Psychology of color in trade, how to use color psychology to increase sales in a store.

The concept of color was developed by Goethe: all dark colors soothe, light ones excite. The first color to emerge from darkness is blue, and yellow is the first color to emerge from light. These are the primary colors, from which the rest come. Colors can have a physical (very fleeting) and mental (when looking at a certain object for a long time) effect.

How color affects wealth

In order to achieve the best possible result, it is a good idea to combine the advice of Feng Shui and numerology, which offers a way to determine individual color, to attract money. To find your color, you need to add your birth date without taking into account the year and month. For example, if the date of birth is 25, then add the numbers 2 and 5. The desired number will be 7. You do not need to add anything if the date of birth consists of 1 digit. The correspondence between numbers and colors is as follows:

  • 1 – gold, orange, bronze;
  • 2 – white, green, turquoise;
  • 3 – pink, purple, blue;
  • 4 – violet, deep blue;
  • 5 – silver, white, gold;
  • 6 – blue, light blue, pink, green;
  • 7 – a wide range of green, purple, pink, purple and white are not excluded;
  • 8 – blue, black, turquoise, green;
  • 9 – rich red, pink;
  • 11 and 22 are universal birth numbers that suit all colors.

What color does money like?

According to Feng Shui

Following the principles of ancient eastern teaching, you need to focus on the last digit of the year of birth and the element corresponding to it. She will point out the color that suits you.

  • 0 or 1 - element of metal. Colors are white and silver, as well as steel gray shades. Choose a wallet in these colors.
  • 2 or 3 - element of Water. It corresponds to blue, blue and violet shades, as well as black. Cool colors are considered unfavorable for anything related to money, but for people born in the years of the water element, they are better suited than others.
  • 4 or 5 - element of Wood. Choose wallets in green and brown tones. They will bring money and stability.
  • 6 or 7 - fire. Color - red. This is one of the complex shades, but people who are favored by the fire element from birth may not be afraid of it.
  • 8 or 9 - lands. Choose a yellow, beige, sand, orange or gold wallet. These shades will bring richness.

According to numerology

The calculation differs from the usual numerological fortune telling, where the numbers of the date of birth are summed up. Subtract the smaller number from the larger birthday number.

The birth number is unambiguous - it is the desired number, which will indicate the appropriate color. When there is a zero in a birthday, ignore it.

For example, for those born on the 10th, the color number is 1, 20 is 2. Consider, as an example of calculation, the calculation of the number for a person born on the 17th:

7-1=6, 6 - indicates the wallet color recommended by numerology.

Zodiac sign

Try to choose the color of your wallet that attracts money according to your zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign has a specific shade. It not only brings wealth if you choose a wallet decorated in suitable colors. The zodiac color brings good luck, gives victories in love battles and helps develop spiritual qualities.

Basic colors for attracting money according to Feng Shui

To attract wealth, it is important not only the color design of the interior of the house, but also the things that a person uses every day in everyday life.

Colors in the interior

  1. The main part of the house for ensuring financial well-being is the southeast, which is responsible for the financial wealth of all family members. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design of rooms located in this part of the house.
  2. It is preferable to use decorative elements and furniture made from natural materials. The energy of money is well activated by brown color and wooden furniture. Money color has great power, imitating precious metals, such as gold and silver.
  3. Black and white have somewhat less energy, although they can also contribute to the owners’ desire for wealth.
  4. As for the color red, it should be present in the interior in small quantities and with the condition that there is a container of water or a painting depicting a body of water nearby. Failure to comply with this condition will lead to the fact that money will arrive and be spent in an equally large volume.
  5. For decoration and accessories, yellow, orange, silver, and beige colors are suitable.


To ensure a stable financial position, you should pay attention to clothing. It is best to give preference to natural fabrics, carefully select the style so that it suits your age and style. The colors of wealthy people can be considered: milky, white, blue, royal blue, beige, burgundy, gold, chocolate, steel, silver.

Having purple in your wardrobe will help you find missing money or make the right decision in order to get the necessary amount. This color has a return effect, so wearing such things is worth it for those who want to return something. But it is not suitable for those who want to radically change their lives.

Red and brown shades are powerful money colors in clothing that can attract good luck not only in terms of finances. Shades of this spectrum will protect you from unnecessary expenses. Yellow, the color that attracts money, also concentrates feminine energy, helping women succeed financially. A lady who dresses stylishly and tastefully attracts rich men, arousing their admiration.

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Some people may question the positive impact of black, which is more common in mourning clothing. In fact, black symbolizes something important, being the standard of style and sensuality, suitable for both romantic dates and business meetings. The color gray, symbolizing power and having the energy corresponding to the expression “gray eminence,” can bring good luck and manage cash flow.


An excellent color scheme for a wallet to attract money can be considered any shade of the spectrum, starting with pale yellow and ending with dark brown. The blue palette, which is simply catastrophic for money, is strictly contraindicated for wallets. Finances will not linger with their owner, as if leaking through his fingers. Regardless of your choice, you should never leave your wallet empty. Moreover, it is desirable that the bills are not torn, bent or wrinkled, but lie neatly in accordance with the denomination.

Choosing a wallet in the color of money (silver, copper, gold) can also be a good option for attracting wealth. Another powerful generator that attracts wealth are the colors of the Earth: brown, yellow, black. For people whose income is not regular, owning such a wallet will provide financial stability.

Read more: Feng Shui wallet.

The color red, which suits almost everyone, activates the attraction of funds. The strong energy of a red wallet or purse will allow you not only to attract, but also to save a considerable amount. Women prefer bright colors, but it can also bring good luck to men.

What clothes attract money and luck?

The color of clothing transmits its vibrations to the owner. Use this magical tool correctly and it will affect your financial well-being in a certain way. It's not difficult, just try to choose appropriate clothes for money-related events. Revenues will increase and costs will decrease.

  • Purple helps to cope with problems related to income generation, business, or loss of money. If you want to avoid spending or return something lost or stolen, wear clothes of this shade.
  • Yellow - gives good income, but only when it is worn by a woman. There is a sign - to help your spouse resolve financial difficulties, wear a yellow item. This also applies to gold color.
  • Blue - good luck. It will help you win the lottery or win a competition with valuable prizes. Accessories of this color also help you become a winner in any gambling game. But don’t get carried away by playing for money, luck will turn away from those who are lucky at the wrong time.
  • Gray tones help achieve good profits. However, you will be in the shadows. The phrase “gray cardinal” reflects this modest shade.
  • Red color is suitable for lovers of new things. Wear red clothes to go shopping. It will save you from unnecessary expenses. Red things are recommended for those people who spend a lot and do not know how to stop in time.

Colors influence all areas of a person’s life and income. To use color magic, remember favorable shades for your wallet, interior decoration or work tools, as well as clothing. Such witchcraft is available to every person. It is based on astrological knowledge and the teachings of Feng Shui.

Advice from psychologists

Psychologists agree that colors have a strong influence on a person, awakening various feelings that also affect the financial component. This is especially true for red. Therefore, experts advise keeping the bulk of money not in a wallet, but in a red envelope, casket or money box, which complies with all the rules of Feng Shui. It’s a good idea to make an amulet or talisman for cash flows. You can use a large bill for this purpose, storing it in a separate compartment of your wallet.

To attract money, you need to change your attitude towards it. Previously, many people were taught from childhood that the spiritual is higher than the material, that big money can only be obtained dishonestly. And when people, having already matured, live by these beliefs, it is quite difficult for them to get out of a difficult situation. To get out of this circle, you need to start respecting money, and then everything will change.

General rules when buying a wallet to attract money

When buying a wallet, follow a few rules that you need to follow:

  • You should buy a new wallet only when the moon is waxing.
  • To attract money, shape and color matter. The correct shape is rectangular. When choosing a color, you need to take into account many factors, read on.
  • Don't skimp! A wallet cannot be cheap if you want it to attract money without it leaking out. Try to buy the most expensive one (as possible) also because it is stylish and practical. Expensive wallets are durable and will pay for their cost.
  • When choosing, pay attention to the decor. Please note that metal details and many pockets enhance the magic of money.
  • You should not show the contents of your wallet to prying eyes, so avoid transparent items when purchasing. Keep in mind that money should not be visible - this is a bad sign.

What smell attracts money?

Scenting a new wallet is also important, but scents must be used skillfully. Peppermint oil is good for wallets, soak the lining with it or apply a little of the substance to the back. Tea leaves or a dry twig placed in one of the compartments will help increase your financial status.

To avoid confusion in energy flows, except for flavors and money, nothing should be in the wallet. Any other items: photographs, travel cards, cards, pieces of paper with numbers will create obstacles in the way of cash injections. The aromas of baking, citrus, apples, cinnamon and vanilla are good for attracting wealth into the home.

Attracting money and good luck in business

There are a number of principles for entrepreneurs that will help in running a business:

  1. The main focus should be on money, checking and paying bills every Monday morning. It is recommended to view files and email after this.
  2. It is advisable to place a decorative fountain in the office. The energy of rushing water will promote business development and relieve stress. And if you add metal to the sector, the cash flow will further increase.
  3. You can create an image of success by putting your name on the cover of several books. Daily contemplation will help in realizing your plans.
  4. It is also useful to use Feng Shui in the design of your own website. Colors interact well with each other: blue, black, green; black, white, blue; red, yellow, purple.
  5. The manager should be as contactable as possible: fax, landline and cell phones. The easier the connection, the more sales

It is important that the workplace is surrounded by beauty, then the appropriate mood will allow you to work much more creatively. And don’t forget about the individual color that attracts money.

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