Scorpio woman in the year of the Tiger - detailed characteristics

The Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Tiger, is a strong personality. She is associated with the image of a certain iron lady who sees no obstacles in her path. In order to achieve her goal, such a young lady is ready to work miracles. It seems to those around her that her life is painted with bright colors and filled with exciting moments. And it’s hard to disagree with this.

A selfish woman who loves luxury - this is how a Scorpio woman can be born in the year of the Tiger. The characteristics of a lady begin with her appearance. This young lady is very elegant. She dresses well and loves expensive and massive jewelry. She is a talented leader: people obey her not only at work, but also at home. Such a lady stands out among the crowd with her determination and fearlessness. She needs neither moral nor financial support.

Chinese subtleties

Despite the commonality of many traits among Scorpios according to the horoscope, the characteristics of women born under this zodiac sign also largely depend on the year of birth according to the Chinese horoscope.

  • Scorpio-Snake. A holistic nature who knows how to bring any undertaking to perfection. Such Scorpios are relatively balanced, straightforward, ambitious, but at the same time their actions and thoughts are indomitable, like an avalanche, they are selfish and overly demanding of others. It's hard to make friends.
  • Scorpio-Horse. Such Scorpios are a real disaster for those around them if the latter decide to force them to do something. They act only in their own interests, and they do this with all Scorpino energy and methodicality. Selfishness, ambition, endurance and hard work are the main traits of Scorpio women born in the year of the horse.
  • Scorpio-Goat. All the qualities inherent in Scorpios, multiplied by the talent, artistry, capriciousness and disobedience of the goat, become simply explosive. Such women know how to get their way, not by washing, but by skating, they easily subjugate others, and strive for dominance on all fronts.
  • Monkey. The cunning and curiosity that the monkey brings to the character of Scorpio take on original features. Such women love to secretly control people and shape their destinies. Moreover, the goal is absolutely not important - what is important is victory. They suffer from excessive straightforwardness and craving for a beautiful life.
  • Scorpio-Rooster. Swiftness, intransigence towards enemies, strict nepotism, a craving for balance and peace - these are the traits the Rooster rewards Scorpios. These are very calm people who value friendship and family most of all. But if you ever crossed their path, they will never forgive you and will peck at you at every opportunity, sometimes taking matters to the point of absurdity.
  • Scorpio-Dog. Scorpio women who were born in the year of the dog are true friends and lovers. They do not like to expand their close circle, but they will do even the impossible for their relatives. They often have financial problems due to excessive spending and generosity. In work, they are ambitious and vain more than other signs of the Chinese horoscope. They find it easy to master new areas of activity, they work well in a team, and they find contact with people better than other Scorpios.
  • Scorpio-Pig. According to the Chinese horoscope, pigs are very smart and charming. Multiplied by the Scorpio character, these qualities turn into a boundless talent to charm people at first sight and the ability to achieve success in any business. Such women are kind, but they try not to show it. They love luxury, strive for family life less than other signs, are efficient, but relatively lazy.
  • Scorpio-Rat. Scorpios are already very insightful women, and if they were born in the year of the Rat, they are able to literally penetrate the souls of others. They get along well with others, but prefer not to let go of the initiative. If the situation drives them into a corner, they are capable of aggressive and illogical actions. They value family and comfort, and do not like to change their habitat.
  • Scorpio-Ox. Women born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio in the year of the Ox are born leaders. They do not know fatigue and self-pity. Stubbornness and ambition are their main qualities. It is difficult to get along with people, but they remain loyal to friends in any situation. Very efficient and unyielding.
  • Scorpio-Tiger is an extremely dangerous opponent. Such a woman does not choose her means and wins at any cost. They are excellent mothers, loving wives, but for everyone else they are a sealed secret. They always look great, have excellent health, and love carnal pleasures. Invincible, determined and very smart.
  • Scorpio-Cat (Rabbit). Such Scorpios are cunning and capable of actions that other signs of the Chinese horoscope would consider unworthy. They love to have fun and are more sociable than other signs. They pay a lot of attention to their appearance and health, do not like to do something if it does not bring obvious benefits, they are angry, but easy-going.
  • Scorpio-Dragon. Home, family, comfort and complete material security are the main aspirations of such a Scorpio woman. She will defend property to the last drop of blood. But she is capable of broad actions, values ​​close people, and knows how to make friends. Such people are wise, but rarely behave too prudently. These are self-confident, fearless and talented women in everything.

Marriage forecast

If you are planning to connect your life with a representative of this sign, you will probably be interested in the compatibility horoscope. A Scorpio man will easily fall in love with an Aries woman. However, in addition to passion and strong affection, they will have a lot of everyday difficulties, and success is possible only if they learn to give in to each other. Scorpio has a high chance of long-term and strong family relationships with women born under the sign of Taurus and Cancer. However, such couples will have to look for common interests and deal with each other’s shortcomings. Marriage with Gemini will be difficult for Scorpio; quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided. Leo and Libra are also not the best options; such unions can only exist if both partners are ready to fight for their love. Can two Scorpios get along? This is also a difficult relationship due to character traits, but if the lovers really want to build a family, everything will work out for them. An almost ideal marriage for Scorpio can be called with Pisces and Capricorn. In this case, the partners complement each other qualitatively. Relationships with Aquarius and Sagittarius are not always successful. In the first case, the couple lacks mutual understanding, and in the second, there are too many problems and conflicts of opposing character traits.

Rabbit/Cat, Dragon and Snake

According to the eastern calendar, the Cat and the Rabbit are two animals of the same year.

Scorpio, born under these symbols, is outwardly quite modest and gentle; he can have decent manners and an aristocratic appearance. However, when communicating with him, you should not forget that all this is just a visual deception.

In fact, this person has a solid core inside him, and in addition, he has unsurpassed intuition. The Scorpio Ox (male) can boast of these qualities, but it is in the Rabbit/Cat that they are developed in double volume. Dragons have a rather complex character; sometimes it is not easy for them to find inner harmony and understand themselves on their own. They are both secretive and passionate, and do not lose a real assessment of the situation. Scorpio-Snakes are pleasant and interesting people, they have a flexible and lively mind and a lot of different hobbies and interests. You will never get bored in the company of such a man; they are also distinguished by their kindness and balance.


The negative traits that a typical Scorpio-Tiger possesses are excessive possessiveness, envy and the desire to control others. As a rule, these shortcomings manifest themselves in romantic relationships. A representative of these signs will constantly suspect their partner of deception. Envy and jealousy lie deep in the nature of the Scorpio-Tiger - any, even slight, doubt about the fidelity of a partner can prompt him to scandal and even end the relationship. Although Scorpio-Tiger loves to be around people, he hates it when people gossip about his personal life.




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Rat, Ox, Tiger

In the year of the Rat, secretive and strong people are born under the sign of Scorpio. It is not always easy to communicate with such men, but in reality they are just looking for a place where they can relax and feel safe. Scorpio Ox is an exceptionally positive and incredibly purposeful man. Thanks to his intuition, this person always knows what to do, two steps ahead. Activity and the desire for constant movement are the Tiger-Scorpio. A man born under the combination of these signs simply cannot sit still, he loves to be the center of attention, but truly opens up only to those closest to him.

Interesting to know

A rather specific personality is the Scorpio-Tiger (male). Characteristics and compatibility with other signs is an interesting topic, but this will be discussed a little later. First, it’s worth talking about some nuances that a girl who wants to become this man’s lover needs to know.

You need to immediately indicate your reluctance to claim his freedom. There is no need to try to “tame” this man. He urgently needs to be given personal space. But this does not mean at all that he is cheating. Having found his “soul mate,” he will not look for thrills on the side, since his ideal already provides them for him.

By the way, these men like women with a spark. That is, self-confident, strong, bright, beautiful and energetic. Those who have no difficulty defending their personal point of view. He is never bored with them.

In society

Scorpio-Tiger is very sociable and loves to express himself, which is why all his tastes are usually reflected in the style of clothing and home interior. This is a born extrovert who feels comfortable only in a team; Alone with himself, he often gets bored and nervous. The minds of representatives of these signs are drawn to professionals and talented creators, who inspire them to gain new knowledge and skills, to improve themselves and conquer unprecedented heights. Prudence in financial matters is another positive trait that almost everyone has; she will not spend her last money on fashionable clothes, but she will not deny herself small vanity desires - even an experienced accountant will envy her balance of income and expenses. Natural generosity often pushes these people to actively participate in charitable events, but they will easily give away their savings only if they can really afford it.

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