Scorpio zodiac sign sign of death and danger

Sign of Death

Scorpios have a special sign, which is called the sign of death. Judging by one of the descriptions, it should depict a skull and crossbones, like those of pirates. And all because these signs can predict death, thanks to developed intuition.

Before you give a Scorpio a talisman, you need to understand what is suitable for them.

Scorpios in bed

Scorpio Man

has the power to bring pleasure to any partner. He will enjoy her orgasm, moans and her satisfaction. Sex with a Scorpio can be a whole master class in aerobatics or just an animal instinct. It does not repeat itself, Scorpio is in eternal movement upward, towards maximum pleasure.

Scorpio Women

love sexting. They love exchanging erotic photos, messages and plans for future love affairs in a virtual form. These women are always ready to make your every wish come true. They are tireless and passionate. If you pamper their body in bed, they will be able to give you heaven on Earth.

Animal mascot

An excellent gift could be a small figurine, a pendant, or even a regular photograph of an animal.

Amulets for the sign Scorpio

Mascot options:

  1. Scorpion. Despite the fact that the sign carries self-destruction, it will add strength and power to the representative of the constellation and protect its owner from enemies.
  2. Scarab. Symbolizes wealth, rich life. Any sources allow you to earn income. Moreover, Scorpios will not succumb to dubious deals if the talisman is with them.
  3. Frog. Having received such a gift, Scorpios will not commit rash acts. The symbol will increase the opportunity to become more successful in business. The main thing is that there is always water next to the talisman.

READ ALSO: What can you expect from a Scorpio who has fallen out of love?

Fixed sign, sign ruler - Mars and Pluto.

The element is water. Lucky days are Tuesday. Unlucky days are Monday, Friday. The time of year is summer. Good places are stadiums, factories, forests, taiga, thermal waters. Numbers - 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100 and 666. Colors - dark red, scarlet, crimson. Stones - ruby, moonstone, crystal, topaz, malachite, hematite. Metal - iron, steel. Flowers - chrysanthemum, carnation, peony. Symbols : scorpion, eagle, lamp, pyramid. Talisman - Scorpio and the sign of Death. Lucky numbers in the lottery are 9, 14, 19 and their combinations 91419... The best birth years are Scorpio-Dog, Scorpio-Tiger and Scorpio-Horse. The annual peak of energy rise is the end of February - the beginning of March, the end of June - the beginning of July, autumn. The period of loss of energy is the end of January - the beginning of February, the end of April - the beginning of May, a month before the birthday. Main advantages : Attentiveness, insight, endurance. The main disadvantages are conflict, tension, self-criticism. What should be developed is the ability to forgive. Should be avoided - Suspiciousness, secrecy, jealousy. Action - Regenerate. Ideals - Forgiveness, peace, separation.

You and I are flying on a plane, and suddenly a flight attendant appears and, smiling as sweetly as when she brought you coffee and cakes, informs you that the plane is faulty and will soon fall into the sea. At the same time, she asks to remain calm... As you may have guessed, this sign is associated with such pleasant things as disasters, various disasters and extreme situations. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, also known as Hades, the god of the underworld, the kingdom of the dead. Therefore, Scorpio is a sign of death. And the subsequent revival. Scorpio dies and is born again, like a Phoenix from the ashes. It is no coincidence that on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius there is the 13th sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus, which does not manifest itself at the everyday level, and which personifies the liberation of a person, his exit from the circle of rebirths. Scorpio is also called the “upper gate”, because by being cleansed in suffering and washed by tears, the soul prepares for a different life, the perception of a different, “higher” reality. Read Daniil Andreev (Scorpio), because he describes hell much more colorfully than Dante (who was a Gemini). The concept of catharsis is associated with Scorpio. For such a rebirth, naturally, Scorpio needs a lot of power, which is generously endowed by Pluto, the lord of magic, superhuman powers and collective energies. So all Scorpios are, in a sense, sorcerers and magicians. Scorpios are distinguished by increased vitality; they are able to find a way out of any extreme situation. Let me illustrate this statement with a real-life incident. One dark night in a park in the city of Maykop, which is located in sunny Adygea, my friend and I were attacked by a gang of drunken Adyghe hooligans. We wanted to run away, but I got caught on some snag (it was dark) and successfully stretched out on the path, clutching my purse with the last hundred ruble to my chest. Satisfied Maikop residents surrounded me, and my friend could have run away, or run to the nearest telephone to call the police. But she, like a true Scorpio, could not do this, because Scorpios are the best friends in the world. She screamed in a voice that, in principle, a person is not capable of screaming. The hooligans were no less surprised than I was, and we were all even more surprised when a minute later a police car pulled up. So be friends with Scorpios, and then you won’t be afraid of anything in the world.

In many horoscopes, Scorpios are represented as dark monsters, sadists and vampires. And no one writes about the gentle Scorpio soul, about how they know how to appreciate warmth and attention, how they need beauty and harmony. Do you remember who is the author of the catchphrase “Beauty will save the world” ? Scorpio, of course, F.M. Dostoevsky. True, Scorpios can be vindictive. The reason is their amazingly tenacious memory; they remember both the good and the bad. Like a dog. It is no coincidence that in the East the Year of the Dog is associated with the sign of Scorpio.

A serious problem for Scorpios is the lack of mental balance, a state of constant anxiety and confusion. But this same state allows them to feel reality unusually acutely. N. Paganini was Scorpio. And by the way, Vanessa Mae, who was born on the same day 196 years later.

On the geographical map, our Scorpios are Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, with all their Taliban, Mujahideen and other not at all peaceful-minded citizens. The fact is that in addition to Pluto, Scorpio is also ruled by Mars, which we have already discussed.

Therefore, the inhabitants of all Scorpio countries are distinguished by their explosive temperament and tough disposition, their motto is: “Don’t turn your back to me .

Now let's study our Scorpio girls from the point of view of three types.

  1. Supreme Scorpio . This is an independent and free person, because he lives as he sees fit, without looking back at anyone. He is fair and absolutely fearless, because... he is the conqueror of death and all evil spirits that exist in the world. He has unique magical abilities, intuition and the gift of predicting the future.
  2. Medium type . Until enlightenment has arrived, Scorpio is haunted by constant dissatisfaction with himself, loved ones, and circumstances. This results in increased nervousness and irritability. However, this dissatisfaction spurs Scorpio to work, and once he starts working, he always achieves success. The second type also has good intuition and is a wonderful friend and comrade. Tendency to adventures and unexpected actions.
  3. Lowest type. This is what a sadomasochist, terrorist and extremist are. Nothing is sacred to him. The ideal killer and destroyer. Sometimes there is a “whining” appearance of the lower Scorpio.


Plants as talismans do not have to be worn on the body. They can be grown on the windowsill in the apartment and in the workplace. Dried flowers or leaves are also suitable, as well as small pictures with protective plants.

What suits Scorpios:

  • dracaena and hazel;
  • carnations and gladioli;
  • peonies and cacti;
  • chrysanthemums and ficuses.

But plants will be protected only when they develop normally. If the plants dry out, then they need to be thrown away, because in this case they can become vampires and destroy the life of Scorpios.

Scorpio at work

Representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists, so they need to work directly with people. They love to analyze the situation, look for pitfalls in various current issues, and they are also able to resolve any conflict using their charisma, flirtation and charm. The main success comes to them after several years of work, when representatives of this sign have already ascended to the first steps of the career ladder. Further, their reputation works for them. Success comes to them because they are not afraid of failure. Scorpios are goal-oriented and risk-taking. Luck loves their ingenuity and determination.

Signs of recovery or death of a patient

For centuries and decades, people have noticed special events that preceded the healing or death of a sick relative, and established mystical connections between them. Here are the signs that emerged in this way:

  • A doctor who stumbles on the way to a patient thereby indicates in advance that medicine will be powerless.
  • If you ask the patient himself how he is feeling, and he answers: “Terrible,” he will recover soon. If he answers that everything is fine, he will not live in the world.
  • It is a bad omen if a priest who has come to administer unction to a sick person spends a long time looking for the right page in the missal or, having already left the house, returns for a forgotten thing.
  • If a sick person who receives communion falls asleep, he is destined to recover, but if he does not sleep, he will die soon.
  • When the patient turns to the wall and lies on his left side for a long time, he does not have long to live.
  • A sign of imminent death is when a sick person smells of earth.
  • If you put a pectoral cross into the water that a sick person drank, and it changes color, the sick person will not recover.

There are also special fortune telling for recovery and death:

  • Place fresh celandine on the sick person's head. If a man begins to sing, he will still live. If you cry, you need to prepare for the funeral.
  • Rub a piece of pork meat on the patient’s feet and give it to the dog. If she eats such a treat, the person will recover.
  • Light a candle next to the patient. When the flame burns evenly, there will be healing from illness. If the light sways, the outcome of the disease is sad.
  • If a cat constantly spins around the patient, rolls around on its back under the table, then the disease is incurable.

Erogenous zones of Scorpios

Scorpio Man

loves light touches to the area below the belly. He instantly reacts to a gentle kiss, a light touch and even a barely noticeable breeze. His pride is his “weapon”. The desire of women to kiss his “Dignity” is the main aspect of the success of a vivid orgasm.

Scorpio Woman

can become your slave, if you carefully pay attention to her area below the tummy, then she will give you endless pleasure with a sea of ​​​​all kinds of additives in the form of various experiments, games and caresses.

Question and answer

Is it possible to judge the imminent death in a house by one sign?
Back in the spring, a tit flew into our window, and everyone seemed to be alive. It is believed that one single sign is not enough. It is necessary to pay attention to several recurring signs that come both in a dream and in reality.

What is the value of signs of imminent death? How many of them are justified and justified?

In this mystical realm, everything is understood intuitively, viewed speculatively, and interpreted rather shakyly. Nevertheless, the stability of signs indicates that they still have certain grounds.

Some say that a dove flying to the window portends good luck in love. How can this be compared with the sign about the trouble that these birds lead to?

Signs can be ambiguous, but if there is a person in the house whose life you have to fear, the arrival of a pigeon is usually interpreted negatively.

What does the zodiac sign Scorpio really mean?

As you know, changing the world for the better begins with the person himself , but not everyone likes to admit that something is wrong in them, that there are some wormholes and flaws. That is why this transformation occurs so painfully - both for those around them and for the Scorpios themselves.

Inside, this sign is constantly fighting with itself , and because of this soul-searching, it looks mysterious and wise in the eyes of others. Well, brave, of course, because he has to overcome all fears in order to finally achieve purification. The same purification that will help Scorpio to be reborn, to become a completely different person, without uncertainty and fears to reach a completely different level of development.

Harbingers of death in the house

The first sign, which is considered the most obvious, is the characteristic smell of a dead body, which, although all household members are alive, appears in the home from nowhere. This smell should be felt by several people, otherwise it can be attributed to olfactory hallucinations that develop on a nervous basis, especially if one of the relatives has been ill for a long time.

The widespread opinion about dreams in which the dreamer loses a tooth as harbingers of death is still ambiguous. Most often it is believed that such a dream symbolizes imminent illness, but if a tooth falls out with blood, then it means the imminent death of a close relative. At the same time, such a dream can be caused by fear for the health of your own teeth.

They also talk about a bluish glow, shadows or black spots that can be seen with peripheral vision around a person who will soon pass into another world.

Black and nocturnal birds - rooks, crows, owls - are considered the messengers of death. If they have chosen a certain house, they must expect trouble.

A sure sign of the owner's imminent death will be a dog that howls with its muzzle down to the ground. Another bad sign is a cat lying across the floorboards.

A sign of the imminent death of household members is considered to be unexpectedly blossoming buds on a plant that has never bloomed before. The exception, however, is cacti, which naturally bloom every few years. A tree planted by someone withered or broken by the wind is considered a bad omen. This means that the person who planted him does not have long to live.

Anyone who sees fire in the forest or in a cemetery should prepare to move to another world - this is how the souls of ancestors let them know that it is time to get ready for the journey. The same applies to a person whose clothes have been chewed by mice. Soon he will have to change into new clothes for the last time. In general, the appearance of these rodents in the city or in an apartment is considered a bad sign, especially if the mouse managed to run over a lying person.

A bird flying into a house, according to a strong tradition, foreshadows the sudden death of a relative. To ward off trouble, a feathered guest who has entered through a window must be fed and released through another window. The exception is pigeons, which, even despite feeding, lead to trouble. A cuckoo, even if it just lands on the roof, gives the news of the imminent death of a household member.

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