Black opal stone: photo, description, magical properties, which zodiac sign is it suitable for?

Greetings, friends! Today I want to talk about the most mysterious and magical stone in the world. He knows how to work miracles with the owner’s life and is able to influence his environment. There are many rumors and omissions around this stone. He is considered an alien and for good reason. All this is black opal. What you need to know in order not to fall under its bad influence, who can and who is contraindicated to wear it, and most importantly - is it true that the stone has powerful magical powers? Read on and you will learn about what opal is and how it works.

Description and properties

Opal is formed from solidified silica or siliceous helium in voids created by volcanic eruptions. Soft, easy to split - Mohs hardness 5.5–6.5. Dehydration or sudden temperature fluctuations can cause cracking or crumbling. It swells from excess moisture.

Qualities and properties divide opals into noble and ordinary. Black - along with harlequins, cat's eye, cherry, royal, blue, forest, girazole - are considered noble.

They differ in the following characteristics:

  • opalescence - a play of colors on the surface or coming from inside the stone;
  • water content no more than 10% (for ordinary ones - up to 30);
  • muted or glassy pearlescent luster, degree of transparency from light to completely translucent.

The exclusivity of the mineral is reflections on the surface, similar to flashes of lightning. Contrary to its name, black opal stone can be grayish-black, dark green, deep purple, dark blue, deep burgundy with purple inclusions. Specimens with golden and reddish areas are prized. The brighter and more saturated the gamma, the more expensive the mineral.


Unlike most stones, opal does not have a crystalline structure, so this mineral cannot be called solid. The water content in some cases can reach up to 30%. Opal also contains silicon dioxide.

This mineral tends to swell in a humid environment. If it is very dry, the mineral may crack and crumble into small pieces. With a little dryness, the stone loses some of its moisture and ceases to sparkle very much. Moreover, it does not tolerate heat, so caution is required from both the jeweler and the owner.

This mineral is distinguished by multi-colored tints. It is worth noting that it is impossible to find two identical stones. Each has its own intricate iridescent pattern.

The healing effects of the stone

Lithotherapists recommend using the properties of black opals for the following problems:

  • nervous system disorders - apathy, irritability, sleep disturbance, depression, seasonal blues;
  • weakened immunity;
  • threat of colds or infectious diseases;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • weakened vision;
  • female infertility, problems of male potency.

Contemplating the stone for several minutes every day reduces eye pressure. Water infused with gemstone has healing properties. They drink it for heart pain, infectious disease, and to prevent colds.

The controversial magic of black mineral

Black opal, like any mineral of this color, has a controversial reputation. Its meaning is understood by sorcerers, alchemists, and adherents of the mysterious. Ordinary people perceive it with caution. But one thing is indisputable - the stone is energetically strong, its magical properties serve the owner.


  1. Fans of occultism call it the “Eye of Evil,” using it in the manufacture of poisons and potions.
  2. Many owners of the stone's properties were pushed into unrighteous deeds or dubious pleasures.
  3. The twists of fate of the crowned heads are tragic. The Roman tyrant Caligula was destroyed by the black stone he deified.
  4. The Romanovs were shot (“the opal given by Nicholas I to his wife Alexandra Feodorovna” was found guilty). The fiery purple gem “Fire of Troy” provoked the divorce of Napoleon and Josephine, and then mysteriously disappeared.

In the East, opal is an insidious tempter that leads its owner into illusory dreams. Equally destructive for prudent pragmatists or weak-willed people.


Many peoples use the properties of black opal as a talisman against dark forces:

  • sharpens the mind and analytical abilities;
  • activates hidden talents, including paranormal ones (clairvoyance, clairaudience, prediction);
  • helps overcome phobias;
  • adds charm to the owner;
  • brings good luck;
  • a “magnet” that attracts the sympathy of others.

The sages of India found out that thanks to opal, children grow up and become smarter faster. European magicians consider it a symbol of goodness, hope, and friendship.


Thousands of years of study have not created a single picture. However, it is precisely established that a conscientious person who has stepped over personal egoism and greed has the right to count on the help of a stone.

The stone is suitable for charismatic, talented people. He will reveal magical properties to them. But the owner of the gem is doomed to balance on the line between vice and virtue.

As a gift, a black opal stone is suitable if you know the person well. Most people view such gifts negatively and consider the giver an enemy.

Where is black opal mined?

The main supplier of matrix to the world market is the country of kangaroos. Australian black opals are mined near the town of Lightning Ridge, which is located in the state of New South Wales. Small deposits are also known on the island of Tasmania.

Australia is rightfully the main leader in the extraction of black opals.

The gem is also mined in other countries:

  • Ethiopia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Russia (Kamchatka Peninsula);
  • Honduras;
  • Guatemala;
  • Mexico;
  • Turkey;
  • Japan.

In 2008, NASA announced that opals had been discovered on Mars. Scientists do not specify black stones or another variety. Either way, this could be proof that the red planet once had oceans.

Amulets and talismans

The strong energy of the stone led to its use as a protective agent.

A talisman or amulet is capable of:

  • protect the owner from external influences;
  • cheer up;
  • protect housing from fire, theft, elements, lightning;
  • help in work, give strength.

Black opal is a powerful talisman of creative people; it does not come into contact with financially preoccupied people.

For a talisman or amulet, a silver frame is preferable. When choosing the gold option, you should evaluate your own strengths. The energetic properties of metal and gem are equally strong. Not everyone can withstand double mental stress (positive or negative).

You should not constantly wear a ring or earrings with opal. If you want, it is better to choose something that does not come into contact with the skin - cufflinks or a keychain.

Place of Birth

Coal-colored stones are the rarest, accounting for about 5% of all opals . The main deposit is the South Australian city of Coober Peedy. The largest and most unusual stone was found there. His weight exceeded 5 kg. 250 kilometers away is Mintabai Opal, where black gems are also found.

A small share of production comes from the USA, Mexico, Russia and Ukraine. In Ethiopia, hydrothermal minerals are mined from igneous rocks. Ethiopian black opal is distinguished by its transparency and a large number of colored inclusions.

Jewelry stone

Jewelry with black mineral is noble and elegant. But not everyone can appreciate them, so its popularity is far from the demand for favorite blue, pink or “harlequin” opals.

A confident woman will choose a brooch, earrings or bracelet with black opal inserts. Having such jewelry, you need to be prepared for increased attention from others.

Black opals are a logical choice for men. A massive ring, cufflinks, tie clip, pendant will complement your solid image. A fragile stone is often placed in a noble frame, so the cost of the product is high.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Precious black opal is counterfeited.

A visual assessment is sufficient for identification:

  1. The mineral plays with multi-colored tints. Natural stones have smooth color transitions, while fake ones are clearly defined.
  2. The inclusions on the surface of a natural gem are refracted, as if “illuminating” the hand.
  3. It is often replaced by a "triplet". This is a three-layer material, in which only the middle segment is real. The counterfeit is visible from the end of the product.

The price of precious opals is never affordable, especially in jewelry made of precious metals.

Checking black opal for authenticity

The matrix is ​​counterfeited everywhere and with enviable consistency. If you live in a small town where there are no large jewelry stores, then most likely you will not be able to find real black opal at all. An independent expert appraiser will help you avoid falling for the scammer's bait. But you can expose the counterfeiters yourself, if you remember the main properties of the stone.

  • It is very difficult to fake the right play of color. Usually, real noble opal has blurred spots of different colors, transitioning one into another smoothly. On a fake, the boundaries of the spots are sharp.
  • Opalescence is also very difficult to simulate. If you expose any opal stone to direct sunlight, it will begin to cast colorful reflections on everything that surrounds it.
  • The mineral will change shade if you look at it from different angles.
  • Like other stones, black matrix does not heat up when you squeeze it in your fist. Plastic and glass warm up almost instantly.

If the product is inexpensive, this is also a reason to be wary. The price of black opal is quite high, it is a precious stone. A cheap crystal is either a piece of glass or a so-called “triplet”. This is a gluing of three stone plates, where the actual noble gem is only the middle one. Remember that such products do not have any magical or healing properties.

Stone care rules

The natural qualities of the noble stone require careful treatment:

  1. Due to its porous structure, the precious mineral absorbs cosmetic substances - perfumes, hairspray, lotions. Therefore, jewelry is worn after applying makeup.
  2. The stone is stored separately, wrapped in a soft cloth (preferably suede) to prevent chips or scratches.
  3. Wash in warm water with a small amount of delicate detergent and a soft toothbrush.
  4. To prevent the stone from cracking from drying out, it is regularly wiped with a napkin or cotton wool soaked in glycerin.

To restore or maintain the shine of a gold frame, washed jewelry is wrapped in a damp cloth for 5–10 hours, then dried in the sun.

Curious historical facts

This stone was also credited with magical properties that were manifested in real events. It is known, for example, that the beloved black opal of the Roman Emperor Caligula unexpectedly cracked on the eve of his death. Of course, this was regarded as a clear omen of death and covered it with gloomy glory.

History has preserved a very funny incident also related to this mineral. They say that Emperor Constantine publicly announced that the magical properties of black opal allow anyone who wears it to become invisible if desired. Thanks to such advertising, the stones were immediately snapped up by thieves of all stripes, hoping with their help to remain unpunished. As a result, many of them paid for their gullibility. This stone did not bring happiness to Napoleon Bonaparte either. After he gave his wife Josephine the famous Fire of Troy opal that belonged to him, their marriage broke up.

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