the Slavic amulet

The talisman provides a connection between its owner and deceased relatives and gives help from higher powers. But it will only help those who respect their ancestors, honor the family traditions of their family and want to pass them on to their children and grandchildren.

The talisman provides communication with deceased relatives.

The sign of Svarog cannot be worn as a simple decoration. By putting it on, a person takes on the obligation to continue the family line and ensure its well-being. To do this, a man needs to work and protect his own home from enemies. A woman’s responsibilities are to maintain warmth and comfort and raise children.

If you don’t honor the memory of your ancestors and disrespect the amulet, then you won’t get help from it.

Proper use of the amulet

The most common method of using the Lada star is to wear an amulet around the neck as a pendant. In addition, it can be used in other ways, thereby activating its protective properties:

  • can be worn as a belt buckle;
  • the picture itself can be used as a tattoo design;
  • the outlines of the amulet can be used to design the ring;
  • The amulet can be hung or applied to the door frame;
  • it can be embroidered on a piece of light-colored material.

If you want to use this element in the decoration of jewelry, then silver will be the most suitable metal. It attracts lunar energy and further activates the powers of the amulet. Despite all the methods of application, you need to know exactly who is suitable and how to use such a talisman:

  1. Such an amulet will help only those people whose thoughts and intentions are completely pure and who sincerely believe in the miraculous properties of this symbol.
  2. Girls who have had an abortion based on their own desires should not wear the amulet. Otherwise, they will incur health problems, and in their personal lives they will be haunted only by failures.
  3. If a person is a committed Christian, who constantly goes to church and prays regularly, he may not get the energy he wants from the Slavic symbol.
  4. The talisman will help those who value family ties and want to further harmonize their family hearth.

One should take into account the fact that the Lada star is considered a female amulet. Therefore, it should be worn by a female representative. An exception may be men who are in the status of a widower or those whose daughter is in full care.

Other names

The Star of Rus' is not the only name for the amulet. In some sources it is called the Square of Svarog and the Star of Lada. But not all names refer to this symbol.

Lada Star

At a quick glance at the Star of Lada, it may seem that it is identical to the sign of Svarog: both talismans consist of a square and ellipses. But if you look more closely, you will notice that the ends of the circles in the first amulet are smooth, and in the second they are sharp.

The Lada star consists of a square and ellipses.

The soft lines of the Lada Star symbolize the feminine principle. This amulet is intended for the fairer sex. The sharp ends of the Svarog symbol indicate power, toughness, and determination. This talisman is a male symbol and should not be confused with a female one.

Svarog Square

Since the symbol is based on an equilateral geometric figure, it is often called the Svarog Square. This is a modern name, not used in ancient times. It became attached to the talisman relatively recently, since the word “square” came into the Russian language from Latin in the 18th century.

Both versions of the name are correct, so it would not be a mistake to use them when denoting a Slavic symbol.

In some sources you can find the name Seal of Svarog. It arose due to the fact that the amulet is often depicted as placed in a circle. This name can also be used in relation to the amulet.

How did the Star of Rus' amulet come about?

Slavic culture has preserved traditions and attributes for all occasions. Legends say that the symbol, also called the “Star of Svarog,” is one of the oldest on the planet. The Magi, guardians and bearers of secret knowledge, preserved a hidden message in the weaves of the talisman.

Worshipers of fire and the Sun worshiped the blacksmith god Svarog, who, according to Slavic beliefs, created all life on Earth. In a hot forge, he forged nails and created a plow, teaching people to grow grain. Some historians note that the “Star of Rus'” amulet was used in the everyday life of the inhabitants of Rus'. The interweaving of lines in a square, for which contemporaries call the amulet “Svarog’s square,” has a powerful effect on the surrounding world and protects its owner.

Possibilities and magical power of the talisman

Although the Svarog Square is considered a male symbol, in ancient times people honored the memory of their ancestors regardless of gender. For this reason, the blacksmith god can provide support to both women and men.

For women

From time immemorial, representatives of the fairer sex have been the keepers of the hearth. They gave birth, raised and raised children, ran a household, and took care of their husbands. To become a good wife and mother, it was necessary to exercise wisdom. She was given a talisman.

Women were the keepers of the hearth and were given amulet.

But, since the Svarog Square is a masculine sign, women need to be careful with it. It enhances assertiveness and strength, so it can harm people who lack femininity, completely depriving them of fragility and tenderness. But if a woman needs self-confidence, then she can safely use the sign of Svarog. In this case, she will only benefit from wearing it:

  • will become more attractive in the eyes of others;
  • will be respected by the spouse and children;
  • learn to maintain comfort in the house so that loved ones are always happy to return to it;
  • will be able to combine caring for loved ones with a career;
  • will find his purpose in life;
  • will be able to develop talents that require manual labor to realize.

For men

The talisman is endowed with masculine energy. It will help a representative of the stronger sex:

  • become a good husband and father;
  • find a job that can provide for your family;
  • attract good luck;
  • make thoughtful decisions;
  • discover new talents;
  • develop courage, assertiveness and other masculine qualities.

For men, the talisman will help to become a good husband and father.

The owner of the amulet is under the reliable protection of Svarog. The patron will take trouble away from him, protect him from the evil eye and damage, and protect him from people who wish evil.

Methods for activating and recharging the Star of Rus'

Every magical item that is intended to protect, protect or help has a method of activation. If the amulet is not “turned on”, then it will remain a simple decoration.

Svarog's amulet is activated by fire. Having received the item, you need to tune it to the energy of the owner. To do this, take the object in the palm of your hand, cover the right hand with the left, and listen to the sensations for several minutes. You can close your eyes and mentally “say hello” to the talisman.

After contact has been established, light a white candle. When the flame flares up, the amulet is brought to the fire so that it touches it. This way the magical item is charged and cleansed. To get the item used to its owner, they take it under their pillow for several nights. It is not recommended to sleep in a new amulet.

When used, the Star accumulates energy dirt and loses light powers. To clean and recharge the talisman, in addition to fire, you can put it in water for 24 hours or in the freezer. Followers of ancient ancestral traditions note that the square will be cleansed and recharged if placed in direct sunlight. The item needs to be cleaned every 25-30 days.

Other symbols of Svarog - Cross and Hammer

The patron saint of the Slavs has other talismans and symbols, these are the Hammer and the Cross. The Hammer of Svarog is a male amulet that allows the wearer to freely reach the goal. According to legend, the gods of the Slavs appeared from the sparks that bounced off when a blacksmith’s hammer struck an anvil. If a person creates something for the good, then a talisman will suit him and help him with this.

The Cross of Svarog is a strong family amulet. The symbol is suitable for both adult women and men, as well as children. The Cross, also called “Alatyr”, contains a sacred meaning that the memory of the family is eternal, and each of the owners of the amulet is its successor.

Suitable for wearing

The blacksmith god favors people who have already started a family or are planning to do so in the near future. In addition, a magic square will do:

  • representatives of professions whose activities involve manual labor (blacksmiths, shoemakers, carpenters, etc.);
  • politicians and managers;
  • military personnel;
  • people who want to find relatives with whom they have long lost contact;
  • insecure men.

The magic square is suitable for politicians and managers.
A woman should buy a talisman if she is raising children without a husband. He will give her strength and courage and help replace her father for her offspring. In addition, the symbol will be useful for ladies holding leadership positions or performing physical work.

The Slavic amulet is also suitable for the mother of boys, even if she has a loving husband. In this case, the symbol will help its owner find a common language with her sons and become for them a person whom they will always trust.

Terms of use

In order for the Svarog Square to benefit the owner, you need to know how to wear it correctly.

The ancient sign must be in contact with the body and hidden from prying eyes. It is best worn as a pendant under clothing. In this case, it will provide the owner with powerful support.

It is acceptable to use an amulet in the form of a ring, bracelet or ring, but such products will have to be cleaned more often, since they will quickly accumulate negative energy from the outside.

The amulet must be made of natural material. The most suitable metal is silver. In addition, the symbol can be made of wood or applied to a leather product.

Features of activation and cleansing

The Seal of Svarog must be activated, otherwise it will not have protective power. To do this, they use a method that is not capable of damaging the material from which the amulet is created.

The amulet must be activated, otherwise it will not work.

The easiest way to charge is to leave the product under your pillow for several nights. During this time, it will absorb the energy of the owner and will henceforth begin to protect him.

A faster way is activation using the elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. This ritual is performed on a full moon in the fresh air. Nothing should distract a person.

Activation steps:

  1. Place the amulet on a clean, flat surface. Tell Svarog about your dreams and ask him for help. It is better to come up with a text in advance, write it on paper and memorize it so as not to stumble during the ceremony. Having finished communicating with the deity, thank him for his attention.
  2. Sprinkle the talisman with a thin layer of earth. Then sprinkle it with water, pick it up and hold it over the candle flame. The last step is air activation. To do this, a magic sign is left on the street. He must come into contact with each element for at least 5 minutes.

The charged amulet can be worn immediately. Now he will perform the functions assigned to him.

The talisman tends to accumulate negative energy emanating from the enemies and envious people of its owner. To get rid of negativity, you need to clean the product. If a person wears a protective sign in a visible place, then the procedure should be used at least once a month. Body symbols hidden from prying eyes are allowed to be cleaned less often (6-8 times a year).

The easiest way to cleanse is to place the Svarog Square in salt overnight. But the procedure can be carried out in other ways:

  • hold a fire or candle over the fire;
  • bury in the ground in an area where no one walks;
  • lower it into a body of water with a fast current.

You can clean the amulet with a candle.
To cleanse the amulet, it is enough for it to come into contact with the elements for at least 5 minutes. During the procedure, you need to talk to him and thank him for the help he managed to provide.

What do the different elements of the Svarog symbol symbolize?

The symbol of Svarog is fire contained in metal or wood. To understand the impact it has on the owner, you need to study its patterns. The square of the blacksmith god consists of a rhombus and elongated oval arrows enclosed in it. The lines of the amulet are sharp, indicating the power stored in it.

The meaning of the amulet is multifaceted and hidden from the uninitiated in its secrets. The talisman is considered masculine because it has the strong and impetuous energy of a breadwinner and successor of the family.

Star with 8 rays

If you look closely, the Slavic amulet contains an 8-pointed star. Researchers of ancestral traditions point out that the star of Svarog holds the keys to 3 worlds: Navi, Reveal and Rule. If the first kingdom belongs to spirits and demons, then in the second world a person lives in physical embodiment. The Kingdom of Rule is ruled by the gods. The talisman helps the owner to harmonize the flow of energy and establish contact with all levels of being.

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The rays indicate the inextricable connection of the past, today and future. There is a saying that without a past, everything that exists has no future. Such symbolism helps the owner to establish a connection with his ancestors and in the future hope for their help and support.

If we consider the square of Svarog from the point of view of eastern practices, then the amulet unites and harmonizes 4 vital elements: fire, water, earth and air. The eight-pointed star unites body, soul and spirit. He who keeps the traditions of his ancestors must live in harmony with himself and the world around him, work honestly and create a family where his lineage will continue.

Diamond and lines beyond it

The sign of Svarog contains lines extending beyond the boundaries of the rhombus, which is also symbolic. Firstly, they indicate the cardinal directions: North, South, West and East. Secondly, they remind us of the main virtues of a person. Every Slav must be honest, brave, free and have faith in the gods and what he does. The arrow lines are of the same size, which indicates the harmony and equality of the elements that they contain.


When the Star of Rus', whose meaning is sacred, is enclosed in a circle, then in this case the Kolovrat and the circle symbolize the Sun. The circle is a symbol of cyclicity and infinity; it reminds us that energy is eternal and has the ability to move from one state to another. Some experts note that Kolovrat is a symbol of self-development.

DIY Tips

People who love hand-made items can use these tips for making their own amulet:

  1. The Svarog Square will have maximum power if it is made for a person by a blood relative who treats him with love. You can’t make a talisman for yourself.
  2. The work must be carried out during the waxing moon. Do not use Friday and the first half of Sunday for this.
  3. The product should be made from natural materials: leather, wood, metal, thread.
  4. You should not start work while sick or in a bad mood.
  5. When making a talisman, you need to think lovingly about the person for whom it is intended.
  6. The work must be completed within 1 day, without being distracted by extraneous things or conversations. There should be no one in the room except the master.

The difference between the Lada star and the Svarog Square

Amulet Star of Lada

Some do not see the difference in it and use it as synonyms.

The styles are slightly different, which changes the meaning and purpose. The edges of the ellipse in the Lada star are smoothed, while in the Svarog square they are sharp. A woman’s energy is softer, which is expressed in the outline of the amulet. A man is sharper and sharper, which is why his amulet has sharp corners.

The differences between these two symbols are not documented, but in modern interpretations it is customary to separate them.

Other variations for using the symbol

People who do not like jewelry can make an amulet in the form of embroidery or a tattoo. In this case, it will have no less energetic power.


Not all Slavic amulets can be embroidered on clothes, but the Star of Rus' was an exception. Our ancestors applied it in the form of patterns on collars, upper sleeves and shirt hems. Modern craftswomen embroider protective symbols on bed linen, towels, tablecloths and curtains.

Pictures embroidered with a cross or beads look good. Such a product can be gifted to a loved one so that he will always be under the protection of higher powers.

Who can wear the amulet and how?

Ancient legends say that the Star of Rus' was previously used by Russian women to balance energy within the home. This symbol helped to overcome the state of depression and overcome the apathy of the residents of the house. In addition to purely medicinal properties, this symbol made it possible to get rid of quarrels and omissions. Previously, girls who had not yet gotten married wore this symbol in order to find their true love.

Star of Rus' - this Swastika symbol is also called the Star of Lada-Virgin Mary or the Square of Svarog. And a name like this has its own explanation. The Goddess Lada among the Slavs is the Great Mother, a symbol of the beginning, source, that is, origin.

Embroidery with this sign has always symbolized prosperity and family peace. In the modern world, the perception of this Slavic symbol has changed somewhat. Now it is worn by both sexes. Sometimes it can even be given to a child, although this is not the best solution. Only an adult can understand the entire deep essence of the symbol; children, due to their age, cannot do this. Main properties of the Star of Rus': The Star of Rus' can be used as a talisman that will protect the house and its inhabitants.

Star of Rus' or Svarog square

It is recommended to hang pictures with the sign in the room where all the residents of the house most often gather. It should look like an ordinary picture, harmoniously fitting into the surrounding interior. The star can be made in the style of embroidery or simply drawn on a sheet of paper; The Star of Rus' can easily be used as a regular body amulet. It is recommended to wear it closer to the heart in the form of a pendant or in tattoo format; If the Star of Rus' is used by a man, it will be called the Square of Svarog.

This Slavic amulet is best suited for representatives of working professions and military personnel. With the help of such a talisman, you can increase your own luck and discover some secrets of skill.

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