Folk sign: a swallow flew into the house or made a nest on the wall of the house

In popular beliefs, every bird has its own sign. But not every bird is surrounded by signs like a swallow. The graceful harbinger of spring loves to live near human habitation (especially in rural areas). But if a swallow flies into the house, this can mean both something good and something bad. What exactly the omen is for depends on many details of her visit.

The meaning of the sign a swallow flew into the house

According to some Slavic beliefs, a swallow flying into a house portends trouble, and even death. It is believed that this superstition was born when witches and sorcerers actively used birds in their terrible rituals. Nowadays, most things about swallows are positive; treat your guest kindly, and then most likely no troubles will happen.

For example, if a swallow simply flew into the house and flew out of it without any problems, then you should expect a fun holiday. And if she knocked up a lonely girl, then you need to prepare for the wedding. The main thing is not to disturb the bird, do not catch it, because if you accidentally harm it, then a good omen can turn into a bad one.

If a bird, having flown into the house, is very worried, screams, rushes from side to side, this may indicate impending troubles; it is especially worth paying attention to its health. On the contrary, if the swallow behaves calmly, sits on the furniture without panic, and even chirps or even sings, there is very good news ahead.

If a swallow flies through the window, the inhabitants of the house will experience major changes. It is believed that in this way the souls of deceased relatives try to warn about unpredictable events. If a swallow flew into the window in the spring, a calm, prosperous, prosperous life awaits you. But, pay attention, if a bird flew into the window and flew out the door, it is believed that death will come soon.

If a swallow flew into the door and flew out the window, then either a cheerful company will visit you, or you yourself will go on a visit. This sign may also indicate an addition to the family or new residents in the house.

If a swallow flew onto the balcony, expect good news, perhaps in a letter from old friends; if the bird flew inside the house, a pleasant meeting awaits you.

What is this for?

If a swallow flies into the window, what could it mean?
When she tries to build a nest in a chosen room, her behavior can be taken as a symbol of well-being and endless joy. A hardworking, neat bird will not build its home in unfavorable conditions. But since she chose your house, it means it suits her. If the owner notices that the swallow has left its nest, you should tune in to the anticipation of something bad. To a girl of marriageable age, to whom a swallow flew in through the window, she promises matchmaking. Among the bad omens, it is worth noting the situation when a feathered person entered the room through a window and left the house through the door. An unfavorable belief says that the bird brought death into the home. Thus, an uninvited guest from the natural world can be perceived as a good sign only if it “enters and exits” through a window.

Signs associated with swallows are contradictory among every nation. According to the Irish, the body of this bird contains three drops of the blood of Satan himself. Residents of Belgium are convinced that through the arrival of birds in the house, deceased ancestors notify them of their own presence in heaven. The Slavs have the opinion that by entering through the window a bird warns of the death of one of the household members.

How to neutralize a sign

Any bad prediction can be prevented by not thinking about it - the more you think about bad things, the more bad things will happen around you. However, there are special means for each case.

As for negative signs with a swallow, our ancestors came up with such a way to prevent it - you need to come up with a certain logical explanation for any bad sign.

For example, you can pretend that the swallow did not fly in with some message or prediction, but simply to eat. To be more convincing, you need to throw some kind of treat after the flying bird - cereal, bread crumbs or sugar.

You can also ask the swallow to fly away and capture all the troubles and adversities on its tail. And, of course, you should not drive her away by offending the swallow, you will only increase the negative influence of the sign.

History of signs

Even in ancient times, souls were represented in the form of birds flying up to the sky. Therefore, people sometimes associate birds flying into a house with their deceased relatives or friends. It is worth noting that in this case the window itself is endowed with a mystical symbol, since previously they were taken out of the hut through it. Since then, the window in superstition has been considered a transition from this earthly life to the next world.

This superstition came from the fact that, by coincidence, after a bird got into the house, someone had trouble in the hut, which was connected precisely with the death of a loved one. The incident was memorable. Thus began the rumors that came from ancient times in the form of folk signs.

Swallow hits the window

It is believed that a swallow hitting a window is a very bad omen.
And, of course, this is so... only for the swallow. Well, imagine you're flying, chasing food or just looking around, feeling light and free, and suddenly BAM. At the very least, this is a severe bruise, but you can also break your neck. So the negative part of the sign undoubtedly takes place. As for people, there is nothing to worry about. Only good news awaits you. Perhaps this news will be from loved ones or relatives. But it is possible that the doctor will give the good news, because according to legend, a swallow hitting the window indicates pregnancy.

A special feature about swallows

Flight of the Swallow
Before the adoption of Christianity, that is, before the 20th century, the Slavs, watching the rapid flight of small birds, imagined them as messengers sent by the gods to earth. Belief in their supernatural capabilities gave rise to fear. There was an opinion. that any communication with the other world brings trouble and it is unreasonable to hope for the favor of the gods.

Having become Orthodox, the Slavs began to believe in the purity of birds, which personified the bright souls of people who had passed on to the next world. Then there were changes in the essence of superstitions. Popular beliefs have awarded little birds the ability to predict good news. As a result, folk superstitions that were essentially opposite were preserved. Some see nimble birds flying through a window or door as harbingers of death, while others see them as harbingers of positive change.

Swallows build nests

The lucky one is the one who has a swallow in his house. Not only does this bring good luck and prosperity, but birds can also warn of dangerous visitors. Take a closer look or listen to the birds when you have guests.

If the swallows suddenly began to behave noisily, worry, fly out of the nest, return and leave their house again, you were visited by a person with bad intentions or simply an evil and dangerous person.

It is important where exactly the birds built their house. If you notice a nest on the roof, luck will accompany you in all matters. If under a roof, it means that difficult times are ending and there is more peace ahead.

If swallows have built a nest right inside the house, then you have a very good atmosphere - birds will not build a nest where swearing is heard and envy and anger are felt, swallows only accept positive energy.

A nest on the window speaks only of love. For unmarried girls and unmarried guys, this is a new strong relationship. For a married couple, this is an addition to the family. For older people, it means love and respect from relatives.

Found a nest on the balcony - expect changes for the better. If the swallow built a house in a non-residential building, for example, in a barn, then the farm will become stronger: the harvest will be good, the living creatures will bring a lot of benefits, and there will be an opportunity to improve home life.

It is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you drive away swallows or destroy their nests. Otherwise, troubles and illnesses may strike, and there will be no hope for the help of fortune.

Why is a bird on the balcony not good?

People believe that birds flying home mean bad life changes. To correctly interpret the event that occurred, you need to take into account some features. It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the bird - if it is calm, perhaps the soul of the former owner of the house simply ended up on the loggia in the form of a feathered creature. The nervous behavior of the birds suggests that the residents of the apartment will probably have trouble.


If the bird just stayed on the balcony, perhaps it is protecting its home in this way.

The condition of the bird must be taken into account. If she is wounded or looks sick, then this is also a sign of misfortune or illness. If the bird is healthy, perhaps the sick relative will soon recover.

How should you behave and what should you not do?

It is forbidden to kill a feathered guest or treat her roughly. It will destroy a family or a person as an individual. It is better to open the window wider and let the swallow fly away on its own.

In Slavic mythology, there were beliefs that point to a series of consequences from inappropriate treatment of birds.

Cause harm - to eternal sadness. People said that such a person would lose the desire for a good life and become depressed forever. You can't chase a bird away with a mop. Better help her get out

If the bird gets entangled in the curtains, you should carefully pick it up and carry it to the exit. Killing a swallow means that the peasant's cows will give milk with blood. In Rus' they warned: “Whoever destroys a swallow’s nest will be pockmarked.”

Similar signs

  • A bat flying into a house is considered a bad omen. Most likely, this is due to the negative mystical associations that all nocturnal animals cause. At the same time, there is another sign, in contrast to dense superstitions, which is quite understandable logically: before heavy rainfall, bats often look for shelter and try to find it in residential buildings. Therefore, to the question “Why did the bat fly into the house?” You can safely answer: “To bad weather.” If your home is located near bat nests, a visit from one of them has no secret meaning at all.
  • A butterfly has flown in - a sign that is considered good, symbolizing imminent joyful events and the fulfillment of desires. And in order for your wish to come true, you need to very carefully, without damaging the wings, release the butterfly into the street, mentally asking it to “fly to see” where your wish is and tell it to hurry up.
  • A similar sign is that a bee has flown in. Since ancient times, these hairy insects have been associated with prosperity and wealth. There are similar signs that promise profit and success in the case of all buzzing insects.
  • A wasp has flown in - a sign that is not very well known (especially considering that in the summer, wasps fly into the house not much less often than other insects - especially if you are making jam or baking a sweet pie). Wasps are, frankly speaking, not the most pleasant guests, but their “visit” means the good news that your wish has come true or is about to come true. And if several wasps fly into the house, this portends good luck.

Unfounded signs

Most signs of folklore begin with the words: “a swallow flew into the house.”

However, over the past few years, scientists have established a lot of information and now say with confidence that this kind of superstition cannot contain any rational grain.
That is why scientists have concluded that similar signs are some kind of speculation, misconceptions and some small legends of the people from ancient times. Let's get acquainted with those proverbs that people still believe today, and we can even say that some proverbs have a very strong influence on people, so they, based on their own superstition, try not to violate any traditions associated with the sign of the swallow

Probably every person on the planet knows the proverb that if a swallow flies over a person’s shoulder and touches it, then death will befall him in the near future; this is the conclusion drawn from the flight of a swallow by folklore.

From time immemorial it was believed that swallows should never be killed, so a certain proverb arose that if a farmer kills a swallow deliberately, then his flourishing farm will fall into a terrible state, and his cattle will begin to produce blood instead of milk. Of course, there is no scientific evidence of such a fact in nature and there are no eyewitnesses either.

In ancient times, it was also believed that under no circumstances should a swallow’s house be destroyed, since otherwise the farmer would not be able to reap a decent harvest from his own fields. This proverb is still honored by many peoples, and especially by those people who live near the land, that is, in villages. It is they who daily observe all the proverbs and sayings, and observe certain folk signs, and in no case cross the thresholds of what is permitted, because they believe that, in this way, fate sends them certain signs.

Let's turn to modern science and find out what scientists think about this, how exactly do they interpret certain sayings?

Competent, experienced and highly qualified scientists in various fields of science believe that a large number of sayings in their time, that is, ancient times, were invented by uneducated people, but they acted with the best intentions. Therefore, it can be said that people in ancient times tried to protect birds in this way.

Scientists also claim the fact that a large number of sayings related to the swallow were invented by people who live in villages, villages or small towns. It is believed that simple peasants live in a private house, and as you know, for the most part, mercy and kindness always come first for them, so in order to diversify their everyday days, they allowed birds to live under their own roof. Therefore, in every yard, several centuries ago, flocks of swallows lived and built their nests.

Of course, there is not a single person on the planet who has not heard that the swallow is a symbol of spring. We have known this information since school, since every teacher told us that if a swallow arrived, it means the cold season is over. It was with the help of a swallow that ancient people determined the weather, that is, birds were much better than any calendar or forecast of modern weather forecasters. As people said in ancient times, it was enough just to watch the weather and everything would be clear and understandable. Many villagers, upon the arrival of swallows, began some kind of sowing of plant crops.

Scientists also believe that people’s lives at that time were closely connected with the migration of swallows, which is why people came up with various patterns so that in the future they could at least somehow predict the future.

Of course, there were various signs, some seemed stupid, others more reasonable, others cunning and, of course, there were natural signs. It is believed to this day that certain predictions that have a certain pattern in them are always distinguished by accuracy and fairness.

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