The tenth sign from the circle of Svarog - the Hall of Tura (April 17 - May 9)

The eleventh place of the unique Slavic Circle of the god Svarog is occupied by the Hall of Tours, which is patronized by the god Kryshen. The reign of the powerful deity was determined by the period from 04 to 26 Elet. Today the exact date is unknown, but modern scientists suggest that this is an approximate interval from April 14 to May 9.

People whose date of birth corresponds to the period of Kryshen’s reign are distinguished by their special character. To pray to their patron and ask for protection, the ancient Slavs created the corresponding amulet, the Hall of Tours, the description and meaning of which indicate that the protector will never leave his charges.

Hall of Tours: main characteristics

Amulet of the Palace of Tours.
The ancient Slavs called those who were born from March 25 to April 17 tours.

According to other versions, Bulls were considered to be born:

  • from April 14 to May 6;
  • from April 15 to May 7;
  • from April 17 to May 9.


People born in the Hall (house) of the Bull are distinguished by their spiritual and physical strength. They strive to be useful and always come to the rescue before they are asked.

Tours are characterized by:

  1. Ability to set goals and achieve desired results. Bulls rarely refuse to carry out their plans.
  2. Sociability and philanthropy. People of this Hall do not like loneliness. They are always happy to meet new people. Tours avoid quarrels and scandals and try to resolve all conflicts peacefully.
  3. Calm. Bulls lack nervousness. They prefer a measured lifestyle.
  4. Love of freedom. Despite their devotion to family and friends, the Turs strive to maintain independence and protect their personal space.
  5. High efficiency and hard work. Bulls are most active in the spring and summer months.
  6. Having intuition. Reasonable Tours often act based not on facts, but on their feelings. The sixth sense helps representatives of the house become good magicians and soothsayers.

The disadvantages of the Hall include self-doubt, which makes the Turs hesitate in making decisions.

Patron God

Representatives of the sign are patronized by Kryshen. This Slavic god is considered the protector of the elderly, children, disabled people and warriors. Kryshen helped people gain wisdom.

sacred tree

Aspen is considered the sacred tree of Turov. To cleanse the energy of the house and protect the home from evil spirits, it is necessary to place branches of this tree in the rooms. If necessary, they can be hidden behind furniture, placed on cabinet shelves, etc.

Aspen speeds up recovery. The Tur can hide the branches under his bed or take a bath with a decoction of the leaves.

Making aspen amulets is unacceptable. The tree takes away not only harmful, but also positive energy. The branches should be left in the house until the first signs of wilting or until the patient recovers.

Aspen is the sacred tree of Turov.

Character and abilities of Turov

Turs, like the animal that gives them their name, are surprisingly persistent and hardworking.

They are never in a hurry, but at the same time, they move extremely thoughtfully and carefully towards their intended goal. Tours are characterized by excellent organization; they think through their steps and actions down to the smallest detail.

One thing can darken their mood - dependence on natural processes makes them feel pressure drops or magnetic storms invisible to others. The health of the Turs often suffers from pressure surges or melancholy, which knock them out of active life.

Tours are often introverts, they do not like huge crowds of people, they are characterized by friendly contemplation of society, but without active participation in society. They prefer a narrow circle of trusted friends instead of a noisy crowd, which tires them very quickly. For those mental processes that constantly occur in the heads of these sages do not tolerate fuss and interference.

Those born in the Hall of Tura are distinguished by a surprisingly calm disposition. When choosing a life partner, starting a family, they try to take a balanced approach to such a serious act. Their soul mate should also be distinguished by a calm disposition, have kindness and wisdom to create material wealth. Chartogi of the family nest for the Turs is a fortress, which they sacredly protect from outside encroachment and invasion of uninvited guests. In their home filled with happiness, the Turs find that joy that makes them completely happy.

They love their children very much, to whom they devote all their free time from creation and righteous labors. They dissolve in them with all their souls and thoughts, they see in them a reason for tenderness and joy, for the Turs have their own little blood - light, radiance, a ray of happiness. The Turs give their efforts and all the wisdom they possess to their own children, directing efforts to ensure that children in life comprehend all the best that the universe gives us.

Tours are very smart from a very young age and only increase their potential over the years. They tend to deeply comprehend all conceivable knowledge that science gives people. Observing and analyzing, the Tours perfectly see their path to development. Usually they have good abilities to achieve not only material success, but also to occupy authoritative positions in society. Their opinions and advice are listened to by the broad masses of the people, for the veil of wisdom on Turov’s bright brow encourages trust and respect.

Character of representatives

Men and women of the Hall of Tours often have difficulty finding a partner who matches their ideal. Bulls are recommended to marry representatives of their sign.


Oxen men prefer professions related to helping other people (doctors, rescuers, firefighters). They have a penchant for exact sciences and self-education.

Tours don't like routine. For this reason, they often engage in entrepreneurial activities or change jobs.

A bull can become a faithful husband and a good father. However, Turs find it difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex due to their inability to express their feelings for their beloved.


The women of the house of Tura are distinguished by their talent for raising children. A mother never has to raise her voice or resort to punishment to convince her child of anything. At the same time, Tours rarely choose teaching professions.

Tours do not seek to change partners. They see their loved one as a future husband and father of their children. Women expect fidelity from their lovers. Material well-being is not always the main criterion when choosing a spouse.

The Tur woman is a good mother and a faithful wife.

Character and abilities of Turov

Turs, like the animal that gives them their name, are surprisingly persistent and hardworking.

They are never in a hurry, but at the same time, they move extremely thoughtfully and carefully towards their intended goal. Tours are characterized by excellent organization; they think through their steps and actions down to the smallest detail.

One thing can darken their mood - dependence on natural processes makes them feel pressure drops or magnetic storms invisible to others. The health of the Turs often suffers from pressure surges or melancholy, which knock them out of active life.

Tours are often introverts, they do not like huge crowds of people, they are characterized by friendly contemplation of society, but without active participation in society. They prefer a narrow circle of trusted friends instead of a noisy crowd, which tires them very quickly. For those mental processes that constantly occur in the heads of these sages do not tolerate fuss and interference.

Those born in the Hall of Tura are distinguished by a surprisingly calm disposition. When choosing a life partner, starting a family, they try to take a balanced approach to such a serious act. Their soul mate should also be distinguished by a calm disposition, have kindness and wisdom to create material wealth. Chartogi of the family nest for the Turs is a fortress, which they sacredly protect from outside encroachment and invasion of uninvited guests. In their home filled with happiness, the Turs find that joy that makes them completely happy.

They love their children very much, to whom they devote all their free time from creation and righteous labors. They dissolve in them with all their souls and thoughts, they see in them a reason for tenderness and joy, for the Turs have their own little blood - light, radiance, a ray of happiness. The Turs give their efforts and all the wisdom they possess to their own children, directing efforts to ensure that children in life comprehend all the best that the universe gives us.

Tours are very smart from a very young age and only increase their potential over the years. They tend to deeply comprehend all conceivable knowledge that science gives people. Observing and analyzing, the Tours perfectly see their path to development. Usually they have good abilities to achieve not only material success, but also to occupy authoritative positions in society. Their opinions and advice are listened to by the broad masses of the people, for the veil of wisdom on Turov’s bright brow encourages trust and respect.

Amulet and its features

It is advisable that only those who were born in the Hall of Tours use the amulet. However, the talisman can also bring good luck to representatives of other houses.

Description and appearance

The talisman is a letter (rune) “T” with a diamond in the center of the vertical base. The symbol is inscribed in a nine-pointed star. Around this image the rest of the Halls of the Svarog Circle can be located.

Some craftsmen use only the “T” rune when making an amulet. However, such a talisman is considered less powerful.

Appearance of the amulet.

Possibilities and magical power

The amulet allows its owner:

  1. Make an important decision. A person needs to take the talisman in his hands and think about his problem. You can mentally ask a question.
  2. Coping with stress and anger. The amulet calms people with increased excitability. It will help eliminate fear.
  3. Protect yourself from dark forces, damage and the evil eye. With the help of a talisman you can neutralize black magic.
  4. Maintain authority. The ability to control your emotions and make the right decisions earns the respect of others.
  5. Find hard work. Tour is considered one of the most efficient signs. At the same time, he is slow and prone to passivity, which leads to laziness. The amulet supports hard work and protects against fatigue.

The amulet provides energetic support to the owner during magical rituals. With the help of a talisman it is easier to establish a connection with the subtle world.

Who is it suitable for?

The amulet is suitable:

  1. To teachers. Using a mascot will help increase your credibility among students.
  2. Leaders and those who plan to become them. The amulet develops leadership qualities in a person.
  3. People who are engaged in scientific activities. The nine-pointed star increases concentration and promotes the development of perseverance.
  4. Cholerics and melancholics. Using the amulet helps to get rid of excessive emotionality.

The power of the rune can also be used by anyone who wants to become more organized.

The amulet will protect its owner from damage.

Hall amulet

The best option for a palace talisman is a pendant made in silver or gold.
It is better to make the tura amulet in the form of a pendant made of silver or gold. The talisman of the palace of the tour represents the rune of the sign enclosed in a 9-pointed star. The frame of the symbol can be a circle, sun rays, flame or the stake of Svarog.

The amulet of the palace of the tour helps resolve difficult situations, protects against dark magic, and preserves health.

A personal talisman protects against apathy, laziness and depression, helps set a goal and see the path to solving difficult problems.

Provides special support in protecting the clan and family values.

The power of the talisman increases with age; it is better to wear it hidden from prying eyes so as not to disrupt the delicate connection between the wearer and the amulet. In addition, you should not let strangers see or hold the amulet.

It is not advisable to apply a tattoo.

DIY Tips

It is acceptable to buy an amulet, but it is advisable to make it yourself.

You can apply the Bull rune to:

  1. Ring. This decoration symbolizes infinity. The owner of the accessory will always receive help from the god Kryshen. Rings are recommended for teachers and students to wear.
  2. Clothes. The sign is embroidered with blue, red or black threads. This method of using the symbol is more suitable for married women.
  3. Apartment walls. The rune is not applied in the toilet and bathroom so as not to “wash away” the positive energy. The most suitable place to place the Ox sign is the bedroom.

Everyone can wear a pendant or pendant with the image of the letter “T”. Materials of natural origin are suitable for making a talisman.

If a person plans to make (order) a metal amulet, it is allowed to use:

  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • silver (more suitable for men).

Precious metals and stones should not be used. The chain for wearing the pendant should also be made of natural material. You can use cotton or linen. If the talisman is made of synthetic materials, it will not have magical powers.

Before you start making the amulet, you should take a bath or visit the sauna. The future owner must be in a good mood. It is unacceptable to create a talisman during illness. You should only work on the waxing moon. The amulet can be given a name that no one should know.

DIY metal amulet.

Patronage of the god Kryshen

Those born in the 10th sector of the Slavic circle are under the protection of the god of ancient wisdom - Kryshen.
The patron god of wisdom and rituals endows those born in this palace with calmness, wisdom, perseverance and the ability to live harmoniously.

The protection of the God of Roofs also extends to protection from the enemy. If something threatens a person or his family, calmness and tranquility are quickly replaced by determination and strength, which allows one to protect oneself from the enemy.

The god of ancient wisdom plays a great role in protecting children, the elderly, warriors and people who are weak due to illness.

Activation and cleaning of the Slavic amulet

The talisman must not only be activated, but also periodically cleansed of accumulated negative energy. Both rituals can be performed with the help of such natural elements as:

  1. Fire. The amulet is carried several times over the flame of a white, red, yellow or green candle.
  2. Earth. The talisman is buried in the ground for 24 hours. It is advisable to do this outside the city or near a church. You should not bury the amulet near a cemetery or hospital.
  3. Water. The liquid is poured into a transparent glass without a pattern, the amulet is placed there and left for 5-6 hours. Water brought from a church or taken from a natural source is suitable for activation and cleansing.
  4. Air. You need to go out into the field in windy weather. The talisman is taken in the right hand and raised above the head. You need to remain in this position for 5-10 minutes.

It is advisable to carry out activation immediately after manufacture or purchase. The amulet should be cleaned 3-4 times a year. The choice of element depends on the material from which the amulet is made.

For example, you should not activate a wooden amulet using fire or earth. Air should be preferred. Before performing the ritual, you need to mentally or out loud turn to the elements and ask it to activate or cleanse the talisman.

Tattoo meaning

The image of the Tour symbol is applied to the body in cases where they want to acquire such character traits as:

  • determination;
  • physical or spiritual strength;
  • endurance.

However, magicians recommend using a talisman rather than getting a tattoo. Unlike an amulet, a tattoo cannot be activated or cleaned. A tattoo will not have the same power as a pendant or ring. People born under other signs of the Slavic zodiac are prohibited from getting a tattoo with the Ox rune.

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