Hall of the Elk: meaning, amulets and talismans of the sign

The Hall of the Elk is the eleventh of sixteen sectors of the Svarog Circle. This ancient Slavic analogue of the zodiac contains hidden traditions and rituals, ideas about the world, as well as rules of life leading to a bright path.

Using the Svarog Circle, we will be able to find out what truths were revealed to our ancestors and preserve this knowledge by passing it on. According to the horoscope, the eleventh palace includes everyone who was born from May 9 to June 1. The totem of this zodiac is the elk, the patron goddess is Lada.

What does the palace of the Elk mean?

Those born in the house of the Elk resemble forest spirits from legends. These are exactly the people who can be called colorful. It's not about looks, it's about charisma. Dressing unremarkably, even dullly, with their stories and jokes, they captivate the audience with the snap of their fingers, so that listeners forget about business and haste.

The people of the Elk's palace are full of wisdom and mysteries, patient with those who treat them respectfully, but merciless with evil, arrogant people.

At first it seems that the representatives of this house are perfection, but they also have shortcomings. By the will of fate, they were born at this very hour in order to find the necessary patrons and learn what they had not succeeded in previous times.

The goddess Lada and the forest spirit guide Sokhaty will help the eleventh palace complete its mission. But this is only part of what the representatives of this house have to learn and realize. They will have to cope with one more task - learning to give kindness to others and abandoning preconceived judgments.

The meaning of the palace

Those born in this chamber always know what they want; in order to achieve their goal, moose can spend a lot of time, effort and money, even if no result is initially visible.

They are distinguished by responsibility, hard work, and perseverance.

If a person born in the palace of the elk has set a goal for himself, it will not be possible to lead him astray.

Usually success is achieved by the age of 30-40, around this time representatives of the sign begin to be annoyed by people who do not know what they want from life.

As for personal relationships, in their youth moose are quite amorous and often change partners. As they mature, representatives of this sign become more selective in relationships and, having chosen their other half, will no longer betray her.

Those born in the palace of the elk are straightforward, they do not beat around the bush, but say everything directly, and are often cheerful and sociable.

Patron God

The Hall of the Elk has an intercessor among the gods - her name is Lada. In ancient Slavic manuscripts she was mentioned under the name of the Heavenly Mother of God, because according to legend, Lada was the mother of the first generation of light deities.

Lada's favorites receive special benefits and happiness in family life from their patroness.

The Slavs revered Lada as the keeper of the hearth. The Spring Goddess contributed to the awakening of all living things, revitalizing the body and soul. Thanks to the light energy that she gave to the world, he woke up after winter.

There are various amulets associated with this goddess, for example, the Star of Lada, and Ladinets, which we wrote about earlier.

Under the influence of the goddess, relatives stopped quarreling, and women who were unable to conceive a child gave birth to healthy babies.

Energy vortexes of the Hall of the Elk and its impact on humans

According to the Slavic nine-fold system of energy vortices, the Hall of the Elk corresponds to the seventh vortex, Oko (Third Eye). It is located in the center of the forehead and projects onto the pituitary gland.

The seventh vortex, the Eye, is located in the center of the forehead.

Whirlwind Eye develops mental abilities, attention and memory. With its help, a person can connect to his own subconscious, use intuition and extrasensory abilities, and achieve creative inspiration.

People who have an open Third Eye are able to notice things that are inaccessible to physical vision. They are not influenced by emotions, remain calm in any situation, and have high intellectual and communication abilities.

Impact on women

Many people believe that character is completely shaped by society. But not everyone will agree with this. For example, astrologers are sure that the position of the stars at the time of a person’s birth also affects his character.

Our ancestors believed that having been born in a certain palace of the Svarog Circle, a person would live for the entire allotted time, being under its influence.

Here's how the zodiac house influenced the women of the Elk's palace:

  • Representatives of this palace are full of optimism; while being disappointed in one person, they do not stop believing in goodness.
  • When carrying out assignments, moose cows are as attentive as possible, trying their best to ensure that it turns out not just well, but perfectly.
  • Without communication, women from the Moose house begin to wither, but at such moments they do not seek conversations with strangers; they are comfortable in intimate conversations with close friends and relatives.
  • The habit of worrying about everything often leads to nervous disorders, weight loss and insomnia.
  • Women of the eleventh house are looking for the same companion predicted by the stars in order to create a union with him for life.

The inhabitants of the Elk's palace are characterized by slight instability and a state of being on the brink. They are desperately drawn to the light and want to live a full, rich life, but constant experiences hinder their spiritual development.

To find balance, esotericists recommend wearing a palace amulet. The amulet with the Elk rune will heal its owner, giving her the desired happiness.

Character traits

People who are patronized by the 12th palace are frivolous in their youth, often fall in love, and without regret break off old relationships in order to enter into new ones. In adulthood, they get tired of variety and strive to find a partner for life, and having chosen one, they become exemplary family men.

Elk sees the meaning of life in procreation. He is ready to do a lot for the well-being of his children, does not deny them anything, sometimes even to the detriment of common sense. Because of this, his offspring often grow up spoiled and selfish. To avoid this, the representative of the sign needs to adhere to the carrot and stick method in education.

Elk people find meaning in procreation.

Moose achieve success closer to 40 years of age. From this period, they begin to look with disdain at those who did not have time to determine their life goal.

Moose are hardy and sociable. They happily carry on conversations on various topics, but rarely open their souls, because they trust almost no one.

Among Elks it is difficult to meet vindictive people. They bring love into the world and know how to improve relationships between relatives.

Representatives of the sign rarely withdraw into themselves. These are extroverts who fill all the space. They need the attention of others like water. They do not know how to hide emotions, lie and be a hypocrite.

Elk will not be able to be alone for long. He is filled with energy by being among people, taking direct part in the life of society.

In men

The main traits of the Moose man are straightforwardness, determination and stubbornness. He will foam at the mouth to defend his point of view, to convince others that he is right. Thanks to his developed communication skills, he will easily succeed.

If desired, a man can become a good leader or speaker, but due to his innate dislike of order and conventions, he rarely achieves success in this field. Instead, Moose chooses a carefree life.

A guy rarely has problems in relationships with the opposite sex. Girls are attracted to him by his innate charisma. Being spoiled by their attention, he rarely takes the first step towards getting closer to a woman, even if he likes her. But when he decides to get married, no one will be able to convince him.

Among women

Elk women cannot arrange their personal lives for a long time, although they need a man’s shoulder. Having become disillusioned with their loved one, they stop trusting all representatives of the stronger sex, and when they meet a decent man, they look closely at him for a long time, not rushing to enter into a relationship.

Moose women need a man's shoulder.

The girl of this palace is difficult to deceive. She doesn’t take anyone’s word for it, so those who want to convince her of anything need to prepare indisputable evidence that they are right.

Family comes first for the Moose woman. If her husband or children have problems, the homemaker will lose peace for a long time. Troubles at work will also unsettle her. Due to excessive sensitivity, representatives of this sign often suffer from nervous disorders.

Moose is an extremely responsible person. She will not shift her responsibilities onto the shoulders of others, because she believes that the work will be done well only if it is completed by the one to whom it is entrusted.

Meaning for men

The stars influence both women and men with equal force. The power is the same, but the influence is different. Although, of course, men and women of the same zodiac have common features.

Moose quickly navigate a conversation, come up with ironclad arguments and, like magicians, manipulate facts, presenting them from an unexpected point of view that is beneficial to them.

Character of men of the eleventh house:

  • A word that very clearly describes the men of the House of Elk is straightforwardness. They are frank and honest in everything, often to their own detriment.
  • These men are in no hurry to get involved in a relationship. No, they are not so absorbed in work that they do not have enough time for dates. They simply approach love too responsibly and almost never take the first step.
  • Moose are sociable, you can rely on them in difficult times. But their willingness to help does not extend to people they don’t like.
  • Representatives of the palace are irresistible and talented, but their road to fame is thorny. The desire for a carefree life and disregard for the rules leads them off course.

The men of the Elk's palace are always passionate about something. They read, practice public speaking, or even learn to handle bladed weapons. It seems that they can speak and convince no worse than any professional business coach.

It is easy for them to achieve what others achieve through years of hard work or sycophancy. But to reach the highest peak, personal Everest, you need to stop being lazy and focus on the goal. The palace amulet will help you avoid failures and achieve what you want.

On guard of love

Since Lada is the goddess of home well-being and prosperity, people under the protection of this sign are aimed at creating strong family ties. Loving Lada herself always guarded the family hearth, the spouses’ business, showing them all sorts of favors.

As a guiding sign, the amulet helps those who want to get a strong and friendly family. It guides its owner to his true purpose.

The owners of such a talisman receive guaranteed protection and the highest patronage in every business they undertake. Moreover, if they choose the wrong path, the accompanying sign will help them return to the starting point and start all over again.

Amulet of the Elk's palace

Experts note that the amulet of the Elk’s palace can also be worn by representatives of other houses. Some amulets of the Svarog Circle have this property; the protective Elk rune is one of them.

However, there is one zodiac house that is incompatible with the Elk amulet - the palace of Tours. People in this sector should not wear the eleventh house amulet.

Properties of the amulet:

  • develops attentiveness and perseverance - these are precisely the qualities that Elks lack;
  • teaches not to be biased - not to judge by appearance, not to form an opinion about a person based on the stories of others;
  • such a talisman develops the owner’s talents - after prolonged wear, old hobbies come to life, new hobbies appear;
  • The amulet protects people in relationships from envious people who seek to destroy someone else’s happiness at any cost and take a warm place.

A wooden amulet promotes spiritual growth, and a gold one leads to monetary wealth. The palace rune, made of silver, is more focused on developing magical skills and cleansing the aura. The latter is also dealt with well by amulets made of copper.

The main symbol of the house is the runic inscription of the Elk. Instead, you can use a more classic image - familiar to anyone who has been to the zoo, the image of the moose itself.

Hang a picture of moose in the forest or a photograph at home. If you want a body amulet, look for a wooden pendant in the shape of elk horns. It would be better if it was carved from birch. Women should choose pendants made of this wood; men can take a talisman made of oak, maple or ash.

Choosing a talisman

The main point that will help you decide on the material from which it should be made is intuition. You should feel what it should be like, feel the warmth.

You can buy a Slavic amulet, make it yourself from wood (birch is best) or embroider a sign on clothes. He shouldn't be in plain sight. The amulet should be worn under clothing or stored at home in a dark, inconspicuous place.


The symbols sold in the store are made from the following metals:

  • copper - will help cleanse the aura, activate positive energy flows, protect against the evil eye;
  • silver - harmonizes relationships among close people, increases attractiveness in the eyes of others;
  • gold helps to increase wealth, well-being, and will give the owner of the amulet a feeling of happiness and joy.


Amulets attract a lot of negativity, protecting the owner, so they need to be cleaned periodically with fire, snow or salt. During this process one must be clean both in body and spirit.

Purification by fire takes place over the flame of a fire, the fire of which was lit using the friction method, and throwing logs of noble wood (oak, birch) into the fire. You need to hold the amulet for a short time over the fire, turning to the patron god with a request to cleanse the amulet.

When cleaning with snow, the amulet is buried in the snow for about a day. The cold will remove the negativity. The same is done when cleaning with salt; after a day, the amulet is removed, and the salt is thrown into the sewer or running water.

sacred tree

The amulet of the Elk's palace in the world of plants is birch. For the eleventh palace this is a sacred tree. You can use it to make body or home amulets. Bracelets or pendants, figurines - completely wooden figurines or dolls with wooden elements.

The sacred tree of the Elk's palace is birch.

Over time, a sophisticated tree with an unusual pattern on its bark became a symbol of the Slavs, an element of our culture. There are many traditions and beliefs associated with birch. Girls came to the birch tree to cry, for consolation. Birch shared its energy, taking away negativity. Some old traditions associated with birch have reached us. Birch brooms are still used in baths to cleanse and replenish vitality. At the end of March, on Lada Day, Slavic women tied ribbons from their hair to birch trees and made wishes.

The custom of sweeping the house with a birch broom is still preserved in order to sweep away evil from the house. Modern people think that this is a Christian rite, but in fact it is a transformed tradition that came from the times of paganism.

Magical meaning

The elk has long been considered the embodiment of strength, dignity and will, because the animal does not notice obstacles when it goes to its goal. In many northern tribes, the beast was equated with a deity and made a totem in order to gain protection from diseases and become stronger. The elk has a very sensitive sense of smell and hearing, and therefore the owner of a talisman with the symbol of the beast will also enhance these feelings in himself, but not only literally. It is believed that thanks to the patronage of the animal, intuition develops and one can learn in advance about impending troubles, dishonest friends and wrong decisions that can negatively affect the situation. But people who are ready to trust their own feelings, not just the arguments of reason, can take advantage of this magical property of the symbol.

If you make a moose as a patron of a child, then in the future he will live with the confidence that all the difficulties fell on him at an early age. This is due to the fact that baby animals experience the greatest hardships already in the first weeks of life. This worldview can add courage and fortitude in adulthood. But you should be prepared that the baby will sometimes be gloomy and not too active.

Thanks to such a beast, it is easier for a person to work with the subconscious.

Practitioners use the moose symbol to establish work with the subconscious. Thanks to the beast, you can learn to easily slide between the real world and the inner one. Rituals associated with death will also be easier, because the elk easily enters and returns from the other world. If a person who has experienced a bereavement turns to the beast, the latter will help restore the colors of life and change the attitude towards the departure of a loved one.


Women born under the sign of the elk palace differ from most others in their enormous thirst for life. At the same time, they are almost always filled with happiness, joy, and faith in the successful resolution of any issues.

They make every effort to save their home from any encroachment from the outside. True, such women may be prone to nervous disorders, since they too often have to worry about the well-being of their loved ones.

Such women do not like to spend a lot of time alone, constantly searching for a new life partner who will help them feel like a true woman and mother again. Internally, these are very strong people who can cope with any difficulties in life and ultimately find true love.

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