Meaning and interpretation of the symbol and amulet “Chamber of the Boar”

Hall of the Boar lasts from September 20 to October 12. People born during this period are patronized by the Deity Ramhat, who endows them with prudence and love of justice. The sacred tree of the palace is a pear.

In the article:

  • Hall of the Boar - features
  • Ramhat - law and justice
  • Amulet for the Boar's Hall

Description of the Boar's Palace

Symbolism of the palace

People born under the palace of the Boar find their “I” through the realization of their capabilities and abilities. They go through life successfully and achieve their goals. They are straightforward and honest, decisive and courageous, reliable and fair .

People from the first palace were born with a specific mission on Earth. They must help the god Ramhat in fulfilling the sacred canons created to maintain the purity of the Spirit. All their lives, Boar people comprehend the laws of Existence. For this, God Ramhat endows them with :

  • prudence in actions;
  • prudence in actions;
  • desire to create justice.

The meaning of the first Slavic symbol is to observe divine laws and preserve the traditions of our ancestors.

The totem animal boar or wild boar, which rules the earth during the autumn equinox, is endowed with belligerence, power, quick attack and defeat of the enemy. For the Slavs, the Vepr is an image of a strong warrior, a worthy opponent, known for courage, courage and deceit . The ancient people were wary of the terrible beast, thereby expressing reverence and worship to it.

On a note!

The patron of people, Ramhat, belongs to the gods of justice. And his subjects on Earth spend their whole lives searching for this important trait, trying to establish it in the human environment.

Who is patronized by Ramhat by date of birth?

The Boar's Hall is subordinate to one of the powerful gods Ramhat, who is also known by the name Ra.
For our ancestors, Ramhat has always been a symbol of justice and law. The ancestors were afraid to commit terrible rash acts, otherwise they could feel the terrible wrath of this deity.

Ramhat also has one important mission: he keeps RITA (the great Heavenly Book of Laws). This god has the power to condemn and punish a representative of the human race for the deeds he has committed. If one of the mortals dares to stumble, then Ra will always remind him that he should honor the Heavenly Laws. In addition, the deity ensured that no mortal could cause death to either another person or another living creature, especially for the purpose of sacrifice. Disobedience to Ramkhat resulted in the most terrible punishments. One type of punishment was the murder of the entire family of the offender.

In connection with these qualities of the supreme patron, the heroes of the article have such a sense of justice and perform well in the service of law enforcement agencies.

What does the symbol look like?

Traditionally, like any Slavic amulet from the palace, the symbol consists of a nine-pointed star of England, taken in the Svarog circle. Energy flows move in a circle, which give it strength. In the center there is a cross of two broken lines located at an angle of 90 degrees .

According to the description, the first palace of the Boar is a 4-rayed swastika, located counterclockwise, personifying the unity of the four elements of nature: Fire, Water, Earth, Air. There is another version according to which the talisman is a symbol of the Sun and the creative principle of the World. Turning the rays in the left direction means the feminine principle, which serves as a source of goodness and prosperity.

This is what the Boar's Palace amulet looks like

The talisman is made from precious metals - silver or gold. Pear wood is suitable for wooden amulets. It means:

  • pear wood is a source of inspiration;
  • gold as the solar principle of the god Rahman;
  • silver - as support in love and love vicissitudes.


The amulet of the Boar's palace cannot be worn by people who have committed a crime or murder, or caused physical suffering to another person. He loses his magical power and does not help his master. The Slavic peoples firmly believed in this.

History and patron

The first part of the Slavic zodiac cycle has its own patron, who is one of the most powerful gods of paganism - Ramkhat. He is considered the patron of wisdom. This deity is responsible for ensuring that order and peace reign on earth and heaven. He had many different names by which people knew him.

  1. Slave.
  2. Brahma.
  3. Ramh.

Regardless of the name that was given to him, he always remained the Judge who dispensed justice in all worlds. All people worshiped him. The Slavs always tried to live according to the laws that Ramkhat wrote for them - this allowed them to get into a better world after death. Those people who acted unjustly could not count on the kindness of a stern god. He punished those who harm others: it was believed that injuring or injuring another person was a terrible offense for which severe punishment would follow.

His symbolic tree is the pear. This fruit plant has always been revered in the culture of the Slavs. It was a symbol of the transition of the human soul from the earthly world to the afterlife. Particularly significant events in the life of the Slavs were held near it: consolidation of marriage bonds, large festive events.

The patron saint of the Boar is the pear

The Hall of the Boar is the time when the influence of God on people is most powerful. According to the Slavic zodiac system, this period begins on September 23 and ends on October 14.

Features of the palace

People born under the sign of the Boar sacredly observe the traditions of their people and the laws of their ancestors. They strive for justice, intolerant of betrayal and deceit . They like to argue, but, as you know, truth is born in quarrels. This is a kind of search for truth.

Over time, wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life emerge. The character becomes more balanced and calm. Difficulties arise in communication due to straightforwardness and honesty. Boar people make many enemies, because they always tell the truth and do not tolerate sycophancy and lies .

Totem animal of the sign

For men

The men born in the Boar's palace were blessed by Ramhat himself. When they were born, courage, boldness, and strength were embedded in their character. Subsequently, their lives, behavior and actions demonstrated what a real man should be. Boar men are characterized by the following features :

  • the ability to achieve justice;
  • responsibility and diligence;
  • manifestation of creative thinking;
  • decisiveness in actions;
  • the ability to achieve what is planned.

Against this background, some negative character traits :

  • fatalism or mystical belief in the inevitability of fate;
  • the ability to be influenced by external forces and circumstances;
  • display of rage;
  • inability to compromise.

The image of a strong man, a fighter for justice

On a note!

In everyday life, Boar people behave in a standard way, not much different from others. But when it is necessary to achieve truth and justice, they go ahead, destroying everything around them. During this period, the strength of male character is manifested.

For women

For those of the fair sex born in September-October, God Ramhat gives many wonderful character traits:

  • the ability to create a cozy “home nest” and the desire to keep the family together;
  • honesty and straightforwardness;
  • an unbiased attitude towards other people;
  • ability to support in difficult situations;
  • talent for creativity and understanding of beauty;
  • secrecy and mystery.

The amulet of the Hall of the Boar has enormous power: it is able to give a woman the joy of motherhood. It is better to wear a talisman made of pear wood, which is distinguished by its fertility. Wealth and good fortune await a woman if she trusts the Slavic god Ramkhat .

Personal qualities

Often these are creative individuals, they have a good sense of the beauty of the world around them, perceive it from the aesthetic side, always look good and try to improve their life as much as possible, and put an end to any chaos and disorder.

People whose talisman is the “Chamber of the Boar” easily solve complex intellectual problems, think quickly, adapt fresh technological innovations in their lives, learn new information, increase their knowledge and expand their erudition. They never get tired of learning new things and improving. In society, these are the leaders at the top levels.

Patronage of Ramhat

The God of Justice controls the laws of nature and people . His influence extends to the heavenly and earthly spheres. Ramhat administers fair justice using the holy book of Rita, where the most terrible sin is considered to be causing bodily harm, sacrificing or killing a person.

The Slavs firmly believed that if a person broke the law, then the help of the god Ramkhat would be forever denied to him. The heavenly judge has the power to condemn people who have stumbled and violated the rules established by the book of Rita. He pronounces a harsh sentence on them.

On a note!

The book of commandments for the world of Revealing (the above-ground world) sets out the laws of relationships in the family and the attitude towards nature. It is explained how man is connected with the universe. Respect for elders and Higher powers is prescribed, it is said about living in harmony with oneself and the world.

Boar tattoo applied to the forearm area

What do tattoos with this image symbolize?

The owner of a tattoo with any image of a Boar is a leader by nature. This person is pure in thought and soul, tries to do good deeds, and does charity work.

The symbol of the Hall of the Boar, applied to the body, helps to make a good career and attracts success. However, you need to think carefully before applying a sign. A person with a tattoo will be constantly under the influence of divine powers. Not everyone can cope with such powerful energy. Many people believe that it is better to purchase a regular amulet and refuse a tattoo.

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The Chamber of the Boar is a mediator between God and man. The symbol helps to hear the divine will, protects against evil, activates intuition and natural instincts.


Halls of the Slavs The Hall of the Horse, a talisman that brings light and drives away dark forces. What is the meaning of tattoos with this symbol?

Amulet, tattoo for the Boar's palace

The amulet helps not only people born during the autumn equinox. It helps everyone who strives and achieves justice . The amulet is an indispensable assistant in the following situations:

  • protects against meanness and betrayal;
  • helps in the fight against deception;
  • attracts energy and luck;
  • eliminates other people's envy and negativity;
  • assists in successful endeavors;
  • attracts good luck;
  • supports professional growth.

The tattoo also helps its owner. But the image of the symbol or totemic Boar can only be applied to the area of ​​the forearm, calves, chest, and back .

Effect on the wearer

In the fate of its owner, the Boar's palace makes precise adjustments, reinforced by character qualities and skills. A person who wears the Boar amulet has a number of enhanced attributes:

  • determination;
  • subconscious sense of direction;
  • tactical mindset;
  • the desire for a scrupulous study of the topic;
  • diverse views;
  • inquisitiveness of mind.

Boar's people never judge rashly; they carefully study the problem. They know how to move away from the usual train of thought and draw conclusions. Finding a non-standard approach and achieving a better result becomes a priority. They are attentive to the accuracy of all information provided.

The sign forms a set of qualities suitable for representatives of arbitration, bailiffs, and law enforcement officers. Boar people are excellent educators, worthy teachers. They lead people, protecting harmony within their chosen society.

Through the Slavic online store "Veles" you can buy the Boar's palace guard made of silver according to the canons of minting security signs.

Purchasing a talisman

Purchasing an item of sacred significance comes with certain requirements. The future owner or donor must clearly understand what role this item will play in the fate of the owner.

A Boar amulet made according to all the rules is worth buying by hand.
The Boar's palace, made according to all the canons, from the hand of a real Slavic master jeweler, is available through the Veles online store. The friendly team of the portal has adopted the mission of reviving the popularity of Slavic culture, which is reflected in the quality of the work performed and detailed consultations. Show in full

Amulet and its properties

As a security sign, the Boar's amulet ranks first among the strongest sacred symbols. It contains the fire symbols of the swastika and circle. The double solar coil denotes a heavenly flame that burns out all filth. The light of this source does not give shadows, just as Ramkhat does not allow the phenomena of double interpretations. His truth always has one plane, without a double bottom.

By putting on the Boar's palace, the owner signs up to monitor his thoughts and feelings, sweeping aside the tawdry and petty. This challenging step is rewarded by resilience in the face of adversity. Hints serve as “Ariadne’s thread” during difficult choices.

For personal wearing, you can buy the Boar Palace through the Veles online store.

The fate of the owner under the auspices of the sign

Being born in the palace of the Boar, a person gains a chance for a bright and easy destiny. They are given the right to shape their lives at their own discretion, but the demand for wrong actions is double. That is why it is recommended to buy the Boar Palace for parents who want to grant their child intercession and higher guidance.

A person who wears the Boar's palace receives a quick answer to questions asked of the Universe. These people are appointed by Ramhat as shepherds of society, and therefore their knowledge is replenished with reliable information from the most unexpected sources.

The meaning of the amulet

amulets with ancient sacred symbols in special esteem. They were considered life's main protectors and mentors. In those days it was difficult to find a person who did not have a personal amulet. Without it, a person was extremely vulnerable. This allowed representatives of dark forces to harm a person. In ancient Slavic culture, it was believed that it was necessary to select a talisman based on belonging to a specific palace.

An individual amulet should be presented in the form of a magical symbol responsible for the palace. The amulet with the image of the boar's palace had a number of significant qualities, which included the following:

  • The ability to protect against magical influence from the outside;
  • Help with career matters;
  • Attracting good luck on the love front;
  • Ability to develop hidden talents;
  • Improving various skills;
  • Normalization of psychological mood;

In some situations, representatives of the boar's palace lose self-confidence. This is normal for any person. But the boar, in the event of a negative development of events, may become too buried in its inner experiences. A personal amulet helps him deal with his personality crisis. It activates a person's strengths while reducing weaknesses. The amulet with the boar symbol allows its owner to turn off sensations, focusing solely on facts.

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