Stones, amulets and talismans of the Zodiac sign Leo: what to choose for a representative of the fire element

It is easier to choose a talisman for Leo than for other signs. The image of a beast with a sun-like mane has been known for half a million years, since the times when our semi-human ancestors shared the African savannas with a powerful predator. Power, radiance, greatness, the shine of gold and the heat of fire - this is what is associated with the sign of Leo. Since the beginning of history, heroes of myths have been brave, like the Lion. What Leo talisman will emphasize his nobility and moderate his arrogance?

Birthstones by date of birth

Leos of the first ten days are patronized by Saturn; representatives of this sign born from July 23 to August 3 need stones with powerful energy that will suit the obstinate character of these people:

  • Tiger's Eye;
  • rhinestone;
  • nephritis;
  • Moonstone;
  • carnelian and bloody jasper.

Those born in the second decade from August 4 to August 12 are protected by Jupiter. Incredibly friendly and hospitable, discreet, and have a strong character. This sign knows how to insist on its own, so the following stones - talismans - are suitable for it:

  • citrine;
  • cat's eye;
  • opal;
  • onyx;
  • amber and jadeite.

Leos of the third decade from August 13 to August 23 are patronized by Mars. They are smart, very powerful with incredible intuition. It is these qualities that for Leos are helpers in creating strong friendships, love and careers. Talisman stones are suitable for them:

  • tourmaline;
  • sapphire;
  • ruby;
  • emerald;
  • pomegranate;
  • diamond;
  • topaz;
  • alexandrite and zircon.

Amulets for Leo and Lionesses.

Leo easily reflects the negative emotions that it can cause in others. In front of Leo the leader, subordinates hide their true feelings. But envy and resentment accumulate and can hit Leo’s most vulnerable organ, the heart.

Amulet for men.

For a Leo man, the best amulet is a gold pendant on the chest, in the area of ​​the heart. The image on the pendant is Leo or its zodiac sign. Stones-amulets that are recommended to be worn in a ring: amber, topaz and chrysolite, reminiscent of the inexhaustible energy of the sun. Amulets from hidden enemies are medallions made of cypress and cedar.

Amulet for women.

Women born under the sign of Leo have an ancient Slavic amulet. This is an image of a swan. It is also a talisman of love and long relationships. In addition to yellow and red stones recommended for Leos, women are advised to use rock crystal. Stones for women's jewelry are chosen according to their date of birth and it is desirable that they have a rounded, flat shape.

Talisman stones

Leos are strong personalities, but fate loves caution, so they say: God protects the careful. The amulet stone will protect you from the evil eye, save you from troubles, and help you make the right decisions. Astrologers believe that a talisman for Leo should be valuable. The value does not have to be material; the item can be ancient or associated with some significant history.

  • Amber. This stone is for creative individuals, helps bring ideas to life, gives physical strength and improves the health of the owner;
  • Topaz. Able to protect against any failures;
  • Sardonyx. This stone develops leadership qualities in lions, brings love and good luck in all matters;
  • Diamond. A stone that remarkably restrains the anger of a hot-tempered representative of this sign, the amulet can help improve relationships with work colleagues and find new friends.

How to wear and use talismans.

Those born under the sign of Leo are endowed with an explosive character and excess energy. Leos should use talismans located close to the body only in situations where confidence and good luck are needed. Symbols and talismans that are in the field of view have a beneficial effect on Leo: figurines, paintings, interior items.

Status objects and decorations are appropriate in a society of equals. Daily demonstration of one's leadership qualities lifts the mood of Leo himself, but the energy enhanced by talismans will irritate those around him. For Leo women, always surrounded by admirers, too much shine is simply dangerous. Not all men are gentlemen and knights. Therefore, luck and happiness accompany Leos, endowed with a sense of proportion and good taste. And if you are not confident in your own choice, you can turn to the power of amulets.

A talisman stone for a woman of this zodiac sign

It is advisable for all Leos to wear round jewelry shaped like the sun: bracelets, rings, watches, earrings, beads interspersed with precious stones. One of the most popular talismans of the Lioness is a ring with amber or jasper; such jewelry should be worn on the index finger.

  • Heliodor. If you wear jewelry with such a stone, you will not be left without the attention of the opposite sex and will catch admiring glances in any company; such an amulet will replenish your internal energy reserves;
  • Ruby. Ideal for older women of this sign, the talisman stone will help strengthen the heart;
  • Pomegranate. It will help replenish the strength of a Leo woman who is too active and gives a lot of her energy;
  • Cornelian. Helps you discover your talents.

No. 2. The sun in stones and metals Stones suitable for Leos and inspiring them to feat

Precious stones for a Leo woman can only be rubies, but there are countless semi-precious ones. Zodiac Leo stone most often prefers one as warm as the season in which he was born, fiery like his mane, hot like his character. For example, solar peridot and honey delicate carnelian . But that's not all!

Leo is a zodiac sign ruled by the fire element. A hot and somewhat even hot-tempered disposition, a strong character, the ability to overcome difficulties - all these qualities are attributed not only to lion animals, but also to those born under their sign. Hot August seemed to breathe a burning will to live into the babies born during this period. What stone should Leos wear?

Gold is the metal of Lviv. The main “colored” talismans for such a frame of the sign are considered to be semi-precious garnet , as well as amber . It is advisable to wear these stones around the neck - in this case they give the owner longevity and health. In the form of a talisman stone in a bracelet or ring, amber and ruby ​​influence the development of imagination.

The best “fiery” jewelry: gold earrings, ruby ​​rings, beads.

Talisman stone for men of this zodiac sign

The representative of this sign is a born leader, powerful, bright. Wherever he is, he is noticeable due to his spectacular demeanor, special confidence and temperament. Stones - talismans for Leo men - should protect their owner from all sorts of troubles.

  • Alexandrite. Helps to achieve success, strengthens Leo’s ability to lead people, and gives confidence in his own abilities;
  • Chrysolite. The stone brings good luck and strengthens friendships and business ties;
  • Sardonyx. Attracts good luck, gives courage and determination.

Colors for Leo

Shades quite often help in solving many problems. It is enough just to add these shades to the interior of your home for them to bring good luck and fortune. The following tones are considered favorable for Leo:

  • gold;
  • black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • yellow.

Choose furniture and home decorations according to these shades, creating a favorable aura in your home.

Talisman stones that are contraindicated

Minerals that will attract only negativity and bring nothing but trouble for representatives of the Leo zodiac sign are:

  • aventurine;
  • pearl;
  • obsidian;
  • amethyst;
  • chrysoprase.

The most dangerous stone for Leo is turquoise . The stone is harmful to health, negatively affects performance and communication with loved ones and work colleagues.

Medicinal properties

It has a beneficial effect on almost all systems of the human body:

  • Reduces the excitability of the nervous system.
  • Eliminates lethargy, increases stress resistance.
  • Develops brain cells and restores connections between neurons.
  • It will be especially useful during the “blooming” of respiratory diseases. Clears the airways and lowers the temperature.

Lithotherapists recommend using this stone for Leos in the fight against drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking. All properties for lions will be very useful and will come in handy throughout life in the fight against various diseases.

Talisman items

People born under the constellation Leo are distinguished by their strength of spirit. Their energy can be increased by the following items:

  • Eagle. Allows you to respond more calmly to criticism, refrain from making hasty decisions, and be more patient and reasonable. The talisman helps Leo achieve public recognition, create a strong family and surround himself with true friends;
  • A lion. It symbolizes power and strength, promotes the development of intuition, helps its owner increase status and quickly climb the career ladder. At the same time, the lion figurine does not allow a person to forget about his inherent sincerity and noble thoughts;
  • Star. Strengthens intuition, which allows you to make the right choice, leading to success and positively influencing the future. Leo is a sun sign, so the star should be made of a yellow metal, ideally gold. Such a talisman will attract light, converting it into energy and maintaining the tone of its owner;
  • Sun. Helps you quickly get what you want, protects against the evil eye, illness and injury. The sun gives answers to any questions. To do this, you need to write possible answers on pieces of paper and lay them out on the table. Then you should close your eyes and throw the talisman on the table. The answer closest to the figure is correct.

Important! Leo is not recommended to always carry talismans in the form of the sun and star with him, because this can strengthen the negative aspects of his character: selfishness and impatience. It is better to resort to the support of these items during a period of creative stagnation or before an important meeting.

Amulets, amulets

The following amulets and amulets will help Leos achieve success, despite the machinations of their enemies:

  • Money frog with three legs. Allows you to improve your financial situation and preserve capital;
  • Valkyrie. This amulet symbolizes nobility, honor, wisdom and justice. Valkyrie helps to cope with ill-wishers, and in times of peace gives confidence and calm. This symbol was worn by Slavic warriors who defended their family;
  • Ankh. Egyptian sign of strength and power. Considered the key to wisdom and important knowledge, develops magical abilities;
  • Thor's Hammer (Mjolnir). Increases endurance and helps overcome any obstacle encountered along the way. This amulet was popular in Scandinavia.

Important! Thor's Hammer is considered a strong, but rather capricious amulet. Anyone who carelessly handles this sacred symbol may incur the wrath of the gods.

Other amulets, talismans

Leo is considered a true connoisseur of indoor plants. This sign loves nature and strives to get closer to it. It is believed that the following indoor plants are suitable for Leos:

  • Ethiopian calla. Supports the desire for self-realization, relieves grievances and difficult memories from the past;
  • Cedar. Gives family happiness and well-being, allows you to achieve mutual understanding with your soulmate;
  • Japanese camellia. Develops creativity, helps adapt to changes in life, gives patience;
  • Cypress. Eliminates aggression, gives peace, teaches patience;
  • Poplar. Promotes the development of communication skills, enhances leadership qualities. Protects you from evil and selfish people, while helping you find truly true friends.

What Lionesses lack

They would need a little perseverance, the ability to correlate their strengths with grandiose plans, and then they will be able to achieve what they want in their work.

It is Lionesses who often occupy high positions, and then, ruling “on the throne,” they are completely satisfied with themselves.

Being demanding of a partner often results in failure. Men, unable to withstand all the tests to be with the “queen,” find a simpler companion, with fewer demands, and the proud Lioness remains alone, and suffers immensely from this in her soul.

In order for this zodiac sign to finally find inner harmony, be able to realize its role in life, and begin to listen to loved ones, it needs help. Precious and semi-precious stones can do this.

Astrologers believe that ruby, mother-of-pearl, amethyst, zircon, and agate are most suitable for Leos. It is the energy of stones that is sometimes able to resolve the internal conflict of Leo, making them less mercantile and more humane.

Charms that are not recommended for this sign

You should not choose talismans and stones for this zodiac sign that are blue and dark blue, such as Nazar Bonjuk (Eye of Fatima). They develop in them traits that are unusual for this sign and prevent them from moving towards their goal. In addition, talismans should not be decorated with stones such as turquoise, pearl, chrysoprase, amethyst, obsidian and aventurine.

Important! Broken or cracked talismans cannot be worn. They are able to attract negative energy.

The talisman is not only self-hypnosis, but also the influence of the energy of the object itself. A round object with solid edges carries a positive charge. An object with a broken shape (integrity) - for example, chipped, cracked, torn or stained - carries negative energy.

Pearls are one of the most mysterious stones in the world. Are you ready to experience its special properties for yourself?

Pearl jewelry, complemented with “lucky stones”, activates the best qualities of Leo, gives good recharge and a surge of strength. To do this, they must be filled with goodness and positivity, created with love and awe. So as not to doubt the wonderful possibilities of jewelry, order them in our catalog. Remember, we decide our own destiny, and only we are responsible for our actions! But why not add a little miracle to life? For example, fantastically beautiful jewelry that will become a talisman and amulet.

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