7. Practice with the energy channel - Runes of Treb

Runes, as well as fortune telling with them, have recently become extremely popular. That is why familiarity with runes, interpretation of their meanings and study of their interpretations depending on the alignment attract a large number of people. The subject of our article today will be the Treba rune. In fortune telling using Slavic runes, it has its own special meaning.

The Treba rune in layouts is a symbol whose meaning is sacrifice, without which it is impossible to carry out further development and progressive activity. True, making such a sacrifice is possible only from those people who go towards their goal with complete determination and knowledge of the matter.

Most often in layouts, the rune acts as an advisor for you to pull yourself together and turn on your head.

Try to treat everything that happens as a game that you just need to complete. And games, as we know, can be truly exciting. And as soon as you learn to control your emotions, everything will immediately go uphill.

The meaning of the runic sign

According to Old Slavonic concepts, events on earth were associated with divine power. They reaped a rich harvest, which means the gods were pleased, enemies attacked - it was believed that higher powers were angry with people. To appease the deity, the pagans had a ritual of sacrifice.

The word “requirement” had the concept of sacrifice, this is precisely the second definition of the ancient runic sign in the form of a Warrior’s spear, directed into the sky.

Straight position

The Slavic runes of Treb have a sacred interpretation that in order to gain something important and more, you will have to part with something less significant. The willingness to sacrifice lies at the heart of fortitude and unshakable determination. The Treba rune does not require giving up the main thing in the name of suffering, it must be a fair sacrifice.

According to the decoding of the ancient rune, the prerequisite is the acquisition of something more than the sacrifice made. Some Slavs believed that Treba sets thoughts in motion, promotes the emergence of new ideas, pushes them to take action and rethink their own lives. A person comes to understand that harmony and balance in life can be achieved only with the help of energy balance and its correct distribution.

Reversed rune

The ancient Slav knew that it was worth turning the symbol over, and the meaning of the ancient sign of Treb took on a completely opposite description. If the tip of the spear looks into the ground, this means that the person is desperate, he is not ready for decisive action, he tries not to think about problems, and especially does not want to solve them. Such a person lives according to his usual life scenario, and is carrying an unnecessary burden that should have been gotten rid of long ago.

Another interpretation of an inverted rune is an attempt by a person to outwit or deceive Fate. The sacrifice of such a person is regarded as ostentatious. In fact, he takes with one hand and does not let go of the “sacrifice” with the other hand, as if he is trying to hold on to everything at once. But any of these options is doomed to failure, marking time and lack of positive development.

Rune Treba meaning.

In ancient times, the word “treba” meant a sacrifice in the name of the gods.
Our ancestors, before starting any action, considered it necessary to bring bloodless offerings to their gods in order to earn their blessing and help in the future. This action hides the sacred understanding of the ancient Slavs about the interaction of matter in the Universe. If you want to receive something, then you must be ready to give something of equal value in return. This is a narrow understanding of the Slavic rune Treba. Often this rune is also called the rune of sacrifice. The image of the Slavic rune Treba resembles an arrow, but in fact it is a spear, the most important weapon for ancient Slavic warriors. Here we are not just talking about a soldier fighting on the battlefield and shedding enemy blood, but about a person who is in an eternal struggle with his inner demons. In life, each of us encounters various obstacles and problems. You can always give in to temptation, do the wrong thing and thereby make your path easier. Only a spiritually strong person will be able not to fall before obstacles, not to show weakness, and to go through all adversity while maintaining dignity. The Treba rune is the personification of a true, spiritual war that flares up in the soul of every person. This is the rune of spirit, perseverance and courage.

On the other hand, the Slavic rune Treba implies a certain call to action. Just think about it, the very name of the rune seems to demand something from us. A strong-willed and courageous person is capable of deciding his own destiny. This grace is given to him by the gods, our ancestors believed in it. A person must reject all doubts and fear, listen to himself, assess the situation and think about the possible consequences. This is also a rune of a certain responsibility that a person bears for his every action. There are straight and inverted Trebu runes. We have already found out the meaning of the first, but the inverted Treba says completely the opposite. The Treba rune in an inverted state indicates the need to slow down and hide, wait out the storm.

Interpretation of runes in fortune telling

Ancient runes are often used in rituals to predict the future. With their help it was possible to correct actions and actions. The most popular questions asked by people were love, work or business.


The Treba rune in a relationship means a strong union, but a difficult relationship. This may be a constant struggle with quarrels on the one hand, but a desire for compromise and compliance on the other hand. An inverted sign will appear when a person does not want to compete for the attention of the object of love. Another definition is life in marriage out of inevitability: without love because of children, based on “what people will say.” In this case, it is possible to create a union due to an unwanted pregnancy or due to the belief that it is simply “time” to get married.


A direct runic sign for business means determination, activity, readiness to “destroy” competitors on the path to success. Reversed Treba indicates a lack of desire to make a career, passivity, a desire to remain unnoticed, not to stand out and to be good to everyone. Such people prefer family, personal relationships, and gaining financial independence fades into the background.

Requirements for health

The Warrior Rune in the upright position is a constant excitement, nervous tension, reminiscent of the state before entering the battle arena. In life it manifests itself as irritability, nervousness, extreme anxiety before an important event. When combined with the female rune Bereginya - anxiety due to pregnancy or other women's problems. A combination with the sign of Need can mean severe nervous shock from the conscious refusal of something that brings pleasure. For example, the manifestation of psychological dependence when quitting cigarettes in smokers.

Rune Treba buy

The material from which your talisman will be made also plays an important role. Each metal responds to a certain living energy, you can order the Rune of Treba in gold Rune of Treba in silver. These metals seem to be created by nature itself for bright, balanced and calm people.

In any case, no matter what the Treba talisman you choose turns out to be, our workshop sincerely wishes you good luck. We ask you to never forget that we are the creators of our own destiny, and things continue to be just things without our faith.

The power and meaning of the amulet

The symbolism of the Treb rune is often used as an amulet. Now, as in ancient times, the sign is applied to wooden talismans; its image is made of precious metals. You can even draw a rune on a piece of paper and carry it with you so that the sacred image has its mystical effect on a person. It is important to ensure that the symbol is always in the correct position; an inverted sign can lead to negative consequences.

A talisman with Treba will help the owner change his thinking and ensure spiritual growth. A person begins to understand that there is no need to value the empty and petty, it is important to learn to look at things “from a different angle” and see opportunities. The rune promotes changes for the better, encourages the owner of the amulet to overcome inaction, which does not allow achieving high results in life.

Rune Treba in love and relationships

As for your personal life, in this case the rune symbolizes your 100% willingness to sacrifice anything for the sake of your loved one and invest everything you have into your relationship.

You are great at finding compromises with your significant other and smoothing out conflict situations.

Everything that concerns tolerance and mutual understanding - here you definitely have no equal, but it does not bring you any benefit.

If you have a less than conscientious partner next to you, you can easily face disharmony and disrespect.

Reversed position in love fortune telling

If we talk about the inverted position, then first of all it symbolizes your unwillingness to fight for the relationship. There is no resource within you to express your feelings; you have a weak character, absolute indifference to your future and a passive position in life.

In general, the requirement always predicts a happy future together, or rather the opportunity to come to it after the enormous difficulties we have experienced together. But this is only possible if you care about the person who is next to you.

Use in magic

The mystical symbolism of the ancient alphabet was often used by the Slavs in magical rituals. The Treb sign was used as a “medicine” for a person in certain situations. It was believed that the sacred symbol had a strong influence that could not be resisted.

Most often, runic signs were used in combinations:

  • Treba in combination with the Wind symbol contributed to prosperity and financial well-being;
  • if you combine the rune with the Rainbow, there will be success in any endeavor;
  • Need with the rune Demand are of great importance for love relationships.

Runic symbols remained with a person until the desired result was obtained in the form of talismans, talismans, they were embroidered on clothes, drawn on accessories.

Interpretation in layouts

The main advice of the rune is to be prepared to make small sacrifices in order to achieve a big goal. Also, don't get attached to things.

It is worth remembering that not a single sacrifice made in the near future will be in vain. The rune advises not to forget about the law of karma. The runes that fall next can clarify the prediction.







Love and relationships

In the upright position, the sign indicates the ability to give in to a partner and find compromises. The fortuneteller is ready to sacrifice his comfort for the sake of the happiness and peace of his loved one. In such a couple, relationships are built on mutual respect and trust.

If the fortuneteller asks about the future, the rune foreshadows good prospects for the union and speaks of the seriousness of intentions.

In an inverted position, the symbol means:

  • weakness of the fortuneteller;
  • lack of willpower and desire to fight for a loved one;
  • indecision that will prevent you from building strong relationships.

When the Lelya rune is nearby, it means immaturity and capriciousness of character. Dazhdbog says that the fortuneteller is an unsuitable match for his partner. The Rock rune in the neighborhood symbolizes conventions and prejudices that prevent a couple from strengthening their relationship.


In fortune telling for work, the Slavic rune Treba says that a person knows how to rationally assess the situation and concentrate on the goal. But it’s important not to make career growth your main goal.

The rune does not require excessive sacrifice, so you should not abandon your family and loved ones. If a Support appears nearby, this indicates that hard work will bring good results.

The Slavic rune Treba inverted has a more negative interpretation. It means:

  • fear of taking on responsibility and performing additional tasks;
  • inability to defend one's position;
  • hypocrisy on the part of colleagues or management.

When Perun appears nearby in the reading, this indicates inflated demands for work, although the fortuneteller himself does not meet them. The Bereginya sign in the scenario says that the first place for the fortuneteller is family, not career.


The meaning of the ancient rune Treba symbolizes great willpower and readiness to fight the disease. The fortuneteller agrees to sacrifice material goods, time or well-being if the drug causes certain side effects.

Sometimes the rune speaks of nervous tension. When inverted, the Treba sign means diseases or injuries of the spine, as well as problems caused by psychosomatics.

It is important to consider the meaning of neighboring runes. When Bereginya falls nearby, this foreshadows problems with women's health. The combination of the symbols of Need and Requirement says that any restriction or refusal can cause nervousness and tension. This combination occurs in people who have had some kind of addiction.

Runic symbol tattoo

In the old days, body designs with Treba were more often applied to male warriors; this symbol was not available to ordinary people. The runic sign was not a banal decoration; the sacred rune is a powerful amulet. Today, when tattoos are taken lightly, it is especially important to understand the meaning of Requirement.

Regardless of whether the owner of the tattoo wants it or not, Treba will subordinate the person’s consciousness to follow its purpose. Therefore, it is not advisable to tattoo a rune on moving parts of the body (especially on the forearm, hand, wrist), so that the sign does not turn over and begin to have an undesirable effect.

Inverted position

When turned upside down, the rune has several meanings. This is considered an attempt to cheat karma. Perhaps the fortuneteller only pretends to make a sacrifice, but tries to hold on to what he has.

The second interpretation indicates a lack of goals and plans in life. A person has no desire to move forward, he clings to unnecessary attachments and does not strive to give them up. Such a person is satisfied with her ordinary way of life, and she does not strive for the best. Both interpretations of the inverted rune symbolize stagnation, emptiness and marking time.


The Treba rune is a strong sign that influences a person’s fate and behavior. You can use it, but subject to a full understanding of the meaning and impact of the symbol. Lack of progress in life, stagnation in business or other areas of life, is the main indication for using the sign. In this case, you can get an amulet that will help you set your priorities in life correctly.

Over time, the need for action may disappear, then it will be enough to remove the amulet with the symbols of Treb. If the magical attribute is left to oneself, the person will involuntarily follow the will of the sacred sign. That is why runes are not recommended to be used as a body amulet-tattoo. To get rid of the effect of the runes, you will have to remove the tattoo.

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