Queen of Wands Tarot Meaning in Combination

02/11/2021 452 The meaning of Tarot cards

Author: Anastasia

The map we are going to talk about now is filled with bright symbols and a sunny atmosphere. And yet, no matter how prosperous the Queen of Tarot Staffs may seem to us, her meaning is actually not so rosy. This Lady is full of internal contradictions and anxiety, and tries with all her might to hide it from others. Some Masters even classify this card as negative, since they see in it an indication of hypocrisy, as well as hypocrisy. However, such characteristics really correspond to this Arcanum when it lies in an inverted position. We will begin our description with a comprehensive and complete analysis of this map.


Description of the map

In the hands of the Queen of Wands is a scepter with a sunflower flower. This means that women of this personality type are sunny, positive, emitting light and energy. It is very important for them to be the center of attention. The flower itself in the Tarot is a symbol of the joy of life, new life, and the human soul. The sunflower flower is the Sun in tandem with man. The sun is a symbol of the highest creative energy.

The leaves on the Rod are nothing more than symbols of life. The dress is made with a neckline that evokes associations with the sign of Aries. There is also an image of a cat on the Arcana. This is an animal that does not depend on anyone, with character, and it also speaks of magical knowledge or love. Lions can be seen on the Queen's throne. They symbolize power and the indisputability of its decisions.

General meaning of the Queen of Wands card

In the Queen of Wands Tarot reading, it symbolizes the desire to be a leader, accompanied by ambition and pride. The card almost always appears when the questioner finds an ambitious person striving to arrange his career and life in the best possible way. She is also attracted to people who are interested in something, with sparkling eyes.

The cards lying nearby tell about what has already begun. The Queen of Staves is a card that responds to prospects, phenomena that are intensifying, processes that are developing and moving towards their maximum level.

Career, success, popularity - the Queen of Scepters appears when it comes to these things. And her appearance is a good sign, it means everything is going like clockwork. The cards that follow after it tell about current events, about what has gained momentum and is approaching the final stage of development.

Overview of the characteristics of the Queen of Wands card

The lasso depicts a luxurious and majestic woman who has an enviable royal posture and sits on a beautiful royal throne. The throne is very durable, which personifies the stability of the high position of its mistress.

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The Queen symbolizes self-confidence and self-sufficiency. Her posture is quite imposing, she is not worried about anything, there is no tension. With her hands she holds a rod, which acts as a symbol of power. Next to the Lady sits a beautiful black cat (some Tarot decks, instead of a cat, depict a panther tamed by the Queen of Wands).

The crown on the head of the Lady, the wands and the throne - all this indicates the high position that the queen occupies in society, her authority among those around her.

If we consider the Tarot deck of the Age of Aquarius, then in it the Lady of Staves is depicted against a fiery background, which indicates the increased passion of her nature.

From the standpoint of astrology, the Queen corresponds to the planet Moon, located in the Zodiac sign Leo - they indicate the hot temperament of a woman who strives to make her life as full and rich as possible, and also speaks of self-confidence and pride.

In a straight position

The Queen of Wands of the Tarot, falling in a direct position, predicts the beginning of those events that other cards pointed to. Describes a peaceful, friendly, attractive representative of the fair sex, who is practical, has a high degree of self-control, although she can be a little cold and hot-tempered, but she moves away very quickly. The Queen demands love and respect from those around her.

  1. In terms of appearance: the card will indicate a red-haired or dark-haired blonde with dark eyes. She has personal magnetism, has a developed will, is confident in her abilities, and is prone to creative impulses (she often plays around in life). She is characterized by increased emotionality, inconsistency, high intuitive abilities, and it is difficult for others to predict her actions.
  2. She belongs to the upper class of society and is a socialite. Motivated to achieve career heights, has a pronounced gift of persuasion. Provides assistance to those who need it. The Queen is interested in self-improvement, self-knowledge and self-realization.
  3. In the sphere of events: the card says that you need to take decisive action now, show your strong-willed qualities, be sure to help others, and carry them along with you.
  4. Field of activity: indicates a business woman who is actively involved in the life of society. She can realize herself in politics, sports, on stage, in show business, in advertising and commercial activities. Often has her own business or helps a high-ranking husband. She is an excellent housewife.
  5. In the area of ​​health, the lasso speaks of good natural abilities and a high supply of vital energy. The only drawback is that the person is not hardy enough.
  6. In his personal life, he will talk about a stormy and long-term romance, the emergence of very dramatized situations. Relationships develop according to a beautiful scenario, but very often the Lady of Posokhov has a competitor.
  7. The card advises you to act quickly, show confidence in your own abilities, and be an optimist.
  8. Warns that your actions should not be too unpredictable for others.
  9. The final answer to your question is yes, it is important to be as flexible as possible.

Inverted position

Queen of Wands Tarot meaning in reverse position will change. In this case, the lasso will indicate the impossibility of fulfilling what you want. It can also indicate a person who discredits you, or an eccentric, eccentric person.

  1. Arkan describes a petty sorceress, a sexual seductress who suffers from attacks of jealousy, is characterized by self-centeredness, vanity, cruelty and stubbornness. Tries to make others dependent on him. Mannered, prim, her intimate life is inharmonious. The weaknesses of such a woman can be directed against her.
  2. In the sphere of events, it speaks of a lack of understanding of the situation, confusion, and a person who is not active enough.
  3. In business, a person chooses the wrong direction and engages in tyranny.
  4. Indicates deterioration in health.
  5. In the personal sphere: he does not know how to build relationships with the opposite sex due to his increased ambition.
  6. Arkan recommends controlling the situation and being aware of the events taking place.
  7. Warns you not to fight the current.
  8. The final answer to your question is negative.

We recommend watching the following video review of the Queen of Staffs arcana:

Personal Description

This is either an exceptionally wonderful person who is on the side of the questioner, his muse, pleasant and supportive. Or is this a man equally wonderful in his own way, but he is on the other side of the fence, which characterizes him as a strong rival.

Positive features

It doesn’t matter what gender the questioner is, if this card comes up, then the following can be said with confidence about him or her: this is an accomplished person who has a special desire and luck. There are also traits of asceticism: to share, to help, to heal.

Queen of Wands Tarot, the meaning of the card is responsible for healing the spirit. If the mood for victory has become minimal, then it instills fighting spirit, inspires to move forward and achieve the goal. This happens through the connection of one soul with another, this event is positive, the fire in the eyes appears harmoniously, and not on the basis of negative impressions and the desire to “spite everyone.”

Thus, the Queen of Wands combines Fire, strong, capable of making a revolution (in a person’s conclusions), and Water, capable of helping fire make everything go smoothly.

The energies of the Queen of Wands most often manifest themselves in the form of a woman with a masculine principle, with a core inside her; she is characterized by assertiveness and an endless desire to move forward, no matter what. Courage, passion, the ability to openly express one’s opinion - this is the woman of this Arcanum.

She decides for herself what and when to do, to stop her or vice versa, to force her to do something that she does not consider necessary, to influence her in one way or another is impossible. Such a woman always has her own point of view, and it is very difficult to prove that she is wrong.

The Queen of Wands has clear boundaries between concepts. She knows reliably what honor, honesty, decency, generosity are. This person certainly qualifies as ideal. Determination and courage allow her to move towards her goal without fear, according to a well-thought-out plan.

Queen of Staves, the meaning of the card indicates chastity in a literal and figurative sense. She stays as far away from bad people and thoughts as possible. This woman is always cheerful and able to cheer up others. But no one can influence her decision, even she herself cannot question it.

Such “pure” representatives of this type are extremely rare. Most people either do not have all the traits or have hidden characters. Most often, the Queens of Wands are women of the element of Fire, less often - of Water.

The fire in the eyes of these women does not overshadow their common sense. The decisions they make are carefully weighed and thought out. Her actions may be desperate, but they will never be caused by fleeting weakness. They characterize her as a strong, self-sufficient person.

But all people make mistakes, even the Queens of Wands. The latter have difficulty learning their mistakes, and when someone wants to point them out, they will be extremely unhappy. Criticism towards them is met with hostility. However, they flare up quickly, but also cool down quickly. The concept of vindictiveness has nothing to do with women of this arcana. They are also characterized by independently drawn conclusions. The Queens of Wands defy conventional wisdom.

As for her behavior in society, it can attract people. People around her pay attention to her, and the Queen of Wands is flattered by this; she loves to feel that someone likes her. And the understanding that she is respected is a balm for the soul for this lady. She behaves with restraint, but in conversation she often openly expresses her point of view, which can be emotional, and gives free rein to her emotions without fear of condemnation. At the same time, it can become an absolute mystery.

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On a deeper level

The Queen of Sceptres may be a woman of the element of fire. She strives to catch the bird of happiness by the tail and fly on it all her life. But such fun usually requires moral readiness, since maintaining morale is an energy-intensive business.

The Queen of Wands has a highly concentrated masculine impulse, which manifests itself in creative power. Women and girls of this type strive for independence, freedom, self-development and self-realization. Charisma is their strong point.

As a true woman, the Queen of Staves is able to combine the incompatible, Fire and Water, and create from them a unique tandem in which these two elements will be harmonious. Fire inspires instincts, and Water inspires feelings. This Arcanum is a combination of the sexual principle and the spiritual, the result is true love and creative power. Love instills delight in the soul; it makes it clear that what we once considered impossible is in fact quite real.

The meaning of the Queen of Wands in various readings

For career and work

This is a big boss, a bright, purposeful lady who only goes forward.
The dropped card indicates success in a new endeavor. If the questioner is working on a project and is worried about its success, then this card suggests a good outcome, and those around him will indicate the outcome. Queen of Staves, the meaning of the card is inspiration, courage, confidence in success and the ability to solve any problem that arises along the way. In some cases, this card is a call to radical action. For example, stop working for the boss and go about your own business.

The card symbolizes work that brings pleasure, a paid hobby. This can be a profession in the world of show business, as well as any other that brings joy to a person. For the Queen of Sceptres, there is no such thing as “working to earn money.” Uninteresting work does not interest her.

She chooses the industry in which she feels like a fish in water, where she is comfortable, and most importantly, her ambitions, where there is a field for games and growth, career and personal. Even if the Queen of Wands has to do something that, in her opinion, is useless, she will very quickly understand that there is no point in waiting for a happy ending, she needs to take control of the situation. She is not so much attracted by money and fame as by the temptation to do the work of her life, to develop and not stand still.

The Queen of Wands is a winner by nature. She easily makes it clear who is the best here. If the card falls before competitions, competitions and other events in which victory is important, then this is a sign of success.

For finances and property

Queen of Sceptres, the meaning in the reading in relation to business foretells that success awaits the newcomer. But to receive a monetary reward, you need to make an effort, show assertiveness, courage and ingenuity. Despite the fact that the Queen of Wands knows her worth and is in a hurry to create a beautiful life, moving towards this, she can be quite economical.

For personal relationships

Relationships with the Lady of Wands are not like relationships with other women. However, you still need to start an affair with her, because she feels great alone. She feels good alone with her thoughts, she easily accepts something new, so with or without a couple, she lives brightly.

But if such a Queen falls in love, then it is better for no one to stand in her way. She sees nothing wrong with taking initiative at one of the first stages of a relationship, because she knows that the main thing is to “catch a fish” (she always succeeds in this), and in the future the initiative will pass into male hands.

The Queen of Wands has equality and sometimes matriarchy in her family.

Thanks to the combination of good character traits, as well as the ability to present oneself in the best light, anyone will become her fan; this happens, one might say, with the snap of a finger. The Knight of Wands would be an ideal partner for her. They are equally passionate and full of energy.

As for sexual relationships, the Queen of Wands’ concepts of them are more similar to those of men. She feels the need for sex - she gets it. At this moment, she is not controlled by any feelings or hidden self-interest. She does not justify herself, she has a clear distinction between sex, love and others. But this does not mean that in a relationship, she will distinguish between these concepts. Her feelings are sincere and for a relationship she needs a man who will suit her in everything.

Another amazing ability of the Queen of Wands is to charge those around her with enthusiasm. Her man will be subjected to the excitement brought on by the Queen throughout their life together. She is able to motivate in such a way that a man will want to go and conquer the peaks one by one.

But not for her, no! Success and laurels are for him, and she is only the companion of a successful man. That's the role she needs. If a man sits idle, then he is not of the slightest interest to the Queen of Wands.

You can marry her - her partner will immediately guess about it. These women are endowed with a full range of qualities of an ideal wife. They will become the best friend for their partner, with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk and fool around, they will become passionate lovers who will gladly fulfill all the fantasies of a man, sometimes they can be capricious and behave sweetly, just like girls.

Spending your whole life with her, not only enjoying your youth, but also growing old next to her, is a wonderful prospect. The Queen of Wands will create such a life scenario that the best directors in the world will be accused of making boring films. But she finds it difficult to bear the feeling of jealousy. It's hard for her to realize that there is someone better than her.

The Scepter Queen is credited with the hetaera archetype. Self-realization and achieving new heights is what makes life worth living. This position should be supported by her man. She gets inspired by something new and inspires those around her. Children are important for this woman, but her own ambitious desires and constant expansion of her range of opportunities come first.

Queen of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships is a completely understandable union of two equal people, adults and smart. She initially chooses a worthy partner, who may not be an ideal, but in the future will become one. Seeing couples who live a boring, monotonous life, full of quarrels and disagreements, makes her feel uneasy. She sincerely does not understand why she should condemn herself to such torment.

For health status

Most often, the card indicates excellent health. Since Kundalini energy is present in her, she feels a surge of vitality, a good mood, both in the moral sense and in the physiological sense. But the suit of wands can also be a signal of illness. It indicates everything that happens with an increase in temperature, for example, inflammatory processes.

Queen of Wands Tarot - meaning in combination with other arcana

When combined with the suit of Wands:

  • Ace: creative enthusiasm, desire for self-expression;
  • Two: making adjustments to your plans;
  • Three: an inspired start to a new business;
  • Four: complete success in the task;
  • Five: the emergence of contradictions with partners;
  • Six: a favorable outcome of the case, the opportunity to emerge victorious from the situation;
  • Seven: unshakable fortitude;
  • Eight: good news from a woman;
  • Nine: the need to show restraint;
  • Ten: the planned enterprise is doomed to failure;
  • Page: amazing news;
  • Knight: unnecessary haste, danger of burning out at work;
  • King: harmony and mutual understanding.

With the suit of Cups:

  • Ace: new love or pregnancy;
  • Two: strengthening the union;
  • Three: promotion at work;
  • Four: energy is wasted, a break is needed;
  • Five: the need to abandon a project that has not justified itself;
  • Six: a lucky coincidence;
  • Seven: period of uncertainty;
  • Eight: leaving the usual field of activity;
  • Nine: undeniable advantage;
  • Ten: happy, strong relationships;
  • Page: a new plan is maturing;
  • Knight: New Fan;
  • Queen: charm and self-confidence;
  • King: happy couple.

When combined with the suit of Swords:

  • Ace: resourcefulness;
  • Two: inability to calculate everything;
  • Three: complete disappointment;
  • Four: rest or upcoming vacation;
  • Five: Pyrrhic victory;
  • Six: change of activity or relocation;
  • Seven: ingenuity, willingness to move forward;
  • Eight: fear of doing anything;
  • Nine: a premonition of something bad;
  • Ten: complete collapse;
  • Page: meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • Knight: active opposition;
  • Queen: excessive pathos;
  • King: confrontation with a serious opponent.

When combined with the suit of Pentacles:

  • Ace: financial assistance;
  • Two: money fuss;
  • Three: the opportunity to show yourself in the best light;
  • Four: strong grip;
  • Five: unscrupulous woman;
  • Six: new ways of development in business;
  • Seven: expectation of fruits from the invested efforts;
  • Eight: hardworking woman;
  • Nine: security;
  • Ten: relative;
  • Page: inquisitive mind, desire to learn;
  • Knight: purposeful progress towards results;
  • Queen: reliable and businesslike person;
  • King: a union of two enterprising business people.

When combined with the Major Arcana of the Tarot:

  • Jester: mood swings, instability in business;
  • Magician: action only in one's own interests;
  • Priestess: professional in her field;
  • Empress: a woman successful in every sense;
  • Emperor: powerful woman;
  • Hierophant: highly spiritual personality;
  • Lovers: fidelity;
  • Chariot: the desire for independence;
  • Strength: impatient behavior;
  • Hermit: lack of support and like-minded people;
  • Wheel of Fortune: fate will challenge;
  • Justice: an honest woman;
  • Hanged Man: unnecessary victim;
  • Death: getting rid of unnecessary things;
  • Moderation: internal balance;
  • Devil: self-deception, temptation;
  • Tower: destruction of the usual picture of the world;
  • Star: high hopes for the project;
  • Moon: the appearance of a competitor;
  • Sun: feeling of complete happiness;
  • Court: a breath of fresh air, the emergence of new forces;
  • World: an exceptional personality.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Queen of Wands reversed is an arrogant, selfish person. She was hurt by something, and all her virtue turned into evil intentions towards the questioner. The black cat, which on a regular map we see at our feet, is now at the top of the map.

The Queen of Wands in this position can be compared to a black cat. Just as the latter tries to cross a person's path and ruin an event or day, so the Queen does not want the questioner, who is most likely her rival, to be rewarded with success. She questions a person's luck.

If in its true form the Queen of Staves indicates the presence of a good friend, ready to follow a friend through fire and water, then the inverted Queen is nothing more than a quarrel with a close friend, the emergence of problems in communication.

The inverted Queen is a woman who “I want this, I don’t know what.” Her self-confidence is gone, which means she can't enjoy the privileges she clearly has. It is also possible to interpret an inverted card as a woman taking a very big risk, not worth the losses that will subsequently occur. And it’s not just about money, connections and other things related to the material world. The consequence of a rash decision will be discord in the family.

The card sometimes makes it clear that the questioner needs to abandon the crazy idea he is harboring. It won't bring success.

The Queen of Scepters reversed also serves as a pointer to a person who is openly or secretly discrediting the questioner. The inverted card may also turn out to be a person with different views on life and a blurred framework of norms and rules, a woman who tries and is able to seduce him.

The inverted Queen needs to fight non-stop for herself, her self-realization. In a good sense, an inverted card speaks of good deeds that the questioner is unable to do due to the interference of certain factors.

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What kind of people does the Queen of Wands Tarot card represent?

The person represented by the Queen of Wands Tarot card was born under one of the fire signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Queens in Tarot rarely predict how a particular situation will develop. As a rule, they reflect part of the personality of the fortuneteller or people, usually women, from his environment.

In the upright position, the meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot is a woman who will not be confused in any situation and will cope with any problem. Her only drawback is her lack of endurance in stressful situations. This lady is smart, powerful, fair and noble. She is used to carefully considering her decisions, which many trust.

Pride is of great importance to this woman, and this makes her vulnerable to criticism. It is very easy to offend this lady, although she hides it. Despite the desire for independence, she is not limited to her career. She occupies a dominant position in the house, loves comfort and nature. The Queen of Wands does not forget the importance of contacts with relatives and friends. She likes strong competitors, this lady draws inspiration from wrestling.

In general, the Queen of Wands is a businesswoman, aimed primarily at a career or success in entrepreneurship. Most likely, she occupies a leadership position. This lady occupies an important position in society, but may well be lonely. She may be young, but she is definitely psychologically mature. This lady is always ready to help. She likes to command, but is always ready to defend the interests of her friends. Even if we are talking about an elderly lady, she is energetic, active and cheerful. She knows how to take care of herself and always looks attractive.

Sometimes the Queen of Wands says that in front of you is a devoted wife and loving mother. She is passionate about housework and does an excellent job with it, but her interests are not at all limited to creating comfort in the house and preparing a delicious dinner. This lady is active and energetic, even if we are talking about a housewife, she can be involved in a large number of interesting projects. She values ​​home and family, but loves to be the center of attention; she may well prefer life in a village or province.

In the reversed position, the Queen of Staves Tarot says that you are dealing with a woman who is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of an illusory and unrealizable idea. This sacrifice led her to discord in her relationships and problems in other areas of her life. This lady is temperamental, never gives in and does everything her own way. She is subject to private nervous attacks and likes to interfere in other people's affairs. The woman in question has business qualities. She loves to lead and prefers to occupy leadership positions.

In addition, the reversed Queen of Staves may indicate an unfaithful wife. Sometimes we are talking about a cutesy person who, in her opinion, is always right. She loves to read morals and impose her point of view on others. Gossip is one of the favorite pastimes of such a person.

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