Rose quartz for Libra women. Healing and magical properties of rose quartz. Rose quartz for

Rose quartz is known to the world as a stone that brings love. His discreet charm leaves no one indifferent. Products made from this mineral, be it Chinese vases or miniature animal figurines, invariably amaze with their sophistication.

What other extraordinary powers are hidden in a simple piece of quartz? You will find all the most useful information about rose quartz stone on this page.

History and origin

Rose quartz is surrounded by legends and traditions like no other gem. Many tales about the stone are stories of great, pure love. Others, one way or another, are associated with spiritual purity, harmony and kindness.

According to one of the ancient myths, rose quartz is a gift to people from the god of love, Eros. The purpose of such a presentation was the desire of the deity to teach humanity to sympathize with each other, live peacefully, and find harmony with the world around them. Some peoples believed that the pink stone was the frozen juice of Mother Earth, which was designed to make people friends with nature.

There are other legends that are both beautiful and tragic. Thus, once a young mortal youth named Adonis, the son of Kinir and Myrrha (the rulers of Cyprus), fell in love with the goddess Aphrodite with all his heart. The incomparable Aphrodite reciprocated the love of the most beautiful of mortals. A strong feeling clouded the eyes of the lovers, and they forgot that their lives belonged to different worlds.

At that time, Aphrodite was a close friend of the god of war, Ares. Having learned about their relationship, Ares was inflamed with hatred. Transforming into a wild boar, he attacked Adonis and killed him in front of Aphrodite. Ares fenced off the battle site with a hedge of thorns. Making her way through the thorny bushes, the wounded goddess hugged her already dead loved one. The blood of Aphrodite and Adonis merged together. This is how rose quartz arose - the eternal symbol of love.

Another sad story tells about the feelings of two young people, whose story had no continuation, since the boy and girl belonged to different classes and would never have received the blessing of their parents. In addition, each of them had to marry unloved, but equal in caste people.

And only roses knew about this love, becoming more and more beautiful and magnificent as the feelings of the young people grew stronger. The lovers wished to be together forever, sacrificing their lives. They ascended high into a world where there were no differences. After their death, the roses turned to stone and turned into rose quartz, telling people about the eternal love of two young people.

It was not for nothing that residents of eastern countries called rose quartz “the stone of the heart.” Various jewelry was made from the mineral. The oldest finds of rose quartz beads date back to 9,000 years ago. They were discovered in the lands of the former Mesopotamia.

Did you know that the ancient Romans and Egyptians used rose quartz as a cosmetic product. The mineral was ground into powder and then mixed with various creams. It was believed that this particular component gives the skin freshness, beauty and prolongs youth.

The name of the mineral is German. Translated, “quartz” means “solid.” The hardness of the stone is really high, which makes it possible to use the gem in jewelry. When pink crystals were first discovered, they were given the name “crystal.” Rose quartz is indeed a relative of rock crystal. The first to notice the mineral were miners working in the Alpine mountains. The beautiful crystals resembled drops of frozen water.

Science knows that quartz is of volcanic origin, making up up to 12% of the entire earth's crust. The mineral is formed in two ways - under the influence of high temperatures or by crystallizing along with magma.

Place of Birth

Rose quartz is mined in many countries around the world, but scientists note that reserves of the mineral are almost exhausted. The extraction of pink stone is carried out jointly with the extraction of rock crystal and mica. The places where the mineral is mined are:

  • Germany.
  • Austria.
  • Switzerland.
  • Japan.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • India.
  • France.
  • USA.
  • Poland.
  • Brazil.

Russia is also famous for two large deposits in Karelia, as well as in Altai. But a gem of ideal quality is found only on the largest deposit - the island of Madagascar.

Physical properties

Rose quartz is endowed with a delicate color due to iron impurities. Titanium or manganese impurities also affect the color intensity.

Density2.65 g/cm³
Refractive index1,544-1,553
FragilityVery fragile.
ColorFrom white to pink.

Nature does not create two identical rose quartz. Each crystal found is unique and therefore unique. When exposed to sunlight, the mineral turns slightly pale, and at a temperature of 300˚C it becomes completely discolored. Most of the finds are cloudy and riddled with cracks. There are few ideal crystals with clear edges in nature.

Some rare samples are endowed with the effect of asterism - a moving pattern of a ray star is noticeable on the surface of the nugget.


Rose quartz (chalcedony) has been known to mankind since time immemorial. Archaeological excavations indicate that primitive hunters were engaged in its production. The hardness of the mineral made it possible to use it for the manufacture of weapons and tools.

The first descriptions of rose quartz are found in the writings of ancient Greek philosophers.

  • The Greeks believed that the stone, sent to earth by the god Eros, protected lovers.
  • Jewelry and amulets made from this material were very popular among women of ancient Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome.
  • During the Renaissance, Florentine craftsmen used rose quartz and other types of quartzite to create mosaic panels.

Rose quartz

These days it is one of the most affordable ornamental stones. Used for making jewelry, art products, decorating furniture and interiors.

What does rose quartz look like + types

Pink chalcedony is a mineral of delicate pastel colors: from pinkish-violet to pale beige.

The stones have a glassy luster and vary significantly in degree of transparency. In good lighting there is a slight internal glow effect.

The surface of an untreated gem is uneven, with chips, internal and external cracks, and cloudy areas.

There are several varieties of rose quartz:

  • Opaque

The most common and inexpensive type. The stones are cloudy, with darkening and white inclusions. Used for the production of jewelry, various crafts, furniture and wall cladding.

Pink chalcedony

  • Transparent

Transparent rose quartz is the most valuable and rare variety of this mineral. Classified as a semi-precious stone. It is cut and used for making jewelry.

  • Star-shaped

Rose quartz with asterism effect. If there is a powerful light source and the surface of the stone is well polished, in some specimens you can observe the effect of asterism - the appearance of luminous stripes folding into the shape of a star. This rather rare phenomenon is explained by the presence of microparticles in the gem that reflect light. A similar effect sometimes manifests itself in precious stones - rubies, sapphires, emeralds.

Physicochemical characteristics

Quartz is a mineral with a crystalline structure from the class of oxides.

Opaque Rose Quartz

Chemical formula: SiO2 (silicon oxide).

  • Distinctive features of quartz are glassy luster and significant hardness: 7 on the Mohs mineralogical scale. At the same time, crystals of rose and other types of quartz are very fragile, which makes their processing difficult.
  • The extraordinary color is obtained due to the content of iron, manganese and titanium. The higher the concentration of such elements, the more intense the shade.
  • Scientists have learned to synthesize artificial quartz, which is almost in no way inferior to natural one; it is given a natural pink tint by adding an admixture of iron oxides.

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Where is rose quartz mined?

In nature, quartz is formed under the influence of high temperatures.

It is found in igneous and shale rocks, as well as placers and ore veins. Sand contains a large amount of the mineral: sometimes the concentration reaches 100%.

Transparent rose quartz

In total, the mass fraction of quartz in the earth's crust is 12%, which makes the mineral the most common on the planet.

Among the world leaders in rose quartz mining are:

  • Brazil,
  • USA,
  • India,
  • France,
  • Germany,
  • Switzerland,
  • South Africa,
  • Madagascar.

On the territory of the Russian Empire, gem mining began in the 18th century. Rich quartz deposits are located in Altai, the Southern Urals, and Karelia.

The mineral mined in Madagascar is of unsurpassed quality. The main features of Madagascar stone are its unique milky shade and high degree of transparency.

Star Rose Quartz

The largest piece of rose quartz, 40 centimeters high, was discovered by miners in Brazil. Due to its resemblance to the canonical image of the Virgin Mary, the nugget was named La Madona Rosa. In 2013, a rough pink crystal was auctioned for two hundred thousand dollars.

Color varieties

Rose quartz, depending on the amount of impurities, comes in different shades:

  • white-pink, interspersed with white;
  • lavender;
  • stellate;
  • lavender;
  • purple.

According to scientists, the last two shades can be transformed into blue quartz, the titanium content of which sometimes exceeds that of the pink stone.

The star mineral is considered the rarest and most expensive. After processing, a bright pattern of a six-pointed star appears on the surface of the stone. This pattern is formed due to needle-like inclusions of rutile.

Rose Quartz Care

To ensure that rose quartz jewelry lasts longer, you should follow the following care rules:

  • protect from direct sunlight, as the mineral fades from ultraviolet rays;
  • when heated, the stone also loses color;
  • jewelry must be stored separately in a soft box so as not to scratch the stone itself and the setting;
  • avoid temperature changes and high humidity;
  • clean without using abrasives;
  • wash in clean water, then wipe with a soft cloth;
  • protect from impacts and falls;
  • keep away from household chemicals and cosmetics.

Overall, rose quartz is easy to care for. The main thing is to prevent fading, so it is better not to wear it constantly, especially in bright sun.

Rose quartz is a beautiful stone that almost anyone can wear. It will bring love, tranquility and peace to the owner.

Healing power

Since ancient times, rose quartz has been considered a powerful antidepressant. This mineral helps to get rid of emotional distress, cope with stress and depression. The gem normalizes sleep, eliminates causeless anxiety and depressing thoughts. To do this, the nugget is worn on the chest, near the heart. It is recommended to place the stone under your pillow at night.

Rose quartz is also endowed with the power to slow down the aging of the human body. The mineral acts through a general strengthening of the immune system, due to which a kind of barrier is formed in the body against various types of diseases.

In addition, pink nugget has a beneficial effect on the skin, providing a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect. Water charged with pink mineral helps get rid of wrinkles or rashes. At night the stone is left in a vessel with liquid - in the morning half of the contents are washed and the rest is drunk.

Important! The use of rose quartz for medicinal purposes is contraindicated for people who suffer from malignant cancer.

In lithotherapy, rose quartz is famous for the following unique properties:

  • help with neurological and lymphatic diseases;
  • relief from dizziness;
  • treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing strokes and heart attacks;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improving blood composition, maintaining normal blood sugar levels;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body.

The mineral also helps cope with coughing attacks. In addition, the gem has a regenerating effect on burns or other damage to the skin. For this purpose, the stone is applied to the affected areas of the skin.

Since ancient times, rose quartz has been famous as the patron of pregnant women and women in labor. It was believed that this gem promotes an easy pregnancy, facilitates childbirth, and relieves postpartum depression.

Lithotherapists claim that pink nugget helps to lose excess weight. Therefore, the mineral is widely used by beauty salons for procedures related to weight loss.

What healing properties does the mineral have?

In addition to the question of who is suitable for rose quartz and which zodiac sign is best to wear it, jewelers and astrologers are often asked whether the gem has healing powers. Many magicians and lovers of traditional medicine are confident that the pink stone is capable of:

  1. Calm and restore the strength of the human nervous system. Even as a talisman of family happiness, it will bring that cherished peace and sound sleep.
  2. Restore the cardiovascular system, which is directly affected by stress and lack of sleep.
  3. Soothe inflammatory diseases.

Often the gem is used to purify water and charge it with positive energy. It is believed that rose quartz is able to quickly heal from stress and tune into a positive mood. In addition, it helps treat diseases of the lymphatic system, improving blood circulation and brain function, and it also has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract if you drink purified and charged water.

In traditional Chinese medicine, quartz balls are used for acupressure. It is believed that it accelerates cell regeneration and helps remove negative energy.

Traditional recipes for treatment with quartz

  1. Place the stone under your pillow at night. This will improve your sleep and relieve daytime fatigue.
  2. Leave the gem overnight in a jar of water. Drink water in the morning. It is believed that this gem will help cleanse and rejuvenate the body.
  3. Add a pinch of quartz powder to your night cream and apply it at night. It helps smooth out wrinkles and relieve skin fatigue.

Important! Quartz should not be used by people suffering from cancer.

Magic properties

Rose quartz is rich in magical powers no less than healing ones. This stone is considered the embodiment of beauty, romance, love, and universal harmony. In ancient times, it was believed that rose quartz was the frozen “blood” of the Earth. Thanks to this, the one who owns the gem is able to hear nature itself and be in harmony with everything that surrounds him.

Today, the pink nugget is considered more of a feminine stone. It gives the fair sex charm, attractiveness, and self-confidence. The mineral is suitable for women of all ages, as it helps not only to find true love, but also to strengthen existing relationships. In addition, the magic of the mineral is aimed at recognizing true feelings. Thanks to this, a woman, despite the abundance of admirers, makes a choice in the direction of a man suitable for her.

It is believed that rose quartz dampens the wearer's negative traits while activating positive ones. The stone cleanses a person’s inner world from anger and envy, thereby making room for kindness and compassion. However, it is worth remembering that the gem needs rest. Prolonged continuous use tires the mineral. Then the owner lives under the power of illusions, losing the ability to realistically assess what is happening.

This is interesting! Rose quartz is considered an earth indicator. This means that the nugget is able to warn people about changes in nature, followed by natural disasters. Around the world, the magic of pink stones is popular among esotericists - with their help, psychics determine where negative energy accumulates in apartments, houses and other dwellings.

A true love talisman sends a person the energy of love in all its incarnations. The owner of the stone becomes more tender and sensual towards parents, friends, significant other, and the world around him. For unsociable, reserved individuals, the stone will add sociability, thanks to which the person will make new friends. The gem helps to heal painful emotional wounds, and also promotes rapid recovery from new shocks and experiences.

Esotericists claim that rose quartz should be given with warmth, sincere feelings, or passed on by inheritance. Then the mineral will work at full strength from the first days of meeting the new owner. If the stone is purchased independently, it will take time to reveal its full range of properties. This takes from several months to a year.

The pink gem is associated with the heart chakra, so the person wearing this talisman feels the need to be happy and also to give happiness to others. The owner of the stone will be able to reveal previously unknown creative inclinations, find himself and his place in the world.

Zodiac signs favored by rose quartz

Astrologers are sure that the pink gem is best suited for Taurus and Libra. It is these zodiac signs that will quickly feel all the magical power of the mineral. For other zodiac signs, the stone is neutral, so everyone can wear jewelry with it.

In its raw form, rose quartz stone is suitable for people who find themselves in the following difficult situations:

  • discord in the family - the mineral is able to restore mutual understanding and respect in the family idyll, return passion and love to it;
  • difficult pregnancy - women, waiting for a miracle, try to protect themselves as much as possible from the evil eye and other troubles, and in such a situation the pink mineral is suitable as a talisman;
  • insomnia, especially in children - if you hang the mineral over the crib, your sleep will be sound and sweet;
  • Difficulties in girls' personal lives - it is believed that the gem helps unmarried girls quickly find family happiness.

Should we believe astrological forecasts and choose stones based on them? You decide. But many owners of rose quartz noted that the house became calmer and lighter after purchasing it.

Compatibility with other stones

Amethyst is considered an ideal complement to rose quartz. This mineral helps to renew the magic of quartz. Turquoise, which is endowed with strong protective properties against damage, the evil eye and other manifestations of black witchcraft, will also be an excellent neighbor. A successful tandem is considered to be a combination with:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • pearls;
  • sapphire.

The pink nugget shows neutrality in relation to obsidian, amber, and negative – to such minerals as:

  • pomegranate;
  • agate;
  • malachite;
  • jasper;
  • ruby.

In general, the compatibility of rose quartz, like any stone, with other minerals is determined by several factors. Firstly, better compatibility is manifested in minerals belonging to the same element. In this case, the stones will enhance each other’s abilities.

Secondly, the elements of the talisman and the owner must coincide in order to avoid uncomfortable vibrations.

Thirdly, stones of opposite elements will oppress each other or create vibrations that are uncomfortable for a person. Then none of them will become a good mascot.

Jewelry with mineral

Rose quartz is one of the favorite stones of jewelers and collectors. Transparent, clean specimens are considered the best and most expensive. Such nuggets can be cut and inserted into gold jewelry. For items made of silver or other metals, the nugget is treated as a cabochon.

Cabochon pendants

Jewelry with a pink stone cannot be called publicly available. The average cost of such jewelry varies, depending on the metal and complexity of the work:

  • Rings. A silver product can be purchased for 10-16 thousand rubles. Some models of gold jewelry can reach prices of 120 thousand.
  • Pendants. A silver pendant will cost approximately 18-25 thousand rubles. For gold they pay from 75 to 90 thousand.
  • Earrings. Inexpensive silver jewelry can be purchased from 8,000 rubles. The price of a gold item can jump to 160 thousand.
  • Bracelet. From 18 thousand for silver.
  • Beads. On average 12 thousand rubles.

Jewelry with pink minerals is often complemented with inserts of rock crystal or cubic zirconia. Large stones of non-jewelry quality are used by craftsmen of various disciplines - they are used to make figurines, decorative dishes, and amulets. Pink gems in the form of quartz ceramics, glass or stone are often used in cladding and room decoration.

The video shows jewelry with rose quartz and its description.

Who would definitely like a delicate gem?

Let's summarize who rose quartz suits according to their “soul” and zodiac sign:

  1. Taurus, Libra and Pisces will receive all the energy of the pink gem. For them, the stone will become a talisman of love and a talisman against the evil eye.
  2. Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer will be imbued with creative energy from the “stone of love”.
  3. Leos, Virgos and Aries will find family happiness and peace.
  4. All families will find sound sleep and peace of mind with untreated stone.
  5. Unmarried girls will meet their soul mate and soon enter into legal marriage.
  6. Stress and insomnia will go away with such a talisman.

Remember that gems are chosen not only for astrological and magical compatibility, but also simply for their external beauty. Thanks to its delicate shade, jewelry with rose quartz is perfect for a large number of summer outfits, will highlight white business-style blouses and will be a wonderful decoration for children's ears and necks.

Do not forget that you should only purchase any jewelry in special stores or trusted online stores. It is not advisable to buy natural stones in souvenir shops. This way you can easily fall for a fake and get glass instead of a beautiful natural stone.

How to spot a fake

In nature, rose quartz is formed by crystals that firmly grow together. Therefore, the structure of any processed nugget is always heterogeneous; microcracks are visible inside the stone, and the color is uneven. In addition, the gem is usually transparent with a slight haze. These features help identify a fake at the time of purchase.

The most common substitute for natural mineral is glass. It is processed, the necessary “defects” are artificially applied - cracks, veins. However, such a fake is revealed by thermal conductivity - natural minerals are always cooler than glass and practically do not absorb the heat of the hands. In addition, quartz is harder, so it will easily leave scratches on the glass. The color of a fake stone is always unnaturally bright, which also indicates a fake.

One of the main signs that will make you doubt the naturalness of a product is the cost. Rose quartz is a rather rare gem, so it cannot be cheap or sold on a market stall.

If you are not lucky enough to purchase synthetic rose quartz, then such an imitation due to ignorance is difficult to recognize on your own. Except for the unnatural shine and too bright color. But only a gemologist or jeweler can confirm this assumption.

The difference between a gem and a fake

Have you decided that the stone is perfect for you, but are you afraid to buy a fake? Remember how to determine whether it is plastic or glass:

  • the presence of small bubbles of an even shape;
  • low hardness - glass options can be scratched with a needle;
  • smooth edges, like beads, as well as smooth curved edges at the hole for the jewelry thread;
  • numerous scratches on the surface of the products;
  • uniformity of color - natural quartz cannot have uniformity of shade.

Most often, instead of natural quartz, customers are offered glass with streaks, which jewelers call “cherry quartz.” The difference between this “fake” is its low price. Moreover, in appearance the analogue is very similar to the original.

Important! When checking a larger number of natural gems, it is enough to arm yourself with a needle. A Mohs hardness score above 6 indicates that the surface is not easy to scratch. But noticeable marks will immediately remain on glass or plastic.

How to wear

Despite the abundance of gold jewelry, esotericists claim that only a silver frame can reveal the power of the stone. Gold or other heavy metal will dampen the energy of the gem. In addition, silver will better highlight the external attractiveness of the stone.

It is believed that a soft pink stone is better suited for blondes, especially platinum ones. Brunettes are impressed by brighter specimens, with a reddish tint. Women endowed with a “winter” type of appearance (dark hair, with bright eye color and pale skin) opt for a bright pink gem with purple tints.


It is worth remembering that you cannot wear this mineral regularly. In the evenings it is better to remove it, and after achieving the maximum magical effect, remove it altogether for a while. Otherwise, a person risks finding himself in a world of illusions, inadequately assessing reality.

Care instructions

Rose quartz is a fragile mineral, so it needs careful care. Several rules will help preserve the original appearance of the stone longer:

  • The gem is sensitive to sunlight and heat. Therefore, it is better to wear pink stone products in cloudy, cool weather, otherwise the quartz will fade.
  • A fragile nugget must be protected from impacts, as chips form on the surface of the stone.
  • When buying jewelry, the ideal option would be a product in which the quartz crystals do not touch each other. If these are beads, then between them there should be limiters in the form of knots, for example. This measure is necessary to ensure that the beads do not wear off over time, losing their original beauty.

Rose quartz requires periodic energetic cleansing. The stone is washed under running water (preferably from a natural source) and left alone until it dries completely on its own.

If the stone is placed next to rock crystal or amethyst for one night, the magical properties of the pink gem will increase.

Physico-chemical properties of the gem

The stone of volcanic origin has a glassy luster and high strength. Semi-precious rose quartz has the following properties and features:

  • milky pink hue due to admixtures of manganese, titanium and iron;
  • the stone is unevenly painted, the surface has areas with varying degrees of transparency;
  • beautiful glass shine;
  • hardness on the Mohs scale - 7 points;
  • The most popular form of processing is cabochon.

The mineral, which is not suitable for jewelry processing, is used to create unique dishes, cups, chess and figurines. Rose quartz is also used in the glass and ceramic industries. Gem powder is often used in cosmetology to make products that help reduce weight and restore the structure of skin cells.

It is believed that the rose quartz stone is not suitable for all zodiac signs. But it also has unique healing and magical properties.

Patron of names

Each of the many names has its own patrons in the form of minerals. Rose quartz protects people whose names are:

  • Alina. The talisman will give Alina sensuality, tuning her thoughts to goodness and love. The stone will give this woman emotional and mental balance.
  • Sophia. The amulet will help her find a common language with the people around her, give her strength and confidence.

Although rose quartz is considered an amulet for women, it can also be a good amulet for men. The stone is not used in men's jewelry, but a small decorative item will serve as reliable protection for anyone who believes in it.

Astrological compatibility

Astrologers have determined that there are no Zodiacs for whom wearing rose quartz is contraindicated. But it is worth noting that in each of the signs the mineral will awaken only certain traits.

(“+++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

The best amulet will be a gem for Libra, Taurus and Pisces:

  • Libra will find true love.
  • The Taurus talisman will give you wisdom, prudence, good spirits, and will help you find your soulmate.
  • Pisces is the most magically sensitive sign, so with such an amulet they are guaranteed success in all endeavors, be it love affairs, career or daily duties.

Despite its visual attractiveness and delicacy, rose quartz is a finicky stone. He chooses his own owner. This should be taken into account during the first contact with a mineral - if the contact does not carry with it a certain energetic attraction, you should refuse the purchase or gift.

Important! Rose quartz patronizes people who were born on the first day of the lunar cycle, regardless of the zodiac sign. For such an owner, the nugget will be the best amulet against evil, bringing maximum benefit.

Each of the zodiac signs will feel the positive influence of the gem:

  • Aquarians will become lifelong optimists. Some people decide to do something that they have put off for a long time, for example, a long trip.
  • Sagittarius will be freed from recklessness in committing actions and will gain peace of mind.
  • Capricorns will receive support in conducting business.
  • Scorpios will achieve their goals with an amulet in the form of a pendant or ring.
  • Virgos will get luck and a portion of positive energy.
  • For Cancers, the stone will become a protective barrier against stress, reducing its impact on life in general. Cancers are guaranteed endurance and balance.
  • Aries will be able to use stubbornness in the right direction, developing perseverance and the desire for self-improvement.
  • Gemini will have success in business and love, as well as the development of intuitive thinking.
  • For Leos, the talisman promises carefree and well-being.

Rose quartz will not be hostile to any of the signs, but it cannot become a friend to everyone. It's either your talisman or it's not. Your inner instinct will help you decide.

What products are made from rose quartz

You can buy rose quartz not only for those whose zodiac sign it matches. Moreover, for all planets it is considered neutral.

The delicate semi-precious gem is often used by jewelers to create:

  • massive rings, earrings and necklaces;
  • bracelets only made of stone;
  • original products, where in addition to quartz cubic zirconia is added;
  • neat pendants and earrings with small pendants;
  • hairpins, brooches and other jewelry.

Interesting fact. Besides Taurus and Libra, rose quartz is also suitable for Cancer, Aquarius and Sagittarius. For these zodiac signs, the stone can be a source of inspiration. And as a talisman of love, the gem is suitable for Pisces, Gemini and Aries.


Once upon a time, a beautiful pink gem appeared to people. Whether it was given by the Gods or the Earth, no one knows for sure. But for many centuries, humanity has known its powerful power - the power of love, kindness, healing. Such a mineral cannot go unnoticed. Inner faith and strength from the depths of the planet can work miracles.

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