Energy cleansing from exes. Practice

Energy cleansing from exes implies breaking pathological ties on the energy plane, so as not to influence each other if the relationship has exhausted itself. This practice helps to carry out a simple energetic cleansing, forgive and let go of all your exes (loved ones, friends, enemies, colleagues) with whom you still feel a strong, but no longer unnecessary or too painful connection.

Energy cleansing from exes. We remember the person and sincerely address:

-I ask you for forgiveness for all the pain that I may have caused in this and other lives. -I forgive you for everything that you could have caused me in any of our realities, any situation and condition.

-I thank you for all the lessons that you taught me, for all the joys and downfalls, for all our invaluable experience, a little madness and a little bit of sadness. -I accept and love you as you are without masks and pretenses, without conditions and obligations.

-I wish you the brightest and most joy-filled journey with bright sun, fair wind and true friends. -I extend my wishes to your children and loved ones and believe that we will meet again someday and more than once, perhaps even in this life, if it is really necessary

-I free my memory from any connections with you, leaving myself only pure experience, and I let you go in peace, without any conditions or criteria, without insults and regrets, without anger and anger

-I break any contracts between us, reset our ethereal connection, and ask our guardians to return to us the pieces of our souls lost in each other, for the highest good, in the most favorable way, here and now.

It is better to speak this text out loud, addressing each individual person, embodied or no longer. You can send a text to him/her and ask him to read it from your side. The main thing is not to do it thoughtlessly, but really wish and be ready for such a move, speak from the heart, and not out of need, better in your own words and add to your personal situation.

Ideally, talk over the phone or in person (especially in close relationships).

You can write your intentions into your manifesto if you wish.

Warning: when using energy cleansing from exes, cleansing of the chakra centers may immediately begin, so physical pain/discomfort in the navel and lower abdomen is possible (bindings from the 2nd & 3rd chakras are removed).

Energy cleansing from exes. Examples of blocks

Let me remind you from an old post:

At svadhisthana

Sexual attachments are formed during the emergence of sexual desire. Also, an attachment at svadhisthana can form during flirting between people of the opposite sex. If two people, a couple, enter into a love relationship, then after some time an energy connection, a channel, is formed between them - it is established as a result of a constant exchange of feelings between people. The stronger the channel, the stronger the sexual connection. There may be several such attachments, especially in young years. Over time, a person makes a choice of a partner, and if through this attachment he receives the entire range of pleasure he needs, then he does not need to have several attachments; he refuses other sexual partners. But if he lacks some sensations from one person, if he does not receive the full spectrum of energies, then he gets himself a lover, mistress, or simply has several relationships at the same time.

Manipura –

bindings on Manipura are very rare. They are formed due to the feeling of great respect and trust either in a partner, or in a boss, employee, or friend. It must be clarified that this respect and trust must be mutual, bilateral.

Read the details here: Energy bindings and working with them

English version:

I ask your forgiveness for all the pain that I may have caused you in this or in other lives. I forgive you for everything that you could have caused me in any of our realities, any situation and condition. I thank you for all the lessons that you have presented to me, for all the joy and wonder, for ups and downs, for all of our invaluable and unforgettable experience, a bit of madness and pinch of sadness. I accept and love you for who you are, without masks and pretenses, without conditions and obligations. I wish you the brightest of journeys filled with joy and bright sun, passing wind and loyal friends. I extend my wishes to your children and close ones and believe that we may meet again, perhaps even in this life, if it is really necessary I empty my memory from any ties to you, leave to myself only pure experience, and let you go in peace, without any conditions and criteria, without resentment and regret, without wrath and anger I tear up and revoke any and all contracts between us, break all bonds and ties, and ask our guardians to return those parts of our souls that got lost in one another, for the highest good, in the most favorable way, here and now.

Energy cleansing from exes. Karmic relationships and how to end them

Such relationships usually begin with a primary past-life attraction, often sexual, and a desire to get to know each other more deeply. Then, since almost no one on Earth is healed, problems arise between people and they are not resolved in physical life. Then the pair of souls decide to meet in a future life in order to continue working together on the problems that have arisen. The degree of energetic tension accompanying this decision determines the difficulty of breaking.”

A meeting with a “karmic partner” is usually accompanied by special, unusual states of the body and psyche. For example, you react excessively to an unfamiliar person. Love at first sight? Not at all. In fact, you don’t know a man at all and what’s on his mind, and “falling into the abyss of passion” is not safe for you. It would normally take months of communication for a trusting relationship to develop. But if this is a “karmic person,” it’s as if “something is happening to you against your will.” Here is a description of a typical karmic relationship from one of the clients: “I still can’t explain what I found in him. But literally after the first conversation, my mind was blown away.

Energy cleansing from a former married man

It was as if I had no control over myself. He was married, we saw each other infrequently. But I remember this feeling of “illness” - as if I could not live without it. One day he promised to “come by soon,” but ended up disappearing for several days and not calling. I woke up on the third day and realized that I had eaten almost nothing and sat by the window all the time. Only common sense helped me return to reality, and with an incredible effort of will I said goodbye to him. But for several months I was still shaking at the mention of his name. The oath was “With him forever.” I'm happy that this torment is finally over." The inability to leave him, even if you realized that you are suffering, and a normal relationship will not work. Write in the comments, are you familiar with such conditions? Under what circumstances did this happen to you?

To put it simply, what you experience is not “love at first sight”, but an exhausting love from the past. This state manifests itself so that you finally notice the presence of a problem - and free yourself and your karmic partner from this burden. Sometimes all it takes is realizing and completing a vow or agreement. Let's look at the types of exhausting relationships with men - and what energy patterns (vows, vows, resolutions) you need to complete. Karmic relationships and corresponding vows

Energy cleansing from exes: vows, vows and promises

1. A man doesn’t love you Manifestation in your life: Long-term unrequited love. You are in love with a person who doesn’t really need you, and you are trying in every possible way to earn his love (which is impossible). You even behave intrusively - you are ashamed, but you continue... A man can honestly reject you. This is painful, but not the worst option. It’s much harder if he uses you for his own purposes for a long time and in cold blood. Or, you are quietly yearning for something unrealistic, while dozens of worthy partners pass by at this time. You may even sensibly understand that there is no chance here. But something seems “stronger than you”...

Vows and vows to be completed: eternal love vow, "to be always by his side" vow, loyalty/devotion vow. Spiritual Origin: “Many times souls make a pact to stay together forever. This stems from a misunderstanding of the nature of the Universe, since all souls are already eternally connected to each other. However, due to the belief in separation, souls often go to great lengths to maintain connection with each other. If you meet in the next life, there may be a sense of duty or obligation to each other." I will add that often women with these vows have a resentment towards the man: “I did so much, but he never loved me. This is also a resentment from past lives - he did not remember you and your love, but you “agreed”. It is precisely because of this that such relationships are difficult to end - it seems that if you wait and try, he will definitely “remember”. But alas...

Energy cleansing from ex-men who do not want to get married

2. A man with whom marriage is impossible Manifestation in your life: You just can’t get married. For example, you choose married men who “feed” you with promises. Or, you meet a person who expresses his reluctance to marry you. But you stay with him, in the hope that “he will understand the power of your love and change his mind.” Vows and vows to be completed: celibacy, marriage vows from a past life.

Spiritual Origins: You may date men who will not marry you for two spiritual reasons. Or you are generally “forbidden to marry” - this is a vow of celibacy, renunciation of family for the sake of “spiritual service”. Or you are “already married,” that is, marriage vows and vows from past lives continue to apply to you. “When feelings between people (souls) are strong, they may want to sanctify their union with ritual and ceremony. Such rituals can survive the death of physical bodies and be carried into subsequent lives in the form of energy patterns. Marriages don't always last 'till death do us part. Sometimes couples maintain the intention of being together forever."

Energy cleansing from former men with severe addictions

3. A man with a severe addiction Manifestation in your life: The man you have chosen suffers from alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, etc. The option is “total dependence on you,” as if he is “unable to cope with life” and “can’t live without your relationship.” This may be accompanied by outbursts of aggression that are dangerous to your life, psyche, and health; lack of money - he is not able to earn enough or immediately “throws it away”; his “persistent” depression, suffering, conversations about the meaninglessness of life and suicide; his suspiciousness, outbursts of jealousy and paranoia. Often you also get very angry and lash out at the man, however, you do not end the relationship.

Vows and vows to be completed: a vow to stay with this person no matter what (“Love is above my self-interest”), a savior vow, a vow to sacrifice oneself for another. Spiritual Origin: “If energy is expressed with restraint, with full recognition and acceptance of self and other, karma does not arise. If either of you is in denial of what you are projecting onto or receiving from the other, your partner's energies will become deeper and deeper into your aura, and yours into his. What arises is what is called codependency. The codependent heart goes something like this: “I accept your suffering because I love you so much that I suffer at the sight of your suffering. I'm strong. I can handle. Let me be your savior."

METAISSKRA sessions are excellent not only for identifying the individual psychosomatics of diseases, but also for in-depth work with pathological connections in relationships. In particular, detailed energy cleansing of exes can be done, as well as work on emerging ailments, fears, panic attacks, blocks, grievances and much more through meditative practices. If you do not meditate, you can also solve many problems through sessions with a psychologist, but this method may take longer and works more with the psyche than with the body and energy.

Energy cleansing from exes for severe cases: How to LET GO of a person and a situation that has been tormenting you for years

Reality is multidimensional, views on it are multifaceted. Only one or several facets are shown here, each of which should be considered as a special case, described through the personal prism of the narrator’s beliefs, worldview and available knowledge at the current moment. This prism may not coincide with yours or may differ significantly from generally accepted concepts, because everyone has the right to their own personal perception of reality. The narrator’s private opinion does not have to coincide with other opinions, knowledge, expectations and “truths,” because the truth is limitless, and reality is constantly changing. We take what is ours and leave what is not ours according to the principle of internal resonance.

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Tags: spiritual practices, karma, crystal grid, part 10 - tools of control, chakras

#Ezomagic_Stavy Becoming “Carrot” (cleansing relationships) Personally, I don’t really understand what “cleaning relationships” means. You can clean people in pairs. But human relationships are patterns of behavior and reactions that have developed as a result of certain individual patterns of behavior and their combinations and mutual reactions to each other and to the behavior of partners, as well as the imposition of these patterns on general socialization, educational norms, religious and other beliefs. I don’t really understand how to clean reactions and patterns; you can change them, but you can’t clean them. However, the pair may have various induced third-party influences that somehow force the objects to behave in a certain way, force them to change the pattern of behavior and/or somehow block the usual, more characteristic patterns of behavior. The cleaning mechanism is quite complex and lengthy, since it is more aimed at internal elaboration and gradual cleaning than at sharp cutting and transformation. The carrot can be used for established couples and for those who just want to enter into a relationship in order to clear the object of possible layers of patterns, as if to find its “true face”, BUT it is worth remembering that this initial state will not always be positive for the operator, it is possible that it is the state of the object, littered and contaminated by layers of influences, that will allow the operator to establish a relationship with the object, but in a “clean” state this is generally impossible. Therefore, before doing a cleanse, it is MANDATORY to check with diagnostics what the benefits of becoming will be, what changes and how these changes will affect the possibility of continuing/starting a relationship and in what direction, and also look at the possible negative effects of such changes. Cleaning scheme: One bet on partner No. 1 (photo, cucumber, name on a piece of paper, etc.) One bet on partner No. 2 (photo, cucumber, name on a piece of paper, etc.) One bet on a joint photo/cucumber/names on a piece of paper. (Photoshop, glue will help you, if there is no common photo - it doesn’t matter where exactly to apply it - so that it is on both partners) All three can be placed at the same time, you can first on individual partners, then on the common one. Naturally, you can bet more than one sitting. Make sure that there is no negative influence on the objects from the outside, otherwise cleaning will simply clean in a circle what will fly indefinitely. The timing of cleaning depends, of course, on the initial condition and the amount of negativity induced on the couple, but usually this is a period of a moon or even more. Most often, the first reaction to cleansing is rejection, anger, a desire to break off relationships, withdraw into oneself, etc. If partners live together, it is important not to aggravate this situation. If you are prone to hysterics, scandals, hot-tempered, jealous, etc. - drink valerian, meditate, do everything so as not to respond to possible aggression and not to aggravate the situation between you. If your partners don’t live together, but you feel like you can’t stand it and lose your temper, it’s better to wait it out for a while and not meet at all, than to cause a scandal and break up forever, and then run around the forums with questions about how to remove resentments/quarrels/anger /negative, etc. If you endure, then the situation will break out, the aggression will pass, irritating triggers will leave the consciousness and subconscious, and the emotional intensity will be washed away as a consequence of certain actions/behavior of the partners. General disclaimer. DO NOT DISASSEMBLE by runes! draw like a drawing - stick-stick-cross - while you draw, concentrate on the task! If you are unable to work without a guard, take another position! An example of a clause: “DRS destroys/cleanses, etc. entirely, without the possibility of restoration, all negative magical, energetic, psychological, etc. influences on such and such, leading to quarrels/divorce/etc., including quarrels, lapels, love spells on third parties, subordination, etc., etc. DRS destroys/cleanses, etc. all negative memories, thoughts, grievances, emotions, etc., etc. from the consciousness, subconscious of such and such in relation to such and such. DRS destroys/cleanses, etc., from all fields, levels, channels, bodies, etc. of such and such, all negative programs, tasks, results of magical/energy/etc. influences on such and such in order to create a rift. dilute/etc. DRS heals breakdowns in all fields, levels, bodies, etc. of such and such, filling these bodies with the energy and strength necessary for restoration/reconciliation/reunion/start of relationships, etc.” Consists of the Elder Futhark and Northumbria. The order of application (the rune is described ONLY FOR INFORMATION what the ligature consists of - DO NOT DISASSEMBLE BY THE RUNES!) 1. Center (Mannaz Ir Kenaz Sovilo) 2. Top-bottom. (Acc, Os, Gar, Turisaz, Inguz, Nautiz, Ior) 3. Right-left (Uruz, Raido, Algiz, Nautiz, Hagalaz) 4. Angles clockwise (Gar, Inguz, Teyvaz, Ger) Becoming cleans and prepares soil. This becoming is neither a love spell nor a reunifier, it’s good if the relationship goes uphill immediately after the cleansing, but in fact, if the couple did a lot of things and/or if the behavior of the partner/s in the couple was fundamentally wrong, if people in principle are not suitable for each other, if the operator (I emphasize, the operator) stubbornly clings to his erroneous position and erroneous pattern of behavior, then becoming will not automatically connect them. I repeat, this is cleansing as a preparation for further actions to reunite/start a relationship, which requires a complex of influences. Becoming old. Tested. In fact, it makes it very easy to work with difficult objects, allows you to make the right decisions for reunification in couples, gives you the opportunity to think and not mess things up, helps you get rid of oppressive thoughts, memories, emotions associated with any mistakes in relationships, allows you to smooth out memories of unsuccessful previous relationship experience to move forward ——————————————————- ► [club40282833| Esoterics magic fortune telling] ► [club106774860| Esoterics - your spiritual assistant]

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