How to create a conspiracy to make people and bosses respect you


There are several rules that should be considered before performing rituals. On the eve of the pronouncement, you need to fast for three days. They should not be performed on pregnant women or during menstruation. There should be no distracted thoughts in your head. You need to remove jewelry and hats.

You need to remember the plot well and read without hesitation. If you're not sure you'll remember, write it by hand on a piece of paper. But under no circumstances read them from electronic devices.

There is a conspiracy from the nagging of the authorities. You need to take poppy seeds and read certain words over them three times. Next, these grains need to be poured into the boss’s pocket.

If the leader is angry, then they knock on a large tree and say a certain set of words. By wood we mean material. So it could be a table.

More information on this topic below.

The need for ritual

A spell on your boss, chosen correctly, can help you go to work with pleasure. The specificity of the exercise is that you need to read such a text either at work or before leaving home.

The following conspiracies exist:

  1. respect from superiors;
  2. so that the boss does not find fault;
  3. to value and judge fairly.

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Posted by Another World (@drugoy.mir.ezo) Jun 28, 2021 at 2:33 PDT

Such conspiracies will help those who are making a career and do not want to allow unnecessary rudeness and arrogant treatment towards them. There are several most common techniques for solving problems with your superiors.

  1. To endure the tyrant's outbursts of anger for a long time.
  2. Sign your resignation letter and say goodbye to your hated place of work forever.
  3. Try to talk with management, if the boss is able to agree to such a conversation.

If all this does not help win the favor of your superiors, the last and most powerful way remains is a conspiracy that will help get rid of the root of the problem.

A tyrant boss can make you want to quit your job.

And the boss won’t find fault

Many suffer from a bad attitude from their boss. There is a ritual that will help establish normal relations with your superiors.

Boss and subordinate

At home, take a spoonful of sugar and read the spell over it exactly at midnight:

Then you need to come to work earlier than others and scatter the charmed sugar in front of your manager’s office. It is clear that this must be done so that people do not see you.

Otherwise, distrust, ridicule, and nagging will be even worse, and not only from your superiors, but also from your work colleagues may begin to shun you, mock you, and find fault even more. Any magical actions do not like fuss and are performed quietly and secretly.

Rules for reading conspiracies

The magic text for respect is valid subject to the rules for reading it:

  • the spell is pronounced correctly, the words are not changed;
  • on the eve of the ritual, they fast for three days;
  • Pregnant women should not resort to rituals of respect. They are not read during critical days;
  • There should be no extraneous thoughts in your head. Maximum concentration on reading is required. Belief in the power of words is the key to obtaining the desired result;
  • conspiracies are read in high spirits and good health.

When performing a ritual of reading a magical text for respect, a number of conditions are observed:

  • witchcraft is performed in silence and solitude;
  • You need to take off your jewelry and headdress. A woman should let her hair down for the ritual;
  • for the sake of respect, no one is told about the magical performance;
  • The plot should be read before the sun appears in the sky in the morning or at sunset;
  • rituals are avoided on Wednesday and Friday for respect.

How to pronounce a spell correctly

When resorting to the help of magic in any matter, you should never forget that any action entails a certain responsibility. In order not to accidentally cause trouble, the ritual of attracting good luck must be taken very seriously.

  • The text of the conspiracy should be pronounced loudly and clearly.
  • At the same time, you must take care of the complete confidentiality of your actions.
  • Before performing the ritual, it is worth re-reading the plot several times.
  • During the magical action, the voice must be firm and confident.

After all, you can bring luck, respect and luck into your life only if you are completely confident in the effectiveness of your actions.

  • Beginners who want to use magic should choose a spell for love and respect that is not difficult to pronounce.
  • Experts advise charming yourself during the waxing moon.

The phases of the young moon mark the birth of something new and the beginning of a young life. It is at this time that the person speaking has the greatest chance of attracting good luck, love and respect into his life.

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Posted by ⚜️VEDUNYA MARITSA⚜️ (@maritsa_vedunya) February 15, 2019 at 8:31 PST

Existing conspiracies

Prayers and conspiracies to treat a certain person well and show at least minimal respect are different:

  1. conspiracies against an evil boss;
  2. installing protection from the manager’s shouts and nagging;
  3. spells that will protect against harassment from a boss using the position of a manager;
  4. magic against a vampire boss who feeds on the energy of his subordinates in order to gain new power;
  5. prayers that allow you to receive mercy and favor from a leader.

It's important not to overdo it here. Many sorcerers and traditional healers offer to punish cattle, a bad boss, by dismissal from office or serious illness.

When making such a decision, you should remember that this can cause harm, instead of quickly eliminating the problem: your wishes will turn on you, and it is almost impossible to cancel them. It is better to go a different way, use kinder rituals. Among them you can find great ways to help protect yourself from tyrants.

How to talk to your boss?

We spend a huge amount of time at work - eight hours a day or more. Some people cannot devote so many free hours to their loved ones, not to mention personal interests and hobbies. Often the office turns into a second work home.

Summarizing the above, we can confidently say that the atmosphere in the workplace is of great importance to us. It’s good if it’s positive, but what if it’s the other way around? Sometimes the friction and friction in a team is so intense that the employee is in permanent stress.

And if negativity comes from the authorities, the tension doubles. In order not to quit rashly and not lose your favorite job, try to plot against your boss. Magic is very effective if used with a clear goal and a sincere desire to change a situation for the better.

Before casting effective spells, remember the following:

  • You must calm down internally - an excited state, which affects not only your well-being, but also external manifestations (trembling, increased tone, redness of the face, shortness of breath), will prevent you from performing the ritual correctly;
  • Reading a plot requires full concentration;
  • Using a spell, focus on the main object - in this case, the leader. Visualize his facial features, posture, manner of speech - such concentration will make the magical effect directed;
  • Almost every conspiracy against a boss must be read before leaving for work, so the effect of what is said will be greater;
  • The key rule of a conspiracy against your superiors is not to talk about it to anyone. Know how to keep a secret and under no circumstances discuss the ritual with colleagues, even when it works successfully.

There are many spells aimed at achieving professional goals, but the most reliable and effective are considered to be:

  • Conspiracy to gain respect and love;
  • Conspiracy to protect against dismissal;
  • For promotion.

Remember that after each conspiracy, especially when it works, you must remember to thank the higher powers for their assistance.

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Posted by Maya Ozerskayaa❇TRANSFARMatio❇ (@maya_ozerskayaa) Jan 23, 2021 at 12:21 PST

Let's resolve the issue with colleagues

Now let’s imagine a different situation, when your communication with your boss can be described as soul to soul, but somehow things don’t go well with your co-workers. It seems that you don’t behave arrogantly (at least, you didn’t notice yourself), and you participate in all events, celebrate your colleagues’ birthdays and your own, among other things, but all your relationships are not going well.

Then, in this case, a love spell will help you - the plot is aimed at making you loved at work. This ritual is aimed not only at those who work next to you, but also at those who generally surround you. There is no evil word in the text, you only wish everyone good health, and also attract their respectful attitude and veneration for your work:

“Just as I have a pure soul and good thoughts, I ask for respect for myself.”

Before starting this conspiracy, be sure to read the prayers that you know and ask God to help you fulfill your wish, namely, that people treat you with a kind soul, as you do, and also love you.

However, there is a “but” in this conspiracy. By your behavior, you must set an example for others on how they should behave now. So, do not say a bad word about anyone, do not make a scandal, do not get angry if someone fails to complete a task, fulfill your duties to the maximum - thereby setting an example.

If this doesn’t help, we complicate the plot. For this you will already need additional materials:

  • water from a spring;
  • cup;
  • spoon of honey.

Are you prepared? We begin the ritual on Sunday night, in front of an open window. We put a glass filled with spring water there and completely dissolve a spoonful of honey in it. After this we read the text of the conspiracy:

“I want to dissolve like this honey in water. I don't want any more gossip and pickiness. Let evil tongues leave me alone, just as I don’t judge anyone. My word is strong and will be as I command.”

And we leave the glass on the windowsill until the morning. And before work, we take a little in our palm and wash ourselves. This procedure should be done daily before leaving, until there is no more water in the glass. The love spell is aimed at both co-workers and the boss. If you did everything correctly, then you are guaranteed the love and respect of your colleagues.

For love and respect

If, when a manager appears in the office, everything turns upside down inside you: listen to your feelings - what if it’s love? Romantic relationships that do not interfere with the work process can bring truly great changes to life.

But what if your boss doesn't reciprocate your feelings? Perhaps he is simply too focused on his responsibilities or does not yet see his other half in you.

Is it difficult to take the first step? Try to resort to the help of magic and bind the object of your adoration in a magical way. It is not very difficult to carry out a conspiracy for the boss’s love. All you need is a photo of him.

Of course, it’s better if the photo was taken by you, but hunting for the boss, watching him from around the corner with the camera on, will be at least strange. If it is impossible to fulfill the condition, just find a photo of the object and print it in color. Look carefully at the image and, gathering the most positive energy, say loudly:

“Like the sun warms and bakes, like a mother cherishes and adores a child, so you (the boss’s name) take care of me, be kind and flexible from now on!”

The above plot is an excellent way to achieve leniency from your superiors. But if you really want your boss to warm up to you more than is dictated by banal respect, try to be persistent, using feminine charms.

For promotion

A bad character, having office favorites, and simply a lack of time often prevent the boss from seeing you as a valuable employee. It’s bad if it directly affects career growth. If diligence does not bring results, you can move up the career ladder with the help of a conspiracy.

The main goal is growth, career and personal, and we will nurture them in the literal sense. First you will need to purchase a package of grape seeds. Soak them in clean water, and after a day plant them in a clay pot filled with garden soil.

After 7–10 days, sprouts will appear on the surface. It's time to read the plot. Choose a special day of the week - Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday. Looking at the young shoots, say:

“Grapes, grow, cling, climb up! And I, like grapes, will begin to grow in my career, cling to opportunities, occupy new levels, and cultivate my power! Amen!"

Proofreading a spell isn't everything. Planting requires careful care, during which you must constantly imagine the desired result and get used to the idea that you will have a new serious position.

From the bosses' nagging

How to get rid of your boss and pacify his aggression? Rituals for a stern boss can be read at home, using various attributes. To avoid being picked on, you can perform the ritual using poppy seeds. Take a handful of grains and read the words above them three times:

“Poppy seeds, I implore you, let my boss (name) no longer be able to find fault with me, let him begin to appreciate and respect me. Remove the nagging leader from my life, there will be no anger from him. He will not reproach you either by deed, or by conversation, or by anything of which he is not guilty. Let there be justice with the boss. I want to make peace with him and protect myself. Just as a poppy seed dries up, let me breathe calmly and easily in my workplace. And work brings only pleasure and stable profit.”

Next, you need to quietly pour a handful of charmed grains into the boss’s pocket.

From an evil leader

To protect yourself from rudeness, there is a simple conspiracy from an evil boss. With its help, you will no longer be treated impolitely.

To stop people picking on you and swearing at you, you need to knock on a solid piece of wood (for example, on a table), while saying:

“Let them not offend me anymore if I don’t deserve it. Let the tree protect you from the attacks and anger of a greedy boss. May he no longer swear, even if he is offended by me. And even if my salary increases, he pays me more, he doesn’t wait for me to quit, he doesn’t try to remove me from my position. If I was able to read this text, I will then know what to do. Just as this tree stands strong, so let the lock that I put on the mouth of the evil boss be strong. Doesn't be rude, doesn't scold, doesn't find fault. Thank you for that."

For the patronage of the boss

Turn the situation in your favor. A former enemy can become your patron. He will give you his mercy, protection, and raise your salary. You will need one thing from the boss - it could be a calendar, a scarf, his signature on paper - anything you want, something that can be burned.

  1. Buy candles: black, white.
  2. Bring the item home and place it in a container to burn.
  3. Be alone at home at night.
  4. Read the text:

“On a distant island there grows a tree, on it flowers are white and black, rafts are sweet and bitter, leaves are fresh and dry.” “Black flowers fall, bitter rafts rot, dry leaves are carried away by the wind.”

  • Light a personal item on fire with a black candle and let it burn out.
  • Say:

“On a distant island there grows a tree. It bears sweet fruits, white flowers, fresh leaves - beauty and grace. So the servant (name) is now merciful to me, generous, kind, speaks sweet words, and does not order anyone to scold me.”

Say prayers for your boss’s health more often by lighting a white candle - may you have a positive connection. The energy of the conspiracy will quickly find its target - the boss will change his attitude towards you and apologize. There is a solution to his anger.

On birch bark

A special ritual using birch bark will help you get rid of anger and make your bosses love you. At exactly noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch tree and pick a small piece of birch bark. You should try to choose a piece of white color without black inclusions.

The next day, at the first rays of the sun, you should take the birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

“As ordered, I take it. For good, not for evil! Amen!"

Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful, beautiful fabric and hide it in the pocket of your work clothes. Her daily presence will help you gain the favor of your superiors and attract success at work.

For a new job

If you learned about the existence of all the previous love spells only when you lost your job, then let’s get acquainted with the spells for a new job when all the usual methods have been exhausted. A conspiracy to respect your future boss will help you. We go into the forest and look for two trees growing together. We place our palms on them and say the words:

“just as two trees cannot live without each other, so the servant of God (your name) cannot live without working.”

Ask the Lord to help you with good work with which you will merge into one, like these two trees. Having finished reading the text, we leave the place of the conspiracy and do not talk to anyone until you cross its threshold. Speak - it's all down the drain!

Other versions of conspiracies for a new job are read over a glass of water three times, and then all the water is drunk before the interview - the text can be found on the Internet. You can also charm bread for this purpose. What you need is fresh. Cut off a large piece and pray again three times:

“I want to be treated the same way as bread is the head of the table.”

You eat and notice that everything is getting better, because luck with the bread love spell now accompanies you in everything related to work.


You will need seven pinches of salt and a plate. We must wait for Maundy Thursday, pour salt into a plate, and say:

“My guardian angel and deliverer, dispel my bad thoughts, open the blind eyes of God’s servant (boss’s name). Let him forget the insults, protect me from him. Amen".

A day later, you need to take this salt to work and pour a little at the boss’s door, at your workplace, at the exit.


You can literally sweeten management by sprinkling some sugar at its door. It is also necessary to mutter at this time:

“Sugar brings sweetness and pleasure to people, may I (name) be just as pleasant to my leader (name). Amen".

This ritual is most powerful during a full or waxing moon, on Fridays and Sundays.


After work, you need to prepare the dough. While you knead, read the magic text:

“I worship the Dark Power. Humble him, a male boyar, monastery, peasant, white, black, yellow, motley, so that he, (name), becomes humble and stupid, like a calf. As hard and tightly as a spruce stake is driven into the ground, so tightly would his agile legs and strong arms be bound. Language is my key. Amen".

Figured cookies are made from the dough, one of them is a calf. It will be necessary to slip it to the boss with his morning coffee, this will help appease him.

How to put a boorish colleague in his place

Most likely they will leave you alone after this. But you should never be rude to a colleague in return. He is most likely just waiting for you to snap and be rude in response. Subordinate Never raise your voice to your subordinates.

But one cannot forgive rudeness on their part either. This will cause team members to stop respecting you. It’s worth calling the offender to your place “on the carpet.” Think over his professional shortcomings (you can’t get personal). Criticize him by saying something like this: “We don’t need incompetent employees, now I’m just selecting a candidate for dismissal.”

This will let the rude person know who has the power. A competent leader is able to curb the rudeness of his subordinates with one hard look. And after that, he will call the culprit to his office and give him a dressing down.

Signs of an unhealthy work environment

Rudeness in a team can arise due to a negative atmosphere in the work environment. So the characteristic features include:

  • indifferent attitude of employees to their obligations, they simply follow instructions, do not try to establish relationships with each other;
  • if a clear line between work and rest has not been drawn, and there is no normal organization of the work regime, then employees will experience nervous overstrain, which will lead to irritability and nervousness, problems with self-control, and rudeness;
  • an envious attitude towards other people's achievements leads to the beginning of gossip behind the back of a successful colleague, which over time will develop into a rude statement in person;
  • rejection of newcomers, fear of new competition also causes rude treatment from old-timers;
  • shifting your responsibilities to other colleagues can cause aggressive behavior;
  • a boss who is accustomed to rude communication sets the most unhealthy example for his subordinates, and a negative psychological environment will develop in the team.

A conspiracy so that everyone at work is respected, appreciated and loved

Today I want to tell you a very strong and effective Conspiracy so that everyone at work is respected, appreciated and loved.

We spend a third of the time of the day at the workplace and it is very important that both the boss, the employee and the management as a whole value you, and that your employees love and respect you.

Today’s Conspiracy will definitely help you and believe me that it has been tested in practice.

Once a young girl came to me and complained that working was unbearable. That both her superiors and her employees, for no apparent reason, do not allow her to fulfill her work obligations normally.

This made the young girl constantly nervous and began to have health problems.

Imagine that a young professional in her field, instead of fulfilling her work obligations, survived every day at work and devoted all her time to protecting herself from attacks from the director and employees.

Of course, I advised my interlocutor this powerful Conspiracy. After 4 days, she called me back and happily reported that the employees had become much softer towards her, and the boss had even begun to entrust her with very serious matters.

After 2 years, she became the director of the department, and a year later she was assigned to become the federal director of an entire district in our country!

Why is that?

The girl was initially smart, she just spent 90% of her time protecting herself from her own employees. As soon as the Conspiracy began to take effect, the clever girl began to do her work and achieved success!

Conspiracy to honor others

It happens that others do not notice a person and do not attach importance to his words and actions.

In this case, a conspiracy is read for the respect of people and the honor of others. This should be done on the first days of the month for 7 days. During sunrise, they go outside and stand towards the east. They cross themselves 3 times, saying the spell:

Then they go home and go to bed until lunchtime. The magic ritual is repeated every six months for greater effectiveness. Gradually, society begins to treat the performer of the ritual better.

Another conspiracy to honor others should be read on the water. Collecting rainwater after a night thunderstorm. Early in the morning, immediately after waking up, a container of water is brought home. Say the following words over the liquid:

Before reading the plot, you must not wash your face with tap water, and you must not eat or drink. You need to wash your face with charmed water. This will help wash away the bad attitude of others.

Conspiracy for respect in the team

Bad attitude occurs in the team at work. People endure, do not sort things out with colleagues and bosses, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

If colleagues and superiors are clearly picky, a new moon ritual will help. The phase of the night luminary helps to attract a new relationship into life.

The ritual is performed in private, without telling anyone about it. A church candle is lit to create a magical atmosphere. Take new red threads that are wound in a spool. The index finger of the left hand is wrapped with red thread. Do not tighten too much to avoid swelling.

During the process, they recite the words they have learned by heart:

Immediately after the ritual, the performer goes to bed. The thread is left on the finger. In the morning they come to the team before everyone else. Before the rest of the employees arrive, the thread is removed and cut into pieces. The number of segments is equal to the number of colleagues.

Each piece of thread is hidden in an inconspicuous place on a colleague’s desk. Leave until the end of the working day. The ritual will work if the segments are not discovered by colleagues. At the end of the day, the thread can be removed. The person will feel better at the end of the ceremony. The attitude of the team will begin to improve with each passing day.

Conspiracy to avoid being laid off

Very often a situation arises at work that requires staff reductions. It seems like your boss appreciates you, and you’ve worked in your job for many years, and you treat your work well, but when there’s a layoff, you might lose your job.

When a company is downsizing, you can say the following words:

“My right hand, my right foot, My just cause. Was, is and will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

These words should be read when approaching the door of the person who resolves issues with hiring and dismissal. If in your organization such a decision depends on several people, then you should do this in front of the doors of all these people.

There is another powerful ritual to keep you at work. But before you perform it, think about whether you can fulfill all the conditions that this ritual imposes on you. To do this, you will need to go into the forest, collect or collect 36 oak leaves on the ground.

Ritual from reduction

They need to be stacked like a deck of cards. Then look for a clearing where there is a stump. Draw a circle around this stump with a stick and sit down near the stump, imagining that there is an ordinary table in front of you. Then you should call the devil to play cards with you. You can invite him with the following words:

“Little devil, little brother, go play cards.”

Then you begin to distribute these leaves between two and say:

“Damn, damn, I’ll lose to you in oaks, And you do for me (ask for what you want to get from him...).”

After this, you need to very finely tear up those pieces of paper that you handed over not to yourself, but to your playing partner. You take your own leaves with you and carry them to the building where you work and scatter them in front of the front door.

But the most important thing is that after this, for the rest of your life you should never even touch the cards, let alone play them. See if you can fulfill this condition! This ban must be taken very seriously.

Conspiracy for universal respect and love

It happens that a person not only experiences difficulties with communication and finding friends, but also cannot win the basic affection of people. This problem is probably tormenting you too. In this case, you can read the plot before leaving the house to make people love and respect you.

“I’ll get up early in the morning, go to the door, out of the door and into the hallway, and there – towards the people. When they look at me, they admire me, they admire me, they are kind to me. And old men, and men, and fair-faced girls, and young women. Let them love me, respect me, show me respect, give me a hand, let me say my word everywhere. Let them come to me with love and affection!”

After this, you need to cross yourself and go about your business. You can do a simple and effective ritual if you go to an unfamiliar company and don’t know how you will be greeted. To make a good impression on people and win their favor, you can read the following magic phrases:

“I’m going to visit, bringing good things, so people would greet me kindly, see me off with a smile and look forward to seeing me again. Let them seat me at the table, show me honor, treat me with dishes, and reward me with kind conversations. They will look at me with love! My words are strong, my thoughts are strong, neither fire nor sword can be cut. Amen, amen, amen!

In this case, both the host and the guests will show you the respect and honor that you would like to receive. It should be noted that all rituals do not have negative consequences and only work if you have unconditional faith in them, so throw away all the doubts and fears that torment you - you should not be afraid to improve your life.

Honored in the family

Conspiracies for respect will also help you gain authority among your loved ones. Reading them will promote harmony in relationships with family members.

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A conspiracy to make people respect and love will ensure mutual understanding with all relatives. They perform a magical ritual with flowers. Blooming inflorescences of small flowers are preferred. A branch of lilac will do.

At night, on the waxing moon, you should light a candle purchased the day before in the temple. Holding a lilac twig in their hands, they recite the text of the conspiracy to gain respect:

“Like flowers on the same branch are closely connected to each other, so that family members are friendly. Let love and understanding reign between them. Let them respect each other. Just as flowers grow together on a branch, let there be no quarrels or discord in the family. Just as the branch does not lose them, so the relationship with relatives grows stronger day by day. Let it be so".

Upon completion of reading the plot for respect in the family, the branch should be dried and hidden in a secluded place.

Sometimes parents complain about the behavior of their adult children. Magic will help reduce the distance between loved ones and achieve respect for father and mother. Through a conspiracy, the son (or daughter) will become more respectful to his parents. He will start helping.

The ceremony is performed in private. Windows should be curtained with thick curtains. The action takes place at night at the icon dedicated to St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Candles (3 pieces) are lit in front of the shrine. They are purchased in the temple on the eve of the reading of the prayer spell for respect. They place a cup of water near the icon and pronounce the words of the magical text over it three times:

“Just as a bird built a nest on an oak branch in a dense forest, raised the chicks, fed them and taught them good things, so the parents raised their child. Just as a bird spread its wings to its chicks and released them into the world, so the mother and father released their child from their native home. The chicks should fly high, and the child (the name of the son or daughter) should never forget his parents. Let the mother and father always honor, help and not offend. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, instruct the adult and unreasonable child (name) on the true path. Command us to love our parents. Amen".

Upon completion of the reading of the plot, the water is baptized. The dough for pies is kneaded on it. They treat their son (daughter). The charmed baking will help improve your attitude towards your parents and respect them.

Women suffering from humiliation from their husbands will be helped by a spell for respect. Magic will help your spouse become respectful and affectionate.

The wife should start preparing her husband’s favorite dish on the day of the waxing moon. The husband is treated to it in the evening. The spouse must have a good appetite. Food from the wife's hands must be completely eaten. When the man is full and gets up from the table, the wife silently pronounces the text of the conspiracy so that respect appears:

“Like food for God’s servant (husband’s name) is tasty and pleasant, so that he likes his wife (her own name). Just as he is satisfied with the dinner, let him admire, honor and respect his wife; he cannot stop looking at her. Amen".

Reading your spouse's plot will make him look at the relationship differently. Magic will revive feelings that have cooled. A man will appreciate his life partner and begin to value her.

Mothers who have given their daughter in marriage are faced with the problem of a disrespectful attitude from their son-in-law. The young man does not want to appreciate and support his mother-in-law. A conspiracy will help correct the situation.

The woman has to buy a gift for her son-in-law. It is preferable to buy clothes. The ritual will work if the man wears it. The acquisition is made on the waxing moon on Tuesday or Thursday.

The gift for the son-in-law is placed on the threshold. They read a conspiracy over him for respect:

"God help me! Mother Most Holy Theotokos, bless! I’ll stand on the threshold, trampling my son-in-law (name of my daughter’s husband) underfoot. Let there be respect and reverence as for your own mother. Let him not speak evil to me, let him not offend me. He listens to my words. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Clothes charmed for respect are given to the son-in-law on one of the great church holidays.

Universal love spells on candy for men and women

In love witchcraft for candy, there are also universal love spells that are suitable for both men and women. For magical energy, it makes no difference whether a woman bewitches a man or whether a man is trying to achieve the love of his chosen one, because both the stronger and the weaker sex of any age are submissive to love.

4.1. Cemetery ritual for candy

Despite the fact that to perform this love spell on candy you will have to visit a cemetery, the ritual does not apply to black magic, because sweets are often left on graves as a tribute to the memory of the deceased. This ritual is suitable for both men and women - you just need to change the words of the conspiracy a little. Buy a kilogram of loose candies and give them to the object of your love, then quietly take out three candies from this bag. With the first one, you need to go to the cemetery, find a grave where a guy or girl with the same name as your loved one is buried, and leave this sweetness there. The second candy should be given to any child, and the third should be placed under your own bed and left there for three months. Before you hide the sweets under the bed, say out loud:

“A dead man is indifferent to sweets, and you, (Name), will be indifferent (indifferent) to all men (women), except me. Children love candy, and you, (Name), will love me. Just as this candy is sweet, so will our bed with you be sweet. Amen!"

The more donated sweets the desired person eats, the stronger the fire of love will flare up inside him.

4.2. Candy spell for an unfaithful man or woman

If a love triangle has formed in a couple, you can quickly return your partner to the family using the following plot:

“Cheers, candy will tie a woman (man), she (he) will tell the whole truth about love. That guy (that girl) who nests nearby will leave the path with tears. She (he) is now only mine (mine) and no one else's (nobody's), there are many long nights ahead. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Read these words on the candy nine times in a row, and then secretly place a treat on your chosen one or treat it from your own hands.

Ritual for women

In order for the team to treat you well, for your colleagues to stop their nagging, you need to work with the level of the subconscious, both yours and theirs. This will be a step-by-step ritual of your “rebirth” in the eyes of the people working nearby. This ritual belongs to women's practices.

  • Bath salt.
  • Flavored water with a delicate, light scent.
  • Candles, red and brown. The first symbolize love, the second the inner “I” and personal desires.
  • Rose petals.

1st day. Take a bath with salt, relax and mentally repeat to yourself:

“I am worthy of love and respect, I am a person whom everyone loves and respects. There is only love and respect in my life.”

2nd day. Take a bath with rose petals, relax and imagine yourself as a little child loved by mom and dad. Draw pictures of life where your father kisses and hugs you, where your mother gives you tenderness. Show yourself how important and necessary you are to them. You can put your arms around your shoulders to literally imagine how good it feels to be under the loving care of your parents.

3rd day. Place candles around you, alternating colors and light them. You should find yourself in a burning ring. Having taken a comfortable position, you will need to read the following words:

“I love myself and everyone loves me, I respect myself and everyone respects me! I am the best employee and everyone sees it! I am a wonderful person and everyone appreciates that! My words are strong!”

The day after the shower, saturate the body with a subtle aroma, saying:

“The aroma is magical, it attracts people to me, people are drawn to me, people love and respect me! I deserve everyone's love and respect! Amen".

The procedure can be repeated several times, but always with faith in your soul and self-love. Before entering work, repeat the same words.

In relationships with people, the “reading” factor works; if you love and value yourself, then those around you will do the same. Working with your personal subconscious, influencing it with words and ritual will help you not just get rid of your colleague, but gain his love, respect and friendship. Source:

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