How to interpret the Chariot Tarot card in combination with others

It's a good sign if you lack the determination and strength to make a breakthrough, be it at work, in a personal relationship, or in a spiritual quest. The major arcan card of the Tarot Chariot is a symbol of the irreversibility of changes, the fulfillment of intentions, and the absence of obstacles on the path to success. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Chariot is a leap in development and rapid movement towards the implementation of plans.

Brief description of the card

The seventh place in the Tarot deck is occupied by The Chariot, depicting a young attractive man sitting confidently in a chariot. His head is crowned with a luxurious crown, and a scepter is clutched in his hand.

The chariot is harnessed not by horses, but by black and white sphinxes. And a little behind you can see a fairly large snow-white castle. The main character firmly and confidently holds the reins, his chest is covered with a protective shell, and his hands are wearing tough gloves.

And therefore, the leading meaning of the Chariot Tarot card often comes down to a confident, experienced person striving to take a high place in life and society.

Often the chariot card speaks of constant movement forward, towards achieving your goals. And it often symbolizes a bright victory and success achieved through long, intense and rather hard work. It also talks about progress, which is almost impossible to stop.


The stage of spiritual development, the task of which is to know oneself and learn to consciously and constantly control the various forces of one’s own psyche, spontaneous contradictory impulses. Learn to draw strength from the opposites in yourself, make them work together, master the synergy of the inner world, not deny anything in it, but put everything at the service of evolution. Animals symbolize different aspects of nature (for example, body and spirit), which may seem to strive in different directions, but in fact, subject to self-control, ensure progress towards a single goal. Self-control means direction, not suppression. These forces met at the previous stage (Magnum Opus, the great work of the Sixth Arcana) and are now leading to victory. They have been reconciled to such an extent that man can now advance with their help at unprecedented speed. The position of the Charioteer on the Arcana reflects the strong harmony between oppositely polar forces. At this stage of peace with yourself and external achievements, the temptation to stay is great - it is difficult to convince yourself that there is something more.

All serious interpretations emphasize the Chariotman’s dedication to many secrets and his magical abilities. This is the son of the queen of heaven, the god of spring, the one who came from heaven to act on earth, the divine hero-deliverer.

He rules the sphinxes and holds the scepter of wisdom. The card depicts a man looking forward confidently (the Exalted One, racing in the chariot of Creation). A character in armor does not stand in a chariot, but rises from a cube (symbolizing ascension). On his head is the crown of Isis, and on his shoulders are two crescents of the moon, Urim and Thummim, dark on the left, light on the right. In addition, the eight-pointed star on the crown of the Chariot reflects the connection of the Mind with the eighth sephira (Hod). The light and dark sphinx, the growing and flawed crescent moon clearly speak of the two sides of the soul - light and dark, and on the Arcana this does not look like some kind of drama. Their coherence and will bring only balance in thoughts, goals and actions, and movement forward along the path of growth.

The four pillars of the Chariot symbolize the four elements - fire, air, earth and water, on which the world rests and which it has learned to understand. Above his head is a canopy of stars - the sky is open to him and speaks to him. The image of the canopy is reminiscent of the patronage of the Priestess; in some decks, the Chariot is a holy warrior, the Son of the Goddess, the one on whom hopes are placed for the salvation of humanity. This image belongs to the Prince of the Grail in the European tradition or the “hidden imam” in mystical Islam. The Seventh Arcana in the Tarot itself is a symbol of a triumphant mind that managed to solve the riddle of the Sphinx. Guggenheim, however, notes that this riddle concerns only the mysteries of nature, and not the grace of heaven. The Sphinx represents the secret and unknown power by which the Ruler moves continuously through the various parts of the Universe. The combination of opposites in one person is what makes it possible for him to exist independently, endowing him with an independent destiny, isolated from the fate of the world as a whole, finally separating his soul from the World Soul and God. Waite emphasizes that the Charioteer is driven by high goals. Kaplan writes, "This map depicts the material currents that carry man toward his destiny."

To win, you must show determination, remarkable will, and strain all your abilities to control the situation. The main risk is not controlling your impulses and succumbing to inner weakness. This card says that a person is given the ability to curb opposing forces and must use this skill, subordinating them to reason and work. He will achieve greatness by taking control of his feelings, learning to balance contradictions (for example, active work in the world and periods of productive solitude). Sufficient severity towards yourself and good self-control ensures rapid progress, victorious advancement, and goal achievement. This card symbolizes male power, physical strength, confidence, fearlessness, victory won by willpower. The crowned conqueror, the warrior-mage must seek the Divine will. His progress is achieved by unrelenting control and full exertion of all his strength to hold the reins. But he will conquer, achieve and conquer, nothing will hold him back except internal problems, but external ones are not scary to him. This is a logical continuation of the Arcana of Lovers - the learned and harnessed forces lead to victory, but we must continue to strain and control.

The charioteer becomes triumphant thanks to the right choice in the Sixth Arcana. Now before him is the path of material success and soul development. It is not difficult to guess about the main danger that awaits him - this is pride, the temptation of his own victories and knowledge. Mystical experience can lead him to madness, megalomania. The Chariot is the card of free will. This is a great gift, but also unsafe for health. The path of life, as we know, is replete with sections that are both narrow and slippery. “Running” with this very free will into the lamppost of fate costs nothing (therefore, the combination of the Chariot and the Tower is considered one of the most unfavorable - it just hints at such an outcome of the matter). The chariot carries full dedication of strength, understanding its mission, but this is still the beginning of a long journey, where a person is inclined to take on too much, without fully understanding what he is doing. Therefore, Arcanum is also associated with the Fall, with a great risk of “falling over.”

The movements of karma in which the soul participates lead to death, wars and natural disasters. But the Creator forgives the soul, in agony torn from the contradictions and sins in which it involuntarily participates, having incarnated into this world, and gives it shelter, encouraging it to understand that on the battlefield the Chariot not only kills, but also creates a new reality; - therefore, the soul must live - and fight. Therefore, the concept of fulfillment is also associated with the Arcana Chariot. The more a person corresponds to his predestination, the better he manages to demonstrate the freedom of his will.

This card reflects the zodiac characteristic of the sign of Cancer, which, under the shell of Saturn, hides the wealth of its inner world, preserving it from external influences that bring doubts into the soul about the right choice of path. Cancer is an insecure sign, but astrology advises to become its warrior, replacing the passive Saturnian guard with the active protection of Mars: Cancer is the sign of the conception of Aries, ruled by Mars, therefore Capricorn, where Mars is in exaltation, is the best basis for the Martian manifestation of his inner world and the aspirations of your soul. On the Arcana we see a moving house-fortress (the chariot itself) and the armor of the charioteer. Cancer corresponds to the month of Tamuz - a time of intensifying carnal desires. The front of the Chariot is decorated with a very sexy ancient sign, reflecting the union of the masculine and feminine principles. Above it we see wings reminiscent of the Angel of the Arcana of Lovers - a call to direct this heat to higher goals, to spiritualize it. In general, this symbol indicates the nature of the force with the help of which the Charioteer moves - the spiritualized libido.

The Chariot is very important to understanding the Tarot. This is a map of the Soul, God, the Universe. Seven has always been a magical number. This is the number of orbiting planets visible to the naked eye. Ancient peoples created their mythologies around these heavenly gods. The epic’s description of the “awakening of the hero” fits the Seventh Arcana perfectly. On the external level, this card symbolizes forces that were hitherto hidden and help to find the way to the “true self” and one’s destiny. Charioteer is self-knowledge and determination of one’s path, it is victory over one’s inertia, it is willpower that has removed chains and seals from the hero.

The chariot is related to the ideas of the Upanishads and the Jewish Merkabah. Merkabah is the Chariot of God in Jewish Mysticism. It is based largely on the doctrine of Ezekiel's mystical vision. In it, God was carried in a chariot made of the wings of four angels, each of which had four faces - a man, an eagle, a lion and a bull. Symbols reminiscent of various aspects of the Merkabah run throughout the entire Tarot system. The black and white horses become the black and white tower, the four surrounding angels and wheels become the four elements, and so on. These things are universal and archetypal.

The philosophy that is closest to us is the philosophy of Plato, who described the Chariot as a metaphor for the soul in three parts. The Black Horse, the White Horse and the Charioteer-Charioteer, called Reason, which binds them together and controls them. A beautiful, thoroughbred, cultured white horse always pulls upward. A black horse, of a bad breed, intemperate, and difficult to control, always pulling down. The charioteer must balance their energies within himself and direct them, with great difficulty, into the world of the Gods, where he can hopefully catch a glimpse of absolute truth, even if only for a moment, before he again loses control, because horses are so difficult to control, and will crash back to the ground. Few have ever achieved this, and according to Plato, the old soul, with the sensitivity of a creator or philosopher, approaches this level of self-knowledge and mastery. A glimpse of this original truth, even for a moment, is enough for initiation. And even if you break later (and as a person you will break), you will still be changed forever.

Esoterically, the Chariot corresponds to rituals of initiation and dedication. This is the performance of a knight errant in search of the Grail. In mythology, these are the solar celestials - Apollo, Helios and Zeus. These are also all astral travels, which help to become a conductor of cosmic energy and lead to spiritual transformation. The chariot is the royal path of the spirit.

List of keywords

Each card in the Tarot deck has a significant list of keywords that reveal its essence and facilitate quick decoding. There is such a list and cards with the image of a chariot.

The following keywords will help you correctly decipher the 7 Arcana of the Tarot:

  • trips and victories;
  • successes and trophies;
  • conqueror and winner;
  • self-control and ambition;
  • strength and focus;
  • triumph and profit;
  • skill and skill.

The listed words fully reveal the main essence of the card, allowing you to correctly and without errors decipher any fortune telling.

Leading Key Ideas

The seventh Tarot card also has a special list of key ideas, thanks to which its interpretation will be much easier:

  • steady progress with gradual acceleration;
  • the beginning of the path to incredible success;
  • overcoming certain obstacles;
  • the presence of thick protective armor;
  • closedness in emotional terms;
  • having exclusive power.

Often the card also means some kind of protracted conflict between the spiritual and the material. The ideas presented will certainly help in the direct interpretation of the seventh lasso. With their help, the significance of this card in the layout will become much clearer. They will also help decipher the layout during the execution process.

Interpretation of the lasso in business and career readings

The Ace of Cups tarot card speaks of significant prospects in the work sphere. The individual has sufficient motivation and finds himself in a good team. Therefore, the path to development and career advancement is open to him.

Implementation in the professional sphere will be quite easy. Minor difficulties will be solvable, and material success and respect from management will be a pleasant addition to moral satisfaction from work.

The inverted version of the lasso is interpreted as a lack of ability to see perspectives, selfish behavior and a tendency to shift responsibilities to other employees. The card may also hint that senior colleagues are shifting their responsibilities to the individual himself, and therefore he is not coping with his own tasks.

Main meanings of the card

The appearance of a charioteer in a chart usually indicates good luck in love, fulfillment of desires and significant victories in life.

Other popular designations for cards in an upright position include:

  • absolute victory over the enemy;
  • overcoming all challenges;
  • having a strong and confident character;
  • absolute control and dominance;
  • long period of hard work;
  • decisive struggle with failures and problems.

In addition to all of the above, the Tarot Chariot talks about a person who is distinguished by confidence, organizational abilities and determination. It is thanks to such qualities that it is possible to achieve great success and overcome any significant obstacles.

And the basis of the importance in relationships comes down to the need to competently build contacts and more often show respect for the partner.

A card with a chariot in reverse speaks of insurmountable obstacles, defeats and losses. And talks about serious conflicts, problems and disappointments.

Also, the following designations must be attributed to an inverted cart:

  • loss of self-control due to war, quarrel and defeat;
  • the onset of serious difficulties;
  • a painful period of testing;
  • loss of control over events occurring in life;
  • feeling of powerlessness with anger and frustration.

Often an overturned cart also indicates that Fortune has finally turned away from the person. And now there is practically no chance of achieving your goals. Some people around them also have a negative impact on current events.

More detailed information will be provided by the specific combination of tarot cards in the layout.

The meaning of the card in relationships

In most fortune telling about personal life, the lasso chariot talks about steady development and dynamics. And often predicts a new interesting acquaintance or a renewal of old relationships. The card also speaks about certain accents of relationships and love, and also promises the end of past omissions and misunderstandings.

The reverse position of the card usually symbolizes the beginning of a period of rather tense and rather complex relationships. And it indicates the impossibility of one person in a couple to influence the other.

He also says that love is not always present in a couple, but they are simply connected by certain circumstances. And therefore often predicts the inevitable end of the relationship.

Ace of Cups tarot card - interpretation in a direct image

The classic interpretation of this lasso is about new beginnings and, in particular, new emotions that will capture a person in the near future. Most likely, the individual will be able to start a new relationship or his existing union will reach a new level, which will ultimately lead to marriage.

The card may also hint at another kind of emotional connection, for example, finding a wonderful friend for many years. Overall, a person should expect a refreshing and wonderful period of life filled with various positive feelings.

Decoding combinations with the Major Arcana

In addition to the main designation of the seventh arcana, it is important to be able to interpret its combination with other Tarot cards. And start the best with the Major Arcana.

Their appearance near a chariot card can change its meaning as follows:

  • Moon - promises a quick journey, which may turn out to be quite dangerous;
  • Strength - portends a quick victory, for the sake of which you will have to exert a fairly large amount of effort;
  • Lovers - indicates a relationship based solely on material interests;
  • Sun - promises excellent success in business and very good health to a fortuneteller;
  • Magician - speaks of the urgent need to gather strength, concentrate and achieve the desired goals;
  • Jester - talks about constant confusion in business and serious problems in documentation;
  • Priestess - predicts the acquisition of new knowledge and the study of new and very useful information;
  • Emperor - speaks of the need to restore some events, which will certainly lead to the expected results;
  • Empress - acts as a symbol of financial well-being and the desire for material wealth;
  • Hierophant - personifies absolute harmony and complete interaction with others;
  • The Hermit - talks about a difficult stay in complete solitude and deep, incessant melancholy;
  • Wheel of Fortune - portends an incredibly rapid change in circumstances that can significantly change the life of a fortuneteller;
  • Hanged Man - predicts receiving some kind of injury, which can be quite serious;
  • Justice - promises slow but steady achievement of desired goals and results;
  • Death - speaks of an inevitable situation that can leave behind quite serious consequences;
  • Tower - symbolizes an accident or trouble with a certain vehicle;
  • Moderation - indicates acquiring new skills and acquiring unpleasant habits;
  • The devil is a symbol of moral and physical violence that can influence many decisions and actions;
  • Star - recommends listening more often to constant prompts from Fate;
  • Court - personifies a certain revival and renewal, with the help of which you can turn your life for the better;
  • Peace – talks about successful travels and harmony, bringing a lot of happiness and love.

The indicated interpretations of the chariot card in combination with other cards from the Major Arcana category will allow you to correctly identify the main meaning of fortune telling. And correctly decipher the entire card layout.

Interpretation in layouts

The desire for idealization and structure is clearly visible. Brings clarity. Shows the bright side. Takes on the role of a good messenger, announcing that prosperity is coming.

Quintessence of Temperance - the sum of the cards is 14. Adding the numbers gives 5, which refers to the Hierophant (V). The Arcana recommend thinking soberly and not being overwhelmed with feelings. The High Priest predicts the acquisition of spiritual wisdom if one moves according to the intended path.

An example of interpretation of a 3-card layout. Characteristics of the current situation:

  1. The point is, it's time to find a purpose in life.
  2. The solution is to look for a middle ground. Do not overstep the bounds of what is permitted.
  3. What happens next - composure will help you look at complexity from a different angle.

For relationships

Long-term connection. Mutual understanding, trust. Open your soul to your partner. Live in peace and harmony. Spiritual kinship, unity. Loneliness together.

Embrace personal freedom. Independence. Don't grieve over lack of love. The “everything suits me” principle.


  1. Favorable: harmony.
  2. Destructive: fragmentation.


  1. Direct: strong bonds.
  2. Reverse: unresolved issues.


  1. Vertical: comrades stand by each other like a mountain.
  2. Reversed: incompatibility of characters.


  1. Positive: close-knit team.
  2. Negative: everyone to their own.

In fortune telling for love

Calmness, feeling of comfort. Attachment without passion. Bonds in which the candy-bouquet period has long passed. There is no storm of emotions, but lovers live well without romantic adventures.

He is a messenger of peace. Reunites those who have fallen out. The tense atmosphere gradually subsides and a calm atmosphere comes. Renewal of communication for those who shouted “farewell!” in their hearts. The Guardian Angel appears where it is time for the scandal to end. By dispelling negative energy, it shows that the problem was literally made out of nothing.

Future Relationships for Singles:

  1. Constructive: a cordial acquaintance will take place, for this you need to be alone.
  2. Unfavorable: a meeting is possible, but you should not count on a long-term perspective.

What does the man think:

  1. General: filled with bright feelings.
  2. Insufficient: does not like.


  1. Positive: he is not going to break the heart of his chosen one.
  2. Excessive: loyalty is extremely doubtful.


  1. Direct: the homewrecker will not be able to win over to her side.
  2. Opposite: Annoying groupie. Love triangle.

Guy's feelings:

  1. Vertical: in seventh heaven.
  2. Reverse: emotional swing.

Personality characteristics

A state of serenity, equanimity. Showing patience, but not like the Hanged Man. According to the Hangman, inaction is forced, provoked by stagnation or requiring certain sacrifices. Abstinence shows the ability to control oneself. Remaining cool where others find it difficult to restrain themselves. Combines harmoniously with the two Denarii, personifying balancing even in a difficult situation.

If it appears in a group with the Wheel and the Emperor - author/poet/writer (craving for creativity); individual entrepreneur, businessman.


  1. Favorable: able to wait. Self-sufficient. Independent of the opinion of society. Does not adapt to the environment, but accepts other people's principles. A person who knows how to quickly adapt to new conditions. It is difficult to piss her off and provoke her into aggression.
  2. Negative: flatterer. Has conformist views. Doesn't stand out from the environment. Follows the crowd. He does not accept criticism, but he himself is ready to condemn. The one who has a mess in his head.

Archetypal correspondences:

  • Angel Michael;
  • Ariadne;
  • Zodiac sign Sagittarius;
  • philosopher's Stone.

To work

Productive collaboration. A team that has developed over the years. Having gone through a lot of difficulties and adversity. Often shows friendly relations between colleagues, increasing the efficiency of the work process.

Professions where team performance of duties takes place. At the same time, he hints at “single” positions. This is an ambulance crew or an accountant in a small company.

Places where it is necessary to act strictly according to the charter (protocol) or where calculations are carried out. People who help establish business contacts and resolve conflicts. Providing support and imparting knowledge. Refresher courses.

As the employee describes:

  1. General: experienced individual. Knows when to stop and follows corporate rules. He is valued in the company for his punctuality and meeting deadlines. Even the most important assignment is trusted to such a person. On the other hand, the employee does not strive to exceed the plan or work overtime. Clearly plans a schedule and allocates personal time. Tries to pay attention to different things: business issues, family, personal hobbies.
  2. Mirror: gray mouse. Will not complete the task at all, or will do it, but very crookedly. And so much so that you will have to redo it in order to avoid the wrath of your superiors. Sometimes - the significator of a newcomer: the employee has just found a job; Yesterday's student came to the service.


  • doctor, medic;
  • conflict specialist, mediator;
  • business consultant, mentor;
  • teacher, lecturer;
  • HR manager, personnel officer;
  • pharmacist;
  • restorer, jeweler;
  • cook, pastry chef, culinary specialist;
  • healer;
  • appraiser;
  • head of personnel department;
  • psychologist;
  • financier, economist;
  • mathematician.

To your health

Interpretation for fortune telling:

  1. Favorable: recovery. Active lifestyle. Preventive measures aimed at reducing the likelihood of relapse. There are no bad habits or addictions. Follow the diet and doctor's recommendations. Spiritual cleansing through meditation. Kidney diseases.
  2. Destructive: infertility. Damage to paired organs.

On financial situation


  1. Positive: recovery from the economic crisis. Achieve balance. Do not strive for wealth, but try to be wealthy. Maintain a budget. Control income and expenses. Spend on the essentials. Structure, consistency. Generosity.
  2. Negative: financial hole. Collect debts. There are no funds to pay the loan or mortgage. Unemployment, poverty. Survive on a small salary, but do not deny yourself shopping.

For pregnancy

For women it is a symbol of an unbroken cycle. This means there is no fruiting. If the question is related to the number of children, there are two to raise. The gender of the child is a girl. Together with the Empress and the Sun - the birth of a boy.

To the situation

A favorable, calm period in the life of the questioner. He is not burdened with responsibilities, not constrained by difficulties. If there is a conflict, a prediction of a quick resolution. There is no dynamics as such: everyday life moves measuredly, slowly. There's no hurry. The querent understands this very well.

Inverted - troubles fall in a stream on the head of the questioner. Sometimes it’s scary to go out into the street in case you run into new troubles along the way. The wrong approach adds fuel to the fire: the desire to resolve everything at once only fuels the flame, rather than extinguishing it.

On request

Expect your dreams to come true. Otherwise, one cannot expect a positive outcome.

The answer “yes” or “no” is the first option.

Psychological state map

The main meaning of the chariot card in psychological terms comes down to the characteristics of the winner.

The discovery of this lasso in fortune telling speaks of the incredible euphoria of a well-deserved victory and indicates the urgent need to almost constantly experience adrenaline dependence on one’s own achievements.

In a sense, the Rider Waite Tarot reduces the main meaning of the chariot card to real successes and achievements that are achieved through quite hard work. And therefore they bring incredible, almost physical pleasure.

But often such a life turns into one single goal in itself: to be the very first everywhere and in everything.

general description

Temperance (Temperance, Balance, Daughter of Unity) - XIV Major Arcana in the deck. Rider Waite claimed that the winged man had no gender, although he spoke of him in the masculine gender. Some tarot readers believe that the image is of a woman.

Let's analyze the attributes:

  1. The number 14 is a divine number in Christianity, in the religion of the Ancient East.
  2. The figure with a halo is Archangel Michael; supreme teacher.
  3. A white robe with a yellow triangle inside a square is a body in the temple of God; righteous follower.
  4. The golden symbol on the forehead is light.
  5. The sun in the form of a crown, a path, mountains - the road to the Highest goal; the secret of immortality; the path to harmony.
  6. When pouring water from one bowl to another, look for the correct proportion.
  7. Earth, air, fire, liquid - unity.
  8. Irises - physical level.

Brings a positive load to the layout. Softens the overall negative message.

Promises success, fulfillment of plans. Conflicts disappear, disagreements are replaced by reconciliation. The unclear situation becomes clearer, the fog dissipates. Soon the right solution to the problem will be found, a way out of the impasse.

Self-control. Come to a compromise. Maintain neutrality.

Combinations with the suit of Wands

In many layouts, arcana with the image of wands often appear near the chariot card.

In such cases, its meaning may change as follows:

  • Two of Wands - acts as a symbol of a crossroads at which a person unexpectedly finds himself;
  • Three of Wands - talks about achieving a certain victory, which entailed incredibly bright prospects;
  • Four of Wands - recommends going on a visit and enjoying some kind of performance there;
  • Five of Wands - advises to sit and think about the arguments that will soon have to be presented;
  • Six of Wands - acts as the most favorable combination of cards, guaranteeing unprecedented success for the fortuneteller;
  • Seven of Wands - talks about a rather desperate attempt to stay in the saddle;
  • Eight of Wands - indicates a long pause after an incredibly powerful start;
  • Nine of Wands - portends a serious injury that will require long-term treatment;
  • Ten of Wands - is a symbol of a long road that causes incredible fatigue and does not lead to anything good;
  • Page of Wands - recommends gathering strength and overcoming resistance in your own life;
  • Knight of Wands - indicates recklessness, which can end in very unpleasant consequences;
  • King of Wands - advises to express yourself and your own opinion more often in conversations with others;
  • Queen of Wands - talks about a long conflict that could end in victory for the fortuneteller;
  • Ace of Wands - speaks of a certain uncertainty that prevents you from achieving significant success in life.

Thanks to the listed decodings, even a novice tarot reader will not have any problems in the process of interpreting various card layouts where the Chariot card appears. They will allow you to perform the correct interpretation of fortune telling, capturing its basic meaning and significance.

Decoding combinations with Cups

Another popular combination of cards is the combination of a chariot with lassos from the suit of Cups.

In such cases, the basic interpretation of the map is as follows:

  • Two of Cups – recommends to steadily seek agreement and try to direct personal relationships in a boring direction;
  • Three of Cups - promises a long and happy trip to a family holiday;
  • Four of Cups - talks about success that causes only disappointment;
  • Five of Cups - speaks of a serious quarrel provoked by unsuccessful decisions and actions;
  • Six of Cups - portends a quick victory, which can only be achieved with the help of close friends;
  • Seven of Cups - symbolizes an incredibly false, unpleasant and false victory;
  • Eight of Cups - advises slowly but surely moving away from the usual path of life;
  • Nine of Cups - represents benefits and a successful journey that will bring a lot of happiness;
  • Ten of Cups - tells about a certain monster over which a victory was won, bringing with it unprecedented happiness;
  • Page of Cups - recommends achieving the desired offer with perseverance and perseverance;
  • Knight of Cups - personifies an incredibly successful and very profitable friendship in the life of the person asking;
  • King of Cups - advises to be smart and try to conquer a certain King;
  • Queen of Cups - indicates the need to overcome one’s own complexes and begin to conquer the Queen;
  • Ace of Cups - speaks of winning love and incredibly strong control over the emotional sphere of life.

The presented combinations of cards will help you easily understand the layout and provide the fortuneteller with the most correct and detailed answers to the questions asked.

Tarot card Ace of Cups and its interpretation in fortune telling on love themes

When appearing in a reading, the Ace symbolizes deep romantic relationships involving extreme devotion and sincerity. The current relationship is literally destined, and this union is based on harmony and balance.

If the individual is alone at the time of fortune telling, the card indicates an imminent fatal meeting, which will quickly develop into great and sincere love.

Important! If a Six from the same group of arcana appears next to the Ace of Cups, this promises deep sympathy, which will develop into a long-term relationship full of happiness.

When the Empress appears nearby, it is a symbol of a fruitful union, and near the Court, it is a renewal of feelings and their strengthening.

The reverse image of the lasso is interpreted as a sign of lack of sexual satisfaction, decline in relationships, increased irritability and emotional sensitivity, due to disappointment in the chosen one. The relationship demonstrated in the couple is feigned and nothing good will come from the union.

Fortune telling on financial issues and work

In most fortune telling for professional activities, the card with a cart talks about an independent type of activity, gaining new experience and a willingness to take risks for the sake of the desired success. Often the card foreshadows a change in the scope of activity and rapid developments in the near future.

In reverse, the chariot indicates the futility of the efforts made and talks about a certain fussiness and even assertiveness. It also speaks of unjustified ambition and lack of ability to adequately assess changes and events occurring in the workplace.

In terms of finance, the card is often associated with profit, although it says that material success is not always deserved. And it indicates the need to take risks more often in order to secure the most stable sources of income. He also advises taking the situation into your own hands and constantly monitoring your own expenses.

The role of the inverted version of the card

In reverse, the Ace of Cups tarot symbolizes the lack of happiness in the current period of life. This may be due to some kind of loss, separation or disappointment in another person.

Most likely, the individual gradually realizes that the relationship is exclusively friendly, although he was counting on its development into a love story. His feelings are played with or he himself allows his emotions to take precedence over rational thinking.

The feeling of deprivation and manipulation by others will put pressure on the person. You will have to pull yourself together and not allow yourself to fall into a depressed state.

Decoding combinations with Swords

Card combinations of arcana from the suit of Swords and cards with the image of a chariot must be interpreted in this way:

  • The Two of Swords is a symbol of indecision, which prevents you from achieving success in work and personal life;
  • Three of Swords - talks about causing a serious offense that will not be forgotten for a long time;
  • Four of Swords - speaks of the need for preventive measures that need to be carried out urgently;
  • Five of Swords - talks about competent and decisive actions that steadily lead to victory;
  • Six of Swords - indicates an incredibly long journey with a gradual exit from a protracted fight;
  • Seven of Swords - recommends acting exclusively in your own interests and trying to move towards your goals slowly and in a roundabout way;
  • Eight of Swords - speaks of performing certain actions within a fairly narrow framework, without going beyond what is permitted;
  • Nine of Swords - acts as a symbol of violence, constantly present in the life of a certain person;
  • Ten of Swords - portends a loss of control with the loss of fighting spirit and accumulated strength,
  • Page of Swords - speaks of the unpleasant habit of constantly getting involved in various quarrels and running into others;
  • Knight of Swords - indicates open confrontation, confrontation and violence that can lead to dangerous consequences;
  • King of Swords - talks about a suitable chance that can help in a quick victory;
  • Queen of Swords - advises to dissociate yourself and try to start your own business in order to gain independence;
  • Ace of Swords - recommends showing great determination, otherwise it will simply not be possible to win.

Using the listed notations, you will be able to understand any fortune-telling and perform its competent interpretation in a fairly short time. And competently understand all the life changes that are happening at the moment.

The meaning of the Ace of Cups lasso in a health chart

Speaking about the health of an individual, Ace characterizes him as a person with a strong immune system and the body as a whole. Even if at the time of the scenario any pathology was observed, there will be excellent dynamics ahead for a full recovery.

The reverse image of the card hints at possible diseases affecting the lymph or circulatory system or disrupting metabolic processes in the body. She also talks about the pronounced exhaustion of a person’s nervous system, his psychological depression.

Advice from the card for the day

In addition to various symbols, the lasso with a chariot contains many useful tips that allow you to avoid various problems and mistakes. And he often advises to stop passively observing events in life. Now the time has come for decisive changes, and we should start from today, without delay.

But before you start concentrating on the assigned tasks and goals, you need to once again check whether all the steps have been calculated as correctly and accurately as possible. And only then begin decisive actions and steps that will allow you to avoid serious mistakes.

Decoding combinations with Pentacles

As another popular combination, you should consider combinations of arcana from the suit of Pentacles and chariots:

  • Two of Pentacles - talks about the constant pursuit of two birds with one stone, which will not end well;
  • Three of Pentacles - speaks of a long and rather bloody struggle for the distribution of spheres of influence;
  • Four of Pentacles - indicates the need to make a forced stop and think about one’s own actions;
  • Five of Pentacles - talks about a certain imbalance and malfunction;
  • Six of Pentacles - indicates an urgent need to restore justice;
  • Seven of Pentacles - acts as a symbol of forced traffic jams, stagnation, complete lack of incentives;
  • Eight of Pentacles - foreshadows the imminent presentation of bills from a loved one;
  • Nine of Pentacles - promises significant profit that can radically change the fortuneteller’s life;
  • Ten of Pentacles - portends an imminent struggle for finances and receiving a significant inheritance;
  • Page of Pentacles - talks about certain trophies that require urgent development on the part of the person asking;
  • Knight of Pentacles - indicates an extremely favorable time for profitable trading;
  • King of Pentacles - speaks of vigilant control over finances and cash flows;
  • Queen of Pentacles - is a symbol of correct calculation, which will lead to significant success and achievements;
  • Ace of Pentacles - recommends showing more attention in managing your own finances.

Despite the wide variety of designations, remembering them will not be difficult at all. And over time, with their help, any fortune telling will no longer seem complicated, but will become simpler and more understandable.

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