A very beautiful Sapphirine stone - deposits, history since ancient times, photos and properties

Sapphirine deposits

Only a few large deposits are known for sapphirine and the stone as a whole is considered rare. In Russia, its deposits were discovered in the Urals and the Far East. Large, high-quality crystals are mined on the island of Madagascar; to make them transparent, they are often subjected to additional processing, and after this the cost of sapphirines increases many times. In addition, small mines of the mineral have been developed in Italy, Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Mongolia, USA, China and Mexico.

Blue Agate Care and Wearing

It is better to store blue agate in a soft case and keep it away from moisture and direct sunlight. Thus, if a person wears blue agate as a pendant, it is better to hide it under his clothes. Many esotericists argue that if you wear blue agate solely as an amulet, say, protective, it is generally undesirable to open it to the eyes of other people. But this statement should be taken with skepticism.

Agate should only be washed under cold water and not too often.

History of sapphirine

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Sapphirine was known to the inhabitants of Ancient Rus'. Archaeologists discovered beads made from this mineral during excavations of tombs near Alushta.

The official history of sapphirine began in the 19th century. The chemist F. Strohmeyer from Germany was the first to give a scientific description of this stone, and named it so because of its heavenly sapphire color. Sapphirine was discovered in Greenland. Later, deposits of this mineral were found in many other countries. And it turned out that sapphirines are colored not only in shades of blue or light blue. Today, stones of dark green, green-brown, gray-yellow and even reddish colors are popular.

Unfortunately, examples of high jewelry quality are quite rare. Most of the sapphirines found are either fractured, eroded, or inconspicuous. But high-quality crystals have pleochroism, they are cut into cabochons or facets, and they look magnificent and rich in jewelry.

Origin and location

Sapphirine is relatively rare. It is one of the minerals of regional metamorphism in deep zones. It is found mainly in gneisses and micaceous schists of Archean strata. According to Ramberg, the formation of sapphirine is possible in a narrow range of temperatures and pressures - between the granulite and amphibolite facies. Commonly associated with spinel, rhombic pyroxenes, biotite, phlogopite, anthophyllite, mafic plagioclase, corundum, microcline, sillimanite, cordierite, ilmenite and rutile.

Mineral Change

The replacement of sapphirine by serpentine and cordierite with the formation of symplectite-like aggregates, cornerupine, cordierite and orthoclase with the formation of coronal structures around the sapphirine core has been established.

Physicochemical characteristics of sapphirine

Natural sapphirine crystals are tabular or imperfectly shaped, they can be grainy and have irregular fractures.
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The color palette starts with a light blue tint and continues through to bright blues and dark greens. Brown and colorless specimens are rare. All crystals are characterized by vitreous luster and pleochroism, that is, the shade of the gem changes depending on the light. Treated sapphirines often show wavy lines that look like clouds or lace. And gentle color transitions create a multi-layered design.

How to distinguish agate from a fake

Among the presented specimens you can find many fake ones, made of plastic or glass. It is fragile, fusible, has no healing or magical qualities, and is cheaper.

The main differences between natural stone and fake:

  1. Due to its density, the natural mineral does not transmit light. If something transparent is sold under the guise of agate, then it is colored glass.
  2. Faceted agate shines. Glass and plastic have no shine.
  3. If color transitions can be distinguished on the jewelry, and not just one or two colors, then it is a natural blue agate.
  4. The density and hardness of the stone make it heavy, capable of quickly heating up from the heat of the hands. If the beads or pendant are very light and remain cool for some time, then this is an imitation.

The magical properties of sapphirine

Sapphirine gives its owner peace of mind, longevity, and patience.
The gem enhances the depth of feelings, but cools too violent emotions, and protects against making rash, quick decisions. Sapphirine is a good protector from the evil eye, damage, and evil people; the stone seems to create a kind of energy barrier between the owner and all ill-wishers and envious people. It is often found under the name “mother of crystal”, due to its ability to absorb negative energy and protect its owner from it. The mineral symbolizes stability, strength, strength, and harmony of a person, both with himself and with the people around him.

It is also believed that sapphirine, as a stone of passion and love, helps women in attracting attention from members of the opposite sex. It effectively eliminates attacks of depression and melancholy. It also helps in achieving material wealth and well-being.

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Sapphirine also participates in the creative development of its owner, helps in creating new ideas and making friends.

Properties and uses of stone

Blue agate is a stone with many faces. It fascinates with its appearance, making you forget about anxiety and melancholy, but it can make the owner too soft to external influences, reflects evil words and messages coming from outside, but does not return it back, but dispels it.

Helps in the fight against diseases, including nervous ones, gives strength, self-confidence, leads to the goal, while giving prudence and common sense.

The mineral is credited with many magical and medicinal properties, but its main area of ​​application is decorative. In addition to making jewelry, it is used to decorate:

  • mortar;
  • handmade dishes;
  • jewelry stands;
  • caskets;
  • ashtrays;
  • folding mirrors;
  • animal figurines.

Example of a box:

Physical properties

Blue agate has features unique to it:

  • when polished, it loses its natural matte shade, becoming glassy and shiny;
  • mineral density – 2.6 g/cm3;
  • on the Mohs hardness scale – 7 points;
  • resistant to acids;
  • When heated, it turns white and returns to its original appearance after being in water.

Medicinal properties

Blue agate is used in lithotherapy. It is believed that wearing it helps with:

  • headaches, migraines;
  • nervous overstrain, stress, neuroses, depression;
  • sore throat, cold, flu;
  • weight loss;
  • reduced immunity.

For any complaints there are reasons - changes in the body. Blue agate can help in the fight against disease, coupled with traditional medicine, relying on one stone can be life-threatening.

Magic properties

Amulets and talismans made of blue agate were found in the territories of Babylon, Ancient Rome, the Middle East, Russia, and Africa. He was considered the patron saint of fishermen and sailors. The stone was credited with the properties of calming the water element, warding off storms, and bringing good luck when fishing.

Blue agate talismans were worn to impart eloquence, self-confidence, to protect against the evil eye, witches, sorcerers - amulets. These beliefs have survived to this day.

Blue energy is clean, friendly, and helps in all good endeavors. Therefore, blue agate is credited with magical properties:

  • eliminates negativity, fear, consequences of old mental traumas;
  • protects against damage and the evil eye by neutralizing the negative impact due to dispersion, without reflecting back;
  • improves creative activity, helps to see the familiar from a different angle, reveals talents;
  • promotes meditation;
  • puts you in a positive mood, improves your mood.

It is not recommended to wear blue agate for a long time - it softens the owner too much, depriving him of his will, making him more susceptible to the influence of others.

The stone is considered calm, able to coexist with most minerals, but it is not recommended to combine it with fire stones (diamond, red garnet, ruby, zircon) - the positive influence of blue agate may be reduced or destroyed.

The combination with aquamarine and topaz is considered optimal; they can enhance the magical properties of the mineral.

A little in addition about the magical properties of the stone in the video review:

Who is suitable for blue agate by zodiac sign and name?

The mineral affects representatives of the zodiac sign in different ways:

  • restless, hot-tempered Geminis will receive peace, patience, and will stop being scattered over trifles;
  • cautious Cancers will be more confident and decisive;
  • An Aquarius who ignores his premonitions will feel an increase in intuition and realize the need to listen to himself;
  • stubborn, impulsive Taurus will become calmer, learn to think about actions before committing them;
  • Aries, who is in a hurry and does not suffer defeat in arguments, will be more restrained; it adds attractiveness to women in the eyes of the opposite sex; it helps men in the development of intelligence, but can add additional irritability to both sexes;
  • romantic, capricious Virgos will find a worthy partner;
  • jealous Scorpio owners will see how to change their attitude towards loved ones and tune into a peaceful mood;
  • gifted but careless Sagittarius will reveal their creative potential, but the stone can cause harm when worn due to its stimulating effect on the psyche;
  • suspicious, depressed Capricorns will be able to achieve success in any business and endeavor;
  • scattered, fickle Pisces will become more collected, achieve constancy in beliefs and relationships;
  • hesitant, melancholic Libra will gain the ability to make clear decisions, be more cheerful and cheerful.

The healing properties of the stone are revealed most of all if the name of its owner is: Anatoly, Alla, Valery, Irina, Victor, Nadezhda, Tamara, Antonina.

Medicinal properties of sapphirine

The range of effects of sapphirine on the human body is unusually wide.
It is used for eye diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system, strengthens bone tissue, and normalizes the functioning of the bladder and spleen. When contacting the stone, aggression and melancholy are eliminated. Lithotherapists advise applying the stone directly to the sore spot to achieve the greatest effect. Sapphirine has the following healing properties:

  • improved vision and hearing;
  • eliminating fears and anxiety;
  • assistance in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • normalization of the bladder and spleen;
  • strengthening bones;
  • assistance in the treatment of throat diseases, bronchitis, cough, bronchial asthma;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • improved mood, relief from depression, melancholy, irritability;
  • elimination of insomnia;
  • has a positive effect on the body in case of diabetes, joint diseases, rheumatism;
  • prevention of disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

Branches of application of sapphirine

Sapphirine is not widely used in jewelry.
Despite the external beauty and unique properties, stones that are suitable for processing are quite rare, and accordingly the cost of finished products is quite high. Non-jewelry quality sapphirine is used in decorating dishes, furniture, and for making various crafts, figurines, vases, figurines, and lamps. Previously, it was used to decorate snuff boxes, screens and seals.

How to care for sapphirine

Considering the fragility and fragility of sapphirine, all jewelry containing it is stored in separate boxes, wrapped in soft cloth.
They must be protected from mechanical influences, shocks and scratches. Exposure of stone to high temperatures and humidity is also undesirable. To clean items containing sapphirine, use cool running water and a soft cloth; do not dry them in the sun. Instead, they are thoroughly blotted with a cloth and polished.

Artificial production of mineral

Synthesized from SiO2 and MgO after fusing them in a platinum crucible with Al2O3; stable in equilibrium with liquid only in the temperature range 1453-1482°; formed together with spinel and mullite or with spinel and cordierite. In association with spinel, pyrope, corundum, it is obtained in a sealed platinum ampoule at temperatures from 950 to 1400 ° and a pressure of 20-32 kbar, which corresponds to the upper limit of stability in the range of indicated temperatures. Can be produced from cordierite at relatively high water vapor pressure and relatively high temperatures. It is obtained by incongruent melting of cordierite at P = 5–10 kbar. The coexistence field of sapphirine and quartz is at P 9 kbar and 1100°. It has been experimentally shown that it is stable at P = 1–7 kbar and T = 600–1500° in the presence of chlorite, cordierite, enstatite, spinel, corundum, mullite and in excess water. In the pressure range from 300 to 7000 bar and temperature from 600 to 760°, sapphirine is formed in the system chlorite + spinel + corundum. Due to the coexisting magnesiocordierite and ferruginous spinel, high-magnesium sapphirine is formed; in the same system, with increasing FeO content, sapphirine is not formed.

Diagnostic signs of sapphirine

Similar minerals.

It differs from lapis lazuli, which is similar in color, in its birefringence and composition. Sapphirine differs from clintonite and blue amphiboles in its cleavage character, from kyanite in cleavage and clarity of dispersion (the opposite of kyanite), from serendibite in its optical sign, 2V value and lower refractive indices; clinozoisite has no cleavage and no other optical sign.

Associated minerals. spinel, orthorhombic pyroxenes, biotite, phlogopite, anthophyllite, mafic plagioclase, corundum, microcline, sillimanite, cordierite, ilmenite and rutile.

Sapphirine and zodiac sign

Sapphirine finds a common language with representatives of all zodiac signs.
More than others, it suits Aquarius and Sagittarius. Sagittarians always behave actively, they cannot stay in one place for a long time, but always strive forward, towards the new and unknown. With this restlessness, they often exhibit a hot temper, inconstancy, restlessness and conflict. And because of straightforwardness, openness and honesty, quarrels and misunderstandings with other people may arise. To balance these internal forces of Sagittarius and make him more harmonious, sapphirine is perfect.

Aquarius is also characterized by complexity and inconsistency. Internal conflicts lead to uncertainty, slow decision-making and hesitation. Representatives of this sign often do not complete the work they start and are prone to childishness. Sapphirine gives this sign confidence in themselves and their abilities, helps resolve internal conflicts and achieve harmony with themselves and the people around them.

Interesting facts about sapphirine

  • In ancient times, people believed that sapphirine was the best helper for lovers who strive to remain faithful during separation, before which it was necessary to exchange rings with this gem. In addition, it was believed that with the help of sapphirine you can win any case in court, since the mineral improves oratory abilities. For the same reason, the mineral is still popular today among politicians and actors.
  • Interestingly, the magical abilities of sapphirine are enhanced when it is irradiated with ultraviolet light for half an hour. It is believed that with the help of such a stone, anyone can become “clairvoyant.”
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